PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named rules.c in the archive.
* Control of the implicit suffix rules
#include "h.h"
* Return a pointer to the suffix of a name
char *
char * name;
return rindex(name, '.');
* Dynamic dependency. This routine applies the suffix rules
* to try and find a source and a set of rules for a missing
* target. If found, np is made into a target with the implicit
* source name, and rules. Returns TRUE if np was made into
* a target.
register char * p;
register char * q;
register char * suff; /* Old suffix */
register char * basename; /* Name without suffix */
NAMEP op; /* New dependent */
NAMEP sp; /* Suffix */
char * newsuff;
p = str1;
q = np->n_name;
if (debug)
if (!(suff = suffix(q)))
return FALSE; /* No suffix */
while (q < suff)
*p++ = *q++;
*p = '\0';
basename = setmacro("*", str1)->m_val;
if (debug)
if (!((sp = newname(".SUFFIXES"))->n_flag & N_TARG))
return FALSE;
for (lp = sp->n_line; lp; lp = lp->l_next)
for (dp = lp->l_dep; dp; dp = dp->d_next)
newsuff = dp->d_name->n_name;
if (strlen(suff)+strlen(newsuff)+1 >= LZ)
fatal("Suffix rule too long");
p = str1;
q = newsuff;
while (*p++ = *q++)
q = suff;
while (*p++ = *q++)
sp = newname(str1);
if (sp->n_flag & N_TARG)
p = str1;
q = basename;
if (strlen(basename) + strlen(newsuff)+1 >= LZ)
fatal("Implicit name too long");
while (*p++ = *q++)
q = newsuff;
while (*p++ = *q++)
op = newname(str1);
if (!op->n_time)
if (op->n_time)
dp = newdep(op, NULL_DEPENDP);
newline(np, dp, sp->n_line->l_cmd, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("<", op->n_name);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Make the default rules
CMDP cp;
#ifdef EON
(void)setmacro("BDSCC", "asm");
/* (void)setmacro("BDSCFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(BDSCC) $(BDSCFLAGS) -n $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.o");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("CC", "c");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "-O");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("M80", "asm -n");
/* (void)setmacro("M80FLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(M80) $(M80FLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".mac.o");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AS", "zas");
/* (void)setmacro("ASFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(ZAS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".as.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .as .obj .c .o .mac");
#ifdef KCC_20
* Some of the TOPS-20 implicit rules
(void)setmacro("MV","rename"); /* works only on single disk structure */
(void)setmacro("TeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("TeX", "TeX");
cp = newcmd("$(TeX) $(TeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".tex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("LaTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("LaTeX", "LaTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(LaTeX) $(LaTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".ltx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".latex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AMSTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("AMSTeX", "AMSTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(AMSTeX) $(AMSTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".atx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".amstex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("CC", "kcc");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AS", "compile");
cp = newcmd("$(AS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".mac.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(AS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".fai.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(AS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".mid.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("PFLAGS", "");
(void)setmacro("PC", "compile");
cp = newcmd("$(PC) /pascal/language:\"$(PFLAGS)\" $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".pas.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".p.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("FFLAGS", "/debug:(arg,lab)");
(void)setmacro("FC", "compile");
cp = newcmd("$(FC) /fortran/language:\"$(FFLAGS)\" $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".for.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".f.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("SF3", "sf3");
cp = newcmd("$(SF3) $<",NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".sf3.for");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(SF3) $<",NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(FC) /fortran/language:\"$(FFLAGS)\" $<", cp);
np = newname(".sf3.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("YACC", "yacc");
/* (void)setmacro("YFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(MV) ytab.c $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.c");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("$(RM) ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("$(MV) ytab.rel $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.rel");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .rel .dvi .c .y .l .mac .fai .mid .for .f .sf3 \
.pas .p .tex .latex .ltx .amstex .atx .inc .h");
#ifdef MSC
(void)setmacro("TeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("TeX", "TeX");
cp = newcmd("$(TeX) $(TeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".tex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("LaTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("LaTeX", "LaTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(LaTeX) $(LaTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".ltx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AMSTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("AMSTeX", "AMSTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(AMSTeX) $(AMSTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".atx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("CC", "msc");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $* $(CFLAGS);", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AS", "masm");
cp = newcmd("$(AS) $*;", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".asm.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("YACC", "yacc");
/* (void)setmacro("YFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("mv ytab.c $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.c");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("rm ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("mv ytab.obj $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .obj .dvi .c .y .l .asm .for .f .sf3 \
.pas .p .tex .ltx .atx .inc .h");
#ifdef OS9
* Fairlight use an enhanced version of the C sub-system.
* They have a specialised macro pre-processor.
(void)setmacro("CC", "cc");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "-z");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -r $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".ca.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".a.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".o.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".mc.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".mca.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".ma.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".mo.r");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .r .mc .mca .c .ca .ma .mo .o .a");
#ifdef UNIX
* Some of the UNIX implicit rules
(void)setmacro("CC", "cc");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "-O");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.o");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AS", "as");
cp = newcmd("$(AS) -o $@ $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".s.o");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("YACC", "yacc");
/* (void)setmacro("YFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("mv $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.c");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c", cp);
cp = newcmd("rm", cp);
cp = newcmd("mv $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.o");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .o .c .p .e .r .f .y .l .s"); /* like Unix make */
#ifdef VMS
* Some of the VMS implicit rules
(void)setmacro("MV","rename"); /* works only on single disk structure */
(void)setmacro("TeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("TeX", "TeX");
cp = newcmd("$(TeX) $(TeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".tex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("LaTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("LaTeX", "LaTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(LaTeX) $(LaTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".ltx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".latex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AMSTeXFLAGS", "\\batchmode");
(void)setmacro("AMSTeX", "AMSTeX");
cp = newcmd("$(AMSTeX) $(AMSTeXFLAGS) \\input $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".atx.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".amstex.dvi");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("CC", "kcc");
(void)setmacro("CFLAGS", "/debug=(symbols,traceback)/nolist");
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".c.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("AS", "macro");
cp = newcmd("$(AS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".mar.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("PFLAGS", "/debug=(symbols,traceback)/nolist");
(void)setmacro("PC", "pascal");
cp = newcmd("$(PC) /language:\"$(PFLAGS)\" $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".pas.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".p.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("FFLAGS", "/debug=(symbols,traceback)/nolist");
(void)setmacro("FC", "fortran");
cp = newcmd("$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".for.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".f.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
np = newname(".ftn.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("SF3", "sf3");
cp = newcmd("$(SF3) $<",NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".sf3.for");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(SF3) $<",NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
np = newname(".sf3.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
(void)setmacro("YACC", "yacc");
/* (void)setmacro("YFLAGS", ""); */
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(MV) ytab.c $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.c");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
cp = newcmd("$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<", NULL_CMDP);
cp = newcmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("$(RM) ytab.c", cp);
cp = newcmd("$(MV) ytab.obj $@", cp);
np = newname(".y.obj");
newline(np, NULL_DEPENDP, cp, FALSE);
newsuffix(".SUFFIXES: .obj .dvi .c .y .l .mar .for .f .ftn .sf3 \
.pas .p .tex .latex .ltx .amstex .atx .inc .h");
* Convert a string of the form ".SUFFIXES: .sfx .sfx ... .sfx" to a
* dependency list, easing coding above. Suffixes are separated by any
* amount of white space.
char * s; /* ".SUFFIXES: ..." */
int len; /* string length */
register char * t; /* copy of ".SUFFIXES: ..." */
register char * w; /* temporary pointer into t[] */
register char * p; /* temporary pointer into t[] */
len = strlen(s);
if (len <= 0)
if (strncmp(s,".SUFFIXES:",10) != 0)
fatal("Internal error: invalid .SUFFIXES string `%s'",s);
/* Get copy of s[] in t[]; we fill form name tokens in t[] */
if ((t = malloc(len+1)) == NULL_CHARP)
fatal("No memory for temporary string");
w = index(t,':'); /* point past ".SUFFIXES" */
*w = '\0'; /* and clobber colon */
while (++w < (t + len)) /* loop collecting tokens */
while (isspace(*w)) /* trim leading whitespace */
p = w; /* remember start of token */
while (isprint(*w) && !isspace(*w)) /* advance over token */
*w = '\0'; /* terminate string p[] */
np = newname(p);
dp = newdep(np, dp);
np = newname(t); /* this is ".SUFFIXES" */
newline(np, dp, NULL_CMDP, FALSE);
(void)free(t); /* all done with temporary string */