
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-4/include/printf.h
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 *	PRINTF.H - Header file for printf() formatted output

struct pf_work {		/* Workspace for printf(): */
	FILE *pfw_fp;		/* Output stream */
	va_list pfw_argp;	/* Pointer to arg list */
	int pfw_char;		/* Conversion char */
	int pfw_fwid;		/* Field width (0 = none, < 0 = left adj) */
	int pfw_prec;		/* Precision ( < 0 = none) */
	int pfw_fill;		/* Fill character to use */
	int pfw_flag;		/* Flags (see PFF_ defs) */

#define PFF_NEG	01	/* '-' - Left-justify in field (else right-justify) */
#define PFF_POS 02	/* '+' - Always produce a sign, either '+' or '-' */
#define PFF_ZER 04	/* '0' - Use '0' for pad char, else space */
#define PFF_SPA 010	/* ' ' - Always produce either '-' or a space */
#define PFF_ALT 020	/* '#' - Alternate-form conversion */
#define PFF_LONG 040	/* 'l' - Long size modifier seen */