
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-6/kcc/ccparm.h
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/*	CCPARM.H - Global parameters for KCC
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
**		All changes after v.30, 8-Apr-1988
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien, SRI International 1985, 1986
**		Collected from various files, 15 Dec 85
** This file contains two conceptually distinct sets of parameters:
**	(1) Target Machine (System/CPU/ASM) definitions & parameters
**	(2) General KCC size parameters
** If the first category becomes much more complex it should be split
** off into its own file.

/* Target machine definitions. */

/* Target System type.
**	The global "tgsys" is set to one of these values.
**	Note that for TGSYS_NULL, the source system can be found using c-env.h.

enum systype {
	TGSYS_NULL,	/* Target system same as source system */
	TGSYS_TOPS20,	/* Target: DEC TOPS-20 system */
	TGSYS_WAITS,	/* Target: SU WAITS system */
	TGSYS_TOPS10,	/* Target: DEC TOPS-10 system */
	TGSYS_ITS	/* Target: MIT ITS system */

/* Target CPU types.
**	 The global array "tgcpu[]" is indexed by these values.
** These all represent some variety of PDP-10.  Anything else (a non-PDP10)
** will require an overhaul of not only this typing scheme but a lot of KCC.
enum cputype {
	TGCPU_KA,		/* Target: KA-10 */
	TGCPU_KI,		/* Target: KI-10 */
	TGCPU_KS,		/* Target: KS-10 and 1-section KL (KL-10A) */
	TGCPU_KL0,		/* Target: Extended KL-10, section 0 */
	TGCPU_KLX,		/* Target: Extended KL-10, non-zero section */
	TGCPU_N			/* # of target CPU types */

/* Target Machine data type sizes.
**	These are universal for all PDP-10s.  KCC may never be set up to
** compile for anything else.
** Note that the sizes are in terms of bits, rather than "char" bytes.

#define TGSIZ_WORD 36		/* Size of a PDP-10 word, in bits */
#define TGSIZ_HALFWD 18		/* Size of a PDP-10 halfword in bits */
				/* This is sometimes handled specially. */

#define TGSIZ_CHAR	(TGSIZ_WORD/4)	/* Default size of a char byte */

/* Target Assembler types.
**	The global "tgasm" is set to one of these values.
** This is actually more or less independent of the target system/cpu.

enum asmtype {
	TGASM_FAIL,	/* SU  FAIL assembler code */
	TGASM_MACRO,	/* DEC MACRO assembler code */
	TGASM_MIDAS	/* MIT MIDAS assembler code */
/* Parameter definitions, mostly to do with sizes */
#ifndef MAXPREDEF	/* CC: # of -D and -U predefs allowed  */
#define MAXPREDEF 20
#ifndef MAXINCDIR	/* CC: # of -I include-file search paths allowed  */
#define MAXINCDIR 10
#ifndef FNAMESIZE	/* CC, CCPP: Size of a filename string */
#define FNAMESIZE (40*4+10)	/*	TOPS-20 has biggest possible names */
#ifndef MAXPPTOKS	/* CCPP: # of Preprocessor tokens active */
#define MAXPPTOKS 4000
#ifndef MAXPOOLSIZE	/* CCPP: Size of char pool for PP tokens */
#define MAXPOOLSIZE 4000
#ifndef MAXMARG		/* CCPP: Max # of macro args */
#define MAXMARG 40	/*	Cannot exceed 0177 */
#ifndef MAXMACNEST	/* CCPP: Max depth of macro nesting */
#define MAXMACNEST 40
#ifndef MAXINCLNEST	/* CCPP: Max depth of include file nesting */
#define MAXINCLNEST 10
#ifndef MAXIFLEVEL	/* CCPP: Max depth of #if nesting */
#define MAXIFLEVEL 50
#ifndef MAXTSTACK	/* CCLEX: Size of C token stack */
#define MAXTSTACK 16
#ifndef CPOOLSIZE	/* CCLEX: Size of string literal char pool */
#define CPOOLSIZE 16000
#ifndef THASHSIZE	/* CCSYM: Size of type hash table */
#define THASHSIZE 1021
#ifndef MAXTYPE		/* CCSYM: # of types possible */
#define MAXTYPE 1021
#ifndef IDENTSIZE	/* CCSYM: Max ident length, including trailing NUL */
#define IDENTSIZE 32
#ifndef MAXHSH		/* CCSYM: Symbol hashtable size */
#define MAXHSH (1<<12)	/*	(4096) Must be a power of 2! */
#ifndef MAXNODE		/* CCSTMT: # of nodes in initial static table */
#define MAXNODE 4000
#ifndef MAXCASE		/* CCGSWI: Max # of cases per switch (CCGSWI) */
#define MAXCASE 513	/*	All possible values of char, plus 1 */
#ifndef MAXCODE		/* CCCODE: Size of peephole buffer */
#define MAXCODE (1<<8)	/*	(256) Must be a power of 2! */
#ifndef ERRLSIZE	/* CCERR: Size of error context line */
#define ERRLSIZE 256