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* comnd.h
* #include file for COMND% jsys support for the V7 C library
* Copyright (C) New Mexico Tech 1984, 1985. All rights reserved.
* Author: Greg Titus
* Has this file already been #included? Matching #endif is at bottom of file
* O V E R V I E W
* E X T E R N A L D A T A
* empty
* E X T E R N A L F U N C T I O N S
* empty
* P R I V A T E D A T A
* empty
* P U B L I C D A T A
* the null device
#ifndef _NULIO
# define _NULIO 0377777
* macros to set and extract bit fields
#ifndef putbits
# define putbits(m,p,x) (((x) & (m)) << (p))
#ifndef getbits
# define getbits(m,p,x) (((x) >> (p)) & (m))
* the code for the COMND% jsys
#ifndef COMND_
# define COMND_ 0544
* a few handy error codes
#ifndef _ERR_IOX4
* end-of-file reached
# define _ERR_IOX4 0600220
#endif _ERR_IOX4
* the type of a command state block
typedef struct
unsigned int csb_cmflg; /* flags word */
unsigned int csb_cmioj; /* input/output file designators */
char *csb_cmrty; /* prompt/reprompt text pointer */
char *csb_cmbfp; /* text buffer start pointer */
char *csb_cmptr; /* next input text pointer */
int csb_cmcnt; /* count of space left in buffer */
int csb_cminc; /* count of chars left in buffer */
char *csb_cmabp; /* atom buffer start pointer */
int csb_cmabc; /* size of atom buffer */
int *csb_cmgjb; /* GTJFN% argument block address */
} csb_entry;
* bit masks and positions for the command state block flag halfword,
* reparse address halfword, and input and output jfns
#define CSB_FLAGS_MASK 0777777000000
#define CSB_FLAGS_POS 0
#define CSB_RPAR_MASK 0777777
#define CSB_RPAR_POS 0
#define CSB_IJFN_MASK 0777777
#define CSB_IJFN_POS 18
#define CSB_OJFN_MASK 0777777
#define CSB_OJFN_POS 0
* command state block flag bits
* CM_ESC (returned): field was terminated with <ESC> (ascii 033 octal)
* CM_NOP (returned): field could not be parsed (ignore CM_ESC and CM_EOC)
* CM_EOC (returned): field was terminated with <CR> (ascii 015 octal)
* CM_RPT (returned): already-parsed chars need reparsing (they got edited)
* CM_SWT (returned): a switch field was terminated with a colon
* CM_PFE (returned): previous field was terminated with <ESC>
* CM_RAI (passed): convert lowercase input to uppercase
* CM_XIF (passed): do not recognize '@' as designating indirect file
* CM_WKF (passed): begin parsing after each field; do not wait for an
* action character (<CR>, <ESC>, <CTRL/F>, ?)
#define CM_ESC (1 << 35)
#define CM_NOP (1 << 34)
#define CM_EOC (1 << 33)
#define CM_RPT (1 << 32)
#define CM_SWT (1 << 31)
#define CM_PFE (1 << 30)
#define CM_RAI (1 << 29)
#define CM_XIF (1 << 28)
#define CM_WKF (1 << 27)
* the type of a command function descriptor block
typedef struct
unsigned int fdb_cmfnp; /* function code word */
int fdb_cmdat; /* function-specific data */
char *fdb_cmhlp; /* help text pointer */
char *fdb_cmdef; /* default text pointer */
int *fdb_cmbrk; /* break mask pointer, if CM_BRK */
int fdb_next_index; /* next chain index for _com_graph() */
} fdb_entry;
* bit masks and positions for the command function descriptor block function
* code, flags, and next-function-block pointer
#define FDB_CODE_MASK 0777
#define FDB_CODE_POS 27
#define FDB_FLAGS_MASK 0777000000
#define FDB_FLAGS_POS 0
#define FDB_NFDB_MASK 0777777
#define FDB_NFDB_POS 0
* fdb function codes
* _CMKEY: parse a keyword; data is address of TBLUK% keyword index table;
* bits in argument blocks pointed to by table entries are:
* CM_INV: suppress this keyword in the list output on '?'
* CM_NOR: do not recognize this keyword
* CM_ABR: make this keyword a valid abbreviation for another
* _CMNUM: parse a number; data is radix (2 through 10, inclusive)
* _CMNOI: parse a guide word (noise); data is un-parenthesized noise string
* _CMSWI: parse a switch; data is address of TBLUK% switch index table; see
* also bits for argument blocks, defined for _CMKEY above
* _CMIFI: parse an input file spec
* _CMOFI: parse an output file spec
* _CMFIL: parse an arbitrary file spec
* _CMFLD: parse an arbitray field; data is pointer to character buffer into
* which comnd_() (possibly via com_graph()) will copy the contents of
* the atom buffer on successful parse; NULL for none
* _CMCFM: parse a confirm
* _CMDIR: parse a directory name; data is one of:
* CM_DWC: allow wildcard characters
* _CMUSR: parse a user name (login directory name)
* _CMCMA: parse a comma
* _CMINI: initialize the command line
* _CMFLT: parse a floating-point number
* _CMDEV: parse a device name
* _CMTXT: parse text up to a <CR>; data is pointer to character buffer into
* which comnd_() (possibly via com_graph()) will copy the contents of
* the atom buffer on successful parse; NULL for none
* _CMTAD: parse a date and/or/time field; data (left) is bits:
* CM_IDA: parse a date
* CM_ITM: parse a time
* CM_NCI: do not convert date and/or time to internal format
* data (right) is address of three-word block for unconverted
* date/time (CM_NCI off)
* _CMQST: parse a quoted string; data is pointer to character buffer into
* which comnd_() (possibly via com_graph()) will copy the contents of
* the atom buffer on successful parse; NULL for none
* _CMUQS: parse an unquoted string up to one of the given break chars; data
* is address of four-word block of 128 break char mask bits
* _CMTOK: parse and compare to string; data is pointer to string
* _CMNUX: parse number, terminated by non-numeric char; data is radix (2
* through 10, inclusive)
* _CMACT: parse an account string; data is pointer to character buffer into
* which comnd_() (possibly via com_graph()) will copy the contents of
* the atom buffer on successful parse; NULL for none
* _CMNOD: parse a network node name; data is pointer to character buffer
* into which comnd_() (possibly via com_graph()) will copy the
* contents of the atom buffer on successful parse; NULL for none
#define _CMKEY 000
#define CM_INV (1 << 0)
#ifndef CM_NOR
# define CM_NOR (1 << 1)
#define CM_ABR (1 << 2)
#define _CMNUM 001
#define _CMNOI 002
#define _CMSWI 003
#define _CMIFI 004
#define _CMOFI 005
#define _CMFIL 006
#define _CMFLD 007
#define _CMCFM 010
#define _CMDIR 011
#define CM_DWC (1 << 35)
#define _CMUSR 012
#define _CMCMA 013
#define _CMINI 014
#define _CMFLT 015
#define _CMDEV 016
#define _CMTXT 017
#define _CMTAD 020
#define CM_IDA (1 << 35)
#define CM_ITM (1 << 34)
#define CM_NCI (1 << 33)
#define _CMQST 021
#define _CMUQS 022
#define _CMTOK 023
#define _CMNUX 024
#define _CMACT 025
#define _CMNOD 026
* fdb function word flag bits
* CM_NSF: suffix is optional (meaningful only for _CMDEV and _CMNOD)
* CM_BRK: .fdb_cmbrk contains pointer to four-word break mask
* CM_PO: this is a parse-only field (meaningful only for _CMDEV, _CMDIR,
* _CMNOD, and _CMUSR)
* CM_HPP: pointer to user-supplied help string is in .fdb_cmhlp
* CM_DPP: pointer to user-supplied default string is in .fdb_cmdef
* CM_SDH: suppress output of default help message if user types '?'
#define CM_NSF (1 << 23)
#define CM_BRK (1 << 22)
#define CM_PO (1 << 21)
#define CM_HPP (1 << 20)
#define CM_DPP (1 << 19)
#define CM_SDH (1 << 18)
* macro to fill in an initialize (_CMINI) fdb
#define flddb_ini(f) flddb_((f),_CMINI,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)
* macro to fill in a noise (_CMNOI) fdb
#define flddb_noi(f,s,n) flddb_((f),_CMNOI,0,(s),NULL,NULL,(n),NULL)
* macro to fill in a comma (_CMCMA) fdb
#define flddb_cma(f,n) flddb_((f),_CMCMA,0,0,NULL,NULL,(n),NULL)
* macro to fill in a confirm (_CMCFM) fdb
#define flddb_cfm(f,n) flddb_((f),_CMCFM,0,0,NULL,NULL,(n),NULL)
* offsets of important words in a long-form GTJFN% argument table
#define GJAT_GJGEN_OFF 0
#define GJAT_GJDEV_OFF 2
#define GJAT_GJDIR_OFF 3
#define GJAT_GJNAM_OFF 4
#define GJAT_GJEXT_OFF 5
#define GJAT_GJPRO_OFF 6
#define GJAT_GJACT_OFF 7
#define GJAT_GJJFN_OFF 8
#define GJAT_GJATR_OFF 14
* the type of an fdb chain head
typedef struct
fdb_entry *fch_fdbs; /* addr of chain of fdbs */
int *fch_gtj_tab; /* pointer to long-form GTJFN% block */
int fch_fail_index; /* next-chain index for failure here */
} fdbchn_head;
* the type of chain-matched entry
typedef struct
fdb_entry *fcm_fdb; /* matched fdb for this chain */
int fcm_extra_info; /* other match info for this chain */
} fdb_match_entry;
* P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S
* the command state block filler
extern void csb_setup();
* the command function descriptor block filler
extern fdb_entry *flddb_();
* the fdb chain head descriptor filler
extern void fdbc_setup();
* the COMND% jsys executor, and its return values
extern int comnd_();
#define COMND_ERROR (-1)
* the COMND% graph executor, and its return values
extern int com_graph();
#define COMGR_FULL 2
#define COMGR_ERROR (-1)
#endif /* COMND_INCLUDED */