
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - sources/flush.mac
There are no other files named flush.mac in the archive.
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.MAC.28, 14-Apr-85 14:42:39, Edit by LOUGHEED
; GTDIR% argument block is longer under Release 6
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.MAC.27, 14-Apr-85 14:31:16, Edit by LOUGHEED
; More MACRO conversion work
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.MAC.26, 14-Apr-85 14:22:03, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Remove obsolete VERIFY command
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.MAC.25, 14-Apr-85 14:17:39, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix ENCRYPT command to work under Release 6
; Convert to MACRO assembly
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.FAI.24,  6-Oct-84 13:37:37, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Minor code cleanups
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.FAI.23,  6-Oct-84 13:25:36, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Add a CONVERT command for going between 5.3 and 6.0 filesystems
;<SU-UTILITIES>FLUSH.FAI.20, 29-Dec-83 17:42:25, Edit by LOUGHEED
;Add an ENCRYPT command for forcing password encryption on an old structure
;Remove crock mentioned in edit 4
;<LOUGHEED>FLUSH.FAI.4, 13-Mar-83 22:57:40, Edit by LOUGHEED
;Add a FREEZE command
;Add a Sierra only crock for detecting null account strings (in FILTER)
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.18, 11-Jul-82 10:51:47, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Fix test for usage-update in domestic structure filter
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.17, 11-Jul-82 10:25:53, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Remove CM%FIX
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.16, 11-Jul-82 10:24:29, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Better noise words and documentation for IGNORE command
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.15, 17-Apr-82 20:44:05, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Update internal documentation (HELP command)
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.14, 16-Apr-82 21:38:46, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.10, 16-Apr-82 21:10:45, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Add LIST command
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.7, 16-Apr-82 20:11:35, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.5, 16-Apr-82 19:20:03, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Ignore recently created domestic structure directories
;Flush domestic directories that have usage-update-needed set
;Rename CUTOFF command to IGNORE
;Add USAGE-UPDATE command
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.4, 20-Jan-82 02:03:58, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;change prompt, add version information
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.3, 11-Oct-81 08:55:26, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;if directory has been flushed, CTRL-A prints out contents of DIRBUF
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>FLUSH.FAI.2, 30-Jul-81 15:15:36, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;fix bug in VERIFY command
;<B.BOMBADIL>FLUSH.FAI.19, 29-Jul-81 17:25:57, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
Title FLUSH - Account Purging Program
Subttl Kirk Lougheed / July 1981 / Stanford University
Subttl Definitions and Storage
Search Monsym, Macsym
.require sys:macrel


mappag==100			;PMAP% files starting at this page
mapadr==mappag*1000		;the corresponding address

achan==0			;ctrl-A goes on channel 0

pdlist:	block pdlen		;pushdown stack 
atmbuf:	block buflen		;atom buffer for COMND%
cmdbuf:	block buflen		;command buffer for COMND%
tmpbuf:	block buflen		;scratch area
dirbuf:	block buflen		;buffer for directory we are flushing
wldbuf:	block 10		;wild card string for RCDIR%
jfnblk:	block 16		;argument block for long form GTJFN%
injfn:	block 1			;jfn of input file
outjfn:	block 1			;jfn of output file
npages:	block 1			;size of file, in pages
level1:	block 1			;LEVTAB, level 1 interrupts
level2:	block 1			;LEVTAB, level 2 interrupts
level3:	block 1			;LEVTAB, level 3 interrupts
gendev:	block 1			;device designator (GENERATE command)
psflg:	block 1			;-1 if we're working on PS
flushf:	block 1			;-1 if killing, 0 if freezing
cutoff:	block 1			;cutoff date for flush consideration
dirblk:	block 50		;data from GTDIR
dirnam:	block 10		;name of current dir
accstr:	block 10		;default account for current dir
passwd:	block 10		;password string
datblk:	block 5			;date of creation, etc.
curdir:	block 1			;current directory number
modtyp:	block 1			;used in LIST command
kilcnt:	block 1			;number of killed directories
inton:	block 1			;-1 if CTRL-A interrupts are on
;COMND% argument block

csb:	0,,repars		;.cmflg - reparse address, flags
	.priin,,.priou		;.cmioj - I/O jfns
	-1,,[asciz/FLUSH>/]	;.cmrty - pointer to prompt
	-1,,cmdbuf		;.cmbfp - holds whole command being assembled
	-1,,cmdbuf		;.cmptr - pointer to next field
	buflen*5-1		;.cmcnt - number of bytes in CMDBUF
	0			;.cminc - count of unparsed characters
	-1,,atmbuf		;.cmabp - pointer to atom buffer
	buflen*5-1		;.cmabc - number of bytes in ATMBUF
	jfnblk			;.cmgjb - address of GTJFN% block
;pretty print a general error message

define emsg (str) <
	 jrst [ hrroi a,[asciz/str/]
	 	call eprint
		jrst .-1 ]

;informative error messages for JSYS failure returns

define jmsg (str) <
	 erjmp [ ifdif <str>,<>,<hrroi a,[asciz/str/]>
		 ifidn <str>,<>,<hrroi a,[asciz/JSYS error/]>
		 jrst perr ]

;handle parsing errors

define pmsg (str) <
	 jrst [ hrroi a,[asciz/str/] ;;pointer to a descriptive string
		call eprint	;;print the message
		jrst parse ]	;;jump to top of the parse loop

;print some noise words

define noise (str) <
	movei b,[flddb. .cmnoi,,<-1,,[asciz/str/]>] ;;b/ function code
	call .comnd		;;parse a noise word
	 pmsg <Invalid noise word> ;;some error
;simple macros used in building keyword tables

;create an entry in a keyword table

define keywrd (keywrd,addrss,flags) <
	ifidn <flags> <> < [asciz\keywrd\],,addrss>
	ifdif <flags> <> < [ cm%fw+flags
			     asciz\keywrd\ ],,addrss>

;Define first entry of keyword table

define keybeg <
	0			;;We'll fill this in later

;Fill in first entry of keyword table

define keyend <
reloc .tablc
reloc .tabsv
;entry vector information

evec:	jrst start		;START address
	jrst start		;REENTER address

;main loop of FLUSH program

start:	reset%			;reset the world
	tmsg <FLUSH version of 14-April-1985
	move p,[iowd pdlen,pdlist] ;set up a stack
	movei a,.fhslf		;a/ current process
	rpcap%			;read capabilities
	txnn b,sc%whl+sc%opr	;WOPR?
	 emsg <WHEEL or OPERATOR privileges required> ;no...
	move c,b		;c/ set up capabilities mask
	epcap%			;enable them
	move b,[xwd levtab, chntab] ;b/ address of level and channel tables
	sir%			;set up interrupts
	eir%			;enable interrupts
	move a,[xwd .ticca, achan] ;a/ character,,channel number
	ati%			;assign CTRL-A to channel
	setzm inton		;no CTRL-A reporting just now
	setzm cutoff		;no fence or cutoff date set yet
parse:	movei b,[flddb. .cmini]	;b/ initialization function
	call .comnd		;initialize the COMND% jsys
	 emsg <Unable to initialize state block> ;some error
repars:	move p,[iowd pdlen,pdlist] ;reset stack in case of reparse
	seto a,			;a/ -1 for all jfns
	rljfn%			;release any jfns in case of reparse
	 jfcl			;ignore any error
	movei b,[flddb. .cmkey,,comtab]	;b/ keywords
	call .comnd		;parse a command keyword
	 pmsg <Unrecognized command> ;some error
	hrrz b,(b)		;fetch subroutine address
	call (b)		;call subroutine
	jrst parse		;get next command
;COMND% jacket routine
;takes	b/ address of function descriptor block
;returns +1 no parse
;	 +2 good parse

.comnd:	movei a,csb		;a/ address of state block
	comnd%			;parse something
	 erjmp [emsg <Fatal error while parsing>] ;we die on all errors for now
	txnn a,cm%nop		;no parse?
	aos (p)			;no, skip return
	ret			;return to caller

;master command table

comtab:	keybeg
	keywrd (CONVERT,.conve)
	keywrd (ENCRYPT,.encry)
	keywrd (EXIT,.exit)
	keywrd (FLUSH,.flush)
	keywrd (FREEZE,.freez)
	keywrd (GENERATE,.gener)
	keywrd (HELP,.help)
	keywrd (IGNORE,.ignor)
	keywrd (LIST,.list)
	keywrd (QUIT,.exit,cm%inv)
	keywrd (USAGE-UPDATE,.usage)
Subttl HELP and EXIT commands

;here to gracefully leave the program

.exit:	noise (FROM FLUSH)
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	haltf%			;shut us down
	ret			;return to command loop if continued

;general help

.help:	noise (WITH FLUSH)	;some noise
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	hrroi a,hlptxt		;pointer to help text
	psout			;print it
	ret			;return to caller

hlptxt:	asciz/
The FLUSH program is used to perform various file system manipulations,
especially the purging of inactive accounts.

The IGNORE command takes a date as an argument.  Every directory created
or logged into after that date will not be considered a candidate for flushing.

The GENERATE command produces a flush list for the specified structure, for
Directories on both PS and domestic structures are ignored if they were
created recently or if they are "special" directories, i.e.  files-only,
faculty, staff, or perpetual directories.  PS directories that have not been
logged into since the date given in IGNORE command are added to flush list.
Directories on domestic structures such as SX are added if they have the
USAGE-UPDATE-NEEDED bit set or if the corresponding PS directory no longer

The FLUSH and FREEZE commands take a list of directories such as produced by
the GENERATE command and kill or freeze each directory.

The USAGE-UPDATE command takes a structure name as an argument and sets the
USAGE-UPDATE-NEEDED bit for each user directory on that structure.
Files-only, staff, and root-directories are ignored.

The ENCRYPT command takes a structure name as an argument and ensures that
all directories on a password encrypted structure have encrypted passwords.

The CONVERT command takes a structure name and converts the directory page
format between 5.3 and 6.0 monitors.  A Stanford only feature.  Read the
CRDIR% code in the 6.0 version of JSYSF.MAC before using.

The LIST command is used to produce a list of directories having a certain
bit set in their directory mode word.  It has the following syntax:
"LIST (DIRECTORIES ON) sx: (WITH) faculty (DIRECT OUTPUT TO) sx-faculty.out"

Typing CTRL-A during a command that scans a filesystem will print out the
name of the directory currently being processed.
Subttl IGNORE command

	movei b,[flddb. .cmtad,cm%sdh,cm%ida,<Date, e.g. 1-Aug-81>]
	call .comnd		;parse the cutoff date
	 pmsg <Invalid date format> ;some error
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	movem b,cutoff		;set up the cutoff
	ret			;return to caller
Subttl GENERATE command

.gener:	noise (FLUSH LIST FOR)	;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmdev,cm%sdh,,<Structure name>] ;b/ device name
	call .comnd		;parse it
	 pmsg <No such structure> ;an error
	call makwld		;make wildcard structure string, etc.
	noise (DIRECT OUTPUT TO) ;more noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmofi]	;b/ output file name
	call .comnd		;parse it
	 pmsg <Invalid file specification> ;an error
	movem b,outjfn		;store output file jfn
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	skipn cutoff		;was a cutoff date set?
	 pmsg <Must use IGNORE command to set cutoff date> ;no, complain
	move a,outjfn		;get jfn of output file
	move b,[7b5+of%wr]	;7 bits, write access
	openf%			;openf the fiel
	 jmsg <>		;some error
	move a,outjfn
	hrroi b,[asciz/! Flush list for /]
	setz c,
	hrroi b,wldbuf
	hrroi b,[asciz/ generated /]
	seto b,
	movx c,ot%nsc+ot%scl
	hrroi b,[asciz/
! Directories logged into or created after /]
	setz c,
	move b,cutoff
	movx c,ot%ntm+ot%scl
gener0:	hrroi b,[asciz/ were ignored.
	setz c,
	setzm curdir		;start from beginning

genlup:	hrroi b,wldbuf		;b/ pointer to wildcard string
	call getnxt		;get next user name
	 jrst gendon		;no more users
	call filter		;what kind of user?
	 jrst genlup		;we're ignoring this one
	move a,outjfn		;a/ jfn of output file
	hrroi b,dirnam		;b/ pointer to directory string
	setz c,			;c/ end on a null byte
	sout%			;record the directory name
	hrroi b,[asciz/
	sout%			;add a crlf
	jrst genlup		;go look at next directory
;here to close the file and finish up

gendon:	move a,outjfn		;a/ jfn of output file
	closf%			;close the file
	 jfcl			;ignore errors
	ret			;return to main loop
;GETNXT - get next directory in a wildcard specification
;call:	b/ wildcard string for RCDIR%
;retn:	+1 no more directories
;	+2 ok.  Various tables have been set up
;	curdir/ updated to new current directory number
;	dirnam/ directory name string (punctuated)
;	dirblk/ directory info (from gtdir)
;	accstr/ default-account-for-login string
;	passwd/ password string

getnxt:	push p,b		;save this register
	skipn inton		;skip if CTRL-A interrupts turned on 
	 call ctrlon		;else turn them on now
	movx a,rc%awl+rc%stp	;step to next user
	pop p,b			;restore directory string pointer
	skipn c,curdir
	 movx a,rc%awl		;first time through
	txne a,rc%nmd		;ran out of directories?
	 jrst ctrlof		;yes, disable CTRL-A and return now
	txne a,rc%nom!rc%amb	;shouldn't happen
	 emsg <No match or ambiguous from RCDIR% in GETNXT>
	movem c,curdir		;store directory number
	hrroi a,dirnam		;a/ buffer for name string
	move b,c		;b/ directory number
	dirst%			;produce the string
	 jmsg <>		;some error
	setz c,
	idpb c,a		;tie off with null, just in case
	move a,[point 7,accstr]	;pointer to account string storage
	movem a,dirblk+.cddac	;store it
	setzm accstr		;be able to detect null account string
	setzm passwd		;be able to detect a null password string
	movei a,.cdppn+1	;number of words in Rel 6 GTDIR%/CRDIR% block
	movem a,dirblk+.cdlen	;set it
	move a,b		;a/ directory number
	movei b,dirblk		;b/ address of argument block
	hrroi c,passwd		;c/ password buffer
	gtdir%			;get directory info
	retskp			;skip return
;MAKWLD - make wildcard string give a device designator
;Verifies that the device is a legitmate disk structure
;Takes	b/ device designator
;Returns +1 always with:
;	 GENDEV - device designator
;	 WLDBUF - wildcard string for directories on structure, e.g. PS:<*>
;	 PSFLG - -1 if structure is PS:, zero otherwise

makwld:	movem b,gendev		;save device designator
	move a,b		;a/ device designator
	dvchr%			;get device characteristics
	ldb b,[point 9,b,17]	;get device type
	caie b,.dvdsk		;skip if it's a disk
	 pmsg <Must specify a disk structure> ;nonsense was typed
	setzm wldbuf		;clear first word of wildcard string buffer
	hrroi a,wldbuf		;a/ dump string in this buffer
	move b,gendev		;b/ device designator
	devst%			;write a string
	 jmsg <>		;some error
	setzm psflg		;assume structure is not PS
	move c,wldbuf		;get structure string we just wrote
	camn c,[asciz/PS/]	;public structure?
	setom psflg		;yes, set the flag
	hrroi b,[asciz/:<*>/]	;b/ the wildcards
	call cpystr		;add them to device field
	idpb c,a		;end with a null
	ret			;return to caller
;GETDAT - get creation date of directory
;Takes DIRNAM - directory name string
;returns +1 always with creation date in DATBLK

getdat:	move a,[point 7,tmpbuf]	;a/ we are using the temporary buffer
	move b,[point 7,dirnam]	;b/ pointer to directory string
getda0:	ildb c,b		;pick off a byte
	cain c,">"		;closing bracket?
	 jrst getda4		;yes, go finish up
	jumpe c,[emsg <Null directory name in GETDAT>] ;bad error
	cain c,"<"		;opening bracket?
	 jrst [	push p,b
		hrroi b,[asciz/<ROOT-DIRECTORY./]
		call cpystr
		move d,a	;save position of last "." seen
		pop p,b
		jrst getda0 ]
	idpb c,a
	cain c,"."
	 move d,a		;save position of last "." seen
	jrst getda0

getda4:	hrroi b,[asciz/.DIRECTORY/]
	call cpystr
	idpb c,a		;tie off with null
	movei c,">"		;and overwrite a "."
	dpb c,d
	movx a,gj%old+gj%sht
	hrroi b,tmpbuf
	 jrst [	setom datblk+.rscrv	;bad directory -- prob. top level
		ret ]
	movei b,datblk
	movei c,2		;two words
	rljfn%			;throw away the jfn
	ret			;return to caller
;FILTER - decide what to do about this directory
;Takes	CURDIR - directory number
;	DIRBLK - GTDIR% information
;Criteria for keeping a directory:
;	1.) Special directories are ignored
;	2.) Recently created directories are ignored
;	3.) PS directories must be recently logged into
;	4.) Domestic structure directories must not have usage-update set
;	    and must have a corresponding PS directory.
;Returns +1 save directory
;	 +2 flush directory

filter:	hrrz a,curdir		;fetch directory number
	caig a,17		;special number
	 ret			;yes...
	move a,dirblk+.cdmod	;fetch directory mode word
	txne a,cd%dir+cd%stf+cd%fac+cd%prm+cd%rtd ;special?
	 ret			;yes, return now
	call getdat		;look up creation date
	skiple a,datblk+.rscrv	;get build date
	caml a,cutoff		;built after cutoff?
	 ret			;yes
	skipn psflg		;are we working on PS?
	 jrst filtr0		;no, use domestic structure criteria
	move a,dirblk+.cdlld	;last login
	caml a,cutoff		;logged in since cutoff?
	 ret			;yes, save it
	retskp			;inactive, flush it

;here if we're working on a domestic structure

filtr0:	move a,dirblk+.cdmod	;get back mode word
	txne a,cd%upd		;usage-update-needed?
	retskp			;yes, add to flush list
	hrroi a,tmpbuf		;a/ use temporary buffer
	hrroi b,[asciz/PS:/]
	call cpystr		;move first string
	move b,[point 7,dirnam]
filtr1:	ildb c,b
	caie c,":"		;look for colon
	jumpn c,filtr1		;terminate on colon or null
	call cpystr		;copy rest of string
	idpb c,a		;tie off with null
	movx a,rc%emo		;a/ want an exact match
	hrroi b,tmpbuf		;b/ directory string
	rcdir%			;get the directory number
	 erjmp r		;oops, say directory exists
	txnn a,rc%nom		;no match?
	 ret			;nope. directory exists
	retskp			;no PS directory, flush it
Subttl FLUSH and FREEZE Commands

.freez:	tdza a,a		;we are freezing accounts
.flush:	seto a,			;we are killing accounts
	movem a,flushf		;set flag
	noise (DIRECTORIES FROM) ;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmifi]	;b/ input file
	call .comnd		;parse it
	 pmsg <Invalid or file not found> ;an error
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	tmsg <[Confirm]>
	call confrm		;make damn sure
	movem b,injfn		;save jfn
	move a,injfn		;a/ jfn of input file
	move b,[7b5+of%rd]	;b/ open for 7 bit, read access
	openf%			;open it
	 jmsg <>		;some error
	setzm curdir		;no directory yet
	setzm kilcnt		;number of directories we've killed/frozen
flush0:	call getnam		;read file for punctuated directory name
	 jrst flush2		;end of file
	movx a,rc%emo		;a/ want an exact match
	hrroi b,dirbuf		;b/ file specification
	setz c,			;c/ not stepping
	rcdir%			;get directory number
	txne a,rc%amb!rc%nom	;is there really a directory there?
	 jrst [ hrroi a,[asciz/No such directory - "/]
		call eprint
		hrroi a,dirbuf
		tmsg <", continuing
		jrst flush0 ]
	movem c,curdir		;save directory number for CTRL-A
	skipe flushf		;skip if freezing (need to get .CDMOD)
	 jrst flush1		;else go straight to CRDIR%
	move a,curdir		;a/ directory number
	movei b,dirblk		;b/ address of argument block
	setz c,			;c/ don't want the password
	gtdir%			;get directory info
	movx a,cd%nvd		;get frozen bit (Not ValiD for login)
	iorm a,dirblk+.cdmod	;set it
	skipa b,[cd%mod+dirblk]	;b/ argument block for freezing
flush1:	move b,[cd%del+c]	;b/ argument block for killing
	hrroi a,dirbuf		;a/ directory name
	setz c,			;c/ no password required
	call .crdir		;kill or freeze the directory
	 jrst flush0		;some failure, try next directory
	aos kilcnt		;count a directory killed or frozen
	jrst flush0
;here to finish up

flush2:	tmsg <Processed >
	movei a,.priou
	move b,kilcnt
	movei c,^D12
	nout%			;print casualty count
	tmsg < directories.
	move a,injfn		;a/ jfn of input file
	closf%			;close it
	 jfcl			;ignore an error here
	ret			;return to caller
;GETNAM - read a punctuated directory string from the input file
;returns +1 end of file
;	 +2 directory string in DIRBUF

getnam:	setzm dirbuf		;clear first word of buffer
	move a,injfn		;a/ input jfn
	hrroi b,dirbuf		;b/ address to stuff it
	movei c,buflen*5-1	;c/ maximum byte count
	movei d,12		;terminate on LF
	sin%			;read in a line
	 erjmp getnm1		;test for eof
	setz d,
	idpb d,b		;ensure a terminating null
	move a,[point 7,dirbuf]	;pointer to name buffer
	ildb b,a		;examine first character
	caie b,.chcrt		;if blank line
	cain b,"!"		;or comment line
	 jrst getnam		;go for more
	skipa			;skip into main loop
getnm0:	ildb b,a		;fetch a character
	jumpe b,[emsg <Input file had bad format>] ;shouldn't be any nulls yet
	caie b,">"		;end of directory spec?
	jrst getnm0		;no, go look some more
	movei b,.chnul		;yes, flush rest of line
	idpb b,a		;by ending string now
	retskp			;skip return

getnm1:	move a,injfn		;a/ jfn of input file
	gtsts%			;get file status
	txnn b,gs%eof		;end of file?
	 emsg <File error other than end of file> ;nope, die
	ret			;yes, single return
Subttl USAGE-UPDATE Command

;Set the usage update needed bit in all non-overhead directories of the
;specified structure.  Ignores files-only, root-directory-subdirectory,
;and staff directories.

.usage:	noise (FOR DIRECTORIES ON) ;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmdev,cm%sdh,,<Structure name>] ;b/ device name
	call .comnd		;do so
	 pmsg <No such structure> ;bad parse
	call makwld		;verify structure, build wildcard string
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	setzm curdir		;have no current directory
usglup:	hrroi b,wldbuf		;b/ wildcard string
	call getnxt		;get next directory
	 ret			;all done, return to caller
	move a,dirblk+.cdmod	;get directory mode word
	txne a,cd%upd!cd%dir!cd%rtd!cd%stf ;special directory?
	 jrst usglup		;yes, ignore it
	movx a,cd%upd		;get usage update bit
	iorm a,dirblk+.cdmod	;set it in argument block
	hrroi a,dirnam		;a/ directory name
	move b,[cd%mod+dirblk]	;b/ change only mode word
	setz c,			;c/ no password needed
	call .crdir		;do the work
	 nop			;ignore the error
	jrst usglup		;loop over all directories
Subttl ENCRYPT Command

;Resets all passwords on a structure to their original values.  If the
; structure has the MS%CRP set in its homeblocks, all passwords will be
; encrypted.  Already encrypted passwords are not touched.

.encry:	noise (PASSWORDS ON) ;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmdev,cm%sdh,,<Structure name>] ;b/ device name
	call .comnd		;do so
	 pmsg <No such structure> ;bad parse
	call makwld		;verify structure, build wildcard string
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	setzm curdir		;have no current directory
enclup:	hrroi b,wldbuf		;b/ wildcard string
	call getnxt		;get next directory
	 ret			;all done, return to caller
repeat 0,<	;;Code for Stanford 5.X style of encryption
	move a,dirblk+.cdmod	;get directory mode word
	skipe passwd		;if no password set
	 txne a,cd%crp		;or already encrypted?
	  jrst enclup		;ignore it
>;repeat 0
repeat 1,<	;;Code for DEC 6.X style of encryption
	skipe passwd		;if no password set
	 skipe dirblk+.cdpev	;or if already encrypted 
	  jrst enclup		;then ignore this directory
>;repeat 1
	hrroi a,dirnam		;a/ directory name
	move b,[cd%psw+dirblk]	;b/ change only mode word
	hrroi c,passwd		;c/ use old password
	call .crdir		;reset password, causing it to be encrypted
	 nop			;ignore the error
	jrst enclup		;loop over all directories
Subttl CONVERT Command

;The CONVERT command converts the directory format of a filesystem between
; Release 5.X and 6.0.  It depends on a Stanford modification to CRDIR% in
; the Release 6.0 monitor.  Read and understand the code in JSYSF.MAC before
; attempting to use this function.  Note that you will need to patch the
; monitor before this command will modfiy a directory.

ifndef cd%cnv,<cd%cnv==1b17>	;CRDIR% flag for directory format conversion

.conve:	noise (FILESYSTEM FORMAT FOR) ;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmdev,cm%sdh,,<Structure name>] ;b/ device name
	call .comnd		;do so
	 pmsg <No such structure> ;bad parse
	call makwld		;verify structure, build wildcard string
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	setzm curdir		;have no current directory
cnvlup:	hrroi b,wldbuf		;b/ wildcard string
	call getnxt		;get next directory
	 ret			;all done, return to caller
	move a,[cd%cnv+<.cdppn+1>] ;flag to perform convertion, block length
	movem a,dirblk+.cdlen	;set it
	hrroi a,dirnam		;a/ directory name
	move b,[cd%len+dirblk]	;b/ change only mode word
	setz c,			;c/ no password
	call .crdir		;convert the directory
	jrst cnvlup		;loop over all directories
Subttl LIST Command

;Generate a list of directories with certain mode word bits set

;MODTAB - table of keywords and mode bits

define xx (a,b) <
	xwd [asciz/a/],[b]	;;special keyword entry

modtab:	keybeg
	xx (FACULTY,cd%fac)
	xx (FILES-ONLY,cd%dir)
	xx (FROZEN,cd%nvd)
	XX (GUEST,cd%gst)
	xx (MUST-RUN-PROGRAM,cd%mrp)
	xx (PERPETUAL,cd%prm)
	xx (ROOT-DIR-SUBDIR,cd%rtd)
	xx (STAFF,cd%stf)
	xx (USAGE-UPDATE,cd%upd)

.list:	noise (DIRECTORIES ON)	;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmdev,cm%sdh,,<Structure name>]
	call .comnd		;parse structure or device
	 pmsg <No such structure> ;bad parse
	call makwld		;check structure, make wildcard string
	noise (WITH)		;some noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmkey,,modtab,<A characteristic,>]
	call .comnd		;parse the field
	 pmsg <Unrecognized directory characteristic> ;bad parse
	movem b,modtyp		;store address of table entry
	noise (DIRECT OUTPUT TO) ;more noise
	movei b,[flddb. .cmofi] ;want an output file
	call .comnd		;parse the field
	 pmsg <Invalid output file specification> ;bad file spec
	movem b,outjfn		;store jfn
	call confrm		;wait for confirmation
	move a,outjfn		;a/ jfn of output 
	move b,[7b5+of%wr]	;b/ 7 bits, write access
	openf%			;open the file
	 jmsg <>		;some error
	move a,outjfn		;a/ output file
	hrroi b,[asciz/! List of /]
	setz c,
	hlro b,@modtyp
	hrroi b,[asciz/ directories on /]
	hrroi b,wldbuf
	movei c,6
	movei d,":"

	hrroi b,[asciz/ as of /]
	setz c,
	seto b,
	movx c,ot%nsc!ot%scl
	hrroi b,[asciz/
	setz c,
	hrrz a,@modtyp		;get address mode word flags
	move a,(a)		;fetch test mode word
	movem a,modtyp		;store it
	setzm curdir		;no current directory
lstlup:	hrroi b,wldbuf		;b/ wildcard string
	call getnxt		;get next directory
	 jrst lstdon		;all done, go finish up
	move a,dirblk+.cdmod	;get mode word
	tdnn a,modtyp		;do we want this directory?
	 jrst lstlup		;no, get next one
	move a,outjfn		;a/ jfn of output file
	hrroi b,dirnam		;b/ directory name
	setz c,			;c/ end on nulls
	sout%			;write the directory string
	hrroi b,[asciz/
	sout%			;print a crlf
	jrst lstlup		;loop over all directories

lstdon:	move a,outjfn		;file handle
	closf%			;close the file
	 jfcl			;ignore error
	ret			;return to caller
Subttl Interrupt System

;CTRLON, CTRLOF - toggle ctrl-A interrupt

ctrlof:	setzm inton		;flag that interrupts are off
	movei a,.fhslf		;a/ fork handle
	move b,[1b<achan>]	;b/ channel mask
	dic%			;disable interrupts
	ret			;return to caller

ctrlon:	setom inton		;flag that interrupts are on
	movei a,.fhslf		;a/ fork handle
	move b,[1b<achan>]	;b/ channel mask
	aic%			;activate interrupts
	ret			;return to caller

;CTRL-A - progress reporting

ctrla:	skipn curdir		;skip if we have a directory
	debrk%			;otherwise return right now
	push p,a		;save accumulators
	push p,b
	tmsg <Working on >
	movei a,.priou
	move b,curdir
	dirst%			;write directory name
	 erjmp [ hrroi a,dirbuf
		 jrst .+1 ]	;must have killed it, write out string
	tmsg <
	pop p,b
	pop p,a
	debrk%			;return from interrupt

;level and channel tables

levtab:	level1

chntab:	xwd 1, ctrla		;here on channel 0 interrupts
	block 35
Subttl Miscellaneous Utility Subroutines

;here to pretty print an error message
;takes	a/ pointer to error string
;returns +1 always

eprint:	push p,a
	movei a,.priou		;a/ reading from the tty
	rfpos%			;get cursor position
 	hrroi a,[byte(7) 15,12,0] ;a/ a CRLF
	trne b,-1		;skip if against left margin
	psout%			;print a CRLF otherwise
	pop p,a			;restore the string pointer
	esout%			;print the message
	ret			;return to caller

;like EPRINT, but prints most recent error message
;takes	a/ pointer to error string
;never returns

perr:	call eprint		;print the string
	tmsg < - >		;print the separator
	movei a,.priou		;a/ to the terminal
	hrloi b,.fhslf		;b/ most recent error for this process
	setz c,			;c/ no string length limit
	erstr%			;print the error string
	 jfcl			;ignore errors
	  jfcl			;...
	haltf%			;shut us down
	jrst .-1		;and stay that way
;.CRDIR - CRDIR% jacket routine
;Arguments to CRDIR% must already be set up
;Returns +1 error, messaage already printed
;	 +2 success

.crdir:	crdir%			;do the work
	 erjmp crdirx		;some error
	retskp			;success, skip return

crdirx:	hrroi a,[asciz/ CRDIR% failed on /]
	call eprint
	hrroi a,dirnam
	tmsg < because >
	movei a,.priou
	hrloi b,.fhslf
	setz c,
	tmsg <, continuing....
;wait for confirmation of a command
;returns +1 always

confrm:	push p,a		;save some AC's
	push p,b
	push p,c
	movei b,[flddb. .cmcfm,cm%sdh,,<Press RETURN>] ;b/ function block
	call .comnd		;wait for confirmation
	 pmsg <Not confirmed>	;no...
	pop p,c			;restore the AC's
	pop p,b
	pop p,a
	ret			;return to caller
;CPYSTR - copy a string.  Terminates on null byte
;call:	a/ destination byte-pointer, or -1,,addr, or jfn
;	b/ source byte-pointer, or -1,,addr
;ret:	+1 always, with updated string pointers in a and b, and break char
;		(0) in c

cpystr:	tlnn a,-1		;is left half zero?
	 jrst cpyst1		;yes, must be a jfn.  Do SOUT%
	tlc a,-1		;convert to real byte ptr if necessary
	tlcn a,-1
	hrli a,(<point 7,0>)
	tlc b,-1		;convert to real byte ptr if necessary
	tlcn b,-1
	hrli b,(<point 7,0>)
cpyst0:	ildb c,b
	jumpe c,r
	idpb c,a
	jrst cpyst0

cpyst1:	setz c,

	end <evecl,,evec>