PDP-10 Archives
There are 8 other files named jsys.h in the archive. Click here to see a list.
/* JSYS.H - Define TOPS-20/TENEX JSYS symbols.
** This special file is needed to define the JSYS symbols (instead of simply
** using their values from MONSYM.UNV) because certain flag bits must be
** associated with them so that the C library's jsys() routine can know how
** to invoke them properly.
** For definitions of all other monitor symbols, use <monsym.h>.
** For the time being, this file also defines a selection of miscellaneous
** symbols; they are used to support KCC and the C library, and will
** eventually be flushed in favor of monsym(). Try not to use them.
#include "c-env.h"
#include <macsym.h> /* Include handy macros & misc defs */
#include <monsym.h> /* Get amazing monsym() macro */
/* JSYS definitions, plus related bits, fields, etc.
* Each JSYS is defined by its JSYS# (in the RH) plus a class code,
* stored in the JSYS_CLASS field in the LH.
* JSYS_OKINT is a flag which can be added in a user call
* to jsys() which says the JSYS call is allowed to be interrupted
* by signals.
* For faster finding of the jsys you want,
* look for comments like *100*, *200*, etc.
* The JSYS classes are:
* class 0 jsys returns +1 always, generating an illegal
* instruction on error
* class 1 jsys returns +1 on error, +2 on win
* class 2 special class for ERSTR%
* class 3 special class for SIBE% and SOBE%
* class 4 special class for SOBF%
** Note that the JSYS_xxx bits intentionally do not conflict with the
** JSYS-instruction bits 104000,,0. This avoids losing even more badly
** than necessary if the programmer fails to use <jsys.h>.
#define JSYS_CLASS 0070000000000
#define JSYS_OKINT 0400000000000
#define _DEFJS(name, class) (FLD(class, JSYS_CLASS) | (monsym(name)&0777777))
#define LOGIN _DEFJS("LOGIN%", 1)
#define CRJOB _DEFJS("CRJOB%", 1)
#define LGOUT _DEFJS("LGOUT%", 1)
#define CACCT _DEFJS("CACCT%", 1)
/* JSYS 5, EFACT%, not in monitor */
#define SMON _DEFJS("SMON%", 0)
#define TMON _DEFJS("TMON%", 0)
#define GETAB _DEFJS("GETAB%", 1)
#define ERSTR _DEFJS("ERSTR%", 2)
#define GETER _DEFJS("GETER%", 0)
#define GJINF _DEFJS("GJINF%", 0)
#define TIME _DEFJS("TIME%", 0)
#define RUNTM _DEFJS("RUNTM%", 0)
#define SYSGT _DEFJS("SYSGT%", 0)
#define GNJFN _DEFJS("GNJFN%", 1)
#define GTJFN _DEFJS("GTJFN%", 1)
#define OPENF _DEFJS("OPENF%", 1)
#define CLOSF _DEFJS("CLOSF%", 1)
#define RLJFN _DEFJS("RLJFN%", 1)
#define GTSTS _DEFJS("GTSTS%", 0)
#define STSTS _DEFJS("STSTS%", 1)
#define DELF _DEFJS("DELF%", 1)
#define SFPTR _DEFJS("SFPTR%", 1)
#define JFNS _DEFJS("JFNS%", 0)
#define FFFFP _DEFJS("FFFFP%", 0)
/* JSYS 32, RDDIR, obsolete
JSYS 33, CPRTF, not in monitor */
#define CLZFF _DEFJS("CLZFF%", 0)
#define RNAMF _DEFJS("RNAMF%", 1)
#define SIZEF _DEFJS("SIZEF%", 1)
#define GACTF _DEFJS("GACTF%", 1)
/* JSYS 40, STDIR, obsolete */
#define DIRST _DEFJS("DIRST%", 1)
#define BKJFN _DEFJS("BKJFN%", 1)
#define RFPTR _DEFJS("RFPTR%", 1)
/* JSYS 44, CNDIR, not in monitor */
#define RFBSZ _DEFJS("RFBSZ%", 1)
#define SFBSZ _DEFJS("SFBSZ%", 1)
#define SWJFN _DEFJS("SWJFN%", 0)
#define BIN _DEFJS("BIN%", 0)
#define BOUT _DEFJS("BOUT%", 0)
#define SIN _DEFJS("SIN%", 0)
#define SOUT _DEFJS("SOUT%", 0)
#define RIN _DEFJS("RIN%", 0)
#define ROUT _DEFJS("ROUT%", 0)
#define PMAP _DEFJS("PMAP%", 0)
#define RPACS _DEFJS("RPACS%", 0)
#define SPACS _DEFJS("SPACS%", 0)
#define RMAP _DEFJS("RMAP%", 0)
#define SACTF _DEFJS("SACTF%", 1)
#define GTFDB _DEFJS("GTFDB%", 0)
#define CHFDB _DEFJS("CHFDB%", 0)
#define DUMPI _DEFJS("DUMPI%", 1)
#define DUMPO _DEFJS("DUMPO%", 1)
#define DELDF _DEFJS("DELDF%", 0)
#define ASND _DEFJS("ASND%", 1)
#define RELD _DEFJS("RELD%", 1)
/* JSYS 72, CSYNO, not in monitor */
#define PBIN _DEFJS("PBIN%", 0)
#define PBOUT _DEFJS("PBOUT%", 0)
/* JSYS 75, PSIN, not in monitor */
#define PSOUT _DEFJS("PSOUT%", 0)
#define MTOPR _DEFJS("MTOPR%", 0)
/* *100* */
#define CFIBF _DEFJS("CFIBF%", 0)
#define CFOBF _DEFJS("CFOBF%", 0)
#define SIBE _DEFJS("SIBE%", 3)
#define SOBE _DEFJS("SOBE%", 3)
#define DOBE _DEFJS("DOBE%", 0)
/* JSYS 105, GTABS, obsolete
JSYS 106, STABS, obsolete */
#define RFMOD _DEFJS("RFMOD%", 0)
#define SFMOD _DEFJS("SFMOD%", 0)
#define RFPOS _DEFJS("RFPOS%", 0)
#define RFCOC _DEFJS("RFCOC%", 0)
#define SFCOC _DEFJS("SFCOC%", 0)
#define STI _DEFJS("STI%", 0)
#define DTACH _DEFJS("DTACH%", 0)
#define ATACH _DEFJS("ATACH%", 1)
#define DVCHR _DEFJS("DVCHR%", 0)
#define STDEV _DEFJS("STDEV%", 1)
#define DEVST _DEFJS("DEVST%", 1)
/* JSYS 122, MOUNT, obsolete
JSYS 123, DSMNT, obsolete
JSYS 124, INIDR, obsolete */
#define SIR _DEFJS("SIR%", 0)
#define EIR _DEFJS("EIR%", 0)
#define SKPIR _DEFJS("SKPIR%", 1)
#define DIR _DEFJS("DIR%", 0)
#define AIC _DEFJS("AIC%", 0)
#define IIC _DEFJS("IIC%", 0)
#define DIC _DEFJS("DIC%", 0)
#define RCM _DEFJS("RCM%", 0)
#define RWM _DEFJS("RWM%", 0)
#define DEBRK _DEFJS("DEBRK%", 0)
#define ATI _DEFJS("ATI%", 0)
#define DTI _DEFJS("DTI%", 0)
#define CIS _DEFJS("CIS%", 0)
#define SIRCM _DEFJS("SIRCM%", 0)
#define RIRCM _DEFJS("RIRCM%", 0)
#define RIR _DEFJS("RIR%", 0)
#define GDSTS _DEFJS("GDSTS%", 0)
#define SDSTS _DEFJS("SDSTS%", 0)
#define RESET _DEFJS("RESET%", 0)
#define RPCAP _DEFJS("RPCAP%", 0)
#define EPCAP _DEFJS("EPCAP%", 0)
#define CFORK _DEFJS("CFORK%", 1)
#define KFORK _DEFJS("KFORK%", 0)
#define FFORK _DEFJS("FFORK%", 0)
#define RFORK _DEFJS("RFORK%", 0)
#define RFSTS _DEFJS("RFSTS%", 0)
#define SFORK _DEFJS("SFORK%", 0)
#define SFACS _DEFJS("SFACS%", 0)
#define RFACS _DEFJS("RFACS%", 0)
#define HFORK _DEFJS("HFORK%", 0)
#define WFORK _DEFJS("WFORK%", 0)
#define GFRKH _DEFJS("GFRKH%", 1)
#define RFRKH _DEFJS("RFRKH%", 1)
#define GFRKS _DEFJS("GFRKS%", 1)
#define DISMS _DEFJS("DISMS%", 0)
#define HALTF _DEFJS("HALTF%", 0)
#define GTRPW _DEFJS("GTRPW%", 0)
#define GTRPI _DEFJS("GTRPI%", 0)
#define RTIW _DEFJS("RTIW%", 0)
#define STIW _DEFJS("STIW%", 0)
#define SOBF _DEFJS("SOBF%", 4)
#define RSWET _DEFJS("RSWET%", 0)
#define GETNM _DEFJS("GETNM%", 0)
/* *200* */
#define GET _DEFJS("GET%", 0)
#define SFRKV _DEFJS("SFRKV%", 0)
#define SAVE _DEFJS("SAVE%", 0)
#define SSAVE _DEFJS("SSAVE%", 0)
#define SEVEC _DEFJS("SEVEC%", 0)
#define GEVEC _DEFJS("GEVEC%", 0)
#define GPJFN _DEFJS("GPJFN%", 0)
#define SPJFN _DEFJS("SPJFN%", 0)
#define SETNM _DEFJS("SETNM%", 0)
#define FFUFP _DEFJS("FFUFP%", 1)
#define DIBE _DEFJS("DIBE%", 0)
/* JSYS 213, FDFRE, obsolete */
#define GDSKC _DEFJS("GDSKC%", 0)
/* JSYS 215, LITES, not in monitor */
#define TLINK _DEFJS("TLINK%", 1)
#define STPAR _DEFJS("STPAR%", 0)
#define ODTIM _DEFJS("ODTIM%", 0)
#define IDTIM _DEFJS("IDTIM%", 1)
#define ODCNV _DEFJS("ODCNV%", 0)
#define IDCNV _DEFJS("IDCNV%", 1)
#define NOUT _DEFJS("NOUT%", 1)
#define NIN _DEFJS("NIN%", 1)
#define STAD _DEFJS("STAD%", 1)
#define GTAD _DEFJS("GTAD%", 0)
#define ODTNC _DEFJS("ODTNC%", 0)
#define IDTNC _DEFJS("IDTNC%", 1)
#define FLIN _DEFJS("FLIN%", 1)
#define FLOUT _DEFJS("FLOUT%", 1)
#define DFIN _DEFJS("DFIN%", 1)
#define DFOUT _DEFJS("DFOUT%", 1)
/* no jsys' 236, 237 */
#define CRDIR _DEFJS("CRDIR%", 0)
#define GTDIR _DEFJS("GTDIR%", 0)
#define DSKOP _DEFJS("DSKOP%", 0)
#define SPRIW _DEFJS("SPRIW%", 0)
#define DSKAS _DEFJS("DSKAS%", 1)
#define SJPRI _DEFJS("SJPRI%", 0)
#define STO _DEFJS("STO%", 0)
#define ARCF _DEFJS("ARCF%", 0)
/* no jsys' 250-257
JSYS 260, ASNDP, not in monitor
JSYS 261, RELDP, not in monitor
JSYS 262, ASNDC, not in monitor
JSYS 263, RELDC, not in monitor
JSYS 264, STRDP, not in monitor
JSYS 265, STPDP, not in monitor
JSYS 266, STSDP, not in monitor
JSYS 267, RDSDP, not in monitor
JSYS 270, WATDP, not in monitor
no jsys 271
JSYS 272, GTNCP, not in monitor */
#define GTHST _DEFJS("GTHST%", 1)
#define ATNVT _DEFJS("ATNVT%", 1)
/* JSYS 275, CVSKT, pup, not in monitor */
#define CVHST _DEFJS("CVHST%", 1)
/* JSYS 277, FLHST, not in monitor */
/* *300* */
#define GCVEC _DEFJS("GCVEC%", 0)
#define SCVEC _DEFJS("SCVEC%", 0)
#define STTYP _DEFJS("STTYP%", 0)
#define GTTYP _DEFJS("GTTYP%", 0)
/* JSYS 304, BPT, obsolete */
#define GTDAL _DEFJS("GTDAL%", 0)
#define WAIT _DEFJS("WAIT%", 0)
#define HSYS _DEFJS("HSYS%", 1)
#define USRIO _DEFJS("USRIO%", 1)
#define PEEK _DEFJS("PEEK%", 1)
#define MSFRK _DEFJS("MSFRK%", 0)
#define ESOUT _DEFJS("ESOUT%", 0)
#define SPLFK _DEFJS("SPLFK%", 1)
/* JSYS 315, ADVIS, not in monitor
JSYS 316, JOBTM, not in monitor */
#define DELNF _DEFJS("DELNF%", 1)
/* JSYS 320, SWTCH, obsolete */
#define TFORK _DEFJS("TFORK%", 0)
#define RTFRK _DEFJS("RTFRK%", 0)
#define UTFRK _DEFJS("UTFRK%", 0)
#define SCTTY _DEFJS("SCTTY%", 0)
/* no jsys 325
JSYS 326, OPRFN, obsolete
no JSYS' 327-335
JSYS 336, SETR, obsolete
no JSYS' 337-377 */
/* *400* */
#define PUPI _DEFJS("PUPI%", 0) /* pup only. class? */
#define PUPO _DEFJS("PUPO%", 0)
#define PUPNM _DEFJS("PUPNM%", 0)
/* *500* */
#define RSCAN _DEFJS("RSCAN%", 1)
#define HPTIM _DEFJS("HPTIM%", 1)
#define CRLNM _DEFJS("CRLNM%", 1)
#define INLNM _DEFJS("INLNM%", 1)
#define LNMST _DEFJS("LNMST%", 1)
#define RDTXT _DEFJS("RDTXT%", 1)
#define SETSN _DEFJS("SETSN%", 1)
#define GETJI _DEFJS("GETJI%", 1)
#define MSEND _DEFJS("MSEND%", 1)
#define MRECV _DEFJS("MRECV%", 1)
#define MUTIL _DEFJS("MUTIL%", 1)
#define ENQ _DEFJS("ENQ%", 1)
#define DEQ _DEFJS("DEQ%", 1)
#define ENQC _DEFJS("ENQC%", 1)
#define SNOOP _DEFJS("SNOOP%", 1)
#define SPOOL _DEFJS("SPOOL%", 1)
#define ALLOC _DEFJS("ALLOC%", 1)
#define CHKAC _DEFJS("CHKAC%", 1)
#define TIMER _DEFJS("TIMER%", 1)
#define RDTTY _DEFJS("RDTTY%", 1)
#define TEXTI _DEFJS("TEXTI%", 1)
#define UFPGS _DEFJS("UFPGS%", 1)
#define SFPOS _DEFJS("SFPOS%", 0)
#define SYERR _DEFJS("SYERR%", 0)
#define DIAG _DEFJS("DIAG%", 1)
#define SINR _DEFJS("SINR%", 0)
#define SOUTR _DEFJS("SOUTR%", 0)
#define RFTAD _DEFJS("RFTAD%", 0)
#define SFTAD _DEFJS("SFTAD%", 0)
#define TBDEL _DEFJS("TBDEL%", 0)
#define TBADD _DEFJS("TBADD%", 0)
#define TBLUK _DEFJS("TBLUK%", 0)
#define STCMP _DEFJS("STCMP%", 0)
#define SETJB _DEFJS("SETJB%", 0)
#define GDVEC _DEFJS("GDVEC%", 0)
#define SDVEC _DEFJS("SDVEC%", 0)
#define COMND _DEFJS("COMND%", 0)
#define PRARG _DEFJS("PRARG%", 0)
#define GACCT _DEFJS("GACCT%", 0)
#define LPINI _DEFJS("LPINI%", 0)
#define GFUST _DEFJS("GFUST%", 0)
#define SFUST _DEFJS("SFUST%", 0)
#define ACCES _DEFJS("ACCES%", 0)
#define RCDIR _DEFJS("RCDIR%", 0)
#define RCUSR _DEFJS("RCUSR%", 0)
#define MSTR _DEFJS("MSTR%", 0)
#define STPPN _DEFJS("STPPN%", 0)
#define PPNST _DEFJS("PPNST%", 0)
#define PMCTL _DEFJS("PMCTL%", 0)
#define PLOCK _DEFJS("PLOCK%", 0)
#define BOOT _DEFJS("BOOT%", 0)
#define UTEST _DEFJS("UTEST%", 0)
#define USAGE _DEFJS("USAGE%", 0)
#define WILD _DEFJS("WILD%", 0)
#define VACCT _DEFJS("VACCT%", 0)
#define NODE _DEFJS("NODE%", 0)
#define ADBRK _DEFJS("ADBRK%", 0)
/* JSYS 571, SINM, undefined if no ATS support
JSYS 572, SOUTM, ditto */
#define SWTRP _DEFJS("SWTRP%", 0)
#define GETOK _DEFJS("GETOK%", 0)
#define RCVOK _DEFJS("RCVOK%", 0)
#define GIVOK _DEFJS("GIVOK%", 0)
#define SKED _DEFJS("SKED%", 0)
/* *600* */
#define MTU _DEFJS("MTU%", 0)
#define XRIR _DEFJS("XRIR%", 0)
#define XSIR _DEFJS("XSIR%", 0)
#define PDVOP _DEFJS("PDVOP%", 0)
#define NTMAN _DEFJS("NTMAN%", 0)
#define XSFRK _DEFJS("XSFRK%", 0)
#define XGVEC _DEFJS("XGVEC%", 0)
#define XSVEC _DEFJS("XSVEC%", 0)
#define RSMAP _DEFJS("RSMAP%", 0)
#define XRMAP _DEFJS("XRMAP%", 0)
#define XGTPW _DEFJS("XGTPW%", 0)
#define XSSEV _DEFJS("XSSEV%", 0)
#define XGSEV _DEFJS("XGSEV%", 0)
#define QUEUE _DEFJS("QUEUE%", 0)
/* JSYS 616, DYNLB DYNamic LiBrary. Huh?
JSYS 617, CTSOP, Canonical Terminal Support OPeration. Huh?
JSYS 620, DAP, 6.0 Data Access Protocol. Huh?
no JSYS 621 */
#define SCS _DEFJS("SCS%", 0)
#define WSMGR _DEFJS("WSMGR%", 0)
#define LLMOP _DEFJS("LLMOP%", 0)
/* JSYS 625, APCON, not in monitor */
#define XPEEK _DEFJS("XPEEK%", 0)
/* JSYS 627, CNFIG, huh? */
#define NI _DEFJS("NI%", 0)
#define LATOP _DEFJS("LATOP%", 0)
#define NTINF _DEFJS("NTINF%", 0)
/* no JSYS 633
JSYS 634, GTBLT, MIT multiple GETAB
no JSYS' 635-677 */
/* *700* */
#define HANDS _DEFJS("HANDS%", 0) /* class? */
#define IDLE _DEFJS("IDLE%", 0) /* class? */
/* JSYS 702, GTWAA, LOTS thing
JSYS 703, PKOPR, more stanford
no JSYS' 704-716 */
#define MONRD _DEFJS("MONRD%", 0) /* class? */
#define DBGRD _DEFJS("DBGRD%", 0) /* more MONRD. class? */
/* no JSYS' 721-737 */
#define SEND _DEFJS("SEND%", 1)
#define RECV _DEFJS("RECV%", 1)
#define OPEN _DEFJS("OPEN%", 1)
#define CLOSE _DEFJS("CLOSE%", 1)
#define SCSLV _DEFJS("SCSLV%", 1)
#define STAT _DEFJS("STAT%", 1)
#define CHANL _DEFJS("CHANL%", 1)
#define ABORT _DEFJS("ABORT%", 1)
#define SNDIM _DEFJS("SNDIM%", 1)
#define RCVIM _DEFJS("RCVIM%", 1)
#define ASNSQ _DEFJS("ASNSQ%", 1)
#define RELSQ _DEFJS("RELSQ%", 0)
#define SNDIN _DEFJS("SNDIN%", 1)
#define RCVIN _DEFJS("RCVIN%", 1)
#define ASNIQ _DEFJS("ASNIQ%", 1)
#define RELIQ _DEFJS("RELIQ%", 1)
#define IPOPR _DEFJS("IPOPR%", 0)
#define TCOPR _DEFJS("TCOPR%", 0)
/* no JSYS' 762-764 */
#define GTDOM _DEFJS("GTDOM%", 1)
#define METER _DEFJS("METER%", 0)
#define SMAP _DEFJS("SMAP%", 0)
#define THIBR _DEFJS("THIBR%", 1)
#define TWAKE _DEFJS("TWAKE%", 1)
/* JSYS 772, MRPAC, huh?
JSYS 773, SETPV, not in monitor */
#define MTALN _DEFJS("MTALN%", 0)
#define TTMSG _DEFJS("TTMSG%", 0)
/* no JSYS 776 */
#define MDDT _DEFJS("MDDT%", 0)
/* General-purpose MONSYM definitions, mainly for C library. */
#define RH 0777777
#define LH 0777777000000
#define T20_BIT(n) (1<<(35-(n))) /* Same as macsym.h's BIT(n) */
/* I/O designators */
#define _PRIIN monsym(".PRIIN") /* primary input */
#define _PRIOU monsym(".PRIOU") /* primary output */
#define _CTTRM monsym(".CTTRM") /* controlling terminal */
/* Fork Handles */
#define _FHSLF monsym(".FHSLF") /* "self" process handle */
#define _FHSUP monsym(".FHSUP") /* Superior process handle */
#define _FHTOP monsym(".FHTOP") /* Top process in structure */
#define _FHINF monsym(".FHINF") /* All inferiors of current process */
/* JFN mode word stuff */
#define TT_TAB monsym("TT%TAB")
#define TT_LEN monsym("TT%LEN") /* length */
#define TT_LEN_S 25 /* shift (obsolete, replace by FLDGET!) */
#define TT_WID monsym("TT%WID") /* width */
#define TT_WID_S 18 /* shift (obsolete, replace by FLDGET!) */
#define TT_WAK monsym("TT%WAK")
#define TT_ECO monsym("TT%ECO")
#define TT_DAM monsym("TT%DAM")
#define _TTBIN monsym(".TTBIN")
#define _TTASC monsym(".TTASC")
#define _TTATO monsym(".TTATO")
#define _TTATE monsym(".TTATE")
#define TT_PGM monsym("TT%PGM")
* FDB stuff
#define _FBCTL monsym(".FBCTL")
#define FB_NXF monsym("FB%NXF")
#define FB_DIR monsym("FB%DIR")
#define FB_WNC monsym("FB%WNC")
#define _FBBYV monsym(".FBBYV")
#define FBBSZ_S -24 /* Obsolete, replace by FLDGET! */
#define FBBSZ_M 077 /* ditto */
#define _FBADR monsym(".FBADR")
#define _FBPRT monsym(".FBPRT")
#define _FBCRE monsym(".FBCRE")
#define _FBUSE monsym(".FBUSE") /* 10X */
#define _FBGEN monsym(".FBGEN")
#define _FBSIZ monsym(".FBSIZ")
#define _FBCRV monsym(".FBCRV")
#define _FBWRT monsym(".FBWRT")
#define _FBREF monsym(".FBREF")
#define _FBBBT monsym(".FBBBT")
#define _FBLEN monsym(".FBLEN")
/* IPCF stuff */
#define _IPCFL monsym(".IPCFL")
#define IP_CFB monsym("IP%CFB")
#define IP_CFS monsym("IP%CFS")
#define IP_CFR monsym("IP%CFR")
#define IP_CFO monsym("IP%CFO")
#define IP_TTL monsym("IP%TTL")
#define IP_CPD monsym("IP%CPD")
#define IP_JWP monsym("IP%JWP")
#define IP_NOA monsym("IP%NOA")
#define IP_CFP monsym("IP%CFP")
#define IP_CFV monsym("IP%CFV")
#define IP_INT monsym("IP%INT")
#define IP_CFZ monsym("IP%CFZ")
#define IP_EPN monsym("IP%EPN")
#define _IPCFS monsym(".IPCFS")
#define _IPCFR monsym(".IPCFR")
#define _IPCFP monsym(".IPCFP")
#define IP_CFE monsym("IP%CFE")
#define IP_CFE_S 24 /* Obsolete, replace by FLDGET! */
#define _IPCI0 monsym(".IPCI0")
#define _IPCI1 monsym(".IPCI1")
#define _IPCI2 monsym(".IPCI2")
#define _IPCIW monsym(".IPCIW")
#define _IPCIG monsym(".IPCIG")
#define _IPCII monsym(".IPCII")
#define _IPCIJ monsym(".IPCIJ")
#define _IPCIK monsym(".IPCIK")
#define _IPCIS monsym(".IPCIS")
/* Error stuff */
#define IOX11 monsym("IOX11") /* Quota exceeded */
#define IOX34 monsym("IOX34") /* Disk full */
* per-JSYS bits and syms, in (approx) alpha order of JSYS
#define AC_CON monsym("AC%CON") /* ACCES */
#define CR_MAP monsym("CR%MAP") /* CFORK */
#define CR_CAP monsym("CR%CAP")
#define CR_ACS monsym("CR%ACS")
#define CR_ST monsym("CR%ST")
#define CF_NUD monsym("CF%NUD") /* CHFDB */
#define _CFNUD CF_NUD /* Huh??? Flush this! */
#define CK_JFN monsym("CK%JFN") /* CHKAC */
#define _CKARD monsym(".CKARD") /* Check read access */
#define _CKAWR monsym(".CKAWR") /* Check write access */
#define _CKAEX monsym(".CKAEX") /* Check execute access */
#define _CKAAC monsym(".CKAAC") /* Code of desired access to files */
#define _CKALD monsym(".CKALD") /* User number */
#define _CKACD monsym(".CKACD") /* Conn dir number */
#define _CKAEC monsym(".CKAEC") /* Enabled caps */
#define _CKAUD monsym(".CKAUD") /* JFN of file being accessed */
#define _CKAPR monsym(".CKAPR") /* File protection (not used) */
#define CO_NRJ monsym("CO%NRJ") /* CLOSF */
#define _CMKEY monsym(".CMKEY") /* COMND */
#define _CMNUM monsym(".CMNUM")
#define _CMNOI monsym(".CMNOI")
#define _CMSWI monsym(".CMSWI")
#define _CMIFI monsym(".CMIFI")
#define _CMOFI monsym(".CMOFI")
#define _CMFIL monsym(".CMFIL")
#define _CMFLD monsym(".CMFLD")
#define _CMCFM monsym(".CMCFM")
#define _CMDIR monsym(".CMDIR")
#define _CMUSR monsym(".CMUSR")
#define _CMCMA monsym(".CMCMA")
#define _CMINI monsym(".CMINI")
#define _CMFLT monsym(".CMFLT")
#define _CMDEV monsym(".CMDEV")
#define _CMTXT monsym(".CMTXT")
#define _CMTAD monsym(".CMTAD")
#define _CMQST monsym(".CMQST")
#define _CMUQS monsym(".CMUQS")
#define _CMTOK monsym(".CMTOK")
#define _CMNUX monsym(".CMNUX")
#define _CMACT monsym(".CMACT")
#define _CMNOD monsym(".CMNOD")
#define CM_ESC monsym("CM%ESC")
#define CM_NOP monsym("CM%NOP")
#define CM_EOC monsym("CM%EOC")
#define CM_RPT monsym("CM%RPT")
#define CM_SWT monsym("CM%SWT")
#define CM_PFE monsym("CM%PFE")
#define CM_FW monsym("CM%FW")
#define CM_NSF monsym("CM%NSF")
#define CM_BRK monsym("CM%BRK")
#define CM_PO monsym("CM%PO")
#define CM_HPP monsym("CM%HPP")
#define CM_DPP monsym("CM%DPP")
#define CM_SDH monsym("CM%SDH")
#define CM_NOR monsym("CM%NOR")
#define CM_INV monsym("CM%INV")
#define DF_EXP monsym("DF%EXP") /* DELF */
/* DVCHR */
#define DV_TYP_S 18 /* Obsolete, replace by FLDGET! */
#define DV_TYP_M 0777 /* ditto */
#define _DVDSK monsym(".DVDSK") /* disk */
#define _DVMTA monsym(".DVMTA") /* magtape */
#define _DVLPT monsym(".DVLPT") /* lineprinter */
#define _DVCDR monsym(".DVCDR") /* card reader (<laughter!>) */
#define _DVFE monsym(".DVFE") /* front-end psuedo-device */
#define _DVTTY monsym(".DVTTY") /* TTY */
#define _DVPTY monsym(".DVPTY") /* psuedo-TTY */
#define _DVNUL monsym(".DVNUL") /* null device */
#define _DVNET monsym(".DVNET") /* old ARPAnet device code */
#define _DVDCN monsym(".DVDCN") /* DECnet active component */
#define _DVSRV monsym(".DVSRV") /* DECnet passive component */
#define _DVTCP monsym(".DVTCP") /* TCP */
#if !monsymdefined(".DVTCP")
#undef _DVTCP
#define _DVTCP 025 /* Always needed, for write() */
#define _DVPIP monsym(".DVPIP") /* pipe device */
#define SC_CTC monsym("SC%CTC") /* EPCAP (and RPCAP) */
#define GF_GFH monsym("GF%GFH") /* GFRKS */
#define GF_GFS monsym("GF%GFS")
#define _GFAUT monsym(".GFAUT") /* GFUST */
#define _GTHIX monsym(".GTHIX") /* GTHST */
#define _GTHNS monsym(".GTHNS")
#define _GTHSN monsym(".GTHSN")
#define GJ_FOU monsym("GJ%FOU") /* GTJFN */
#define GJ_NEW monsym("GJ%NEW")
#define GJ_OLD monsym("GJ%OLD")
#define GJ_IFG monsym("GJ%IFG")
#define GJ_XTN monsym("GJ%XTN")
#define GJ_SHT monsym("GJ%SHT")
#define GS_EOF monsym("GS%EOF") /* GTSTS */
#define _HPELP monsym(".HPELP") /* HPTIM */
#define IC_TMZ monsym("IC%TMZ") /* IDCNV */
#define IC_ADS monsym("IC%ADS")
#define IC_JUD monsym("IC%JUD")
#define IT_NDA monsym("IT%NDA") /* IDTIM */
#define IT_NTI monsym("IT%NTI")
#define JS_PAF monsym("JS%PAF") /* JFNS */
#define _LNSJB monsym(".LNSJB") /* LNMST */
#define _LNSSY monsym(".LNSSY")
/* MTOPR */
#define _MOSPD monsym(".MOSPD") /* set TTY line speed */
#define _MORSP monsym(".MORSP") /* read TTY line speed */
#define _MORLW monsym(".MORLW") /* Read TTY line width */
#define _MOSLW monsym(".MOSLW") /* Set TTY line width */
#define _MORLL monsym(".MORLL") /* Read TTY page height */
#define _MOSLL monsym(".MOSLL") /* Set TTY page height */
/* MUTIL */
#define _MUCRE monsym(".MUCRE") /* Create a PID */
#define OT_DAY monsym("OT%DAY") /* ODTIM */
#define OT_FDY monsym("OT%FDY")
#define OT_NMN monsym("OT%NMN")
#define OT_FMN monsym("OT%FMN")
#define OT_4YR monsym("OT%4YR")
#define OT_DAM monsym("OT%DAM")
#define OT_SPA monsym("OT%SPA")
#define OT_SLA monsym("OT%SLA")
#define OT_NTM monsym("OT%NTM")
#define OT_NSC monsym("OT%NSC")
#define OT_12H monsym("OT%12H")
#define OT_NCO monsym("OT%NCO")
#define OT_TMZ monsym("OT%TMZ")
#define OT_SCL monsym("OT%SCL")
#define OT_822 monsym("OT%822")
#define OF_RD monsym("OF%RD") /* OPENF */
#define OF_WR monsym("OF%WR")
#define OF_APP monsym("OF%APP")
#define OF_THW monsym("OF%THW")
#define OF_PDT monsym("OF%PDT")
#define OF_PLN monsym("OF%PLN")
#define PM_CNT monsym("PM%CNT") /* PMAP */
#define PM_RD monsym("PM%RD")
#define PM_WR monsym("PM%WR")
#define _PRAST monsym(".PRAST") /* PRARG */
#define PRA_CCL 0 /* re-do last CCL command function */
#define PRA_KEEP 1 /* keep fork */
#define PRA_KILL 2 /* kill fork */
#define PRA_BACK 3 /* continue fork in the background */
#define RC_NOM monsym("RC%NOM") /* RCUSR */
#define RC_EMO monsym("RC%EMO")
#define _RFRUN monsym(".RFRUN") /* RFSTS */
#define _RFIO monsym(".RFIO")
#define _RFHLT monsym(".RFHLT")
#define _RFFPT monsym(".RFFPT")
#define _RFWAT monsym(".RFWAT")
#define _RFSLP monsym(".RFSLP")
#define _RFTRP monsym(".RFTRP")
#define _RFABK monsym(".RFABK")
#define PA_PEX monsym("PA%PEX") /* RPACS */
#define _RSINI monsym(".RSINI") /* RSCAN */
#define _RSCNT monsym(".RSCNT")
#define _SFAUT monsym(".SFAUT") /* SFUST */
#define _SFLWR monsym(".SFLWR") /* set last writer */
#define ST_DIM monsym("ST%DIM") /* STIW */
#define RD_BRK monsym("RD%BRK") /* TEXTI */
#define RD_TOP monsym("RD%TOP")
#define RD_PUN monsym("RD%PUN")
#define RD_BEL monsym("RD%BEL")
#define RD_CRF monsym("RD%CRF")
#define RD_RND monsym("RD%RND")
#define RD_JFN monsym("RD%JFN")
#define RD_RIE monsym("RD%RIE")
#define RD_BBG monsym("RD%BBG")
#define RD_RAI monsym("RD%RAI")
#define RD_SUI monsym("RD%SUI")
#define RD_BTM monsym("RD%BTM")
#define RD_BFE monsym("RD%BFE")
#define RD_BLR monsym("RD%BLR")
#define _TCPSH monsym(".TCPSH") /* TCOPR push data */
#define _TIMRT monsym(".TIMRT") /* TIMER */
#define _TIMEL monsym(".TIMEL")
#define _TIMDT monsym(".TIMDT")
#define _TIMDD monsym(".TIMDD")
#define _TIMBF monsym(".TIMBF")
#define _TIMAL monsym(".TIMAL")
* Standard DEC terminal type codes
#define _TT33 monsym(".TT33") /* MODEL 33 */
#define _TT35 monsym(".TT35") /* MODEL 35 */
#define _TT37 monsym(".TT37") /* MODEL 37 */
#define _TTEXE monsym(".TTEXE") /* EXECUPORT */
#define _TTDEF monsym(".TTDEF") /* DEFAULT */
#define _TTIDL monsym(".TTIDL") /* IDEAL */
#define _TTV05 monsym(".TTV05") /* VT05 */
#define _TTV50 monsym(".TTV50") /* VT50 */
#define _TTL30 monsym(".TTL30") /* LA30 */
#define _TTG40 monsym(".TTG40") /* GT40 */
#define _TTL36 monsym(".TTL36") /* LA36 */
#define _TTV52 monsym(".TTV52") /* VT52 */
#define _TT100 monsym(".TT100") /* VT100 */
#define _TTL38 monsym(".TTL38") /* LA38 */
#define _TT120 monsym(".TT120") /* LA120 */
#define _TT125 monsym(".TT125") /* VT125 */
#define _TTK10 monsym(".TTK10") /* VK100 - GIGI */
#define _TT102 monsym(".TT102") /* VT102 */
#define _TTH19 monsym(".TTH19") /* H19 */ /* Conflicts with Stanford sym! */
#define _TT131 monsym(".TT131") /* VT131 */
#define _TT200 monsym(".TT200") /* VT200 */
* Local definitions. These are for Stanford and SRI-NIC
#define _TTADM monsym(".TTADM") /* LSI ADM-3 */
#define _TTDAM monsym(".TTDAM") /* DATAMEDIA 2500 */
#define _TTHP monsym(".TTHP") /* HP2645 ETC. */
#define _TTHAZ monsym(".TTHAZ") /* VIRGIN HAZELTINE 1500 */
#define _TT43 monsym(".TT43") /* TTY MODEL 43 */
#define _TTSRC monsym(".TTSRC") /* SOROC 120 */
#define _TTGIL monsym(".TTGIL") /* GILLOTINE */
#define _TTTEL monsym(".TTTEL") /* TELERAY 1061 */
#define _TTTEK monsym(".TTTEK") /* TEKTRONIX 4025 */
#define _TTANN monsym(".TTANN") /* ANN ARBOR */
#undef _TTH19 /* Flush DEC definition */
#define _TTH19 monsym(".TTH19") /* HEATH H19 */
#define _TTCPT monsym(".TTCPT") /* CONCEPT 100 */
#define _TTIBM monsym(".TTIBM") /* IBM 3101-20 */
#define _TTTVI monsym(".TTTVI") /* TELEVIDEO-912 */
#define _TTTK3 monsym(".TTTK3") /* TEKTRONIX 4023 */
#define _TTDM2 monsym(".TTDM2") /* DATAMEDIA 1520 */
#define _TTAMB monsym(".TTAMB") /* AMBASSADOR */
#define _TTESP monsym(".TTESP") /* ESPRIT */
#define _TTFRD monsym(".TTFRD") /* FREEDOM-100 */
#define _TTFR2 monsym(".TTFR2") /* FREEDOM-200 */
#define _TTANS monsym(".TTANS") /* ANSI STANDARD */
#define _TTAVT monsym(".TTAVT") /* CONCEPT AVT */
/* Stuff mostly for the KCC C library; will be flushed eventually. */
#define FILEPART_SIZE 40 /* maximum size of a filespec part */
#define T20_OWNER_MASK 0770000 /* masks for prot field */
#define T20_OWNER_OFFSET 12 /* shift right this much */
#define T20_GROUP_MASK 0007700
#define T20_GROUP_OFFSET 6
#define T20_WORLD_MASK 0000077
#define T20_WORLD_OFFSET 0
#define FP_READ monsym("FP%RD") /* file protection bits. readable, */
#define FP_WRITE monsym("FP%WR") /* writeable, */
#define FP_EXECUTE monsym("FP%EX") /* executable. */
#endif /* #ifndef _JSYS_INCLUDED */