
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/old/lib/stdio.h
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/*	@(#)stdio.h	1.1 (Berkeley) 3/9/81	*/
#define	BUFSIZ	1024
#define	_NFILE	20
# ifndef FILE
extern	struct	_iobuf {
	int	_cnt;
	char	*_ptr;
	char	*_base;
	short	_flag;
	char	_file;
} _iob[_NFILE];
# endif

#define	_IOREAD	01
#define	_IOWRT	02
#define	_IONBF	04
#define	_IOMYBUF	010
#define	_IOEOF	020
#define	_IOERR	040
#define	_IOSTRG	0100
#define	_IOLBF	0200
#define	_IORW	0400
#define	NULL	0
#define	FILE	struct _iobuf
#define	EOF	(-1)

#define	stdin	(&_iob[0])
#define	stdout	(&_iob[1])
#define	stderr	(&_iob[2])
#define	getchar()	getc(stdin)
#define	putchar(x)	putc(x,stdout)
#define	feof(p)		(((p)->_flag&_IOEOF)!=0)
#define	ferror(p)	(((p)->_flag&_IOERR)!=0)
#define	fileno(p)	((p)->_file)

char	*fgets();
FILE	*fopen();