
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-5/lib/malloc.c
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 *	MALLOC - memory allocation for C programs (first fit)
 *	Copyright (C) 1986 by Ian Macky, SRI International
 * Block in use, pointed to by a (char *) pointer:
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		flag	|		      IN_USE			|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		size	|	     Total size of block (in bytes)	|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		above	|    (free_block *) to block above in memory    |
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 * (char *) ptr --->	|			 .			|
 *			.			 .			.
 *			.		    Block data			.
 *			.			 .			.
 *			|			 .			|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *	When a block is freed, if the next sequential block in memory is
 *	IN_USE, it's "above" pointer is set to point up to that free block.
 * Block on freelist:
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		flag	|			FREE			|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		size	|		 Total size of block		|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		previous|  (free_block *) to previous block on freelist |
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *		next	|    (free_block *) to next block on freelist   |
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *			|			 .			|
 *			.			 .			.
 *			.		       Unused			.
 *			.			 .			.
 *			|			 .			|
 *			+-----------------------------------------------+
 *	The variable free_head points to the head of the linked-list of free
 *	blocks.  When the freelist is empty, free_head contains NULL.
 *	top_block is the address of the very first block in memory, or NULL
 *	if none have been allocated yet.
#include "c-env.h"
/* #include "stddef.h"	*/	/* for size_t (but conflict with sys/types) */
#include "stdio.h"

#include "sys/types.h"		/* For caddr_t and size_t */
extern caddr_t sbrk();

#define MALLOC_CHECK	1		/* runtime check for block validity? */

typedef double	largest_t;		/* this type requires max storage */
typedef int	blksiz_t;		/* maybe "long" for some machines */

struct free_header {
    int flag;				/* always FREE, for verification */
    blksiz_t size;			/* size in bytes of data area */
    struct free_header *previous;	/* pointer to previous block on f.l. */
    struct free_header *next;		/* pointer to next block in freelist */

#define free_block	struct free_header

struct used_header {
    int flag;				/* always IN_USE, for verification */
    blksiz_t size;			/* size in bytes of data area */
    free_block *above;			/* pointer to above block in memory */

#define used_block	struct used_header

 *	these bit-patterns are pretty unlikely to stumble on by accident

#define FREE		(-'!' - 'F' - 'r' - 'e' - 'e' - '!')
#define IN_USE		(-'I' - 'n' - ' ' - 'u' - 's' - 'e')

 *	make sure the block header is a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE bytes long,
 *	so the data area remains on a boundry suitable for any type

#define CHUNK_SIZE	(sizeof(largest_t))
#define ROUND_D(n, m)	(((n - 1) / m) + 1)
#define ROUND_N(n, m)	(ROUND_D(n, m) * m)
#define OVERHEAD	ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct used_header))

static free_block *top_block = NULL;	/* pointer to very 1st block in mem */

 *	initialization for freelist pointer

static free_block *free_head = NULL;

void free(), cfree(), _pfree();	/* free previously allocated blocks */
static void split();		/* split up a block that's too big */
static void _setup();		/* set up a new in-use block */
static int *boundrize();	/* one time only, get to a good boundry */
static void izero(), icopy();	/* zero out or copy a block of ints */
 *	malloc - allocate a block of memory big enough to accomodate
 *	"size" bytes.  a char pointer is returned to the data area,
 *	which is NOT initialized.  the requested size is rounded up
 *	to a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE bytes, to keep blocks on boundry
 *	of largest data-type.
 *	mlalloc is the same as malloc, except its arg is a long instead
 *	of just an int - one just calls the other.  who's on first
 *	depends on whether longs are equivalent to ints or not.

char *
unsigned long size;
    char *malloc();

    return malloc((size_t) size);

char *
size_t size;
    free_block *old;
    used_block *new, *below;
    char *area;
    blksiz_t need = size;		/* Get into convenient type */

    if (need <= 0)			/* range check argument */
	return NULL;

    need = ROUNDUP(need) + OVERHEAD;	/* total size w/overhead */
 *	look through the freelist for a fit
    for (old = free_head; old != NULL; old = old->next) {
	if (old->flag != FREE) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "malloc(): bad block on freelist (%o,,%o)\n",
		    ((unsigned) old) >> 18, ((unsigned) old) & 0777777);
	if (old->size >= need) {	/* is this block big enough for us? */
	    split(old, need);		/* yes, but only keep what we need */
	    if (!old->previous) free_head = old->next;
	    else old->previous->next = old->next;
	    if (old->next) old->next->previous = old->previous;
	    new = (used_block *) old;
	    new->flag = IN_USE;
	    new->above = NULL;
	    below = (used_block *) ((char *) new + new->size);
	    if (below->flag == IN_USE) below->above = NULL;
	    return ((char *) new) + OVERHEAD; /* return ptr to data area */
 *	didn't find a block big enough so allocate new space.
    if (!top_block) boundrize();	/* get on good initial boundry */
    area = (char *)sbrk(need);		/* allocate space */
    if ((int) area == -1)		/* get what we requested? */
	return NULL;			/* nope, no more room at the inn */
    new = (used_block *) area;		/* got it, make pointer */
    _setup(new, need);			/* mark up block */
    return ((char *) new) + OVERHEAD;	/* return pointer to data area */

 *	get on a good initial boundry, which means an even word boundry.
 *	we always go to the word after what sbrk(0) says is available,
 *	in case that word is partly in use, plus getting on an even word
 *	boundry.

static int *boundrize()
    int *int_align;			/* on these type boundries */
    char *cp;

    cp = (char *)sbrk(0);		/* initial starting point */
    int_align = ((int *) cp) + 1;	/* turn into an int pointer */
    if ((int) int_align & 1)		/* if not on an even word boundry, */
	int_align++;			/* bump up to it. */
    brk((char *) int_align);		/* get on the boundry. */
    top_block = (free_block *) int_align;
    return int_align;

 *	set up the given block as used.  flag it, fill in the header,
 *	check the next block down in memory to see if it should point
 *	back up, etc.

static void _setup(block, size)
used_block *block;
int size;
    used_block *below;

    block->flag = IN_USE;		/* and mark that it's being used */
    block->size = size;			/* set total size of block */
    block->above = NULL;		/* for now; set by others */
    below = (used_block *) ((char *) block + size);
    if (below->flag == IN_USE)		/* if below block used to have a */
	below->above = NULL;		/* free block above, change that. */
 *	split - split a block into a chunk of given size and a remainder,
 *	which is freed.  a remainder block is not made unless it is of at
 *	least CHUNK_SIZE data bytes, to keep from having too many small,
 *	not very useful, fragmented blocks.

static void split(block, newsize)
free_block *block;
blksiz_t newsize;
    used_block *residue;

    newsize = ROUNDUP(newsize) + OVERHEAD;
    if (newsize > 0 && (block->size - newsize) >= CHUNK_SIZE + OVERHEAD) {
	residue = (used_block *) ((char *) block + newsize);
	residue->flag = IN_USE;
	residue->size = block->size - newsize;
	residue->above = NULL;
	block->size = newsize;
	free((char *) residue + OVERHEAD);
 *	calloc - allocate a block of memory big enough to accomodate
 *	elt_count elements each of size elt_size.  a pointer to the
 *	first region is returned, and the region itself is cleared
 *	to zeroes.  since m(l)alloc always returns a pointer to a
 *	region starting on a boundry which can accomodate ANY type,
 *	no more boundry twiddling need be done by this routine.

char *
clalloc(elt_count, elt_size)
unsigned long elt_count, elt_size;
    char *calloc();

    return calloc((size_t) elt_count, (size_t) elt_size);

char *
calloc(elt_count, elt_size)
size_t elt_count, elt_size;
    blksiz_t size;
    char *cp;

    cp = malloc(size = elt_count * elt_size);
    if (cp)
	izero((int *) cp, ROUND_D(size, sizeof(int)));
    return cp;	
 *	page allocation.  alas, since the data area needs to start right at
 *	a page boundry, the header that comes before the data area must be
 *	in the previous page, rendering it useless for page allocation.
 *	which means sequential 1-page _palloc's return every other page, with
 *	smaller-than-a-page free chunks between them.

#define PAGE_SIZE	512		/* number of words/page */
#define ADDRESS_SPACE	1000		/* size of address space in pages */

int _palloc(n)
int n;
    free_block *old;
    used_block *new;
    int *area, map_size, need, next_page, pre_page;

    if (n < 1 || n > ADDRESS_SPACE) return NULL;	/* verify arg */
    map_size = n * PAGE_SIZE * sizeof(int);		/* # of chars in map */
    need = map_size + OVERHEAD;				/* same but w/OVH */
    for (old = free_head; old != NULL; old = old->next) {
	if (old->flag != FREE) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "_palloc(): bad block on freelist (%o,,%o)\n",
		    ((unsigned) old) >> 18, ((unsigned) old) & 0777777);
	if (old->size < need) continue;		/* big enough for us? */
	next_page = (((int) old / PAGE_SIZE) + 1) * PAGE_SIZE;
	pre_page = (next_page - (int) old) * sizeof(int);
	if (pre_page < sizeof(struct used_header) + CHUNK_SIZE)
	    continue;				/* too close to next page. */
	if (old->size - pre_page < map_size)
	    continue;				/* not aligned right. */
	split(old, pre_page + map_size);	/* trim excess */
	old->size = pre_page - OVERHEAD;	/* new old size */
	new = (used_block *) (next_page - (OVERHEAD / sizeof(int)));
	_setup(new, need);			/* set up block, flag &tc */
	new->above = old;			/* manually set this. */
	return next_page / PAGE_SIZE;		/* return page # */
 *	nothing useable on the free_list, so make a new block
    area = (!top_block) ? boundrize() : (int *) sbrk(0);  /* EOM */
    next_page = (((int) area / PAGE_SIZE) + 1) * PAGE_SIZE;
    pre_page = (next_page - (int) area) * sizeof(int);
    if (pre_page < sizeof(struct used_header) + OVERHEAD) {
	next_page += PAGE_SIZE;		/* not enough room, go to next page */
	pre_page += PAGE_SIZE * sizeof(int);
    area = (int *) sbrk(pre_page + map_size);	/* allocate the space */
    if ((int) area == -1) return NULL;	/* no more room at the inn */
    old = (free_block *) area;		/* point to allocated area */
    old->flag = FREE;			/* leader will be FREE. */
    old->size = pre_page - OVERHEAD;	/* set the size of the leader */
    old->previous = NULL;		/* now splice it into the free list. */
    old->next = free_head;		/* put this at the top of the chain. */
    free_head = old;			/* point to part we really want */
    new = (used_block *) (next_page - OVERHEAD / sizeof(int));
    _setup(new, need);			/* mark it up as in use */
    return next_page / PAGE_SIZE;	/* return the allocated page # */
 *	free - free a previously allocated block.

void free(cp)
char *cp;
    used_block *current, *q;
    free_block *p, *below;

    if (cp == NULL)		/* Allow no-op if given null arg */
	 return;		/* as per ANSI description. */
    current = (used_block *) (cp -= OVERHEAD); /* make struct ptr to block */
    if (current->flag != IN_USE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "free(): tried to free invalid block (%o,,%o)\n",
		((unsigned) current) >> 18, ((unsigned) current) & 0777777);
    below = (free_block *) (cp + current->size);
    if (below->flag != FREE) below = NULL;	/* but only if it's free! */
 *	check to see if next and/or previous ("physical") blocks in memory
 *	are free also, so we can do merge.
    if (current->above) {			/* merge with block above */
	if (!below)
	    current->above->size += current->size;
	else {					/* merge w/above AND below */
	    current->above->size += (current->size + below->size);
	    if (!below->previous) free_head = below->next;
	    else below->previous->next = below->next;
	    if (below->next) below->next->previous = below->previous;
	current = (used_block *) current->above;	/* new current block */
    } else {
	current->flag = FREE;
	p = (free_block *) current;		/* this block is free now */
	if (below) {				/* merge with below only */
	    p->size += below->size;
	    if (!below->previous) free_head = p;
	    else below->previous->next = p;
	    p->previous = below->previous;
	    if (p->next = below->next) below->next->previous = p;
	} else {				/* no merge possible  */
	    p->previous = NULL;
	    if (p->next = free_head) p->next->previous = p;
	    free_head = p;
    q = (used_block *) ((char *) current + current->size);
    if (q->flag == IN_USE) q->above = (free_block *) current;

void cfree(cp)			/* cfree() and free() are interchangable */
char *cp;

void _pfree(page)
int page;
    free((char *) (int *) (page * PAGE_SIZE));	/* turn page # into word. */
 *	change the size of an existing block.  reducing the size pares
 *	a chunk of storage off the end and frees it; increasing the
 *	size gets you a new block with the old data copied over.
 *	Note behavior follows ANSI description when given a NULL pointer
 *	or a zero size:
 *		If ptr == NULL, acts like malloc.
 *		Else if size == 0, acts like free and returns NULL.

char *
relalloc(ptr, size)
char *ptr;
unsigned long size;
    char *realloc();

    return realloc(ptr, (size_t) size);

char *
realloc(ptr, size)
char *ptr;
size_t size;
    char *new;
    used_block *old;
    blksiz_t need = size;

    if (ptr == NULL)		/* Per ANSI description, if ptr NULL */
	return malloc(size);	/* then just act like malloc() */
    if (need <= 0) {		/* Also per ANSI description, if size 0 */
	free(ptr);		/* then free up the old block */
	return NULL;		/* and return NULL */
    old = (used_block *) (ptr - OVERHEAD);
    if (old->flag != IN_USE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "realloc(): tried to reallocate invalid block (%o,,%o)\n",
		((unsigned) old) >> 18, ((unsigned) old) & 0777777);
    need = ROUNDUP(need) + OVERHEAD;
    if (old->size == need)		/* is it worth checking for this? */
	return ptr;
    else if (old->size > need) {	/* if reducing, free the tail */
	split(old, need);
	return ptr;
    } else {				/* bigger, so reallocate and copy */
	new = malloc(size);		/* allocate a bigger block */
	if (new) {
	    icopy((int *) ptr, (int *) new,
		  ROUND_D(old->size - OVERHEAD, sizeof(int)));
	    free(ptr);			/* now free the old block */
	return new;			/* return updated char pointer */
 *	primitives to zero and copy sequential ints
 *	These both assume they will never see a count <= 0, since
 *	malloc never deals with zero-length blocks.

static void icopy(from, to, count)
int *from, *to, count;
#if !(CPU_PDP10)
    while (count-- > 0)
	*to++ = *from++;
	JUMPG 17,xicopy
	MOVE 1,-2(17)		;to		NON-EXTENDED
	HRL 1,-1(17)		;from,,to
	MOVE 2,-3(17)		;count
	ADDI 2,(1)		;to+count
	BLT 1,-1(2)		;do it.
	POPJ 17,

xicopy:	MOVE 1,-3(17)		;count		EXTENDED
	MOVE 2,-1(17)		;from
	MOVE 3,-2(17)		;to
	EXTEND 1,[XBLT]		;do it.
	POPJ 17,

static void izero(to, count)
int *to, count;
#if !(CPU_PDP10)
    while (count-- > 0)
	*to++ = 0;
	JUMPG 17,xizero
	AOS 1,-1(17)		;to+1		NON-EXTENDED
	HRLI 1,-1(1)		;to,,to+1
	SETZM -1(1)		;zero 1st wd
	SOSG 2,-2(17)		;count-1
	 POPJ 17,		;only 1 word
	ADDI 2,(1)		;<count-1>+<to+1> = <to+count>
	BLT 1,-1(2)		;do it
	POPJ 17,

xizero:	MOVE 2,-1(17)		;to		EXTENDED
	SETZM (2)		;zero (to)
	MOVE 3,2		;to
	ADDI 3,1		;to+1
	SOSLE 1,-2(17)		;count-1
	 EXTEND 1,[XBLT]	;do it if something left.
 *	debugging stuff

void _free_list(f)
FILE *f;
    free_block *p;

    if (!free_head) fputs("    ---- freelist is empty ----\n", f);
    else {
	fputs("    ---- free-list ----\n", f);
	p = free_head;
	while (p) {
	    fprintf(f, "    %o: %d.\n", p, p->size);
	    p = p->next;

void _memory_map(f)
FILE *f;
    free_block *p;
    used_block *q;
    int *z;

    z = (int *) top_block;
    fprintf(f, "Top block = %o\nFree head = %o\n", z, free_head);
    if (*z) fputs("-- Memory map of malloc area --\n", f);

    while (*z) {			/* if zero, assume EOM */
	fprintf("%6o: ", z);
	p = (free_block *) z;
	switch (p->flag) {
	    case IN_USE:
		q = (used_block *) p;
		fprintf(f, "IN_USE\tsize = %o\tabove = %o\n",
			q->size, q->above);
		z += (q->size / sizeof(int));
	    case FREE:
		fprintf(f, "FREE\tsize = %o\tprev = %o\tnext = %o\n",
			p->size, p->previous, p->next);
		z += (p->size / sizeof(int));
		fprintf(f, "Bad header value, not FREE or IN_USE: %o\n",
		z = 0;