
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - mm-new/alias.mac
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;format of alias files:
;name  PS:<userid>ALIAS.TXT
;  comments start with a semicolon only and continue to eol
;  blank lines are ok
;  format:   <alias>= <address>
;    equal sign must be exactly after the <alias>

	Title	Alias -- alias lookup routines
	Subttl	by Mark K. Lottor, September 1985

	Search	Macsym,Monsym	; system definitions
	Sall			; suppress macro expansions
	.directive Flblst	; sane listings for ASCIZ, etc.
	Intern $ALIAS


	.Psect	Data

AliSiz==2			;max size of alias file (pages)
AliAdr:	Block	AliSiz*1000	;alias space
AliJFN:	0			;JFN on alias file
AliBuf:	Block	40		;name of alias file/alias string
AliSet:	0			;flag if we've set up yet
AliasP:	0			;flag if setup failed
AliStr:	0			;string pointer to alias

	.Psect	Code

;This module contains code to lookup mail address aliases.
;$ALIAS: Takes	AC1/  byte pointer to alias
;	 Returns +1 on error, or +2 on success with:
;		AC1/  byte pointer to alias's string
;		AC2/  byte pointer to alias's host (or zero if none)
$ALIAS::Movem	A,AliStr	;save pointer
	Skipe	AliasP		;setup failed?
	 Ret			;yep, don't try anymore
	Skipn	AliSet		;setup yet?
	 Jrst	[Call	AliIni	;nope, initialize
		  Ret		;error
		 Jrst	.+1]	;all's well
	Move	B,[Point 7,AliAdr]	;start at beginning of aliases
AliLp:	Move	A,AliStr
	Call	$STCMP
	Jumpe	A,AliFnd	;if we previously found it
AliLp1:	Ildb	A,B
	Jumpn	A,AliLp1	;find end of current alias
AliLp2:	Ildb	A,B
	Jumpn	A,AliLp2	;find end of alias's address
	Move	C,B
	Ildb	A,C		;peek at next char
	Cain	A,177
	 Jrst	AliEos		;end of alias space
	Jrst	AliLp		;try next alias
AliFnd:	Move	C,[Point 7,AliBuf]
AliFn1:	Ildb	A,B
	Jumpe	A,[Setz	B,	;no host string
		   Jrst AliFn2]
	Cain	A,"@"
	 Jrst	AliFn2
	Idpb	A,C
	Jrst	AliFn1
AliFn2:	Setz	A,
	Idpb	A,C
	Move	A,[Point 7,AliBuf]	;return pointer to alias string
	RetSkp 			;found alias
AliEos:	Ret
;suck in the alias file, returns +1 on error, +2 if ok
AliIni:	Hrroi	A,AliBuf
	Hrroi	B,[Asciz /PS:</]
	Setz	C,	
	Push	P,A
	Move	B,A		;get user number
	Pop	P,A
	 Erjmp	Alias1
	Hrroi	B,[Asciz />ALIAS.TXT/]
	Setz	C,
	Hrroi	B,AliBuf
	 Erjmp	Alias1
	Movem	A,AliJFN
	Move	B,[Fld(7,OF%BSZ)!OF%RD]
	 Erjmp	Alias1
	Move	A,AliJFN
	 Erjmp	Alias1
	Caile	C,AliSiz	;too big?
	 Jrst	Alias1		;yep
	Push	P,Q1
	Move	Q1,[Point 7,AliAdr]	;alias space
AliRd:	Move	A,AliJFN
	Hrroi	B,AliBuf	;destination
	Movei	C,40*5-1
	Movei	D,.CHLFD	;read till LF
	 Erjmp	AliEof
	Movni	A,1
	Adjbp	A,B		;back up to CR
	Setz	B,
	Dpb	B,A		;null CR
	Move	A,[Point 7,AliBuf]	;start of buffer
AliRd1:	Ildb	B,A		;get a char
	Jumpe	B,AliRd		;eol? next line then
	Caie	B,.CHSPC
	 Cain	B,.CHTAB
	  Jrst	AliRd1		;skip white space
	Cain	B,";"		;comment?
	 Jrst	AliRd		;yes, skip this line
	Cain	B,"="		;no alias?
	 Jrst	AliRd		;error skip it
	Idpb	B,Q1		;save first char

AliRd2:	Ildb	B,A
	Jumpe	B,AliRd		;eol? next line then
	Cain	B,"="		;end of alias?
	 Jrst	AliRd3
	Idpb	B,Q1
	Jrst	AliRd2

AliRd3:	Setz	B,
	Idpb	B,Q1		;tie off end of alias
AliRd4:	Ildb	B,A
	Jumpe	B,[Idpb	B,Q1	;null alias address
		   Jrst	AliRd]	;next line then
	Caie	B,.CHSPC
	 Cain	B,.CHTAB
	  Jrst	AliRd4		;skip white space
AliRd5:	Idpb	B,Q1
	Ildb	B,A
	Cain	B,";"		;comment?
	 Setz	B,
	Jumpn	B,AliRd5	;not eol yet?
	Idpb	B,Q1		;tie off end of address
	Jrst	AliRd		;do next line
AliEof:	Movei	A,177
	Idpb	A,Q1		;mark end of alias space
	Pop	P,Q1
	Move	A,AliJFN
	 Erjmp	.+1
	Setom	AliSet

Alias1:	Setom	AliasP		;flag setup failed

;;	User-mode replacement for STCMP JSYS ($STCMP)
CMPST:	Push P,3
	Push P,4
	Tlce 1,-1
	  Tlcn 1,-1
	    Hrli 1,440700
	Tlce 2,-1
	  Tlcn 2,-1
	    Hrli 2,440700
CMPST1:	Ildb 3,1
	Ildb 4,2
	Jumpe 3,[Setz 3,
		 Skipe 4
		   Movsi 3,(SC%SUB)
		 Jrst CMPST2]
	Camn 3,4
	  Jrst CMPST1
	Cail 3,"a"
	  Caile 3,"z"
	   Trz 3,40
	Cail 4,"a"
	  Caile 4,"z"
	   Trz 4,40
	Camn 3,4
	  Jrst CMPST1
	Camg 3,4
	  Jrst [Movsi 3,(SC%LSS)
		Jrst CMPST2]
	Movsi 3,(SC%GTR)

CMPST2:	Move 1,3
	Pop P,4
	Pop P,3