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* +++ NAME +++
* DSQRT Double precision square root
* +++ INDEX +++
* machine independent routines
* math libraries
* Returns double precision square root of double precision
* floating point argument.
* +++ USAGE +++
* double dsqrt(x)
* double x;
* +++ REFERENCES +++
* Fortran IV-PLUS user's guide, Digital Equipment Corp. pp B-7.
* Computer Approximations, J.F. Hart et al, John Wiley & Sons,
* 1968, pp. 89-96.
* The relative error is 10**(-30.1) after three applications
* of Heron's iteration for the square root.
* However, this assumes exact arithmetic in the iterations
* and initial approximation. Additional errors may occur
* due to truncation, rounding, or machine precision limits.
* +++ PROGRAMMER +++
* Fred Fish
* Goodyear Aerospace Corp, Arizona Div.
* (602) 932-7000 work
* (602) 894-6881 home
* +++ INTERNALS +++
* Computes square root by:
* (1) Range reduction of argument to [0.5,1.0]
* by application of identity:
* sqrt(x) = 2**(k/2) * sqrt(x * 2**(-k))
* k is the exponent when x is written as
* a mantissa times a power of 2 (m * 2**k).
* It is assumed that the mantissa is
* already normalized (0.5 =< m < 1.0).
* (2) An approximation to sqrt(m) is obtained
* from:
* u = sqrt(m) = (P0 + P1*m) / (Q0 + Q1*m)
* P0 = 0.594604482
* P1 = 2.54164041
* Q0 = 2.13725758
* Q1 = 1.0
* (coefficients from HART table #350 pg 193)
* (3) Three applications of Heron's iteration are
* performed using:
* y[n+1] = 0.5 * (y[n] + (m/y[n]))
* where y[0] = u = approx sqrt(m)
* (4) If the value of k was odd then y is either
* multiplied by the square root of two or
* divided by the square root of two for k positive
* or negative respectively. This rescales y
* by multiplying by 2**frac(k/2).
* (5) Finally, y is rescaled by int(k/2) which
* is equivalent to multiplication by 2**int(k/2).
* The result of steps 4 and 5 is that the value
* of y between 0.5 and 1.0 has been rescaled by
* 2**(k/2) which removes the original rescaling
* done prior to finding the mantissa square root.
* ---
#include <stdio.h>
#include "c:pmluse.h"
#include "pml.h"
#define P0 0.594604482 /* Approximation coeff */
#define P1 2.54164041 /* Approximation coeff */
#define Q0 2.13725758 /* Approximation coeff */
#define Q1 1.0 /* Approximation coeff */
#define ITERATIONS 3 /* Number of iterations */
double dsqrt(x)
double x;
register int k, kmod2, rescale, count;
int dxexp();
double m, u, y, ynext, dxmant(), dscale();
if (x == 0.0) {
return (0.0);
} else if (x < 0.0) {
} else {
k = dxexp(x);
m = dxmant(x);
u = (P0 + P1*m) / (Q0 + Q1*m);
for (count = 0,y = u; count < ITERATIONS; count++) {
ynext = 0.5 * (y + (m/y));
y = ynext;
rescale = k/2;
if ((kmod2 = k%2) < 0) {
y /= DSQRT2;
} else if (kmod2 > 0) {
y *= DSQRT2;