
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_1_19910112 - 7/ft3/monitor/stanford/arp.mac
There are 3 other files named arp.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
; Add MONSYM to search path so that SC30SW is picked up properly
; Install NI-related code for SC30-M
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.72, 20-Jul-85 21:13:06, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix XRXREP to set destination hardware address of reply to be
;  the original requestor instead of broadcast.
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.71,  7-Jun-85 15:01:09, Edit by LOUGHEED
; ARPFIL discards Xerox ARP requests if we don't have subnets
; HASH guards against returning negative offsets
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.70, 16-Mar-85 22:51:57, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Don't use SE1ENT under Release 6.1
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.69, 16-Mar-85 20:50:31, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Change MSEC1 reference to XCDSEC
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.68, 15-Mar-85 15:06:17, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<6-1-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.67, 15-Mar-85 12:08:08, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Move into extended code section
;<6-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.66, 30-Nov-84 15:07:20, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Correctly set up Target Protocol field in ARP reply
;<6-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.65, 27-Nov-84 02:08:17, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Similar precautions for RESOLV routine (check for NOSKED)
;<6-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.64, 26-Nov-84 19:45:25, Edit by LOUGHEED
; LCKARP is careful not to block if caller is NOSKED
;<6-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.63, 23-Nov-84 18:35:05, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<6-MONITOR>ARP.MAC.62, 23-Nov-84 18:13:52, Edit by LOUGHEED
; RESOLV returns failure if ARP process is not yet initialized
; Remove previous edit history
TTITLE (ARP,ARP,< -- RFC826 and Xerox Address Resolution Protocols>)
SUBTTL Kirk Lougheed  / Stanford University / 4-November-1983

; Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985
; The Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford, CA 94305
; All Rights Reserved.

; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by Stanford University.
; Stanford assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of
; this software.

IFNDEF REL6,<REL6==1>		;Default to assembly for Release 6


EXTN <RETBUF,MEIBUG>		;Symbols defined in ENET.MAC

DEFAC (ARP,P4)			;Pointer to current ARP packet
SUBTTL Definitions and Storage

;Ethernet encapsulation fields. Note that offset zero is a free storage header.

OFFETH==<PKTELI-4-LCLPKT>	;Offset of start of 10MB encapsulation

;Sanity check in case someone changes MAXLDR again

IFL MAXLDR-5 <PRINTX % MAXLDR too small for 10MB Ethernet operation>

DEFSTR ETDH0,OFFETH+0,31,16	;10MB First 16 bits of Destination host
DEFSTR ETDH1,OFFETH+1,31,32	;10MB Last 32 bits of Destination host
DEFSTR ETSH0,OFFETH+2,31,32	;10MB First 32 bits of Source host
DEFSTR ETSH1,OFFETH+3,15,16	;10MB Last 16 bits of Source host
DEFSTR ETTYP,OFFETH+3,31,16	;10MB Type code

ET%ARP==4006			;Ethernet type code for RFC826 style ARP
ET%XRX==1001			;Ethernet type code for Xerox PUP ARP
ET%PUP==1000			;Ethernet type code for PUP datagrams

;Definitions for ARP header

DEFSTR ARHRD,OFFETH+4,15,16	;Hardware address space
	HW$ETH==1		   ;10MB Ethernet
DEFSTR ARPRO,OFFETH+4,31,16	;Protocol address space
	PR$PUP==1000		   ;Xerox PUP
	PR$IP==4000		   ;DOD IP
DEFSTR ARHLN,OFFETH+5,7,8	;Byte length of each hardware address
	HL$ETH==6		   ;10MB length
DEFSTR ARPLN,OFFETH+5,15,8	;Byte length of each protocol address
	PL$PUP==1		   ;PUP address length
	PL$IP==4		   ;IP address length
DEFSTR AROPC,OFFETH+5,31,16	;Opcode field
	OP$REQ==1		   ;Request for information
	OP$REP==2		   ;Reply

;Definitions for IP ARP packet (10MB Ethernet hardware)

DEFSTR IPSH0,OFFETH+6,31,32	;First 32 bits of source hardware address
DEFSTR IPSH1,OFFETH+7,15,16	;Last 16 bits of source hardware address
DEFSTR IPSP0,OFFETH+7,31,16	;First 16 bits of source IP protocol address
DEFSTR IPSP1,OFFETH+10,15,16	;Last 16 bits of source IP protocol address
DEFSTR IPTH0,OFFETH+10,31,16	;First 16 bits of target hardware address
DEFSTR IPTH1,OFFETH+11,31,32	;Last 32 bits of target hardware address
DEFSTR IPTP,OFFETH+12,31,32	;32 bits of target IP protocol address
IPLEN==^D28			;Length of an IP ARP packet
;Definitions for Xerox style ARP (10MB hardware, PUP protocols)

XR$REQ==10101			;Requesting information
XR$REP==7070			;Replying with information

DEFSTR XROPC,OFFETH+4,15,16	;Opcode (one of XR$REQ or XR$REP)
DEFSTR XRTH0,OFFETH+4,31,16	;First 16 bits of target hardware address
DEFSTR XRTH1,OFFETH+5,31,32	;Last 32 bits of target hardware address
DEFSTR XRTP,OFFETH+6,7,8	;8 bits of target protocol address
;DEFSTR XRB1,OFFETH+6,15,8	;Blank space
DEFSTR XRSH0,OFFETH+6,31,16	;First 16 bits of source hardware address
DEFSTR XRSH1,OFFETH+7,31,32	;Last 32 bits of source hardware address
DEFSTR XRSP,OFFETH+10,7,8	;8 bits of target protocol address
;DEFSTR XRB2,OFFETH+10,15,8	;Blank space

;Definitions for a hash table entry.

ENTSIZ==5			;Number of words in an entry
DEFSTR HSNXT,0,35,36		;Full word for pointer to next record
DEFSTR HSPROT,1,35,36		;Allow a full word for the protocol address
DEFSTR HSPTYP,2,17,18		;Half word for protocol type
DEFSTR HSHW0,2,35,18		;Other half word for first 16-bits of hdw addr
DEFSTR HSHW1,3,35,36		;Full word for last 32-bits of hdw address
DEFSTR HSLTAD,4,35,36		;TODCLK of last update

;Offsets into Internet buffers used by ARP
;N.B. there are only 6 available offsets (we are using 1 of them)

..PKT==PKTSII-LCLPKT		;We are using datagram relative pointers

INPNCT==..PKT+0			;NCT that datagram was received on
NXTTIM==^D60000			;Wakeup at least once a minute
LCKTIM==^D500			;No one should ever hold ARPLOK this long
HSHLEN==^D19			;Length of hash table (must be prime)
TRYCNT==4			;RESOLV tries four times before giving up

NR HSBASE,1			;Pointer to hash table
NR HSHTMR,1			;Timer for hash table GC routine
RS ARPFLG,1			;Wakeup flag for ARP Fork
RS ARPTMR,1			;Timer for ARP fork
RS ARPHIQ,1			;Head of ARP input queue
RS ARPTIQ,1			;Tail of ARP input queue
RS ARPBUG,1			;-1 if ARP is being debugged
RS ARPRBC			;Total number of receive buffers ARP has
				;posted to NISRV.
RSI ARPDRB,2			;Number of buffers we want to keep posted

RS ARPLOK,1			;Lock on hash table
NR ARPLKT,1			;TODCLK when lock was claimed
NR ARPLPC,1			;PC of code that claimed the lock
NR ARPLKF,1			;FORKX of last locker

;ARP Canonicalization Storage

NR ARPTYP,1			;Type of ARP we are doing (ET%ARP or ET%XRX)
NR REPLYF,1			;-1 if we should reply to this packet
NR CPROTO,1			;Current protocol we are interested in
NR NPROTO,1 			;Protocol address of interface
NR SPADDR,1			;Source protocol address, right justified
NR TPADDR,1			;Target protocol address, right justified
NR SHRDW0,1			;First 16 bits of source hardware address
NR SHRDW1,1			;Last 32 bits of source hardware address

;Statistics Storage

NR STAACC,1			;Packets accepted by ARP
NR STAFLX,1			;Packets rejected by ARP filter
NR STAIP,1			;Of valid packets, no. of RFC826 IP requests
NR STAXRX,1			;Of valid packets, no. of Xerox PUP requests
NR STARPR,1			;No. of RFC826 replies
NR STARPX,1			;No. of Xerox replies
NR STARQR,1			;No. of RFC826 requests
NR STARQX,1			;No. of Xerox requests
NR STAHCT,1			;Count of hash table entries
NR STALCK,1			;Count of misses trying to lock ARP table
SUBTTL Startup and Main Loop


;Start up the ARP fork
;Returns +1 always

	MOVX T1,CR%CAP		;Transmit capabilities
	CFORK%			;Create fork
	 BUG.(CHK,ARPBEA,SOFT,ENET,<ARP - CFORK% failed on background fork>)
	XMOVEI T2,ARPBAK	;Start address of background fork
	MSFRK%			;Start in monitor mode
	RET			;Return to caller

;ARPBAK - ARP process startup code

IFE REL6,<MOVX T1,UMODF		;Need to set up fork's context>
IFN REL6,<MOVX T1,USRCTX	;Init context>
	MOVEM T1,FFL		;Set up flags
	SETZM FPC		;Set up PC word (location 0)
	MCENTR			;Establish JSYS context
IFE REL6,<SE1ENT		;Run in section one>
IFE REL6,<MOVE T1,[XWD ITFPC,ARPUXI] ;Trap fatal interrupts>
IFN REL6,<MOVE T1,[XWD XCDSEC,ARPUXI] ;Trap fatal interrupts>
	MOVEM T1,MONBK		; ...
	MOVE T1,CHNSON		; ...
	MOVEI T1,INTON		;Address of IP layer on flag
	CALL DISL		;Wait for IP layer to be initialized
	CALL ARPINI		;Initialize data structures
ARPBA0:	SETZM ARPFLG		;Clear request flag
	CALL DOARPQ		;Process ARP queue
	MOVE T1,TODCLK		;Get now
	CAML T1,ARPTMR		;Has timer expired?
	 CALL DOARPT		;Do ARP time driven things
	JSP T4,ARPBKT		;Check flags again, avoid scheduler overhead
	 SKIPA T1,[ARPBKT]	;Nothing to do, block for a while
	  JRST ARPBA0		;More work to do, go to top of loop
	MDISMS			;Sleep for a while
	JRST ARPBA0		;Loop forever

;Here on fatal interrupt

ARPUXI: BUG.(CHK,ARPPSI,SOFT,ARP,<ARP - Background fork crashed, restarting>)
IFE REL6,<SE1ENT		;Make sure we're in section one>
	MCENTR			;Re-establish monitor context
	JRST ARPBA0		;Restart at top of loop
;ARPBKT - scheduler test for ARP process
;Takes no data.


	CAML T1,ARPTMR		;Has timer expired?
	 JRST 1(T4)		;Yes, wakeup
	SKIPN ARPFLG		;Something to do?
	 JRST 0(T4)		;No, keep on sleeping
	  JRST 1(T4)		;Yes, unblock

;ARPINI - initialize Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) data structures
;Note that setting HSBASE non-zero is a flag that the ARP process is
; fully initialized.
;Returns +1 always

ARPINI:	MOVE T1,FORKX		;Record our fork number
	SETZM ARPTMR		;Make timer go off right away first time
	SETOM ARPLOK		;Make sure hash table lock is free
	MOVEI T1,HSHLEN		;Size of hash table
	CALL GETBLK		;Get a piece of Internet storage
	SKIPN T1		;Skip if we got something
	 BUG.(HLT,ARPSTG,ARP,SOFT,<ARP - No storage for ARP hash table>)
	PUSH P,T1		;Remember address of block
	MOVEI T2,HSHLEN		;Size of block
	CALL CLRBLK		;Zero the block
	MOVE T1,DBUGSW		;Get value of master debug switch
	CAILE T1,1		;Is system standalone?
	 SETOM ARPBUG		;Yes, enable ARP bug reporting/tracing
	POP P,HSBASE		;Set base address of table, ARP is now up.

	XMOVEI T1,NCTVT		;Set up pointer to NCT vector table
ARPIN0:	LOAD T1,NTLNK,(T1)	;Get NCT pointer
	JUMPE T1,RTN		;If nil, then done
	LOAD T2,NTDEV,(T1)	;Get the device type
	 SKIPA			;Yes, init ARP for the NI
	JRST ARPIN0		;Loop over all NCT's

;Initialize ARP for the NI
;Called from ARPINI with T1 pointing at the NCT address

	TRVAR (<<UNBLOK,UN.LEN>>) ;Arg block for NISRV

	MOVE T2,T1		;Get the NCT address

	SETZM ARPRBC		;Reset the number of buffers posted

	STOR T2,UNUID,+UNBLOK	;Save the NCT address as the user ID

	SETZRO <UNCHN,UNPAD>,+UNBLOK ;Use channel number 0, no padding

	MOVX T1,ET%XRX		;Get the ARP protocol type
	STOR T1,UNPRO,+UNBLOK	;Put it in the arg block

	XMOVEI T1,ARPCBK	;Get the callback address
	STOR T1,UNCBA,+UNBLOK	;Put callback address in the arg block

	MOVX T1,NU.OPN		;Get the NISRV function code
	XMOVEI T2,UNBLOK	;Get the address of the arg block
	CALL DLLUNI		;Open the portal
	 RET			;Sigh
	LOAD T1,UNPID,+UNBLOK	;Get the portal ID
	MOVEM T1,ARPPID		;Put it in a safe place

	SETONE UNDAD,+UNBLOK	;Setup high order multicast address
	SETONE UNDAD,+1+UNBLOK	;Setup low order multicast address

	MOVX T1,NU.EMA		;Get NISRV function code
	XMOVEI T2,UNBLOK	;Get NISRV arg block address
	CALL DLLUNI		;Enable the broadcast address
	 RET			; Sigh...

	CALL ARPPST		;Post some buffers

;ARPPST - Post NI buffers for the ARP protocol
;Has no args, smashes all Ts.


ARPPST:	MOVE T1,ARPDRB		;Get the number of receive buffers desired
	CAMG T1,ARPRBC		;Are enough posted?
	 RET			; Yes, don't add any more
	TRVAR (<<UNBLOK,UN.LEN>>) ;NISRV arg block
	MOVE T1,ARPPID		;Get our portal ID
	STOR T1,UNPID,+UNBLOK	;Put it in the arg block
PSTLOP:	CALL GETBFF		;Get a buffer
	 RET			; Just punt if no buffers available
	STOR T1,UNRID,+UNBLOK	; Setup request ID to be buffer address

	XMOVEI T1,$ARHRD(T1)	; Get start address of user data portion
				;  of buffer
	TXO T1,OWGP.(8)		; Make it a byte pointer
	STOR T1,UNBFA,+UNBLOK	; Put it in the NISRV arg block

	MOVX T1,^D300		; Get the length of the buffer
	STOR T1,UNBSZ,+UNBLOK	; Put it in the arg block

	MOVX T1,UNA.EV		; Get address space indicator
	STOR T1,UNADS,+UNBLOK	; Buffer is in Exec virtual address space

	MOVX T1,NU.RCV		; Get function code for NISRV
	XMOVEI T2,UNBLOK	; Setup arg block address
	CALL DLLUNI		; Post a receive buffer
	 JRST ARPPS1		;  Failed, clean up nicely
	AOS T1,ARPRBC		; Account for this buffer
	CAMGE T1,ARPDRB		; Do we have enough buffers?
	 JRST PSTLOP		;  No, do some more
	RET			; Yes, all done

ARPPS1:	BUG.(CHK,ARPNPF,ARP,SOFT,<ARP - Post receive buffer failed>)
	LOAD T1,UNRID,+UNBLOK	;Get the buffer back
	CALLRET RETBUF		;Dump the buffer and get out of here
Subttl  ARP Background Processing

;DOARPQ - process ARP requests, update data structures
;Returns +1 always

DOARPQ:	CALL ARPDEQ		;Dequeue an ARP packet
	 RET			;No pending request, so all done
	SKIPE ARPBUG		;Debugging ARP activity?
	 CALL ARPDEB		;Yes, see if someone wants to look at this
	CALL ARPFIL		;Do some validity checking
	 JRST DOARPX		;Bad packet, flush it
	CALL ARPCAN		;"Canonicalize" the packet
	CALL MERGE		;Update tables
	 JRST DOARPX		;All done, flush packet
	CALL SNDREP		;Send ARP reply using current buffer
	JRST DOARPQ		;Loop over input queue

DOARPX:	MOVE T1,ARP		;Get buffer pointer into place
	CALL RETBUF		;Return buffer to free list
	JRST DOARPQ		;Loop over input queue
;ARPDEB - here if debugging ARP activity
;Returns +1 always
;Clobbers T1-T4

ARPDEB:	MOVE T1,WAIFLG		;Get flag word for waif monitoring process
	TXNN T1,WA%ARP		;Accept ARP packets?
	 RET			;No, return now
	MOVE T1,ARP		;T1/ buffer pointer
	LOAD T2,ETTYP,(ARP)	;T2/ protocol type
	MOVEI T3,^D100		;T3/ approximate packet length
	CALL PKOWAF		;Let waif listener look at this packet
	RET			;Return to caller
;ARPFIL - filter out bad ARP requests
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 flush the packet
;	 +2 packet appears to be good

ARPFIL:	AOS STAACC		;Count packets received
	LOAD T1,ETTYP,(ARP)	;Get datagram type
	CAIE T1,ET%XRX		;Xerox style ARP?
	 JRST ARPFL0		;No, must be RFC826 ARP
	SKIPG NTSUBN(P1)	;Do we have subnets on this interface?
	 JRST ARPFLX		;No, flush the datagram
	RETSKP			;Accept the Xerox AR request

ARPFL0:	LOAD T1,ARHRD,(ARP)	;Get hardware type
	CAIE T1,HW$ETH		;10MB Ethernet?
	 JRST ARPFLX		;No, flush it
	LOAD T1,ARHLN,(ARP)	;Get length of hardware addresses
	CAIE T1,HL$ETH		;Must be six octets
	 JRST ARPFLX		;No, flush it
	LOAD T1,ARPRO,(ARP)	;Get protocol type
	LOAD T2,ARPLN,(ARP)	;Get protocol length
	CAIN T1,PR$IP		;IP protocol?
	 CAIE T2,PL$IP		;Yes, is address 4 octets long?
	  JRST ARPFLX		;No to either, flush it
	RETSKP			;Packet is valid AR request for an IP address

ARPFLX:	SKIPE ARPBUG		;Skip if not debugging
	 BUG.(INF,BADARP,ARP,SOFT,<ARP - bad datagram>,<<T1,PRO>,<T2,LEN>>)
	AOS STAFLX		;Count filter rejections
	RET			;Return to caller
;ARPCAN - Canonicalize the RFC826 and Xerox ARP requests
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always, following (global) locations updated:
;	ARPTYP - type of ARP packet we are processing
;	REPLYF - set to -1 if we should generate a reply 
;	CPROTO - current protocol we are interested in
;	NPROTO - protocol address of interface
;	SPADDR - source protocol address, right justified
;	TPADDR - target protocol address, right justified
;	SHRDW0 - first 16 bits of source hardware address
;	SHRDW1 - last 32 bits of source hardware address

ARPCAN:	SETZM REPLYF		;Assume no reply needed
	LOAD T1,ETTYP,(ARP)	;Get Ethernet type
	MOVEM T1,ARPTYP		;Remember it
	CAIE T1,ET%ARP		;Is is RFC826 ARP?
	 JRST ARPCNX		;No, has to be Xerox ARP

;Canonicalize for IP
	AOS STAIP		;Count one for the statisticians
	LOAD T1,AROPC,(ARP)	;Get our opcode
	CAIN T1,OP$REQ		;A request?
	SETOM REPLYF		;Yes, set flag to generate a reply
	LOAD T1,ARPRO,(ARP)	;Get target protocol
	MOVEM T1,CPROTO		;Remember it
	MOVE T1,NTLADR(P1)	;Get IP address of NCT we came in on
	MOVEM T1,NPROTO		;Save it
	LOAD T1,IPTP,(ARP)	;Get target IP protocol address
	MOVEM T1,TPADDR		;Save target protocol address
	LOAD T1,IPSP0,(ARP)	;Get first 16 bits of source protocol addr
	LSH T1,^D16		;Make some room
	LOAD T2,IPSP1,(ARP)	;Get last 16 bits of source protocol addr
	IORI T1,(T2)		;Canonicalize
	MOVEM T1,SPADDR		;Save source protocol address
	LOAD T1,IPSH0,(ARP)	;Get 32 bits of source hdw addr
	SETZ T2,		;Clear T2 for shifting into
	LSHC T1,-^D16		;Shovel middle 16 into T2
	MOVEM T1,SHRDW0		;Save those first 16
	LOAD T1,IPSH1,(ARP)	;Get last 16 bits
	LSH T2,-4		;Push the middle 16 over a bit
	IORI T2,(T1)		;OR together last 32 bits
	MOVEM T2,SHRDW1		;Save canonicalized form
	RET			;Return to caller
;Canonicalize for Xerox style PUP ARP

ARPCNX:	AOS STAXRX		;Count one for the statisticians
	MOVEI T1,ET%PUP		;Protocol type is PUP
	MOVEM T1,CPROTO		;Set current protocol type 
	MOVE T2,NTSUBN(P1)	;Get our PUP subnet number
	MOVE T1,NTHSTN(P1)	;Get our PUP host number from NCT
	HRLI T1,(T2)		;Form subnet,,host
	MOVEM T1,NPROTO		;Save as NCT protocol
	LOAD T3,XRTP,(ARP)	;Get "target" PUP protocol address
	HRLI T3,(T2)		;Form subnet,,host
	MOVEM T1,TPADDR		;Save it
	LOAD T4,XRSP,(ARP)	;Get "source" PUP protocol address
	HRLI T4,(T2)		;Form subnet,,host
	LOAD T1,XROPC,(ARP)	;Get opcode
	CAIE T1,XR$REQ		;Is it a request?
	 EXCH T3,T4		;No, a reply.  Swap the fields
	MOVEM T3,TPADDR		;Set target protocol address
	MOVEM T4,SPADDR		;Set source protocol address
	CAIE T1,XR$REQ		;Check again for a request
	  SETOM REPLYF		;Yes, must send a reply	
	  LOAD T1,XRSH0,(ARP)	;Get first 16 bits
	  LOAD T2,XRSH1,(ARP)	;Get last 32 bits of hardware address
	  LOAD T1,XRTH0,(ARP)	;Get first 16 bits
	  LOAD T2,XRTH1,(ARP)	;Get last 32 bits of hardware address
	MOVEM T1,SHRDW0		;Save first part of hardware address
	MOVEM T2,SHRDW1		;Save last part of hardware address
	RET			;Return to caller
;MERGE - merge information from ARP packet
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 no further processing required, flush buffer
;	 +2 we are target protocol address, may need to send reply

MERGE:	STKVAR <MERGEF,BUCKET>	;Declare local storage
	SETZM MERGEF		;Set merge flag to false
	MOVE T1,SPADDR		;Get sender's protocol address
	MOVE T2,CPROTO		;Get protocol type
	CALL HASH		;Compute hash code
	MOVE T2,HSBASE		;Get base adddress of hash table
	ADDI T2,(T1)		;Compute bucket address
	MOVEM T2,BUCKET		;Save bucket address
	CALL LCKARP		;Lock hash table to ensure consistency
	 RET			;We (ARP process) should never get this return
	SKIPN T1,(T2)		;Load first pointer
	 JRST MERGE2		;Nothing in table, go check target protocol
MERGE0:	LOAD T3,HSPROT,(T1)	;Get protocol address of hash entry
	CAME T3,SPADDR		;Match the packet?
	 JRST MERGE1		;No, keep on looking
	LOAD T4,HSPTYP,(T1)	;Get protocol type of hash entry?
	CAME T4,CPROTO		;Match the packet?
	 JRST MERGE1		;No, keep on looking
	MOVE T3,SHRDW0		;A hit!  Get first part of hardware address.
	STOR T3,HSHW0,(T1)	;Update hash entry
	MOVE T3,SHRDW1		;Get second part of hardware address
	STOR T3,HSHW1,(T1)	;Update hash entry
	MOVE T3,TODCLK		;Get now
	STOR T3,HSLTAD,(T1)	;Store value of last TODCLK for aging
	SETOM MERGEF		;Set merge flag to true
	JRST MERGE2		;Go check target protocol
MERGE1:	LOAD T1,HSNXT,(T1)	;Get pointer to next hash entry in this bucket
	JUMPN T1,MERGE0		;If non-nil, go look at it
MERGE2:	MOVE T4,NPROTO		;Get protocol address of NCT packet came in on
	CAME T4,TPADDR		;Are we the target?
	 JRST MERGE4		;No, no more to do
	SKIPE MERGEF		;Is the merge flag false?
	 JRST MERGE3		;No, return now.  May need to send reply.
	CALL GETHSH		;Get some free storage
	 JRST MERGE3		;No storage!  Continue along.
	STOR T2,HSPROT,(T1)	;Store protocol address
	STOR T2,HSPTYP,(T1)	;Store protocol type
	STOR T2,HSHW0,(T1)	;Store first part of hardware address
	STOR T2,HSHW1,(T1)	;Store last part of hardware address
	STOR T2,HSLTAD,(T1)	;Store time and date of last reference
	MOVE T2,@BUCKET		;Get pointer in bucket header
	STOR T2,HSNXT,(T1)	;Hang list off of new entry
	MOVEM T1,@BUCKET	;Hang new entry off of bucket
	AOS STAHCT		;Count another entry
MERGE3:	SKIPN REPLYF		;Requestor wants reply from us?
	 JRST MERGE4		;No, just flush packet
	CALL ULKARP		;Unlock hash table
	RETSKP			;Skip return, need to send reply

MERGE4:	CALL ULKARP		;Unlock hash table
	RET			;Take single return
;SNDREP - send an ARP Reply for the current packet
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always

SNDREP:	MOVE T1,ARPTYP		;Get style of ARP we are using
	CAIE T1,ET%ARP		;RFC826 style ARP?
	  AOS STARPR		;Count number of RFC826 replies generated
	  XMOVEI T2,RFCREP	;Generate an RFC826 style reply
	  AOS STARPX		;Count number of Xerox replies generated
	  XMOVEI T2,XRXREP	;Generate a Xerox style ARP reply
	CALL 0(T2)		;Copy source to destination, set new source
	LOAD T2,NTDEV,(P1)	;Get the device type
	CAIN T2,NT.NIP		;Is it an NI?
	 JRST NIARPX		; Yes, send it over the NI
	MOVE T2,ARP		;T2/ buffer pointer
	MOVEI T3,.PM32		;T3/ 32-bit MEIS data mode 
	MOVEI T4,RETBUF		;T4/ buffer disposal routine
	CALL BLDIOW		;Construct and queue up an Ethernet write
	RET			;Return to caller
;RFCREP - copy IP source fields to destination, set new source fields
;Also performs 10MB Ethernet encapsulation
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always, T1/ byte count of datagram body

RFCREP: MOVEI T1,OP$REP		;Set opcode to reply
	SETZ T2,		;Clear this AC for shifting
	LOAD T1,IPSH0,(ARP)	;Get 32 bits of hardware source
	LSHC T1,-^D16
	STOR T1,IPTH0,(ARP)	;Set first 16-bits of hardware destination
	STOR T1,ETDH0,(ARP)	;Do same for encapsulation
	LOAD T1,IPSH1,(ARP)	;Get last 16 bits of hardware source
	LSH T2,-4		;Nudge over bits from first shift
	IOR T1,T2		;Create last 32 bits of new hardware dest
	STOR T1,IPTH1,(ARP)	;Set it
	STOR T1,ETDH1,(ARP)	;Set last 32 bits of encapsulation dest.
	LOAD T1,IPSP0,(ARP)	;Get first 16 bits of source protocol
	LOAD T2,IPSP1,(ARP)	;Get last 16 bits of source protocol
	LSH T1,^D16		;Slide first bits left
	IORI T1,(T2)		;OR in last few bits
	STOR T1,IPTP,(ARP)	;Set 32 bits of target protocol
	CALL IPSRC		;Set us up as an IP source
	RET			;Return to caller
;IPSRC - Set source fields appropriate to selected interface
;Takes	P1/ NCT pointer
;	ARP/ buffer pointer
;Returns +1 always, T1/ total length of datagram

IPSRC:	LOAD T1,HRDW0,(P1)	;Get first 32 bits of our hdw address
	STOR T1,IPSH0,(ARP)	;Set it in ARP datagram
	STOR T1,ETSH0,(ARP)	;Set in encapsulation field as well 
	LOAD T1,HRDW1,(P1)	;Get last 16 bits of our hdw address
	STOR T1,IPSH1,(ARP)	;Set it in ARP datagram
	STOR T1,ETSH1,(ARP)	;Set in encapsulation field as well
	MOVE T1,NTLADR(P1)	;Get our IP protocol address
	LSHC T1,-^D16		;Split it into two
	STOR T1,IPSP0,(ARP)	;Set first 16 bits in ARP datagram
	LSH T2,-^D20		;Shift the remaining bits over
	STOR T2,IPSP1,(ARP)	;Set last 16 bits
	MOVEI T1,IPLEN		;T1/ return length of IP ARP
	RET			;All done, return to caller
;XRXREP - generate a reply datagram for Xerox style ARP
;Takes	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always

XRXREP:	MOVEI T1,XR$REP		;Opcode value is "reply"
	STOR T1,XROPC,(ARP)	;Set it
	LOAD T1,HRDW0,(P1)	;Get first 32 bits of our hardware address
	STOR T1,ETSH0,(ARP)	;Set as source in encapsulation
	SETZ T2,		;Clear this AC for shifting
	LSHC T1,-^D16		;Isolate the first 16 bits
	STOR T1,XRTH0,(ARP)	;Store first part of target field
	LOAD T1,HRDW1,(P1)	;Get last 16 bits of our hardware address
	STOR T1,ETSH1,(ARP)	;Set in encapsulation
	LSH T2,-4		;Position the middle 16 bits
	IORI T2,(T1)		;Create final 32 bits
	STOR T2,XRTH1,(ARP)	;Set last 32 bits of target field
	LOAD T1,XRSH0,(ARP)	;Get first 16 bits of source
	STOR T1,ETDH0,(ARP)	;Set in encapsulation
	LOAD T1,XRSH1,(ARP)	;Get last 32 bits of source
	STOR T1,ETDH1,(ARP)	;Set in encapsulation
	MOVEI T1,XRXLEN		;T1/ length of datagram
	RET			;Return to caller
;ARPENQ - append buffer to ARP input queue
;Called from interrupt level
;Takes	T1/ buffer pointer
;	T2/ NCT address
;Returns +1 always


ARPENQ::SETZRO NBQUE,(T1)	;Clear pointer to next packet
	MOVEM T2,INPNCT(T1)	;Remember NCT address in buffer
	PIOFF			;Turn off interrupts just in case
	MOVE T3,ARPTIQ		;Get tail of input queue
	JUMPN T3,ARPRC0		;Queue not empty, go append buffer
	MOVEM T1,ARPHIQ		;Was empty, this is now only item
	SKIPA			;Make head and tail be same packet
ARPRC0:	 STOR T1,NBQUE,(T3)	;Make old packet point to newest packet
	MOVEM T1,ARPTIQ		;Set new tail pointer
	PION			;Turn interrupts back on
	AOS ARPFLG		;Wakeup ARP process
	RET			;Return to caller

; Here at NISRV interrupt level

ARPCBK:	JRST @1+.-NU.OPN(T1)	; Do the dispatch

	  TABENT NU.XMT,<IFIW ARPXMD>	;Transmit done
	  TABENT NU.RCV,<IFIW ARPRCD>	;Receive done

; Here on completion of NISRV xtransmit

ARPXMD:	LOAD T1,UNRID,(T2)	; Get the buffer address
	CALLRET RETBUF		; Return the buffer

; Here on input available

ARPRCD:	LOAD T1,UNRID,(T2)	; Get the buffer address
	LOAD T2,UNUID,(T2)	; Get the NCT address
	MOVX T3,ET%XRX		; Get the desired protocol type
	STOR T3,ETTYP,(T1)	; Make ARPFIL happy
	CALL ARPENQ		; Queue the packet up for later
	SOS ARPRBC		; One less buffer posted
	CALLRET ARPPST		; Go post more

;ARPDEQ - remove packet from input queue
;Call from process level
;Returns +1 queue empty
;	 +2 success, ARP/ buffer pointer
;		     P1/ NCT pointer
;Clobbers T1-T4, ARP, P1


ARPDEQ:	PIOFF			;Protect queue integrity
	MOVE ARP,ARPHIQ		;Get head of queue
	JUMPE ARP,ARPDE1	;Queue is empty
	LOAD T1,NBQUE,(ARP)	;Get successor
	JUMPN T1,ARPDE0		;Queue not about to run dry
	SETZM ARPTIQ		;Clear tail of queue
	SKIPA			;Don't set section bits on a nil pointer
ARPDE0:	 SETSEC T1,INTSEC	;Set extended address
	MOVEM T1,ARPHIQ		;Update queue head
	MOVE P1,INPNCT(ARP)	;Get NCT this packet came in on
	AOS (P)			;Prepare skip return
ARPDE1:	PION			;Restore PI system
	RET			;Return to caller

;DOARPT - do time dependent things
;Returns +1 always

DOARPT:	SKIPE ARPLKT		;Is the hash table lock being held?
	 CALL CHKLOK		;Check if hash table lock is okay.
	MOVE T1,TODCLK		;Get now
	CAMLE T1,HSHTMR		;Time to GC the hash table?
	 CALL HSHTMO		;Yes, flush unused entries
	MOVE T1,TODCLK		;Get now
	ADDI T1,NXTTIM		;Compute next forced wakeup
	MOVEM T1,ARPTMR		;Reset timer
	RET			;Return to caller
Subttl Hash Table Management

;HASH - Compute the hash table index
;Takes	T1/ protocol address
;	T2/ protocol type
;Returns +1 always T1/ hash table index

HASH:	HLRZ T2,T1		;Copy left half of address
	XORI T1,(T2)		;Mash the bits up a bit
	MOVMS T1		;Ensure non-negative offset
	IDIVI T1,HSHLEN		;Compute hash code
	MOVE T1,T2		;Copy hash bucket index into expected place 
	RET			;Return to caller

;GETHSH - get a block of storage to use as a hash table entry
;Returns +1 no free storage
;	 +2 success, T1/ pointer

GETHSH:	MOVEI T1,ENTSIZ		;Size of a block
	CALL GETBLK		;Get some storage
	JUMPE T1,R		;Failed
	PUSH P,T1		;Save pointer on stack
	MOVEI T2,ENTSIZ		;Get size of block again
	CALL CLRBLK		;Zero the storage
	POP P,T1		;Restore block pointer
	RETSKP			;Return to caller

;RETHSH - return a hash block to free storage
;Takes	T1/ buffer pointer
;Returns +1 always

RETHSH:	JRST RETBLK		;Return block to Internet free storage
;LCKARP - lock the hash table
;We remember lots of information for debugging and recovering from any
; possible lock problems.
;Returns +1 failure
;	 +2 success, ARPLOK claimed

	 JRST LCKAR1		;Yes, be careful not to block
	LOCK ARPLOK		;No, use standard AOSE lock
LCKAR0:	PUSH P,T1		;Save this register 
	MOVE T1,-1(P)		;Get our return PC 
	MOVEM T1,ARPLPC		;Save PC of locker for debugging
	MOVE T1,TODCLK		;Get current time and date
	MOVEM T1,ARPLKT		;Remember that for timing out a lock
	MOVE T1,FORKX		;Get fork number of current process
	MOVEM T1,ARPLKF		;Remember it
	POP P,T1		;Restore T1
	RETSKP			;Return with the lock

;Here to try locking when we're NOSKED and can't block. 
LCKAR1:	AOSE ARPLOK		;Try for the lock
	 AOSA STALCK		;Failed, and NOSKED.  Count failure and skip.
	JRST LCKAR0		;Got it.  Go set up rest of data structure.
	RET			;Take failure return 

;ULKARP - unlock the hash table
;Returns +1 always

ULKARP:	SETZM ARPLKT		;Forget last time lock was held
	UNLOCK ARPLOK		;Standard unlocking routine
	RET			;Return having freed the lock
;CHKLOK - see if hash table lock is hung and time it out if so.
;A bit of paranoia to prevent locking bugs from hanging Ethernet service.
;Returns +1 always

CHKLOK:	SKIPN T1,ARPLKT		;Skip if lock is being held
	 RET			;Lock is free, return now
	ADDI T1,LCKTIM		;Compute lock timeout
	CAMLE T1,TODCLK		;Has lock been locked a long time?
	 RET			;No, return now
	MOVE T1,ARPLKF		;Get FORKX of locker
	MOVE T2,ARPLPC		;Get PC trace of locker
	BUG.(CHK,ARPTMO,ARP,SOFT,<ARP - hash lock timed out>,<<T1,F>,<T2,PC>>)
	CALLRET ULKARP		;Break the lock violently
;HSHTMO - garbage collect old hash table entries.
;Called by ARP background process
;Enter at HSHCLR to flush the entire ARP table
;Returns +1 always

HSTTIM==^D60*^D60*^D1000	;Once an hour
LNGTIM==6*HSTTIM		;If no reference in six hours, flush the entry

HSHCLR::TDZA T1,T1		;Enter here to flush entire ARP table
HSHTMO:	 MOVE T1,[LNGTIM]	;Standard entry point for timeouts
	SAVEQ			;Preserve some registers
	MOVE Q1,TODCLK		;Get now
	SUB Q1,T1		;Compute reference time cutoff
	MOVSI Q2,-HSHLEN	;Set up aobjn pointer
HSHTM1:	MOVEI T1,(Q2)		;Get offset into hash table
	ADD T1,HSBASE		;Compute absolute address of bucket
	SKIPE (T1)		;Skip if bucket is empty
	 CALL WALKIT		;Else walk the hash chain, flushing old entries
	AOBJN Q2,HSHTM1		;Loop over all entries
	MOVE T1,TODCLK		;Get now
	ADD T1,[HSTTIM]		;GC the hash table at some future time
	MOVEM T1,HSHTMR		;Store next wakeup time
	RET			;Return to caller
;WALKIT - helper routine for HSTTMO
;Walks down a hash chain flushing old entries.  We lock the hash table at this
; level instead of in HSHTMO to minimize any waiting on the part of user
; processes.  Note also that this code assumes HSNXT is a zero offset.
;Takes	T1/ bucket address
;	Q1/ reference time cutoff
;Returns +1 always.

WALKIT:	CALL LCKARP		;Lock the entire hash table
	 RET			;Shouldn't happen for ARP process
	MOVE T2,T1		;Bucket address becomes the previous "record"
	SKIPN T1,(T1)		;Get pointer to first record
	 JRST WALKI3		;Quit if now if list is nil
WALKI1:	LOAD T3,HSLTAD,(T1)	;Get TODCLK of last reference
	CAMLE T3,Q1		;Recently referenced?
	 JRST WALKI2		;Record okay, go look at next one
	SOS STAHCT		;Decrement count of hash entries
	LOAD T3,HSNXT,(T1)	;Get pointer to next record
	STOR T3,HSNXT,(T2)	;Make previous record point to next record
	PUSH P,T2		;Save pointer to previous record
	CALL RETHSH		;Flush current record (pointed to by T1)
	POP P,T1		;New current pointer is old previous pointer
WALKI2:	MOVE T2,T1		;Current pointer becomes previous pointer
	LOAD T1,HSNXT,(T1)	;Get pointer to next entry
	JUMPN T1,WALKI1		;If not nil, go look at it
WALKI3:	CALL ULKARP		;Release the hash table lock
	RET			;End of list, return
Subttl Address Resolution
;RESOLV - lookup hardware address
;On a successful lookup we move the target record to the head of the hash
; bucket list to speed up future lookups.  On failure we send off an ARP
; request before returning to our caller.
;Takes	T1/ protocol address
;	T2/ protocol type
;	P1/ NCT address
;Returns +1 Unable to resolve address
;	 +2 address resolved, T1/ first 16 bits of destination host
;			      T2/ last 32 bits of destination

;T4 - Retry count
;Q1 - protocol address
;Q2 - protocol type
;Q3 - address of hash bucket

RESOLV::SAVEQ			;We clobber these AC's
	MOVEI T4,TRYCNT		;Set up retry count in case we need to request
	DMOVE Q1,T1		;Save arguments
	CALL HASH		;Compute hash code
	SKIPN Q3,HSBASE		;Get base adddress of hash table
	 RET			;Return now if ARP is not yet initialized
	ADDI Q3,(T1)		;Compute bucket address
RESOL3:	CALL LCKARP		;Lock hash table to ensure consistency
	 RET			;NOSKED and can't get lock on first try 
	SKIPN T1,(Q3)		;Load first pointer
	 JRST RESOL2		;Nothing in table, go enqueue an ARP request
	SETZ T2,		;No previous record at this point
RESOL0:	LOAD T3,HSPROT,(T1)	;Get protocol address of hash entry
	CAME Q1,T3		;Match the packet?
	 JRST RESOL1		;No, keep on looking
	LOAD T3,HSPTYP,(T1)	;Get protocol type of hash entry
	CAME Q2,T3		;Match the packet?
	 JRST RESOL1		;No, keep on looking
	IFN. T2			;A hit!  If not the first record, move to head.
	  LOAD T3,HSNXT,(T1)	;Get pointer to successor of target
	  STOR T3,HSNXT,(T2)	;Make our predecessor point to that record
	  MOVE T3,(Q3)		;Get pointer to top of hash list
	  STOR T3,HSNXT,(T1)	;Hang list off of target (move it to head)
	  MOVEM T1,(Q3)		;Rehang list off of bucket
	MOVE T2,TODCLK		;Get current time and date
	STOR T2,HSLTAD,(T1)	;Update time of last reference
	LOAD T2,HSHW1,(T1)	;Get second part of hardware address
	LOAD T1,HSHW0,(T1)	;Get first part of hardware address
	CALL ULKARP		;Release lock on hash table
	RETSKP			;Success return to caller
;Here to look at next entry in the hash list

RESOL1:	MOVE T2,T1		;Remember previous pointer
	LOAD T1,HSNXT,(T1)	;Get pointer to next link in hash chain
	JUMPN T1,RESOL0		;If non-nil, go look at next entry
				;Fall through if at end of list and no match

;Here to send an ARP request.  If we haven't exhausted our retry count and
; we aren't a job zero process, we block for a while, waiting for a reply.
; This reduces the number of packets we drop because of ARP failures.

RESOL2:	CALL ULKARP		;Release lock on hash table
	PUSH P,T4		;Save our retry count
	CALL SNDREQ		;Send an ARP request
	POP P,T4		;Restore retry count
	SOJL T4,R		;Return failure if retry count exhausted
	SKIPE JOBNO		;If we are job zero
	 SKIPE NSKED		;Or if we are NOSKED
	  RET			;Then don't risk blocking
	MOVEI T1,^D1000		;Do a timed block of one second
	CALL SETBKT		;Set up scheduler test argument
	HRRI T1,BLOCKT		;Test is timed block
	MDISMS			;Sleep for a while
	JRST RESOL3		;Try resolving the address again
;SNDREQ - send an ARP request for the RESOLV routine
;Takes	Q1/ protocol address
;	Q2/ protocol type
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always

SNDREQ:	SAVEAC<ARP>		;We use this AC
	CALL GETBFF		;Get a free buffer
	 RET			;No storage, quit now
	MOVE ARP,T1		;Set up standard buffer pointer
	SETONE ETDH0,(ARP)	;Encapsulation.  Set destination host...
	SETONE ETDH1,(ARP)	; -1, the broadcast address
	XMOVEI T1,RFCREQ	;Assume RFC826 style ARP
	CAIN Q2,ET%PUP		;Are we doing PUP?
	XMOVEI T1,XRXREQ	;Yes, must use Xerox style ARP
	CALL (T1)		;Stuff the datagram appropriately
	LOAD T2,NTDEV,(P1)	;Get the device type
	CAIN T2,NT.NIP		;Is it an NI?
	IFSKP.			;No, do MEIS stuff
	  MOVE T2,ARP		;T2/ buffer pointer
	  MOVEI T3,.PM32	;T3/ 32-bit MEIS data mode 
	  MOVEI T4,RETBUF	;T4/ buffer disposal routine
	  CALL BLDIOW		;Construct and queue up an Ethernet write

; Here to transmit an ARP over the NI

NIARPX:	TRVAR(<<UNBLOK,UN.LEN>>) ;Get room for NISRV arg block
	STOR T1,UNBSZ,+UNBLOK	;Save the size of the datagram
	MOVE T1,ARPPID		;Get our NISRV portal ID
	STOR T1,UNPID,+UNBLOK	;Put it in the NISRV arg block

	STOR ARP,UNRID,+UNBLOK	;Save this buffer's ID

	DMOVE T1,$ETDH0(ARP)	;Get the destination Ethernet address
	LSH T1,-4		;Close the gap
	LSHC T1,^D16		;Get two more bytes
	LSH T1,4		;Open the gap again
	OPSTR <DMOVEM T1,>,UNDAD,+UNBLOK ;Put it in the arg block
	SETZRO UNPTR,+UNBLOK	;Indicate that we supplied an immediate address
	XMOVEI T2,$ETDH0+4(ARP)	;Get start address of data
	TXO T2,OWGP.(8)		;Turn it into a byte pointer
	STOR T2,UNBFA,+UNBLOK	;Setup pointer to the real data
	MOVX T1,UNA.EV		;Get address space indicator
	STOR T1,UNADS,+UNBLOK	;Buffer is in Exec virtual memory
	LOAD T1,UNBSZ,+UNBLOK	;Get the length of the datagram
	CAIGE T1,^D46		;Is it long enough?
	 MOVX T1,^D46		; Nope.  Now it is
	STOR T1,UNBSZ,+UNBLOK	;Setup the datagram size
	MOVX T1,NU.XMT		;Get NISRV function code
	XMOVEI T2,UNBLOK	;Get arg block address
	CALL DLLUNI		;Transmit the datagram
	 BUG. (CHK,ARPNXF,ARP,SOFT,<ARP - NI transmit failed>)
	RET			;Return to caller
;RFCREQ - set up an RFC826 ARP request
;Takes	Q2/ protocol type
;	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always, T1/ datagram length

RFCREQ:	AOS STARQR		;Count a request send out
	STOR T1,ETTYP,(ARP)	;Datagram type is ARP
	STOR T1,ARHRD,(ARP)	;Set hardware type to 10MB Ethernet
	STOR T1,ARHLN,(ARP)	;Set hardware address length
	STOR Q2,ARPRO,(ARP)	;Set user specified protocol type 
	MOVEI T1,PL$IP		;Get IP protocol address length
	STOR T1,ARPLN,(ARP)	;Set protocol length
	STOR T1,AROPC,(ARP)	;Set opcode to request
	SETZRO IPTH0,(ARP)	;Don't know target hardware address...
	SETZRO IPTH1,(ARP)	; set those fields to zero
	STOR Q1,IPTP,(ARP)	;Set target protocol address
	CALL IPSRC		;Set us up as the IP source
	RET			;Return to caller, T1/ datagram length
;XRXREQ - send a Xerox style ARP request for PUP
;Takes	Q1/ target PUP address
;	ARP/ buffer pointer
;	P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 always, T1/ datagram length

XRXREQ:	AOS STARQX		;Count a request send out
	MOVEI T1,ET%XRX		;Get type code
	STOR T1,ETTYP,(ARP)	;Set it in encapsulation
	MOVEI T1,XR$REQ		;Get opcode (request)
	STOR T1,XROPC,(ARP)	;Set it up
	SETZRO XRTH0,(ARP)	;Clear target hardware address
	SETZRO XRTH1,(ARP)	;Clear target hardware address
	STOR Q1,XRTP,(ARP)	;Set target protocol address
	LOAD T1,HRDW0,(P1)	;Get first 32 bits of our hardware address
	STOR T1,ETSH0,(ARP)	;Set up encapsulation
	SETZ T2,		;Clear this for shifting
	LSHC T1,-^D16		;Isolate first 16 bits
	STOR T1,XRSH0,(ARP)	;Set first part of source hardware address
	LSH T2,-4		;Nudge the middle 16 bits over
	LOAD T1,HRDW1,(P1)	;Get last 16 bits of our hardware address
	STOR T1,ETSH1,(ARP)	;Set up encapsulation
	IORI T2,(T1)		;Build last 32 bits of our address
	STOR T2,XRSH1,(ARP)	;Set last part of source hardware address
	MOVE T1,NTHSTN(P1)	;Get our PUP host number
	STOR T1,XRSP,(ARP)	;Set source protocol address
	MOVEI T1,XRXLEN		;T1/ length of Xerox ARP datagram
	RET			;Return to caller