
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/old/include/sys/socket.h
There are no other files named socket.h in the archive.
/*	socket.h	6.1	83/07/29	*/

 * Definitions related to sockets: types, address families, options.

 * Types
#define	SOCK_STREAM	1		/* stream socket */
#define	SOCK_DGRAM	2		/* datagram socket */
#define	SOCK_RAW	3		/* raw-protocol interface */
#define	SOCK_RDM	4		/* reliably-delivered message */
#define	SOCK_SEQPACKET	5		/* sequenced packet stream */

 * Option flags per-socket.
#define	SO_DEBUG	0x01		/* turn on debugging info recording */
#define	SO_ACCEPTCONN	0x02		/* socket has had listen() */
#define	SO_REUSEADDR	0x04		/* allow local address reuse */
#define	SO_KEEPALIVE	0x08		/* keep connections alive */
#define	SO_DONTROUTE	0x10		/* just use interface addresses */
				/* 0x20 was SO_NEWFDONCONN */
#define	SO_USELOOPBACK	0x40		/* bypass hardware when possible */
#define	SO_LINGER	0x80		/* linger on close if data present */

 * Address families.
#define	AF_UNSPEC	0		/* unspecified */
#define	AF_UNIX		1		/* local to host (pipes, portals) */
#define	AF_INET		2		/* internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc. */
#define	AF_IMPLINK	3		/* arpanet imp addresses */
#define	AF_PUP		4		/* pup protocols: e.g. BSP */
#define	AF_CHAOS	5		/* mit CHAOS protocols */
#define	AF_NS		6		/* XEROX NS protocols */
#define	AF_NBS		7		/* nbs protocols */
#define	AF_ECMA		8		/* european computer manufacturers */
#define	AF_DATAKIT	9		/* datakit protocols */
#define	AF_CCITT	10		/* CCITT protocols, X.25 etc */
#define	AF_SNA		11		/* IBM SNA */

#define	AF_MAX		12

 * Structure used by kernel to store most
 * addresses.
struct sockaddr {
	u_short	sa_family;		/* address family */
	char	sa_data[14];		/* up to 14 bytes of direct address */

 * Structure used by kernel to pass protocol
 * information in raw sockets.
struct sockproto {
	u_short	sp_family;		/* address family */
	u_short	sp_protocol;		/* protocol */

 * Protocol families, same as address families for now.
#define	PF_UNIX		AF_UNIX
#define	PF_INET		AF_INET
#define	PF_PUP		AF_PUP
#define	PF_NS		AF_NS
#define	PF_NBS		AF_NBS
#define	PF_ECMA		AF_ECMA
#define	PF_SNA		AF_SNA

#define	PF_MAX		12

 * Level number for (get/set)sockopt() to apply to socket itself.
#define	SOL_SOCKET	0xffff		/* options for socket level */

 * Maximum queue length specifiable by listen.
#define	SOMAXCONN	5

 * Message header for recvmsg and sendmsg calls.
struct msghdr {
	caddr_t	msg_name;		/* optional address */
	int	msg_namelen;		/* size of address */
	struct	iovec *msg_iov;		/* scatter/gather array */
	int	msg_iovlen;		/* # elements in msg_iov */
	caddr_t	msg_accrights;		/* access rights sent/received */
	int	msg_accrightslen;

#define	MSG_OOB		0x1		/* process out-of-band data */
#define	MSG_PEEK	0x2		/* peek at incoming message */
#define	MSG_DONTROUTE	0x4		/* send without using routing tables */

#define	MSG_MAXIOVLEN	16