
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-6/kcc/ccsym.c
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/*	CCSYM.C - Symbol table management (type table too)
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
**		All changes after v.165, 9-Mar-1988
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien, SRI International 1985, 1986
**		All changes after v.39, 8-Aug-1985
**	Original version (C) 1981  K. Chen

#include "cc.h"
#include "ccchar.h"
#include <stdlib.h>	/* malloc, realloc, free */

/* Exported functions - Symbol stuff */
void syminit();		/* CC */
SYMBOL *symfind();
SYMBOL *symftag(), *symfmember(), *symflabel();
SYMBOL *symfidstr(), *symfnext();
SYMBOL *symqcreat();
SYMBOL *creatsym(), *symgcreat(), *uniqsym(), *shmacsym();
void freesym(), copysym();
int isdupsym();
int hash();		/* Crock for CCEVAL's ecanon() */
SYMBOL *beglsym();
void endlsym(), ridlsym();
void symdump();

/* Exported functions - Label stuff */
SYMBOL *newlabel();			/* Label functions */
void reflabel(), freelabel(), cleanlabs();

/* Exported functions - Mapping stuff */
int mapextsym();
void mapintsym();

/* Exported functions - Type stuff */
TYPE *findtype(), *findsztype(), *findctype(),
	*findftype(), *findutype(), *findqtype();
TYPE *tcomposite();
int sizetype();		/* For CCDECL, CCSTMT, CCGEN* */
int sizeptobj();	/* For CCGEN2 */
int sizearray();	/* For CCGEN, CCSTMT */
int elembsize();	/* ditto */

/* Imported functions */
int sixbit();		/* CCASMB */

/* Local functions */
static void typeinit(), labinit();
static TYPE *tcomproto();
static void inisymlist();
static SYMBOL *symfflag();
static void makelsym(), makegsym();
static SYMBOL *getsym();
static void retsym();
static SYMBOL *mksym();
static SYMBOL *symmk();
static int symhash(), symcmp();
static int idcmp(), idcpy();
static void smapinit();
static int smapmatch();

#if 0	/* For debugging */
#define BUGMSG(a) if(symdeb) printf a;
static int symdeb = 0;
#define BUGMSG(a) ;	/* Null stmt */
#if 0

The "symbol table" is implemented as a collection of dynamically allocated
symbol entries.  A symbol is always linked either to the global symbol
list, or the local symbol list.  In addition to this linkage, all symbols
also belong to some hash chain list.

The hash table is used to look up symbols.  The identifier is hashed
to produce a index into the hash table, which contains pointers to all
of the hash chains; a given chain consists of all symbols whose
identifiers produce that specific hash value.  This chain is then
searched sequentially, doing full string comparison on the identifiers,
until the matching symbol (if any) is found.

Symbols on a hash chain are linked MOST-RECENT-FIRST, and the first
matching symbol is considered to hide or shadow all other instances of
that identifier (unless it is flagged as no longer active).  This is how
the scope and visibility of symbols are implemented for symbol lookup.
Some special checking is done for macro symbols; see further comments at
end of this page.

Symbols must also be linked into either the global or local symbol
list.  These lists are doubly linked and new entries are added
MOST-RECENT-LAST (as opposed to the hash chain lists).  All symbols on
the global list have the same scope, and no duplicate identifiers
should exist on that list.  Symbols may initially be linked onto the
global list for a short time before being flushed or re-linked onto
the global list, but in general nothing is deleted from the global
symbol list unless re-initializing to compile a new file.

The local symbol list, however, is more dynamic.  During the parsing,
local symbols are added on the end of this list as they are
encountered; once their scope has expired (the end of a block was
reached), they are marked inactive but remain on the list for the
benefit of the code generation routines.  Once the entire function
has been generated, all local symbols are flushed and the list

The tricky part of the local symbol list has to do with how the block
structure of a C function is represented so that local symbols have
only their proper scope.  At any given moment, the pointer "lsymhead"
points to the symbol preceding the first symbol of the innermost active
block; if there is no active block (i.e.  parsing at top level) this
pointer is NULL.  The symbols belonging to this active block consist of
this first symbol and all succeeding symbols on the list, except for
those which are marked inactive (by setting the SF_XLOCAL flag).
Inactive symbols, if they exist, will be those belonging to inner
blocks (inside the current block) that have been exited.

When a block is first entered (via beglsym()) the old value is saved,
and lsymhead is set to the current tail of the local symbol list.  Now,
whenever a local symbol is defined in this block, it will be added to
the end of the list; to see whether a duplicate definition of the
symbol already exists, it suffices to scan the list starting at the
lsymhead pointer (the first symbol is lsymhead->Snext; see isdupsym()).
When the block is finally ended (via endlsym()), all symbols belonging
to this block will be marked inactive, and the old value of lsymhead
restored so that it now points to the next outer block.

The hash chain lists and the global/local lists are completely independent
of each other.

Note that the global and local lists are doubly linked and each has a "dummy"
initial symbol entry to render checks for NULL unnecessary.  These are the
only two "symbols" not also on a hash chain.  The hash chain lists are singly
linked and end in NULL.  Unused symbol entries are kept around on a freelist
to avoid the overhead of calls to malloc/free; they are never given to free(),
even at the start of a new file compilation, under the assumption that the
efficiency improvement is worth the (very slight) risk that storage will
become excessively fragmented over many compilations.

	Although normally macro symbols are unique, and thus shadowing is
never an issue, ANSI makes it possible for macro self-references to generate
non-macro symbols that are identical to macro names.  In other words, macro
symbols can also be shadowed.  But because this should only happen in
special circumstances, special checking is needed.
	There are only two places where a macro symbol is looked for,
both in CCPP: findident() to handle an identifier token, and
findmacsym() to explicitly look for a macro name.  These two places
both invoke symfind(), which finds the first hashed symbol (whether
macro or not).  All other symbol lookups can safely assume that any
identifiers they deal with have already been expanded if necessary, and
so they all use other routines like symfidstr() or symftag(), etc,
which ignore any macro symbols they encounter and will thus find any
shadowed symbols.
	In order to ensure that symfind() finds the macro symbol first
if one exists, that symbol always has to come BEFORE the shadowed symbol
on the hash chain.  This ordering is ensured by the shmacsym() function,
which findident() invokes whenever a new symbol is being shadowed by a
macro.  uniqsym() also invokes this routine if it is about to create
a duplicate of a macro-shadowed symbol.

Handling of SC_XEXTREF:
	There is a special category of block-scope symbols which
must actually become global symbols.  Declarations within a block that
have storage class "extern" must not be forgotten when the block ends,
because appropriate linkage commands must be generated for the assembler,
and multiple references to the same symbol must not generate multiple
linkage commands.
	When a SC_EXTREF symbol is about to be flushed by endlsym(), it
is instead (1) given the type SC_XEXTREF to distinguish it from
SC_EXTREF, (2) moved from the local list to the global list so it will
stay around for the duration of the file compilation, and (3) flagged
with SF_XLOCAL to put it out-of-scope, i.e. so it will not be found by
any normal symbol-finder routine.
	Another external declaration of the same identifier needs to
refer to the same symbol, which is why symfxext() exists to find it.
External declarations are handled in two places: CCDECL's funchk() and

SYMBOL *lsymhead;	/* NULL at top level, else points to head of
			** current local symbol block.  The first sym
			** on the list is lsymhead->Snext.
			** Only reason this isn't static is cuz CCDECL
			** wants to know if we're in a local block.
static SYMBOL *symflist = NULL;	/* Symbol entry freelist, for efficiency */

static SYMBOL
/*  *symbol,	*/	/* Global symbol list head (CCDECL, CCOUT) */
    *symtail,		/* ptr to tail of global list */
    *locsymbol,		/* Local symbol list head */
    *loctail;		/* ptr to tail of local list */
static int nsymbols = 0;	/* # of symbols allocated (except dummies) */

/* Semi-portable char masks for ident strings.
** chmask[n] has mask for N bytes in word, to quickly clear rest of word.
** lastwd has mask for last byte in word, to check for end of string.
static int chmask[sizeof(int)+1];	/* Char mask table for ident strings */
static int lastwd;			/* Mask for last byte in word */
/* SYMINIT - Initialize symbol table stuff.
    register int i, f;
    union {int wd; char ch[sizeof(int)]; } mask;
    SYMBOL *s;

    /* Initialize char mask table used by identifier handling stuff */
    chmask[0] = 0;
    for (mask.wd = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof(int); ++i) {[i] = ~0;
	chmask[i+1] = mask.wd;
    lastwd = ~chmask[sizeof(int)-1];

    /* Initialize labels, symbols, and types */
    labinit();				/* Initialize internal label stuff */
    smapinit();				/* Init symbol map stuff */

    inisymlist(&symbol, &symtail);	/* Initialize global symbol list */
    inisymlist(&locsymbol, &loctail);	/* Initialize local symbol list */
    lsymhead = NULL;			/* Currently at top level */

    /* Clear out symbol hash table and set initial reserved-word symbols */
    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXHSH ; i++)	/* Clear hash table */
	htable[i] = NULL;
    for (i = 0; ++i < NTOKDEFS;) {	/* Enter all reserved words */
	switch (tok[i].tktype) {	/* Check token table for RW's */
	    continue;			/* Nope, keep scanning */
	case TKTY_RWSC:
	case TKTY_RWOP:
	    break;			/* Is reserved word, hack it! */
	if ((f = tok[i].tkprec)&(RWF_ANSI+RWF_KCC)) {	/* Any flags set? */
	    if (((f & RWF_ANSI) && clevel >= CLEV_ANSI)	/* If ANSI and OK, */
		|| ((f & RWF_KCC) && clevkcc))		/* or KCC and OK, */
		; else continue;	/* then go ahead, else skip sym. */
	/* Make reserved-word symbol! */
	s = symgcreat(tokstr[i]);	/* Make symbol for the word */
	s->Sclass = SC_RW;		/* Say it's a reserved word */
	s->Stoken = i;			/* Set token number */
	s->Skey = tok[i].tktype;	/* and token's type */
    minsym = symtail;		/* Crock for CCDUMP's symdump, someday flush */

    typeinit();		/* Now initialize tables etc. for C data types */

static void
inisymlist(ahead, atail)
SYMBOL **ahead, **atail;
    SYMBOL *s, *head;

    if (*ahead == NULL) {	/* Initialize for first time only */
	s = (SYMBOL *) malloc(sizeof(SYMBOL));	/* Allocate a sym entry */
	if (s == NULL) efatal("No memory for symbols");
    else {			/* Symbols already exist, free them. */
	for (head = (*ahead)->Snext; s = head;) {	/* For all but 1st */
	    if (s->Sclass == SC_MACRO && s->Smacptr)
		free(s->Smacptr);	/* If macro body exists, free it */
	    head = s->Snext;
	    retsym(s);			/* Free up the symbol */
	s = *ahead;			/* Done, re-use 1st sym */

    /* Initialize the 1st sym on list, which is just a dummy that
    ** is never used for anything.  Its existence allows the list routines
    ** to skip some checks for NULL-ness of pointers.
    *ahead = *atail = s;		/* Head and tail point to dummy sym */
    s->Snext = s->Sprev = NULL;		/* Nothing else on list */
    s->Sclass = SC_UNDEF;		/* Just in case... */
/* Symbol lookup routines */

/* SYMFIND - Given string, finds or makes symbol for it.
**	This is the main symbol find/create routine.
**	It is used primarily by CCPP and sometimes by CCLEX.
**	Only searches for macros and ordinary identifiers (not tags,
**	labels, members, or out-of-scope local symbols).
**	If "creatf" is true and no symbol was found, makes a global symbol
**	with class SC_UNDEF.
** Subtle point: if the found symbol already has SC_UNDEF, then don't
** use it -- leave it alone because some other part of the parser is
** almost certainly hanging on to it while doing token read-ahead!
** This can happen for "struct foo foo".
**	Issues a warning [Note] if symbol is being returned for
**	an identifier string that was truncated.
symfind(str, creatf)
char *str;
int creatf;
    register SYMBOL *sym;
    int trunc;
    SYMBOL stmp;

BUGMSG(("symfind \"%s\" %d\n", str, creatf))
    trunc = idcpy(&stmp, str);		/* Set up, puts hash value in Svalue */
    for (sym = htable[stmp.Svalue]; sym != NULL; sym = sym->Snhash)
	if (((sym->Sflags&(SF_XLOCAL|(SF_OVCLS&~SF_MACRO))) == 0)
	  && symcmp(sym, &stmp)
	  && sym->Sclass != SC_UNDEF) {

    /* Symbol not found, so make it if OK to do so */
    if (!sym) {
	if (!creatf)
	    return NULL;
	sym = symmk(&stmp, stmp.Svalue, &symtail);	/* Put on global list */
    if (trunc) note("Identifer truncated: %S", sym);
    return sym;

/* SYMFIDSTR - Given string, finds symbol for an ordinary identifier.
**	Similar to symfind() but never creates a symbol and ignores macros.
**	This is only used for easy lookup of certain literal identifiers:
**		CC: "main"
**		CCDECL: "setjmp"
**		CCOUT: "`$$$CRT" and "`$$$CPU"
char *str;
    register SYMBOL *sym;

BUGMSG(("symfidstr \"%s\"\n", str))
    if (sym = symfind(str, 0)) {
	if (sym->Sclass == SC_MACRO)	/* If got macro, */
	    sym = symfnext(sym);	/* get non-macro instead if any */
    return sym;

/* SYMFNEXT - Finds Next Symbol.
**	Used only by CCPP (and symfidstr() above) to find non-macro
** instance of a symbol when the macro instance is being suppressed.
** Note that the argument is a symbol pointer to the macro instance,
** not an identifier string.
SYMBOL *osym;
    register SYMBOL *sym = osym;
BUGMSG(("symfnext \"%s\"\n", sym->Sname))
    while (sym = sym->Snhash)			/* Scan hash list */
	if (((sym->Sflags&(SF_XLOCAL|SF_OVCLS)) == 0)
	 && symcmp(sym, osym)) {
    return sym;

/* FINDGSYM - Find global (file-scope) non-macro symbol.
**	Starts searching from the specified sym, rather
**	than taking an identifier string.
SYMBOL *osym;
    register SYMBOL *sym = osym;
BUGMSG(("findgsym \"%s\"\n", sym->Sname))
    while (sym = sym->Snhash)
	if (((sym->Sflags&(SF_LOCAL|SF_XLOCAL|SF_OVCLS)) == 0)
	 && symcmp(sym, osym)) {
    return sym;

** SYMFLABEL - Find a label symbol.
** SYMFTAG - Find a struct/union/enum tag symbol.
** SYMFMEMBER - Find a structure member symbol.  Takes tag arg also.
SYMBOL *symflabel(sym)	SYMBOL *sym; {	return symfflag(sym, SF_LABEL); }
SYMBOL *symftag(sym)	SYMBOL *sym; {	return symfflag(sym, SF_TAG); }

/* SYMFFLAG - Auxiliary to find a non-ordinary symbol
**	(special overloading class) matching the given flag.
**	Starts with given symbol (NOTE: not a string and not next sym!).
**	If symbol provided is at start of hash list (is undefined) then
**	we can skip the initial hash!
symfflag(sym, flag)
SYMBOL *sym;
    register SYMBOL *s = sym;
BUGMSG(("symfflag \"%s\"\n", s->Sname))

    if (s->Sclass != SC_UNDEF) {	/* Hack: see if at start of hash */
	s->Srefs--;			/* Undo ref to original sym */
	s = htable[symhash(s)];		/* No, must find start.  Bleah. */
    do {
	if (((s->Sflags&(SF_XLOCAL|SF_OVCLS)) == flag)
	  && (s == sym || symcmp(sym, s))) {
    } while (s = s->Snhash);
    return s;

symfmember(sym, tag)
SYMBOL *sym, *tag;
    register SYMBOL *s = sym;
BUGMSG(("symfmember \"%s\"\n", s->Sname))

    if (s->Sclass != SC_UNDEF) {	/* Hack: see if at start of hash */
	s->Srefs--;			/* Undo ref to original sym */
	s = htable[symhash(s)];		/* No, must find start.  Bleah. */
    do {
	if (((s->Sflags&(SF_XLOCAL|SF_OVCLS)) == SF_MEMBER)
	  && s->Ssmtag == tag
	  && (s == sym || symcmp(sym, s))) {
    } while (s = s->Snhash);
    return s;

/* SYMFXEXT - Find an SC_XEXTREF (out-of-scope external reference) symbol,
**	if any exists.
**	Argument is a SC_UNDEF symbol (thus at the start of hash chain).
**	Returns a pointer either to the same symbol, if no SC_XEXTREF exists,
**	or to the SC_XEXTREF symbol.  In the latter case, the SC_UNDEF
**	symbol is flushed!  This is unlike the other symbol finding routines.
** Only invoked by CCDECL's funchk() and dodecl().
SYMBOL *sym;
    register SYMBOL *s = sym;
BUGMSG(("symfxext \"%s\"\n", s->Sname))

    if (sym->Sclass != SC_UNDEF)
	return sym;
    while (s = s->Snhash)		/* Get next sym on hash chain */
	if (s->Sclass == SC_XEXTREF && symcmp(sym, s)) {
	    freesym(sym);		/* It's a winner!  Flush undef sym */
	    s->Sflags &= ~SF_XLOCAL;	/* bring old back into scope */
	    s->Srefs++;			/* and bump ref count */
	    return s;
    return sym;
/* -------------------------------------- */
/*	free a symbol table location      */
/* -------------------------------------- */
    register SYMBOL *sym;
    int h;

BUGMSG(("freesym \"%s\"\n", s->Sname))
    sym = htable[h = symhash(s)];	/* Find head of hash chain */
    if (sym == s)
	htable[h] = s->Snhash;
    else {
	for (;; sym = sym->Snhash) {
	    if (!sym) {
		int_error("freesym: sym not on hash list");
	    if (sym->Snhash == s)
	sym->Snhash = s->Snhash;	/* Found, take off hash list */
    retsym(s);				/* give sym back to mem allocator */
/* CREATSYM - Create a symbol table entry.
**	Symbol will be local or global depending on current context,
** i.e. the setting of lsymhead.  If NULL, current "block" is top level
** and symbol will be put on the global list.  Otherwise, it is put on
** the local list.

char *id;
    SYMBOL *s;
    BUGMSG(("creatsym %s \"%s\"", (lsymhead?"local":"global"), id))
    if (!lsymhead)
	return symgcreat(id);	/* Create and return global symbol */
    s = mksym(id, &loctail);	/* Nope, do local symbol */
    s->Sflags |= SF_LOCAL;
    return s;

/* SYMGCREAT - create a global symbol table entry
char *id;
    BUGMSG(("symgcreat \"%s\"", id))
    return mksym(id, &symtail);

/* MAKELSYM - Make global symbol a local one.
**	Sometimes needed when lexer creates a global entry for
** a new identifier, and it later needs to be made local instead.
static void
    /* Remove from global list */
    if (s == symtail)		/* If sym is most recent one on global list, */
	symtail = s->Sprev;	/* must update the tail pointer. */
    if (s->Sprev)
	s->Sprev->Snext = s->Snext;
    if (s->Snext)
	s->Snext->Sprev = s->Sprev;

    /* Add to local list */
    s->Sprev = loctail;
    s->Snext = (SYMBOL *) NULL;
    loctail->Snext = s;
    loctail = s;
    s->Sflags |= SF_LOCAL;

/* MAKEGSYM - Make local symbol a global one.
**	Used by ridlsym() when preserving tags defined within a
**	function prototype.
static void
    /* Remove from local list */
    if (s == loctail)		/* If sym is most recent one on global list, */
	loctail = s->Sprev;	/* must update the tail pointer. */
    if (s->Sprev)
	s->Sprev->Snext = s->Snext;
    if (s->Snext)
	s->Snext->Sprev = s->Sprev;

    /* Add to global list */
    s->Sprev = symtail;
    s->Snext = (SYMBOL *) NULL;
    symtail->Snext = s;
    symtail = s;
    s->Sflags &= ~SF_LOCAL;

/* SYMQCREATE - Quick symbol creation.  Given a symbol pointer, returns
**	a pointer to an unique symbol table entry with the same name.  This
**	will either re-use the current entry (if it is undefined)
**	or will create a new duplicate symbol of the appropriate scope.
**	No reference counts are adjusted by this routine.  CCDECL and
**	CCSTMT rely on this for creating new tag/label/member symbols since
**	the symftag() routines etc have already done the mistaken-reference
**	correction.
** UNIQSYM - Just like SYMQCREATE, except that
**	if a new duplicate symbol is made, the reference count of the
**	original symbol is decremented to compensate for what was a mistaken
**	reference.  This is commonly used in CCDECL.
** Any checks for duplicate definition errors should be made before
** these routines are called!
    if (s->Sclass != SC_UNDEF)	/* If sym is already defined, */
	s->Srefs--;		/* correct its ref count. */
    return symqcreat(s);	/* Now create it quickly */
    if (s->Sclass != SC_UNDEF) {	/* If sym already exists, */

	/* If this symbol has same identifier as a macro symbol, then
	** after creating it, the shadow flag needs to be propagated, and
	** the macro sym entry needs to be moved up.  shmacsym() does this.
	if (s->Sflags & SF_MACSHADOW)	/* Shadowing a macro def? */
	    return shmacsym(creatsym(s->Sname));	/* Yes, shadow after create! */
	return creatsym(s->Sname);	/* No, just return a duplicate. */

    /* Can use this symtab entry, just make sure it has right scope. */
    if (lsymhead && !(s->Sflags & SF_LOCAL))	/* If current scope is local */
	makelsym(s);			/* change sym from global to local */
    return s;

/* ISDUPSYM - Returns TRUE if symbol is already defined in current block
SYMBOL *sym;
    SYMBOL *ls;

    if (sym->Sclass == SC_UNDEF)	/* If it has this class */
	return 0;			/* then it was never defined before */
    if (lsymhead == NULL)	/* Symbol is defined.  If now at top level, */
	return 1;		/* the symbol is always top-level also. */
    /* We are in a local block.  To see whether the symbol is defined
    ** within this block, we start scanning the local symbol list beginning
    ** with the current local block head.  If we encounter the symbol then
    ** it is defined in the current block.
    ** Symbols from inner blocks will never be given as args since symfidstr
    ** never returns inactivated symbols.
    ** Symbols from outer blocks will never be scanned because all symbols
    ** for outer blocks precede those of the current block in the local
    ** symbol list.
    for (ls = lsymhead; ls = ls->Snext;)
	if (ls == sym) return 1;
    return 0;

/* MKSYM - Create a symbol table entry - internal workhorse auxiliary.
**	Symbol will be added to whatever list is provided (locsym or symtail).
static SYMBOL *
mksym(id, tailptr)
char *id;
SYMBOL **tailptr;
    register SYMBOL *sym;

    sym = getsym(tailptr);	/* Get a free symbol struct */
    (void) idcpy(sym, id);	/* Copy ident, get hash, ignore any trunc */

    sym->Snhash = htable[sym->Svalue];
    htable[sym->Svalue] = sym;

    BUGMSG((" = %o, hash %o\n", sym, sym->Svalue)) /* Finish bug msg if one */

    sym->Sclass = SC_UNDEF;	/* Set common initial values */
    sym->Sflags = 0;
    sym->Stype = NULL;
    sym->Svalue = 0;		/* This clobbers hash, oh well */
    sym->Srefs = 0;
    return sym;

/* SYMMK - Create a symbol table entry - internal workhorse auxiliary.
**	Symbol will be added to whatever list is provided (locsym or symtail).
static SYMBOL *
symmk(s, hval, tailptr)
SYMBOL *s, **tailptr;
int hval;			/* Pre-computed hash value */
    register SYMBOL *sym;

    sym = getsym(tailptr);
    BUGMSG((" = %o, hash %o\n", sym, hval))	/* Finish off bug msg if one */

    sym->Snhash = htable[hval];
    htable[hval] = sym;
    sym->Scontents.Sid = s->Scontents.Sid;	/* Copy symbol identifier */
    sym->Sclass = SC_UNDEF;
    sym->Sflags = 0;
    sym->Stype = NULL;
    sym->Svalue = 0;
    sym->Srefs = 0;
    return sym;

/* SHMACSYM - Say this symbol shadows a macro symbol.
**	Sets flag and moves macro symbol matching this one to top of hash list.
**	This is used by uniqsym() and CCPP's findident() whenever they
**	create a new symbol which shadows an existing macro symbol; the
**	macro symbol needs to be moved up to the head of the hash list
**	to ensure that it is always found by symfind() before the new symbol.
** Always returns its arg, for convenience.
SYMBOL *sym;
    register SYMBOL *s, *prev = NULL;
    int n;

    sym->Sflags |= SF_MACSHADOW;		/* Set flag in this symbol */
    for (s = htable[n = symhash(sym)]; s != NULL; prev = s, s = s->Snhash)
	if (s->Sclass == SC_MACRO && symcmp(sym, s)) {
	    /* Found the matching macro symbol!  Unlink from hash chain */
	    if (!prev)			/* If already at start of chain, */
		break;			/* nothing to do, just return */
	    prev->Snhash = s->Snhash;	/* Unlink */
	    s->Snhash = htable[n];	/* Then put at start */
	    htable[n] = s;
    return sym;
/* GETSYM - allocate a symbol entry.
static SYMBOL *
SYMBOL **tailptr;
    SYMBOL *newptr;

    if (newptr = symflist)	/* If freelist has one, take it off */
	symflist = newptr->Snext;
    else if ((newptr = (SYMBOL *) malloc(sizeof(SYMBOL))) == NULL)
	    efatal("Out of memory for symbols");
    else nsymbols++;		/* Bump # of symbols allocated */
    newptr->Sprev = *tailptr;
    newptr->Snext = (SYMBOL *) NULL;
    (*tailptr)->Snext = newptr;
    *tailptr = newptr;
    return newptr;

/* RETSYM - De-allocate a symbol entry.
static void
SYMBOL *syment;
    if (syment == symtail)
	symtail = syment->Sprev;
	if (syment == loctail)
	    loctail = syment->Sprev;
    if (syment->Sprev)
	syment->Sprev->Snext = syment->Snext;
    if (syment->Snext)
	syment->Snext->Sprev = syment->Sprev;
/*    free((char *)syment); */
    syment->Snext = symflist;		/* Put entry on freelist */
    symflist = syment;
/* COPYSYM - Copy basic parts of symbol struct.
**	Does not copy Snhash, Sprev, Snext, or Srefs.
SYMBOL *s, *t;
{			/* Use struct assignment since have unions inside */
    s->Scontents = t->Scontents;

/* IDCMP - Compare symbol identifiers for equality
**	Can do without count since existing symbol string is null-terminated
static int
char *s, *t;
    if (*s == *t)
	while (*++s == *++t)
	    if (*s == '\0')
		return 1;
    return 0;

/* SYMCMP - Compare symbol identifiers for equality
**	Can do without count since symbol strings are null-terminated
static int
symcmp(s1, s2)
SYMBOL *s1, *s2;
    register int *p1 = s1->Sidwds, *p2 = s2->Sidwds;
    for (; *p1 == *p2; ++p1, ++p2)	/* Do word compare */
	if ((*p1 & lastwd) == 0)
	    return 1;
    return 0;

/* IDCPY - Copy string into a symbol structure, ensuring that remainder of
**	last word of string is zeroed out.
**	Returns non-zero if identifier was truncated.
**	Bonus points: puts hash value in Svalue!
static int
idcpy(s, cp)
char *cp;
    register int i = IDENTSIZE;
    register char *to = s->Sname;
    register int hash;

    if (hash = *to = *cp) {
	while (*++to = *++cp)
	    if (--i > 0) hash += hash + *cp;
	    else {		/* Stop if written into last char */
		*to = '\0';	/* Change last char to a null */
		s->Svalue = hash & (MAXHSH-1);	/* Return hash value */
		return 1;	/* And say truncated */

    /* Zap all remaining bits in last word. "i" has # bytes left, not
    ** counting the terminating null char.  Get # bytes untouched in last wd.
    if (i = (IDENTSIZE - (i-1)) % sizeof(int))	/* # bytes in last word */
	*(int *)to &= chmask[i];		/* Zap em if any */
    s->Svalue = hash & (MAXHSH-1);	/* Return hash value */
    return 0;				/* And say identifier length was OK */

/* HASH - Compute symbol hash for a string.
**	The MAXHSH macro must have a value of 2^N.
register char *s;
    register int i, count;
    if (i = *s) {
	count = IDENTSIZE-1;
	while (--count > 0 && *++s)
	    i += i + *s;
    return (i & (MAXHSH-1));

/* SYMHASH - Compute hash value for a symbol.
    register char *cp = s->Sname;
    register int i;
    if (i = *cp)
	while (*++cp)
	    i += i + *cp;
    return (i & (MAXHSH-1));
/* BEGLSYM - Begin a local symbol block.
**	Called when a block (compound statement or function) is entered.
** Sets up a new block pointer, a global variable which points to the start of
** the local symbol list for this block.
** Returns the PREVIOUS value of this pointer (the parent block).  This
** should be saved by the caller and given back to endlsym() when the
** new block is finished.
**	Only called by CCSTMT's compound() and CCDECL's funcdef().
    SYMBOL *retsym;
    BUGMSG(("beglsym %o => %o\n", lsymhead, loctail))
    retsym = lsymhead;		/* Remember current block head */
    lsymhead = loctail;		/* Set new head */
    return retsym;		/* Return what is now previous block head */

/* ENDLSYM - End a local symbol block.
**	Deactivates all symbols in the current block, and restores the
** previous block head pointer (which must be furnished by caller).
** As part of the cleanup, we check for local symbols created with
** linkage elsewhere -- these should always be SC_EXTREF.  They are
** moved onto the global list and changed to SC_XEXTREF.
**	Only called by CCSTMT's compound().
SYMBOL *prevptr;
    register SYMBOL *sym, *s;

    BUGMSG(("endlsym %o => %o\n", lsymhead, prevptr))
    if ((sym = lsymhead) == NULL)
	int_error("endlsym: treating top level as block");
	while ((sym = sym->Snext) != NULL) {
	  switch (sym->Sclass) {
	    default:			/* Zap everything except labels */
		break;			/* Zap the sym */
	    case SC_AUTO:
	    case SC_RAUTO:
		if (sym->Srefs == 0
		  && !(sym->Sflags&SF_XLOCAL))	/* Only barf first time */
		    note("Auto %S not used", sym);
	    case SC_ARG:		/* Only complain about params if */
	    case SC_RARG:		/* flushing final function block. */
		if (prevptr == NULL && sym->Srefs == 0)
		    note("Parameter %S not used", sym);
	    case SC_ISTATIC:
		if (sym->Srefs == 0
		  && !(sym->Sflags&SF_XLOCAL))	/* Only barf first time */
		    note("Internal static %S not used", sym);

	    case SC_LABEL:	/* Labels are active throughout function */
	    case SC_ULABEL:
	    case SC_EXTREF:
		s = sym->Sprev;		/* Remember previous */
		if (sym->Srefs == 0) {
		    note("External %S not used", sym);
		    break;		/* No special handling, just flush */
		/* Turn a block-scope external into a global. */
		sym->Sclass = SC_XEXTREF;
		sym->Sflags |= SF_XLOCAL;	/* Render sym invisible */
		makegsym(sym);		/* Put it on global list */
		sym = s;		/* Set up to get next local sym */
	sym->Sflags |= SF_XLOCAL;	/* Zap the sym, get next */
    lsymhead = prevptr;		/* Then restore ptr to parent block */

/* RIDLSYM - Flush local symbols in current and inner blocks.
**	Harsher than endlsym() because the symbols are actually freed.
**	See ccsym.h for explanation of SF_PROTOTAG checking.
**	If arg is NULL, flushes all local symbols.  This is normally
**	only done after the code generation for a function is completely
**	finished, by CCGEN's gencode(),
**	but the top level parser in CCDECL also uses it for error recovery.
SYMBOL *prevptr;
    SYMBOL *beg;

    BUGMSG(("ridlsym %o => %o\n-----", lsymhead, prevptr))
    if (prevptr == NULL) beg = locsymbol;	/* NULL means flush all */
    else if (!(beg = lsymhead)) {
	int_error("ridlsym: treating top level as block");

    if (debsym && beg->Snext) symdump(beg->Snext, curfn->Sname);
    while (loctail != beg) {
	switch (loctail->Sclass) {
	case SC_TAG:
	case SC_UTAG:
	    if (loctail->Sflags & SF_PROTOTAG) {
		loctail->Sflags |= SF_XLOCAL;	/* Ensure sym never found */
		loctail->Ssmnext = NULL;	/* Forget any members */
		makegsym(loctail);		/* and move to global list */
	case SC_ULABEL:			 /* Undefined label? (fall through) */
	    error("Goto label %S never defined", loctail);
	    freelabel(loctail->Ssym);	/* Flush no longer useful label */
	case SC_LABEL:
	    if (loctail->Srefs == 0)
		note("Label %S never used", loctail);
	    freelabel(loctail->Ssym);	/* Flush no longer useful label */
    lsymhead = prevptr;		/* Then restore ptr to parent block */
    BUGMSG(("ridlsym done---"))

/* Because almost all PDP-10 utilities (in particular, the assemblers and
** debuggers) are limited to 6-char monocase external symbols, C identifiers
** must be mapped into these limitations.
** For identifiers with external linkage (class SC_EX*):
**	The first 6 chars are monocased, and "_" mapped into ".".
**	An error message is generated if any mappings conflict.
** For identifiers with internal linkage (class SC_IN*):
**	The resulting mapped name must always be unique, but since these
**	identifiers are internal, we are at liberty to do anything
**	necessary to ensure this uniqueness.  The current algorithm is
**	[0] Always prefix with "%" - this avoids conflicts with
**		external linkage symbols as well as the C runtime syms.
**	[1] Add the first 5 monocase identifier chars.  If unique, win.
**	[2] Else, remove vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and underscores from the
**		identifier (except for its first char), and try the
**		first 5 chars of the result, as before.
**	[3] Else, begin adding digits to the result of [2].  The sequence
**		produced is: x0 ... x9, x10 ... x99, etc.
**		This will ultimately succeed.
typedef int mpdsym;
static mpdsym *maptab;	/* Pointer to table of maps thus far */
static int maptlen;	/* # elements in map table */
static int maptused;	/* # elements actually used */
#define MAPTINC 50	/* # elements to ask for each time we realloc */

/* SMAPINIT - Initialize symbol mapping tables.
static void
    if (maptab) free((char *)maptab);
    maptab = NULL;
    maptlen = maptused = 0;

/* SMAPMATCH - returns TRUE if mapped sym matches one already in table.
**	Otherwise, adds to table and returns 0.
static int
mpdsym ms;
    register mpdsym *p = maptab;
    register int i = maptused;

    /* Simple-minded table search */
    while (--i >= 0)
	if (*p++ == ms)
	    return 1;

    /* Not in table, add it. */
    if (maptused >= maptlen) {		/* Get larger table if needed */
	char *nptr;
	if (!(nptr = realloc((char *)maptab,
				(maptlen + MAPTINC)*sizeof(mpdsym)))) {
	    error("Out of memory for symbol linkage map");
	    return 0;
	} else {
	    maptab = (mpdsym *)nptr;
	    maptlen += MAPTINC;
    maptab[maptused++] = ms;
    return 0;

/* MAPEXTSYM - Map a symbol with external linkage.
**	Returns 0 if a conflict exists.
    register int i = 6*6, c;
    register unsigned val = 0;
    register char *str;

    str = s->Sname;
    if (*str != SPC_IDQUOT) --str;	/* Skip 1st char if `ident` */
    while (i > 0 && (c = *++str)) {
	if (c == '_') c = '.';
	val |= tosixbit(c) << (i -= 6);
    s->Smaplab = val;
    return !smapmatch((mpdsym)val);	/* Succeed if no existing match */

/* MAPINTSYM - Map a symbol with internal linkage.
**	Always wins.
    char sym6[6+1];
    mpdsym ms;
    register int i = 6;
    register char *cp = sym6, *sp = s->Sname;

    if (*sp == SPC_IDQUOT) {	/* Treat `ident` specially */
	i = 6;
    } else {
	i = 5;
	--sp;			/* Normal sym */
	*cp = '%';		/* Always starts with this prefix */
    while (--i >= 0)
	if (!(*++cp = (*++sp == '_' ? '.' : *sp)))
    if (i < 0) *++cp = 0;	/* Tie off */

    /* Now have mapped ident in temp buff */
    if (!smapmatch(ms = sixbit(sym6))) {		/* Won right off? */
	s->Smaplab = ms;

    /* Sigh, try step 2 -- flush vowels and underscores after 1st char. */
    for (i = 4, cp = sym6+1, sp = s->Sname; *++sp && i;)
	if (!isvowel(*sp) && *sp != '_')
	    --i, *++cp = *sp;
    *++cp = 0;
    if (!smapmatch(ms = sixbit(sym6))) {
	s->Smaplab = ms;

    /* Sigh sigh, fall into step 3 -- add digits on end */
    if (i > 0) {		/* Fill out rest of name with '0's */
	while (--i >= 0)
	    *++cp = '0';
	*++cp = 0;
    for (;;) {
	if (!smapmatch(ms = sixbit(sym6))) {
	    s->Smaplab = ms;
	/* Increment number again */
	cp = &sym6[5];
	for (;;) {
	    if (!isdigit(*cp)) { *cp = '1'; break; }
	    else if (*cp != '9') { ++(*cp); break; }
	    *cp = '0';		/* Wrap from 9 to 0 */
	    --cp;		/* and carry to prev digit */

static int maxlabel;		/* Current highest-numbered label */
static SYMBOL *fllist = NULL;	/* Free label list */
static SYMBOL *flprev = NULL;	/* queue of almost-free labels */
static int nlabels = 0;		/* # labels allocated */

/* LABINIT - Initialize label stuff.
**	Called by SYMINIT at start of compilation for each file.
static void
    maxlabel = 0;		/* Reset internal label numbering to 0 */
    cleanlabs();		/* Ensure no queued labels */
	/* Note that "fllist" is left alone in case it contains free labels,
	** which will save us the bother of allocating them.

** Get a new label to play with.
** The argument should be nonzero if the label will be emitted after all
** uses of it, rather than before.  If it is zero, the label is emitted.

    SYMBOL *lab;

    /* find a free label */
    if (lab = fllist)			/* If have one already free, */
	fllist = fllist->Snext;		/* remove it from freelist */
    else if ((lab = (SYMBOL *) malloc(sizeof (*lab))) == NULL)	/* make new */
	efatal("Out of memory for labels");
    else nlabels++;			/* Bump # of labels allocated */

    /* fill it out */
    lab->Sclass = SC_ILABEL;		/* this is an internal label */
    sprintf(lab->Sname, "$%d", ++maxlabel); /* give it a name */
    lab->Svalue = 0;			/* no uses yet */
    return lab;

/* REFLABEL - Reference or dereference a label.
** The second argument is how much to add to the reference count.
** The label may be NULL or not a SC_ILABEL; in that case nothing happens.
reflabel(lab, count)
SYMBOL * lab;
    if (lab != NULL && lab->Sclass == SC_ILABEL)
	lab->Svalue += count;

/* FREELABEL - release a label
** Unfortunately we can't know when the last instance in the peephole
** buffer has been emitted, at least until we flush the whole thing out.
** So we keep explicitly freed labels on another list and only transfer
** them after we have emitted a new label (and thus called flushcode()).
** This list chains through sprev rather than snext to keep things simple.
SYMBOL *lab;
    lab->Sprev = flprev;		/* chain old freelist onto it */
    flprev = lab;			/* it is now head of freelist */

/* CLEANLABS() - actually free up all "almost-free" labels.
static void realfreelabel();
    while (flprev != NULL) {	/* peephole buffer is now empty */
	realfreelabel(flprev);	/* so free the list of labels queued */
	flprev = flprev->Sprev;	/* by freelabel() */
    }				/* (nb sprev unchanged by realfree) */

/* REALFREELABEL - Really free a label.
** This should be called after the last possible reference to the label.
** It will be called automatically on emission of forward labels.
** Note sprev must not be changed (see cleanlabs()).
static void
SYMBOL *lab;
    lab->Snext = fllist;		/* chain old freelist onto it */
    fllist = lab;			/* it is now head of freelist */
/* SYMDUMP - Dump symbol table info to debugging output.
static void shoffset();
extern FILE *fsym;
symdump(table, name)
SYMBOL *table;
char *name;
    int u;
    char *str, *c, tmpstr[50];
    SYMBOL *s;

    fprintf(fsym, "\n-- Symbols for %s --\n\n", name);
    for (s = table; s != NULL; s = s->Snext) {
	switch (u=s->Sclass) {
	case SC_UNDEF:	str = "undefined"; break;
	case SC_RW:	str = "reserved word"; break;
	case SC_MACRO:	str = "macro"; break;
	case SC_TAG:	str = "structure tag"; break;
	case SC_UTAG:	str = "undef structure tag"; break;
	case SC_TYPEDEF: str = "typedef"; break;
	case SC_XEXTREF: str = "ex-extern-ref"; break;
	case SC_EXTREF:	str = "extern-ref"; break;
	case SC_EXTDEF:	str = "extern-def"; break;
	case SC_EXLINK:	str = "extern-tntdef"; break;
	case SC_INTREF:	str = "intern-ref"; break;
	case SC_INTDEF:	str = "intern-def"; break;
	case SC_INLINK:	str = "intern-tntdef"; break;
	case SC_ISTATIC: str = "local-static"; break;
	case SC_ARG:	str = "argument"; break;
	case SC_RARG:	str = "register-arg";	break;
	case SC_REGISTER: str = "register";	break;
	case SC_MEMBER:	str = "struct member";	break;
	case SC_AUTO:	str = "auto";		break;
	case SC_RAUTO:	str = "register-auto";	break;
	case SC_LABEL:	str = "goto label"; break;
	case SC_ENUM:	str = "enumerated type"; break;
	case SC_ULABEL:	str = "undefined goto label"; break;
	default: sprintf(tmpstr, "ILLEGAL symbol class %d", u);
		str = tmpstr;
	c = s->Sname;
	fprintf(fsym, "%-10s: %s", c, str);
	if (s->Sflags)
	    fprintf(fsym," (%o)", s->Sflags);
	fprintf(fsym,", refs %d", s->Srefs);
	if (u != SC_MACRO && u != SC_TAG && s->Stype) {
	    fprintf(fsym, ", type %d", s->Stype-types);
	    if (s->Stype->Tspec == TS_STRUCT
		|| s->Stype->Tspec == TS_UNION)	/* struct or union? */
		fprintf(fsym, ", struct %s", s->Stype->Tsmtag->Sname+1);
	    fprintf(fsym, ", tsize %d", sizetype(s->Stype));
	switch (u) {
	case SC_AUTO: case SC_RAUTO:
	    fprintf (fsym, ", offset %d", s->Svalue + 1);

	case SC_ARG: case SC_RARG:
	    fprintf (fsym, ", offset %d", - s->Svalue);

	case SC_ENUM: case SC_TAG:
	    fprintf(fsym, ", value %d", s->Svalue);

	case SC_EXTDEF:
	case SC_INTDEF:
	    if (s->Stype->Tspec == TS_FUNCT && s->Shproto)
		fprintf(fsym, ", Shproto %d", s->Shproto - types);

	case SC_MEMBER:

	case SC_MACRO:
	    fprintf(fsym, ", nargs %d, parlen %d, len %d=",
			s->Smacnpar, s->Smacparlen, s->Smaclen);
	    if (!s->Smacptr) fputs("NULL", fsym);
	    else {
		int i = s->Smaclen;
		char *cp = s->Smacptr;
		putc('"', fsym);
		while (--i >= 0)
		    putc(*cp++, fsym);
		putc('"', fsym);
	putc ('\n', fsym);

static void
int off;
    if (off >= 0) fprintf(fsym, ", offset %d", off);
    else {
	unsigned int o = -off;			/* negate */
	fprintf(fsym, ", offset %d, width %d, bit offset %d",
		      o >> 12, o & 077, 36 - ((o & 07700) >> 6) - (o & 077));

#if 0	/* debug stuff */
    int n;
    SYMBOL *s;
    for(n=0; n < MAXHSH; n++)
	if(s = htable[n]){
	    printf("Hash %o:", n);
	    do printf(" %o=%s", s, s->Sname);
	    while (s = s->Snhash);
/* TYPEINIT - Initialize things for support of C types.
** Mainly initializes the type table with the supported basic types.
static void
    int i;

    /* First a crock to ensure "char" byte size selection has effect */
    typbsiztab[TS_CHAR] = typbsiztab[TS_UCHAR] = tgcsize;

    maxtype = 0;
    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXTYPE ; i++)  ttable[i] = NULL;	/* Clear hash table */
    for (i = 0; i < TS_MAX; i++)
	if (i == TS_VOID || typsiztab[i] != 0)
	    typeptr[i] = findtype(i, (TYPE *)NULL);
	else typeptr[i] = NULL;

    /* Machine-dependent... clobber table so some types are equivalent */
    /* Someday clean this up and make it table-driven also */
    chartype = uchartype;	/* Say plain "char" is "unsigned char" */
    deftype = inttype;		/* Default type is "int" */
    strcontype = findtype(TS_PTR, chartype);	/* Type of string constant */
    voidptrtype = findtype(TS_PTR, voidtype);	/* (void *) */
    siztype = (clevel >= CLEV_ANSI) ? uinttype	/* Std C wants unsigned, ugh */
				: inttype;
    ptrdifftype = inttype;			/* What ptrdiff_t is */

/* NOTE on the various "type finding" routines below:
**	Much of KCC relies on being able to compare types simply by
** comparing the pointers to TYPE nodes.  This, and the desire to share
** type definitions, means that all type declarations must first look for
** an identical existing type, and only create a new type if no existing
** definition matches.
**	In order to do this most efficiently, we indulge in non-portable
** type punning for the arguments to these routines.  Specifically, the
** values of the two unions in the TYPE structure are declared below as
** being (int) and (TYPE *) but may in fact contain other things.
**	This is a deliberate but reasonable sacrifice of clumsy theoretical
** portability in return for speed.

/* FINDTYPE - Find or create an unqualified type.
**	Note CCDECL's tagspec() calls this with a symbol (tag) pointer instead
**	of a type pointer.
findtype(tsp, subt)
TYPE *subt;
{    return findctype(tsp,
		typbsiztab[tsp],	/* Use default flags and  # bits */
		typsiztab[tsp],		/* Use default size in words */

/* FINDSZTYPE - Same, but use specified Tsize instead of default.
findsztype(tsp, siz, subt)
TYPE *subt;
{    return findctype(tsp,
		typbsiztab[tsp],	/* Use default flags and  # bits */
		siz,			/* Use specified size in words */

/* FINDUTYPE - Find or create the unqualified version of a given type.
TYPE *t;
    return !(t->Tflag&(TF_QUALS|TF_SIQUALS)) ? t /* No prob if no quals */
	: findctype(t->Tspec, t->Tflag&(~(TF_QUALS|TF_SIQUALS)),
					t->Tsize, t->Tsubt);

/* FINDQTYPE - Find or create the qualified version of a given type.
**	The given qualifier flags are added into any that already exist.
findqtype(t, quals)
TYPE *t;
    return findctype(t->Tspec, t->Tflag|(quals & ~TF_QUALS),
			t->Tsize, t->Tsubt);

/* FINDFTYPE - Find or create a function type.
**	Tspec is always set to TS_FUNCT and flags to 0.
**	The two arguments are the return type and prototype list pointer.
findftype(rtyp, plist)
TYPE *rtyp, *plist;
{    return findctype(TS_FUNCT, 0,	/* Always function, no qualifiers */
		plist,			/* Param list - note type punning! */
		rtyp);			/* Return type */

/* FINDPTYPE - Find or create a prototype-list "type".
**	Important thing to note is that only the unqualified version of
**	the original type is used.
findptype(tsp, plist, t)
TYPE *plist, *t;
    return findctype(tsp, 0, 	/* Never any flags or qualifiers */
	plist,			/* Param list - note type punning! */
	((!t || !(t->Tflag&(TF_CONST|TF_VOLATILE)))	/* Parameter type */
		? t			/* Type is OK as is */
		: findctype(t->Tspec,	/* Ugh, use unqualified version */
			(t->Tflag & (~(TF_CONST|TF_VOLATILE))),

/* FINDCTYPE - Main routine to find or create a type.
**	Permits full specification of all type info; this is the only
**	routine that allows setting the type-qualifier flags.
findctype(tsp, flags, siz, subt)
TYPE *subt;
    TYPE *t;
    int hash;

    flags |= tfltab[tsp];	/* Ensure usual flags are added in */

    /* Hash up attributes of this type and look up in table */
    hash = ( ((int) subt) + (tsp * 43) + (siz * 101) ) % THASHSIZE;
    for (t = ttable[hash]; t != NULL; t = t->Tnhash)
	if (t->Tspec == tsp && t->Tflag == flags
		&& t->Tsize == siz && t->Tsubt == subt)
	    return t;		/* Found identical existing type! */

    /* Not found, have to make up a new one */
    t = &types[maxtype++];		/* someday this should be a malloc() */
    if (maxtype >= MAXTYPE)
	efatal("Type table overflow");
    t->Tspec = tsp;			/* Store type specifications */
    t->Tflag = flags;
    t->Tsize = siz;
    t->Tsubt = subt;
    t->Tnhash = ttable[hash];		/* link old types with same hash */
    ttable[hash] = t;			/* add this one in to hash table */
    return t;
/* CMPTYPE - Compare two types for compatibility
cmptype(t1, t2)
TYPE *t1, *t2;
#if 1	/* New version */
    return (t1 == t2 || tcomposite(t1, t2));
    if (t1 == t2) return 1;
    if (t1->Tspec != TS_ARRAY || t2->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    if (t1->Tsubt != t2->Tsubt) return 0;
    return (t1->Tsize == 0 || t2->Tsize == 0 || t1->Tsize == t2->Tsize);

/* CMPUTYPE - Compare two types "unqualifiedly", i.e. ignore const/volatile.
**	This is different from normal type compat checking because the
**	top type's qualifiers must be ignored.
cmputype(t, u)
TYPE *t, *u;
    if (t == u) return 1;
    if (t->Tspec == u->Tspec
      && (t->Tflag&(~TF_QUALS))	== (u->Tflag&(~TF_QUALS))) {
	switch (t->Tspec) {
	case TS_FUNCT:
	    return tcomposite(t, u) != NULL;
	case TS_ARRAY:
	    /* If both arrays have sizes, the size must be identical.
	    ** The element types must be compatible.
	    if (t->Tsize && u->Tsize && (t->Tsize != u->Tsize))
	    /* Sizes OK, fall thru to check element type */
	case TS_PTR:
	    return (t->Tsubt == u->Tsubt || tcomposite(t->Tsubt, u->Tsubt));

	case TS_STRUCT:
	case TS_UNION:
	    return t->Tsmtag == u->Tsmtag;

	    return 1;
    return 0;

/* TCOMPOSITE - Return the composite type for two types, or NULL if
**	they are not compatible types.
**	Whenever possible, just the "best" of the two is returned, rather
**	than constructing a new type.
tcomposite(t1, t2)
TYPE *t1, *t2;
    TYPE *t;

    if (t1 == t2) return t1;		/* Quick check */
    if (t1->Tflag != t2->Tflag		/* Must have same qualifiers */
      || t1->Tspec != t2->Tspec)	/* and same top-level type */
	return NULL;

    /* Types have same qualifiers and same top-level type, so their
    ** size or subtype must be different.  For some things, that's OK.
    switch (t1->Tspec) {

    case TS_ARRAY:		/* For array types, */
	/* If both arrays have sizes, the size must be identical.
	** The element types must always be compatible.
	if (t1->Tsize && t2->Tsize && t1->Tsize != t2->Tsize)
	    break;			/* Different sizes, fail */
	if (t1->Tsubt != t2->Tsubt) {	/* must have same element types */
	    if (t = tcomposite(t1->Tsubt, t2->Tsubt))
		return findctype(TS_ARRAY, t1->Tflag,
			(t1->Tsize ? t1->Tsize : t2->Tsize), t);
	return (t1->Tsize ? t1 : t2);	/* Won!  Return whichever has size */

    case TS_PTR:		/* For pointer, subtypes must be compatible */
	if (t = tcomposite(t1->Tsubt, t2->Tsubt))
	    return findctype(TS_PTR, t1->Tflag, t1->Tsize, t);

    case TS_FUNCT:		/* For function, hairier */
	if (t1->Tsubt == t2->Tsubt) {		/* Check for quick win */
	    if (!t1->Tproto) return t2;		/* Same return type, so use */
	    if (!t2->Tproto) return t1;		/* whichever has a proto */
	    t = t1->Tsubt;			/* Diff protos, sigh */
	} else if (!(t = tcomposite(t1->Tsubt, t2->Tsubt)))
	    break;			/* Return types not compatible */

	/* Have new return type in t, now determine new prototype in t2 */
	if      (!t1->Tproto) t2 = t2->Tproto;
	else if (!t2->Tproto) t2 = t1->Tproto;
	else if (!(t2 = tcomproto(t1->Tproto, t2->Tproto)))
	    break;			/* Prototypes not compatible */
	return findftype(t, t2);	/* Win! */
    return NULL;

/* TCOMPROTO - Build composite prototype
**	Returns NULL if couldn't.
static TYPE *
tcomproto(t1, t2)
TYPE *t1, *t2;
    TYPE *t;

    if (t1 == t2) return t1;	/* Win if same -- TS_PARVOID, TS_PARINF */
    if (t1->Tspec != t2->Tspec || t1->Tspec != TS_PARAM)
	return NULL;			/* Mismatch of (void) or ,...) */

    /* OK, have real parameter, build composite type for it */
    if (!(t = tcomposite(t1->Tsubt, t2->Tsubt)))
	return NULL;			/* Param types not compatible */
    if (t1->Tproto && t2->Tproto) {	/* More params? */
	if (!(t2 = tcomproto(t1->Tproto, t2->Tproto)))
	    return NULL;		/* Remaining params not compatible */
    } else if (!t1->Tproto && !t2->Tproto) {	/* No more params? */
	t2 = NULL;			/* Terminated OK! */
    } else return NULL;			/* Mismatch of # params! */

    /* Here, have all the parts needed for new composite prototype. */
    return findptype(TS_PARAM, t2, t);
/* SIZETYPE - Find size of type, in words.
**	Note this is words, not bytes such as "sizeof" evaluates to!
** The only "funny" value is that for "char" which is simply 1 (no smaller
** value can be represented).  This requires interpreting the size specially
** when the type is char (see sizeptobj below for an example).
TYPE *t;
    int s;

    if (t == NULL) {			/* izlist => izer0/1 does this, why? */
	int_error("sizetype: null type");	/* Flush later if never hit */
	return 0;

    /* calculate factor for array dimensions */
    s = 1;				/* nothing multiplied in yet */
    while (t->Tspec == TS_ARRAY) {	/* array has to multiply out ranges */
	s *= t->Tsize;			/* so multiply it in with rest */
	t = t->Tsubt;			/* and go to next in chain */

    /* Multiply that by size of base type */
    if (tisbyte(t)) {		/* Bytes are special case, round up. */
	if (!tbitsize(t)) return 0;	/* Check for TS_VOID (0-size byte) */
	return (s + (TGSIZ_WORD/tbitsize(t)) - 1) / (TGSIZ_WORD/tbitsize(t));

    switch (t->Tspec) {
	case TS_STRUCT:
	case TS_UNION:				/* If structure or union, */
	    if (t->Tsmtag->Sclass != SC_TAG)	/* make sure it's defined */
		/* Otherwise must be SC_UTAG (undefined) and size is unknown */
		error("Structure %S undefined, size unknown",
			t->Tsmtag);	/* Complain */

	case TS_PTR:		/* Temporary check installed when changing to
				** new type-size scheme, take out if never hit
				** and just use default.
	    if (t->Tsize != typsiztab[TS_PTR]) {
		int_error("bad pointer size: %d", t->Tsize);
		return s * typsiztab[TS_PTR];
	    }			/* Drop thru to normal case */
    return s * t->Tsize;	/* return final number of words */

/* SIZEPTOBJ - Find size of object that a pointer points to.
**	This helps determine how much to increment/decrement pointers by.
** The return value is funny, however.  If the pointer is a normal word
** pointer then the "size" is size in words.  If the pointer is a byte
** pointer then its "size" is expressed in terms of bytes.
TYPE *t;
    return (tisbytepointer(t)		/* If byte pointer, handle specially */
	? sizearray(t->Tsubt)		/* Bytes: either 1 or # elements */
	: sizetype(t->Tsubt));		/* Words: use # words */

/* SIZEARRAY - returns number of elements in array (1 if not an array).
**	This has nothing to do with the size or type of the elements.
**	This is used to find the # of bytes in a byte array.
register TYPE *t;
    register int s = 1;

    while (t->Tspec == TS_ARRAY) {
	s *= t->Tsize;			/* Multiply size for each index */
	t = t->Tsubt;			/* of the array structure. */
    return s;

/* ARYERR - Auxiliary for errors invoked by several following rtns */
static void
char *s;
    int_error("%s: array of null", s);

/* ELEMBSIZE - Returns size in bits of an element (in an array, or pointed to)
**	Value is zero if element is not a scalar object.
**	In particular, TS_VOID is zero even though it pretends to be a "byte".
TYPE *t;
    if (t->Tspec != TS_PTR && t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    while (t = t->Tsubt)
	if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY)
	    return (tisscalar(t) ? tbitsize(t) : 0);
    return 0;
/* TISPURE - Return true if type can be considered completely "pure";
**	that is, it is completely const-qualified and there are no
**	volatile qualifiers.
TYPE *t;
    while (t->Tspec == TS_ARRAY) t = t->Tsubt;	/* Get to bottom of array */
    return (!tisanyvolat(t) && tisconst(t));

/* TISCHARPOINTER - Return true if pointer representation for this type
**	is a pointer to some kind of char.
** TISBYTEPOINTER - Likewise for bytes.
TYPE *t;
    if (t->Tspec != TS_PTR && t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    while (t = t->Tsubt)
	if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY)
    return 0;

TYPE *t;
    if (t->Tspec != TS_PTR && t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    while (t = t->Tsubt)
	if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY)
    return 0;

/* TISCHARARRAY - Return true if type is "array of char".
**	This works for either signed or unsigned chars.
** TISBYTEARRAY - Similar, true if elements are "bytes" (smaller than words).
TYPE *t;
    if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    while (t = t->Tsubt)
	if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY)
    return 0;

TYPE *t;
    if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY) return 0;
    while (t = t->Tsubt)
	if (t->Tspec != TS_ARRAY)
	    return tisbyte(t);
    return 0;
/* TYPEDUMP - Dump type table info to debugging file

static struct typflg {
	int flag; int flchar; char *flstr;
} tflagtb[] = {
	TF_CONST,	'C', "Const-qualified",
	TF_VOLATILE,	'V', "Volatile-qualified",
	TF_INTEG,	'i', "Integral",
	TF_FLOAT,	'f', "Floating-point",
	TF_SCALAR,	's', "Scalar",
	TF_UNSIGN,	'u', "Unsigned",
	TF_CHAR,	'c', "Char",
	TF_BITF,	'b', "Bitfield",
	TF_BYTE,	'B', "Byte (non-word)",
	TF_STRUCT,	'S', "Struct or Union",
	TF_SICONST,	'n', "S/U contains a const",
	TF_SIVOLAT,	'v', "S/U contains a volatile",
	0, 0, 0,

    int u, size, idx;
    char *str;
    TYPE *t;
    SYMBOL *sm;
    char flagstr[30], *cp;
    struct typflg *fp;

    fprintf(fsym,"\n\n-- Types --\n\n\tType flags:\n");
    for (fp = tflagtb; fp->flag; ++fp)
	fprintf(fsym,"\t  %c - %s type\n", fp->flchar, fp->flstr);
    fprintf(fsym, " Idx Flags  Bits Type\n");

    for(idx = 0; idx < maxtype; idx++) {
	t = &types[idx];		/* Get pointer to a type */
	cp = flagstr;
	size = 0;
	str = NULL;
	if (0 <= (u = t->Tspec) && u < TS_MAX) {
	    str = tsnames[u];		/* Get name of basic type */
	    if (u != TS_FUNCT)
		size = tbitsize(t);
	} else switch (u) {
	    case TS_PARVOID:	str = "param \"void\"";	break;
	    case TS_PARINF:	str = "param \"...\""; break;
	    case TS_PARAM:	str = "param"; break;
	/* Get string representation for type flags */
	for (fp = tflagtb; fp->flag; ++fp)
	    if (t->Tflag & fp->flag) *cp++ = fp->flchar;
	*cp = 0;

	/* Now print basic information about type */
	if (str)
	    fprintf(fsym, "%4d %-7s %3d %s", idx, flagstr, size, str);
	    fprintf(fsym, "%4d %-7s ??? BAD - unknown Tspec %#o, Tflag %#o, Tsize%#o, Tsubt %#o (%d)",
			idx, flagstr,
			t->Tspec, t->Tflag, t->Tsize, t->Tsubt,
			t->Tsubt - types);

	str = NULL;
	switch (u) {
        case TS_PTR:
	    str = "to";

	case TS_ARRAY:
	    fprintf(fsym, ", size %d", t->Tsize);
	    str = "of";

	case TS_PARINF:
	    if (t->Tsubt) fprintf(fsym, ", BAD type: %d", t->Tsubt-types);
	    if (t->Tproto) fprintf(fsym, ", BAD next: %d", t->Tproto-types);

	case TS_PARAM:
	    if (t->Tsubt) fprintf(fsym, ", of %d", t->Tsubt - types);
	    else fprintf(fsym, ", BAD type: NULL");
	    if (t->Tproto) fprintf(fsym, ", next: %d", t->Tproto - types);

	case TS_FUNCT:
	    if (t->Tproto) fprintf(fsym, ", proto %d", t->Tproto - types);
	    else fprintf(fsym, ", no proto");
	    str = "returns";

        case TS_STRUCT:
	case TS_UNION:
	    fprintf (fsym, ", tag %s", t->Tsmtag->Sname);
	    if (t->Tsmtag->Sclass != SC_TAG)
		fprintf (fsym, " (not defined)");
	    else {			/* defined, show tags and size */
		fprintf (fsym, ", size %d", sizetype(t));
		sm = t->Tsmtag->Ssmnext;	/* get struct mem list */
		while (sm != NULL) {
		    fprintf (fsym, "\n      %s: type %d",
			    sm->Sname, sm->Stype - types);
		    shoffset (sm->Ssmoff); /* display offset of member */
		    sm = sm->Ssmnext;
	if (str && t->Tsubt)
	    fprintf(fsym, ", %s %d", str, t->Tsubt - types);

	putc('\n', fsym);