
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-4/kcc/ccstmt.c
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/*	CCSTMT.C - Statement and Expression Parsing
**	All changes after version 101 (8/8/85), unless otherwise specified, are
**	Copyright 1985, 1986 by Ken Harrenstien, SRI International.
/* [SRI-NIC]SS:<C.KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.117, 17-Dec-85 08:02:46, Edit by KLH */
/*  Rationalized names of constants and structures */
/* [SRI-NIC]SS:<C.KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.103, 13-Dec-85 08:53:31, Edit by KLH */
/*  Fixed up refs to "constant" for new structure */
/* <KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.97,  3-Jul-85 10:55:02, Edit by KRONJ */
/*  Warn about unique but global struct members */
/* <KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.93, 30-Jun-85 14:32:56, Edit by KRONJ */
/*  Make x[y] work more like *(x+y) -- don't force x ptr, y int */
/* <KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.91, 27-Jun-85 14:17:22, Edit by KRONJ */
/*  Make & op in function/array ident explicit in parse tree */
/* <KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.90, 26-Jun-85 18:11:41, Edit by KRONJ */
/*  Warn about (w? x, y : z) -- precedence of comma is lower than (?:) */
/* <KCC.CC>CCSTMT.C.88, 26-Jun-85 13:43:04, Edit by KRONJ */
/*  array ident isn't lvalue */

** ccstmt - Statement and expression parser for KCC
** (C) 1981  K. Chen

#include "cc.h"
#include "cclex.h"	/* For reference to "constant" structure */

/* External functions used here */
extern TYPE *typename();	/* CCDECL */
extern SYMBOL *defauto();	/* CCDECL */
extern TYPE *findtype();	/* CCSYM */
extern SYMBOL *findsym(), *makesym(), *findsmem();	/* CCSYM */
extern SYMBOL *newlabel();		/* CCLAB */
extern NODE *fold(), *evaldiscard();	/* CCFOLD */
extern int optexpr();			/* CCFOLD */
extern int sizearray();			/* CCSYM */
extern NODE *convcast(), *convbinary(), *convunary(),	/* CCTYPE */
	*convasgn(), *convfunarg(), *undoconv(), *convnullcomb();

/* Functions defined here and exported */
int pconst();			/* For CCDECL and CCINP */
NODE *funstmt(), *exprdecl();	/* For CCDECL */
NODE *exprconst();		/* For CCDECL */
NODE *defnode();		/* For CCDECL and CCTYPE */
NODE *deficonst();		/* For CCTYPE */

/* Internal functions and vars */
static NODE *statement(), *whilestmt(), *dostmt(), *forstmt(),
	*switchstmt(), *casestmt(), *defaultstmt(), *returnstmt(),
	*gotostmt(), *ifstmt(), *compoundstmt(), *breakstmt(),
	*continuestmt(), *exprstmt();
static SYMBOL *plabel();
static NODE *exprcntrl(),
	*exprlist(), *expression(),
	*ternary(), *binary(), *unary(), *primary();
static NODE *chkcond(), *chkadd();

static NODE *swdefault, *swcases;	/* chained nodes for duplicate check */
static int swrange;			/* AND const for case range check */
static int contlevel,
** FUNSTMT - Parse function statement.
**	Main entry to statement parser from CCDECL.
**	Returns a statement-list which ends with a Q_RETURN node.
** Entered with current token T_LBRACE ('{').
** Returns with current token T_RBRACE ('}'), unlike most other
** parsing routines, so that the calling routine can fix up the symtab
** before attempting to read the next token.  See compoundstmt() for more
** explanation.

    /* Initialize local vars */
    contlevel = caselevel = breaklevel = 0;

    return defnode(N3, N_STATEMENT, (TYPE *)NULL, 0,
		compoundstmt(),		 /* parse body of function */
		defnode(N2, N_STATEMENT, (TYPE *)NULL,0,
			defnode(N1, Q_RETURN)));
** Parse statement
** Ref. [1] A.9

static NODE *
    SYMBOL *sym, *nlabel;
    NODE *s;
    int tokn;

    switch (token) {
    case T_SCOLON:		/* Null statement */
	return NULL;
    case T_LBRACE:		/* Compound statement */
	s = compoundstmt();
	nextoken();		/* Doesn't set up new token, so do it now */
	return s;

    case Q_SWITCH:	return switchstmt();
    case Q_CASE:	return casestmt();
    case Q_DEFAULT:	return defaultstmt();
    case Q_DO:		return dostmt();
    case Q_WHILE:	return whilestmt();
    case Q_FOR:		return forstmt();
    case Q_GOTO:	return gotostmt();
    case Q_IF:		return ifstmt();
    case Q_RETURN:	return returnstmt();
    case Q_BREAK:	return breakstmt();
    case Q_CONTINUE:	return continuestmt();

    case Q_IDENT:	/* Check for labeled statement [H&S 8.3] */
	sym = csymbol;			/* get last symbol if any */
	tokn = token;			/* and last token */
	if (nextoken() == T_COLON) {	/* it is if followed by colon */
	    nextoken();			/* skip over lab: */
	    nlabel = plabel (sym, 1);	/* get label symbol number */
	    s = defnode(N2, N_LABEL,	/* make label node */
		(TYPE *)NULL, 0, statement());
	    s->Nxfsym = nlabel;
	tokpush (tokn, sym);		/* push back token */
					/* and fall through to try expr */
	return exprstmt();		/* Parse expression stmt */

    case T_EOF:				/* catch premature EOF */
	efatal(EEOF, "");		/* complain and die */
/* COMPOUNDSTMT - Parse compound statement
**	[K&R A.9.2]  [H&S 8.4]
** When called, current token is first thing after opening left-brace.
** However, when returning, the current token is NOT the first thing
** after the closing right-brace; it is still the right-brace.
** This is unlike most other parsing routines which always set up the
** next token after gobbling everything pertinent to their parsing.
**	The reason for this is subtle.  At the end of a compound statement
** (i.e. an inner block), any local symbols which were defined within that
** block must be deactivated.  This must be done BEFORE the lexer looks
** at the next token, because the next token might be an identifier and this
** identifier might happen to correspond to a symbol which is about to
** be deactivated!  Typedef symbols are prone to this.
**	This routine cannot just call nextoken() after the endlsym() because
** if we are parsing a function body, the terminating '}' ends not only
** the current inner block but also a virtual block that encloses the
** function parameter definitions.  To end this virtual block at the
** right level requires waiting until we get back to CCDECL's funcdef() to
** terminate it.

static NODE *
    SYMBOL *prevlsym;
    NODE *u, *beg, *n, *nr;
    extern NODE *ldecllist();	/* In CCDECL */
    extern SYMBOL *beglsym();
    extern void endlsym();

    prevlsym = beglsym();	/* Start a new symbol block */
    nextoken();			/* Now get next token after left-brace */

    u = ldecllist();		/* Parse declarations, get list of inits */

    beg = n = NULL;
    for (beg = n = NULL; token != T_RBRACE; n = nr) {
	nr = defnode(N2,N_STATEMENT,(TYPE *)NULL,0,statement());
	if (n != NULL) n->Nright = nr;
	else beg = nr;
    if (u) u = defnode(N3,N_STATEMENT,(TYPE *)NULL,0, u, beg);
    else u = beg;

    endlsym(prevlsym);		/* End local sym block - deactivate syms */
				/* Important that this be done BEFORE reading
				** the next token after the right brace!
    return u;	/* Return result, with right-brace still current token */
/* DOSTMT - Parse DO iterative statement
**	[K&R A.9.5]  [H&S 8.6.2]

static NODE *
    NODE *cond, *stmt;

    stmt = statement();
    cond = exprcntrl();
    return defnode(N3, Q_DO, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, cond, stmt);

/* WHILESTMT - Parse WHILE iterative statement
**	[K&R A.9.4] [H&S 8.6.1]

static NODE *
    NODE *cond, *stmt;

    cond = exprcntrl();
    stmt = statement();
    return defnode(N3, Q_WHILE, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, cond, stmt);

/* CONTINUESTMT - Parse CONTINUE statement
**	[H&S 8.8]

static NODE *
    if (contlevel == 0) error(EGEN,"Continue not allowed here");
    expect(T_SCOLON);		/* it's followed by a semicolon */
    return defnode(N1, Q_CONTINUE);


/* BREAKSTMT - Parse BREAK statement
**	[H&S 8.8]

static NODE *
    if (breaklevel == 0) error(EGEN, "Break not allowed here");
    expect(T_SCOLON);		/* it's followed by a semicolon */
    return defnode(N1, Q_BREAK);
/* FORSTMT - Parse FOR iterative statement
**	[K&R A.9.6]  [H&S 8.6.3]

static NODE *
    NODE *preamble, *e1, *e2, *e3, *s;

    e1 = e2 = e3 = NULL;
    if (token != T_SCOLON)
	e1 = evaldiscard(exprlist());	/* Get initialization expr */
    if (token != T_SCOLON)
	e2 = exprcntrl();		/* Get control expr */
    if (token != T_RPAREN)
	e3 = evaldiscard(exprlist());	/* Get incrementation expr */
    s = statement();
    preamble = defnode(N3, N_NODE, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, e1, e2);
    preamble = defnode(N3, N_NODE, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, preamble,
				defnode(N2, N_NODE, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, e3));
    return defnode(N3, Q_FOR, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, preamble, s);
/* IFSTMT - Parse IF conditional statement
**	[K&R A.9.3] [H&S 8.5]
static NODE *
    NODE *cond, *then, *elsec;

    cond = exprcntrl();
    then = statement();
    if (token == T_ELSE) {
	elsec = statement();
    } else elsec = NULL;

    return defnode(N3, Q_IF, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, cond,
		   defnode(N3, N_NODE,  (TYPE *)NULL, 0, then, elsec));
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/*	goto statement  Ref.[1]  A.9.11      */
/* ----------------------------------------- */

static NODE *
    NODE *n;
    SYMBOL *s;

    s = csymbol;
    expect(Q_IDENT);			/* goto lab */
    n = defnode(N1, Q_GOTO);
    n->Nxfsym = plabel(s, 0);
    expect(T_SCOLON);			/* goto lab; */
    return n;

/* --------------------- */
/*	parse label      */
/* --------------------- */

static SYMBOL *
plabel (sym, defp)
SYMBOL *sym;
    char s[32];

    if (sym == NULL) return 0;		/* already lost, don't barf twice */

    idpfcpy(s, SPC_LABEL, sym->Sname);		/* Make real goto name */
    if (sym->Sclass == SC_UNDEF)		/* if undefined */
	freesym(sym);			/* get rid of the global symbol */
    sym = findsym(s);			/* find label symbol */
    if (sym == NULL) {			/* no such symbol, create it */
	sym = makesym(s);
	sym->Srefs++;			/* This is a reference */
	sym->Sclass = SC_ULABEL;
	sym->Ssym = newlabel (1);	/* give it a real label number */
    if (defp) {
	if (sym->Sclass == SC_LABEL)	/* previously defined? */
	    error(EGEN,"Label \"%s\" defined twice", sym->Sname+1);
	    sym->Sclass = SC_LABEL;	/* if being defined, remember so */
    return sym->Ssym;			/* return the label symbol */
/* SWITCHSTMT - Parse SWITCH statement
**	[K&R A.9.7]  [H&S 8.7]

static NODE *
    NODE *cond, *stmt, *savdef, *savcase;
    int savrange;

    cond = exprlist();

    /* Must fix up this check to reflect what we are capable of compiling.
    ** Aggregate, pointer and floating-point types are not allowed.
    ** Perhaps this could be set in the runtime table.
    if (!tisinteg(cond->Ntype) && cond->Ntype->Tspec != TS_ENUM) {
	error(EGEN,"Switch expression must be of integral or enum type");
	cond = deficonst(0);
    cond = convunary(cond);		/* Apply usual unary conversions */

    savdef = swdefault;
    savcase = swcases;
    savrange = swrange;
    swdefault = swcases = NULL;
    swrange = -1;			/* all bits for now */
    if (cond->Nop == Q_ANDT) {		/* but check for const AND */
	if (cond->Nleft->Nop == N_ICONST) swrange &= cond->Nleft->Niconst;
	if (cond->Nright->Nop == N_ICONST) swrange &= cond->Nright->Niconst;

    stmt = statement();

    swdefault = savdef;
    swcases = savcase;
    swrange = savrange;

    return defnode(N3, Q_SWITCH, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, cond, stmt);
/* CASESTMT - Parse CASE labeled statement
**	[K&R A.9.7]  [H&S 8.7]

static NODE *
    NODE *n, *this, *old;

    n = exprconst();		/* parse constant expr for this case */
    if (caselevel == 0) {	/* make sure in switch stmt */
	error(EGEN,"Case label outside switch statement");	/* nope */
	n = NULL;			/* disable further checks */
    this = defnode (N3, Q_CASE, deftype, 0, (NODE *)NULL, swcases);

    /* Need to fix up the case constant-expression value further.
    ** It must be a constant expression and of the same type as the
    ** switch control-expression.  We fold in case convunary produces a cast.
    if (n != NULL)
	n = fold(convunary(n));

    ** Perform various checks on the new case value.
    ** If it's NULL, then there was some error that's already been reported.
    ** Otherwise, it must be a constant, and one that hasn't been seen before
    ** in this switch().  We also make sure that, if the value being tested
    ** is a bitwise AND with a constant, the case value can happen as a result.

    if (n == NULL) ;			/* already complained, don't redo */
    else if (n->Nop != N_ICONST)
	error (ECONST);			/* make sure we have constant */
    else {				/* do, can perform further checks */
	for (old = swcases; old != NULL; old = old->Nright) /* go through */
	    if (old->Nxfint == n->Niconst) {	/* checking for same value */
		error(EGEN,"Switch statement has duplicate case labels: %d",
			n->Niconst);	/* complain if duplicate */
		break;			/* but only complain once */
	if (old == NULL) {		/* do this unless it was a dup */
	    if ((n->Niconst & swrange) != n->Niconst) /* check range of AND */
		warn(EGEN, "Case label outside range of AND in switch -- %d",
	    this->Nxfint = n->Niconst;	/* now safe to set case value */
	    swcases = this;		/* add to list of known cases */

    /* checked value and set in list of cases, parse rest of case statement */
    expect (T_COLON);			/* colon comes after expression */
    this->Nleft = statement();		/* only parse after setting swcases */
    return this;			/* return with whole of case stmt */
/* DEFAULTSTMT - Parse DEFAULT labeled statement
**	[K&R A.9.7] [H&S 8.7]

static NODE *
    NODE *n;

    if (caselevel == 0)
	error(EGEN, "Case label outside switch statement");
    else if (swdefault != NULL)		/* Err if already have default stmt */
	error(EGEN, "Switch statement has multiple default labels");

    swdefault = n = defnode (N2, Q_DEFAULT, deftype, 0, (NODE *)NULL);
    n->Nleft = statement();
    return n;
/* RETURNSTMT - Parse RETURN statement
**	[K&R A.9.10]  [H&S 8.9 and 9.8]

static NODE *
    NODE *e;
    TYPE *t;

    t = curfn->Stype->Tsubt;		/* Get type of function return val */
    if (nextoken() == T_SCOLON) {
	/* No return value.  Should check to see whether return type is
	** specified for function and give warning if so.
	** Not error, for backwards compatibility.  See H&S 9.8.
	e = NULL;
	if (t->Tspec != TS_VOID && t->Tspec != TS_INT)
	    warn(EGEN,"No return value for value-returning function");
    else {
	if (t->Tspec == TS_VOID)
	    error(EGEN,"Cannot return a value, function was declared as void");
	e = exprlist();				/* Get expression to return */
	e = convasgn(curfn->Stype->Tsubt, e);	/* Apply assignment convs */
    return defnode(N3, Q_RETURN, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, (NODE *)NULL, e);
/* EXPRSTMT - Expression statement
**	[H&S 8.2]
**	The result value of the expression will be thrown away, so
** some optimization can be attempted by flushing anything that has no
** side effects.  This is performed by evaldiscard().
static NODE *
    NODE *n;
    n = evaldiscard(exprlist());	/* Parse expr list */
    expect(T_SCOLON);			/* followed by semicolon */
    return n;
#if 0

Here is some information about how the expression parser works.  This
has mainly been written by KLH while trying to understand the old code
and thus is neither complete nor guaranteed to be correct.

About NF_STKREF and stackrefs:
	The global "stackrefs" is used only to decide whether some
optimizations (in CCCSE and CCOPT) should be attempted.  If non-zero,
they aren't.  The flag NF_STKREF is only used here in CCSTMT for
the sole purpose of incrementing or decrementing "stackrefs".
The meaning of this variable appears to be "number of stack-address
values floating around the function".  If an expression such as
"&foo" is used in the function, and foo is an auto var, then the
code generator/optimizer has to be avoid doing things which would
wipe out the part of the stack that the address references, since
there is no way to tell what parts of the local-variable stack area are
actually being used once such an address value is created.
	The NF_STKREF flag appears to only be set (and stackrefs bumped)
for N_ADDR nodes (i.e. the & address operator).  Thus stackrefs would
simply amount to a count of the number of N_ADDRs in the function which
have an auto operand.  However, there are a few situations where an
& address value is used immediately and then thrown away.  These places
test their operands for the NF_STKREF flag, and if it exists then they
decrement stackrefs.  These places appear to be:
	(1) operands to && and ||
	(2) The * indirection operator eg "*(&foo)"
	(3) Some kinds of array refs (where the * op is implicitly used)
	(4) The -> struct member operator, eg "(&foo)->"

There is probably no reason why the stackrefs variable could not be computed
after the parse tree was finished, rather than doing it during parsing.
It is better to err on the side of bumping it up than down since the worst
that will happen if the count is too high is that some optimizations will
not be done.

/* EXPRCNTRL - Parse a statement control expression
**	(for IF, WHILE, DO, FOR)
**	[H&S 8.1.2]

static NODE *
    return chkcond(exprlist());

/* EXPRDECL - Parse an initializer expression for declaration
**	Called by pizer() in CCDECL
**	This is a stopgap until pizer and this routine can be overhauled
** to conform with H&S 4.6.

    return expression();

/* ----------------------------------------- */
/*	parse for a constant expression      */
/*		used by CCDECL and CCINP     */
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* Optimization is always enabled for constant parsing, since we
** need to be able to fully resolve all constant arithmetic ops and
** the like.

    NODE *e;

    e = exprconst();		/* Get fully optimized expression */
    if (e->Nop != N_ICONST) {
	return 0;
    return e->Niconst;

/* EXPRCONST - Parse for a "constant" expression.
**	This basically just means ensuring that optimization is
**	always on, so that the parsed expression is as completely
**	reduced as possible.
    NODE *e;
    int saveopt;

    saveopt = optpar;		/* Save value of parser optimization flag */
    optpar = 1;			/* Then always turn on */
    e = expression();		/* Get fully optimized expression */
    optpar = saveopt;		/* Restore flag value */
    return e;
** EXPRLIST, EXPRESSION - Parse expression.
**	[H&S 7.2.1, 7.9]
**	<expr> ::= <comma-expr>		(lowest precedence = 1)
**		| <no-comma-expr>	(higher precedence)
**	<comma-expr> ::= <expr> ',' <expr>
**	<no-comma-expr> ::= <assignment-expr>	(precedence = 2)
**			| <conditional-expr>	(ternary, prec = 3)
**			| <logical-expr>
**			| <binary-expr>
**			| <unary-expr>
**			| <primary-expr>

** Parse <expr> - either a <no-comma-expr> or a <comma-expr> (expression list)
** Ref. [1] A.7.1

static NODE *
    NODE *s, *t;

    t = expression();			/* get first expression */
    if (optpar) optexpr (t);		/* rearrange some */
    if (token != T_COMMA) return t;	/* if no comma, that's it */

    ** We have an expression followed by a comma, parse the whole list.
    ** We terminate it with a NULL (as with LISP lists) to distinguish
    ** ((1, 2), 3) from (1, 2, 3).
    s = NULL;				/* start with chain empty, expr in t */
    while (1) {				/* until we break out with return */
	s = defnode (N3, N_EXPRLIST, t->Ntype, 0, s, t); /* chain expr */
	if (token != T_COMMA) return s;	/* if no comma, that's it */
	/* Set flag to indicate that 1st operand of comma expression can
	** have its value discarded.  This gets set for both the list
	** structure node (N_EXPRLIST) and the expression itself.
	if ((s->Nright = evaldiscard(t)) == NULL) {	/* If expr flushed, */
	    s = s->Nleft;			/* forget structure too. */
	} else s->Nflag |= NF_DISCARD;		/* Else just add flag */

	nextoken();			/* pass over comma */
	t = expression();		/* parse another expression */
	if (optpar) optexpr(t);		/* and rearrange it some */

** EXPRESSION - Parse <no-comma-expr>
** Ref. [1] A.9.1
**	[H&S 7.2.1]
** Note that assignment expressions are also parsed here.
**	<assignment-expr> ::= <expr> <asop> <expr>
**	<asop> ::= one of:
**			= += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=

static NODE *
    NODE *l, *r, *b;
    TYPE *restype;
    int op;

    b = ternary();			/* parse lower priority part of expr */
    if (tok[token].tktype == TKTY_ASOP) { /* if we now have an assignment op */
	if (!(b->Nflag & NF_LVALUE))	/* make sure can asgn to left side */
	    error(EGEN, "Lvalue required as left operand of assignment");
	op = token;			/* get the assignment op */
	nextoken();			/* and move on in the token world */
	r = expression();		/* parse right side of assignment */
/* Applying the conversions is tough.  for now
** we use stopgap measure here; the unary conversion is the only one
** we can be sure is always needed.
	l = b;				/* Save ptr to left-hand side */
	restype = l->Ntype;		/* Remember what result type shd be */
	b = defnode(N3, op, restype, 0, l, r);	/* Set up operator node */

	switch (op) {
	case Q_ASPLUS:			/* +=	*/
	case Q_ASMINUS:			/* -=	*/
	    /* Left op can be scalar type (arith, pointer, enum) but if
	    ** pointer or enum then right op must be integral.
	    if (!tisscalar(l->Ntype)) {
		error(EGEN,"Left operand must be scalar type");
		return deficonst(0);
	    if (!tisarith(l->Ntype)) {	/* Pointer or enum? */
		if (!tisinteg(r->Ntype)) {
		    error(EGEN,"Right operand must be integral type");
		    return deficonst(0);
		b = chkadd(op == Q_ASPLUS ? Q_PLUS : Q_MINUS, b);
	    } else if (!tisarith(r->Ntype)) {
		error(EGEN,"Right operand must be arithmetic type");
		return deficonst(0);
	    } else b = convbinary(b);		/* Normal binary conversions */

	case Q_ASMPLY:			/* *=	*/
	case Q_ASDIV:			/* /=	*/
	    if (!tisarith(l->Ntype) || !tisarith(r->Ntype)) {
		error(EGEN,"Operands must be of arithmetic type");
		return deficonst(0);
	    b = convbinary(b);		/* Apply binary convs */

	case Q_ASMOD:			/* %=	*/
	case Q_ASRSH:			/* >>=	*/
	case Q_ASLSH:			/* <<=	*/
	case Q_ASAND:			/* &=	*/
	case Q_ASXOR:			/* ^=	*/
	case Q_ASOR:			/* |=	*/
	    if (!tisinteg(l->Ntype) || !tisinteg(r->Ntype)) {
		error(EGEN,"Operands must be of integral type");
		return deficonst(0);
	    b = convbinary(b);		/* Apply binary convs */

	case Q_ASGN:			/* =  Simple assignment */
	    b->Nright = convasgn(restype, r);

	    error(EINT,"bad asop");
	    return deficonst(0);

	/* Now see whether an additional type conversion needs to be
	** specified when assigning the result to the left operand.
	** This is a little bit inefficient but permits code sharing.
	b->Nascast = CAST_NONE;		/* Default is no conversion */
	if (b->Ntype != restype) {	/* If type isn't what it should be, */
	    b = convasgn(restype, b);	/* then apply assignment convs */
	    if (b->Nop == N_CAST) {		/* If a cast was done, */
		b->Nleft->Nascast = b->Ncast;	/* remember cast op type */
		b = b->Nleft;		/* and remove the cast operator. */
		b->Ntype = restype;	/* and force type to that desired. */
    return (optpar ? fold(b) : b);	/* Do pre-evaluation if possible */
/* TERNARY - Parse ternary expression (conditional)
**	[H&S 7.7]
**		<conditional-expr> ::= <expr> '?' <expr> ':' <expr>

static NODE *
    NODE *c, *t, *f, *n;

    c = binary(1);		/* Should check out this precedence */
    if (token != Q_QUERY)
	return c;		/* Not a ternary expression */

    /* Ternary expression, have the conditional.  Check it. */
    if (!tisscalar(c->Ntype)) {
	error(EGEN,"First operand of conditional must be scalar type");
	c = deficonst(0);

    /* Get "true" expression */
    n = exprlist();
    if (n->Nop == N_EXPRLIST && !(n->Nflag & NF_INPARENS))
	warn(EGEN,"Comma inside (?:) has lower precedence -- use parentheses");

    /* Now get "false" expression, bind together */
    n = defnode(N3, N_NODE, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, n, expression());

    /* Now fix up types.  After applying binary conversions, the two
    ** types should be identical.  The only allowable case where they
    ** can differ is if one is a pointer and the other is a constant 0 (null).
    n = convbinary(n);	/* Apply binary conversions.  Type set to Nleft's. */
    if (n->Nleft->Ntype != n->Nright->Ntype) {
	if (n->Nleft->Ntype->Tspec == TS_PTR && niszero(n->Nright))
	    n->Nright = convcast(n->Nleft->Ntype, n->Nright);
	else if (n->Nright->Ntype->Tspec == TS_PTR && niszero(n->Nleft)) {
	    n->Nleft = convcast(n->Nright->Ntype, n->Nleft);
	} else {
	    /* Maybe later do more checking and just warn instead if
	    ** it is possible to do an implicit conversion to left-hand type.
	    error(EGEN,"(?:) operand type mismatch");
	    n->Nleft = n->Nright = deficonst(0);
    n->Ntype = n->Nleft->Ntype;

    return defnode(N3, Q_QUERY, n->Ntype, 0, c, n);
/* BINARY - Parse binary (or logical) expression
**	Ref.[1] A.18.1
**	[H&S 7.5, 7.6]
**		<binary-expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr>
**		<logical-expr> ::= <expr> <logical-op> <expr>
** where <op> is one of:
**				Optypes	Convs	Result	Lvalue
**	Multiplicative:	* /	arith	bin	cvops	no
**			%	integ	bin	cvops	no
**	Additive:	+ -	*	bin	*	no
**	Shift:		<< >>	integ	un,sep	cvlftop	no
**	Inequality:  < <= > >=	*	bin	int(0/1) no
**	Equality:	== !=	*	bin	int(0/1) no
**	Bitwise:	& | ^	integ	bin	cvops	no
** and <logical-op> is:
**	Logical:	&& ||	scalar	*	int(0/1) no

static NODE *
    int nprec, op, typ;
    NODE *lx, *rx, *bx;	/* Left, right, and binary expressions */

    lx = unary();	/* First get a left-hand unary expression */

    /* Then, if a binary operator follows it, handle the binary expression */
    while ((typ = tok[token].tktype) == TKTY_BINOP || typ == TKTY_BOOLOP) {
	if ((nprec = tok[token].tkprec) <= prec)
	    break;		/* New op has lower prec than current, stop */
	op = token;		/* Save op */
	rx = binary(nprec);	/* Now get right-hand side of expression */

	bx = defnode(N3, op, voidtype, 0, lx, rx);	/* No type, must set */
	switch (op) {
		error(EGEN,"Internal error - Illegal binary op %d", op);
		return NULL;

	    case Q_LAND:	/* && Logical AND */
	    case Q_LOR:		/* || Logical OR */
		/* No conversions, but check to ensure operands are scalar */
		if (!tisscalar(lx->Ntype) || !tisscalar(rx->Ntype)) {
		    error(EGEN,"Operands of && or || must be scalar");
		    lx = deficonst(0);
		    continue;	/* Skip rest of stuff, restart loop */
		bx->Nleft = convunary(lx);
		bx->Nright = convunary(rx);
		bx->Ntype = inttype;

	    case Q_EQUAL:
	    case Q_NEQ:
		/* Operands must have same type, and must be one of
		** arith, pointer, or enum (i.e. scalar)
		** EXCEPT for case where one is ptr and other is 0.

	    case Q_LEQ:
	    case Q_GEQ:
	    case Q_LESS:
	    case Q_GREAT:
		/* Operands must have same type, and must be one of
		** arith, pointer, or enum (i.e. scalar)
		bx = convbinary(bx);		/* Apply binary convs */
		if (op == Q_EQUAL || op == Q_NEQ)
		    bx = convnullcomb(bx);	/* Also check ptr + null */
		if (bx->Nleft->Ntype != bx->Nright->Ntype) {
		    error(EGEN,"Operands of comparison must have same type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);
		if (!tisscalar(bx->Ntype)) {
		    error(EGEN,"Operands of comparison must have scalar type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);
		bx->Ntype = inttype;	/* OK, type of result is always int */

	    case Q_MPLY:
	    case Q_DIV:
		bx = convbinary(bx);	/* Apply usual binary convs */
		if (!tisarith(bx->Ntype)
			|| bx->Nleft->Ntype != bx->Nright->Ntype) {
		    error(EGEN,"Mult/div operands must be of arith type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);

	    case Q_MOD:
		bx = convbinary(bx);	/* Apply usual binary convs */
		if (!tisinteg(bx->Ntype)
			|| bx->Nleft->Ntype != bx->Nright->Ntype) {
		    error(EGEN,"Remainder operands must be of integral type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);

	    case Q_PLUS:
	    case Q_MINUS:
		bx = chkadd(op, bx);		/* Do heavy checking */

	    case Q_LSHFT:
	    case Q_RSHFT:
		/* Not the usual binary conversions!! */
		bx->Nleft = convunary(lx);
		bx->Nright = convunary(rx);
		if (!tisinteg(bx->Nleft->Ntype)
			|| !tisinteg(bx->Nright->Ntype)) {
		    error(EGEN,"Shift operands must be of integral type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);
		bx->Ntype = bx->Nleft->Ntype;	/* Type is whatever left is */

	    case Q_ANDT:
	    case Q_XORT:
	    case Q_OR:
		bx = convbinary(bx);
		if (!tisinteg(bx->Ntype)
			|| bx->Nleft->Ntype != bx->Nright->Ntype) {
		    error(EGEN,"Bitwise operands must be of integral type");
		    lx = deficonst(0);
		break;		/* Type already set up OK */

	lx = bx->Nleft;		/* For more convenient checking below */
	rx = bx->Nright;
	if (lx->Ntype->Tspec == TS_VOID || rx->Ntype->Tspec == TS_VOID) {
	    error (EVOID, "binary operand");
	    lx->Ntype = rx->Ntype = bx->Ntype = inttype;
	if (typ == TKTY_BOOLOP) {	/* stack is safe from comparisons */
	    if (lx->Nflag & NF_STKREF) stackrefs--;
	    if (rx->Nflag & NF_STKREF) stackrefs--;
	    bx->Nflag |= NF_WASCOMP;	/* remember comparison */
	if ((bx->Nop == Q_ANDT || bx->Nop == Q_OR) &&
	    (((lx->Nflag & NF_WASCOMP) && !(lx->Nflag & NF_INPARENS)) ||
	     ((rx->Nflag & NF_WASCOMP) && !(rx->Nflag & NF_INPARENS))))
	    		/* likely lossage with & precedence */
	    warn(EGEN, "Bitwise operation on result of comparison -- use parentheses");

	lx = bx;		/* Binary expr becomes new left-hand operand */
    return lx;
/* UNARY - Parse unary expression
**	[H&S 7.4]  Note that the BNF in the text of H&S 7.4 is faulty.
** The following revised BNF corresponds to the LALR(1) grammar in Appendix C,
** and should be correct.  Note in particular:
**	(1) All unary operators have equal precedence, except for the
** postfix operators (which have a special BNF definition).
**	(2) A special check is made in the code for the case of
** "sizeof(<type-name>)" in order to parse it on the spot and remove
** a possible ambiguity (referred to by H&S 7.4.2).  This is not reflected
** in the BNF, although H&S App. C deals with it by moving the syntax to
** primary-expression level.
**	<unary-expr> ::= <cast-expr>
**			| <prefix-expr>
**	<cast-expr> ::=  '(' <type-name> ')' <unary-expr>
**	<prefix-expr> ::= <postfix-expr>
**			| <sizeof-expr>
**			| '-' <unary-expr>	(unary minus)
**			| '!' <unary-expr>	(logical negation)
**			| '~' <unary-expr>	(bitwise negation)
**			| '&' <unary-expr>	(address operator)
**			| '*' <unary-expr>	(indirection)
**			| '++' <unary-expr>	(preincrement)
**			| '--' <unary-expr>	(predecrement)
**	<postfix-expr> ::= <postfix-expr> '++'	(postincrement operator)
**			| <postfix-expr> '--'	(postdecrement operator)
**			| <primary-expr>
**	<sizeof-expr> ::= 'sizeof' '(' <type-name> ')'
**			| 'sizeof' <prefix-expr>	(*)
**	(*) = the reason this is <prefix-expr> instead of <unary-expr> is
** to reflect the fact that a cast expression cannot be used there since
** it would be interpreted as the other kind of sizeof expression.
** Notes on unary expr ops:
**				Operand	Convs	Result	Lvalue result
**	Cast			any	any	any	no
**	Sizeof			any	-	int	no
**	Unary minus: -()	arith	unary	=	no
**	Logical negate: !()	scalar	unary	int(0/1) no
**	Bitwise negate: ~()	integ	unary	=	no
**	Address: &()		lvalue	-	*()	no
**	Indirect: *()		ptr	unary	obj	yes
**	Prefix inc/dec:	++ --	scalar	bin	=	no
**	Postfix inc/dec: ++ --	scalar	bin	=	no

static NODE *castexpr(), *prefexpr(), *postexpr(), *sizeexpr();

static NODE *
{	return ((token == T_LPAREN) ? castexpr() : prefexpr());
static NODE *
    NODE *n;
    TYPE *t;
    int op;

    nextoken();			/* Peek at next token */
    if (csymbol && (tok[token].tktype == TKTY_RWTYPE
			|| csymbol->Sclass == SC_TYPEDEF)) {
	t = typename();		/* Parse the type-name */
	n = convcast(t, unary());	/* Get expression, apply cast */
	n->Nflag |= NF_USERCAST;	/* Say this was explicit user cast */
	return n;
    tokpush(T_LPAREN, (SYMBOL *)NULL);	/* Not a cast, push token back */
    return prefexpr();			/* and parse prefix-expr instead! */

static NODE *
    TYPE *t;
    NODE   *n;
    int    op;
    switch (token) {

    default:	return postexpr();	/* Parse <postfix-expr> */
    case T_SIZEOF: return sizeexpr();	/* Parse <sizeof-expr> */

    case T_INC:  op = N_PREINC;	break;	/* ++() Prefix increment */
    case T_DEC:  op = N_PREDEC;	break;	/* --() Prefix decrement */
    case Q_COMPL: op = Q_COMPL;	break;	/* ~()  Bitwise not */
    case Q_NOT:   op = Q_NOT;	break;	/* !()  Logical not */
    case Q_MINUS: op = N_NEG;	break;	/* -() Arithmetic negation */
    case Q_ANDT:  op = N_ADDR;	break;	/* &() Address of */
    case Q_MPLY:  op = N_PTR;	break;	/* *() Indirection */
    nextoken();			/* Have a prefix op, move on to next token */
    n = unary();		/* and parse an unary expression */
    if (n->Ntype->Tspec == TS_VOID) error (EVOID, "unary operand");

    switch (op) {
    case N_PREINC:		/* ++() Prefix increment */
    case N_PREDEC:		/* --() Prefix decrement */
	/* Operand must be lvalue and of scalar type */
	if (!(n->Nflag & NF_LVALUE)) {
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of prefix inc/dec must be an lvalue");
	    return deficonst(0);
	if (!tisscalar(n->Ntype)) {
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of prefix inc/dec must be scalar type");
	    return deficonst(0);

	/* Conversions are tricky here, since result value may not be
	** of right type.  See H&S 7.4.8.
	** "the type of the result is that of the operand before conversion".
	** This is one of the rare instances where we let the code generation
	** worry about conversions rather than telling it what to do.
	n = defnode(N2, op, n->Ntype, 0, n);	/* Just make op for it */

    case Q_COMPL:		/* ~()  Bitwise not */
	if (!tisinteg(n->Ntype)) {	/* Check for integral type */
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of ~ must be integral type");
	    return deficonst(0);
	n = convunary(n);			/* Convert if needed */
	return defnode(N2, op, n->Ntype, 0, n);	/* Result has converted type */

    case Q_NOT:			/* !()  Logical not */
	if (!tisscalar(n->Ntype)) {	/* Check for scalar type */
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of ! must be scalar type");
	    return deficonst(0);
					/* Note result type is always int! */
	return defnode(N2, op, inttype, 0, convunary(n));

    case N_NEG:			/* -() Arithmetic negation */
	if (!tisarith(n->Ntype)) {	/* Check for arithmetic type */
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of - must be arithmetic type");
	    return deficonst(0);
				/* Apply the usual unary conversions */
	n = convunary(n);			/* Convert if needed */
	return defnode(N2, op, n->Ntype, 0, n);	/* Result has converted type */

    case N_ADDR:		/* &() Address of */
	/* No unary conversions apply here.  Only check for lvalue. */
	if (!(n->Nflag & NF_LVALUE))	/* Operand must be lvalue */
		error(EGEN, "Lvalue required as operand of &(.)");
		/* Someday allow warnings for &funct and &array */
		/* and substitute a fake node on error */
	if (n->Nop == Q_IDENT &&
	    (n->Nid->Sclass == SC_RAUTO || n->Nid->Sclass == SC_RARG)) {
		warn(EGEN,"& applied to register variable");

	n = defnode(N2, N_ADDR, n->Ntype, 0, n);
	if (!(n->Nleft->Nflag & NF_GLOBAL)) { /* If object has local extent */
	    stackrefs++;		/* then count it as a */
	    n->Nflag |= NF_STKREF;	/* stack reference */
	n->Ntype = findtype(TS_PTR, n->Ntype); /* add ref to type */

    case N_PTR:			/* *() Indirection */
	n = convunary(n);	/* Apply usual unary conversions */
	if (n->Ntype->Tspec != TS_PTR) {
	    error(EGEN,"Operand of * must be a pointer");
	    n->Ntype = findtype(TS_PTR, n->Ntype);	/* patch up */
	n = defnode(N2, op, n->Ntype->Tsubt, 0, n);

	if (n->Nleft->Nflag & NF_STKREF) stackrefs--; /* ptr cancels addr */
	else n->Nflag |= NF_GLOBAL;	/* not stack addr so must be global */
	n->Nflag |= NF_LVALUE;		/* ptr is always lvalue */

    return n;

/* SIZEEXPR - Handle "sizeof" operator.
**	Note that the size is always in terms of TGSIZ_CHAR size bytes,
** rather than the actual # bits used by a "char" type; the latter can vary
** (mainly if -x=ch7 was specified), but by fiat we always measure objects
** in terms of 9-bit bytes so that everything will divide evenly and not
** confuse library routines and so forth.
**	The exception is arrays; char arrays always return the number of
** elements (chars) in the array, regardless of the size of a char.
** Similarly, the size of a char is always 1, regardless of the actual # of
** bits it uses.
static NODE *
    TYPE *t;
    NODE *n, *e;

    n = defnode(N1, N_ICONST);	/* get node for integer constant */
    n->Ntype = siztype;		/* Use special type for "sizeof" */

    t = NULL;
    if (nextoken() == T_LPAREN) {	/* Check for possible type-name */
	if(csymbol != NULL && (tok[token].tktype == TKTY_RWTYPE
		|| csymbol->Sclass == SC_TYPEDEF)) {
	    t = typename();
	} else	/* Not a reserved-word type or typedef, push paren back. */
		tokpush(T_LPAREN, (SYMBOL *)NULL);

    if (t == NULL) {	/* If no type-name seen, get a prefix-expression. */
	e = undoconv(prefexpr());	/* Get expr, undo fun/arr convs */
	t = e->Ntype;			/* and use type of the expression */

	/* Special check for string constant, which normally doesn't
	** have the size set in its type.
	while (e->Nop == N_EXPRLIST)	/* Dig down to real expr */
	    e = e->Nright;
	if (e->Nop == N_SCONST) {	/* Is it string constant? */
	    n->Niconst = e->Nsclen;	/* Yes, return length! */
	    return n;

    /* Have type, now determine its size */
    switch(t->Tspec) {
	    case TS_VOID:
	    case TS_FUNCT:
		error(EGEN,"sizeof operand has invalid type");
		n->Niconst = 0;

	    case TS_ARRAY:
		if (t->Tsize == 0) {
		    error(EGEN,"Size of array not known");
		    n->Niconst = 0;
		if (chararray(t)) {		/* If char array, */
		    n->Niconst = sizearray(t);	/* size is # of elements */

		/* Drop through */
	    case TS_STRUCT:
	    case TS_UNION:	/* (size in wds)*(chars per word) */
		n->Niconst = sizetype(t) * (TGSIZ_WORD/TGSIZ_CHAR);

	    case TS_CHAR:
	    case TS_UCHAR:
		n->Niconst = 1; /* char always takes one byte */

		/* Anything left had better be a scalar type! */
		if (!tisscalar(t))
		    error(EINT,"invalid type in sizeof: %d", t->Tspec);
		n->Niconst = tbitsize(t) / TGSIZ_CHAR;
	return n;			/* return the filled in const node */

static NODE *
    NODE *n;

    n = primary();
    for (;; nextoken())	switch (token) {
	case T_INC:
	case T_DEC:
	    if (!(n->Nflag&NF_LVALUE)) {
		error(EGEN,"Operand of postfix inc/dec must be lvalue");
		return deficonst(0);
	    if (!tisscalar(n->Ntype)) {
		error(EGEN,"Operand of postfix inc/dec must be scalar type");
		return deficonst(0);
	    n = defnode(N2, (token==T_INC ? N_POSTINC : N_POSTDEC),
			n->Ntype, 0, n);
	    return n;
/* PRIMARY - Parse primary expression
** [H&S 7.3]
**	primary-expr ::= name
**			| literal
**			| parenthesized-expr
**			| subscript-expr
**			| component-selection-expr (direct, indirect)
**			| function-call
**  KCC EXTENSION:	| assembly-expr
** Current token is 1st token of a primary expression.
** On return, current token is the next one after the expression.

static NODE *
    int op, ty, off;
    NODE *n, *s, *l;
    TYPE *tp;
    SYMBOL *sy, tmp;

    switch (token) {
    case Q_IDENT:
	** Parse <name>
	sy = csymbol;		/* Remember pointer to identifier symbol */
	nextoken();		/* then flush token, set up next */
	switch (sy->Sclass) {
	case SC_ENUM:		/* If <name> is Enumeration constant */
				/* it evaluates into an integer constant */
	    n = deficonst(sy->Svalue);
	    break;		/* Note it is not an lvalue! */

	case SC_UNDEF:		/* Undefined identifier may be function call */
	    if (token != T_LPAREN) {	/* Check for function-call case */
					/* Undefined, complain */
		error(EGEN, "Undefined symbol: \"%s\"", sy->Sname);
		freesym(sy);		/* Flush losing symbol */
		n = defnode(N2, N_UNDEF, deftype, 0, (NODE *)NULL);
		break;			/* Return special undef node so can */
					/* continue processing */
	    /* Pretend we declared this identifier as
	    ** "int ident();" at top level.  Symbol table entry is already
	    ** global, just needs its contents filled out.
	    sy->Stype = findtype(TS_FUNCT, deftype);	/* Set type */
	    sy->Sclass = SC_AEXTERN;	/* Storage class is "assumed-extern" */
	    sy->Svalue = 0;		/* Say not defined yet */
	    sy->Srefs++;	/* Must ref explicitly since just created. */
				/* Now can drop through to handle normally */

	    /* Normal variable or function name */
	    n = defnode(N2, Q_IDENT, sy->Stype, 0, (NODE *)NULL);
	    n->Nid = sy;		/* Set symbol pointer */

	    /* Now set appropriate flags for this node */
	    if ( sy->Sclass != SC_AUTO && sy->Sclass != SC_RAUTO
	      && sy->Sclass != SC_ARG  && sy->Sclass != SC_RARG)
		n->Nflag |= NF_GLOBAL;		/* Var has static extent */
#if 1
	    /* Apply immediate conversion of array and function names.
	    ** This is reversible for the few cases where it is needed.
	    **  "Array of X" becomes "ptr to X"
	    **  "Function returning X" becomes "ptr to function returning X"
	    if (n->Ntype->Tspec == TS_ARRAY || n->Ntype->Tspec == TS_FUNCT) {
		n->Ntype = findtype(TS_PTR,		/* Set new type */
			(n->Ntype->Tspec == TS_ARRAY ?
				n->Ntype->Tsubt : n->Ntype));
		n->Nflag |= NF_ARRFCONV;	/* Mark as special conv */
		if (!(n->Nflag & NF_GLOBAL)) { /* If local extent obj */
		    stackrefs++;		/* then count it as a */
		    n->Nflag |= NF_STKREF;	/* stack reference */
#if 0
		n = convunary(n);		/* Convert to pointer */
		n->Nflag |= NF_ARRFCONV;	/* Mark as special conv */
#if 1
	    else n->Nflag |= NF_LVALUE;		/* Is an lvalue */
#else /* Commented out */
	    n->Nflag |= NF_LVALUE;		/* Is an lvalue */
	    if (sy->Stype->Tspec == TS_ARRAY || sy->Stype->Tspec == TS_FUNCT) {
		n = defnode (N2, N_ADDR, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, n);
		if (sy->Stype->Tspec == TS_ARRAY)
		    n->Ntype = findtype (TS_PTR, sy->Stype->Tsubt);
		else n->Ntype = findtype(TS_PTR, sy->Stype);
		if (!(n->Nleft->Nflag & NF_GLOBAL)) { /* make explicit addr op */
		    stackrefs++;	/* and count stack ref if necess */
		    n->Nflag |= NF_STKREF;

    case T_LCONST:
	** Parse <literal> constant - integer, floating-point, char, or string.
	** [H&S 2.7]
	** The lexer has already parsed the constant into the T_LCONST token,
	** and left information about the constant type and value in the
	** global struct "constant".
	n = defnode(N2, N_ICONST, constant.ctype, 0, (NODE *)NULL);
	switch (constant.ctype->Tspec) {
	    error(EINT,"bad constant type in primary(): %d",
	    n->Niconst = 0;		/* Carry on with parsing */
	    n->Ntype = inttype;		/* as if integer 0 seen */

	case TS_INT: case TS_UINT:	/* Integer/character constant */
	case TS_LONG: case TS_ULONG:
	/*  n->Nop = N_ICONST;	*/	/* Already set to this */
	    n->Niconst = constant.cvalue;
	case TS_PTR:			/* String constant (char *) */
	    n->Nop = N_SCONST;
	    n->Nsconst = constant.csptr; /* get pointer */
	    n->Nsclen = constant.cslen;	/* and num chars including null */
	case TS_FLOAT:			/* Floating-point constant */
	    n->Nop = N_FCONST;
	    n->Nfconst = constant.Cfloat;
	case TS_DOUBLE:
	    n->Nop = N_FCONST;
	    n->Nfconst = constant.Cdouble;
	case TS_LNGDBL:
	    n->Nop = N_FCONST;
	    n->Nfconst = constant.Clngdbl;
	nextoken();	/* Done with constant struct, OK to get next token */

    case T_LPAREN:
	** Parse <parenthesized-expr> ::= '(' <expr> ')'
	nextoken();			/* Advance past left-paren */
	n = exprlist();			/* get expr list in parens */
	n->Nflag |= NF_INPARENS;	/* Remember it was paren-enclosed */
	expect(T_RPAREN);		/* followed by close paren */

    case Q_ASM:
	** Parse <assembly-expr> ::= "asm" '(' <exprlist> ')'
	if (nextoken() != T_LPAREN) {
	    error(EGEN, "Bad syntax for \"asm\" construct - no left paren");
	    return primary();		/* Try again on this token */
	nextoken();			/* Advance past left-paren */
	n = exprlist();			/* get expr list in parens */
	if (token == T_RPAREN)		/* followed by close paren */
	else error(EGEN,"Bad syntax for \"asm\" construct - no right paren");

	/* Check out against currently supported syntax. */
	if (n->Nop != N_SCONST)
	    error(EGEN,"Arg to \"asm\" must be a single string literal");
	n = defnode(N2, Q_ASM, voidtype, 0, n);

    default:				/* Bad token... */
	error(EGEN, "Primary expected");	/* Complain and return dummy */
	return defnode(N2, N_UNDEF, deftype, 0, (NODE *)NULL);

    while (1) {
	switch (token) {
	case T_LPAREN:
	    /* Parse function call
	    **	<function-call> ::= 
	    **		<primary-expr> '(' {no-comma-expr # ','}* ')'
	    n = undoconv(n);	/* Do special hackery to undo fun/arr convs */
	    tp = n->Ntype;		/* Remember type */
	    switch (tp->Tspec) {
		case TS_FUNCT: break;	/* Should be this */
		case TS_PTR:
		    if (tp->Tsubt->Tspec == TS_FUNCT) {
			warn(EGEN,"Assuming ptr to function is function");
			tp = tp->Tsubt;
			n = defnode(N2, N_PTR, tp, 0, n);	/* Use addr */
		    /* Else fall thru to fail */
		    error(EGEN, "Call to non-function");
		    n = defnode(N2, N_UNDEF, tp = findtype(TS_FUNCT, tp),
				0, (NODE *)NULL);

	    n = defnode(N2, N_FNCALL, n->Ntype->Tsubt, 0, n);

	    /* Hack for returning structures -- see if internal auto
	    ** struct is needed to hold return value, and allocate if so.
	    if (sizetype(n->Ntype) > 2) {
		static int cntr = 0;
		char temp[20];
		if (n->Ntype->Tspec != TS_STRUCT && n->Ntype->Tspec !=TS_UNION)
		    error(EINT,"Function returns too-large non-aggregate val");
		/* Make unique ident and then a local variable for type */
		sprintf(temp,"%cstruct%d", SPC_IAUTO, ++cntr);
		n->Nretstruct = defauto(temp, n->Ntype);
	    } else n->Nretstruct = NULL;

	    /* Parse argument list if any */
	    n->Nright = NULL;			/* Start with no args */
	    if (token != T_RPAREN) while(1) {	/* Enter arg parsing loop */
		l = expression();		/* Parse an expression */
		if (optpar) optexpr(l);		/* and rearrange it some */
		l = convfunarg(l);		/* Coerce fun arg if needed */
		n->Nright = defnode(N3, N_EXPRLIST, l->Ntype, 0,
				n->Nright, l);	/* Add fun arg onto list */
		if (token != T_COMMA) break;	/* If no comma, that's it */
		nextoken();			/* pass over comma */
	    expect(T_RPAREN);			/* Close with right paren */

	case T_LBRACK:
	    /* Parse subscript expression
	    **	<subscript-expr> ::=  <primary-expr> '[' <expr> ']'
#if 1
	    /* Note flags are preserved here */
	    n = defnode(N3, Q_PLUS, (TYPE *)NULL, n->Nflag, exprlist(), n);
	    n = chkadd(Q_PLUS, n);	/* Do type checking etc */
	    tp = n->Ntype;		/* get type back, make sure ptr */
	    if (tp->Tspec != TS_PTR)
		error(EGEN, "Array or pointer type required");

	    /* Apply indirection *() to the result.  However, if the result
	    ** of the * is going to be an array (ie a pointer) just skip
	    ** this step and substitute the subtype.
	    if (tp->Tsubt->Tspec == TS_ARRAY)
		n->Ntype = tp->Tsubt;
	    else n = defnode(N2, N_PTR, tp->Tsubt, n->Nflag | NF_LVALUE, n);

	    /* If result can still be an address of something on the stack
	    ** (ie we haven't gotten to the bottom of this array yet) then
	    ** continue to keep the stack reference flag set.  Otherwise,
	    ** clear it and remove the false alarm.
	    if (n->Ntype->Tspec != TS_ARRAY /* If no longer pointing to stk */
	        && (n->Nflag & NF_STKREF)) {	/* then if we had a stk addr */
		    stackrefs--;		/* forget about it */
		    n->Nflag &= ~NF_STKREF;	/* but don't do it twice */
	    } else n->Nflag |= NF_GLOBAL; /* not stack, stay off stack */
#else /* Old version */
	    n = defnode (N3, Q_PLUS, n->Ntype, n->Nflag,
	    n = typecheck(n);
	    tp = n->Ntype;		/* get type back, make sure ptr */
	    if (tp->Tspec != TS_ARRAY && tp->Tspec != TS_PTR)
		error(EGEN, "Array or pointer type required");
	    tp = tp->Tsubt;		/* deref so only care what it pts to */
	    if (tp->Tspec == TS_ARRAY)
		n->Ntype = tp;		/* take out lvl of array */
	    else {
		if (n->Nflag & NF_STKREF) {	/* if we had a stack address */
		    stackrefs--;		/* forget about it */
		    n->Nflag &=~ NF_STKREF;	/* but don't do it twice */
		} else n->Nflag |= NF_GLOBAL; /* not stack, stay off stack */
		n = defnode(N2, N_PTR, tp, n->Nflag | NF_LVALUE, n);

	case Q_DOT:
	case Q_MEMBER:
	    /* Parse structure component selection
	    **	<component-selection-expr> ::= <primary-expr> '.' <name>
	    **				| <primary-expr> '->' <name>
	    op = token;		/* Remember which kind of selection it is */
	    if (nextoken() != Q_IDENT)
		error(EGEN, "Structure or union member expected");
	    else {
		/* check that identifiers are indeed usable */
  		tp = n->Ntype;
		if (op == Q_MEMBER) tp = tp->Tsubt;
		if (tp->Tspec != TS_STRUCT && tp->Tspec != TS_UNION)
			(op == Q_MEMBER ? "Need pointer to struct: ()->%s"
					: "Need structure type: ().%s"),

		/* look up member name in symbol table */
		/* Get right name for a member identifier by adding prefix */
  		idpfcpy(tmp.Sname, SPC_SMEM, csymbol->Sname);
		if (csymbol->Sclass == SC_UNDEF) freesym(csymbol);

		/* New regime */
		csymbol = findsmem(tmp.Sname, tp->Tsmtag);
		if (csymbol == NULL) { /* not a known member? */
		    error(EGEN,"Unknown structure component \"%s\"",
				tmp.Sname + 1); /* no, complain */
		    off = 0;		/* no offset for missing symbol */
		    tp = deftype;	/* use default (int) type of result */
		} else {
		    off = csymbol->Ssmoff;
		    tp = csymbol->Stype;

		** Define the dot or member op
		** The flags remain the same for DOT, but MEMBER involves
		** a deferencing and so can undo a stackref or make a
		** non-stackref safe from future address-taking.
   		n = defnode(N2, op, tp, n->Nflag, n);
		n->Nxoff = off;
		if (op == Q_MEMBER) {
		    n->Nflag |= NF_LVALUE;	/* address of a->b can be taken */
		    if (n->Nflag & NF_STKREF) {
			stackrefs--;	/* (&x)->y  for x on stack */
			n->Nflag &=~ NF_STKREF; /* dereferences address op */
		    } else n->Nflag |= NF_GLOBAL; /* otherwise not on stack */

		** Do special handling for member type == TS_ARRAY
		** If the struct was returned from some function,
		** we can't take the addresses of parts of it.
		** It should be legal to do  foo().x[i]  even
		** though we can't do  foo().x,  but it's too hard
		** to do right, so we don't do it at all.
		** Hopefully the ANSI C standard will clarify this.
		** If the struct is local, we have to adjust stackrefs.
		if (tp->Tspec == TS_ARRAY) {
		    if (!(n->Nflag & NF_LVALUE)) {
			error (EGEN, "Lvalue required as array ref in struct");
		    n->Nflag &=~ NF_LVALUE;
		    if (!(n->Nflag & NF_GLOBAL)) {
			stackrefs++;	/* and count stack ref if necess */
			n->Nflag |= NF_STKREF;
		    n = defnode (N2, N_ADDR, findtype (TS_PTR, tp->Tsubt),
				 n->Nflag &~ NF_LVALUE, n);
		nextoken();		/* now safe to skip over token */

	    return n;
    return n;
/* CHKADD - Check an add/sub expression node for conversions and validity.
static NODE *
chkadd(op, n)
int op;		/* Either Q_PLUS or Q_MINUS */
NODE *n;
    int lts, rts, size;

    n = convbinary(n);		/* First apply binary convs */
    if (tisarith(n->Nleft->Ntype) && tisarith(n->Nright->Ntype))
	return n;		/* If both are arithmetic, OK */
    lts = n->Nleft->Ntype->Tspec;
    rts = n->Nright->Ntype->Tspec;
    if (op == Q_PLUS) {
	/* Not both arith, only allow the 4 combinations
	** ptr+integ, integ+ptr, enum+integ, integ+enum
	if (lts == TS_PTR && tspisinteg(rts)) {
	    /* Handle ptr+int */
#if 0
	    if ((size = sizeptobj(n->Nleft->Ntype)) > 1) {
		n->Nright = defnode(N3, Q_MPLY, inttype, 0,
				n->Nright, deficonst(size));
	    return n;		/* Type already properly set to left type */
	if (rts == TS_PTR && tspisinteg(lts)) {
	    /* Handle int+ptr */
#if 0
	    if ((size = sizeptobj(n->Nright->Ntype)) > 1) {
		n->Nleft = defnode(N3, Q_MPLY, inttype, 0,
				n->Nleft, deficonst(size));
	    n->Ntype = n->Nright->Ntype;
	    return n;
	if (lts == TS_ENUM && tspisinteg(rts))
	    return n;		/* Type already properly set to left type */
	if (rts == TS_ENUM && tspisinteg(lts)) {
	    n->Ntype = n->Nright->Ntype;
	    return n;
	error(EGEN,"Bad operand type combination for +");
	return deficonst(0);
    else {	/* Handle Q_MINUS */

	/* Not both arith, only allow the combinations ptr-ptr (if same type),
	** enum-enum (if same type), ptr-integ, enum-integ.
	if (n->Nleft->Ntype == n->Nright->Ntype
	    && tspisscalar(lts)) {	/* OK */
	    if (lts != TS_PTR)		/* If not pointers, can just return */
		return n;
	    /* Handle case of ptr-ptr. */
#if 0
	    if ((size = sizetype(n->Nleft->Ntype->Tsubt)) > 1) {
		/* Divide down.  Do here instead of CCGEN2 for now. */
		n = defnode(N3, Q_DIV, inttype, 0, n, deficonst(size));
		n->Ntype = inttype;	/* Result type will be int */
	    return n;
	if (lts == TS_PTR && tspisinteg(rts)) {
	    /* Handle ptr-int.  Hack size as before. */
#if 0
	    if ((size = sizeptobj(n->Nleft->Ntype)) > 1) {
		n->Nright = defnode(N3, Q_MPLY, inttype, 0,
				n->Nright, deficonst(size));
	    return n;		/* Type already properly set to left type */
	if (lts == TS_ENUM && tspisinteg(rts))
	    return n;		/* Type already properly set to left type */

	error(EGEN,"Bad operand type combination for -");
	return deficonst(0);

/* chkcond - Check an <expr> for validity as a logical or control expression
**	and return a node pointer which may be different if
**	there was a problem with the expression.

static NODE *
NODE *n;
    if (!tisscalar(n->Ntype)) {
	    error(EGEN, "Illegal type in logical expression");
	    return deficonst(0);
    return n;

/* NISZERO - returns TRUE if node is the integer constant 0
**	Should probably try to evaluate constant expression if not
** optimized, but... sigh.
NODE *n;
    return (n->Nop == N_ICONST && n->Niconst == 0);

/* DEFICONST - Auxiliary to make a N_ICONST node and set its value.
int val;
    NODE *n;
    n = defnode(N1, N_ICONST);
    n->Ntype = inttype;
    n->Niconst = val;
    return n;
** Define a parse tree node
** The first argument is how many of the type, flag, llink, and rlink fields
** are actually given with this call:
**   N1 -- none of them are given (arg list ends with op)
**   N2 -- type, flag, and llink are given but not rlink
**   N3 -- all four of type, flag, llink, and rlink are given

defnode (n, op, type, flag, llink, rlink)
NODE *llink, *rlink;
TYPE *type;
    NODE *nd;

    nd = &nodes[maxnode++];		/* get a new node from the list */
    if (maxnode >= MAXNODE)		/* Make sure we didn't run out */
	fatal(EGEN, "Declaration too large (rebuild KCC with larger MAXNODE)");
    if((nd->Nop = op) == 0)		/* always put operation in */
	efatal(EINT, "zero node op");
    nd->Nendlab = 0;			/* nowhere to go yet */
    nd->Nxfint = 0;			/* Ensure var 0 cleared too */

    switch (n) {
    case N1:				/* op without operands (e.g. BREAK) */
	nd->Ntype = NULL;		/* has no type */
	nd->Nflag = 0;			/* or flag */
	nd->Nleft = nd->Nright = NULL;	/* or left and right pointers */
	return nd;

    case N2:				/* op with one operand */
	nd->Ntype = type;		/* set type */
	nd->Nflag = flag;		/* and flag */
	nd->Nleft = llink;		/* and llink from arguments */
	nd->Nright = NULL;		/* but no rlink is wanted or given */
	return nd;

    case N3:				/* op with two operands (e.g. PLUS) */
	nd->Ntype = type;		/* set type */
	nd->Nflag = flag;		/* and flag */
	nd->Nleft = llink;		/* and llink */
	nd->Nright = rlink;		/* and rlink from arguments */
	return nd;