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* BCOPY - KCC "BSTRING" library routines BZERO, BCOPY, BCMP
* (C) Copyright 1985 Ken Harrenstien / SRI International / 22-Apr-1985
#include "c-env.h"
entry bzero, bcopy, bcmp;
; BZERO(cp1, cnt) - Zero byte string
; BCOPY(from, to, cnt) - Copy byte string
; BCMP(cp1, cp2, cnt) - Compare byte strings
; char *cp1, *cp2, *from, *to;
; int cnt;
; These routines serve the same function as the BSD library routines
; of the same names. They are written in assembler to take advantage
; of special machine instructions such as BLT which greatly speed up
; execution.
A=1 ; KCC functions return value in this AC
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MIDAS test stuff
;fsklcv: popj p,
;fscpy: ibp -2(p)
; ibp -1(p)
; jrst bcopy
%brkev==17 ; Use 15. chars as breakeven point. This length or less
; uses default byte-by-byte loop; more than this invokes
; hairy optimization code.
; Assumption is that all code in PDP-10 C will never use any char ptrs
; for other than 7, 8, or 9 bytes. We further assume that while
; running non-extended, only local-format BPs will be seen, and when
; running extended (in non-zero section), only global one-word BPs
; will be seen. There are a few places where the code checks on this
; (when convenient) but recovery from abuse cannot always be relied
; on. Note that the KL string instructions such as MOVSLJ are not
; generally used, first because they do not exist on KA/KI processors,
; and second because they are not much faster than a regular byte
; loop!
; Global-format P&S table
; <Local LH>,,<#bytes/wd><00><offset> ; <Global P&S>
$$gbpt: 0 ; 44 - really a local-fmt ptr!
; 6-bit bytes: size 06
440600,,060000 ; 45
360600,,060000 ; 46
300600,,060005 ; 47
220600,,060004 ; 50
140600,,060003 ; 51
060600,,060002 ; 52
000600,,060001 ; 53
; 8-bit bytes (size 10)
441000,,040000 ; 54
341000,,040000 ; 55
241000,,040003 ; 56
141000,,040002 ; 57
041000,,040001 ; 60
; 7-bit bytes (size 07)
440700,,050000 ; 61
350700,,050000 ; 62
260700,,050004 ; 63
170700,,050003 ; 64
100700,,050002 ; 65
010700,,050001 ; 66
; 9-bit bytes (size 11)
441100,,040000 ; 67
331100,,040000 ; 70
221100,,040003 ; 71
111100,,040002 ; 72
001100,,040001 ; 73
; 18-bit bytes (size 22)
442200,,020000 ; 74
222200,,020000 ; 75
002200,,020001 ; 76
000000,,0 ; 77 ; Illegal
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BZERO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; bzero(array, n)
; register char *array; /* Address of byte array */
; register int n; /* number of bytes in array to zero */
; { if(n > 0) do {*array++ = 0; } while(--n);
; }
bzero: xmovei a,0 ; Get a zero (check for running extended)
jumpn a,bzerox ; Jump if extended
; Non-extended BZERO
skipg d,-2(p) ; Get # of bytes
popj p, ; Count negative or zero
skipn c,-1(p) ; Get char pointer (byte ptr)
popj p, ; Ignore if pointer zero.
; setz a,
caile d,%brkev ; If more bytes than breakeven,
jrst bzer30 ; go do special check routine.
bzero1: dpb a,c ; Set first byte zero
sojle d,bzero9 ; Then decrement count and fall into loop.
idpb a,c
sojg d,.-1
bzero9: popj p,
; Assume local-format byte pointer. Zero bytes until at beg
; of word.
bzer30: dpb a,c
sojle d,bzero9
bzero4: idpb a,c
tlne c,720000 ; Stop when P=0 or 4 or 1.
sojg d,bzero4
sojl d,bzero9
; (c)+1 now points to words to clear. Must find how many
; words, plus remaining # bytes, to clear. Requires determining
; byte size, ugh. Assumes one of 7,8,9.
tlnn c,7000
jrst [ idivi d,5
jrst bzero5]
lshc d,-2 ; Divide by 4
lsh e,-<44-2> ; Get remainder right-justified.
bzero5: setzm 1(c) ; Clear 1st word
movsi b,1(c) ; <from>,,
hrri b,2(c) ; ,,<to>
addi c,(d) ; Get addr of last word (BP points to end)
blt b,(c) ; Zero the words
jumple e,bzero9 ; Take care of any remaining bytes.
idpb a,c
sojg e,.-1
popj p,
; Running in non-zero section, so assume BP is global one-wd format.
bzerox: skipg d,-2(p) ; Get # of bytes
popj p, ; Count negative or zero
skipl c,-1(p) ; Get char pointer (byte ptr)
popj p, ; Ignore if pointer zero or non-global.
setz a,
caig d,%brkev ; More bytes to zero than breakeven?
jrst bzero1 ; No, just zap them trivially.
; Global format BP.
ldb b,[360600,,c] ; Get the 6-bit P&S field
skipg e,$$gbpt-44(b) ; Get table entry for it
jrst [ ibp c ; Odd - ensure points to 1st byte.
jumpl c,.+1 ; If not still global fmt, was a 44 local!
jrst bzer30] ; Try to hack it as local-fmt ptr.
andi e,77 ; Get # bytes of roundup needed.
jumple e,bzerx4(e) ; If 0, skip rounding.
subi d,(e) ; Subtract # of bytes we will clear here
dpb a,c
sojle e,bzerx3
idpb a,c
sojg e,.-1
bzerx3: ibp c ; -1 adjust BP then treat like 0
bzerx4: ; 0 BP is word-aligned.
; C/ BP pointing to 1st byte in word
; D/ # bytes left to clear
ldb e,[140600,,$$gbpt-44(b)] ; Get # bytes per word
idivi d,(e) ; Get # words to zap, remaining # bytes in e.
jumple d,[skiple d,e
jrst bzero1 ; If more bytes to zero, use byte loop.
popj p,]
move b,e ; Save remainder
move e,c ; Get "source" BP
tlz e,770000 ; Clear the P&S field
xmovei t,1(e) ; Get "dest" addr (1 greater)
setzm (e) ; Zap 1st word
sosle d
extend d,[xblt] ; Do extended BLT
skipg d,b ; Now check for remaining bytes
popj p, ; None, all done.
dpb t,[003600,,c] ; Put final dest addr +1 back in BP
jrst bzero1 ; More bytes to zero, use byte loop.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BCOPY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; bcopy(from, to, n)
; register char *from, *to;
; register int n; /* number of bytes to copy */
; { if(n > 0) do { *to++ = *from++; } while(--n);
; }
; General AC usage:
; a,b/ scratch
; c/ # bytes
; d/ # remainder
; e/ Source BP
; t/ Dest BP
BCOPY: skipg c,-3(p) ; Get 3rd arg, # of bytes
popj p,
caig c,%brkev ; Ensure worthwhile to do hairy stuff.
jrst bcpy40 ; Naw, just do trivially.
skipge e,-1(p) ; Get 1st arg, source BP
jrst bcpy50 ; Sign bit set, assume global ptr.
skipg t,-2(p) ; Assume local fmt, get dest BP
jrst bcpy42 ; Not same fmt, for now default to trivial case.
; Both BPs are local format; make final check for sameness
bcpy10: move a,e
xor a,t ; XOR the two byte pointers
tlne a,-1 ; Check for same LH
jrst [ tlnn a,007700 ; Nope - check for same size...
tlnn a,770000 ; Size same, check for alignment
jrst bcpy42 ; Must use byte loop; size different, or
; using indexing/indirection (ugh!)
jrst bcpy60] ; Same size, different alignment, go do hair.
; Local-format BPs have same size and alignment, so hack
; BLT word-move optimization!
caml e,[331100,,0] ; Must be 331100, 341000, or 350700.
jrst bcpy33 ; Points to beg of word!
; Doesnt point to beg of word, must get things aligned.
ldb a,e
dpb a,t
jrst bcpy32
bcpy31: ildb a,e
idpb a,t
bcpy32: tlne e,720000 ; Stop when P=00 or 04 or 01.
sojg c,bcpy31
sojle c,bcpy90
ibp e ; Then point to beg of next wd.
ibp t
; (E) and (T) now point to word locs for moving (from, to).
; Find # words, plus remaining # bytes, to move. Requires determining
; byte size, ugh. Assumes one of 7,8,9.
bcpy33: tlnn t,7000 ; Skip if 4 bytes per word (S=10 or 11, vs 07)
jrst [ idivi c,5
jrst bcpy34]
lshc c,-2 ; Divide by 4
lsh d,-<44-2> ; Get remainder right-justified.
; c/ # wds
; d/ # bytes remainder
bcpy34: jumple c,bcpy35
movsi b,(e) ; <from>,,
hrri b,(t) ; ,,<to>
addi t,(c) ; Get addr of last word + 1 (BP points to end)
blt b,-1(t) ; Copy the words
bcpy35: caig d,0 ; Take care of any remaining bytes
popj p,
addi e,(c) ; Sigh, must also point to last source word.
move c,d
jrst bcpy42 ; Go copy the remainder by hand (start with LDB)
; Trivial case. Strings which dont have same alignment or size
; all come here.
; Note that the KL extended instruction MOVSLJ is
; slightly faster than this byte loop, but tis painful to
; conditionalize this. MOVSLJ is done for global BPs however
; since then we know the instruction will exist.
bcpy40: skipe e,-1(p) ; Source BP
skipn t,-2(p) ; Dest BP
popj p,
jumpl t,bcpy45 ; If using global-format BPs, use MOVSLJ.
bcpy42: ldb a,e ; Get byte
dpb a,t ; Store it
sojle c,bcpy90
bcpy43: ildb a,e
idpb a,t
sojg c,bcpy43
bcpy90: popj p,
; Trivial case using MOVSLJ.
; First need to get BPs into canonical shape.
bcpy45: ldb a,e ; Get byte
dpb a,t ; Store it
sojle c,bcpy90
move a,c ; AC+0: source string length
move b,e ; AC+1,2: source byte ptr
move d,c ; AC+3: dest string length
move e,t ; AC+4,5: dest byte ptr
MOVSLJ==:<016000,,0> ; Subinstr of EXTEND
popj p,
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BCOPY (cont) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Global-format BP hacking. Already have source BP in e.
bcpy50: skipl t,-2(p) ; Get dest BP
jrst bcpy42 ; Not same format, handle as trivial slow case.
; c/ # bytes
; e/ Source BP
; t/ Dest BP
ldb b,[360600,,e] ; Get P&S field for source
ldb d,[360600,,t] ; Ditto for dest
caie b,(d)
jrst [ move a,$$gbpt-44(b) ; Different size or alignment. Check.
xor a,$$gbpt-44(d)
tlne a,007700 ; See if have same byte size
jrst bcpy45 ; No, must hack like trivial case.
jrst bcpy56] ; Same size, do word-move hair.
; P&S field is identical, so BPs are word-aligned and we can do
; fast BLT!
skipg d,$$gbpt-44(b) ; Get table entry for it
jrst [ ibp e ; Hmm, ensure points to 1st byte.
ibp t
jumpl e,bcpy55 ; Ensure still global-fmt ptrs...
jrst bcpy10] ; Ugh, must have been local-fmt with P=44!
andi d,77 ; Get # bytes of roundup needed.
jumple d,bcpy55 ; If 0, skip rounding.
subi c,(d) ; Subtract # of bytes we will copy here
ldb a,e
dpb a,t
sojle d,bcpy54
bcpy53: ildb a,e
idpb a,t
sojg d,bcpy53
bcpy54: ibp e
ibp t
ldb b,[360600,,t] ; Get P&S field again
; BPs are now word-aligned (point to 1st byte in word).
bcpy55: ldb d,[140600,,$$gbpt-44(b)] ; Get # bytes per word
idivi c,(d) ; Get # words (remainder in d)
exch c,d
jumple d,[jumpg c,bcpy42
popj p,]
; Set up to transfer at least 1 word.
tlz e,770000 ; Must flush P&S field from BPs
tlz t,770000
EXTEND D,[XBLT] ; Do it!
jumple c,bcpy90 ; If no remaining bytes, done.
rot b,-6 ; Must put P&S field back (alignment is OK)
ior e,b
ior t,b
jrst bcpy42 ; Then finish off with byte-loop copy.
; Handle word-move hair for global-format BPs which have same
; byte size but different alignment.
bcpy56: cail d,70 ; Only hack 9-bit bytes for now.
caile d,73
jrst bcpy45
; Must get dest ptr to beg of word
bcpy57: tlnn t,070000 ; Check for value 70
jrst bcpy58
ldb a,e
dpb a,t
ibp e
ibp t
sojg c,bcpy57
popj p,
bcpy58: ldb tt,[360600,,e] ; Save current source-BP P&S
tlz e,770000 ; Flush P&S so can do indexing
tlz t,770000
lshc c,-2 ; Divide by 2
lsh d,-<44-2> ; Get remainder in D
move a,(e) ; Get 1st source word
aoja e,@<.+1-70>(tt) ; Dispatch on P of 70-73
setz bcpx90 ; P=70=33, beg of word (shouldnt happen)
setz bcpx91 ; P=71=22, 3 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpx92 ; P=72=11, 2 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpx93 ; P=73=00, 1 byte needed from source wd
bcpy59: skipg c,d
popj p,
ior t,[700000,,0] ; Set dest P=70=33, beg of word
rot tt,-6
ior e,tt ; Set source P to original val
soja e,bcpy42
bcpx90: popj p,
; Source P=71=22, 3 valid bytes in A
bcpx91: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*1>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-1>>
addi e,1 ; Sigh... for extended addrs
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpx91
jrst bcpy59
; Source P=11, 2 valid bytes in A
bcpx92: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*2>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-2>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpx92
jrst bcpy59
; Source P=00, 1 valid byte in A
bcpx93: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*3>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-3>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpx93
jrst bcpy59
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BCOPY (cont) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Special hair to handle case of byte strings which are same size
; but do not have same alignment (so BLT cannot be done). We can still
; save a considerable amount of time by using word moves and shifts, which
; are 3 to 5 times faster than the alternatives (timed on a 2060):
; Hairy stuff: .7-.8 usec/char
; ILDB/IDPB: 3.5 usec/char
; MOVSLJ: 2.1 usec/char
; C/ count
; E/ source BP (local fmt)
; T/ Dest BP (local fmt)
; First order of business is getting dest ptr word-aligned.
bcpy60: caml t,[331100,,0]
jrst bcpy63 ; Already word-aligned.
ldb a,e
dpb a,t
jrst bcpy62
bcpy61: ildb a,e
idpb a,t
bcpy62: tlne t,720000 ; Stop when P=00 or 04 or 01.
sojg c,bcpy61
sojle c,bcpy90
ibp e
ibp t
; Dest is now word-aligned. Further steps depend on byte size.
bcpy63: tlne t,040000 ; See if 9-bit bytes or not (P=33)
jrst [ tlne t,010000 ; See if P=35 (vs =34)
jrst bcpy70 ; Could be 35, assume 7-bit bytes.
jrst bcpy80] ; Could be 34, assume 8-bit bytes.
; Copy unaligned 9-bit bytes!
lshc c,-2 ; Divide by 4
lsh d,-<44-2> ; Get 2 bits of remainder right-justified.
ldb b,[360200,,e] ; Get low 2 bits of P from source BP
move a,(e) ; Get 1st source word set up.
aoja e,@.+1(b) ; Dispatch on value of 0,1,2,3.
; Note sign bit (SETZ) must be set to prevent extended-format
; indirection when in non-zero section. Barf.
setz bcpy66 ; 0 = P=00, 1 byte needed from source wd
setz bcpy65 ; 1 = P=11, 2 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpy64 ; 2 = P=22, 3 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpy34 ; 3 = P=33, 4 bytes? Is word-aligned, shouldnt happen
; but just in case, go hack BLT.
; Source P=22, 3 valid bytes in A
bcpy64: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*1>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-1>>
addi e,1 ; Sigh... for extended addr possibility.
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy64
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Source P=11, 2 valid bytes in A
bcpy65: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*2>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-2>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy65
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Source P=00, 1 valid byte in A
bcpy66: move b,(e)
lshc a,<11*3>
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<11*<4-3>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy66
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Copy non-aligned 7-bit bytes.
bcpy70: idivi c,5 ; Divide by 5, get rem in D
ldb b,[360200,,e] ; Get low 2 bits of P from source BP
move a,(e) ; Get 1st source word set up.
lsh a,-1
aoja e,@.+1(b) ; Dispatch on value of 0,1,2,3.
; See note for previous table re SETZs.
setz bcpy76 ; 0 = P=10, 2 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpy78 ; 1 = P=01, 1 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpy72 ; 2 = P=26, 4 bytes needed from source wd
setz bcpy74 ; 3 = P=17, 3 bytes needed from source wd
; Source P=26 (4 valid bytes in A)
bcpy72: move b,(e)
lshc a,<7*1>
lsh a,1
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<7*<5-1>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy72
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Source P=17 (3 valid bytes in A)
bcpy74: move b,(e)
lshc a,<7*2>
lsh a,1
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<7*<5-2>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy74
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Source P=10 (2 valid bytes in A)
bcpy76: move b,(e)
lshc a,<7*3>
lsh a,1
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<7*<5-3>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy76
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Source P=01 (1 valid byte in A)
bcpy78: move b,(e)
lshc a,<7*4>
lsh a,1
movem a,(t)
lshc a,<7*<5-4>>
addi e,1
addi t,1
sojg c,bcpy78
skipg c,d
popj p,
soja e,bcpy42
; Copy non-aligned 8-bit bytes.
bcpy80: jrst bcpy42 ; Also punt for now.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BCMP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; /* BCMP as defined by BSD returns 0 if equal, non-0 otherwise.
; * This version returns the difference of the 1st non-matching char
; * and can thus be used for < or > compares.
; */
; bcmp(array1, array2, n)
; register char *array1, *array2;
; register int n;
; { register int res;
; if(n > 0)
; do { if(res = (*array1++ - *array2++))
; return(res);
; } while(--n);
; return(0);
; }
BCMP: skipg e,-3(p) ; Get 3rd arg, # of bytes
jrst [ setz a,
popj p,]
move c,-2(p)
move d,-1(p)
ldb a,c
ldb b,d
came a,b
jrst bcmp9
sojle e,bcmp9
bcmp5: ildb a,c
ildb b,d
camn a,b
sojg e,bcmp5
bcmp9: sub a,b ; Return difference byte1-byte2.
popj p,