PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named ncref.c in the archive.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "crdef.h"
char *crproc = "\0"; /* ptr to current procedure */
char filenum; /*index in argv to file being processed*/
* Definition of the function tree and reference list
struct fnode tree[TREESZ];
struct rnode list[LISTSZ];
* Define pointers
struct fnode *f_free, *p, *top;
struct rnode *r_free, *q;
* Define a structure for argument passing
struct parms pass, *arg;
* Define table of pointers to statement keywords which are followed by
* open parentheses.
char *statkey[] = {
0 };
* Define table of pointers to declaration keywords which may follow a
* function defintion.
char *declkey[] = {
0 };
* Define structure for buffering input and output
FILE *iop;
* Define char string containing output heading
char *title = " Function Cross Reference Summary \0";
char *head1 = "Procedure File Calling Page-Line \0";
char *head2 = "Name Name Procedure \0";
* Define utility character strings
char string[STRSZ]; /* statement string */
char key[KEYSZ+1]; /* keyword string */
char srfile[13]; /* name of source file */
* Define line and page counters
int pg,ln,rpg,rln;
* main - Main function cref program
main (argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
init ();
/* open source file specified as argument (if present) when program was
called. if i/o error occurs, print mssg and exit */
while (--argc) {
crproc = ""; /* KLH 3/16/88: Reset current proc to null */
if ( (iop = fopen(argv[filenum],"r")) == 0 ) {
perror("source file open error");
exit( ); }
ln = pg = rpg = rln = 0;
parse ( ) ;
fclose (iop); /* close input file */
results (argv);
* init - Initialize data structures, pointers, and i/o
init ()
int i;
init_f (TREESZ); /* init data structures */
init_r (LISTSZ);
arg = &pass; /* point to argument passing list */
top = 0; /* top of func tree is null */
key[KEYSZ] = '\0'; /* delimit keystrng w/null */
* results - Create a listing of the function references
results (argv)
char *argv[];
/* set up the i/o buffer to output to the standard output file */
fclose(iop); /* Make sure it's closed */
iop = stdout;
/* output the summary heading */
/* output the information from the function tree */
/* complete i/o by making sure all data is written from buffer and closing
file */
putc ('\n',iop);
putc ('\014', iop); /* top of form */