
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/old/include/string.h
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/* STRING.H - predeclarations for string routines */

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)

extern	char *strcat();
extern	char *strchr();	extern char *index();
extern	int strcmp();
extern	char *strcpy();
extern	int strcspn();
extern	int strlen();
extern	char *strncat();
extern	int strncmp();
extern	char *strncpy();
extern	char *strpbrk();
extern	int strpos();
extern	char *strrchr();	extern char *rindex();
extern	char *strrpbrk();
extern	int strrpos();
extern	int strspn();