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	                   TOPS-20 Version 7 C System

	                  Standard Library User Guide

	                          May 14, 1985

	                                                        Page 2

	  abs, fabs:  absolute value

	      int abs(i)
	      int i;
	      float fabs(f)
	      float f;

	      ABS and FABS return the absolute value of their
	      respective arguments.

	                                                        Page 3
	  atoi, atol

	  atoi, atol:  convert strings to numbers

	      int atoi(s)
	      char *s;
	      long atol(s)
	      char *s;

	      These functions convert the string pointed to by s to
	      integer or long integer representation, respectively.
	      The first unrecognized character ends the string.

	      ATOI and ATOL recognize an optional string of blanks or
	      tabs, then an optional sign, and then a string of

	      sscanf, itoa

	                                                        Page 4
	  ator50, r50toa, atosix, sixtoa

	  ator50, r50toa, atosix, sixtoa:  ascii/radix50/sixbit

	      int ator50(result, buf)
	      int *result;
	      char *buf;
	      int r50toa(buf, r50_value)
	      char *buf;
	      int r50_value;
	      int atosix(result, buf)
	      int *result;
	      char *buf;
	      int sixtoa(buf, six_value)
	      char *buf;
	      int six_value;

	      ATOR50 takes the given buffer, containing a string of
	      ascii characters, and converts at most the leading six
	      characters (fewer if the string is shorter than six
	      characters) to the rightmost 32 bits of a radix-50
	      integer, which it places in *result.  It returns the
	      number of characters converted.  Ascii characters
	      without a radix-50 equivalent are converted as if they
	      were periods, except lowercase letters, which are
	      converted as if they were uppercase.

	      R50TOA takes the rightmost 32 bits of the given radix-50
	      integer and converts them into six ascii characters,
	      appending a trailing nul character;  thus R50TOA
	      requires that the given buf be at least seven characters
	      long.  R50TOA always returns 6 (the number of characters

	      ATOSIX takes the given buffer, containing a string of
	      ascii characters, and converts at most the leading six
	      characters (fewer if the string is shorter than six
	      characters) to a sixbit integer, which it places in
	      *result.  It returns the number of characters converted.
	      Ascii characters without a sixbit equivalent are
	      converted as if they were periods, except lowercase
	      letters, which are converted as if they were uppercase.

	      SIXTOA takes the given sixbit integer and converts it
	      into six ascii characters, appending a trailing nul
	      character;  thus SIXTOA requires that the given buf be
	      at least seven characters long.  SIXTOA always returns 6
	      (the number of characters converted).

	                                                        Page 5

	  chdir:  change connected directory

	      int chdir(dir_name, password)
	      char *dir_name;
	      char *password;

	      Chdir changes the connected directory of the current job
	      to be the named dir_name.  This is equivalent to the
	      TOPS-20 command

	      @Connect dir_name
	       ------- --------

	      The given password may be NULL, in which case the
	      function assumes that no password is necessary for the
	      change of directory;  if a password is required for the
	      change, but none is given, the function will fail.

	      Chdir returns 0 for success, -1 for failure.

	                                                        Page 6

	  chmod:  change protection of file

	      int chmod(filename, prot)
	      char *filename;
	      int prot;

	      Chmod changes the protection of the named file to prot.

	      Chmod returns 0 for success, -1 for failure.

	                                                        Page 7

	  close:  close a file

	      int close(fildes)
	      int fildes;

	      Given a file descriptor (fildes) as returned by OPEN or
	      CREAT, CLOSE closes the associated file.

	      open, creat

	                                                        Page 8
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph:
	      access to COMND% JSYS command handling

	      #include <comnd.h>
	      int csb_setup(csb_addr, flags, ifildes, ofildes,
	                    retyp_text_ptr, textbuf_ptr, remain_count,
	                    atombuf_ptr, atombuf_size, gtjfn_argblk)
	      csb_entry           *csb_addr;
	      unsigned int        flags;
	      int                 ifildes;
	      int                 ofildes;
	      char                *retyp_text_ptr;
	      char                *textbuf_ptr;
	      int                 remain_count;
	      char                *atombuf_ptr;
	      int                 atombuf_size;
	      int                 *gtjfn_argblk;

	      fdb_entry *flddb_(fdb_addr, fun_code, flags, data, help_str,
	                        default_str, next_fdb_addr, breakm_addr)
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_addr;
	      int                 fun_code;
	      unsigned int        flags;
	      int                 data;
	      char                *help_str;
	      char                *default_str;
	      fdb_entry           *next_fdb_addr;
	      int                 *breakm_addr;

	      fdb_entry *flddb_ini(fdb_addr)
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_addr;

	      fdb_entry *flddb_noi(fdb_addr, noise_str, next_fdb_addr)
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_addr;
	      char                *noise_str;
	      fdb_entry           *next_fdb_addr;

	      fdb_entry *flddb_cma(fdb_addr, next_fdb_addr)
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_addr;
	      fdb_entry           *next_fdb_addr;

	      fdb_entry *flddb_cfm(fdb_addr, next_fdb_addr)
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_addr;
	      fdb_entry           *next_fdb_addr;

	      int comnd_(csb_addr, fdb_chain_addr, match_fdb_addr,
	      csb_entry           *csb_addr;
	      fdb_entry           *fdb_chain_addr;
	      fdb_entry           **match_fdb_addr;
	      int                 *extra_info_addr;

	                                                        Page 9
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	      int fdbc_setup(fdbc_addr, fdbs, next_indices, gtj_argtab_addr,
	      fdbchn_head         *fdbc_addr;
	      fdb_entry           *fdbs;
	      int                 next_indices[];
	      int                 *gtj_argtab_addr;
	      int                 fail_index;

	      int com_graph(csb_addr, fdbc_heads, auto_reparse, match_entries,
	                    me_size, me_count_addr, ret_err_addr)
	      csb_entry           *csb_addr;
	      fdbchn_head         fdbc_heads[];
	      int                 auto_reparse;
	      fdb_match_entry     match_entries[];
	      int                 me_size;
	      int                 *me_count_addr;
	      int                 *ret_err_addr;

	      <Comnd.h> and the associated functions provide access to
	      the TOPS-20 command-processing capabilities (COMND%


	          <Comnd.h> provides a host of type and #define
	          definitions to be used in command handling.  A
	          careful perusal of it, as well as a good reading of
	          the COMND% JSYS description in the TOPS-20 Monitor
	          Calls Reference Manual, is recommended before using
	          any of these routines.

	      CSB_SETUP(csb_addr, flags, ifildes, ofildes,
	                retyp_text_ptr, textbuf_ptr, remain_count,
	                atombuf_ptr, atombuf_size, gtjfn_argblk)

	          CSB_SETUP is used to set up command state blocks;
	          it always returns 0.

	          Csb_addr is (obviously) the address of a command
	          state block.

	          Flags is the value to place in the flags/reparse
	          address word of the csb, except that no reparse
	          dispatch address can be given (reparsing must be
	          handled manually when using these functions, except
	          COM_GRAPH).  All of the flag bits defined for the
	          csb flags halfword are #define'd in <comnd.h>.

	          Ifildes and ofildes are the input and output file
	          designators for I/O for the command;  _NULIO
	          (#define'd in <comnd.h>) may be used if the command
	          being parsed is a string instead of being from a

	                                                       Page 10
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	          typing user, otherwise _PRIIN and _PRIOU are
	          probably the best choice.

	          Retyp_text_ptr should be a character string for the
	          prompt, and may be NULL, in which case CSB_SETUP
	          uses an empty string as the prompt.

	          Textbuf_ptr is a character array for the command's
	          text buffer, and remain_count is its size in
	          characters.  Likewise, atombuf_ptr is a character
	          array for the atom buffer, and atombuf_size is its
	          size in characters.

	          Gtjfn_argblk is a pointer to a long-form GTJFN%
	          argument block, to be used when one is attempting to
	          parse a filespec of some sort (more about this
	          argument block later).  If no filespecs are to be
	          parsed, gtjfn_argblk may be NULL.

	      FLDDB_(fdb_addr, fun_code, flags, data, help_str,
	             default_str, next_fdb_addr, breakm_addr)

	          FLDDB_ is used to set up function descriptor blocks;
	          it is analogous to the FLDBK.  macro defined in

	          Fdb_addr is the address of a function descriptor
	          block, which is always the return value of FLDDB_.

	          Fun_code is the function code for this fdb, and
	          flags is a value to be placed in the "function
	          flags" quarterword of the fdb.  All of the function
	          codes and flag bits defined for COMND% are  define'd
	          in <comnd.h>.

	          Data is the function-specific data for the given
	          function code, as follows:

	          Function    Data Is
	          --------    -------
	          _CMKEY      address of TBLUK% keyword index table,
	                      an object of type tb_comtab, as defined
	                      in <tb.h>
	          _CMNUM      radix of number (2 through 10,
	          _CMNOI      un-parenthesized noise string
	          _CMSWI      address of TBLUK% switch index table, an
	                      object of type tb_comtab, as defined in
	          _CMIFI      unused
	          _CMOFI      unused
	          _CMFIL      unused

	                                                       Page 11
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	          _CMFLD      (not used by COMND%) pointer to
	                      character buffer into which COMND_
	                      (possibly called via COM_GRAPH) will
	                      place contents of atom buffer on
	                      successful parse of field;  NULL for
	          _CMCFM      unused
	          _CMDIR      possibly CM_DWC
	          _CMUSR      unused
	          _CMCMA      unused
	          _CMINI      unused
	          _CMFLT      unused
	          _CMDEV      unused
	          _CMTXT      (not used by COMND%) pointer to
	                      character buffer into which COMND_
	                      (possibly called via COM_GRAPH) will
	                      place contents of atom buffer on
	                      successful parse of field;  NULL for
	          _CMTAD      left halfword may be #define'd bits
	                      CM_IDA, CM_ITM, CM_NCI;  right halfword
	                      is be address of three-word block if
	                      CM_NCI is on
	          _CMQST      (not used by COMND%) pointer to
	                      character buffer into which COMND_
	                      (possibly called via COM_GRAPH) will
	                      place contents of atom buffer on
	                      successful parse of field;  NULL for
	          _CMUQS      address of four-word block of 128 break
	                      chararacter mask bits
	          _CMTOK      pointer to token string
	          _CMNUX      radix of number (2 through 10,
	          _CMACT      (not used by COMND%) pointer to
	                      character buffer into which COMND_
	                      (possibly called via COM_GRAPH) will
	                      place contents of atom buffer on
	                      successful parse of field;  NULL for
	          _CMNOD      (not used by COMND%) pointer to
	                      character buffer into which COMND_
	                      (possibly called via COM_GRAPH) will
	                      place contents of atom buffer on
	                      successful parse of field;  NULL for

	                                                       Page 12
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	          Help_str is a pointer to a user-supplied help
	          message for this fdb, and default_str is a pointer
	          to user-supplied default string.  Help_str
	          (default_str) may be NULL if no user-supplied help
	          message (default string) is required;  if a non-NULL
	          help_str (default_str) is present, FLDDB_
	          automatically sets bit CM_HPP (CM_DPP) in the flags
	          quarterword of the fdb.

	          Next_fdb_addr is the address of the next fdb in a
	          chain of fdbs (NULL if this is the last or only fdb
	          in a chain).  The reason that FLDDB_ returns its
	          argument is so that the value passed for
	          next_fdb_addr can be a call to FLDDB_ for the next
	          fdb in the chain.

	          Breakm_addr is the address of a four-word break mask
	          for the fdb (as described in the TOPS-20 Monitor
	                                           ------- -------
	          Calls Reference Manual), and may be NULL if none is
	          ----- --------- ------
	          needed.  If a break mask address is supplied, bit
	          CM_BRK must be on in the passed-in flags values, or
	          the address will be ignored.


	          FLDDB_INI is a #define'd macro to initialize a
	          _CMINI fdb.  It is equivalent to FLDDB_(fdb_addr,
	          _CMINI, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL).  FLDDB_INI
	          does not provide for a next fdb address because it
	          would be highly unusual for an initialization fdb to
	          need one.

	      FLDDB_NOI(fdb_addr, noise_str, next_fdb_addr)

	          FLDDB_NOI is a #define'd macro to initialize a
	          _CMNOI fdb.  It is equivalent to FLDDB_(fdb_addr,
	          _CMINI, 0, noise_str, NULL, NULL, next_fdb_addr,

	      FLDDB_CMA(fdb_addr, next_fdb_addr)

	          FLDDB_CMA is a #define'd macro to initialize a
	          _CMCMA fdb.  It is equivalent to FLDDB_(fdb_addr,
	          _CMCMA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, next_fdb_addr, NULL).

	      FLDDB_CFM(fdb_addr, next_fdb_addr)

	          FLDDB_CFM is a #define'd macro to initialize a
	          _CMCFM fdb.  It is equivalent to FLDDB_(fdb_addr,
	          _CMCFM, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, next_fdb_addr, NULL).

	                                                       Page 13
	  comnd_:  parsing commands token by token

	      Parsing commands token by token

	          COMND_ is used to parse commands one token at a
	          time, much as one would do in a MACRO-20 program.

	      COMND_(csb_addr, fdb_chain_addr, match_fdb_addr,

	          At this point, having used CSB_SETUP to set up a
	          command state block and FLDDB_ to set up function
	          descriptor blocks, one can use COMND_ to parse
	          commands (although the full usefulness of this group
	          of functions requires the use of FDBC_SETUP and

	          Csb_addr and fdb_chain_addr are respectively the
	          address of a command state block and a function
	          descriptor block (which may have other fdbs chained
	          on to it).

	          Match_fdb_addr is the address of a pointer to an fdb
	          entry, and extra_info_addr is the address of an

	          On a successful parse COMND_ will return
	          COMND_SUCCESS, the address of the fdb that matched
	          the part of the command parsed will be stored into
	          *match_fdb_addr, and the contents of AC2 after the
	          execution of the COMND% JSYS will be stored into

	          If a reparse is needed, COMND_ will return
	          COMND_REPARSE without modifying either
	          *match_fdb_addr or *extra_info_addr.

	          If an error occured (or no fdb in the chain could be
	          used to parse the next input), COMND_ will return
	          COMND_ERROR, with *extra_info_addr containing a
	          TOPS-20 error code, and *match_fdb_addr unchanged.

	      Parsing commands all at once

	          It is possible to parse commands in a more automated
	          fashion than one could achieve even in a MACRO-20
	          program, using the functions FDBC_SETUP and
	          COM_GRAPH.  These two operate on a graph of the
	          structure of acceptable commands, and can be used to
	          parse entire multiple-token commands in a single

	                                                       Page 14
	  fdbc_setup, com_graph:  parsing commands all at once

	          A command graph is an array of function descriptor
	          block chain heads (fdbcs).  Each fdbc in the array
	          is designed to parse some single token out of a set
	          of possible tokens at a given position in the
	          command structure.  Furthermore, each fdbc contains
	          within it information as to the fdbc to proceed to
	          next, depending upon whether the entire current fdbc
	          fails to parse the current token or some fdb within
	          it succeeds in parsing the current token.

	          Each fdbc contains the address of an fdb or fdb
	          chain, the address of a GTJFN% long-form argument
	          block, and the index of another fdbc in the array.

	          Let the "current fdbc" be the one which is used to
	          attempt to parse the current token in the command.
	          If the current fdbc fails to parse the current
	          token, then the current fdbc's "other fdbc" index is
	          looked at.  If this index is -1, attempts to
	          continue parsing are given up (i.e., the parse
	          fails).  If it is some other value, it is the index
	          of the fdbc which is next used to attempt to parse
	          the current token.  This is how parsing failures are

	          Parsing successes are handled as follows.  Each fdb
	          in the chain has an extra integer (ignored by the
	          COMND% JSYS) which is again the index of another
	          fdbc in the array.  If the current fdbc succeeds in
	          parsing the current token, then the matched fdb's
	          "another fdbc" index is looked at.  If this index is
	          -1, parsing is considered successful (the parsed
	          command ends at the matched token).  If it is some
	          other value, it is the index of some fdbc, which
	          will be used to try to parse the next token in the

	          There is one complication to the fdbc indices
	          attached to the fdbs.  If an fdb's function code is
	          _CMKEY or _CMSWI (both of which match tokens using
	          keyword tables), the "next fdbc index" integer is
	          actually a pointer to an array of such integers.
	          This array should have exactly one entry for each
	          entry in the keyword table used by the fdb in
	          question.  Each array entry is the fdbc index of the
	          next fdbc to use when the given fdb matches the
	          current token and the corresponding keyword was the
	          one that matched.

	          Finally, if an entry in one of these fdbc index
	          arrays corresponds to a keyword which can be ended
	          with a colon (":"), the two halves of the entry are
	          considered separately.  If the keyword matches and

	                                                       Page 15
	  fdbc_setup, com_graph:  parsing commands all at once

	          the user typed the colon (or the colon was filled in
	          automatically because escape recognition was used),
	          the next fdbc index is taken from the left halfword
	          of the array entry.  If the keyword matches and the
	          colon was not typed (and not escape-recognized), the
	          next fdbc entry is taken from the right halfword.

	          Thus, each fdbc tells where in the graph to go if
	          that fdbc fails, each fdb tells where in the graph
	          to go if that fdb succeeds, and any keyword-matching
	          fdb tells where in the graph to go for each possible
	          matched keyword, including possibly different places
	          to go depending upon whether the keyword was parsed
	          with a colon or not.

	          The only field in the fdbc which we have not yet
	          discussed is the pointer to a long-form GTJFN%
	          argument block.  The use of this field is discussed
	          in the description of function COM_GRAPH.

	      FDBC_SETUP(fdbc_addr, fdbs, next_indices,
	                 gtj_argtab_addr, fail_index)

	          FDBC_SETUP sets up an fdbc, always returning zero
	          (no failures are recognized).  FDBC_SETUP is called
	          once for each fdbc in the array of fdbcs for a given
	          command graph.

	          Obviously, fdbc_addr is the address of the fdbc to
	          fill in.

	          Fdbs is the address of an fdb (possibly the first in
	          a chain of fdbs).

	          Next_indices is the address of an array of fdbc
	          array indices, and each entry is the index of the
	          fdbc to go to when the corresponding fdb matches a
	          token.  Thus, there are the same number of entries
	          in this array as there are fdbs in the chain
	          described in the previous paragraph.

	          Gtj_argtab_addr is the address of a long-form GTJFN%
	          argument table, and may be NULL if none is needed.

	          Fail_index is the array index of the fdbc to go to
	          when the one being set up is used to attempt to
	          match the current token, and fails to do so.

	      COM_GRAPH(csb_addr, fdbc_heads, auto_reparse,
	                match_entries, me_size, me_count_addr,

	                                                       Page 16
	  fdbc_setup, com_graph:  parsing commands all at once

	          COM_GRAPH is used to "execute" a command graph.  It
	          takes an entire command graph (array of fdbcs), and
	          matches the current input by performing multiple
	          calls to COMND_, filling in an array of matched fdb
	          addresses as it matches each token of the command.
	          It also has the ability to do automatic reparsing of
	          the input when the user deletes already-parsed

	          Csb_addr is the address of a command state block, as
	          initialized by CSB_SETUP.

	          Fdbc_heads is the address of an array of fdbcs (a
	          command graph), as initialized by FDBC_SETUP.

	          Auto_reparse is a boolean flag (pass either TRUE or
	          FALSE) which controls automatic reparsing of the
	          input when the user deletes back over already-parsed
	          tokens.  If the flag is TRUE, such reparsing is done
	          automatically;  if it is FALSE, COM_GRAPH returns
	          COMGR_REPARSE when such reparsing is needed.

	          Match_entries is an array of objects of type
	          fdb_match_entry.  Every time COM_GRAPH matches a
	          token, the next entry of match_entries is filled in;
	          the field fcm_fdb receives the address of the
	          matching fdb, and the field fcm_extra_info receives
	          the extra information returned by COMND_ (i.e., the
	          information returned in AC2 after a successful
	          COMND% JSYS call).

	          Me_size is the number of entries available in
	          match_entries, and COM_GRAPH returns the number of
	          entries it filled in in *me_count_addr.

	          If the passed command graph (fdbc_heads) fails to
	          match the input, *ret_error_addr receives the
	          most-recent system error code returned by COMND_.

	          Starting with the first fdbc in the passed array,
	          COM_GRAPH attempts to match the current input by
	          executing successive calls to COMND_ with the
	          information out of the current fdbc.  If both the
	          current fdbc and the command state block contain
	          non-NULL pointers to GTJFN% long-form argument
	          tables, COM_GRAPH copies the contents of the table
	          pointed to by the current fdbc to the table pointed
	          to by the csb, before calling COMND_.  COMND% JSYS
	          uses the GTJFN% table in the csb as an aid to
	          matching filespecs (with fdb function codes _CMIFI,
	          _CMOFI, and _CMFIL).  Note that because the GTJFN%
	          table is pointed to by the csb, instead of by an
	          fdb, it is difficult to gracefully parse for two

	                                                       Page 17
	  fdbc_setup, com_graph:  parsing commands all at once

	          different possible filespecs in one call to COMND_
	          (this is true of the COMND% JSYS, also).

	          When a call to COMND_ succeeds, COM_GRAPH fills in
	          the next entry of match_entries with the matched
	          fdb's address and the returned extra information,
	          then attempts to match the next token by using the
	          fdbc whose array index is given by the matched fdb.
	          Successful matching of a command occurs when the
	          index of the next fdbc to use is -1;  in this case
	          COM_GRAPH returns COMGR_SUCCESS.

	          When a call to COMND_ fails with some fdbc,
	          COM_GRAPH tries to match the current token again,
	          using the fdbc whose array index is the "fail index"
	          given by current (failing) fdbc.  Failure to match a
	          command occurs when that index is -1;  in this case
	          COM_GRAPH returns COMGR_ERROR, with *ret_error_addr
	          filled in with the system error code returned by the
	          failed call to COMND_.

	          Two other return values are possible from COM_GRAPH.
	          COMGR_REPARSE is discussed above in the description
	          of the auto_reparse parameter.  COMGR_FULL is
	          returned when parsing has been successful so far,
	          but input still waits (the command has not yet been
	          completely parsed) and the match_entries array is


	          Parsing user-entered commands is relatively
	          straightforward using these functions.  In fact, it
	          is generally true that the amount of code necessary
	          to set up everything in a command graph (which code
	          only has to be executed once) will be greater than
	          that which must be executed to actually parse a

	          The easiest way to proceed is to have two command
	          graphs:  one which only does the _CMINI
	          (initialization) function, and another which
	          actually parses commands.  The command state block
	          should specify _PRIIN for the input jfn and _PRIOU
	          for the output jfn.

	          The initializer should be executed before parsing
	          each new command, and after any error, to provide
	          the user with the ability to use the ctrl/H error
	          recovery feature of COMND% JSYS.  When used before
	          parsing a command, the initializer should never
	          fail, unless there is some internal inconsistency in
	          the csb or an fdb.  Experience seems to show that

	                                                       Page 18
	  fdbc_setup, com_graph:  parsing commands all at once

	          when the user types a ctrl/H to recover the original
	          input up to the point of some error in a previous
	          command, the initializer will always fail with the
	          same error as caused the original failure.  However,
	          when this happens the reparse bit will be set in the
	          csb flags halfword after the initializer is
	          performed, and the error can be ignored if that bit
	          is on.

	          When COM_GRAPH returns COMGR_REPARSE, the
	          initializer should NOT be re-executed.  Simply redo
	          the main command-parsing graph.  Best of all, let
	          COM_GRAPH do automatic reparsing for the main
	          command graph, and ignore this problem entirely.


	          Parsing string commands (i.e., commands which are
	          strings and are not coming from a terminal) is
	          somewhat different than parsing user-entered

	          In this case, there is no need for an initialization
	          graph (_CMINI function).  Instead, initialize (with
	          CSB_SETUP) the command state block with _NULIO for
	          both the input and output jfns, and with the command
	          buffer (the command string) for parameter
	          textbuf_ptr and the length of the command for
	          parameter remain_count.  Then, set fields csb_cmptr
	          and csb_cminc in the csb to be the same as csb_cmbfp
	          and csb_cmcnt, respectively.  This essentially does
	          the _CMINI for the command string.  The difference
	          is that _CMINI, when performed for a command coming
	          from a terminal, also reads in the command.  When
	          the command is a string, it is already in the
	          buffer, so no read is necessary.

	          Reparsing a string command should never be
	          necessary, since characters will never be deleted
	          out of it while parsing is in progress.  Also, if an
	          error occurs, there is no opportunity to do a ctrl/H
	          recovery.  Thus there is no need for an initializer,
	          and COM_GRAPH should be told not to do automatic
	          reparsing (needing a reparse should be a quite
	          unexpected error).

	      TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual, gtjfn.h, tb.h,
	      ------- ------- ----- --------- ------
	      tb_build, g_errstring, Introduction to DECSYSTEM-20
	                             ------------ -- ------------
	      Assembly Language Programming (Gorin)
	      -------- -------- -----------

	                                                       Page 19
	  comnd.h, csb_setup, flddb_, comnd_, fdbc_setup, com_graph

	      No failures are discovered by CSB_SETUP, FLDDB_, or

	      COMND_ returns
	          COMND_SUCCESS (1) for a successful parse;
	          COMND_REPARSE (0) if a reparse is needed;
	          COMND_ERROR (-1) if an error occurred, in which case
	              *extra_info_addr contains a TOPS-20 error code.

	      COM_GRAPH returns
	          COMGR_SUCCESS (1) for a successful parse;
	          COMGR_FULL (2) for a successful parse so far, but
	              match_entries[] is full and input still waits;
	          COMGR_REPARSE (0) if a reparse was needed and
	              auto_reparse was FALSE;
	          COMGR_ERROR (-1) if an error occurred, in which case
	              *ret_error_addr contains a TOPS-20 error code
	              filled in by COMND_.

	      For error reporting purposes, the string corresponding
	      to a given TOPS-20 error code can be obtained using

	      Long-form GTJFN% JSYS argument tables which contain
	      pointers to default strings must have pointers which
	      point one byte BEFORE the string, instead of AT it (C
	      character pointers point AT strings;  JSYS's expect
	      pointers which point one byte BEFORE them).

	                                                       Page 20

	  creat:  create a new file

	      int creat(name, prot)
	      char *name;
	      int prot;

	      CREAT creates a new file or prepares to rewrite an
	      existing file called name, given as a null-terminated
	      string.  If the file did not exist, it is given
	      protection prot.  If the file did exist, a new
	      generation of the file is created with the same
	      protection as the old generation.  CREAT returns a file
	      descriptor for the created file, which is OPEN'ed.

	      open, close

	      CREAT returns a file descriptor if successful, -1 if

	                                                       Page 21
	  date, daytime, adate, idate, walltime, cputime

	  date, daytime, adate, idate, walltime, cputime:  date and
	      time handling

	      int date()
	      int daytime(internal_date)
	      int internal_date;
	      int adate(buf, internal_date, conv_flags)
	      char buf[];
	      int internal_date;
	      int conv_flags;
	      int idate(idate_addr, buf, conv_flags)
	      int *idate_addr;
	      char buf[];
	      int conv_flags;
	      int walltime()
	      int cputime(code)
	      int code;

	      These functions manipulate dates and times.
	      Internal_date, in the above synopsis, is an integer
	      containing a date in TOPS-20 internal date format;  this
	      contains a day number (since November 17, 1858) in the
	      left half, and a fraction of a day in the right half.
	      Any of the above functions which take an internal-format
	      date as an argument will accept zero to indicate the
	      current date.

	      DATE returns the current date in internal format.

	      DAYTIME takes the given internal-format date, and
	      returns the number of seconds since midnight on the
	      given date.

	      ADATE converts from the given internal-format date to an
	      ASCII string, which it places in buf[] (without checking
	      for overflow of the string).  Conv_flag contains the
	      value which will be given to the TOPS-20 jsys Odtim% to
	      control how the conversion should be done (see the
	      Monitor Calls Reference Manual for further information;
	      conv_flag is placed unchanged in AC3).  Two common
	      values for conv_flag are:  zero (0), which causes
	      conversion to the form "dd-mmm-yy  hh:mm:ss", and
	      negative one (-1), which causes conversion to the form
	      "weekday, month day, year hh:mm:ss".

	                                                       Page 22
	  date, daytime, adate, idate, walltime, cputime

	      IDATE converts from the given ASCII date and time (in
	      buf[]) to the corresponding internal-format date, which
	      it places in *idate_addr.  Conv_flag contains the value
	      which will be given to the TOPS-20 jsys Idtim% to
	      control how the conversion should be done (see the
	      Monitor Calls Reference Manual for further information;
	      conv_flag is placed unchanged in AC2).  The normal value
	      is zero (0).

	      WALLTIME returns the number of milliseconds for which
	      the calling job has been logged in.

	      With code equal to zero, CPUTIME returns the number of
	      milliseconds of cpu time used so far by the calling
	      process.  With code not equal to zero, it returns the
	      number of milliseconds of cpu time used so far by the
	      calling job.

	      ADATE and IDATE both return zero for success, or a
	      TOPS-20 error code for failure.

	                                                       Page 23

	  defsic:  define an interrupt handler for the programmable
	      software interrupt system

	      int defsic(fork, channel, level, fun)
	      int fork;
	      int channel;
	      int level;
	      void (*fun)();

	      Defsic is used to define a handler for PSI system
	      interrupts.  Fork is the handle for the process for
	      which the handler is being defined (-1 for the calling
	      process), channel is the PSI channel (-1 to 35), level
	      is the interrupt level (1 to 3), and fun is the address
	      of the handler function.

	      Channel -1 actually is not a PSI channel;  defining a
	      handler for this channel (and then enabling it with
	      enasic()) allows one to catch arithmetic errors via the
	      SWTRP% jsys.  Level is ignored in this case.  Catching
	      arithmetic errors via SWTRP% is usually more efficient
	      than catching them via PSI system interrupts on channel
	      6 or 7.

	      Returns zero for success, -1 for illegal channel number,
	      -2 for illegal level number (except when channel is -1),
	      otherwise a TOPS-20 error code.

	      Enapsi(), dispsi(), enasic(), dissic(), intrpt(),
	      TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual (section 2.6,
	      SWTRP%, RIR%, XRIR%).

	                                                       Page 24

	  _docall:  call a function (or other addressable object)

	      int _docall(f_ptr)
	      int (*f_ptr)();

	      _DOCALL calls the given pointed-to function (with no
	      arguments) and returns whatever that function returns.
	      It can actually be used to call any addressable object
	      (including, for example, an array of integers filled
	      with executable code).

	      execs, which uses _docall to call an array of integers
	      filled with executable code to perform the final acts of
	      running a program in the current process

	      _DOCALL returns whatever the thing it calls returns.

	      Use this function carefully.  You can call your own
	      stack if you want, but nobody in the world is going to
	      be responsible for what happens.

	                                                       Page 25
	  enapsi, dispsi

	  enapsi, dispsi:  enable/disable the programmable software
	      interrupt system

	      int enapsi(fork)
	      int fork;
	      int dispsi(fork)
	      int fork;

	      Enapsi() and dispsi() respectively enable and disable
	      the PSI system for the process represented by the given
	      fork handle (-1 means the calling process).

	      Both routines return zero for success, -1 if the PSI
	      system was already in the desired state (on when
	      enapsi() was called;  off when dispsi() was called), or
	      a TOPS-20 error code.  Note that the FORTRAN run-time
	      system turns on the PSI system by default;  this may
	      cause -1 returns from enapsi() in programs which call
	      FORTRAN subroutines or functions.

	      Defsic(), enasic(), dissic(), intrpt(), TOPS-20 Monitor
	      Calls Reference Manual (section 2.6, SKPIR%, SIR%,
	      XSIR%, EIR%, DIR%).

	                                                       Page 26
	  enasic, dissic

	  enasic, dissic:  enable/disable a programmable software
	      interrupt system channel

	      int enasic(fork, channel)
	      int fork;
	      int channel;
	      int dissic(fork, channel)
	      int fork;
	      int channel;

	      Enasic() and dissic respectively enable and disable
	      interrupts on PSI system channels.  Fork is the handle
	      for the process for which interrupts are being enabled
	      or disabled (-1 for the calling process), and channel
	      (-1 through 35) is the channel for which to enable or
	      disable;  0 through 35 are the PSI system channels.

	      -1 is a special channel, which enables or disables
	      arithmetic interrupts via the SWTRP% jsys.  Catching
	      arithmetic errors via SWTRP% is usually more efficient
	      than catching them via PSI system interrupts on channel
	      6 or 7.

	      Both functions return zero for success, -1 for illegal
	      channel (outside of range -1 to 35), otherwise a TOPS-20
	      error code.

	      Enapsi(), dispsi(), defsic(), intrpt(), TOPS-20 Monitor
	      Calls Reference Manual (section 2.6, AIC%, DIC%,

	                                                       Page 27
	  execl, execs

	  execl, execs:  executing processes

	      execl(prog_file, argline, visible)
	      char *prog_file;
	      char *argline;
	      int visible;
	      int execs(prog_name, offset, err_count, allow_uuos)
	      char *prog_name;
	      int offset;
	      int err_count;
	      int allow_uuos;

	      These two functions are used to execute programs in
	      either a subprocess or the current process.

	      EXECL executes the named program in a subprocess,
	      placing the given argument line into the Rscan% buffer
	      for the process.  If visible is TRUE, the primary input
	      and output designators for the program will both be the
	      terminal;  if it is false, they will both be the null
	      device (NUL:).

	      EXECS executes the named program in the current process;
	      thus, if it is successful, it does not return.  Offset
	      is the offset past the start address at which to start
	      the program (offset can be only zero or one).  Err_count
	      is a value to be placed in word .JBERR of low memory
	      before starting the program;  this is primarily so
	      programs like LINK can tell if the compiler that invoked
	      them saw errors, indicating that they should not
	      continue.  Allow_uuos may be either TRUE to allow the
	      program to perform Uuos (TOPS-10 monitor calls), or
	      FALSE to not allow it to do so.

	      EXECL returns 1 for success, -1 for failure.  EXECS
	      returns 0 if the given offset is illegal (not zero or
	      one), otherwise a TOPS-20 error code.  If successful,
	      EXECS does not return, because the new program replaces
	      the calling one.

	      Because of extreme limitations on the amount of code to
	      be run to unmap the calling program and to get and start
	      the new program (which code has to fit in the
	      accumulators), EXECS can fail quite imaginatively and
	      unrecoverably when given ridiculous arguments;  giving
	      "tty:" for the executable file is an example.  It is
	      best to avoid mistakes when dealing with powerful

	                                                       Page 28
	  exit, _exit, halt

	  exit, _exit, halt:  terminate execution

	      int exit(status)
	      int status;
	      int _exit(status)
	      int status;
	      int halt()

	      These functions are the normal means of terminating a
	      program.  _EXIT terminates the program immediately;
	      EXIT flushes and closes any open files obtained via
	      FOPEN before terminating.  The


	      command to the EXEC is ineffective after an EXIT or

	      Although it may be used in the future, for now the
	      status argument is ignored by both EXIT and _EXIT.

	      HALT just halts the program;  it is like _EXIT except
	      that the


	      command to the EXEC causes it to return.

	                                                       Page 29
	  fclose, fflush

	  fclose, fflush:  close or flush a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fclose(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int fflush(stream)
	      FILE *stream;

	      FFLUSH causes any buffered output data for the given
	      stream to be sent to the associated file.

	      FCLOSE causes the given stream, as returned by FOPEN, to
	      be closed;  it also reclaims any buffer space allocated
	      to the stream.  If any buffered output data is present
	      for the stream, it is FFLUSH'ed before the stream is

	      FCLOSE is called automatically by EXIT for all FOPEN'ed

	      fopen, close, exit

	                                                       Page 30
	  feof, ferror, fileno, clrerr

	  feof, ferror, fileno, clrerr:  stream status inquiries

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int feof(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int ferror(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int fileno(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int clrerr(stream)
	      FILE *stream;

	      FEOF returns non-zero when end-of-file has been read
	      (and not cleared) on the named stream, otherwise it
	      returns zero.

	      FERROR returns non-zero when an error has occurred
	      reading or writing the named stream, otherwise it
	      returns zero.  Unless it is cleared by CLRERR, the error
	      indication lasts until the stream is closed.

	      FILENO returns the integer file descriptor associated
	      with the named stream;  see also OPEN.

	      CLRERR resets the error indication on the named stream.

	      These functions are all implemented as macros;  as such
	      they can cause side effects (e.g., post-incrementing of
	      an argument) to occur more than once.

	      fopen, open

	                                                       Page 31
	  fgetc, getc, getchar, fgetw, getw

	  fgetc, getc, getchar, fgetw, getw:  get a character or word
	      from a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fgetc(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int getc(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int getchar()
	      int fgetw(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int getw()

	      FGETC returns the next character from the named input

	      GETC behaves like FGETC, but it is a macro, not a
	      function, and will thus cause any side effects (e.g.,
	      post-incrementation of its argument) to occur more than

	      GETCHAR() is equivalent to FGETC(stdin).

	      FGETW returns the next word (36-bit integer on the
	      DEC-20) from the named input stream.  It returns the
	      constant EOF upon end-of-file or error, but since that
	      is a valid integer value, FEOF or FERROR should be used
	      to check the success of FGETW.  FGETW assumes no special
	      alignment in the stream.

	      GETW() is equivalent to FGETW(stdin).

	      fopen, putc, fgets, scanf, ungetc

	      These functions return the constant EOF at end-of-file
	      or upon any error.

	      FGETW and GETW do not, at the present, work properly;
	      the reason being that seven-bit characters do not fit
	      properly in 36-bit words, and both routines do character

	                                                       Page 32
	  fgets, gets

	  fgets, gets:  get a string from a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fgets(s, n, stream)
	      char *s;
	      int n;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int gets(s, n)
	      char *s;
	      int n;

	      FGETS reads characters from the named input stream and
	      places them into the string s.  If the value passed for
	      the integer argument n is zero, FGETS stops reading when
	      it sees a newline character.  If the value passed for n
	      is greater than zero, FGETS stops when it sees a newline
	      or has read (n - 1) characters, whichever comes first;
	      if the value passed is less than zero, it stops when it
	      has read -(n - 1) characters.  End-of-file or a file
	      error will also cause FGETS to stop reading characters.
	      If a newline character caused FGETS to stop reading,
	      that newline is included in the returned string.  A null
	      character is placed in the string after the last
	      character read.

	      GETS() is equivalent to FGETS(stdin).

	      Both FGETS and GETS return their first arguments;  both
	      return NULL if end-of-file or a file error occurred on
	      the first attempt to read a character.

	      puts, getc, scanf, ferror

	                                                       Page 33
	  filnam, getname, fgetname

	  filnam, getname, fgetname:  determine real file name

	      int filnam(fildes, fields, name)
	      int fildes;
	      char *fields;
	      char *name;
	      int getname(fildes, name)
	      int fildes;
	      char *name;
	      int fgetname(stream, name)
	      FILE *stream;
	      char *name;

	      FILNAM fills in name with pieces of the filename
	      associated with the given file descriptor fildes.
	      Fields is string of descriptors for specifying which
	      parts of the filename are to be returned;  each
	      descriptor is two characters "fw", where "f" can be:

	      Char    Corresponds to Field
	      ----    --------------------
	      v(V)    device
	      d(D)    directory
	      n(N)    name
	      e(E)    extension
	      g(G)    generation number
	      f(F)    all of the above five
	      p(P)    protection
	      a(A)    account
	      t(T)    ";T" for temporary files

	      and where "w" can be:

	      Char    Means
	      ----    -----
	      a(A)    return this field
	      d(D)    return this field if it is not the default
	      n(N)    do not return this field

	      The returned string is terminated with a null character;
	      FILNAM does not check for overflow of the target string.

	      GETNAME(fildes, name) is equivalent to FILNAM(fildes,
	      "fata", name).

	      FGETNAME(stream, name) is equivalent to
	      GETNAME(fileno(stream), name).

	                                                       Page 34
	  filnam, getname, fgetname

	      open, close, creat, fileno

	      FILNAM returns 0 for success, -1 for failure.  GETNAME
	      returns buffer for success, -1 for failure.  FGETNAME
	      returns buffer for success, 0 for failure.

	                                                       Page 35
	  filsiz, filpcnt, filpused, filpfree

	  filsiz, filpcnt, filpused, filpfree:  determine file size

	      int filsiz(fildes)
	      int fildes;
	      int filpcnt(fildes)
	      int fildes;
	      int filpused(fildes, page)
	      int fildes;
	      int page
	      int filpfree(fildes, page)
	      int fildes;
	      int page

	      These four routines return information related to the
	      size and usage of the file associated with the given
	      file descriptor.

	      FILSIZ returns the size of the file in bytes.

	      FILPCNT returns the size of the file in pages.

	      FILPUSED returns the page number of the first used page
	      in the file at or after the given page (page numbers
	      start at zero).

	      FILPFREE returns the page number of the first free page
	      in the file at or after the given page.  This page could
	      represent either a hole in the file or the page after
	      the last one.


	      FILSIZ and FILPCNT both return -1 for errors.  FILPUSED
	      (FILPFREE) returns -1 both for errors and for no more
	      used (free) pages.

	                                                       Page 36
	  fopen, fdopen, freopen

	  fopen, fdopen, freopen:  open (or reopen) a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      FILE *fopen(filename, mode)
	      char *filename;
	      char *mode;
	      FILE *fdopen(fildes, mode)
	      int fildes;
	      char *mode;
	      FILE *freopen(filename, mode, fp)
	      char *filename;
	      char *mode;
	      FILE *fp

	      FOPEN opens the file named by filename and associates a
	      stream with it.  FOPEN returns a pointer to be used in
	      subsequent operations to identify the file.

	      Mode is a character string having one of the following

	      "r"   open for reading

	      "w"   open for writing

	      "a"   append:  open for writing at end of file, or
	            create for writing

	      In addition, each type may be followed by a '+' to have
	      the file opened for reading and writing.  "r+" positions
	      the stream at the beginning of the file, "w+" creates or
	      truncates it, and "a+" positions it at the end.  Both
	      reads and writes may be used on read/write streams, with
	      the limitation that an FSEEK, REWIND, or reading an
	      end-of-file must be used between a read and a write or

	      FDOPEN associates a stream with a file descriptor
	      obtained from OPEN or CREAT.  The mode of the stream
	      must agree with the mode of the open file.

	      FREOPEN(filename, mode, fp) is equivalent to FCLOSE(fp)
	      (if the stream is associated with an open file),
	      followed by FOPEN(filename, mode), except that the FOPEN
	      is constrained to reuse the given stream pointer fp.
	      That is, the stream is closed if it is open, then the
	      given file is opened and associated with the given

	                                                       Page 37
	  fopen, fdopen, freopen

	      open, fclose

	      FOPEN returns the pointer value NULL if filename cannot
	      be accessed.  FDOPEN returns NULL if there are no more
	      stream pointers available.  FREOPEN returns fp for
	      success, NULL for failure (in which case any previous
	      file associated with fp has been closed).

	                                                       Page 38
	  fputc, putc, putchar, fputw, putw

	  fputc, putc, putchar, fputw, putw:  put a character or word
	      on a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fputc(ch, stream)
	      char ch;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int putc(ch, stream)
	      char ch;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int putchar(ch)
	      char ch;
	      int fputw(i, stream)
	      int i;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int putw(i)
	      int i;

	      FPUTC appends the character ch to the named output
	      stream.  It returns the character written.

	      PUTC behaves like FPUTC, but it is a macro, not a
	      function.  As such, it can cause side effects associated
	      with its arguments (e.g., post-incrementing) to occur
	      more than once.

	      PUTCHAR(ch) is equivalent to PUTC(ch, stdout).

	      FPUTW appends word (integer) i to the output stream.  It
	      returns the word written.  It neither assumes nor causes
	      any special alignment in the associated file.

	      PUTW(i) is equivalent to FPUTW(i, stdout).

	      The standard stream stdout is normally buffered if and
	      only if the output does not refer to a terminal;  this
	      default may be changed by SETBUF.  The standard stream
	      stderr is by default unbuffered unconditionally, this
	      again can be changed by SETBUF.  When an output stream
	      is unbuffered information appears on the destination
	      file or terminal as soon as it is written;  when it is
	      buffered many characters are saved up and written as a
	      block.  FFLUSH can be used to force the block out early.

	                                                       Page 39
	  fputc, putc, putchar, fputw, putw

	      fopen, fclose, getc, puts, printf

	      These functions return the constant EOF upon error.
	      Since this is a valid integer, FERROR should be used to
	      detect FPUTW and PUTW errors.

	      If an output stream is buffered, errors associated with
	      the file to which it is can occur long after a call to
	      one of these functions.

	      FPUTW and PUTW do not, at the present, work properly;
	      the reason being that seven-bit characters do not fit
	      properly in 36-bit words, and both routines do character

	                                                       Page 40
	  fputs, puts

	  fputs, puts:  put a string on a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fputs(s, stream)
	      char *s;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int puts(s)
	      char *s;

	      FPUTS copies the null-terminated string s to the named
	      output stream.

	      PUTS(s) is equivalent to FPUTS(s, stdout).

	      Neither routine copies the terminal null character.

	      fopen, gets, putc, printf, ferror

	      If an output stream is buffered, errors associated with
	      the file to which it is connected to can occur long
	      after the call to one of these functions.

	                                                       Page 41
	  fread, fwrite

	  fread, fwrite:  buffered block input/output

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fread(buf, sizeof(*buf), count, stream)
	      int count;
	      FILE *stream;
	      int fwrite(buf, sizeof(*buf), count, stream)
	      int count;
	      FILE *stream;

	      FREAD reads, into a block beginning at buf, count items
	      of data of the size of *buf from the named input stream.
	      It returns the number of items actually read.  This
	      function cannot be used to read words, since it does
	      character input.  Although five characters fit in a
	      word, they do not do so evenly.

	      If the stream is stdin and the standard output is line
	      buffered, then any partial output will be flushed before
	      any call to READ to satisfy the FREAD.

	      FWRITE appends at most count items of data of the size
	      of *buf beginning at buf to the named output stream.  It
	      returns the number of items actually written.  This
	      function cannot be used to write words, since it does
	      character output.  Although five characters fit in a
	      word, they do not do so evenly.

	      read, write, fopen, getc, gets, scanf, putc, puts,

	      It generally indicates an error if either function
	      returns a number other than the requested count;  use
	      FEOF and/or FERROR to be sure.

	                                                       Page 42
	  fseek, ftell, rewind

	  fseek, ftell, rewind:  reposition a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int fseek(stream, offset, origin)
	      FILE *stream;
	      long offset;
	      int origin;
	      long ftell(stream)
	      FILE *stream;
	      int rewind(stream)
	      FILE *stream;

	      FSEEK sets the position of the next input or output
	      operation on stream.  The new position is at the signed
	      distance offset bytes from the beginning, the current
	      position, or the end of the file, according as origin
	      has the value 0, 1, or 2.

	      FSEEK undoes the effects of UNGETC.

	      FTELL returns the current value of the offset relative
	      to the beginning of the file associated with the named
	      stream.  It is measured in bytes (first byte numbered 0)
	      on the DEC-20.

	      REWIND(stream) is equivalent to
	      FSEEK(stream, (long) 0, 0).

	      lseek, fopen

	      FSEEK returns -1 for improper seeks.

	                                                       Page 43

	  gtjfn.h:  long-form GTJFN% JSYS argument table

	      #include <gtjfn.h>

	      <Gtjfn.h> is an #include file which defines a typedef'ed
	      structure for a long-form GTJFN% JSYS argument table,
	      and #define's all of the various named offsets and bits
	      for such a table.  In combination with the TOPS-20
	      Monitor Calls Reference Manual, it is self-documenting.
	      ------- ----- --------- ------

	      TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual, comnd.h
	      ------- ------- ----- --------- ------
	      (csb_setup, etc.), _getjfn, _reljfn

	                                                       Page 44
	  _getjfn, _open, __open

	  _getjfn, _open, __open:  lowest-level file opening

	      int _getjfn(file, new, defname, defext, prot, is_temp)
	      char *file;
	      int new;
	      char *defname;
	      char *defext;
	      int prot;
	      int is_temp;
	      int __open(fildes, access, bsize)
	      int fildes;
	      int access;
	      int bsize;
	      int _open(file, access, bsize, defname, defext, pmode,
	                new, is_temp)
	      char *file;
	      int access;
	      int bsize;
	      char *defname;
	      char *defext;
	      int pmode;
	      int new;
	      int is_temp;

	      _Getjfn gets a jfn (file descriptor) for the named file,
	      which may either be a non-existent file (new == TRUE) or
	      an existing one (new == FALSE).  Defname and defext are
	      strings containing the default filename and extension,
	      respectively, for use when the given file name does not
	      specify them.  Prot, if non-zero, is the default
	      protection for the file when none is specified.  If prot
	      is passed as zero, the default protection will be that
	      of the next-lowest generation of the file, or that
	      specified by the directory.  Is_temp should be TRUE if
	      it is desired that the returned jfn be for a temporary
	      file, otherwise it should be false.

	      __Open opens the given jfn (file descriptor).  Access
	      gives the desired access to the file;  bit 32 (octal
	      010) on specifies that read access is desired, bit 33
	      (octal 04) on specifies that write access is desired,
	      bit 34 (octal 02) on specifies that execute access is
	      desired, and bit 35 (octal 01) on specifies that append
	      access is desired.  Bsize gives the byte size (1 through
	      36, 0 also means 36) at which to open the file.

	      _Open(file, access, bsize, defname, defext, pmode, new,
	      is_temp) is equivalent to

	                                                       Page 45
	  _getjfn, _open, __open

	      __open(_getjfn(file, defname, defext, pmode, new,
	      is_temp), access, bsize).

	      open, close, _close, _reljfn

	      _Getjfn returns -1 for failure, otherwise a jfn.  __Open
	      returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.  _Open
	      returns -1 for failure, otherwise a jfn.

	                                                       Page 46

	  g_prargs:  get process storage block entry

	      g_prargs(flag_string, buffer)
	      char *flag_string;
	      char *buffer;

	      G_prargs looks in the current process' process storage
	      block for an argument block whose label (sixbit left
	      half of first word) is the given flag_string.  If it
	      finds such an argument block, it puts the ascii argument
	      in the given buffer (null-terminated) and returns TRUE.
	      Otherwise, the buffer is unmodified, and g_prargs
	      returns FALSE.


	                                                       Page 47
	  index, rindex

	  index, rindex:  finding characters in strings

	      int index(s, ch)
	      char *s;
	      char ch;
	      int rindex(s, ch)
	      char *s;
	      char ch;

	      INDEX (RINDEX) returns a pointer to the first (last)
	      occurrence of character ch in string s, or the NULL
	      pointer (zero) if ch does not occur in s.  INDEX
	      (RINDEX) is identical to STRCHR (STRRCHR).

	      strchr, strrchr

	                                                       Page 48

	  intrpt:  cause a programmable software interrupt system

	      int intrpt(fork, channel)
	      int fork;
	      int channel;

	      Intrpt() causes an interrupt to be generated on the
	      given PSI system channel.  Fork is the handle for the
	      process for to cause the interrupt (-1 for the calling
	      process), and channel (0 through 35) is the channel on
	      which the interrupt should occur.

	      Intrpt() returns 0 for success, -1 for illegal channel
	      (not in the range zero through 35), otherwise a TOPS-20
	      error code.

	      Enapsi(), dispsi(), defsic(), enasic(), dissic(),
	      TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual (section 2.6,

	                                                       Page 49
	  isadsk, isatty

	  isadsk, isatty:  help determine device type of a file

	      int isadsk(fildes)
	      int fildes;
	      int isatty(fildes)
	      int fildes;

	      ISADSK returns 1 if fildes is associated with a disk
	      device, 0 otherwise.
	      ISATTY returns 1 if fildes is associated with a terminal
	      device, 0 otherwise.


	                                                       Page 50
	  itoa, _itoa

	  itoa, _itoa:  convert numbers to strings

	      int _itoa(buf, num, base, magnitude, sign_plus,
	                columns, lead_fill, fill_zero)
	      char *buf;
	      int num;
	      int base;
	      int magnitude;
	      int sign_plus;
	      int columns;
	      int lead_fill;
	      int fill_zero;
	      int itoa(num, buf)
	      int num;
	      char *buf;

	      _ITOA converts the integer num to a string
	      representation and stores the result in the character
	      buffer buf.

	      Base is the base for the conversion (2 means binary, 8
	      means octal, etc.).  If magnitude is TRUE, the number is
	      treated as if it were unsigned (in any base);  otherwise
	      it is treated as if it were signed.  If signed
	      conversion is requested, a '-' is prepended to all
	      negative converted numbers.  If sign_plus is TRUE, a '+'
	      is prepended to converted positive numbers;  otherwise
	      converted positive numbers have no sign.

	      Columns is the minimum number of columns into which the
	      converted number is printed;  the routine will print
	      more than this many columns if the converted number
	      requires it.  If lead_fill is TRUE, the number is
	      printed right-justified in the given number of columns,
	      and any unused columns on the left can be filled with
	      spaces (fill_zero == FALSE) or zeros (fill_zero ==
	      TRUE).  If lead_fill is FALSE, the number is printed
	      left-justified in the given number of columns, and any
	      unused columns on the right are filled with spaces.  No
	      filling takes place if the converted number requires the
	      same or greater number of printed positions than were
	      passed in the columns argument.

	      Itoa(num, buf) is the same as _itoa(buf, num, 10, FALSE,
	      FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE)

	      Both routines append a null character to the converted
	      string, and both return the length of the converted

	                                                       Page 51
	  itoa, _itoa

	      Neither _ITOA nor ITOA checks for overflow of the target

	      atoi, sprintf

	                                                       Page 52

	  _jsys:  do an arbitrary JSYS (system call)

	      #include <jsys.h>
	      int _jsys(jsys_num, ac1_addr, ac2_addr, ac3_addr, ac4_addr)
	      int jsys_num;
	      int *ac1_addr, *ac2_addr, *ac3_addr, *ac4_addr;

	      _JSYS performs an arbitrary JSYS (TOPS-20 system call),
	      where jsys_num is the number of the JSYS to perform (see
	      the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual or
	          ------- ------- ----- --------- ------
	      equivalent).  Ac1_addr through ac4_addr are the
	      addresses of the words (integers) whose contents are to
	      be placed in accumulators 1 through 4 before the JSYS is
	      performed, and which will receive the contents of
	      accumulators 1 through 4 after the JSYS finishes.  The
	      constant NULL can be passed for any of these addresses,
	      in which case the corresponding accumulator is not set
	      to any value before the JSYS, and the contents of said
	      accumulator are not available after the JSYS.

	      <Jsys.h> #define's all of the JSYS codes;  the code for
	      any given JSYS is defined as the uppercased JSYS name
	      (exactly as given in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference
	                               ------- ------- ----- ---------
	      Manual) followed by a '_' (underbar).  An example (taken
	      directly from <jsys.h>) is:

	      #define PSOUT_          076

	      <Jsys.h> also #define's several common constants used
	      with JSYS's, such as _PRIIN.  Look through <jsys.h> to
	      see what is available.

	      If an error return is taken by the JSYS, this function
	      determines and returns the DEC-20 error code (which can
	      be found in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual)
	                      ------- ------- ----- --------- ------
	      which describes the error that occurred.

	                                                       Page 53

	  lseek:  move read/write pointer

	      long lseek(fildes, offset, origin)
	      int fildes;
	      long offset;
	      int origin;

	      LSEEK sets the position of the next input or output
	      operation on the file associated with fildes.  The new
	      position is at the signed distance offset bytes from the
	      beginning, the current position, or the end of the file,
	      according as origin has the value 0, 1, or 2.

	      The returned value is the resulting pointer location.

	      open, creat, fseek

	      -1 is returned upon any error (undefined file
	      descriptor, improper seek offset and/or origin, etc.).

	                                                       Page 54
	  malloc, calloc, realloc, free, cfree

	  malloc, calloc, realloc, free, cfree:  dynamic memory

	      char *malloc(size)
	      int size;
	      char *calloc(num, size)
	      int num;
	      int size;
	      char *realloc(blk, size)
	      char *blk;
	      int size;
	      int free(blk)
	      char *blk;
	      int cfree(blk)
	      char *blk;

	      MALLOC and FREE provide a simple general-purpose memory
	      allocation package.  MALLOC returns a pointer to a block
	      at least size bytes big beginning on a word boundary.

	      The argument to FREE is a pointer to a block previously
	      allocated by MALLOC;  this space is made available for
	      further allocation, but its contents are left

	      Needless to say, grave disorder will result if the space
	      assigned by MALLOC is overrun or if some random number
	      is handed to FREE.

	      MALLOC allocates the first big-enough reach of
	      contiguous free space found in a circular search from
	      the last block allocated or freed, coalescing adjacent
	      free blocks as it searches.  It obtains more memory from
	      the system when there is no suitable space already free.

	      REALLOC changes the size of the block pointed to by blk
	      to size bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly
	      moved) block.  The contents will be unchanged up to the
	      lesser of the new and old sizes.  REALLOC also works if
	      blk points to a block freed since the last call to
	      MALLOC, REALLOC, or CALLOC;  thus sequences of FREE,
	      MALLOC, and REALLOC can exploit the search strategy of
	      MALLOC to do storage compaction.

	      CALLOC allocates space for an array of num elements of
	      size size, which space is initialized to zeros.

	                                                       Page 55
	  malloc, calloc, realloc, free, cfree

	      CFREE is equivalent to FREE.

	      Each of the allocation routines returns a pointer to
	      space suitably aligned (after possible pointer coercion)
	      for storage of any type of object.

	      MALLOC, REALLOC, and CALLOC return a NULL pointer (0) if
	      there is no available memory or if the arena has been
	      detectably corrupted by storing outside the bounds of a
	      block.  MALLOC may be recompiled to check the arena very
	      stringently on every transaction;  see the source code.

	      When REALLOC returns NULL (0), the block pointed to by
	      blk may have been destroyed.

	      The current incarnation of the allocator is unsuitable
	      for direct use in a large virtual environment where many
	      small blocks are to be kept, since it keeps all
	      allocated and freed blocks on a single circular list.
	      Just before more memory is obtained from the operating
	      system, all allocated and freed blocks are referenced;
	      this can cause a huge number of page faults.

	                                                       Page 56

	  mbyt_pointer:  make a magic DEC-20 byte pointer

	      int mbyt_pointer(size, location, address)
	      int size;
	      int location;
	      int address;

	      MBYT_POINTER builds a magic DEC-20 byte pointer to a
	      byte of the given size, at the given location in the
	      word at the given address.

	      The size may range from 1 through 36.

	      The location specifies the byte number (within the word)
	      of the byte to which the returned byte pointer should
	      point, and may range from -1 (to specify the byte
	      preceding the first one at the given address) through 1
	      less than the number of bytes of the given size that can
	      fit in a word.  Thus, for example, for 7-bit bytes
	      location can be any of -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

	      Returns -1 for unreasonable size (less than 1 or greater
	      then 36) or unreasonable location.

	                                                       Page 57

	  open:  open a file

	      int open(name, mode)
	      char *name;
	      int mode;

	      OPEN opens the file name for reading (if mode is 0),
	      writing (if mode is 1), or for both reading and writing
	      (if mode is 2).  Name points to a null-terminated string
	      containing a filename.

	      The file is positioned at the beginning (byte 0).  The
	      returned file descriptor must be used for subsequent
	      calls for other input-output functions on the file.

	      creat, read, write, close, fopen

	      The value -1 is returned if the file cannot be found or
	      is inaccessible in the given mode.

	                                                       Page 58
	  perror, serror, gerrstring, _error, _warn

	  perror, serror, gerrstring, _error, _warn:  exception

	      int perror(msg)
	      char *msg;
	      int serror(msg, ecode)
	      char *msg;
	      int ecode;
	      int g_errstring(buffer, ecode)
	      char *buffer;
	      int ecode;
	      int _error(msg)
	      char *msg;
	      int _warn(msg)
	      char *msg;

	      PERROR prints the string "msg: errorstring\n" on the
	      terminal, where "errorstring" is the error message
	      corresponding to the last error that occurred in the

	      SERROR is the same as PERROR, except that the
	      "errorstring" is the one corresponding to the given
	      TOPS-20 error code (give -1 to get the most recent

	      G_ERRSTRING fills in the given buffer with the
	      "errorstring" corresponding to the given TOPS-20 error
	      code (give -1 to get the most recent error).  It does
	      not check for overflow of the buffer.

	      The first time _ERROR is called, it prints msg on the
	      terminal, then tries to EXIT from the program.  The
	      second and all succeeding times it is called, it just
	      tries to _EXIT.

	      _WARN prints msg on the terminal and returns (it does
	      not exit the program).


	                                                       Page 59
	  printf, fprintf, sprintf

	  printf, fprintf, sprintf:  formatted output conversion

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      printf(format [, arg ] )
	      char *format;
	      int fprintf(stream, format [, arg ] )
	      FILE *stream;
	      char *format;
	      int sprintf(s, format [, arg ] )
	      char *s;
	      char *format;

	      PRINTF places output on the standard output stream
	      stdout.  FPRINTF places output on the named output
	      stream.  SPRINTF places "output" into the string s, with
	      a null character appended.

	      Each of these functions converts, formats, and prints
	      its args under the control of the given format, which is
	      a character string containing two types of objects:
	      plain characters, which are simply copied to the output
	      stream, and conversion specifications, each of which
	      causes conversion and printing of the next successive

	      Each conversion specification is introduced by the
	      character '%'.  Following the '%', there may be:

	      o     an optional minus sign '-', which specifies left
	            adjustment of the converted value in the indicated

	      o     an optional digit string specifying a field width;
	            if the converted value has fewer characters than
	            the field width it will be blank-padded on the
	            right (or the left, if the left-adjustment
	            indicator has been given) to make up the field
	            width;  if the field width begins with a zero,
	            zero-padding will be done instead of

	      o     an optional period '.', which serves to separate
	            the field width from the next digit string;

	      o     an optional digit string specifying a precision
	            which tells the maximum number of characters to be
	            printed from a string;

	                                                       Page 60
	  printf, fprintf, sprintf

	      o     the character 'l' (or 'L'), specifying that a
	            following 'd', 'o', 'x', or 'u' corresponds to a
	            long integer arg instead of an integer one;

	      o     a character which specifies the type of conversion
	            to be done.

	      The conversion characters and their meanings are:

	      dox   The integer arg is converted to decimal, octal, or
	            hexadecimal notation, respectively.

	      c     The character arg is printed.

	      s     Arg is taken to be a string (character pointer),
	            and characters from the string are printed until a
	            null character is found or the number of
	            characters indicated by the precision
	            specification is reached;  if the precision
	            specification is zero or missing then all
	            characters up to a null are printed.

	      u     The unsigned integer arg is converted to decimal
	            (unsigned) and printed.

	      %     A '%' is printed;  no argument is converted.

	      In no case does a non-existent or small field width
	      cause trucation of a field;  padding takes place only if
	      the specified field width exceeds the actual width.
	      Characters generated by PRINTF are printed by PUTC.

	      itoa, putc, scanf

	                                                       Page 61

	  read:  read from a file

	      int read(fildes, buf, count)
	      int fildes;
	      char *buf;
	      int count;

	      READ causes at most count characters to be taken from
	      the file associated with fildes and placed in buffer (no
	      terminating null character is appended to the characters
	      read).  The number of characters read is returned;  zero
	      is returned if no characters remain in the file.

	      Several events can cause READ to read fewer characters
	      than were specified;  among them are reaching
	      end-of-file and (eventually, but not at present) reading
	      a newline character when the file is a terminal.

	      READ does not check for overflow of buf.

	      open, write

	      As mentioned, zero is returned if the file pointer is at
	      the end of the file.  -1 is returned for a variety of
	      file errors.

	                                                       Page 62
	  _reljfn, _close

	  _reljfn, _close:  lowest-level file closing

	      int _reljfn(jfn)
	      int jfn;
	      int _close(jfn, do_expunge)
	      int jfn;
	      int do_expunge;

	      _Reljfn releases the given jfn (file descriptor).

	      _Close closes the given jfn (file descriptor), and
	      optionally (if do_expunge is TRUE) expunges the
	      associated file.

	      Close(fildes) is equivalent to _close(fildes, FALSE).

	      open, close, _getjfn, __open, _open

	      Both routines return 0 for success, and a TOPS-20 error
	      code for failure.

	                                                       Page 63
	  scanf, fscanf, sscanf

	  scanf, fscanf, sscanf:  formatted input conversion

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int scanf(format [, pointer ] )
	      char *format;
	      int fscanf(stream, format [, pointer ] )
	      FILE *stream;
	      char *format;
	      int sscanf(s, format [, pointer ] )
	      char *s;
	      char *format;

	      SCANF reads from the standard input stream stdin.
	      FSCANF reads from the named stream.  SSCANF "reads" from
	      the string pointed to by s.  Each function reads
	      characters, interprets them according to the format, and
	      stores the results in the objects pointed to by its
	      pointer arguments.

	      The control string usually contains conversion
	      specifications, which are used to direct interpretation
	      of input sequences.  The control string may contain:

	      o     Blanks, tabs, or newlines, which match optional
	            white space in the input.

	      o     An ordinary character (not '%'), which must match
	            the next character of the input stream.

	      o     Conversion specifications, consisting of the
	            character '%', an optional assignment suppression
	            character '*', an optional numerical maximum field
	            width, and a conversion character.

	      A conversion specification directs the conversion of the
	      next input field;  the result is placed in the variable
	      pointed to by the corresponding argument, unless
	      assignment suppression was indicated by '*'.  An input
	      field is defined as a string of non-space characters;
	      it extends to the next inappropriate character or until
	      the field width, if specified, is exhausted.

	      The conversion character indicates the interpretation of
	      the input field;  the corresponding pointer argument
	      must usually be of a restricted type.  The following
	      conversion characters are legal:

	                                                       Page 64
	  scanf, fscanf, sscanf

	      dox   a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal integer is
	            expected, respectively;  the corresponding
	            argument should be an integer pointer.

	      c     a character is expected;  the corresponding
	            argument should be a character pointer.  The
	            normal skip over white space characters is
	            suppressed in this case;  to read the next
	            non-white character, use "%1s".  If a field width
	            is given, the corresponding argument should refer
	            to a character array, and the indicated number of
	            characters is read.

	      s     a character string is expected;  the corresponding
	            argument should be a character pointer pointing to
	            an array of characters large enough to accept the
	            string and a terminating null, which will be
	            added.  The input field is terminated by a white
	            space character.

	      [     indicates a string not to be delimited by white
	            space characters.  The left bracket is followed by
	            a set of characters and a right bracket;  the
	            characters between the brackets define a set of
	            characters making up the string.  If the first
	            character is not circumflex '^', the input field
	            is all characters up to the first character not in
	            the bracketed set;  if the first character after
	            the left bracket is '^', the input field is all
	            characters up to the first character in the
	            bracketed set (not counting the initial '^').  The
	            corresponding argument must point to a character

	      %     a single '%' is expected in the input at this
	            point;  no assignment is done.

	      The conversion characters 'd', 'o', and 'x' may be
	      preceded by 'l' ('h') to indicate that a pointer to a
	      long (short) integer, rather than to an integer, is the
	      corresponding argument.

	      The SCANF functions return the number of successfully
	      matched and assigned input items.  This can be used to
	      decide how many input items were found.  The constant
	      EOF is returned upon end-of-input;  note that this is
	      different from zero, which means that no conversion was
	      done;  if conversion was intended, it was frustrated by
	      an inappropriate character in the input.

	                                                       Page 65
	  scanf, fscanf, sscanf

	      atoi, getc, printf

	                                                       Page 66

	  setbuf:  assign buffering to a stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      int setbuf(stream, buf)
	      FILE *stream;
	      char *buf;

	      SETBUF is used after a stream has been opened but before
	      it is read or written.  It causes the character array
	      buf to be used instead of an automatically allocated
	      buffer.  If buf is the constant pointer NULL, input
	      and/or output will be completely unbuffered.

	      A manifest constant BUFSIZ (#define'd in <stdio.h>)
	      tells how big an array is needed:

	      char buf[BUFSIZ];

	      A buffer is normally obtained from MALLOC upon the first
	      GETC or PUTC on the file, except that the standard
	      output stream stdout is line buffered when it is
	      directed to a terminal.  Other output streams directed
	      to terminals, and the standard error stream stderr, are
	      normally not buffered.  If the stdout is line buffered,
	      then it is flushed each time data is read from stdin by

	      fopen, getc, putc, malloc

	                                                       Page 67

	  stdio:  standard buffered input/output package

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      FILE *stdin;
	      FILE *stdout;
	      FILE *stderr;

	      The functions of the standard input/output package
	      constitute an efficient user-level buffering scheme.
	      The in-line macros GETC and PUTC handle characters
	      quickly.  The higher-level routines (F)GETS, FREAD,
	      (F,S)SCANF, (F)PUTS, FWRITE, and (F,S)PRINTF all use
	      GETC and PUTC;  they can be freely intermixed.

	      A file with associated buffering is called a stream, and
	      is declared to be a pointer to a defined type FILE.
	      FOPEN creates certain descriptive data for a stream and
	      returns a pointer to designate the stream in all further
	      transactions.  There are three normally-open streams
	      with constant pointers declared in the include file and
	      associated with the standard open files:

	      stdin    standard input file
	      stdout   standard output file
	      stderr   standard error file

	      A constant "pointer" NULL (0) designates no stream at

	      An integer constant EOF (-1) is returned upon
	      end-of-file or error by integer functions that deal with

	      Any routines that uses the standard input/output package
	      must include the header file <stdio.h> of pertinent
	      macro definitions.  The functions and constants
	      mentioned in the sections of this document describing
	      the various functions are declared in the header file
	      and need no further declaration.  The constants and the
	      and FILENO are implemented as macros;  redeclaration of
	      these names is perilous.

	      fopen, getc, fread, printf, putc, fwrite, scanf, open,
	      read, write

	                                                       Page 68

	      The value EOF is returned uniformly to indicate that a
	      FILE pointer has not been initialized with FOPEN, input
	      (output) has been attempted on an output (input) stream,
	      or a FILE pointer designates corrupt or otherwise
	      unintelligible FILE data.

	      For purposes of efficiency, this implementation line
	      buffers output to a terminal by default and attempts to
	      do so transparently by flushing the output whenever a
	      READ from the standard input is necessary.  This almost
	      always works, but may cause confusion or malfunctioning
	      of programs which use standard i/o routines, but use
	      READ themselves to read from the standard input.

	      In cases where a large amount of computation is done
	      after printing part of a line on an output terminal, it
	      may be necessary to FFLUSH stdout before going off and
	      computing so that the output will appear.

	                                                       Page 69

	  _st_fl:  how did this program start running?

	      extern int _st_fl;

	      _St_fl is an integer variable in the standard library
	      whose value is zero if the program was started at it
	      REENTER address, and non-zero if it was started at its
	      START address.


	                                                       Page 70
	  strlen, strcpy, strucpy, strcat, strcmp, strucmp, strchr, strrchr

	  strlen, strcpy, strucpy, strcat, strcmp, strucmp, strchr,
	      strrchr:  string operations

	      int strlen(s)
	      char *s;
	      int strcpy(s, t)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int strucpy(s, t)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int strcat(s, t)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int strcmp(s, t)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int strucmp(s, t)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int strchr(s, ch)
	      char *s;
	      char ch;
	      int strrchr(s, ch)
	      char *s;
	      char ch;

	      These functions operate on null-terminated strings.
	      They do not check for overflow of any receiving string.

	      STRLEN returns the number of characters before the first
	      null in s.

	      STRCPY copies string t to string s, stopping after the
	      null terminating character has been moved, and returns

	      STRUCPY behaves exactly like STRCPY, except that it
	      uppercases lowercase letters as it copies (yes, you can
	      give the same string as both the source and the target;
	      the effect is to uppercase the string in place).

	      STRCAT appends a copy of string t to the end of string
	      s, and returns s.

	                                                       Page 71
	  strlen, strcpy, strucpy, strcat, strcmp, strucmp, strchr, strrchr

	      STRCMP compares its arguments and returns an integer
	      greater than, equal to, or less than zero, according as
	      s is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater
	      than t.

	      STRUCMP behaves excatly like STRCMP, except that the
	      strings are compared without regard for the case of
	      letters (i.e., 'A' == 'a').

	      STRCHR (STRRCHR) returns a pointer to the first (last)
	      occurrence of character ch in string s, or the NULL
	      pointer (zero) if ch does not occur in s.  STRCHR
	      (STRRCHR) is identical to INDEX (RINDEX).

	      strncpy, strncat, strncmp, index, rindex

	                                                       Page 72
	  strncpy, strncat, strncmp

	  strncpy, strncat, strncmp:  size-limited string operations

	      int strncpy(s, t, n)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int n;
	      int strncat(s, t, n)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int n;
	      int strncmp(s, t, n)
	      char *s;
	      char *t;
	      int n;

	      These functions operate on null-terminated strings, and
	      are roughly equivalent to the functions strcpy, strcat,
	      and strcmp, respectively, except that their behavior may
	      be length-limited.  They do not check for overflow of
	      any receiving string.

	      STRNCPY copies n characters to string s.  If the length
	      of string t is less than n, then all of t, followed by
	      (n - length(t)) null characters, is copied to s.  If the
	      length of t is greater than or equal to n, then exactly
	      n characters of t are copied to s.  Note that s will not
	      be null-terminated unless the length of t is less than

	      STRNCAT appends at most n characters from string t to
	      the end of string s, and returns s.  If the length of t
	      is less than n, then all of t is appended to s.  The new
	      string is null-terminated.

	      STRNCMP compares its arguments and returns an integer
	      greater than, equal to, or less than zero, according as
	      the first n characters of s are lexicographically less
	      than, equal to, or greater than the first n characters
	      of t.  If either string has length less than n, then the
	      strings are only compared up to the end of the shorter
	      of the two.

	      strcpy, strcat, strcmp

	      STRNCPY's failure to null-terminate the target string
	      when the length of the source string is greater than or
	      equal to the given length is a little weird;  it is the

	                                                       Page 73
	  strncpy, strncat, strncmp

	      only string-handling function which exhibits this

	                                                       Page 74
	  strspn, strcspn, strpbrk

	  strspn, strcspn, strpbrk:  search for characters (not) in a

	      int strspn(string, charset)
	      char *string;
	      char *charset;
	      int strcspn(string, charset)
	      char *string;
	      char *charset;
	      int strpbrk(string, charset)
	      char *string;
	      char *charset;

	      These routines search the given string for a character
	      in or not in the given set of characters.

	      STRSPN counts the number of characters in the string
	      before the first occurence of a character not in the
	      given set;  that is, it counts the number of leading
	      characters in the string which are in the given set.  It
	      returns the count, which obviously can range from zero
	      through the length of the string.

	      STRCSPN is the complement of STRSPN;  it counts the
	      number of characters in the string before the first
	      occurence of a character that is in the given set.  It
	      returns the count.

	      STRPBRK returns a pointer to the position of the first
	      character in the given string which is also in the given
	      set;  it returns NULL if no character in the string is
	      also in the set.

	      index, rindex

	                                                       Page 75
	  tb.h, tb_build

	  tb.h, tb_build:  access to TBxxx% JSYS table handling

	      #include <tb.h>
	      int tb_build(comtab_addr, arg_blocks, curr_tab_size,
	      tb_comtab *comtab_addr;
	      tbb_entry arg_blocks[];
	      int curr_tab_size;
	      int max_tab_size;

	      <Tb.h> and TB_BUILD provide access to the TOPS-20
	      table-handling capabilities (TBxxx% JSYS).

	      <Tb.h> provides a host of type and #define definitions
	      to be used in building and maintaining keyword tables.
	      A careful perusal of it, as well as a good reading of
	      the TBxxx% JSYS definitions in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls
	                                         ------- ------- -----
	      Reference Manual, is recommended before launching off
	      --------- ------
	      into this particular fog.

	      TB_BUILD builds a keyword table at comtab_addr with the
	      given current and maximum sizes, filling it in from the
	      table-building blocks in arg_blocks[].  The value given
	      as the current size should be the number of entries in
	      arg_blocks[].  The value given as the maximum size
	      should be this large or larger.

	      When the tbbe_flags field of a tbb_entry is zero, the
	      keyword string in tbbe_string should be exactly what is
	      desired for the keyword;  when tbbe_flags is non-zero,
	      the keyword string in tbbe_string must begin with five
	      spaces (which is one word), followed by the desired
	      keyword.  In the second case, TB_BUILD uses that word
	      (the five spaces) as the flags word, and automatically
	      turns on CM_FW in it;  if the first word is not five
	      spaces, it still uses the word and builds the remainder
	      of the table, but will return TBB_OVERWRITE instead of

	      If a keyword table is being built for use by COMND% JSYS
	      and the CM_ABR bit is turned on in the flags for some
	      entry, the user must set the abbreviation address
	      herself.  This is the right half of the keyword table
	      entry for the abbreviation, which is the address of the
	      entry for which this one is an abbreviation.  As an
	      example, if one had a keyword table called key_table, in
	      which the keyword whose table index was A_KW_INDEX was
	      an abbreviation for the keyword whose table index was

	                                                       Page 76
	  tb.h, tb_build

	      ABC_KW_INDEX, the following statement could be used to
	      set the abbreviation pointer in the table:

	      key_table.tbc_entry[A_KW_INDEX] |=
	            ((int) &(key_table.tbc_entry[ABC_KW_INDEX]))
	          & 0777777;

	      This is the most straightforward way to set an
	      abbreviation pointer.  It can be done either before or
	      after calling TB_BUILD to build the table, because
	      TB_BUILD only modifies the left halfword of each table
	      entry to point to the appropriate keyword, and the above
	      statement only modifies the right halfword to contain
	      the abbreviation pointer.

	      The strings pointed to by the tbbe_string fields of
	      arg_blocks[] should be static and should begin at word
	      boundaries (this will be true if they are string
	      constants or array contents), because the table built in
	      comtab_addr will point directly at these original
	      strings (they are not copied anywhere else).  For the
	      same reason, the space occupied by the strings should
	      not be modified after the table is built.  Note that the
	      strings should also not occupy automatic (stack) space,
	      since if the function owning the space return()'s, the
	      strings will be lost.

	      The keyword strings in arg_blocks[] MUST be in
	      alphabetic order (disregarding letter case and any
	      leading groups of five spaces for flags);  TB_BUILD
	      checks this, and returns TBB_UNSORTED if the strings are
	      not in ascending order.  If TB_BUILD has the option of
	      returning either TBB_OVERWRITE or TBB_UNSORTED, it will
	      return TBB_OVERWRITE on the supposition that the keyword
	      strings would have been in sorted order if the keywords
	      which had their first five characters overwritten with
	      flags had begun with five blanks.  The check for
	      ordering of strings is done without regard for the case
	      of letters in the strings.

	      The case of letters in a TBxxx% table is insignificant,
	      with the associated advantages and disadvantages.

	      TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual, comnd.h,
	      ------- ------- ----- --------- ------
	      _csb_setup, _flddb, _comnd, _com_graph

	      TB_BUILD returns
	          TBB_SUCCESS (0) if the table was built successfully;
	          TBB_BADSIZ (-1) if the given table sizes were
	              somehow illogical (e.g., current size greater

	                                                       Page 77
	  tb.h, tb_build

	              than maximum);
	          TBB_OVERWRITE (1) if some keyword's flags overwrote
	              nontrivial (non-space) characters in that
	              keyword's text;
	          TBB_UNSORTED (2) if the keyword strings were not in
	              ascending order.
	      All four of these return values are #define'd in <tb.h>.

	      We need a TB_ADD and a TB_DEL;  neither should be
	      particularly difficult to write.

	                                                       Page 78

	  _trace:  control runtime function tracing

	      int _trace(code, stream)
	      int code;
	      FILE *stream;

	      _TRACE provides control over run-time reporting of
	      function entries and exits, in conjunction with the
	      /Traceable-code switch of the C compiler.  _TRACE has no
	      effect in programs not compiled with /Traceable-code.  A
	      program compiled with that switch has code inserted at
	      the beginning of each function and before each return()
	      to call library functions which keep track of the
	      dynamic call nesting level and report function entries
	      and exits.

	      _TRACE controls the behavior of call/return tracking and
	      reporting via the code argument.  If code is zero, calls
	      and returns are not reported, and the call nesting level
	      is ignored.

	      If code is negative, trace reporting is still turned
	      off, but the call nesting level is kept track of.

	      A positive code has the same effect as a negative one,
	      except that each function entry and exit now causes a
	      line of the form

	      <indentation>[enter x with arguments d (o) ...]
	      <indentation>[exit x, returning d (o)]

	      respectively to be sent to the trace reporting stream,
	      where "x" is the name of the function being entered or
	      left, and "d" and "o" are the decimal and octal argument
	      and return values for the reported function.  The
	      <indentation> reflects the call nesting level of the
	      functions traced.  The "enter"'s and "exit"'s are
	      indented two spaces on each entry, and exdented two
	      spaces on each exit.

	      The function entry message may also look like

	      <indentation>[enter x with no arguments]

	      if the entered function was called without any
	      arguments, or like

	      <indentation>[enter x with unknown arguments]

	                                                       Page 79

	      if the entered function was called by a function which
	      is in a module that was not compiled with

	      Initially, the call nesting level is set to zero and
	      nesting is not kept track of, nor is reporting done.
	      The call nesting level is reset to zero whenever a call
	      to _TRACE with a non-zero code follows a call with code
	      equal to zero.

	      If a non-NULL stream argument is passed, it will be used
	      for subsequent trace reporting (it is recommended that
	      it be for an unbuffered (via SETBUF) stream).  If no
	      non-NULL stream argument is ever passed, the standard
	      error stream stderr is used for trace reporting.

	      fopen, setbuf

	                                                       Page 80

	  ungetc:  put a character back into an input stream

	      #include <stdio.h>
	      ungetc(ch, stream);
	      int ch;
	      FILE *stream;

	      UNGETC pushes the character ch back into the named input
	      stream (note that the argument ch is actually an int, as
	      returned by GETC).  The character will be returned by
	      the next GETC call on that stream.  UNGETC returns ch.

	      One character of pushback is guaranteed provided that
	      something has been read from the stream and that the
	      stream is buffered.  Attempts to UNGETC EOF are

	      FSEEK erases all memory of pushed-back characters.

	      getc, setbuf, fseek

	      UNGETC returns EOF if it can't push a character back.

	                                                       Page 81

	  unlink:  delete a file

	      int unlink(name)
	      char *name;

	      Name points to a null-terminated string, which is the
	      name of the file to delete.  UNLINK deletes the file,
	      but does not expunge it.


	      Normally, zero is returned.  -1 is returned if the file
	      could not be deleted, the reasons for which being the
	      same things that can cause the TOPS-20 DELETE command to

	                                                       Page 82

	  write:  write to a file

	      int write(fildes, buf, count)
	      int fildes;
	      char *buf;
	      int count;

	      Fildes is a file descriptor, as returned by OPEN or
	      CREAT.  Buf is the address of count bytes of contiguous
	      data, which are written on the output file.  The number
	      of characters actually written is returned.  It should
	      be regarded as an error if this is not the same as the
	      number requested to be written.

	      open, creat, read

	      Returns -1 on error:  bad descriptor, buffer address, or
	      count;  physical i/o errors.

	                                                  Page Index-1

	                         INDEX TO FUNCTIONS

	      Abs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
	      Adate  . . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Atoi . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
	      Atol . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
	      Ator50 . . . . . . . . . . . 4
	      Atosix . . . . . . . . . . . 4

	      Calloc . . . . . . . . . . . 54
	      Cfree  . . . . . . . . . . . 54
	      Chdir  . . . . . . . . . . . 5
	      Chmod  . . . . . . . . . . . 6
	      Close  . . . . . . . . . . . 7
	      Clrerr . . . . . . . . . . . 30
	      Comnd.h  . . . . . . . . . . 8
	      Comnd_ . . . . . . . . . . . 8
	      Com_graph  . . . . . . . . . 8
	      Cputime  . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Creat  . . . . . . . . . . . 20
	      Csb_setup  . . . . . . . . . 8

	      Date . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Daytime  . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Defsic . . . . . . . . . . . 23
	      Dispsi . . . . . . . . . . . 25
	      Dissic . . . . . . . . . . . 26

	      Enapsi . . . . . . . . . . . 25
	      Enasic . . . . . . . . . . . 26
	      Execl  . . . . . . . . . . . 27
	      Execs  . . . . . . . . . . . 27
	      Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

	      Fabs . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
	      Fclose . . . . . . . . . . . 29
	      Fdbc_setup . . . . . . . . . 8
	      Fdopen . . . . . . . . . . . 36
	      Feof . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
	      Ferror . . . . . . . . . . . 30
	      Fflush . . . . . . . . . . . 29
	      Fgetc  . . . . . . . . . . . 31
	      Fgetname . . . . . . . . . . 33
	      Fgets  . . . . . . . . . . . 32
	      Fgetw  . . . . . . . . . . . 31
	      Fileno . . . . . . . . . . . 30
	      Filnam . . . . . . . . . . . 33
	      Filpcnt  . . . . . . . . . . 35
	      Filpfree . . . . . . . . . . 35
	      Filpused . . . . . . . . . . 35

	  INDEX TO FUNCTIONS                              Page Index-2

	      Filsiz . . . . . . . . . . . 35
	      Flddb_ . . . . . . . . . . . 8
	      Fopen  . . . . . . . . . . . 36
	      Fprintf  . . . . . . . . . . 59
	      Fputc  . . . . . . . . . . . 38
	      Fputs  . . . . . . . . . . . 40
	      Fputw  . . . . . . . . . . . 38
	      Fread  . . . . . . . . . . . 41
	      Free . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
	      Freopen  . . . . . . . . . . 36
	      Fscanf . . . . . . . . . . . 63
	      Fseek  . . . . . . . . . . . 42
	      Ftell  . . . . . . . . . . . 42
	      Fwrite . . . . . . . . . . . 41

	      Gerrstring . . . . . . . . . 58
	      Getc . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
	      Getchar  . . . . . . . . . . 31
	      Getname  . . . . . . . . . . 33
	      Gets . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
	      Getw . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
	      Gtjfn.h  . . . . . . . . . . 43
	      G_prargs . . . . . . . . . . 46

	      Halt . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

	      Idate  . . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Index  . . . . . . . . . . . 47
	      Intrpt . . . . . . . . . . . 48
	      Isadsk . . . . . . . . . . . 49
	      Isatty . . . . . . . . . . . 49
	      Itoa . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

	      Lseek  . . . . . . . . . . . 53

	      Malloc . . . . . . . . . . . 54
	      Mbyt_pointer . . . . . . . . 56

	      Open . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

	      Perror . . . . . . . . . . . 58
	      Printf . . . . . . . . . . . 59
	      Putc . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
	      Putchar  . . . . . . . . . . 38
	      Puts . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
	      Putw . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

	      R50toa . . . . . . . . . . . 4
	      Read . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
	      Realloc  . . . . . . . . . . 54
	      Rewind . . . . . . . . . . . 42
	      Rindex . . . . . . . . . . . 47

	      Scanf  . . . . . . . . . . . 63
	      Serror . . . . . . . . . . . 58
	      Setbuf . . . . . . . . . . . 66
	      Sixtoa . . . . . . . . . . . 4
	      Sprintf  . . . . . . . . . . 59
	      Sscanf . . . . . . . . . . . 63
	      Stdio  . . . . . . . . . . . 67
	      Strcat . . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strchr . . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strcmp . . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strcpy . . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strcspn  . . . . . . . . . . 74
	      Strlen . . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strncat  . . . . . . . . . . 72
	      Strncmp  . . . . . . . . . . 72
	      Strncpy  . . . . . . . . . . 72
	      Strpbrk  . . . . . . . . . . 74
	      Strrchr  . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strspn . . . . . . . . . . . 74
	      Strucmp  . . . . . . . . . . 70
	      Strucpy  . . . . . . . . . . 70

	      Tb.h . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
	      Tb_build . . . . . . . . . . 75

	      Ungetc . . . . . . . . . . . 80
	      Unlink . . . . . . . . . . . 81

	      Walltime . . . . . . . . . . 21
	      Write  . . . . . . . . . . . 82

	      _close . . . . . . . . . . . 62
	      _docall  . . . . . . . . . . 24
	      _error . . . . . . . . . . . 58
	      _exit  . . . . . . . . . . . 28
	      _getjfn  . . . . . . . . . . 44
	      _itoa  . . . . . . . . . . . 50
	      _jsys  . . . . . . . . . . . 52
	      _open  . . . . . . . . . . . 44
	      _reljfn  . . . . . . . . . . 62
	      _st_fl . . . . . . . . . . . 69
	      _trace . . . . . . . . . . . 78
	      _warn  . . . . . . . . . . . 58
	      __open . . . . . . . . . . . 44