
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-5/lib/pml/-read-.-me-
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	PML --- Portable Math Library for C programs. (version 1.1)

	This directory contains the source distribution kit for
	the Portable Math Library (PML).  Provided files are:

	(1)	Command files for installing the library on RSX11M
		systems running the DECUS C compiler.  The main
		control file is MDPML.CMD.

	(2)	The library sources.

	(3)	Some simple-minded test routines to verify successful
		installation (FTEST1.C, FTEST2.C, FTEST3.C, FTESTERR.C).

	(4)	A C compiler test routine adapted for the DECUS
		compiler from an MIT C kit.

	Since PML is intended to be a highly portable library, useful
	on a wide variety of machines, few installation command files
	are provided.  It is assumed that the installer is sufficiently
	knowledgeable to successfully install the library given the
	following general guidelines:

	(1)	The constants in PML.H must be suitably defined for
		the environment in which the library is to be used.
		Currently constants are provided for PDP-11's and
		the DECSYSTEM-20.

	(2)	The appropiate environment #define variable is
		defined somewhere, either within the preprocessor
		itself, in STDIO.H, or is added to PML.H.
		For example, "#define PDP10" or "#define pdp11".

	(3)	The file PMLUSER.H is moved to the global header
		file directory, so that an "#include <pmluser.h>"
		will be properly processed.

	(4)	All of the library source files are compiled.

	(5)	The furnished test routines are compiled, linked
		and successfully executed.