
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-4/lib/libc.log
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[PHOTO:  Recording initiated  Tue 27-Oct-87 3:20pm]

@!      compile stdio routines
@connect cs:
@take -make-.cmd
KCC:    fgetc
FAIL:  fgetc
KCC:    fseek
FAIL:  fseek
 End of -MAKE-.CMD.20
@!      compile math routines
@connect cm:
@take -make-.cmd
 End of -MAKE-.CMD.8
@!      compile unix syscall routines
@connect cu:
 SS:<C.LIB.USYS> Over permanent storage allocation by 50 page(s).
@take -make-.cmd
 End of -MAKE-.CMD.25
@!      compile network stuff
@connect cn:
 SS:<C.LIB.USYS> Over permanent storage allocation by 50 page(s).
@take -make-.cmd
 End of -MAKE-.CMD.2
@!      compile everything else
@connect libc:
@take -make-.cmd
 End of -MAKE-.CMD.21
@!      now merge them

?WLDLKE Non-existent file CN:FILBUF.REL
*libc.poi= libc/points
@!      Compile special LIBCKX module (not part of normal LIBC)
@cc -q -c -m libckx

[PHOTO:  Recording terminated Tue 27-Oct-87 3:23pm]