
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-6/include/pwd.h
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/* <PWD.H> - definitions to support getpw*() functions
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
** Supports:	V7: getpw()
**		4.3BSD: getpwuid()
**		4.3BSD: getpwnam()
** as per 4.3BSD documentation.
**	Note: getpwent, setpwent, endpwent and setpwfile are unsupported.
**	Those are primarily system maintenance functions anyway.


struct passwd {			/* Unspecified components (-) are NULL or 0 */
	char *pw_name;		/* T20: user name */
	char *pw_passwd;	/* - */
	int pw_uid;		/* T20: user number */
	int pw_gid;		/* - */
	int pw_quota;		/* - */
	char *pw_comment;	/* - */
	char *pw_gecos;		/* - (!!) */
	char *pw_dir;		/* T20: user directory path, "dev:<dir>" */
	char *pw_shell;		/* T20: "SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE" */

int getpw();
struct passwd *getpwuid(), *getpwnam();

#endif /* ifndef _PWD_INCLUDED */