
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/user/ncref/ncref.1
There are no other files named ncref.1 in the archive.
.RV gjb 1/9/78 DoD/fm
.th NCREF I  12/7/76
.sh NAME
ncref \*-  C language program function cross-reference
.bd ncref
file ...
.it Ncref
produces a printed cross-reference summary of all function
definitions and calls in the C language programs specified by \fIfile ...\fR .
The output shows the names of the source file(s) preceded by a number
in\ \fB()\fR and an alphabetical list of the functions present in these files.
Each function reference contains the file number in\ \fB()\fR,
a page number and the line number reference within that file.
The file, page and line number where the function is defined is followed by
a\ '\fB*\fR' tag.
All line and page numbers correspond to utilities which output
source files with 56 lines of code per page,
or which recognize form feeds.
The \fIfile\fR argument(s) specifies the source input file(s).
This argument must be  present.
The output is written to the standard output file.
The optional argument\ \fB\*-\fIn\fR  indicates that source file numbers
begin with \fIn\fR.
Files are numbered consecutively beginning with that number.
If omitted, the file numbers begin with \fB1\fR.
\fINcref\fR is intended to be most useful when used in conjunction
with source code listings produced by \fIlist (I)\fR or \fIpr (I)\fR
(with the new options),
and when using multi-files as input.
The input files should be listed in the same order as the source code
.sh "SEE ALSO"
list(I), pr(I) with  new options
\fINcref\fR will produce the following fatal error messages:
"no source file -ncref terminated"
indicates no source file was present.
"source file xxx --open error"
"error: xxx"
indicates an illegal file.
"out of fnode space - ncref terminated"
indicates that the number of functions in the
source files exceeded the number for which \fIncref\fR has allocated
function space.
"out of rnode space - ncref terminated
indicates that the number of function references
in the source files exceeds that for which \fIncref\fR can dynamically
allocate core storage.
Christine Ware, Digital Equipment Corp.
Geraldine J. Blazek, Dept. of Defense  (revision)