
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_1_19910112 - 6-1-monitor/pupnm.mac
There are 2 other files named pupnm.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
;<6-1-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.29, 12-May-85 23:50:33, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Remove G1BPT definition now that MACSYM is fixed
;<6-1-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.28, 17-Mar-85 14:50:31, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<6-1-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.25, 15-Mar-85 15:27:43, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Move into extended code section
;<6-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.24, 16-Oct-84 22:48:11, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<6-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.21, 24-Jun-84 12:14:13, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Global byte pointer macro lossage
;<6-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.20, 21-Jun-84 21:39:51, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Define REL6 symbol for conditional assembly under Release 5.x
; Remove reference to MSTKOV
;<X-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.19, 10-Dec-83 23:08:16, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Find PUP symbols in PUPSYM library
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.18, 25-Nov-83 17:53:08, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.17, 25-Nov-83 15:53:04, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix ILMNRF in CMPATR code
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.16, 25-Nov-83 14:15:01, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix some more global pointers
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.15, 25-Nov-83 02:42:07, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Use NETBAS when building global pointers - work around addressing problems
; Clean up SIN code. Open file in 18-bits, read only.
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.14, 25-Nov-83 01:47:41, Edit by LOUGHEED
; SETMPG doesn't like 23-bit addresses.  Try using SIN instead!
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.13, 25-Nov-83 00:53:33, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix definition of ENTDIR
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.12, 25-Nov-83 00:26:58, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Put BUG macros back here from PUPBUG.MAC
; Remove assembly-time sanity check - can't evaluate external symbols
;<5-3-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.11, 22-Nov-83 21:46:13, Edit by KRONJ
; Extended addressing - move mapped directory out of monitor section
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.10, 12-Feb-83 22:29:37, Edit by LOUGHEED
; NTDVER is now externally defined - an offset in the PUPPAR GETAB% table
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.9,  2-Jan-83 21:04:27, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; Define storage for ENTDIR here instead of in PUP.MAC
; Better error message if network directory file is too large to map
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.8, 23-Aug-82 01:33:49, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; Fix byte pointer bug in PUPNM%
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.7, 18-Aug-82 17:25:00, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.6, 18-Aug-82 17:17:59, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; Use CHKJFA instead of CHKJFN (preserves Px registers, has standard returns)
; Remove previous edit (was wrong and using CHKJFA fixes problem)
; Remove superfluous arguments from LOCK/UNLOCK macros
; Bullet proof XCTBUU/XCTBU calls with ERJMP's
; Remove accidentally replicated code near PNMLU3 
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.5, 17-Aug-82 20:52:54, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; Use P4 instead of P3 as the PF AC (CHKJFN clobbers P3)
;<5-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.4, 17-Aug-82 01:01:41, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
;PUPNM% extended addressing bug:  Flags and a block count were kept in
; left half of E, right half was used as index into stack.  Moved flags
; into another AC (PF) and made sure left half of E was zeroed.
;<5-MONITOR.PUP>PUPNM.MAC.2, 24-Jun-82 18:51:38, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;If system not initialized, look for PUPNM directory on <SYSTEM>, not SYSTEM:
;<4.MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.2, 11-Jul-81 15:13:16, Edit by WOHL
;CS36 Covert to version 4 tops-20
; Get constants from PUPPAR 
; Label PNMXIT => PNMXT (Conflicted with BUG)
;<3A-MONITOR>PUPNM.MAC.5    22-May-80 11:59:56	  TECO'd by GILMURRAY
; On 2020, search PROLOG for NTDSIZ definition
; Incorporate 2020 changes into Tenex version
; Search SYSDEF for FT20 and FT10X definitions
; Fixed check for monitor mode call in PNMSIN (UIOF)
; Fixed XCTUU [ILDB ac,ptr] - PARC does adr calc in ptr in USER space
;<MON>PUPNM.MAC;3    29-Feb-80 10:07:50    EDIT BY SWEER
; Put LOCK/UNLOCK calls back the way they were as they assemble ok anyway
; Readjust stack at PNMXIT
; Revised LOCK/UNLOCK calls back to 1.31
;<134>PUPNM.MAC;10    30-JAN-77 15:14:22    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix CMPADR to do unsigned compares correctly and
; to not care about garbage low-order 4 bits
;<134>PUPNM.MAC;9    21-APR-76 16:43:03    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add attribute lookup capability
;<134>PUPNM.MAC;7    11-JAN-76 21:36:47    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix assembly glitch -- need () around LOCK/UNLOCK macro arg
;<134>PUPNM.MAC;6    10-JAN-76 23:57:57    EDIT BY TAFT
; Revise LOCK/UNLOCK calls for 1.34 scheduler strategy
SUBTTL  E. A. Taft, April 1975

; Format of Network Directory:
; The directory consists of the highest-numbered version of
; file (SYSTEM)PUP-NETWORK.DIRECTORY, which is a file written
; in 16-bit bytes (for the sake of Altos and Novas) and mapped
; into monitor space starting at ENTDIR for the purpose of doing
; lookups by means of the PUPNM Jsys.  All "pointers" in the
; directory refer to 16-bit bytes relative to the start of the
; directory.  All "strings" are BCPL-style, i.e. an 8-bit
; byte count followed by that number of 8-bit bytes.  All
; "blocks" and "tables" start at Maxc word boundaries, i.e.
; "pointers" to them are always even.

; Header block (starts at word 0 of the directory):
;  # of name blocks
;  Pointer to name lookup table
;  # of address blocks
;  Pointer to address lookup table
;  # words occupied by entry blocks
;  Pointer to first entry block

; Name lookup table (ordered alphabetically by name):
;  Pointer to name block
;  Pointer to name block
;   ...
;  Pointer to name block

; Address lookup table (ordered by value of (net,host,socket)):
;  Pointer to address block
;  Pointer to address block
;   ...
;  Pointer to address block

; Entry block:
;  Pointer to first name block for entry
;  Pointer to first address block for entry
;  Number of attributes
;  Pointer to first attribute name
;  Pointer to first attribute value
;   ...
;  Pointer to last attribute name
;  Pointer to last attribute value

; Name block:
;  Pointer to next name block for same entry, or 0
;  Pointer to owning entry block
;  Name string

; Address block:
;  Pointer to next address block for same entry, or 0
;  Pointer to owning entry block
;  Net (8 bits), Host (8 bits)
;  Socket (32 bits)
;  Number of attributes
;  Pointer to first attribute name
;  Pointer to first attribute value
;   ...
;  Pointer to last attribute name
;  Pointer to last attribute value

; Attribute block (name or value):
;  Attribute string

; AC definitions


; Local storage
; Care must be taken when moving PUP storage definitions around.  We leave a
; one page buffer zone between the end of the PUP buffer storage and the
; beginning of the mapped directory.  These definitions assume that the net
; directory is the last piece of storage in the PUPSEC section.

EXTERN PBSTGE			;Get end of Pup buffer space
EXTERN PUPSEC			;Which section to map net directory into
ENTDIR==PBSTGE+PGSIZ		;Base address of network directory
NTDSIZ==:<1000000-ENTDIR>/PGSIZ	;Calculate how many pages we have

NR NAMLTP	;AOBJN pointer to name lookup table
NR ADRLTP	;AOBJN pointer to address lookup table
RS NTDUSE	;Use count: +1 for every active user of ENTDIR
RS NTDLCK	;Lock against modifying ENTDIR or incrementing NTDUSE

; Storage defined in PUP


NETBAS:	XWD PUPSEC,ENTDIR		;Base address of network directory

; Initialize network directory SMON
; Returns to user+1:Success
; ITRAP on error

	STKVAR <NTDJFN>		;Netword directory JFN
NTDIN1: NOINT			;Don't leave a JFN around
	MOVX T1,GJ%OLD!GJ%SHT!GJ%PHY!GJ%ACC ;Old file, name from string
	SKIPN SYSIFG		;Is system initialized?
	GTJFN%			;Get the jfn
	 ITERR()		;Failed, pass error back
	HRRZM T1,NTDJFN		;Save jfn
	MOVX T2,FLD(^D18,OF%BSZ)!OF%RD ;18-bits, read access
	OPENF%			;Open file
		RLJFN%		;Release it
		MOVE T1,LSTERR>) ;Propagate error
	SIZEF%			;Get # pages in file
	 BUG.(HLT,NTDINA,PUPNM,SOFT,<PUPNM - Impossible failure of SIZEF>)
	CAILE T3,NTDSIZ		;Too big to map?
			CALL NTDCLS >) ;Yes, "Too many pages to be locked"

; Lock out all access to the network directory before changing it
	SKIPN SYSIFG		;System initialized?
	LOCK(NTDLCK)		;Get the lock
	SKIPN NTDUSE		;Directory in use?
	  UNLOCK(NTDLCK)	;Yes, must wait
	  MOVE T1,NTDJFN	;Close the file
	  OKINT			;No longer have JFN to protect, allow ^C
	  CALL DISE		;Dismiss until NTDUSE zero
	  JRST NTDIN1		;Then try again

;Read into monitor VAS using sequential I/O.  No page mapping support for
; addresses in non-zero/one sections as of Release 5.3.

	MOVE T2,[G1BPT(PUPSEC,^D18,ENTDIR)] ;Pointer to string "buffer"
;;	MOVE T2,[740000+PUPSEC,,ENTDIR]
	MOVN T3,T3		;Get negative page count
	IMULI T3,2*PGSIZ	;Number of 18-bit bytes per page
	SIN			;Slurp up the file
	  MOVE T1,NTDJFN	;An error, get the JFN
	  GTSTS%		;Get status bits
	  TXNE T2,GS%EOF	;At end of file on read?
	     MOVE T1,NTDJFN	;No, some other lossage.  Get back JFN.
	     CALL NTDCLS	;Close the file
	     UNLOCK(NTDLCK)	;Unlock network directory
	     OKINT		;Reallow PSI
	     MOVE T1,LSTERR	;Get last error
	     ITERR()		;Take an error return

; Done mapping pages, now setup some derived constants
	MOVX T2,<1,,.FBGEN>	;Get file version
	HLRZM T3,NTDVER		;Store for return by PUPNM
	MOVE T3,NETBAS		;Get pointer to base of directory
	MOVE T1,0(T3)		;Get name count, pointer
	CALL NTDCNV		;Convert to -count,,pointer
	MOVEM T1,NAMLTP		;Store name lookup table ptr
	MOVE T1,1(T3)		;Get address count, pointer
	CALL NTDCNV		;Convert to -count,,pointer
	MOVEM T1,ADRLTP		;Store address lookup table ptr
	UNLOCK(NTDLCK)		;Make new ENTDIR available
	MOVE T1,NTDJFN		;Close the
	CALL NTDCLS		; net directory file
	OKINT			;No longer have to protect the JFN
; NTDINI (cont'd)

; T1/ JFN
NTDCLS: CLOSF%			;Close file (pages stay mapped)
	RET			;Return

; Convert ENTDIR lookup pointer to usable form
;	T1/ BYTE(16) count, pointer
; Returns +1:
;	T1/ -count ,, pointer
; Clobbers T2

NTDCNV: LSHC T1,-^D20		;Right-justify count
	MOVN T1,T1		;Negate count
	LSH T1,2		;Vacate 2 low-order bits
	LSHC T1,^D16		;Make -count,,pointer
; Do Pup name/address translation
;	1/ Source/destination designator (must be string ptr if source)
;	2/ B0 off: Lookup address pointed to by 2, output resulting
;		   name string to 1 (or attribute string if B4 on)
;	      on:  Lookup name string given by 1, return address(es)
;		   in block pointed to by 2
;	   B1 off: Output something for each field (B0 off)
;		   Do not allow recognition (B0 on)
;	      on:  Omit fields where possible (B0 off)
;		   Allow recognition (B0 on)
;	   B2 off: Error if address not found (B0 off)
;	      on:  Output octal numbers for unknown fields
;	   B3 on:  Return address block pointer in 3 (B0 off)
;	   B4 on:  Lookup attribute name string given by 4, output
;		   corresponding attribute value string to 1
;		   (B0 must be off, and B4 on suppresses outputting
;		   of name string and forces B2 off)
;	   B9-17:  Block length (words) (ignored unless B0 on)
;	   B18-35: Block address
;	4/ Destination designator for attribute value string (B4 on)
; Returns +1:  Unsuccessful, 1/ Error #
;	+2:  Successful
;		1/ Updated where relevant (string pointer)
;		2/ Updated only if B0 on:
;		   LH: # words used in block (i.e. 2*number of
;		       matching addresses, which can be greater
;		       than the number of words in the block)
;		   RH: Unchanged
;		   RH: 16-bit byte address of first word of address
;		   block (if B3 on in call 2).  Zero if not found.
;		4/ Updated where relevant

; Block format (pointed to by 2), any number of repetitions of:
;	Net ,, Host
;	Socket

; Errors:
;	PUPNX1  Name or address not found
;	PUPNX2  Recognition invoked and name ambiguous
;	PUPNX3  Syntax error or illegal address
;	PUPNX4  Inconsistent overlapping elements in name string
;	PUPNX5  Syntax error in attribute name string
;	PUPNX6  Attribute name not found

	PNMADR==0		;Offset of address temp region (6 words)
	PNMSTR==6		;Offset of string temp region (8 words)
	PNMTSZ==PNMSTR+8	;Size of temp region

	MCENT			;Enter monitor context
	UMOVE JFN,1		;Get user's source/destination designator
	UMOVE PF,2		;Get user's flags
	CALLM CHKJFA		;Check its validity
	 RETERR()		;Bad designator
	CAIE T1,JF%BYP		;Is it a special designator?
	  TXNN JFN,.LHALF	;Yes, is it a byte pointer
	   RETERR(DESX1)	;No, don't want other special designators
	  TLC JFN,-1
	  TLCN JFN,-1
	   HRLI JFN,(POINT 7)	;Make -1,,<addr> into POINT 7,ADDR
	  UMOVEM JFN,1		;Make sure user copy is updated
	  JRST PUPNM0		;Join main code
	CAIE T1,JF%FIL		;File?
	 CAIN T1,JF%TTY		;or TTY?
	  JUMPL PF,[RETERR(DESX1)] ;Neither good if doing input
PUPNM0:	XMOVEI E,1(P)		;Set up base address of monitor buffer 
	ADJSP P,PNMTSZ		;Advance P past temp region
IFE REL6,<ERJMP MSTKOV		;Make sure no overflow>
	LOCK(NTDLCK)		;Lock network directory
	AOS NTDUSE		;Bump use count
	UNLOCK(NTDLCK)		;Unlock network directory
	JUMPL PF,PNMNTA		;Jump if looking up name
; PUPNM (cont'd)
; Do address to name conversion (or output attributes for address)

PNMATN: UMOVE T2,2		 ;Get address arguments
	UMOVE T1,0(T2)		 ; from user block
	UMOVE T2,1(T2)
	TDNN T1,[777400,,777400] ;Range check
	 TLNE T2,740000		;socket too
	  ERRX(PUPNX3)		;Illegal address

; Reformat address to be the same as in the network directory
	LSH T2,4		;Left-justify socket
	LSHC T1,^D10		;Left-justify net
	HLLZM T1,PNMADR(E)	;Store (net)B7
	LSHC T1,6		;T1/ (host)B19 + (high socket)B35
	LSH T1,4		;T1/ (host)B15 + (high socket)B31
	IORM T1,PNMADR(E)	;Store host, high socket
	MOVEM T2,PNMADR+1(E)	;Store low socket

; Lookup the complete address
	MOVEI T2,PNMADR(E)	;Pointer to key address
	CALL ADRSRC		;Lookup address
	  MOVEI IOS,(T1)	;Save pointer to address block
	  TXNE PF,PN%OCT	;Not found, is that ok?
	    ERRX(PUPNX1)	;No, give error
	  SETZB T1,IOS		;Yes, note no match yet

; Generate name string and return address block ptr if desired
	TXNN PF,PN%ATT		;Unless looking up attribute,
	 CALL PNMWRT		; write name string for address
	TXNN PF,PN%ADR!PN%ATT	;Anything more to do?
	SKIPN T1,IOS		;Yes, have address block pointer?
	  LSHC T1,-1		;Convert address table ptr
	  LSH T2,-^D35		; to word and byte number
	  ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	  LDB IOS,[ POINT 16,(T1),15 ;Get ptr to address block
		    POINT 16,(T1),31 ](T2)
	  HRL IOS,NTDVER	;Return version # in lh
	TXNE PF,PN%ADR		;Want to return pointer to user?
	 UMOVEM IOS,3		;Yes, do so
	TXNN PF,PN%ATT		;Want to look up attribute?
	 JRST PNMXT		;No, done
; PUPNM (cont'd)
; Look up attribute for address
	UMOVE T1,4		;Get attribute name from user
	TLC T1,-1		;Convert -1 lh to string ptr
	TLCN T1,-1
	UMOVEM T1,4		;Put back in case changed
	CALL PNMSIN		;Read string from user
	 ILDB T3,4		;Inst to "XCTUU" to get char
	 ERRX(PUPNX5)		;Error, no characters
	ERRX(PUPNX5,,<JUMPN T3,>) ;Give error if not null terminator
	HRRZ T1,IOS		;Get address block pointer
	LSH T1,-1		;Make Maxc offset
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,0(T1),30] ;Get ptr to entry block
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T2,[POINT 16,1(T1),15] ;Get number of attributes
	ERRX(PUPNX6,,<JUMPE T2,>) ;Error if none
	MOVNS T2		;Negate
	SUB T1,NETBAS		;Get back word offset
	LSH T1,1		;Convert to pointer to 16-bit bytes
	ADDI T1,3		;Point to first attribute name ptr
	HRLI T1,(T2)		;Make AOBJN pointer
	MOVEI T2,PNMSTR(E)	;Make string ptr to input

; Loop to compare user's string to attribute names for entry
PNMAT5: CALL CMPATR		;Compare string to attribute name
	 JRST PNMAT6		;String ( entry
	 JRST PNMAT6		;String ) entry
	MOVEI T1,1(T1)		;String = entry, advance to value ptr
	LSHC T1,-1		;Convert to Maxc word and byte
	LSH T2,-^D35
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),14 ;Get ptr to attribute value
		POINT 15,(T1),30](T2)
	ADD T1,[G1BPT(PUPSEC,^D8,ENTDIR)] ;Make byte ptr
	ILDB T3,T1		;Get byte count
	  ILDB T2,T1		;Get char from attribute value
	  CALLM BOUTA		;Output via caller's ac1
	  SOJG T3,TOP.		;Repeat for all bytes

; Here when string doesn't match this attribute name
PNMAT6: ADDI T1,1		;So pointer will advance by 2
	AOBJN T1,PNMAT5		;Try next attribute
	ERRX(PUPNX6)		;No more, fail
; PUPNM (cont'd)
; Do name to address conversion

PNMNTA: MOVEI F,PNMADR(E)	;Make AOBJN pointer to temp
	HRLI F,-6		; address region
PNMNT1: SETZM 0(F)		;Init address
	CALL PNMSIN		;Get a string
	 ILDB T3,1		;Inst to "XCTUU" to get char
	 JRST PNMNT0		;None, check if start of octal constant
	JUMPGE T4,PNMNT3	;Jump if numeric
	PUSH P,T3		;Save user terminator
	CALL PNMLUK		;Look up string
	POP P,T3		;Restore terminator
	HRROM T1,0(F)		;Store entry pointer
	JRST PNMNT4		;On to next

; Here when string was empty
PNMNT0:	CAIE T3,"#"		;Start of octal constant?
	 ERRX(PUPNX3)		;No, syntax error

; Here to do octal constants
PNMNT2: CALL PNMSIN		;Get next field
	 ILDB T3,1		;Inst to "XCTUU" to get char
	 TDZA T4,T4		;Empty means zero
	ERRX(PUPNX3,,<JUMPL T4,>) ;Error if non-numeric string
PNMNT3: EXCH T4,1(F)		;Store new socket, get old
	MOVE T1,0(F)		;Get old net/host
	TLNN T1,-1		;Error if already had net
	CAILE T4,377		;Error if new host too big
	HRLI T1,(T4)		;Net_Host, Host_Socket
	MOVSM T1,0(F)
	CAIN T3,"#"		;More numbers?
	 JRST PNMNT2		;Yes, continue

; Repeat if necessary for next field
PNMNT4: ADD F,BHC+2		;Advance field pointer
	CAIN T3,"+"		;More fields?
	 JUMPL F,PNMNT1		;Yes, go process
	CAIE T3,"+"		;Error if have special char now
	 CAIN T3,"#"

; Now check all input fields for consistency, and return all
; possible addresses by iterating names over all their values
	SUBI F,PNMADR(E)	;Compute # words input
	HRLOI F,-1(F)		;Reset AOBJN pointer
	UMOVE IOS,2		;Get block pointer from user
	TLZ IOS,(-1B8)
	TLC IOS,-1		;Make AOBJN pointer to user block
	ADD IOS,[1,,0]
	SETZB T1,B		;Init merged address to zero
	CALL PNMEAD		;Emit address(es)
	UMOVE T1,2		;Get user block pointer again
	SUBI IOS,(T1)		;Compute # words used
	TRNN IOS,-1		;Did we emit any addresses?
	 ERRX(PUPNX4)		;No, means no consistent combinations
	XCTU [HRLM IOS,2]	;Yes, return count

; Here on success exit.
PNMXT:  SOSGE NTDUSE		;Decrement directory use count
	ADJSP P,-PNMTSZ		;Backup P over temp region
	JRST SKMRTN		;Skip return

; Here on error exit
PNMERR: SOSGE NTDUSE		;Decrement directory use count
	RETERR()		;Take error return
; PUPNM subroutines

; Write name for address
;	T1/ Address lookup table index for block matching entire
;	   address (0 if none)
;	E/ Temp block pointer
;	PF/ Flags,,0
;	PNMADR(E)/ BYTE(8) Net, Host (16) High socket
;	PNMADR+1(E)/ BYTE(16) Low socket (rest zeroes)
; If B1 of PF is off, outputs all fields separately, with
;  punctuation between fields.
; If B1 is on, simply outputs the first name for that entry, if found.
; Returns +1 always
; Clobbers T1-T4, UNIT

PNMWRT: MOVEI UNIT,2		;Set initial state
	JRST PNMWR0		;Perform conversion

; Recursive calls here for preceding fields
PNMWRA: XMOVEI T2,PNMADR(E)	;Set ptr to key address
	CALL ADRSRC		;Search directory for address
	 SETZ T1,		;Not found, remember so

; Here with T1/ index of matching entry, or zero
PNMWR0: TXNE PF,PN%FLD		;Want field omission?
	 JUMPN T1,PNMWR3	;Yes, if found entry just print it
	JUMPE UNIT,PNMWR2	;Skip following if state=0
	PUSH P,T1		;Save entry pointer if have one
	PUSH P,PNMADR(E)	;Save address being looked up
	HRRZ T1,UNIT		;Make into pointer
	MOVE T1,FLDMSK(T1)	;Mask to just preceding fields
	JUMPE T1,PNMWR1		;Do nothing if all zero
	SUBI UNIT,1		;State _ State-1
	CALL PNMWRA		;Recursive call for preceding field(s)
	ADDI UNIT,1		;Back to current state
PNMWR1: POP P,PNMADR+1(E)	;Restore address
	POP P,T1		;Restore entry pointer
PNMWR2:	HRRZ T2,UNIT		;Make into pointer
	MOVE T2,FLDMSK(T2)	;Mask out preceding fields
	ANDCAB T2,PNMADR(E)	;(Following fields masked by caller)
	SKIPN PNMADR+1(E)	;Current field zero?
	 JUMPE T2,PNMWR7	;If so, print zero or nothing
	JUMPN T1,PNMWR3		;Print name and exit if have entry
	XMOVEI T2,PNMADR(E)	;Set ptr to key address
	CALL ADRSRC		;Lookup just this field
	 JRST PNMWR8		;Not found
; PNMWRT (cont'd)

; Here to output first name string for entry
;	T1/ Address table pointer (as returned by ADRSRC)
PNMWR3: TLON UNIT,(1B1)		;Preceding field printed?
	 JRST PNMWR5		;No, no prefix needed
	JUMPGE UNIT,PNMWR4	;Yes, numeric?
	MOVEI T2,"#"		;Yes, output 3-state# trailing #'s
	  CALLM BOUTA		;Assumed not to clobber T1
PNMWR4: MOVEI T2,"+"		;Now separator
PNMWR5: TLZ UNIT,(1B0)		;Remember symbolic field printed
	MOVEI T1,(T1)		;Clear lh
	LSHC T1,-1		;Compute word address and remainder
	LSH T2,-^D35		; for address lookup table entry
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address 
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),14 ;Get ptr to address block
		POINT 15,(T1),30](T2)
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),30] ;Get ptr to entry block
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),14] ;Get ptr to name block
	ADD T1,[G1BPT(PUPSEC,^D8,ENTDIR+1)] ;Make byte ptr
	ILDB T3,T1		;Get byte count
	  ILDB T2,T1		;Get byte
	  CALLM BOUTA		;Output it (via caller's ac1)
	  SOJG T3,TOP.		;Repeat for all bytes
	RET			;Return from PNMWRT

; Here if current field is zero
PNMWR7: JUMPL UNIT,PNMWR8	;Preceding numeric field printed?
	CAIE UNIT,2		;Last field and none printed yet?
	 RET			;No, do nothing

; Here to print field value as octal number
PNMWR8: TLNN UNIT,(1B1)		;Preceding field printed?
	 JRST PNMWR9		;No, no prefix needed
	MOVEI T2,"+"		;Yes, use "+" if symbolic
	TLNE UNIT,(1B0)		;"#" if numeric
	 MOVEI T2,"#"
	CALLM BOUTA		;Output separator
PNMWR9: MOVE T1,PNMADR(E)	;Fetch the address
	HRRZ T3,UNIT		;Make into pointer
	XCT FLDRJB(T3)		;Right-justify field in B
	CAIE UNIT,2		;Last field and none printed yet?
	 JUMPE T2,PNMWRX	;No, don't print if zero
	PUSH P,E		;Save (clobbered by NOUTX)
	MOVEI T3,10		;Octal radix
	CALLM NOUTX		;Print value of field in octal
	 BUG.(HLT,PNMWRB,PUPNM,SOFT,<PUPNM - Impossible return from NOUTX>)
PNMWRX: TLO UNIT,(1B0+1B1)	;Remember numeric field printed
	RET			;Return from PNMWRT

; State-indexed tables controlling the operation of PNMWRT

; Mask covering all preceding fields

; Instruction to right-justify current field in B
FLDRJB: LSHC T1,-^D<72-8>	;Right-justify net
	LSHC T1,-^D<72-16>	;Right-justify host
	CALL [LSH T1,-4		;Right-justify socket
		LSHC T1,-^D<36-16>
; Get string or octal number from user
;	E/ pointer to storage block
;	+1:  Instruction to "XCTUU" to get next char into C
;	     KI-10 change:  XCTUU [ILDB ac,ptr] on the KI-10 does the adr
;	     calculation for the ptr in monitor space.  Thus the ptr is
;	     put in JFN before calling PNMSIN.
; Returns +2:  No characters input before terminator
;	+3:  At least one character input before terminator
;	T3/ Terminating character (on either return)
;	T4/ Numeric value if all chars were digits, or -1 if not
; Does not return if error (string too long)
; Input terminates on "+", "#" or any character outside the range
;  41-176.  If called from monitor, "!" is also a terminator
;  (for the sake of GTJFN).  The terminator is not stored
;  in the buffer.  Lower-case letters are converted to upper.
; Clobbers T1-T4

PNMSIN: PUSH P,F		;Save another ac
	MOVEI T2,PNMSTR(E)	;Make storage byte pointer
	MOVEI T1,^D39		;Max # chars
	SETZ T4,		;Init number
PNMSI1: XCTBUU @-1(P)		;Get next char
	 ERRX(ILLX01,,ERJMP)	;Illegal memory read
	CAIE T3,"+"		;One of special chars?
	 CAIN T3,"#"
	  JRST PNMSI3		;Yes, terminate
	CAIL T3,41		;In range of printing characters?
	 CAILE T3,176
	  JRST PNMSI3		;No, terminate
	CAIN T3,"!"		;Special terminator for GTJFN?
		TLNN F,(1B6)	;Yes, call from monitor?
		 JRST PNMSI3	;Yes, terminate on that
		JRST PNMSI2]	;No, treat as ordinary character
	CAIL T3,"0"		;An octal digit?
	 CAILE T3,"7"
	  JRST PNMSI2		;No, try other things
	LSH T4,3		;Yes, shift previous number
	TLNN T4,740000		;Skip if too big or not number
	 TROA T4,-"0"(T3)	;Ok, add value of new digit
PNMSI2:   SETO T4,		;Not ok, remember can't be number
	ERRX(PUPNX3,,<SOJL T1,>) ;If too long, give syntax error
	CAIL T3,"a"		;Lower case letter?
	 CAILE T3,"z"
	  CAIA			;No
	   SUBI T3,40		;Yes, make upper
	IDPB T3,T2		;Ok, store char
	JRST PNMSI1		;Back for more

; Here when hit end of input string
PNMSI3: CAIE T1,^D39		;Were any characters input?
	 AOS -1(P)		;Yes, preset +3 return
	SETZ T1,		;Append null
	POP P,F			;Restore saved ac
	RETSKP			;Done, return +2 or +3
; Lookup string and do recognition if appropriate
;	E/ Pointer to temp block containing string
;	User ac1/ Byte pointer to input string terminator
; Does not return if error
; Returns +1:  T1/ 16-bit byte address of directory entry

PNMLUK: MOVEI T2,PNMSTR(E)	;Make pointer to string
	CALL NAMSRC		;Lookup name string
	 JRST PNMLU1		;Key # entry, might be substring
	JRST PNMLU5		;Key = entry, success

; If key ( entry, it might be a substring
PNMLU1: JUMPGE T1,PNMLUF	;Fail if off end of table
	XCTBUU [LDB T3,1]	;Get terminating char of input
	 ERRX(ILLX01,,ERJMP)	;Illegal memory read
	JUMPN T3,PNMLUF		;Can't recognize if not null terminator
	TLNN PF,(1B1)		;Recognition allowed?
PNMLUF:  ERRX(PUPNX1)		;No, just fail
	AOBJP T1,PNMLU2		;Look at next entry if have one
	CALL CMPNAM		;Check for match
	 ERRX(PUPNX2,,<JUMPN T4,>) ;Ambiguous if also substring
	 JRST PNMLU2		;Did not match, continue
	BUG.(HLT,PNMLUA,PUPNM,SOFT,<PUPNM - Unexpected +3 return from CMPNAM>)

PNMLU2: SUB T1,BHC+1		;Back to current entry
	CALL CMPNAM		;Check for match
	 JUMPN T4,PNMLU3	;Jump if substring
	 ERRX(PUPNX1)		;Not found
	BUG.(HLT,PNMLUB,PUPNM,SOFT,<PUPNM - Unexpected +3 return from CMPNAM>)

; Got unique initial substring.
; Now have T1/ Name table pointer,
; T3/ Char count, T4/ String pointer to tail
PNMLU3: ILDB T2,T4		;Get first char of tail
	XCTUU [DPB T2,1]	;Overwrite null at end of input
	 ERRX(ILLX02,,ERJMP)	;Illegal memory write
	SOJLE T3,PNMLU4		;Check count
PNML3A:	ILDB T2,T4		;Append rest of tail to input
	 ERRX(ILLX02,,ERJMP)	;Illegal memory write
PNMLU4: UMOVE T2,1		;Copy pointer
	XCTBU [IDPB T3,2]	;Append null without changing pointer
	 ERRX(ILLX02,,ERJMP)	;Illegal memory write

; Success:  Set pointer to directory entry and return
; Rh T1/ 16-bit byte address of matching name table entry
PNMLU5: MOVEI T1,(T1)		;Just rh
	LSHC T1,-1		;Compute word adr and remainder
	LSH T2,-^D35
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),14 ;Get ptr to name block
		POINT 15,(T1),30](T2)
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 16,(T1),31] ;Get ptr to dir entry
	RET			;Return
; Emit address(es) and do consistency checking (recursively)
;	T1/ Net,,Host so far compiled
;	T2/ Socket so far compiled
;	F/ AOBJN ptr to address table
;		Entries are 2 words each,
;		Net,,Host and Socket, or
;		-1,,Dir entry ptr and 0
;	IOS/ AOBJN ptr to user block to return addresses in
; Returns +1:  IOS/ Updated AOBJN pointer
; This routine iterates recursive calls of itself over all
;  possible addresses corresponding to fields which are names.
;  Each branch is followed until either (a) an address is
;  encountered with a nonzero field that conflicts with the
;  address so far compiled, in which case that branch is
;  terminated, or (b) the end of the branch is reached (i.e.
;  all fields have been used up), in which case the compiled
;  address is passed back to the user (and IOS is advanced).
; Clobbers T1-T4, F

PNMEAD: JUMPGE F,PNMEA7		;Emit address if at terminal node
	SKIPGE T3,0(F)		;Numeric field?
	 JRST PNMEA2		;No, symbolic

; Here for numeric field
	MOVE T4,1(F)		;Get socket too
	CALL PNMMRG		;Merge and check consistency
	 RET			;Inconsistent, terminate branch
	ADD F,BHC+2		;Ok, advance to next field
	JRST PNMEAD		;Merge it in too

; Here for symbolic field
	DMOVEM T1,PNMADS	;Save address and socket
	MOVEI T1,(T3)		;Just right half
	LSH T1,-1		;Make word address
	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,(T1),30] ;Get adr of first address block
PNMEA3:	ADD T1,NETBAS		;Add base address
	MOVEM T1,PNMPTR		;Save address block pointer
	MOVE T3,1(T1)		;Get address from block
	MOVE T4,2(T1)
	LSH T3,-4		;Reformat to net,,host and socket
	LSHC T3,-^D16
	LSH T4,-4
	LSH T1,^D<18-8>
	ANDI T3,377
	HLL T3,T1
	DMOVE T1,PNMADS		;Restore saved address
	CALL PNMMRG		;Merge and check consistency
	  PUSH P,F		;Save current field pointer
	  ADD F,BHC+2		;Advance to next field
	  CALL PNMEAD		;Recursive call to process it
	  POP P,F		;Restore field pointer
	MOVE T1,PNMPTR		;Recover address block adr (already global)
	LDB T1,[POINT 15,0(T1),14] ;Get adr of next address block
	JUMPN T1,PNMEA3		;Loop if more

; Here to emit address in T1,B
PNMEA7: JUMPGE IOS,.+2		;Don't store if block exhausted
	UMOVEM T1,(IOS)		;Store address in block
; Merge addresses and check consistency
;	T1,T2/ Current address
;	T3,T4/ Address to be merged in
; Returns +1:  Inconsistent, ac's unchanged
;	+2: Consistent, T1,T2/ Combined address

PNMMRG: STKVAR <<PNMCUR,2>>	;Save current address
	XORM T3,PNMCUR		;Compute differences
	TLNE T1,-1		;Unspecified net?
	 TLNN T3,-1
	  HRRZS PNMCUR		;Yes, scratch that difference
	TRNE T1,-1		;Unspecified host?
	 TRNN T3,-1
	  HLLZS PNMCUR		;Yes, that's a match
	SKIPE T2		;Unspecified socket?
	  SETZM 1+PNMCUR	;Yes, match
	SKIPN PNMCUR		;Any inconsistencies?
	  RET			;Yes, give fail return
	IOR T1,T3		;No, now do the merge
	IOR T2,T4
; Binary search comparison routines for network directory lookup.
; See BINSRC for further details of calling sequence.

; BINSRC entry to do address lookup
;	T2/ Key (see CMPADR)

ADRSRC: MOVE T1,ADRLTP		;Set address lookup table ptr
	JSP T3,BINSRC		;Do binary search

; Compare network address
;	rh T1/ 16-bit byte address of address lookup table entry,
;		which is in turn the 16-bit byte address of the
;		address block itself (which is guaranteed to start
;		on a 36-bit word boundary)
;	T2/ (key) pointer to address being looked up, in the form
;		BYTE(8) net, host (16) high 16 bits of socket
;		BYTE(16) low 16 bits of socket (rest of word zero)

CMPADR: MOVEI T3,(T1)		;Copy byte address of entry
	LSHC T3,-1		;Divide by 2 to get Maxc word adr
	LSH T4,-^D35
	ADD T3,NETBAS		;Add base address
	LDB T3,[POINT 15,(T3),14 ;Fetch entry/2
		POINT 15,(T3),30](T4)
	JFCL 17,.+1		;Clear flags
	ADD T3,NETBAS		;Add base address
	MOVE T4,1(T3)		;Get first word of entry
	TRZ T4,17		;Clear garbage bits
	SUB T4,0(T2)		;Compare with key
	JUMPN T4,CMPAD1		;Jump if not equal
	JFCL 17,.+1		;Equal, clear flags again
	MOVSI T4,(177777B15)	;Get second word of entry (16 bits)
	AND T4,2(T3)		;(pointer is already global)
	SUB T4,1(T2)		;Compare with key
	JUMPE T4,SK2RET		;Return +3 if equal
CMPAD1: JCRY0 CPOPJ		;Return +1 if key ( entry
	RETSKP			;Return +2 if key ) entry
; BINSRC entry to do name lookup
;	T2/ Key (see CMPNAM)

NAMSRC: MOVE T1,NAMLTP		;Set name lookup table ptr
	JSP T3,BINSRC		;Do binary search

; Compare network name
;	rh T1/ 16-bit byte address of name lookup table entry,
;		which in turn contains the 16-bit byte address of
;		the name block itself (which is guaranteed to start
;		on a 36-bit word boundary)
;	T2/ (key) Byte pointer to ASCIZ string being looked up.
;		All letters must be upper-case.
; Note lower-case letters are treated the same as upper case
;  when they appear in the name block.
; As an additional bonus, on the +1 return (key ( entry), if the
;  key is an initial substring of the entry,
;	T3/ Count of characters in tail
;	T4/ String pointer to tail
;  T4 is zero in all other cases.

CMPNAM: SKIPA T4,[G1BPT(PUPSEC,^D8,ENTDIR+1)] ;Name string offset in name block

; Enter here to compare attribute name
CMPATR:  MOVE T4,[G1BPT(PUPSEC,^D8,ENTDIR)] ;Attribute string offset in block
	PUSH P,T1		;Need more ac's
	PUSH P,T4		;Save offset
	MOVEI T3,(T1)		;Copy byte address of entry
	LSHC T3,-1		;Divide by 2 to get word address
	LSH T4,-^D35
	ADD T3,NETBAS		;Add in base address
	LDB T4,[ POINT 15,(T3),14 ;Fetch entry/2
		POINT 15,(T3),30](T4)
	POP P,T3		;Recover offset in block
	ADD T4,T3		;Make one word global byte ptr to string
	ILDB T3,T4		;Get byte count
CMPNA1: SOJGE T3,.+2		;Name string exhausted?
	 TDZA T1,T1		;Yes, use null
	  ILDB T1,T4		;No, get char from name string
	CAIL T1,"a"		;Lower case letter?
	 CAILE T1,"z"
	  CAIA			;No
	   SUBI T1,40		;Yes, make upper case
	ILDB E,B		;Get char from string being looked up
	CAIL E,(T1)		;Compare characters
	  JUMPN E,CMPNA3	;Key ( entry, return +1
	  SETO E,		;Else get -1
	  ADJBP E,T4		;To back up byte pointer
	  MOVE T4,E		;Put byte pointer in proper place
	  AOJA T3,CMPNA4	;Fix count and return
	 JRST CMPNA2		;Key ) entry, return +2
	JUMPN E,CMPNA1		;Key char = entry, look at next
	AOS -3(P)		;End, matched, return +3
CMPNA3: SETZ T4,		;Note key not initial substring
CMPNA4: POP P,E			;Restore ac's
; Perform binary search
;	T1/ -length ,, address of table to search
;	T2/ Search key
;	T3/ Routine to call to compare key to entry
; Returns +1: Not found, T1 points to smallest entry ) key
;	+2: Found, T1 points to matching entry
; In both cases, T1 is still in AOBJN pointer format.  In the
;  +1 return, the lh is positive if T1 points past end of table.
; Clobbers T1-T4

; The comparison routine must operate as follows:
;	T1/ Address of table entry to compare in rh
;	T2/ Search key (as passed to BINSRC)
; Returns +1: Key ( Entry
;	+2: Key ) Entry
;	+3: Key = Entry
; T3 and T4 may be clobbered freely, others must be protected

BINSRC: PUSH P,T3		;Save routine to call
	PUSH P,E		;Save another temp
	HLRE T3,T1		;Get negative table length
	MOVN T3,T3		;Make positive
	JFFO T3,.+2		;Find position of first 1
	 JRST BINSRF		;Empty table, fail
	MOVE E,BITS(T4)		;Compute largest power of 2 (= table length
	HRLI E,(E)		;Put in both halves
	SUB T1,BHC+1		;Backup ptr to one before table
BINSR1: ADD T1,E		;Add increment to table pointer
BINSR2: LSH E,-1		;Halve increment (both halves)
	TRZ E,400000
	JUMPGE T1,BINSRL	;Jump if off end of table
	CALL @-1(P)		;Call routine to do compare
	 JRST BINSRL		;Key ( entry
	 JRST BINSRG		;Key ) entry
	AOSA -2(P)		;Key = entry, set skip return

; Here to add 1 to pointer and fail return

; Here to fail return
BINSRF: POP P,E			;Restore ac's

; Here if key ( entry, or past end: backup table pointer
BINSRL: JUMPE E,BINSRF		;Fail if increment zero
	SUB T1,E		;Backup table pointer
	JRST BINSR2		;Try again

; Here if key ) entry: advance table pointer
BINSRG: JUMPE E,BINSR3		;Fail if increment zero
	JRST BINSR1		;Advance pointer and try again