PDP-10 Archives
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( 3.45) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.30) {software,interrupt,interrupt}
1. Set up the software interrupt system for interrupts on
( 2.37) {interrupt}
3. When a channel 19 interrupt occurs, perform an RFSTS JSYS for
( 2.38) {interrupt}
each inferior process. The interrupted process that caused
( 3.26) {software,interrupt}
a software interrupt on channel 19 (.ICIFT) if it has enabled for that
( 3.27) {interrupt}
channel. After processing the interrupt, the superior process can
( 4.43) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Activates specific software interrupt channels. (Refer to Section
( 2.18) {software}
The DIC monitor call can be used to deactivate specified software
( 2.19) {interrupt}
interrupt channels.
( 2.21) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.15) {interrupt}
ACCEPTS IN AC1: B0(AT%CCJ) generate a CTRL/C interrupt to the lowest
( 2.17) {interrupt}
CTRL/C interrupt if the job is currently
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Assigns a terminal code to a software interrupt channel. (Refer to
( 2.10) {interrupt}
process' terminal interrupt mask. (Refer to the STIW and RTIW monitor
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.30) {software,interrupt}
ATIX1: Invalid software interrupt channel number
( 2.24) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.9) {software}
and dumping communications software. The TOPS-20 system process that
( 6.5) {interrupt}
interrupts from the given DTE-20.
( 6.26) {interrupt}
ignores interrupts from the given DTE-20 or
( 14.31) {interrupt,software}
23 .BTCHN Set the interrupt channel so that software
( 14.32) {interrupt}
interrupts will be generated when input data is
( 14.40) {software,interrupt}
1 .BTCOD Software interrupt channel
( 15.14) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 1.70) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.20) {software}
The software described in this document is furnished under a license
( 2.25) {software}
reliability of its software on equipment that is not supplied by
( 4.11) {software,software}
2.5 SOFTWARE DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-63 SOFTWARE DATA MODES
( 4.12) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
( 4.13) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.1 Software Interrupt Channels Software Interrupt Channels
( 4.14) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.2 Software Interrupt Priority Levels Software Interrupt Priority Levels
( 4.15) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.3 Software Interrupt Tables Software Interrupt Tables
( 4.18) {interrupt,interrupt}
2.6.6 Terminal Interrupts Terminal Interrupts
( 4.19) {interrupt,interrupt}
2.6.7 Dismissing an Interrupt Dismissing an Interrupt
( 10.35) {software,interrupt}
| and tasks, such as using the software interrupt system. Chapter 3
( 11.48) {software}
| Installation Guide TOPS-20 Software Installation Guide _______ ________ ____________ _____
( 1.564) {software,interrupt}
| monitor generates a software interrupt. The calling program can
( 1.565) {interrupt,software,interrupt}
| process the interrupt by means of the software interrupt system. If
( 1.566) {interrupt}
| the program is not prepared to process the interrupt, the process is
( 1.607) {software,interrupt}
| an error without using the software interrupt system. In fact, use of
( 1.608) {software,interrupt}
| these symbols overrides the software interrupt system.
( 1.703) {interrupt}
used in a user program, it causes an illegal instruction interrupt
( 1.1179) {software}
end-of-file condition. This condition may generate a software
( 1.1180) {interrupt}
interrupt (refer to Section 2.6) if the user has not included an ERJMP
( 1.1205) {software,interrupt}
initiating a software interrupt request (refer to Section 2.6) if the
( 1.1208) {interrupt,interrupt}
interrupt, the interrupt is changed into a process terminating
( 5.4) {software}
2 software reload
( 6.19) {interrupt}
11 number of terminal interrupts
( 11.14) {interrupt,software}
an interrupt on software channel .ICDAE.
( 11.21) {software}
B14 MO%SER Software error. (Would generate an
( 11.22) {interrupt}
interrupt on an assignable channel.)
( 11.25) {interrupt,software}
interrupt on software channel .ICDAE.)
( 12.40) {software}
B14 MO%SER Software error has occurred (would generate
( 12.41) {interrupt}
interrupt on an assignable channel)
( 12.44) {interrupt}
interrupt on channel .ICDAE)
( 15.43) {interrupt,software}
generates an interrupt on software
( 15.52) {software,interrupt}
B14 MO%SER Software error (e.g., interrupt
( 16.6) {interrupt,software}
interrupt on software channel .ICDAE.
( 16.18) {interrupt}
B34 MO%LCI Character interrupt. This generates
( 16.19) {interrupt}
an interrupt on channel .ICDAE.
( 33.28) {software,software}
( 34.43) {software}
( 36.13) {software}
( 36.47) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
( 36.49) {software}
The monitor calls in this group are used for controlling the software
( 36.50) {interrupt}
interrupt system. Note that if the program has an ERJMP or ERCAL
( 36.51) {interrupt}
after a monitor call that normally causes an interrupt on failure, the
( 36.52) {interrupt}
ERJMP or ERCAL overrides the interrupt. Refer to the TOPS-20 Monitor
( 36.53) {software}
Calls User's Guide for an overview and description of the software
( 36.54) {interrupt}
interrupt system.
( 37.4) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.1 Software Interrupt Channels Software Interrupt Channels
( 37.6) {interrupt,software,interrupt}
Each interrupt is associated with one of 36 software interrupt
( 37.8) {interrupt,interrupt}
various conditions, such as terminal interrupts, IPCF interrupts,
( 37.9) {interrupt}
ENQ/DEQ interrupts, PTY conditions, and terminal buffers becoming
( 37.12) {interrupt}
interrupts (IIC call).
( 37.16) {software,interrupt}
Software Interrupt Channels
( 38.13) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.2 Software Interrupt Priority Levels Software Interrupt Priority Levels
( 38.17) {interrupt}
level 1 being the highest level interrupt. Level 0 is not a legal
( 38.18) {interrupt}
priority level. If an interrupt request occurs in a process where the
( 38.20) {interrupt}
process not prepared to handle the interrupt. The process is then
( 38.26) {software,interrupt,software,interrupt}
2.6.3 Software Interrupt Tables Software Interrupt Tables
( 38.28) {software,interrupt}
Before using the software interrupt system, a process must set up the
( 38.36) {interrupt}
PC at the time of the interrupt and flags for the associated
( 38.43) {interrupt}
channel. The right half contains the address of the interrupt
( 38.44) {interrupt}
routine that will handle interrupts on that channel.
( 38.50) {interrupt}
If an interrupt is received on a channel that is activated, but the
( 38.51) {interrupt}
interrupt cannot be initiated because
( 39.4) {interrupt}
1. the interrupt system for the process is not enabled (EIR
( 39.5) {interrupt}
JSYS) and the channel on which the interrupt occurred is a
( 39.16) {interrupt}
then the interrupt is considered a process termination condition. In
( 39.17) {interrupt}
this case the process that was to have received the interrupt is
( 39.19) {interrupt}
capabilities word, and a process termination interrupt is sent to its
( 39.28) {interrupt}
deactivated by disabling the channel or the entire interrupt system.
( 39.29) {software,interrupt}
A software interrupt received on a panic channel that has been
( 39.36) {interrupt,interrupt}
2.6.6 Terminal Interrupts Terminal Interrupts
( 39.39) {interrupt}
conditions on which interrupts can be initiated. A process can assign
( 39.41) {interrupt}
interrupt channels with the ATI call. Once the particular code is
( 39.44) {interrupt}
causes an interrupt to be generated. The terminal codes, along with
( 39.49) {interrupt}
Terminal Interrupt Codes
( 40.40) {interrupt}
The terminal code .TICRF (30) is used to generate an interrupt when
( 40.42) {interrupt}
process can enable for this interrupt, only the top-level process in
( 40.44) {interrupt}
If other processes enable for the interrupt, they can receive the
( 40.45) {interrupt}
interrupt either when the carrier state changes to off or later when
( 40.51) {interrupt}
interrupts on receipt of any character instead of a specific
( 40.52) {interrupt}
character. The .TICTI code generates an interrupt when the terminal's
( 41.4) {interrupt}
generates an interrupt when the terminal's output buffer becomes
( 41.5) {interrupt}
nonempty. Note that neither one of these codes generates an interrupt
( 41.10) {interrupt}
determines if the interrupt is initiated immediately. Terminal
( 41.11) {interrupt}
interrupts are effectively deactivated when a process is frozen, even
( 41.12) {interrupt,interrupt}
though the interrupts are indicated in the process' terminal interrupt
( 41.14) {interrupt}
terminal interrupts are automatically reactivated.
( 41.17) {interrupt}
interrupt word for the job (e.g., a process freeze or unfreeze
( 41.18) {interrupt}
operation), the interrupt word for the job (and for the terminal line
( 41.20) {interrupt}
unfrozen processes in the job. When an interrupt character is
( 41.22) {interrupt}
process to interrupt.
( 41.24) {interrupt}
The user cannot directly access the actual terminal interrupt word.
( 41.26) {interrupt}
the RTIW or STIW JSYS's, he can read or change the terminal interrupt
( 41.28) {interrupt}
off interrupt codes activated by superior processes. Normally, the
( 41.29) {interrupt}
mask is -1, thereby enabling all terminal interrupts to be activated.
( 41.31) {interrupt}
interrupt from being active. However, the fact that a code has been
( 41.35) {interrupt}
Section 2.7.1) to activate the terminal code for CTRL/C interrupts.
( 41.38) {interrupt}
interrupts for a process. Note that the process must have SC%SCT
( 41.40) {interrupt}
the source of terminal interrupts.
( 41.44) {interrupt,interrupt} Terminal Interrupt Modes - TOPS-20 handles the receipt of a Terminal Interrupt Modes
( 41.45) {interrupt}
terminal interrupt character in either immediate mode or deferred
( 41.46) {interrupt}
mode. An interrupt character handled in immediate mode causes the
( 41.47) {software,interrupt}
initiation of a software interrupt immediately upon its receipt by the
( 41.48) {interrupt}
system (i.e., as soon as the user types it). An interrupt character
( 41.50) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt only when the program attempts to read it from the
( 41.52) {interrupt}
program. If two occurrences of the same deferred interrupt character
( 41.53) {interrupt}
are received without any intervening character, the interrupt has an
( 42.5) {interrupt}
full. The system assumes that interrupts are to be handled
( 42.9) {interrupt}
The purpose of deferred mode is to allow interrupt actions to occur in
( 42.11) {interrupt}
multiple processes, the deferred interrupt occurs when any process of
( 42.12) {interrupt}
the job reads the interrupt character. If this process is the one
( 42.13) {interrupt,interrupt}
enabled for the interrupt, it will be interrupted before any more
( 42.15) {interrupt,interrupt}
interrupted is the top process, then the interrupt occurs before more
( 42.20) {interrupt}
before the interrupt can take effect. This is unavoidable since the
( 42.21) {interrupt}
process doing input and the process to be interrupted are logically
( 42.26) {interrupt,interrupt}
2.6.7 Dismissing an Interrupt Dismissing an Interrupt
( 42.28) {interrupt,interrupt}
Once the processing of an interrupt is complete, the user's interrupt
( 42.29) {interrupt}
routine returns control to the interrupted process by means of the
( 42.33) {interrupt}
to its state prior to the interrupt. For example, if the process was
( 42.38) {interrupt}
The process can determine if an interrupt occurred during the
( 42.42) {interrupt}
monitor code (i.e., a JSYS). If the interrupt routine changes the
( 42.43) {interrupt}
return PC during the processing of an interrupt, the user-mode bit of
( 42.47) {interrupt}
interrupt the execution of a monitor call), the process must turn on
( 42.50) {software,interrupt}
The monitor calls for controlling the software interrupt system are:
( 42.52) {interrupt}
| SIR Sets the interrupt table addresses for a single-section
( 42.54) {interrupt}
| XRIR% Sets the interrupt table addresses for a
( 43.5) {interrupt}
| RIR Reads the interrupt table addresses for a
( 43.7) {interrupt}
| XRIR% Reads the interrupt table addresses for a
( 43.9) {interrupt}
EIR Enables the interrupt system
( 43.10) {interrupt}
DIR Disables the interrupt system
( 43.11) {interrupt}
CIS Clears the interrupt system
( 43.12) {interrupt}
SKPIR Skips if the interrupt system is enabled
( 43.13) {interrupt}
AIC Activates interrupt channels
( 43.14) {interrupt}
IIC Initiates interrupts on specific channels in a process
( 43.15) {interrupt}
DIC Deactivates interrupt channels
( 43.20) {interrupt}
DEBRK Dismisses current interrupt
( 43.23) {interrupt}
STIW Sets terminal interrupt word
( 43.24) {interrupt}
RTIW Reads terminal interrupt word
( 43.27) {interrupt}
SCTTY Changes source of terminal interrupts
( 43.34) {interrupt}
the monitor and to enable for CTRL/C interrupts, to be given to
( 44.17) {software,interrupt}
0 SC%CTC Process can enable for CTRL/C software interrupts.
( 44.40) {interrupt}
interrupts for other processes.
( 44.49) {software,interrupt}
17 SC%FRZ Unprocessed software interrupts can cause the
( 46.52) {software}
GETOK% JSYS's in appropriate places in other software to
( 48.46) {interrupt}
WAIT Dismisses process until interrupt occurs
( 49.46) {interrupt}
space, PC, AC's, interrupt system, or traps, and the
( 66.21) {software}
( 2.50) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Clears the software interrupt system for the current process. Clears
( 2.9) {interrupt,interrupt}
all interrupts in progress and all waiting interrupts.
( 2.53) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 21.53) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 5.54) {interrupt}
interrupt to be handled
( 7.50) {interrupt}
reached, an interrupt is generated (via a TIMER
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Dismisses the current software interrupt routine in progress and
( 2.12) {software,interrupt}
RETURNS +1: if no software interrupt is currently in progress and
( 2.15) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
DBRKX1: no interrupts in progress
( 2.47) {interrupt}
was expunged. Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error
( 3.32) {software,interrupt}
ENQX11: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Deactivates the specified software interrupt channels. (Refer to
( 2.18) {software,interrupt}
Software interrupt requests to deactivated channels are ignored except
( 2.19) {interrupt,interrupt}
for interrupts generated on panic channels. Panic channel interrupts
( 2.23) {software,interrupt}
The AIC monitor call is used to activate specified software interrupt
( 2.26) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Disables the software interrupt system for a process.
( 2.14) {software,interrupt,interrupt}
If software interrupt requests are generated while the interrupt
( 2.16) {interrupt}
the interrupt system is reenabled unless an intervening CIS call is
( 2.17) {interrupt}
executed. However, interrupts on panic channels will still be
( 2.20) {interrupt}
an interrupt that cannot be disabled with a DIR call. CTRL/C
( 2.21) {interrupt}
interrupts can be disabled by deactivating the channel to which the
( 2.24) {software,interrupt}
The EIR monitor call can be used to enable the software interrupt
( 2.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.34) {software}
specified address is a software address.
( 2.53) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.5) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {interrupt}
Deassigns a terminal interrupt code.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instuction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.54) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.46) {software}
error return (ENQX6:) is taken. A software
( 2.47) {interrupt}
interrupt will occur when all requested
( 3.36) {software,interrupt}
1 .ENQID software interrupt channel number in the left
( 4.36) {software,interrupt}
The software interrupt channel specifies the number of the channel on
( 4.37) {interrupt}
which to generate an interrupt with the .ENQSI function. The request
( 8.7) {software,interrupt}
ENQX11: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 5.11) {software}
.ENQDF ! flags !software chan! job # creator queue entry !
( 5.52) {software,interrupt}
ENQX11: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 2.31) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.37) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.26) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.42) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.10) {software}
RESTRICTIONS: Requires RMS software (currently available only with
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.37) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 4.45) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 6.50) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.21) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.28) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.30) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.25) {interrupt}
Returns an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.18) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.18) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.34) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.32) {software,interrupt}
All I/O errors can occur. These errors cause software interrupts or
( 2.26) {software,interrupt}
All I/O errors can occur. These errors cause software interrupts or
( 2.28) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.21) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.9) {interrupt}
Although the main time base from interrupts generated by the internal
( 4.13) {software}
All I/O errors are also possible. These errors cause software
( 4.14) {interrupt}
interrupts or process terminations as described under the BIN call.
( 3.18) {software}
All I/O errors are also possible. These errors cause software
( 3.19) {interrupt}
interrupts or process terminations as described under the BIN call
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Initiates software interrupts on the specified channels in a process.
( 2.14) {software,interrupt}
Bit n on means initiate a software interrupt on
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.13) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.11) {interrupt}
any terminal interrupt assignments that were acquired from another
( 2.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.40) {interrupt}
Interrupts caused by IO, paging, swapping, and so on, can cause
( 2.42) {interrupt}
in the count. Because these interrupts depend on a variety of system
( 1.134) {interrupt}
Generates illegal instruction interrupt if not implemented.
( 2.29) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on all error conditions.
( 3.26) {interrupt}
15 .MSOFL Yes Receive interrupt when disk
( 3.42) {software}
and unit numbers are updated, and the software information about the
( 4.9) {software}
3 .MSRST Returned software status of unit. The
( 5.51) {software}
channel, controller, and unit numbers are unchanged, and the software
( 21.5) {interrupt,interrupt}
Receiving Interrupt when Disk Comes On-line - .MSOFL Receiving Interrupt when Disk Comes On-line - .MSOFL
( 21.7) {interrupt}
This function specifies who is to receive an interrupt when a disk
( 21.10) {interrupt}
status. Only one process on the system will receive the interrupts.
( 21.16) {software,interrupt}
0 .MSCHN Place this process on a software interrupt
( 21.17) {interrupt}
channel. An interrupt is then generated when
( 21.20) {interrupt}
interrupt channel will be deassigned.
( 2.36) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.18) {software}
( 2.50) {interrupt}
24 .MOAIN Assigns interrupt channels through which the
( 2.51) {interrupt}
program is interrupted on either a change of state
( 2.53) {psi}
INR message. The INS/INR PSI channel is stored in
( 3.5) {psi}
PSI channel is stored in field MO%FSM (B12-17) of
( 3.7) {psi}
fields prevents assignment of a PSI channel.
( 3.16) {software,interrupt}
24 .MOACN Allow a network task to enable software interrupt
( 3.21) {interrupt}
o interrupt message available
( 3.26) {interrupt}
interrupt assignments for this link. These fields
( 3.32) {interrupt}
B9-B17 MO%INA Interrupt message available
( 3.41) {interrupt}
.MOCIA Clear the interrupt
( 4.12) {interrupt}
MO%INT B7 Link has an interrupt message
( 7.5) {interrupt}
35 .MORIM Read interrupt message. This function requires
( 7.16) {interrupt}
36 .MOSIM Send an interrupt message. This function requires
( 7.19) {interrupt}
of the bytes in the interrupt message (sixteen
( 8.46) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt).
( 18.20) {interrupt}
40 .MOOFL Enable interrupts for online/offline transition.
( 18.21) {interrupt}
Allows a process to be interrupted if a magnetic
( 18.25) {interrupt}
for each drive for which interrupts are to be
( 18.27) {interrupt}
interrupts, then a .MOSTA function should be
( 18.28) {interrupt}
performed (for each drive) before interrupts for
( 18.29) {interrupt}
the drives are enabled. Then, when an interrupt
( 18.33) {interrupt}
determined which drive (or drives) interrupted.
( 18.39) {software,interrupt}
42 .MOPST Declares the software interrupt channel to be used
( 18.48) {psi}
AC3 contains the PSI channel number to set. The
( 20.49) {psi}
switch has occurred and the volume switch PSI has
( 21.23) {psi}
performed) or when a PSI is generated, indicating
( 21.36) {psi}
volume switch sequence. Once the PSI indicating
( 21.39) {interrupt}
operation must be performed at interrupt level.
( 21.51) {psi}
EOV PSI from within the code writing the UTL
( 21.53) {psi}
receive an EOV PSI while writing the trailer
( 23.24) {software}
meant to be read with DEC-supplied software. This
( 24.9) {psi,software,interrupt}
27 .MOPSI Enable for a software interrupt on nonfatal device
( 24.19) {software}
Other device errors or software conditions are not
( 24.21) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt on channel 11 (.ICDAE).
( 24.26) {interrupt}
E+1: interrupt channel number
( 25.40) {software}
E+1: software status word, with the following
( 25.53) {software}
B14(MO%SER) Clear the software error
( 26.6) {interrupt}
on a character interrupt.
( 26.19) {interrupt,psi}
generates an interrupt if the .MOPSI
( 26.24) {interrupt}
counter and will not generate an interrupt
( 26.54) {software,interrupt}
generates a software interrupt
( 27.13) {software}
B14(MO%SER) A software error (e.g.,
( 27.14) {interrupt}
interrupt character, page
( 27.18) {software}
This error generates a software
( 27.19) {interrupt}
interrupt on channel 11
( 27.39) {interrupt}
B34(MO%LCI) A character interrupt occurred.
( 27.40) {software}
This generates a software
( 27.41) {interrupt}
interrupt on channel 11
( 27.47) {software}
Bits 2-17 contain the software status word
( 28.17) {psi,software,interrupt}
27 .MOPSI Enable for a software interrupt on nonfatal device
( 28.24) {software}
Other device errors or software conditions are not
( 28.26) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt on channel 11 (.ICDAE).
( 28.31) {interrupt}
E+1: interrupt channel number
( 28.44) {software}
E+1: status word. Bits 2-17 contain the software
( 28.52) {software}
B14(MO%SER) Software error has occurred
( 28.53) {interrupt}
(would generate an interrupt on
( 29.6) {interrupt}
(would generate interrupt on
( 29.29) {psi,software,interrupt}
27 .MOPSI Enable for a software interrupt on nonfatal device
( 29.36) {software}
Other device errors or software conditions are not
( 29.38) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt on channel 11 (.ICDAE).
( 29.43) {interrupt}
E+1: interrupt channel number
( 30.6) {software}
E+1: status word. Bits 2-17 contain the software
( 30.21) {software,interrupt}
generates a software interrupt
( 30.29) {software}
B14(MO%SER) A software error (e.g.,
( 30.30) {interrupt}
interrupt character) occurred.
( 30.33) {software}
This error generates a software
( 30.34) {interrupt}
interrupt on channel 11
( 31.16) {interrupt}
24 .MOAPI Assign PTY interrupt channels. This function
( 31.18) {interrupt}
B0(MO%WFI) enable waiting-for-input interrupt
( 31.19) {interrupt}
B1(MO%OIR) enable output-is-ready interrupt
( 31.20) {software,interrupt}
B12-B17(MO%SIC) software interrupt channel number
( 34.25) {interrupt,interrupt}
| 51 .MOTPS Assign terminal interrupt channels. An interrupt
( 34.30) {psi,psi}
| output PSI channel,,input PSI channel. All input
( 34.31) {psi}
| or output PSI channels for the terminal are
( 34.47) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 35.47) {software,interrupt}
MTOX14: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 36.5) {software,interrupt}
MTOX18: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 5.52) {software,interrupt}
22 .MUPIC Place the specified PID on a software interrupt
( 5.53) {interrupt}
channel. An interrupt is then generated when:
( 6.11) {interrupt}
cause an interrupt.
( 8.23) {software,interrupt}
IPCF22: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 8.7) {interrupt}
| 11 .NDSIC Set topology interrupt channel
( 8.18) {interrupt}
| 0 .NDCHN Channel number on which interrupts
( 8.21) {interrupt}
| 12 .NDCIC Clear topology interrupt channel
( 8.24) {interrupt}
| interrupt on topology change (set by function
( 3.7) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.53) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.11) {software}
All I/O errors are also possible. These errors cause software
( 4.12) {interrupt}
interrupts or process terminations as described for the BOUT call
( 2.41) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.7) {software,interrupt}
All I/O errors can occur. These errors cause software interrupts or
( 2.30) {software}
on software data modes.)
( 2.48) {interrupt}
interrupt, the process will instead be
( 2.50) {interrupt}
interrupt will be generated. If this
( 2.52) {interrupt}
the interrupt is generated on its
( 2.14) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.16) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 4.34) {interrupt}
| This call generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the error
( 2.48) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 6.33) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts on certain file conditions.
( 6.35) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.29) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.17) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.15) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 5.29) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {interrupt}
Returns the word mask of the activated interrupt channels for the
( 2.10) {software,interrupt}
for information on activating and deactivating software interrupt
( 2.18) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.30) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.20) {interrupt}
Returns an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.22) {software,interrupt}
3. Clears the current process' software interrupt system. The
( 2.21) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.22) {software,interrupt}
B18-B35(RF%SIC) The number of the software interrupt channel
( 3.27) {interrupt}
generates an illegal instruction interrupt if the handle is
( 4.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.26) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Returns the mask for reserved software interrupt channels for the
( 2.18) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt channels.
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.12) {interrupt}
not at interrupt level. The GS%ASG bit returned from a GTSTS call for
( 2.31) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.27) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.41) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.40) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.11) {interrupt}
can receive only one interrupt at a time. Thus, the superior process
( 2.12) {interrupt}
should execute the RTFRK call after receiving an interrupt to identify
( 2.13) {interrupt}
the process that caused the interrupt.
( 2.16) {interrupt}
and that are waiting to interrupt the superior process monitoring the
( 2.18) {interrupt}
if the call is not executed, subsequent interrupts are not generated.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
that generated the interrupt, and AC2 containing the
( 2.36) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {interrupt}
Reads the terminal interrupt word (refer to Section 2.6.6) for the
( 2.9) {interrupt}
specified process or the entire job and returns the terminal interrupt
( 2.13) {interrupt}
( 2.18) {interrupt}
RETURNS +1: always, with the terminal interrupt mask in AC2, and
( 2.19) {interrupt}
the deferred terminal interrupt mask in AC3. The
( 2.20) {interrupt}
deferred interrupt mask is returned only if both
( 2.24) {interrupt}
The STIW monitor call can be used to set the terminal interrupt word
( 2.27) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.18) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {interrupt,software}
Returns the word mask for the interrupts waiting on software channels
( 2.16) {interrupt}
interrupt on channel n is waiting.
( 2.18) {interrupt}
AC2 containing the status of the interrupts in
( 2.20) {interrupt}
interrupt of priority level n occurring during
( 2.22) {interrupt}
on in the right half means an interrupt of
( 2.26) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.37) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.40) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.37) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.40) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.24) {interrupt}
The effect of terminal interrupts on a process is dictated by the
( 4.26) {interrupt}
have enabled specific terminal characters will receive an interrupt
( 4.32) {interrupt}
source of all terminal interrupts, the job's controlling terminal
( 4.38) {interrupt}
controlling terminal and the source of terminal interrupts are changed
( 4.40) {interrupt}
will receive interrupts only from the new controlling terminal and no
( 4.42) {interrupt}
receive or change terminal interrupts from any other controlling
( 5.32) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.10) {software}
RESTRICTIONS: requires RMS software (currently available only with
( 2.32) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.31) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.36) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.38) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.37) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.50) {interrupt}
terminated by an end-of-file interrupt, AC1 through AC3 are updated
( 3.19) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 3.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.9) {software,interrupt}
smaller than the actual record. Can cause several software interrupts
( 3.13) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
call, the new contents will be used on the next interrupt.
( 2.28) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Sets the mask for reserved software interrupt channels for the
( 2.9) {software}
specified inferior process. Conditions occurring on software channels
( 2.10) {interrupt}
that have the corresponding mask bit set do not generate an interrupt
( 2.18) {interrupt}
AC3: deferred terminal interrupt word
( 2.23) {software,interrupt}
software interrupt channels. Although a process can read its own
( 2.28) {interrupt}
symbol after instructions that generate an interrupt on failure, the
( 2.29) {interrupt}
ERJMP or ERCAL will prevent the generation of the interrupt. Thus,
( 2.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.5) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {software,interrupt}
Tests to see if the software interrupt system is enabled for the
( 2.13) {software,interrupt}
RETURNS +1: failure, software interrupt system is off
( 2.15) {software,interrupt}
+2: success, software interrupt system is on
( 2.17) {software,interrupt}
The EIR monitor call is used to enable the software interrupt system,
( 2.20) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 5.39) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.15) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.41) {interrupt}
interrupt level or if a patch has been made in the page fault handler
( 2.46) {interrupt}
interrupt levels, the program must specify a reentrant instruction to
( 3.33) {interrupt}
interrupt level. On return, the entire
( 3.9) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 3.11) {interrupt}
description.) Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error
( 2.45) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 2.49) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.37) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.21) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.30) {software,interrupt}
Can cause several software interrupts or process terminations on
( 3.33) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.21) {interrupt}
The DIBE call can be used to prevent sending an interrupt character
( 2.35) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.8) {interrupt}
Sets the terminal interrupt word (refer to Section 2.6.6) for the
( 2.10) {interrupt}
characters that usually cause an interrupt are instead to be passed to
( 2.11) {interrupt}
the program as input. In actuality, the STIW call sets the interrupt
( 2.13) {interrupt}
job or process should receive an interrupt. The call's effect is
( 2.18) {interrupt}
to the bits on in the mask will cause an interrupt if a process in the
( 2.19) {interrupt}
job has enabled for an interrupt on that code. If multiple processes
( 2.21) {interrupt}
interrupt. (If several processes at the same lowest level have
( 2.22) {interrupt}
enabled the code, the process that receives the interrupt is
( 2.27) {interrupt}
all codes are declared to cause an interrupt (i.e., all bits in the
( 2.30) {interrupt}
interrupt character as input, it executes the STIW call for the entire
( 2.35) {interrupt}
enabled by the specific process and cause an interrupt if in fact they
( 2.51) {interrupt}
to disable the code for CTRL/C interrupts or to give -5 as an
( 2.54) {interrupt}
ACCEPTS IN AC1: B0(ST%DIM) set the deferred terminal interrupt mask
( 3.10) {interrupt}
AC2: terminal interrupt word mask.
( 3.13) {interrupt}
AC3: deferred terminal interrupt word mask.
( 3.19) {interrupt}
interrupt word mask, if B0(ST%DIM) is not set or if the process handle
( 3.22) {interrupt}
If multiple processes enable the same interrupt character and any one
( 3.26) {interrupt}
The RTIW call can be used to obtain the terminal interrupt word masks.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.25) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.17) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.11) {software,interrupt}
the software interrupt system.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.19) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.35) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.17) {interrupt,interrupt}
| process caused the interrupt, and how to handle the interrupt. It can
( 2.24) {interrupt}
| interrupt, and control is passed to that superior. If each superior
( 2.29) {interrupt}
| Note that an RTFRK should be performed when an interrupt is received,
( 2.38) {software,interrupt}
AC2: software interrupt channel number in the left half,
( 3.16) {software}
3 .TFSPS Set the given software channel as the channel
( 3.17) {interrupt}
on which to generate the interrupt.
( 3.19) {software}
4 .TFRPS Return in the left half of AC2 the software
( 3.20) {interrupt}
channel on which the interrupt will be
( 3.30) {software}
clear the software channel assigned to the
( 3.31) {interrupt}
interrupt for monitor call intercepts.
( 4.10) {software}
If the software channel is given as 77, any intercepts bypass the
( 4.11) {interrupt}
given process without causing either an interrupt to its superior or a
( 4.35) {interrupt}
3. All interrupts for the monitored process are queued and are
( 5.15) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.9) {interrupt}
entire job can run. An interrupt is generated when the time has
( 2.21) {interrupt}
AC2: time at which to generate an interrupt. Refer to the
( 2.25) {software}
AC3: number of the software channel on which to generate
( 2.26) {interrupt}
an interrupt when the time has expired.
( 2.40) {interrupt}
can accumulate before an interrupt is
( 2.47) {interrupt}
interrupt is generated for the given process.
( 2.49) {interrupt}
can now elapse before the interrupt is
( 2.52) {interrupt}
2 .TIMDT Specify an exact time at which an interrupt
( 3.6) {interrupt}
interrupt is to be generated.
( 3.8) {interrupt}
3 .TIMDD Remove any pending interrupt requests that
( 3.12) {interrupt}
of the interrupt request to be removed. AC3
( 3.15) {interrupt}
4 .TIMBF Remove any pending interrupt requests that
( 3.40) {software,interrupt}
TIMX5: invalid software interrupt channel number
( 3.42) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.24) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 4.51) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 3.14) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.17) {interrupt}
will receive the interrupt.
( 2.33) {interrupt}
generation of an illegal instruction interrupt
( 2.47) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.18) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.9) {software,interrupt}
the software interrupt system is enabled for this process, the process
( 2.10) {interrupt}
can be interrupted out of the wait state. Upon execution of a DEBRK
( 2.11) {interrupt}
call, the process continues to wait until the next interrupt unless
( 2.12) {interrupt}
the interrupt routine changes the PC word. In this case, the process
( 2.13) {interrupt}
resumes execution at the new PC location. If the interrupt routine
( 2.23) {interrupt}
Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.42) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.20) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on the following error
( 2.25) {interrupt}
| ! Address of the interrupt level table !
( 2.30) {interrupt}
| To see the format of the channel and interrupt level tables, refer to
( 3.13) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.32) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.25) {interrupt}
| ! Address of the interrupt level table !
( 2.30) {interrupt}
| To see the format of the channel and interrupt level tables, refer to
( 2.34) {interrupt}
| call, the new contents will be used on the next interrupt.
( 2.39) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
( 2.25) {interrupt}
| Generates an illegal instruction interrupt on error conditions below.
Lines recognized = 562
String Matches Unrecognized Matches
1) "psi" 16 0
2) "software" 165 0
3) "interrupt" 528 0
Letter case ignored ("Ab" = "aB").
263 files searched, 101 without matches.