
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/cmdinp.sai
There are no other files named cmdinp.sai in the archive.
COMMENT Clean up the parsing funnies;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>CMDINP.SAI.30, 15-Dec-83 12:29:34, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Use default top margin if user defaults.
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>CMDINP.SAI.29, 14-Dec-83 15:57:03, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Fix editing damage;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>CMDINP.SAI.28,  3-Dec-83 22:46:04, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Allow /header switch in command line;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>CMDINP.SAI.27,  3-Dec-83 22:14:34, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Header generation dependent on header boolean in GENHDR;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>CMDINP.SAI.26, 28-Nov-83 11:43:30, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT  Replace references to <LSR> and <LSR.SPOOL> with DSK:;
begin "-- User interface routines --"

comment User interface routine, externals;

require "genhdr.sai" source!file;

require "ebgsrc.sai" source!file;
		! debugging facility;

external integer maxd,		! number of glyph data bytes allowed output 
								    per page;
	 	 maxi;		! number of input data bytes allowed output 
								    per page;
external string username;       ! user name of print file;

external boolean qlook,         ! true to run queue looker;
              waitflag,         ! true if wait requested on print;
	     spoolflag,         ! true if a spooler request;
	      savefile,         ! true if we save a .imp file;
	    headerflag,         ! true if want headers;
	     titleflag,         ! true if want a title page;
	    notifyflag;         ! true if user to be notified on print;

external integer InFlType;	! input file type;

external simp procedure MakeDir(reference string name; string dir);
		! places the directory dir onto the filename name;
external simp procedure MakeExt(reference string name; string ext);
		! places the extension ext onto the filename name;

external simp procedure Error(string s); ! Error handling;

external procedure 
	ScanFileName(reference string name, struct, dir, fname, ext, gen);

external simp integer procedure Wordsin(integer chan); 
		! Returns length (in words) of file associated with chan;

external simp string procedure SepSwitches(reference string e); 
					! returns switches from user input;
external simp string procedure GetExt(reference string name);
					! returns file name extension;
external simp boolean procedure FileExists(reference string name);
					! returns TRUE if given file exists;
External simp integer procedure TryExts(reference string file; 
							string num, exts);
					! returns TRUE if any of a list of
					  			files exits;

define HasExt(name) = {not GetExt(name) = null};
!	Global variables;

! ---------- file variables;
internal boolean fourformat;	! For use when trying to squeeze four pages 
								    onto one;

internal integer InChan,	! input file channel number;
		 Injfn,		! input file JFN;
		 inFltype,	! type of the input file;
		 InFlsize,	! the size (in words) of the .DVI file;
		 IMPchan,	! .IMP (output) file channel number;
		 IMPjfn,	! .IMP (output) file JFN;

		 firstp, 	! first page to be printed;
		 lastp, 	! last page to be printed;
	  	 copynumber,	! number of copies to make of each page, 
						must be in the range [1,250];

!	output page size variables, all in units of pixels;
	         pageht, 	! physical height of the paper;
	         pagetop, 	! start of printable space;
	         tmarg,		! Tex' y=0 line;
	         lmarg,		! left margin, default set at x=25 mm, 
							      can write to 0;
                 pagewd;	! physical width of the page;

internal string	 name,		! name of the input file;
		 outfname,	! output file name;
		 ercname;	! name of .ERC file;

Internal real	 mag;		! product of TEX mag and user mag;

! ---------- Several parameters used for listings; 
internal integer spacing, 	! Spacing for listings: single, double, 
							triple, or quadruple;
          	 pitch, 	! Pitch for listings, not perfectly 
							     implemented yet;
            	 lpi; 		! Lines per inch for listings.  Will be 
				  ignored if vastly different than
						baselineskip (xline) in font;

internal string	 lstfont; 	! Font for listings;

internal real    listfontmag;	! Magnification for listings;

internal string	 psize;		! "legal" or "standard";

boolean 	 pagehtset,	! True if user set page height with switch;
		 pagewdset;	! True is user set page width with switch;

string  	 inputname; 	! filename gotten from rescan buffer;
boolean 	 incmdline, 	! = TRUE implies user gave filename in 
								command line;
          	 impfile;	! True if file type search found .IMP file, 
						     used only for TOPS20 IO;
!	CmdInit;

!	C O M M A N D   I N I T
! ***********************************************************************
! Initializes various user setable variables.
! ***********************************************************************;
simp procedure cmdinit;
	begin "-- command init --"
	integer i; 

	pagehtset _      FALSE; 
	pagewdset _      FALSE; 
	fourformat_      FALSE; 

	InFlType  _    badfile; ! no file type yet;
	impfile   _      FALSE; 

        copynumber_	     1;
	lstfont   _   LISTFONT; ! font for listings;
       listfontmag_    LISTMAG; ! font magnification for listings;
	spacing   _LISTSPACING;	! spacing for listings;
	pitch     _  LISTPITCH; ! pitch for listings;
	lpi       _    LISTLPI; ! lines per inch for listings;

	mag       _    	   1.0; ! default magnification;
	pageht    _     SPgHgt; ! physical height of the paper;
	pagewd    _       PgWd; ! physical width of the page;
	tmarg     _     -1; ! Tex' y=0 line;
	lmarg     _     LlMarg; ! left margin;
	firstp    _       -100; ! first printing page; 
	maxi      _          2; ! amount of space available for input;

	maxd      _ TOTD-(maxi)*8192;
	lastp     _ firstp + pagelimit ! last printing page;

	end   "-- command init --";
!	Setup!Files

! 	S E T U P   F I L E S
! **********************************************************************
! prompts the user for the input file name and sets up i/o channels
! **********************************************************************;
internal procedure setup!files; 
	begin "-- setup files --"
	integer brch, flag, InFileeof, Impeof;     ! i/o parameters;

	string infname; ! input file name;

	safa integer array stuff [0:5]; ! 6 word array for fileinfo; 

! Getswitches parses the switch specifications of the command line;

procedure getswitches(string s);
	begin "-- get switches --"
	integer i,j,temp; string z,switch; 
! ********** L O W E R *********;
simp string procedure lower(string s);
	string new, c;
	while not (length(s)=0) do 
		if c"A" and c"Z" then c_(c+"a"-"A")&"";

	simp procedure eat(integer t); begin
	    t_t max 1; while s=t or s=" " do z_lop(s)

	define be={begin eat(":"); eat("=");}, ee={; eat("/"); eat(" ") end}; 

		simp procedure standard; 
			begin "-- standard --"
			psize_"standard"; pageht_SPGHGT 
			end   "-- standard --";

		simp procedure legal;    
			begin "-- legal --"
			psize_"legal";    pageht_LPGHGT 
			end   "-- legal --";

	procedure badswitch(string s);	! Error in switches, exit;
		print(nl,"bad switch-- "&s,nl);
		start!code haltf;  jrst .-1; end;

	simp string procedure gettoken;	! Gets the next token from s;
	begin "--gettoken--"
		string token;
		eat(" ");		! get to first alpha char;
		while not (equ(s,"") or s="/" or s=" " or s=":" or s="=") do 
		return(lower(token));		! return string parameter;
	end "--gettoken--";

ifc header thenc 
elsec headerflag_false endc;

	while not equ(s,"") do 
		if equ(switch,"bug") then be	! set bug params;
			case intscan(s,j) of begin  
			[0] begin bug1_true; bug2_true; bug3_true; bug4_true;
				  bug5_true; bug6_true; bug7_true;
				  bug8_true; bug9_true; end;
			[1] bug1_true;    [2] bug2_true;   [3] bug3_true;
			[4] bug4_true;    [5] bug5_true;   [6] bug6_true;
			[7] bug7_true;    [8] bug8_true;   [9] bug9_true;
		        else end; ee else
		if equ(switch,"q") then be	! run the queue looker;
			qlook_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"mag") then be 	! change magnification;
			mag_realscan(s,j); if mag>50 then mag_mag/1000;
			  if mag>50 or mag<.1 then mag_1.0 ee else
		if equ(switch,"legal") then be  ! legal size paper;
		        legal;  waitflag_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"spool") then be   ! set spooler file;
		        spoolflag_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"font") then be	! change font for listings;
			lstfont_gettoken; ee else
		if equ(switch,"user") then be	! change user name;
			username_gettoken; ee else
		if equ(switch,"imp") then be	! save an .imp file;
			savefile_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"dvi") then begin infltype_dvifile; ee else
						! input is a .dvi file;
		if equ(switch,"list") then begin infltype_lptfile; ee else
						! input is a listing;
		if equ(switch,"lisp") then begin infltype_LISPfile; ee else
						! input is a LISP file;
		if equ(switch,"scribe") then begin infltype_SCRfile; ee else
						! input is a scribe file;
		if equ(switch,"nohead") then begin  ! don't use headers;
				 headerflag_false; ee else
		if equ(switch,"header") then begin  ! use headers;
				 headerflag_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"notitle") then begin  ! don't use title;
				 titleflag_false; ee else
	        if equ(switch,"n") or equ(switch,"notify") then begin
				 notifyflag_true; ee else
                if equ(switch,"w") or equ(switch,"wait") then begin
		                 waitflag_true; ee else
		if equ(switch,"spacing") then be     ! set interline spacing;
			 	 spacing_ 0 max (4 min realscan(s,j)); ee else
		if equ(switch,"dspace") then begin   ! use double spacing;
				 spacing _ 2; ee else
		if equ(switch,"pages") then be  ! set page limits;
			 firstp_intscan(s,j); eat("-"); eat(":");
			 lastp _ intscan(s,j);
			 if firstp>lastp then begin temp_firstp;
                                                    lastp_temp; end; ee else
		if equ(switch,"lm") then be	! left margin in inches;
			lmarg_horzrsu*realscan(s,j); ee else
		if equ(switch,"tm") then be	! top margin in inches;
			tmarg_vertrsu*realscan(s,j); ee else
		if equ(switch,"wd") then be	! pagewidth in inches;
			pagewd_horzrsu*realscan(s,j); ee else
		if equ(switch,"ht") then be	! pageheigth in inches;
			pageht_vertrsu*realscan(s,j); ee else
		badswitch(switch); 	! couldn't find it;

end   "-- get switches --";
!	    SetUpFiles, end;

	incmdline _ FALSE;
		startcode ! get line from rescan buffer;
	       	setz  1,0;
		jsys  '500;	haltf;
	inputname_intty; ! gets the users command line that started up MakImp;
	while length(inputname)>0 and inputname[1 for 1] neq " " do 
	while length(inputname)>0 and inputname[1 for 1]=" " do 
	if length(inputname)>0 then incmdline_TRUE;

	IFDEBUG print(nl,"Debugging version"); ENDDEBUG

	while InFlType=badfile do
		begin "-- get input file --" 
		string e; 
		integer i;

		simp procedure lookforit(string ext); 
			begin "-- look for it --"
	    		if not hasext(infname) then makeext(infname,ext);
	    		if not fileexists(infname) then 
				begin "-- not this time --"
				IFTOPS20 incmdline_FALSE; ENDTOPS20
				end   "-- not this time --"
	    		end   "-- look for it --";

		print(nl,"Input (DVI or XGP) file name: ");

		if (not incmdline) then
			begin "-- prompt --"
			string switchstring,dummy;
			print(nl,"Input file name: ");
			inchan_gtjfn("",0);      ! Do recognition on input;
			while switchstring=" " do dummy_lop(switchstring);
			end   "-- prompt --"

		else infname_inputname;

		e_SepSwitches(infname); ! separate out file switches;

		if hasext(infname) then
	    		begin "-- check extensions --"
	    		if equ(e,"xgp") then InFlType_xgpfile else 
	    		if equ(e,"dvi") then InFlType_dvifile else
	    		if lop(e)="r" and "0"(i_lop(e)) and i"9" and
			   ((i_lop(e))="" or ("0"i and i"9"))
			    then InFlType_rstfile
	    		else InFlType_LPTfile
	    		end   "-- check extensions --"

		else if InFlType=badfile then

		if InFlType=badfile then
	    		begin "-- check extensions --"
	    		if not hasext(infname) then 
	    		if equ(e,"xgp") then
				begin "-- illegal --"
				print(nl,".XGP files not legal on this system",nl);
				end   "-- illegal --"
	    		else if equ(e,"imp") then 
				begin "-- wrong type --"
				print(nl,"File type search found .IMP file ",infname,
						", please specify extension.",nl);
				end   "-- wrong type --"
	    		else if equ(e,"dvi") then InFlType_ dvifile 
			else if equ(e,"scr") then InFlType_ SCRfile
			else if equ(e,"lisp") then InFlType_ LISPfile
			else if lop(e)="r" and "0"(i_lop(e)) and i"9" and
			   		((i_lop(e))="" or ("0"i and i"9"))
			    		then InFlType_rstfile
	    		else InFlType_LPTfile
	    		end   "-- check extensions --";

		if InFlType=rstfile then 
			begin "-- raster extension --"
			i_mag*10; e_"r"&cvs(i);
			if not fileexists(infname) then 
						makedir (infname,FONTDIR); 
			end   "-- raster extension --"
		if InFlType=LPTfile then begin lookforit("") end		else
		if InFlType=SCRfile then begin lookforit("scr") end		else
		if InFlType=LISPfile then begin lookforit("") end		else
		if InFlType=xgpfile then begin lookforit("xgp") end		else 
		if InFlType=dvifile then
			begin "-- expand --"
			if not InFlType=badfile then ! Allow maximum
							  page dimensions;
				begin "-- maxdimen --" 
				if not (pagehtset) then pageht_abspageheight;
				if not (pagewdset) then pagewd_absrightmarg
				end   "-- maxdimen --"
			end   "-- expand --";

		if InFlType=badfile then 
	    		begin "-- no good --"
	    		if not (impfile) then
				print(nl,"Couldn't open file: "&infname,
						".  Please try again.");
            		end   "-- no good --"

		end   "-- get input file --";

	if InFlTyperstfile then 
		begin "-- open input file --"
		print3(<nl,"before open&lookup infname=",
					infname," type=",InFlType>)
		open(InChan_getchan,"DSK", '10, 2, 0, 512, brch, InFileeof);
		lookup (InChan, infname, InFileeof);
		if InFileeof then error("OOOPs, couldn't find input file: "
		fileinfo (stuff);
		InFlSize _ -1 * (stuff[3] ash -18); 
			! cleverly extracts the file size 
						(this comment due to RAS);

		if (!skip!) then 
			begin "-- error --"
			error("OOOPs, couldn't find input file: "&infname&nl)
			end   "-- error --"
			begin "-- get size --"
			name _ jfns(inchan,'111110000001);
			         ! Always return device and dir;
			InFlSize _ wordsin(InChan); ! gets file length;
			end   "-- get size --";

		print3(<nl,"Input file size=",InFlSize>)
		end   "-- open input file --";

    	print(nl,name," ");

	Impeof _ -1;

        If tmarg<0 then tmarg_Ttmarg;	! If user defaults, use the defaults;
					! -KSL;

    	if spoolflag then MakeExt(outfname,"qp") 
	      else MakeExt(outfname,"Imp");   ! for spooler, use qp extension;
	if not savefile then begin if spoolflag then
	    makedir(outfname,"DSK:") else makedir(outfname,"DSK:") end;
	    ! write into spooler directory if we're not saving this file;

    	open(ImpChan_getchan,"DSK", '10, 0, 2, 512, brch, eofout);
    	enter(ImpChan, outfname, Impeof);
    	if Impeof then error("couldn't open "&outfname&"  for writing???");

    	if ImpChan=-1 then 
		begin "-- error --"
		error ("couldn't open "&outfname&" for writing???")
		end   "-- error --"
    	else setinput(ImpChan,512,brch,Impeof);

	if (ercname=null) then 
		begin "-- error file name --"
		makeext(ercname,"ERC") ! init the error file;
		end   "-- error file name --";

!	print(nl,"glyph table space  = ",maxd,", left margin = ",lmarg,
		 ", page width = ",pagewd,nl,
		 "top margin = ",tmarg,", page depth = ",pageht,
		 ", page size: ",psize,", pp: ",firstp," to ",lastp,nl);

    	end   "-- setup files --";

end   "-- User interface routines --"