
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_1_19910112 - 6-1-monitor/cfssrv.dif
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; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 1

1)	; *** Edit 7315 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 11-Jun-86, for SPR #21144
2)	;STRIPE:<61MONITOR.NEW>CFSSRV.MAC.2, 22-Apr-88 14:42:24, Edit by LARSON
2)	;150 Install CFCTNF fix from SPR 20-21495 (part of edit 7507).
2)	; *** Edit 7464 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 29-Apr-87, for SPR #21438
2)	; Rework CFS structure tokens and structure create/mount handling 
2)	; *** Edit 7445 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 13-Apr-87, for SPR #21307
2)	; Use correct algorithm in CFCNCK to determine an open connection 
2)	; *** Edit 7348 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 1-Aug-86
2)	; Prevent OPNX9 errors from stale ENQ tokens remaining on system 
2)	; *** Edit 7330 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 27-Jun-86, for SPR #21275
2)	; Prevent CFSTUC BUGHLTs 
2)	; *** Edit 7315 to CFSSRV.MAC by LOMARTIRE on 11-Jun-86, for SPR #21144

LINE 29, PAGE 21
1)	CFSRS0:	JN <HSHUGD,HSHKPH,HSHWVT>,(T1),RSKP ;If voting, or forced here, keep it
1)	   IFN DEBUG,<			;If debugging
LINE 29, PAGE 21
2)	CFSRS0:
2)	;150	JN <HSHUGD,HSHKPH,HSHWVT>,(T1),RSKP ;If voting, or forced here, keep it
2)		JN <HSHUGD,HSHKPH,HSHWVT,hshtam>,(T1),RSKP ;150 If voting, or forced here, keep it
2)	   IFN DEBUG,<			;If debugging

LINE 42, PAGE 29
1)		  SKIPN T1,CFSHST(T3)	;Get connect ID to host for this offset
1)		  IFSKP.		;A valid one did exist
LINE 42, PAGE 29
2)	;**;[7445]  Replace 1 line with 2 at CFCNCK:+5		DML	13-Apr-87
2)		  SKIPE T1,CFSHST(T3)	;[7445] Is there a CID for this host offset?
2)		  SKIPL CFHSTS(T3)	;[7445] Is it fully active?
2)		  IFSKP.		;A valid one did exist

LINE 22, PAGE 112
1)	   IFN CFSSCA,<			;Only if SCA is present
LINE 22, PAGE 112
2)	;[7464] 
2)	;[7464]  Note that this routine is now only called from MNTPS during system
2)	;[7464]  startup in order to register the PS structure.  All other mounts
2)	;[7464]  (via MSTR) use CFSSMI to acquire the Structure Tokens.
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFSSMT+1			MAT	21-Apr-87       

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 2

2)	   IFN CFSSCA,<			;Only if SCA is present

LINE 37, PAGE 112
1)		MOVE T1,SDBUDB(T1)	;Get first unit
1)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T1)	;Get the high-order bits
1)		TXO P1,STRCTK		;Make it unique!
1)		;..
LINE 42, PAGE 112
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 4 lines by 5 at CFSSMT+13		MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		MOVE T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] Get first unit
2)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T2)	;[7464] Get the high-order bits
2)		TXO P1,STRCTK		;[7464] Make it unique!
2)		MOVE Q1,UDBDSN(T2)	;[7464] Get DSN
2)		MOVEM T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Remember SDBUDB offset
2)		;..

LINE 15, PAGE 113
1)		TLNN Q1,-1		;See if need to swap DSN
1)		MOVSS Q1		;We do
1)		CALL CFMDSN		;Now register the DSN
1)		IFSKP. <RETSKP>		;If made it, done
1)		MOVEM T2,Q1		;Save denial reason code from CFMDSN
LINE 15, PAGE 113
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFSSMT+29			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)	CFSSM1:	TLNN Q1,-1		;[7464] See if need to swap DSN
2)		MOVSS Q1		;We do
2)		CALL CFMDSN		;Now register the DSN
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line by 17 at CFSSMT+33		MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		IFSKP.			;[7464] Ok
2)		  CAIE Q2,.HTOEX	;[7464] Got it exclusive?
2)		  IFSKP.		;[7464] If so
2)		   MOVE T1,SDBADR	;[7464] Get address of SDB
2)		   SETONE STEXL,(T1)	;[7464] Set exclusive bit
2)		  ENDIF.		;[7464]
2)		  MOVE T1,SDBOFF	;[7464] Get SDBUDB offset
2)		  ADDI T1,1		;[7464] Get next unit
2)		  HRRZ T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] UDB address
2)		  SKIPN T2		;[7464] Was it last?
2)		  RETSKP		;[7464] Yes all done
2)		  MOVEM T1,SDBOFF	;[7464] Save SDBUDB offset
2)		  MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T2)	;[7464] Get high order bits
2)		  TXO P1,STRCTK		;[7464] Make it unique
2)		  MOVE Q1,UDBDSN(T2)	;[7464] Get DSN
2)		  JRST CFSSM1		;[7464] Do it for this unit
2)		ENDIF.			;[7464]
2)		MOVEM T2,Q1		;Save denial reason code from CFMDSN

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 3

LINE 1, PAGE 114
1)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFMNAM (Register structure name)
LINE 44, PAGE 113
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line after CFMNAM:-13			MAT 	21-Apr-87
2)		ENDSV.			;[7464] 
2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFMNAM (Register structure name)

LINE 30, PAGE 116
1)		CAIN Q2,.HTOEX		;Got it exclusive?
1)		IFNSK.			;If so
1)		 MOVE T1,SDBADR		;Get address of SDB
1)		 SETONE STEXL,(T1)	;Set exclusive bit
1)		ENDIF.
1)	   >	;IFN CFSSCA
1)		RETSKP			;And done
1)		ENDSV.
1)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSUG (Upgrade or downgrade mount)
LINE 30, PAGE 115
2)	;**;[7464]  Remove 5 lines at CFMDSN+17			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)	   >	;IFN CFSSCA
2)		RETSKP			;And done
2)	;**;[7464]  Remove 1 line at CFMDSN+25			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSMI (Acquire structure resource)
2)	;**;[7464] Add new routine CFSSMI			MAT	21-Apr-87
2)	;[7464] CFSSMI - Acquire structure resource when creating a new structure.
2)	;Routines to handle structures. Structure resources control the
2)	;use of aliases as well as specify if structures are sharable.
2)	;
2)	;This routine is called in MSTR whenever a mount is performed to acquire
2)	;the necessary Structure Tokens.  These consist of 1 Structure Name Token, 
2)	;and a DSN Token for each unit in the structure.
2)	;
2)	;Call with:
2)	;	T1/ Pointer to Parameter area in Monitor (set by MSTR)
2)	;	T2/ type of access
2)	;		0=) shared
2)	;		<>0=) exclusive
2)	;	Q3/ Alias
2)	;Returns:
2)	;	+1 failed. Can't mount it this way
2)	;	+2 OK
2)	;
2)	;CFSSMI accomplishes the same things as CFSSMT but is called at structure 
2)	;       creation and we do not have a SDB
2)	   IFN CFSSCA,<			;Only if SCA is present

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 4

2)		SAVEAC<Q1,Q2,Q3,P1>
2)		MOVEM T1,BLADR		;Save the parameter  block address
2)		SETZM FTIM		;First time
2)		SKIPL MYPOR1		;Are we a dummy?
2)		SKIPA			;Yes, force exclusive then
2)		SKIPE T2		;Share or exclusive?
2)		SKIPA Q2,[.HTOEX]	;Exclusive
2)		MOVEI Q2,.HTOAD		;Read-share
2)		MOVEI T2,.MSISU(T1)	;Get address of first unit
2)		HRRZ T1,.MSIUNU(T1)	;Get number of units
2)		MOVN T1,T1		;Negate it
2)		MOVSI T1,(T1)		;Form AOBJN pointer
2)	CFSSI1: MOVEM T1,AOBPTR		;Save it
2)		MOVEM T2,UNIADR		;Save adress of unit
2)		MOVE T3,.MSIUN(T2)	;Get Unit
2)		DMOVE T1,.MSICH(T2)	;Get Chan ,Kont
2)		CALL CHKCKU		;(T1,T2,T3/T1)Get UDB address
2)		 RET			;Erreur, code in T1
2)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T1)	;Get high order bits
2)		TXO P1,STRCTK		;Make it unique
2)		SKIPE FTIM		;Is it first time?
2)		IFSKP.			;Yes
2)		  SETOM FTIM		;There is only one first time
2)		  CALL CFMNAM		;First register the name
2)		  IFNSK.		;Can't
2)		    CAIN T2,.CDVUC	;Fail due to unmatch serial number?
2)		    RETBAD(MSTX45)	;Yes, return correct error
2)		    CALLRET CFMDER	;(T2,Q2) No - analyze error
2)		  ENDIF.
2)		ENDIF.
2)		TLNN Q1,-1		;Do we need to swap SN?
2)		MOVSS Q1		;Yes
2)		CALL CFMDSN		;Now register DSN
2)		IFSKP.			;done
2)		  MOVE T2,UNIADR	;Get unit address
2)		  MOVE T1,AOBPTR	;get AOBJN pointer
2)		  ADDI T2,.MSTNO	;Get next unit address
2)		  AOBJN T1,CFSSI1	;Go do next unit
2)		  RETSKP		;All done
2)		ENDIF.
2)		MOVEM T2,Q1		;Save denial reason code from CFMDSN
2)		MOVE T1,BLADR		;Get parameter block address
2)		CALL CFSSDI		;(T1,Q3/)Undo the mount
2)		MOVE T2,Q1		;Get denial reason code
2)		CAIN T2,.CDVUC		;Fail due to unmatch alias name?
2)		RETBAD(MSTX49)		;Yes, return correct error
2)		CALLRET CFMDER		;(T2,Q2) No - analyze error
2)		ENDSV.
2)	  >	;IFN CFSSCA

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 5

2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSUG (Upgrade or downgrade mount)

LINE 15, PAGE 117
1)		SKIPL MYPOR1		;Are we a real node?
LINE 15, PAGE 117
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line at CFSSUG+2			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		STKVAR <SDBOFF>		;[7464] For SDBUDB offset
2)		SKIPL MYPOR1		;Are we a real node?

LINE 21, PAGE 117
1)		MOVE T1,SDBUDB(T1)	;Get SDB address
1)		MOVE T2,UDBDSH(T1)	;Get the high-order bits
1)		TLNN T1,-1
LINE 23, PAGE 117
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 3 lines by 4 at CFSSUG+9		MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)	CFSSU1:	MOVE T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] Get SDB address
2)		MOVEM T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Save SDB offset
2)		MOVE T1,UDBDSN(T2)	;[7464] Get DSN
2)		MOVE T2,UDBDSH(T2)	;[7464] Get the high-order bits
2)		TLNN T1,-1

LINE 37, PAGE 117
1)		JRST CFSRSK		;Yes. Done.
1)		MOVE Q2,T1		;Save entry
1)		DMOVE T1,HSHROT(T1)	;Get codes
1)		MOVE T3,Q1		;Access
1)		CALL CFSUGA		;Do it
1)		IFNSK.
1)		  MOVE Q2,Q1		;Can't upgrade - get desired access
1)		  CALLRET CFMDER	;(T2,Q2) Return appropriate error
1)		ENDIF.
1)		DECR HSHCNT,(Q2)	;Don't need this
1)	   >	;IFN CFSSCA
1)		RETSKP			;And done
1)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFMDER (Mount/Dismount error)
LINE 41, PAGE 117
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFSSUG+26			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		IFSKP.			;[7464] No
2)		  MOVE Q2,T1		;Save entry
2)	 	  DMOVE T1,HSHROT(T1)	;Get codes
2)		  MOVE T3,Q1		;Access
2)		  CALL CFSUGA		;Do it
2)		  IFNSK.
2)		    MOVE Q2,Q1		;Can't upgrade - get desired access
2)		    CALLRET CFMDER	;(T2,Q2) Return appropriate error
2)		  ENDIF.
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line by 10 at CFSSUG+9		MAT	21-Apr-87       

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 6

2)	       	  DECR HSHCNT,(Q2)	;[7464] Don't need this
2)		ELSE.			;[7464] Type is the same
2)		  CFSULK		;[7464] Unlock because CFSUGA does it too
2)		ENDIF.			;[7464]
2)		MOVE T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Get SDBUDB offset
2)		ADDI T1,1		;[7464] Get next unit
2)		HRRZ T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] UDB address
2)		SKIPN T2		;[7464] Was it last?
2)		RETSKP			;[7464] Yes, done
2)		JRST CFSSU1	  	;[7464] Do next unit	
2)	   >	;IFN CFSSCA
2)		RETSKP			;And done
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line after CFMDER:-11			MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		ENDSV.			;[7464] 
2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFMDER (Mount/Dismount error)

LINE 10, PAGE 118
1)	CFMDER:	SKIPG T2		;Did we receive an expected error code?
1)	        JRST CFMDE1		;No - invalid error code
1)		CAIE T2,.CDOCT		;Fail because it is owned on another system?
LINE 10, PAGE 118
2)	;**;[7330]  Replace 2 lines with 4 at CFMDER:		DML	16-Jun-86
2)	CFMDER:	SKIPN T2		;[7330] Did we receive an expected error code?
2)	        JRST CFMDE1		;[7330] No - invalid error code
2)		SKIPG T2		;[7330] Did the mount fail on this system?
2)		RETBAD(MSTX50)		;[7330] Yes, so say so
2)		CAIE T2,.CDOCT		;Fail because it is owned on another system?

LINE 17, PAGE 118
1)	CFMDE1: BUG. (HLT,CFSTUC,CFSSRV,SOFT,<CFSSRV - Unexpected error encountered during structure operation>,<<T2,CODE>>,<
1)	Cause:	A structure mount or dismount failed and generated an unexpected or
1)		illegal error code.  If the error code is -1 then the failure was
1)		local to this system.  This should not happen for structures.
1)		Also, there should never be an error code of zero.
1)	Data:	CODE - Bogus  error code
1)	>)
1)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSDM (Release mount resource)
LINE 20, PAGE 118
2)	;**;[7330]  Change BUGHLT text at CFMDE1:		DML	16-Jun-86
2)	CFMDE1: BUG. (HLT,CFSTUC,CFSSRV,SOFT,<CFSSRV - Unexpected error encountered during structure operation>,<<T2,CODE>>,<
2)	Cause:	A structure mount or dismount failed and generated an unexpected or
2)		illegal error code of zero.  This should never happen.
2)	Data:	CODE - Bogus error code
2)	>)				;[7330]

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 7

2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSDM (Release mount resource)

LINE 10, PAGE 119
1)		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2,Q3,P1>		;Get some regs to work with
1)		MOVE Q3,T1		;Save STR number
LINE 10, PAGE 119
2)		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2,Q3,P1>	;Get some regs to work with
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line at CFSSDM+4			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		STKVAR <SDBOFF>		;[7464] SDBUDB offset
2)		MOVE Q3,T1		;Save STR number

LINE 15, PAGE 119
1)		MOVE T1,SDBUDB(T1)	;Get UDB of first unit
1)		MOVE Q1,UDBDSN(T1)	;Get serial number
1)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T1)	;Get the high-order bits
1)		TLNN Q1,-1		;Something in the LH?
1)		MOVSS Q1		;No
1)	;Now have:
LINE 17, PAGE 119
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 3 lines by 4 at CFSSDM+8		MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		MOVE T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] Get UDB of first unit
2)		MOVE Q1,UDBDSN(T2)	;[7464] Get serial number
2)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T2)	;[7464] Get the high-order bits
2)		MOVEM T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Save SDBUDB Offset
2)		TLNN Q1,-1		;Something in the LH?
2)		MOVSS Q1		;No
2)	;Now have:

LINE 35, PAGE 119
1)		CALL HSHLOK		;Look it up
1)		 SKIPA
1)		CALL CFSRMV		;And remove it
1)		CALLRET CFSFAL		;And done
1)	   >	;IFN CFSSCA
1)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- STRVER (Structure verify)
LINE 38, PAGE 119
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFSSDM+28			MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)	CFSSD1: CALL HSHLOK		;[7464] (T1,T2/T1,T2)Look it up
2)		 SKIPA
2)		CALL CFSRMV		;And remove it
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line by 13 at CFSSDM+31		MAT	21-Apr-87       
2)		MOVE T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Get SDBUDB offset
2)		ADDI T1,1		;[7464] Get next unit
2)		HRRZ T2,SDBUDB(T1)	;[7464] UDB address
2)		SKIPN T2		;[7464] Was it last ?

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 8

2)		CALLRET CFSFAL		;[7464] yes All done	
2)		MOVEM T1,SDBOFF		;[7464] Save SDB offset
2)		MOVE T1,UDBDSN(T2)	;[7464] Get serial number
2)		MOVE T2,UDBDSH(T2)	;[7464] Get high order bits
2)		TXO T2,STRCTK		;[7464] Make it unique
2)		TLNN T1,-1		;[7464] Something in the LH?
2)		MOVSS T1		;[7464] No
2)		JRST CFSSD1		;[7464] Do it for next unit
2)		ENDSV.			;[7464] 
2)	  >	;IFN CFSSCA
2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- CFSSDI (Release mount resource)
2)	;**;[7464] Add new routine CFSSDI			MAT	21-Apr-87
2)	;[7464] CFSSDI - Routine to undo the MOUNT entry when we do not have SDB yet 
2)	;(in case of structure creation)
2)	;
2)	;Call with:
2)	;	T1/ User block address in monitor space (from MSTR)
2)	;	Q3/ Alias
2)	;Returns:	+1 always
2)	   IFN CFSSCA,<			;Only if SCA is present
2)		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2,Q3,P1>	;Get some regs to work with
2)		SETZM FTIM		;It is first time
2)		MOVEI T2,.MSISU(T1)	;Get address of first unit
2)		HRRZ T1,.MSIUNU(T1)	;Get number of units
2)		MOVN T1,T1		;Negate it
2)		MOVSI T1,(T1)		;Form AOBJN pointer
2)		CFSLOK			;Lock up CFS database
2)	CFSDI1: MOVEM T1,AOBPTR		;Save it
2)		MOVEM T2,UNIADR		;Save Unit address
2)		MOVE T3,.MSIUN(T2)	;Get Unit nb
2)		DMOVE T1,.MSICH(T2)	;Get Chan,Kont
2)		CALL CHKCKU		;(T1,T2,T3/T1) Get UDB address
2)		 RET			;Failed erreur code in T1
2)		MOVE P1,UDBDSH(T1)	;Get high order bits
2)		TXO P1,STRCTK		;Make it unique
2)		TLNN Q1,-1		;Do we have to swap?
2)		MOVSS Q1		;Yes
2)		SKIPE FTIM		;Is it first time?
2)		IFSKP.			;Yes
2)		  SETOM FTIM		;No more first time
2)		  MOVE T1,Q3		;Get Alias
2)		  MOVX T2,STRCTN	;Get proper qualifier
2)		  CALL HSHLOK		;(T1,T2/T1,T2)Look it up
2)		  SKIPA			;not there
2)		  CALL CFSRMV		;(T1/)Remove it

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 9

2)		ENDIF.
2)		MOVE T1,Q1		;Get DSN
2)		MOVE T2,P1		;Get qualifier
2)		CALL HSHLOK		;(T1,T2/T1,T2)Look it up
2)		SKIPA			;Not here
2)		CALL CFSRMV		;(T1/)Remove it
2)		MOVE T2,UNIADR		;Get address of unit
2)		MOVE T1,AOBPTR		;Get AOBJN pointer
2)		ADDI T2,.MSTNO		;Get address of next unit
2)		AOBJN T1,CFSDI1		;Do it for next unit
2)		CALLRET CFSFAL		;All done
2)		ENDSV.
2)	  >   ;IFN CFSSCA
2)	^L	SUBTTL	Structure resource manager -- STRVER (Structure verify)

LINE 18, PAGE 121
1)		LOAD Q3,STRX,(T1)
1)		CALL ENQSET		;Set up args
1)		 JRST RSKP		;Local. All set
1)		SAVEQ			;Work regs
1)		DMOVE Q1,T1
LINE 18, PAGE 122
2)	;**;[7348]  Add 2 lines after CFSENQ::+0		DML	1-Aug-86
2)		STKVAR <OFNENQ>		;[7348]
2)		MOVEM T1,OFNENQ		;[7348] Save the OFN
2)		LOAD Q3,STRX,(T1)
2)		CALL ENQSET		;Set up args
2)		 JRST RSKP		;Local. All set
2)	;**;[7348]  Remove 1 line at CFSENQ:+4			DML	1-Aug-86
2)		DMOVE Q1,T1

LINE 42, PAGE 121
1)		RETSKP			;And done
LINE 45, PAGE 122
2)	;**;[7348]  Replace 1 line with 17 at CFSDEQ::-8	DML	1-Aug-86
2)		CFSLOK			;[7348] Lock the database
2)		DMOVE T1,Q1		;[7348] Get root and qualifier
2)		CALL HSHLOK		;[7348] (T1,T2/T1,T2)Find the entry
2)		 BUG.(HLT,CFEQHF,CFSSRV,SOFT,<ENQ token not found>,,<
2)	Cause:	An ENQ token was just created and one already existed so the block
2)		which was passed has been released.  Now, we are attempting to find
2)		the original block and this has failed.
2)	Action: Look in CFS free space to try to find the remains of the original 
2)		block.  Try to determine how the block could have been released even 
2)		though this routine acquired it.
2)	>)				;[7348] Error!

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 10

2)		MOVE T2,OFNENQ		;[7348] Get the OFN for this ENQ
2)		MOVEM T2,HSHCOD(T1)	;[7348] Put it in the token
2)		JRST CFSRSK		;[7348] Unlock database and return success
2)		ENDSV.			;[7348] End of STKVAR

LINE 22, PAGE 128
1)		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2>		;Save some work registers
LINE 22, PAGE 129
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFRDSN::+4		MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		SAVEQ			;[7464] Save some work registers

LINE 57, PAGE 128
1)		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2>		;Save some work registers
LINE 58, PAGE 129
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 1 line at CFSDSN::+4		MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		SAVEQ			;[7464] Save some work registers

LINE 7, PAGE 129
1)		TLNE T3,-1		;Is this the first unit?
1)		RET			;No. All done then
1)	;This is the first unit of a structure. Rename the CFS resource.
LINE 7, PAGE 130
2)	;**;[7464]  Replace 3 lines with 8 at CFDSN1:+3		MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		SETZM Q3		;[7464] Assume that this is the 1st unit
2)		TLNE T3,-1		;[7464] Is this the first unit?
2)		SETOM Q3		;[7464] No. So remember this.
2)	;[7464] Rename the CFS resource.
2)	;[7464] The DSN Token will be unlinked, changed, and relinked.
2)	;[7464] The Name Token will have HSHCOD changed if the first unit is the
2)	;[7464] one which is affected.

; CFSSRV.MAC.1 & CFSSRV.KL.1 27-Apr-88 1651	PAGE 11

LINE 75, PAGE 129
1)		MOVE T1,HSHCOD(T2)	;Get the STRUCTURE name
1)		MOVX T2,STRCTN		;Look up the name
1)		CALL HSHLOK		;(T1,T2/T1,T2) Do it
1)		IFSKP.			;We should have found the resource!!
1)		 MOVE T2,NUDB		;Get the new UDB
1)		 MOVE T3,UDBDSN(T2)	;Get the low order DSN
1)		 MOVE T4,UDBDSH(T2)	;Get the high order DSN
1)		 TXO T4,STRCTK		;Make high order word unique
1)		 XOR T3,T4		;Make the hash code
1)		 MOVEM T3,HSHCOD(T1)	;Stash in the packet as the code
1)		ENDIF.
1)		RET			;And done
LINE 80, PAGE 130
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line after CFCBRD::-32		MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		IFE. Q3			;[7464]  If this is first unit, fix Name Token
2)		  MOVE T1,HSHCOD(T2)	;Get the STRUCTURE name
2)		  MOVX T2,STRCTN	;Look up the name
2)		  CALL HSHLOK		;(T1,T2/T1,T2) Do it
2)		  IFSKP.		;We should have found the resource!!
2)		   MOVE T2,NUDB		;Get the new UDB
2)		   MOVE T3,UDBDSN(T2)	;Get the low order DSN
2)		   MOVE T4,UDBDSH(T2)	;Get the high order DSN
2)		   TXO T4,STRCTK	;Make high order word unique
2)		   XOR T3,T4		;Make the hash code
2)		   MOVEM T3,HSHCOD(T1)	;Stash in the packet as the code
2)		  ENDIF.
2)	;**;[7464]  Add 1 line after CFCBRD::-21		MAT	21-Apr-87
2)		ENDIF.			;[7464] 
2)		RET			;And done