
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - system/audchk.exe
There are no other files named audchk.exe in the archive.
?p0?hXr?x_P@r,>,>aB7t "$t\7 aB@+v,^,^,~xy{~ "$&)+.157:<?ADGJ|Gh$h$& x`"@ ==>) TAUDCHK	 Y]] d dAUDCHK]SYSTEM:AUDCHK.LOGPOLLLNOQRTUX
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 "t;+h@SRI-NAURS?Can't get host# of SRI-NAURS
,E\"c+?ASNIQ failed -- Can't send request to <SYSTEM>INFO,E\"k+Can't get <SYSTEM>INFO's reply,E\"p+
WSomeone already has a PID named 'AUDCHK',E\"v+Random error reply from <SYSTEM>INFO,E\"}+Can't assign interrupt channel to 'AUDCHK' PID,E\"+!"GB= "vXB=+0?Failed to send request to INFO -- \"
,^+?Failed to receive reply from INFO -- \",^+
bAUDCHK isn't running!,E\"+?Couldn't send message to AUDCHK -- \",^+?Couldn't receive answer from AUDCHK -- \"#,^+GATHER is healthyGATHER isn't working [AUDCHK] !"\$j,~+K  h	`,~ [AUDCHK] The F4 *still* isn't acknowledging audit-trail packets!!
\"6+Contact brokenAhem:
#									#
#     The F4 is not acknowledging audit-trail packets!  Is it...	#
#         DOWN?  WEDGED?  Is GATHER running?  check and see!		#
#									#
H }Hl(@|@y8 z( y( z(@|@|	{	{@|?Failed to send NAURS poll message -- ,E\"j+^H@{H@}d.+~ P*tfs.+--Start of IP header--
+0: Version = @y, Data Offset = 8y
    Type of Service = [2
y /Low delay /High throughput /High reliability]
    Datagram length = .
+1: Segment ID = (@z, Reserved bit = , Reserved bit = &z, Do-not-fragment = $z
    More-fragments = "z, Fragment-Offset = 4z
+2: Time-to-live = ., Protocol # = , IP header checksum = @z
+3: Source host = 
+4: Destination host = 
--End of IP header, start of UDP header--
+0: Source port = , Destination port = 
+1: Length = ., Checksum = 
--End of UDP header, start of UDP data--No data!
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