
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - kcc-6/lib/usys/write.c
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**	WRITE - URT low-level I/O write
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
**		for all changes after v.65, 11-Aug-1988
**	Copyright (C) 1986 by Ian Macky, SRI International
**	Edits for ITS:  Copyright (C) 1988 Alan Bawden

#include <c-env.h>
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X+SYS_T10+SYS_CSI+SYS_WTS+SYS_ITS	/* Systems supported for */

#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>		/* memcpy etc */
#include <signal.h>		/* for SIGXFSZ */
#include <sys/usysio.h>
#include <sys/usytty.h>
#include <sys/usysig.h>
#include <errno.h>

#if SYS_T20
#include <jsys.h>


#elif SYS_ITS
#include <sysits.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE(uf) ((UIO_BUFSIZ / 4) * uf->uf_nbpw)

#include <muuo.h>
#include <macsym.h>

int _blkprime(), _blkfin();
static int outblk();
static int iobprime(), iobdump(), iobload();
static int outbuf(), outdev(), ofrcbuf(), outctm(), outtty();
static void t10bsync(), t10bunsync();
static int w_in(), w_out(), w_eofp(), w_uset();

static int outisys(), outsys();
write(fd, buf, nbytes)
register int fd, nbytes;
register char *buf;
    register struct _ufile *uf;
    register int n, i;
    char *bufp;
    char cbuf[UIO_BUFSIZ];	/* Temporary conversion buffer on stack */
    int ncvt;

    if (!(uf = _UFGET(fd)) || !(uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_WRITE))
    if (nbytes <= 0) {
	if (nbytes == 0) USYS_RET(0);

    /* Check for and handle unconverted case */
    if (!(uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_CONVERTED)) {
	n = outisys(uf, buf, nbytes);

    /* Handle converted case */
    ncvt = nbytes;		/* Get # bytes to convert */
    bufp = (BYTE_PTR_OF_SIZE(uf->uf_bsize, cbuf)) - 1;
    bufp = cbuf-1;		/* Use temporary conversion buffer on stack */
    while (ncvt > 0) {
	register char *cp;
	n = (BUFFER_SIZE(uf))/2;
	if (n > ncvt) n = ncvt;		/* Find # to cvt this pass */
	ncvt -= n;
	cp = bufp;
	do {
	    if ((*++cp = *++buf) == '\n') {	/* Copy bytes - if see LF, */
		*cp = '\r';			/* replace with CR */
		*++cp = '\n';			/* and add LF */
	} while (--n > 0);

	/* Now find # bytes converted and actually output them. */
	i = cp - bufp;
	cp = bufp+1;
	if ((n = outisys(uf, cp, i)) <= 0)
	    USYS_RET(n);		/* Interrupted or error */
	if (n < i) {			/* Output truncated? */
	    /* Ugh, what to do about this case??  For now, nothing.
	    ** A fancy recovery wd be to scan back thru user string until
	    ** hit real count we stopped at, then return # of user chars that
	    ** corresponds to.  But that can lose if stop at a \n; still
	    ** need to output \n the next time write() is called.  Ugh!!
    USYS_RET(nbytes);			/* Return # bytes */
static int
outisys(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
char *buf;
int nbytes;
    int i, n, nreq = nbytes, ntot = 0;

    for (;;) {			/* Loop for interrupt continuation */
	if ((n = outsys(uf, buf, nreq)) > 0)
	    return n + ntot;		/* Normally wins */
	if (n == 0) {			/* Error? */
	    errno = EIO;
	    return -1;
	/* Interrupted.  n has negative of # bytes left to write. */
	i = USYS_END();			/* Allow ints, see if handler done */
	USYS_BEG();			/* Disable interrupts again */
	if (i < 0) {			/* Handler wants call interrupted? */
	    errno = EINTR;		/* Yeah, fail this way */
	    return -1;

	/* Can proceed from interrupt!  Update things... */
	/* Ensure UF is still OK (int rtn may have closed/reopened) */
	if (uf->uf_nopen <= 0) {
	    errno = EIO;		/* Fail if switcheroo happened */
	    return -1;
	ntot += nreq + n;
	buf += nreq + n;	/* Update pointer by # bytes written */
	nreq = -n;		/* Set new # bytes to write */
#if 0 	/* unfinished cruft */

static int
out_bcvt(uf, buf, nbytes)
register struct _ufile *uf;
char *buf;
int nbytes;
    int ncvt;
    char *bufp;
    int ocnt;
    int r, n;

    ncvt = nbytes;		/* Get # bytes to convert */
    for (;;) {
	if (--(uf->uf_wleft) < 0) {	/* No more room in current buffer? */

static int
struct _ufile *uf;
    int i;

    while ((i = out_cbuf(uf)) < 0) {
	/* Interrupted!  Buffer (block) not written at all. */
	i = USYS_END();		/* Allow ints for a moment, check handler */
	USYS_BEG();		/* Disable interrupts again */
	if (i < 0)		/* Was a handler done that wants failure? */
	    break;		/* Yes, return interrupt indicator */

	/* Can proceed from interrupt!  Update things... */
	/* Ensure UF is still OK (int rtn may have closed/reopened) */
	if (uf->uf_nopen <= 0 || !uf->uf_bpbeg) {
	    errno = EIO;	/* Fail if switcheroo happened */
	    return 0;
    }				/* And continue loop to re-try call! */
    return i;		/* Return win, lose, or int */

/* OUT_CBUF - Empty conversion buffer auxiliary
**	Ensures room in a buffer to supply raw data for conversion routine.
**	Must set uf_bpbeg, uf_cp, uf_wleft.
** Returns:
**	-1 if interrupted, but buffer was output.
**	0   if error.
**	> 0 Success
static int
register struct _ufile *uf;
    int n;

    /* If disk or some random buffered channel, invoke buffer force */
    if (uf->uf_type == UIO_DVDSK || uf->uf_boring.br_bp)
	return out_buf(uf);
    /* Simple buffer, just force out with outsys() and empty it */
    n = outsys(uf, uf->uf_bpbeg, uf->uf_blen);
    if (n > 0) {
	uf->uf_cp = uf->uf_bpbeg;
	uf->uf_wleft = uf->uf_blen;
	uf->uf_bpos = uf->uf_pos;
    } else if (n < 0) {
	/* Interrupted... */
	if (-n >= uf->uf_blen)
	    return n;		/* Should come here for block type stuff */
	/* Should only get partial output for stuff that isn't block-oriented.
    return n;
#endif /* Unfinished cruft */
#if SYS_10X+SYS_T20

/* OUTSYS(uf, buf, nbytes) - TOPS-20/TENEX system-dependent output
**	Returns:
**		> 0  Won, return value is # of bytes written.
**		= 0  Failed.
**		< 0  Interrupted; value is -<# of bytes LEFT to be written>.
**	In all cases, uf_pos is updated to reflect
**	any bytes that were actually written.
static int
outsys(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
char *buf;
    int i, num, ablock[5];

    switch (uf->uf_type) {
	case _DVDSK:
	    num = SOUT;		/* Not interruptible */
	case _DVTTY:
	case _DVPTY:
	    num = SOUT | JSYS_OKINT;	/* Allow interrupts */
	case _DVTCP:				/* SOUTR to Force output */
	    num = SOUTR | JSYS_OKINT;
    ablock[1] = uf->uf_ch;		/* JFN */
    ablock[2] = (int) (buf - 1);	/* 1 before buffer */
    ablock[3] = -nbytes;		/* -# bytes to write */
    num = jsys(num, ablock);

    /* Now update vars */
    uf->uf_pos += (i = nbytes + ablock[3]);	/* Find # bytes written */
    if (num > 0)		/* SOUT succeeded? */
	return i;		/* Yes, all's well (probably) */
    else if (num < 0)		/* Interrupted? */
	return (ablock[3] < 0 ?	/* Yes, see if anything left to write */
		ablock[3] : i);	/* return -N if so, else claim we won. */

    switch (ablock[0]) {	/* SOUT failed somehow, translate error */
	case IOX11:	errno = EDQUOT; break;	/* Quota exceeded */
	case IOX34:	errno = ENOSPC; break;	/* No space on disk */
	    errno = EIO;		/* Random error */
	    return 0;
    /* SOUT% error to be turned into SIGXFSZ signal */
    raise(SIGXFSZ);		/* Turn on signal */
    return (ablock[3] < 0 ?	/* See if anything left to write */
	    ablock[3] : i);	/* return -N if so, else claim we won. */
#endif /* T20+10X */

/* OUTSYS(uf, buf, nbytes) - TOPS-10/CSI/WAITS system-dependent output
**	Returns:
**		> 0  Won, return value is # of bytes written.
**		= 0  Failed.
**		< 0  Interrupted; value is -<# of bytes LEFT to be written>.
**	In all cases, uf_pos is updated to reflect
**	any bytes that were actually written.

static int
outsys(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
char *buf;
    switch(uf->uf_type) {
	case UIO_DVDSK:		/* Block device, always buffered */
	    return outblk(uf, buf, nbytes);

	case UIO_DVTTY:		/* TTY, always force out immediately */
	    return outtty(uf, buf, nbytes);

	default:	/* Could test a flag bit for immediate forcing? */
			/* For time being, always assume buffered and force. */
	    return outdev(uf, buf, nbytes);
#endif /* T10+CSI+WTS */
static int
outdev(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
char *buf;
    register int n, nleft;

    if ((n = outbuf(uf, buf, nbytes)) <= 0)
	return n;		/* Error or interrupted */

    /* Find # bytes still in buffer, and force them out. */
    /* Note return value if positive is 1 greater than actual # output */
    if ((nleft = ofrcbuf(uf)) <= 0) {
	if (nleft == 0)		/* If error, just return that; errno is set */
	    return 0;
	/* Interrupt.  Special hackery to make sure that (1) caller sees
	** interrupt indication, and (2) resumption of call will attempt
	** to output the remaining buffer stuff!
	** Back up to start of whatever we just put in this buffer; must
	** check to avoid backing up over old stuff!
	if (nleft < -nbytes)		/* More bytes than we just wrote? */
	    nleft = -nbytes;		/* Yeah, only back up that much */
	uf->uf_boring.br_bp += nleft;	/* Back up byte ptr (note neg #!) */
	uf->uf_boring.br_cnt -= nleft;	/* Back up cnt      (  " ) */
	return nleft;			/* Say interrupted */
    return n;			/* Success, return total # bytes written */

static int
outbuf(uf, buf, cnt)
struct _ufile *uf;
int cnt;
char *buf;
    register int copcnt, n;
    int nout = 0;

  for (;;) {
    if ((copcnt = uf->uf_boring.br_cnt) <= 0) {
	/* Must get another output buffer. */
	if ((n = ofrcbuf(uf)) <= 0) {	/* Force out buff (maybe init) */ 
	    return (n == 0) ? 0		/* Error, return 0 (errno is set) */
			: -cnt;		/* Interrupted, say how much left */
	if ((copcnt = uf->uf_boring.br_cnt) <= 0) {
	    errno = EIO;		/* Must have buffer space by now!!! */
	    return 0;			/* Ugh, UUO failed to update count */

    /* Now have room ready in an output buffer. */
    if (copcnt > cnt)			/* Have more room than needed? */
	copcnt = cnt;			/* Yeah, limit to this much */

    /* Note the bump of the byte pointer before giving it to memcpy.
    ** We lose big if this is ever anything but an <IBP 0,> because
    ** ADJBP preserves the incorrect alignment that the monitor stupidly
    ** set up!
    memcpy(++(uf->uf_boring.br_bp), buf, copcnt);	/* Copy */
    uf->uf_boring.br_cnt -= copcnt;	/* Update bfr hdr */
    uf->uf_boring.br_bp += copcnt-1;	/* Update ptr, compensate for bump */

    /* Now see if must output another bufferful */
    nout += copcnt;			/* Update # bytes written */
    if ((cnt -= copcnt) <= 0)		/* Update # left */
    buf += copcnt;			/* Must get more, update src ptr */
    return nout;

/* OFRCBUF - force out anything in output buffer.
**	Returns > 0   = # bytes forced out, plus 1.
**			(hence a value of 1 means nothing was in buffer)
**		== 0  = Error, errno is set.
**		< 0   = Interrupted, # bytes left in buffer.
static int
struct _ufile *uf;
    register int ret, nbytes;

    /* Find # bytes written into buffer, if any */
    nbytes = uf->uf_blen - uf->uf_boring.br_cnt;
    if (nbytes > 0) {
	ret = w_out(uf, 0);
	if (ret > 0) {		/* Success? */
	 } else if (ret < 0) {	/* Interrupted? */
	    return -nbytes;	/* Say this much not done */
	} else {		/* Failure of some kind */
#if 0
	    oerr(uf);		/* Set errno to something meaningful */
	    errno = EIO;
	    return 0;
    return nbytes+1;
/* OUTBLK - output user bytes to block device.
**	Returns:
**		<= 0 if error.  Note interrupts not possible.
**		> 0 if won, all of user string was output or put in buffer.
**			This value is == nbytes to satisfy caller expectations.
static int
outblk(uf, buf, nbytes)
register struct _ufile *uf;
register char *buf;
int nbytes;
    register int n, ucnt = nbytes;
    for (;;) {
	if ((n = uf->uf_wleft) <= 0) {	/* Any bytes left in buffer? */
	    if (!_blkprime(uf, ucnt))	/* Get room (maybe write old buff) */
		return 0;		/* Error */
	    n = uf->uf_wleft;		/* Got room, see how much */
	if (ucnt < n) n = ucnt;
	memcpy(uf->uf_cp, buf, n);	/* Copy bytes from user space */

	/* Now update vars */
	uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_BMODIF;	/* Say buffer modified */
	if ((uf->uf_pos += n) > uf->uf_flen)
	    uf->uf_flen = uf->uf_pos;	/* May need to update EOF */
	uf->uf_cp += n;
	uf->uf_wleft -= n;
	if ((uf->uf_rleft -= n) < 0)
	    uf->uf_rleft = 0;
	if ((ucnt -= n) <= 0)
	    return nbytes;		/* Won, return total done */
	buf += n;			/* More bytes to do, update user ptr */

/* _BLKPRIME - Primes buffer for block device.
**	Initializes buffer for either reading or writing.
**	nbytes must either be 0 for reading,
**	or the # of bytes needed for writing.
**	Never interrupts, returns 0 if error, > 1 if succeed.
_blkprime(uf, nbytes)
register struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
    register int n;

    /* If writing, and channel open for appending, must force new pos to EOF */
    if (nbytes && (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_APPEND))	/* If appending, new pos */
	uf->uf_pos = uf->uf_flen;		/* is always EOF! */

    if (iobprime(uf, nbytes))		/* Dump old, load new buff */
	return 0;			/* Ugh, error! */
    n = uf->uf_pos - uf->uf_bpos;	/* Find offset now */

    /* Current buffer is now right one, "n" has # bytes offset into buffer */
    uf->uf_cp = uf->uf_bpbeg + n;
    uf->uf_wleft = uf->uf_blen - n;
    if ((uf->uf_rleft = uf->uf_flen - uf->uf_pos) > uf->uf_wleft)
	uf->uf_rleft = uf->uf_wleft;
    else if (uf->uf_rleft <= 0) {
	uf->uf_rleft = 0;
	uf->uf_eof = 1;

    /* If reading, and channel also open for appending, must ensure
    ** that any attempt to write will force a re-init.
    if (!nbytes && (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_APPEND))
	uf->uf_wleft = 0;		/* Force write to re-init. */
    return 1;

/* IOBPRIME - Set up new buffer block.
**	Seeks to and reads in block specified by uf_pos.
**	If nbytes is:
**	0 - we're doing reading.
**		If new block is within known size of file, seek and get it.
**		Otherwise, don't seek at all; set uf_bpos to system
**			position, clear flags, and zap counts.
**			This is necessary because T10 USETI won't work.
**	N - we're doing writing.
**		If nothing needs to be read, just do a write-seek.
**		Else, do a read-seek and read stuff in.
**	Updates uf_bpos and flags.
static int
iobprime(uf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
    int err, newblk, curblk;
    long newpos;

    newblk = uf->uf_pos / uf->uf_blen;		/* Blk # seeking to */
    curblk = uf->uf_bpos / uf->uf_blen;		/* Blk # in buffer */

    if (newblk == curblk		/* If at right block */
      && (uf->uf_flgs&(UIOF_BREAD|UIOF_BMODIF)))	/* and stuff in buff */
	return 0;			/* then we win, instant success */

    /* Must discard current buffer.
    ** If buffer was modified, we have to dump it out.  Note that
    ** if UIOF_BREAD is set, the current sys I/O pointer is at the block
    ** past uf_bpos, thus we have to seek there.  Otherwise, the sys pointer
    ** is precisely uf_bpos and we use -1 to tell iobdump it needn't seek.
    if (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_BMODIF) {	/* If modified stuff in buff */
	if (err = iobdump(uf, (uf->uf_flgs&UIOF_BREAD) ? curblk : -1))
	    return err;			/* Ugh, error */
	/* Note iobdump always sets UIOF_BREAD if it succeeds. */
    if (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_BREAD) {	/* About to flush flag, so */
	uf->uf_bpos += uf->uf_blen;	/* use it to update actual position */
	++curblk;			/* now! */
    uf->uf_flgs &= ~(UIOF_BREAD|UIOF_BMODIF);	/* Forget old buff! */

    /* Now prepare a new buffer.  This is done either by reading in
    ** the old contents from device, or by clearing the buffer.
    newpos = newblk * uf->uf_blen;	/* Set what new buffer pos shd be. */
    if (nbytes == 0) {			/* If reading */
	if (newpos >= uf->uf_flen) {	/* If past EOF... */
	    /* Trying to seek past EOF, mustn't attempt USETI or we lose. */
	    uf->uf_cp = NULL;			/* Ensure stuff zapped */
	    uf->uf_rleft = uf->uf_wleft = 0;
	    return 0;				/* And do nothing else */
    } else {				/* Writing */
	if (newpos >= uf->uf_flen		/* If past EOF, or don't */
	  || nbytes >= uf->uf_blen		/* need to read anything */
	  || !(uf->uf_flgs&(UIOF_READ|UIOF_OREAD))) {	/* or can't read */
	    /* Don't need to load buffer, just clear it.  Because we may
	    ** not write buff out yet, don't even seek either.  Instead,
	    ** just set UIOF_BREAD to pretend zapped buffer was "read",
	    ** and this combined with UIOF_BMODIF will always force a
	    ** seek to uf_bpos when the buffer is finally dumped.
	    uf->uf_bpos = newpos;		/* Pseudo-seek */
	    if (uf->uf_bsize != 9		/* Unless bytes fill a word, */
	      || nbytes < uf->uf_blen)		/* & will fill entire buff, */
		memset(uf->uf_bpbeg, 0, uf->uf_blen);	/* clear buffer! */
	    uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_BREAD|UIOF_BMODIF;
	    return 0;

    /* OK to load up new buffer, so do it.  This sets uf_bpos if seek done. */
    if (err = iobload(uf, (newblk == curblk ? -1 : newblk)))
	return err;
    return 0;

/* _BLKFIN - Finalize block-mode I/O just prior to closing file.
**	This is needed for various things:
**	T10 to write out anything still in a modified buffer.
**	CSI in order to set the screwy last-word bits for 8-bit files.
**	T20/10X to flush page map and maybe set file size.
**	Updates uf_bpos and flags.
**	Returns 0 if succeeded, else error.
struct _ufile *uf;
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
    /* Must force out final page if any and flush from map.

    int err;

    if (!(uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_WRITE))	/* If not writing, */
	return 0;			/* nothing to do! */
    if (uf->uf_bsize == 8) {
	int *ip;
	if (uf->uf_pos = uf->uf_flen)
	    --(uf->uf_pos);		/* Seek to within last wd */
	if (err = iobprime(uf, 1))	/* Go there! */
	    return err;			/* Ugh, error */
	ip = (int *) uf->uf_cp;		/* Get ptr to last word */
	*ip &= 017;			/* Zap low 4 bits */
	if (uf->uf_flen & 03)		/* Add count in */
	    *ip |= 4 - (uf->uf_flen & 03);
	uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_BMODIF;	/* Say buffer munged */
    if (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_BMODIF)
	return iobdump(uf, ((uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_BREAD)
		? (uf->uf_bpos/uf->uf_blen)	/* Must seek to block */
		: -1 ));			/* Right place, no seek */
    return 0;

/* IOBDUMP - Write out buffer block.
**	If newblk < 0, writes to whatever current system block is.
**	If newblk >= 0, seeks to that block and writes there.
**	Updates uf_bpos and flags.
**	Returns 0 if succeeded, else error.
static int
iobdump(uf, newblk)
struct _ufile *uf;
int newblk;
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
    /* Must check to see whether to set EOF -- do so if EOF is within
    ** current buffer or just past it.

    extern void _panic();
    int n, iowd[2];

    if (uf->uf_boring.br_bp) {		/* Buffered output, yeech. */
	if (newblk >= 0) {		/* If seeking, double yeech!!! */
	    if (!(uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_ISSYNC))	/* Not synched yet, so */
		t10bsync(uf);			/* do it now. */
	if (uf->uf_pos == 0			/* If writing at BOF */
	  && (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_ISSYNC))	/* and we're synched */
	    t10bunsync(uf);			/* Turn off synch! */

	if (newblk >= 0) {
	    /* Ugh, do seek, even though it will probably lose.
	    ** Note that we can't have filled the buffer before now,
	    ** or the USETO may force it out -- hard to be sure with T10.
	    w_uset(uf, _FOUSO, newblk);		/* Do USETO */
	    uf->uf_bpos = newblk * uf->uf_blen;

	/* See whether EOF is within current buffer.  If so, have to be
	** careful to write only that many bytes (wds) and no more, since there
	** is no other way to set file size!
	if (uf->uf_blen != uf->uf_boring.br_cnt)
	    _panic("iodump: bad monitor OUT cnt!");
	if (uf->uf_blen > (uf->uf_flen - uf->uf_bpos))
	    n = uf->uf_flen - uf->uf_bpos;		/* # written */
	else n = uf->uf_blen;
	uf->uf_boring.br_cnt = uf->uf_blen - n;
	uf->uf_boring.br_bp = uf->uf_bpbeg + (n-1);	/* T10 wants ILDB bp */
	if (w_out(uf, 0) <= 0) {	/* Do OUT */
	    errno = EIO;		/* Set error # */
	    return 1;			/* and return error indication */
	uf->uf_bpbeg = uf->uf_boring.br_bp;
	++(uf->uf_bpbeg);	/* Get properly aligned byte pointer!!! */
				/* Lose if this is anything but <IBP 0,> */

    } else {			/* Dump mode seek, much simpler! */

	if (newblk >= 0) {
	    w_uset(uf, _FOUSO, newblk);		/* Do USETO */
	    uf->uf_bpos = newblk * uf->uf_blen;

	/* See whether EOF is within current buffer.  If so, have to be
	** careful to write only that many words and no more, since there
	** is no other way to set file size!
	if ((uf->uf_bpos + uf->uf_blen) > uf->uf_flen) {
	    n = 36/uf->uf_bsize;			/* # bytes/word */
	    n = ((uf->uf_flen - uf->uf_bpos)+n-1) / n;	/* Rounded-up # wds */
	} else n = UIO_T10_DSKWDS;
	iowd[0] = _IOWD(n, (int)(int *)(uf->uf_bpbeg));
	iowd[1] = 0;
	if (w_out(uf, iowd) <= 0) {	/* Do OUT */
	    errno = EIO;		/* Set error # */
	    return 1;			/* and return error indication */
    uf->uf_flgs &= ~UIOF_BMODIF;	/* Say buff no longer modified */
    uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_BREAD;		/* and pretend has "read" stuff */
    return 0;				/* Success */

/* IOBLOAD - Read in buffer block.
**	If newblk < 0, reads from whatever current system block is.
**	If newblk >= 0, seeks to that block and reads it.
**	Updates uf_bpos and flags.  Does not check or change UIOF_BMODIF.
**	May set uf_eof if EOF was unexpectedly encountered.
**	Returns 0 if succeeded, else error.
static int
iobload(uf, newblk)
struct _ufile *uf;
int newblk;
    int iop, iowd[2];

    uf->uf_flgs &= ~UIOF_BREAD;		/* Ensure flag off in case error */
    if (uf->uf_biring.br_bp) {		/* Buffered input, yeech. */
	iop = 0;			/* Use buffer ring normally */
	if (newblk >= 0) {		/* If seeking, double yeech!!! */
	    if (!(uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_ISSYNC)) {	/* If not synched yet, */
		t10bsync(uf);			/* do so now */
		iop = uf->uf_biring.br_buf;	/* And re-init buffer ring */
	if (uf->uf_pos == 0			/* If reading from BOF */
	  && (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_ISSYNC))	/* and we're synched */
	    t10bunsync(uf);			/* Turn off synch! */

    } else {			/* Dump mode seek, much simpler setup! */
	iowd[0] = _IOWD(UIO_T10_DSKWDS, (int)(int *)(uf->uf_buf->b_data));
	iowd[1] = 0;
	iop = (int)iowd;		/* Use dump vector */

    /* Now do the seek and block read. */
    if (newblk >= 0) {
	w_uset(uf, _FOUSI, newblk);	/* Do USETI */
	uf->uf_bpos = newblk * uf->uf_blen;
    if (w_in(uf, iop) <= 0) {		/* Do IN UUO */
	if (w_eofp(uf)) {		/* EOF? */
	    uf->uf_eof = -1;		/* Yeah, unexpected EOF! */
	    if (uf->uf_flen > uf->uf_bpos)	/* If had wrong filesize, */
		uf->uf_flen = uf->uf_bpos;	/* fix it now. */
	    return 0;		/* Return OK but don't set UIOF_BREAD! */
	errno = EIO;		/* Ugh, something else.  Set error # */
	return 1;		/* and return error indication */
    if (uf->uf_biring.br_bp) {		/* Buffered input, yeech. */
	uf->uf_bpbeg = uf->uf_biring.br_bp;
	++(uf->uf_bpbeg);		/* Get properly aligned BP!!! */
    uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_BREAD;		/* Buffer now has READ data */
    return 0;				/* Success */
/* Various support routines */

/* T10BSYNC - Set IO.SYN status bit and wait until I/O quiescent.
**	For the sake of input, flush the use bit for each buffer in the
**	input ring, to avoid being given a stale buffer on the next IN.
static void
struct _ufile *uf;
    if (!_filopuse) {
	int status;
	MUUO_IO("GETSTS", uf->uf_ch, &status);
	status |= uuosym("IO.SYN");		/* Turn on synch! */
	MUUO_IO("SETSTS", uf->uf_ch, status);
	MUUO_CH("WAIT", uf->uf_ch);		/* Sigh! */
    } else {
	struct _foblk fo;
	fo.fo_chn = uf->uf_ch;
	fo.fo_fnc = _FOGET;
	MUUO_ACVAL("FILOP.", XWD(1,(int)&fo), &fo.fo_ios);
	fo.fo_ios |= uuosym("IO.SYN");		/* Turn on synch! */
	fo.fo_fnc = _FOSET;
	MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(2,(int)&fo));
	fo.fo_fnc = _FOWAT;
	MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(1,(int)&fo));
    uf->uf_flgs |= UIOF_ISSYNC;

    /* Clear input buffer ring if one, by clearing all buffer use bits.
    ** The caller must be careful to point to one of these buffers on the
    ** next IN monitor call.
    if (uf->uf_biring.br_bp) {
	struct _iob *b, *cb;
	b = cb = (struct _iob *)(uf->uf_biring.br_buf-1);
	for (;;) {
	    b->bf_iou = 0;		/* Clear use bit for buffer */
	    b = (struct _iob *) (b->bf_nba-1);	/* Get next buffer */
	    if (b == cb) break;		/* Stop when back at first buffer */

/* T10BUNSYNC - Clear IO.SYN status bit.
static void
struct _ufile *uf;
    if (!_filopuse) {
	int status;
	MUUO_IO("GETSTS", uf->uf_ch, &status);
	status &= ~uuosym("IO.SYN");	/* Turn off synch! */
	MUUO_IO("SETSTS", uf->uf_ch, status);
    } else {
	struct _foblk fo;
	fo.fo_chn = uf->uf_ch;
	fo.fo_fnc = _FOGET;
	MUUO_ACVAL("FILOP.", XWD(1,(int)&fo), &fo.fo_ios);
	fo.fo_ios &= ~uuosym("IO.SYN");		/* Turn off synch! */
	fo.fo_fnc = _FOSET;
	MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(2,(int)&fo));
    uf->uf_flgs &= ~UIOF_ISSYNC;

static int
struct _ufile *uf;
    int status;
    if (!_filopuse) MUUO_IO("GETSTS", uf->uf_ch, &status);
    else {
	status = XWD(uf->uf_ch, _FOGET);
	MUUO_ACVAL("FILOP.", XWD(1,(int)&status), &status);
    return status & uuosym("IO.EOF");

static int
w_in(uf, iop)
struct _ufile *uf;
    if (!_filopuse) return !MUUO_IO("IN", uf->uf_ch, iop);
    else {
	int arg[2];
	arg[0] = XWD(uf->uf_ch, _FOINP);
	arg[1] = iop;
	return MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(2,(int)&arg));

static int
w_out(uf, iop)
struct _ufile *uf;
    if (!_filopuse) return !MUUO_IO("OUT", uf->uf_ch, iop);
    else {
	int arg[2];
	arg[0] = XWD(uf->uf_ch, _FOOUT);
	arg[1] = iop;
	return MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(2,(int)&arg));

static int
w_uset(uf, op, blk)
struct _ufile *uf;
    if (!_filopuse) {
	if (op == _FOUSO) MUUO_IO("USETO", uf->uf_ch, blk);
	else MUUO_IO("USETI", uf->uf_ch, blk);
	return 0;
    } else {
	int arg[2];
	arg[0] = XWD(uf->uf_ch, op);
	arg[1] = blk;
	return MUUO_AC("FILOP.", XWD(2,(int)&arg));
/* OUTTTY - Output to TTY device.
static int
outtty(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
register char *buf;
    register struct _tty *tp;
    struct _toblk to;
    int val;

    if (!_trmopuse)
    if (uf->uf_ch == UIO_CH_CTTRM)	/* If controlling TTY, */
	return outctm(uf, buf, nbytes);	/* must handle specially. */
    else return outdev(uf, buf, nbytes); /* No, just treat as normal dev */

    tp = &_ttys[uf->uf_dnum];	/* Get TTY struct for this UF */
    to.to_fnc = _TOOUT;		/* Function: output byte string */
#if (UIO_CH_CTTRM != -1)	/* Make sure this the convenient value */
#error Must fix CSI outtty() for UIO_CH_CTTRM!
    to.to_udx = XWD(-1,uf->uf_ch);	/* Specify which TTY */ = buf-1;		/* Set up ILDB byte pointer */
    to.to_arg.wd[0] = XWD(0,nbytes);	/* Clear LH, put # bytes into RH */

    if (tp->sg.sg_flags & RAW)		/* If raw mode, always use 8 bits */
	to.to_arg.wd[0] |= _TOFLG_8BIT;
    for (;;) switch (MUUO_ACVAL("TRMOP.", XWD(4,(int)&to), &val)) {
	case -1: return -(nbytes -;	/* Interrupt */
	case 0:
	    if (val == 016) {	/* Attempt recovery from bad byte */
#if 0
		if ((val = == 0 || --val == 0)
		    return nbytes;		/* Succeed if all gone */;		/* Bump past bad byte */
		continue;			/* Keep going */
	    errno = EIO;		/* Ugh, random I/O error! */
	    return 0;
	    return nbytes;
#endif /* CSI */

/* OUTCTM - Output to Controlling Terminal
static int
outctm(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
register char *buf;
    register struct _tty *tp;
    register int cnt;
    int ch;

    tp = &_ttys[0];		/* Get ptr to controlling TTY struct */
    if (tp->tt_uf != uf) {	/* Cross-check... */
	errno = EIO;
	return 0;
    --buf;				/* For PDP-10 efficiency */
    cnt = nbytes;
    if (tp->sg.sg_flags & RAW) {	/* Raw mode? */
	do {
	    ch = *++buf;
#if SYS_WTS		/* WAITS - no raw mode TTCALL yet */
	    if (MUUO_TTY("OUTCHR", &ch) < 0)
	    if (MUUO_TTY("IONEOU", &ch) < 0)
		return -cnt;		/* Interrupted */
	} while (--cnt > 0);
    } else {				/* Normal mode */
	do {
	    ch = *++buf;
	    if (MUUO_TTY("OUTCHR", &ch) < 0)
		return -cnt;		/* Interrupted */
	} while (--cnt > 0);
    return nbytes;

#endif /* T10+CSI+WTS */

/* OUTSYS(uf, buf, nbytes) - system-dependent output
**	Returns:
**		> 0  Won, return value is # of bytes written.
**		= 0  Failed.
**		< 0  Interrupted; value is -<# of bytes LEFT to be written>.
**	In all cases, _uiopos is updated to reflect
**	any bytes that were actually written.

static int
outsys(uf, buf, nbytes)
struct _ufile *uf;
int nbytes;
char *buf;
    int val;
    int n = nbytes;

    switch (uf->uf_type) {
	/* case _DVxxx:		   Non-blocking devices */
	default:		/* DSK-like devices */
	    if (uf->uf_flgs & UIOF_HANDPACK)
		val = _outblock(uf, buf, &n);
	    else {
		char *ptr = buf - 1;
		val = SYSCALL3("siot", uf->uf_ch, &ptr, &n);

    n = nbytes - n;		/* n = number of bytes written */
    uf->uf_pos += n;		/* update pos */
    if (!val) return n;		/* nothing unusual, return */
				/* What if N is 0?  (EWOULDBLOCK?) */
				/* Code in read() always returns EIO... */

    /* There is no way for an interrupt to happen yet, because */
    /* we haven't provided a way to give permission, but here is the */
    /* code to handle it anyway: */
    if (val < 0) {		/* interrupted? */
	n = n - nbytes;		/* n = - bytes to go */
	return (n ? n : nbytes);	/* if none to go, ignore interrupt */

    errno = EIO;
    return 0;
#endif /* SYS_ITS */

/* Block mode:  Simulate the way SIOT would behave were it
 * possible to specify the byte-size in a unit mode open.

static int doiot(uf, wptr, wcnt, valptr)
  struct _ufile *uf;
  int *wptr, wcnt, *valptr;
    int iotptr = ((- wcnt) << 18) | ((int) wptr);
    *valptr = SYSCALL2("iot", uf->uf_ch, &iotptr);
    return (iotptr & 0777777) - ((int) wptr);

#define IOT_BUFSIZ 300		/* in words */

int _outblock(uf, ptr, cntptr)
  struct _ufile *uf;
  int *cntptr;
  char *ptr;
    int iotbuffer[IOT_BUFSIZ];
    int iotbuffer_cnt = IOT_BUFSIZ * uf->uf_nbpw;
    char *iotbuffer_ptr = ALIGNED_BYTE_PTR(uf->uf_bsize, iotbuffer) - 1;
    int bcnt = uf->uf_zcnt;
    char *bptr = iotbuffer_ptr + bcnt;
    int cnt = *cntptr;
    int words, bytes, val, n;

    iotbuffer[0] = uf->uf_zbuf[0];
    uf->uf_zcnt = 0;

    /* Advance to a word boundary if possible */
    if (bcnt > 0) {
	while (bcnt < uf->uf_nbpw && cnt > 0) {
	    *++bptr = *ptr++;

    /* Compute how many words and bytes user is offering */
    words = cnt / uf->uf_nbpw;
    bytes = cnt % uf->uf_nbpw;

    /* If his byte pointer is aligned, and has the right size, then we */
    /* can IOT words directly from his buffer */
    if (words > 0 && ptr == ALIGNED_BYTE_PTR(uf->uf_bsize, ptr)) {

	/* If we have a word in our buffer, output that one first.  If */
	/* it doesn't go, return. */
	if (bcnt > 0 && doiot(uf, iotbuffer, 1, &val) < 1) {
	    uf->uf_zbuf[0] = iotbuffer[0];
	    uf->uf_zcnt = bcnt - 1;
	    *cntptr = cnt + 1;
	    return val;

	/* Now output his words.  If they don't all go, or there are no */
	/* extra bytes, then we're done. */
	if ((n = doiot(uf, ((int *) ptr), words, &val)) < words
	    || bytes <= 0) {
	    *cntptr = cnt - (n * uf->uf_nbpw);
	    return val;

	/* There are extra bytes, so fall through into general case */
	ptr += words * uf->uf_nbpw;
	cnt -= words * uf->uf_nbpw;
	bptr = iotbuffer_ptr;
	bcnt = 0;

    ptr--;			/* ILDB from now on */

    for (;;) {

	/* Assuming our buffer contains bcnt bytes, copy as many bytes */
	/* from the user as possible */
	if ((n = iotbuffer_cnt - bcnt) > cnt) n = cnt;
	cnt -= n;
	bcnt += n;
	while (n-- > 0) *++bptr = *++ptr;

	/* How many words and bytes in our buffer? */
	words = bcnt / uf->uf_nbpw;
	bytes = bcnt % uf->uf_nbpw;

	/* Output all the words.  If they don't all go, return but save */
	/* an almost-full word (in case we put it there to start with!). */
	if (words > 0 && (n = doiot(uf, iotbuffer, words, &val)) < words) {
	    uf->uf_zbuf[0] = iotbuffer[n];
	    uf->uf_zcnt = uf->uf_nbpw - 1;
	    *cntptr = cnt + bytes + ((words - n) * uf->uf_nbpw);
	    return val;

	/* The words are gone, so if we have picked up all his bytes, */
	/* then save any partial word and return. */
	if (cnt <= 0) {
	    uf->uf_zbuf[0] = iotbuffer[words];
	    uf->uf_zcnt = bytes;
	    *cntptr = 0;
	    return 0;

	/* Reset buffer, and loop */
	bcnt = 0;
	bptr = iotbuffer_ptr;
#endif /* SYS_ITS */

#endif /* T20+10X+T10+CSI+WAITS+ITS */