
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/dviinp.sai
There are no other files named dviinp.sai in the archive.
begin "-- DVI file routines --"

require "genhdr.sai"source!file;

! **************************************************************************
* 	Input routine for DVI files.  This file contains all the routines  *
* specific to Device Independent Format.  This program is an adaptation    *
* (by Jan Stoeckenius) of an earlier one written by Randy Strauss.  	   *
* The routine reads the file from back to front by (output) pages, scan-   *
* ning each page twice.  The first scan prepares the prepage entries	   *
* (glyph table) and the second the page entries (positioning information). *
*	When establishing the prepage entries, the glyph table space 	   *
* needed by the entries on this page must be known before any glyph masks  *
* can be sent, because it may be necessary to delete certain glyphs to	   *
* make room for new entries.  To permit this, the program first constructs *
* a table of pointers to glyph masks (using the routine FindChar), then    *
* transfers the glyph masks all at one time (using the routine OGlyMsk).   *
* 									   *
* June 25, 1982.							   *
*									   *
!	External variables;

External real 	      mag,	! User specified magnification;
		 wdfactor;	! Factor to be used in converting returned
					character widths;

External Integer   OutPtr, 	! Pointer to output buffer area;
		     curx, 	! current Imprint-10 x position;
		     cury, 	! current Imprint-10 y position;
		     curf; 	! current font number;

External integer   firstp,	! First page of specified range;
		    lastp, 	! Last page of specified range;
	         outpages,      ! Number of pages output;
	       copynumber;	! Number of copies to be printed;

External integer InFlSize; 	! Input file size;

External safa integer array glyph[0:MAXF,0:MAXCH,0:3];
				! Glyph information table, with the
				  following format:
				   glyph[f,c,0] = pointer to glyst array,
				   glyph[f,c,1] = advancewidth in pixels,
				   glyph[f,c,2] = advancewidth in input
						  file units,
				   glyph[f,c,3] = space taken up in glyph
						  table by this font,
				  all for character #c in font #f;

External Record!Class  FI(	! Font information record;
	    string	fname;	! Font's file name;
	    boolean  openable;	! Indicates font could be opened;
	    integer firstchar,	! Code of first char in font;
		     lastchar,	! Code of last  char in font;
			xline,	! Suggested interline spacing;
			spwid,	! Suggested interword spacing;
	      	     dirpoint,	! Pointer to start of directory;
		        check,	! Checksum, for comparison with Raster file 
		          jfn;	! JFN for this font file;
	   real	          mag	! magnification;

External record!pointer (FI) safa array fntinf[0:MAXF]; 
				! one pointer per font;
!	External procedures, requires;

External simp procedure 	     ResetOut; ! unmap the pages of the 
						 output file buffer;

External simp procedure 
		   OGlyMsk(integer curpagnum); ! Transfer glyph masks from
						 font files to output buffer;

External simp procedure       Error(string s); ! Error handling;
External simp procedure              InitPage; ! Resets glyph table, etc.;
External simp procedure		  
	SetPos(boolean exmove, eymove; integer emovexamount,
						emoveyamount,newx, newy); 
					       ! Sets new x and y 
						 coordinates, allows
						 exact movements or
						 movements to exact

External simp procedure 	     TableSet; ! Sets up font tables;
External simp procedure		     Convfctr; ! Sets up wdfactor;

External simp integer procedure
		       FindChar(integer char); ! Sets a character in the 
						 output file;

require "DVIdef.sai" source!file; ! get the current DVI format definitions;
require "ebgsrc.sai" source!file; ! debugging information;
require "outmac.sai" source!file; ! output macros;
require "inmac.sai"  source!file; ! input macros;
!	Global variables;

boolean  	   nopages;	! Indicates that no pages were output;

integer	      infilversion,	! Version of DVI file;
	           curpage, 	! Starting address of current page;
	          nextpage, 	! Starting address of following page;
	          prevpage, 	! Starting address of previous page;
	         curpagnum;	! Current page number (\count0);

real		  cvfactor;

safa integer array pagecnt[0:9]; ! \count0 to \count9, the first 10
							parameters of BOP;
!	Pixel, DoBop, EndofPage;

! *********** P I X E L **********;
define pixel(r)	= 	{r*cvfactor+.5};

!	D O   B O P
! *********************************************************************
! Gets the 10 parameters of BOP and returns true if BOP found or user 
! overides error indication.
! *********************************************************************;
simp boolean procedure doBOP;
    	begin "-- do beginning of page --" 
    	integer i;
    	printi4(<nl,"DoBop: curpage=",curpage," prevpage=",prevpage,
						" firstp=",firstp>)
    	if curpage=-1 then 
		begin "-- error --"
		Error("attempt to read BOP on page preceeding first page."
			&"  Last page read "&cvs(curpagnum));
		end   "-- error --"
    	else case Infilversion of
	  begin "-- Case split on Tex version --"
	    [1] if (i_InFileByte)  BOP then 
		  begin "-- BOP askew --"
		    Error("BOP askew on page preceeding "&cvs(curpagnum)
			  &".   Found "&cvs(i)&" when expecting BOP.");
		    print(nl,"continue with this page? ");
		    if (lop(intty) = "n") then return(FALSE)
		  end   "-- BOP askew --";
	    [2] if InFileByte  BOP2 then
		  begin "-- No BOP --"
		    Error("BOP not found where expected");
	  end "-- Case split on Tex version --";

    	curpagnum_pagecnt[0]_InFileFourBytes;					! get \count0;
    	for i_1 step 1 until 9 do pagecnt[i]_InFileFourBytes;
					! and \count1 through \count9;
    	prevpage_InFileFourBytes; ! and the previous page pointer;
    	printi4(<nl,"DoBop: curpage=",curpage," prevpage=",prevpage," curpagnum=",
    	end   "-- do beginning of page --";

!	E N D P A G E
! *********************************************************************
! Goes to byte address of previous page.
! *********************************************************************;
simp boolean procedure EndofPage; if prevpage=-1 then return(FALSE) else
    	begin "-- EndofPage --"
    	printi4(<nl,"EndofPage: going to prevpage=",prevpage>)
    	nextpage_curpage; curpage_prevpage;
    	end   "-- EndofPage --";
!	 readDVIinfo;

! 	R E A D   D V I   I N F O
! **********************************************************************
! read DVI info:  finds the postamble, reads the 3 words of
!		  info and the font names contained therein.
! **********************************************************************;
boolean procedure ReadDVIinfo;
	begin "-- read dvi info --"
	string filnam;
	integer P, i, fntcmd, fnt, numer, denom, maxpageheight, maxpagewidth;
	real m;

	! ---- File ends with: <postamble addr> 1 223 ... 223 <eof>;
	P _ InFlSize*4;       GotoByte(P-1);
	while (infilversion_InFileByte)=223 do 
		begin "-- 223 --"
		printi2(<" 223">)
		end   "-- 223 --";
	printi0(<nl,"Found version number, file is of version #",infilversion>)
	if VersionCheck and
	   infilversionInputFileVersion and infilversion2 then 
		begin "-- bad file --"
		Error("File is not a version "&cvs(InputFileVersion)&
		" DVI file.  File version is "&cvs(infilversion)&".  Aborting");
		end   "-- bad file --";

	! ---- Next word is pointer to start of postamble;
	GotoByte(P_P-4);        P_InFileFourBytes;    
	printi0(<nl,"Postamble starter pointer = ",P>)

	! ---- The next byte should be the start of the postamble;
	case Infilversion of
	  begin "-- Case split on Tex version --"
	    [1] if (i_InFileByte) neq PST then 
		  begin "-- no postamble --"
		    Error("Bad DVI file: Found "&cvos(i)&
			  " when expecting PST.");
		  end   "-- no postamble --";
	    [2] if (i_InFileByte) neq POST then 
		  begin "-- no postamble --"
		    Error("Bad DVI file: Found "&cvos(i)&
			  " when expecting POST.");
		  end   "-- no postamble --"
	  end "-- Case split on Tex version --";

	! ---- First word is last page address;
	numer_InFileFourBytes; denom_InFileFourBytes; 
	printi0(<nl,"unit scale=",numer,"/",denom>)
!	ReadDVIinfo: contd.;

	! ---- Next word is overall magnification parameter;
	m_InFileFourBytes/1000; mag_mag * m;						  
	if mag1.0 then print(nl,"TEX mag=",m," total mag=",mag);
	printi0(<nl,"TEX mag=",m,", total mag=",mag,", Pixel!RSU=",Pixel!RSU>)

	cvfactor_mag*Pixel!RSU*numer/denom; ! Used in calculating Pixel per
						rsu for the input file;
	wdfactor_1/cvfactor; ! Used to convert pixel width to input unit
	printi0(<nl,"cvfactor ",cvfactor,", wdfactor",wdfactor>)

	! ---- Next 2 words are maximum page height and width;
	maxpageheight_pixel(InFileFourBytes); maxpagewidth_pixel(InFileFourBytes);
	printi0(<nl,"Maximum page height = ",maxpageheight,
			", maximum page width = ",maxpagewidth>)

	case Infilversion of
	  begin "-- Case split on Tex version --"
	! ---- Then groups of {font#, checksum, fontsize, 
	!			    numchars(of), file name} followed by -1;
	! Note:  the font# is incremented because IMP wants to reserve 
	! font0 for some everpresent, fixed-width entity;
	while (fnt_(InFileFourBytes+1)) neq 0 do
		begin "-- get a font name --"
		integer n;

		fntinf[fnt]_New!Record (FI); FI:check[fntinf[fnt]]_InFileFourBytes;
		FI:mag[fntinf[fnt]]_InFileFourBytes; n_InFileByte;
		for i_1 step 1 until n do 

		printi1(<nl,"Declared font #",fnt," to be ",
		    FI:fname[fntinf[fnt]]," @ ", FI:mag[fntinf[fnt]]/mag,
		end   "-- get a font name --";

	    [2] begin "-- post info for tex82 --"
		  temp_InFileTwoBytes;	! read stack count, ignore for now;
		  print(nl,InFileTwoBytes," pages in file",nl);
	!   Then the font definitions.
	! Note:  the font# is incremented because IMP wants to reserve 
	! font0 for some everpresent, fixed-width entity;
	while (fntcmd_InFileByte) neq POSTPOST do
		begin "-- get a font def --"
		integer n;

		If fntcmdFNTDEF1 then
		  begin "-- Bad Font Def --"
		    Error("Bad font def type: "&cvs(fntcmd)&nl);
		  end "-- Bad Font Def --";
		fntinf[fnt]_New!Record (FI); FI:check[fntinf[fnt]]_InFileFourBytes;
		If InFileByte0 then
		  begin "-- Bad font name --"
		    Error("Directory part of font name is nonzero");
		  end "-- Bad font name --";
		for i_1 step 1 until n do 


		printi1(<nl,"Declared font #",fnt," to be ",
		    FI:fname[fntinf[fnt]]," @ ", FI:mag[fntinf[fnt]]/mag,
		end   "-- get a font def --"

	    end "-- post info for tex82 --"

	  end "-- Case split on Tex version --";

	printi0(<nl,"done with Read Dvi Info">) return(TRUE)
	end   "-- read dvi info --";
!	InDVIPage: vars;

! 	I N   D V I   P A G E
! *************************************************************************** ;
! InDVIPage reads a page of the dvi file, thinking in 4 coordinates and a
! stack like TEX.  Characters and rules are found and stored with SetChar and
! SetRule.  Note the adjusting of x and y coordinates passed to SetChar to 
! find the top left hand corner of characters.
! *************************************************************************** ;
procedure inDVIpage;
	begin "-- In Page --"  

	integer lastw,lastx,	! the last character sizes used- ;
		lasty,lastz;	! keep using these until next changed;

	integer 	x,y;	! current position in input file;

	integer	     stkptr,	! DVI stack pointer;
			  i;	! copynumber counter;

	define     PSH = 50;	! push down stack size;
	define    P="0:PSH";	
	safa integer array 
		    pshx[P], 	! stacks for x&y, last amts and Imp vars; 

	boolean    pagedone, 	! indicates both scans for this page done;
		   scandone;	! indicates first scan of this page done;

	boolean  smallxmove, 	! TRUE => movement in x direction should be exact;
		 smallymove;    ! TRUE => movement in y direction should be exact;

	integer smallxspace, 	! exact movement in the x direction;
		smallyspace;	! exact movement in the y direction;
	integer 	  v,
		     fontno; 	! Note: Current font number is restablished
					at the start of each page;
!	InDVIpage: CheckTotMove, CheckMovex, CheckMovey;

!	C H E C K   T O T A L   M O V E M E N T
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether movement or location is to be exact, then calls
! SetPos to output appropriate positioning information.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckTotMove = 
		   {if abs(smallxspace) > minxspace then smallxmove_FALSE;
		    if abs(smallyspace) > minyspace then smallymove_FALSE;
		           Pixel(x), Pixel(y));

!	C H E C K   M O V E M E N T,   X   D I R E C T I O N
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether a horizontal movement is small enough to need to be
! exact.  It is necessary to check both individual and total movements
! because a small net move made up of several large moves should not
! be exact.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckMovex(move) = {if smallxmove then 
				if move>minxspace then
					smallxmove_FALSE ! adjustable move;
				else smallxspace_smallxspace+move};

!	C H E C K   M O V E M E N T,   Y   D I R E C T I O N
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether a vertical movement is small enough to need to be
! exact.  It is necessary to check both individual and total movements
! because a small net move made up of several large moves should not
! be exact.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckMovey(move) = {if smallymove then 
				if move>minyspace then
					smallymove_FALSE ! adjustable move;
				else smallyspace_smallyspace+move};
! 	InDVIpage: local procedures pushenv, popenv, newspace;

	! ********** P U S H **********; 
	simp procedure PushEnv; 
		begin "-- push --"
    		if stkptr>PSH then Error("STACK OVERFLOW-YOU LOSE!");
		printi6(<nl,"pushing, pixel y=",pixel(y),", pixel x=",pixel(x)>)
		pshx[stkptr]_x;    pshwamt[stkptr]_lastw;  
    		pshy[stkptr]_y;    pshyamt[stkptr]_lasty;  
    		stkptr_stkptr + 1
    		end   "-- push --";

	! ********** P O P **********;
	simp procedure PopEnv;  
		begin "-- pop --"
		stkptr_stkptr - 1;
    		if stkptr<0 then Error("STACK UNDERFLOW BUG!");
    		smallxspace_smallxspace + pshx[stkptr] - x; x_pshx[stkptr];
		lastw _pshwamt[stkptr]; lastx _pshxamt[stkptr];
    		smallyspace_smallyspace + pshy[stkptr] - y; y_pshy[stkptr]; 
		lasty _pshyamt[stkptr]; lastz _pshzamt[stkptr];
		printi6(<nl,"poping, pixel restored y = ",pixel(y)," x = ",
    		end   "-- pop --";
!    InDVIPage: preliminaries and first scan;

	stkptr_0; scandone_FALSE; fontno_-1; x_y_0; 

	printi4(<nl,"InDviPage: curpagnum=",curpagnum," curpage=",curpage," ">)


	while not scandone do
		begin "-- first scan --"
		if v  MAXCH then 
			begin "-- character --"
			printi8(<nl,"Input character ",cvos(v),"(",junk_v,")">)
			end   "-- character --"
    		else if v  fontnum then 
			begin "-- font --"
			printi5(<nl,"Setting current font to ",(fontno_v-fontnum+1)>)
			if (fontno_v-fontnum+1) > MAXF then
				Error("Font number "&cvs(fontno - 1)&
				 "is out of range, will ignore this font")
			else curf_fontno ! Note: incremented font number;
			end   "-- font --"

		else case v of
    			begin "-- first scan case statement --"

	  [W0] [X0] [Y0] [Z0]	nothing;

    			[BOP]   begin "-- BOP --" 
	    			Error("Found a BOP marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- BOP --";

    			[EOP]   begin "-- EOP --"
	    			end   "-- EOP --";

    			[PST]   begin "-- error --"
	    			Error("Found a PST marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- error --";

		   [HORZCHAR]	FindChar(v_InFileByte);

		    [DVIFONT]	begin "-- font --"
				fontno_InFileFourBytes + 1;
					! Note: incremented font number; 
				printi5(<nl,"Setting current font to ",fontno>)
				if fontno > MAXF then
					begin "-- error --"
					Error("Font number "&cvs(fontno - 1)&
				 	"is out of range.  Will ignore this font")
					end   "-- error --"
				else curf_fontno 
				end   "-- font --";

	[HORZRULE] [VERTRULE]	begin "-- rule --"
	    			temp_InFileFourBytes; temp_InFileFourBytes
	    			end   "-- rule --";

	  [W2] [X2] [Y2] [Z2]	temp_InFileTwoBytes;
	  [W3] [X3] [Y3] [Z3]	temp_InFIleThreeBytes;
	  [W4] [X4] [Y4] [Z4]	temp_InFileFourBytes

			end   "-- first scan case statement --";
		end   "-- first scan --";
!	InDVIpage: Output glyph masks and second scan;

	OGlymsk(curpagnum); ! Output glyph masks;
	for i_1 step 1 until copynumber do
	begin "-- multiple copies --"
	stkptr_0; fontno_-1; x_y_0; pagedone_FALSE; 
	Initpage; StartPage;	     ! Output pagemark;
	smallxmove_smallymove_FALSE; ! First move must always be adjustable
				       so as to set margins;
	gotobyte(curpage + 45); ! go back to start of this page;
	printi4(<nl,"InDviPage: curpagnum=",curpagnum," curpage=",curpage," ">)
	while (not pagedone) do
    		begin "-- process the page --"

		if (v_InFileByte) leq MAXCH then
			begin "-- vertical --"
			x_x+glyph[curf,v,2]; SetGlyph(v);
			while (v_InFileByte) leq MAXCH do
				begin "-- string of glyphs --"
				end   "-- string of glyphs --"
			end   "-- vertical --";

    		if (v) geq fontnum then 
			begin "-- set font --"
			if (fontno_v-fontnum+1) > MAXF then
				Error("Font number "&cvs(fontno - 1)&
				 "is out of range, will ignore this font")
			else SetFont(fontno)
				! Note: incremented font number;
			end   "-- set font --"
			begin "-- positioning command --"
			printi7(<nl,"command byte='",cvos(v),"(",v,")">)
    			case v of
    			begin "-- second scan case statement --"

    	    [BOP] [PST] [NOP]	begin  end;

    			[EOP]   begin "-- EOP --"
	    			pagedone_TRUE; EndPage;
	    			end   "-- EOP --";

		   [HORZCHAR]   begin "-- horizontal --"
				CheckTotMove; v_InFileByte; 
		    		end   "-- horizontal --";

		    [DVIFONT]   begin "-- set font --"
				if (v_InFileFourBytes + 1) > MAXF then
				  Error("Font number "&cvs(fontno - 1)&
				    "is out of range, will ignore this font")
				else SetFont(v) ! Note: incremented font 
				end   "-- set font --";

		    [DVIPUSH]	PushEnv;

		     [DVIPOP]	PopEnv;

	[HORZRULE] [VERTRULE]	begin "-- rule --"
				integer hrsu, wrsu;
	    			hrsu_InFileFourBytes; wrsu_InFileFourBytes;
	    			if hrsu>0 and wrsu>0 then
					begin "-- draw rule --"
					integer height, width, offset;

					height_1 max Pixel(hrsu);
					width_1 max Pixel(wrsu);
					offset_-(1 max Pixel(hrsu)) + 1;
						! note- don't advance curx;
					end   "-- draw rule --";
	    			if v=VERTRULE then x_x+wrsu;
	    			end   "-- rule --";

			 [W0]	begin "-- W0 --"
				x_x+lastw; CheckMovex(lastw)
				end   "-- W0 --";

			 [W2]	begin "-- W2 --"
				x_x+(lastw_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovex(lastw)
				end   "-- W2 --";

			 [W3]	begin "-- W3 --" 
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastw_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- W3 --";

			 [W4]	begin "-- W4 --"
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastw_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- W4 --";

			 [X0]	begin "-- X0 --"
				x_x+lastx; CheckMovex(lastx) 
				end   "-- X0 --";

			 [X2]	begin "-- X2 --"
				x_x+(lastx_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovex(lastx)
				end   "-- X2 --";

			 [X3]	begin "-- X3 --" 
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastx_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- X3 --";

			 [X4]	begin "-- X4 --"
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastx_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- X4 --";

			 [Y0]	begin "-- Y0 --"
				y_y+lasty; CheckMovey(lasty)
				end   "-- Y0 --";

			 [Y2]	begin "-- Y2 --"
				y_y+(lasty_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovey(lasty)
				end   "-- Y2 --";

			 [Y3]	begin "-- Y3 --" 
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lasty_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- Y3 --";

			 [Y4]	begin "-- Y4 --"
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lasty_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- Y4 --";

			 [Z0]	begin "-- Z0 --"
				y_y+lastz; CheckMovey(lastz)
				end   "-- Z0 --";

			 [Z2]	begin "-- Z2 --"
				y_y+(lastz_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovey(lastz)
				end   "-- Z2 --";

			 [Z3]	begin "-- Z3 --" 
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lastz_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- Z3 --";

			 [Z4]	begin "-- Z4 --"
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lastz_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- Z4 --"

			end   "-- second scan case statement --"
			end   "-- positioning command --";
		end   "-- process the page --";

	if stkptr>0 then
		begin "-- too many pushes --"
		Error("More pushes than pops on page "&cvs(curpagnum));
		while stkptr>0 do popenv
		end   "-- too many pushes --";
	end   "-- multiple copies --"
	end   "-- In Page --";
!	In2DVIPage: vars;

! 	I N  2  D V I   P A G E
! *************************************************************************** ;
! In2DVIPage reads a page of the version 2 dvi file, thinking in 4 coordinates
! and a stack like TEX.  Characters and rules are found and stored with
! SetChar and SetRule.  Note the adjusting of x and y coordinates passed
! to SetChar to find the top left hand corner of characters.
! *************************************************************************** ;
procedure In2DVIpage;
	begin "-- In 2 Page --"  

	integer lastw,lastx,	! the last character sizes used- ;
		lasty,lastz;	! keep using these until next changed;

	integer 	x,y;	! current position in input file;

	integer	     stkptr,	! DVI stack pointer;
			  j,	! for loop var;
			  i;	! copynumber counter;

	define     PSH = 50;	! push down stack size;
	define    P="0:PSH";	
	safa integer array 
		    pshx[P], 	! stacks for x&y, last amts and Imp vars; 

	boolean    pagedone, 	! indicates both scans for this page done;
		   scandone;	! indicates first scan of this page done;

	boolean  smallxmove, 	! TRUE => movement in x direction should be exact;
		 smallymove;    ! TRUE => movement in y direction should be exact;

	integer smallxspace, 	! exact movement in the x direction;
		smallyspace;	! exact movement in the y direction;
	integer 	  v,
		     fontno; 	! Note: Current font number is restablished
					at the start of each page;
!	In2DVIpage: CheckTotMove, CheckMovex, CheckMovey;

!	C H E C K   T O T A L   M O V E M E N T
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether movement or location is to be exact, then calls
! SetPos to output appropriate positioning information.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckTotMove = 
		   {if abs(smallxspace) > minxspace then smallxmove_FALSE;
		    if abs(smallyspace) > minyspace then smallymove_FALSE;
		           Pixel(x), Pixel(y));

!	C H E C K   M O V E M E N T,   X   D I R E C T I O N
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether a horizontal movement is small enough to need to be
! exact.  It is necessary to check both individual and total movements
! because a small net move made up of several large moves should not
! be exact.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckMovex(move) = {if smallxmove then 
				if move>minxspace then
					smallxmove_FALSE ! adjustable move;
				else smallxspace_smallxspace+move};

!	C H E C K   M O V E M E N T,   Y   D I R E C T I O N
! ********************************************************************
! Decides whether a vertical movement is small enough to need to be
! exact.  It is necessary to check both individual and total movements
! because a small net move made up of several large moves should not
! be exact.
! ********************************************************************;
define CheckMovey(move) = {if smallymove then 
				if move>minyspace then
					smallymove_FALSE ! adjustable move;
				else smallyspace_smallyspace+move};
! 	In2DVIpage: local procedures pushenv, popenv, newspace;

	! ********** P U S H **********; 
	simp procedure PushEnv; 
		begin "-- push --"
    		if stkptr>PSH then Error("STACK OVERFLOW-YOU LOSE!");
		printi6(<nl,"pushing, pixel y=",pixel(y),", pixel x=",pixel(x)>)
		pshx[stkptr]_x;    pshwamt[stkptr]_lastw;  
    		pshy[stkptr]_y;    pshyamt[stkptr]_lasty;  
    		stkptr_stkptr + 1
    		end   "-- push --";

	! ********** P O P **********;
	simp procedure PopEnv;  
		begin "-- pop --"
		stkptr_stkptr - 1;
    		if stkptr<0 then Error("STACK UNDERFLOW BUG!");
    		smallxspace_smallxspace + pshx[stkptr] - x; x_pshx[stkptr];
		lastw _pshwamt[stkptr]; lastx _pshxamt[stkptr];
    		smallyspace_smallyspace + pshy[stkptr] - y; y_pshy[stkptr]; 
		lasty _pshyamt[stkptr]; lastz _pshzamt[stkptr];
		printi6(<nl,"poping, pixel restored y = ",pixel(y)," x = ",
    		end   "-- pop --";
!    In2DVIPage: preliminaries and first scan;

	stkptr_0; scandone_FALSE; fontno_-1; x_y_0; 

	printi4(<nl,"In2DVIPage: curpagnum=",curpagnum," curpage=",curpage," ">)


	while not scandone do
		begin "-- first scan --"
		if v  MAXCH then 
			begin "-- character --"
			printi8(<nl,"Input character ",cvos(v),"(",junk_v,")">)
			end   "-- character --"
    		else if v  FNTNUM0 and v  FNTNUM63 then 
			begin "-- font --"
			printi5(<nl,"Setting current font to ",(fontno_v-fontnum+1)>)
			curf_v-FNTNUM0+1 ! Note: incremented font number;
			end   "-- font --"

		else if v > POSTPOST then
			begin "-- Error --"
			  Error("Illegal command "&cvs(v)&" found on page "&
				cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborted.");
			  scandone_TRUE; pagedone_TRUE
			end "-- Error --"

		else case v of
    			begin "-- first scan case statement --"

  [SET1] [SET2] [SET3] [SET4]	begin "-- Error --"
				  Error("Found a SET command on page"
					&cvs(curpagnum)&", ignored");
				  for j _ 1 step 1 until v-SET1+1 do InFileByte
				end "-- Error --";

  [FNT1] [FNT2] [FNT3] [FNT4]	begin "-- FNTn --"
				case v of
				 begin "-- case --"
				  [FNT1] temp_InFileByte;
				  [FNT2] temp_InFileTwoBytes;
				  [FNT3] temp_InFileThreeBytes;
				  [FNT4] temp_InFileFourBytes
				 end "-- case --";
				if temp > 126 then
			           Error("Warning: Too large"&
					 " a font number on page"
				    	 &cvs(curpagnum)&", truncated.");
				setfont((temp+1) land '177);
				end "-- FNTn --" ;

         [NOP] [PUSH2] [POP2]		
      [W02] [X02] [Y02] [Z02]	nothing;

    		       [BOP2]   begin "-- BOP --" 
	    			Error("Found a BOP marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- BOP --";

    		       [EOP2]   begin "-- EOP --"
	    			end   "-- EOP --";

    		        [PRE]   begin "-- error --"
	    			Error("Found a PRE marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- error --";

    		       [POST]   begin "-- error --"
	    			Error("Found a POST marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- error --";

    		   [POSTPOST]   begin "-- error --"
	    			Error("Found a POSTPOST marker on page"
				       &cvs(curpagnum)&".  Aborting page."); 
	    			end   "-- error --";

		       [PUT1]	FindChar(v_InFileByte);

         [PUT2] [PUT3] [PUT4]	begin "-- Error --"
				  Error("Found a PUT command on page"
					&cvs(curpagnum)&", ignored");
				  for j _ 1 step 1 until v-PUT1+1 do InFileByte
				end "-- Error --";

	  [FNTDEF3] [FNTDEF4]	begin "-- font definition --"
				  if v=FNTDEF1 then temp_InFileByte
				  else if v=FNTDEF2 then temp_InFileTwoBytes
				  else if v=FNTDEF3 then temp_InFileThreeBytes
				  else temp_InFileFourBytes;	! font number;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! Checksum;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! scale factor;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! design size;
				v_InFileByte;		! Dir name length;
				v_InFileByte+v;		! Font name length;
				for j_1 step 1 until v do temp_InFileByte
				end   "-- font definition --";

	 [SETRULE2] [PUTRULE]	begin "-- rule --"
	    			temp_InFileFourBytes; temp_InFileFourBytes
	    			end   "-- rule --";

	     [RIGHT1] [DOWN1]
      [W12] [X12] [Y12] [Z12]	temp_InFileByte;

	     [RIGHT2] [DOWN2]
      [W22] [X22] [Y22] [Z22]	temp_InFileTwoBytes;

	     [RIGHT3] [DOWN3]
      [W32] [X32] [Y32] [Z32]	temp_InFIleThreeBytes;

	     [RIGHT4] [DOWN4]
      [W42] [X42] [Y42] [Z42]	temp_InFileFourBytes;

		       [XXX1]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileByte do

		       [XXX2]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileTwoBytes do

		       [XXX3]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileThreeBytes do

		       [XXX4]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileFourBytes do

			end   "-- first scan case statement --";
		end   "-- first scan --";
!	In2DVIpage: Output glyph masks and second scan;

	OGlymsk(curpagnum); ! Output glyph masks;
	for i_1 step 1 until copynumber do
	begin "-- multiple copies --"
	stkptr_0; fontno_-1; x_y_0; pagedone_FALSE; 
	Initpage; StartPage;	     ! Output pagemark;
	smallxmove_smallymove_FALSE; ! First move must always be adjustable
				       so as to set margins;
	gotobyte(curpage + 45); ! go back to start of this page;
	printi4(<nl,"In2DVIPage: curpagnum=",curpagnum," curpage=",curpage," ">)
	while (not pagedone) do
    		begin "-- process the page --"

		if (v_InFileByte)  MAXCH then
			begin "-- vertical --"
			x_x+glyph[curf,v,2]; SetGlyph(v);
			while (v_InFileByte)  MAXCH do
				begin "-- string of glyphs --"
				end   "-- string of glyphs --"
			end   "-- vertical --";

    		if v  FNTNUM0 and v  FNTNUM63 then
			begin "-- set font --"
				! Note: incremented font number;
			end   "-- set font --"
			begin "-- positioning command --"
			printi7(<nl,"command byte='",cvos(v),"(",v,")">)
    			case v of
    			begin "-- second scan case statement --"

  [SET1] [SET2] [SET3] [SET4]	for j _ 1 step 1 until v-SET1+1 do

  [FNT1] [FNT2] [FNT3] [FNT4]	begin "-- FNTn --"
				case v of
				 begin "-- case --"
				  [FNT1] temp_InFileByte;
				  [FNT2] temp_InFileTwoBytes;
				  [FNT3] temp_InFileThreeBytes;
				  [FNT4] temp_InFileFourBytes
				 end "-- case --";
				setfont((temp+1) land '177);
				end "-- FNTn --";

     [BOP2] [POST] [POSTPOST] 
		 [NOP2] [PRE]	nothing;

    		       [EOP2]   begin "-- EOP2 --"
	    			pagedone_TRUE; EndPage;
	    			end   "-- EOP2 --";

		       [PUT1]   begin "-- horizontal --"
				CheckTotMove; v_InFileByte; 
		    		end   "-- horizontal --";

         [PUT2] [PUT3] [PUT4]	for j _ 1 step 1 until v-PUT1+1 do

	  [FNTDEF3] [FNTDEF4]	begin "-- font definition --"
				  if v=FNTDEF1 then temp_InFileByte
				  else if v=FNTDEF2 then temp_InFileTwoBytes
				  else if v=FNTDEF3 then temp_InFileThreeBytes
				  else temp_InFileFourBytes;	! font number;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! Checksum;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! scale factor;
				temp_InFileFourBytes;	! design size;
				v_InFileByte;		! Dir name length;
				v_InFileByte+v;		! Font name length;
				for j_1 step 1 until v do temp_InFileByte
				end   "-- font definition --";

		      [PUSH2]	PushEnv;

		       [POP2]	PopEnv;

	 [SETRULE2] [PUTRULE]	begin "-- rule --"
				integer hrsu, wrsu;
	    			hrsu_InFileFourBytes; wrsu_InFileFourBytes;
	    			if hrsu>0 and wrsu>0 then
					begin "-- draw rule --"
					integer height, width, offset;

					height_1 max Pixel(hrsu);
					width_1 max Pixel(wrsu);
					offset_-(1 max Pixel(hrsu)) + 1;
						! note- don't advance curx;
					end   "-- draw rule --";
	    			if v=SETRULE2 then x_x+wrsu;
	    			end   "-- rule --";

		     [RIGHT1]	begin "-- Right1 --"
				x_x+(j_InFileByte); CheckMovex(j)
				end   "-- Right1 --";

		     [RIGHT2]	begin "-- Right2 --"
				x_x+(j_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovex(j)
				end   "-- Right2 --";

		     [RIGHT3]	begin "-- Right3 --"
				end   "-- Right3 --";

		     [RIGHT4]	begin "-- Right4 --"
				end   "-- Right4 --";

			[W02]	begin "-- W0 --"
				x_x+lastw; CheckMovex(lastw)
				end   "-- W0 --";

			[W12]	begin "-- W1 --"
				x_x+(lastw_InFileByte); CheckMovex(lastw)
				end   "-- W1 --";

			[W22]	begin "-- W2 --"
				x_x+(lastw_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovex(lastw)
				end   "-- W2 --";

			[W32]	begin "-- W3 --" 
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastw_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- W3 --";

			[W42]	begin "-- W4 --"
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastw_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- W4 --";

			[X02]	begin "-- X0 --"
				x_x+lastx; CheckMovex(lastx) 
				end   "-- X0 --";

			[X12]	begin "-- X1 --"
				x_x+(lastx_InFileByte); CheckMovex(lastx)
				end   "-- X1 --";

			[X22]	begin "-- X2 --"
				x_x+(lastx_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovex(lastx)
				end   "-- X2 --";

			[X32]	begin "-- X3 --" 
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastx_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- X3 --";

			[X42]	begin "-- X4 --"
				smallxmove_FALSE; x_x+(lastx_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- X4 --";

		      [DOWN1]	begin "-- Down1 --"
				y_y+(j_InFileByte); CheckMovey(j)
				end   "-- Down1 --";

		      [DOWN2]	begin "-- Down2 --"
				y_y+(j_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovey(j)
				end   "-- Down2 --";

		      [DOWN3]	begin "-- Down3 --"
				end   "-- Down3 --";

		      [DOWN4]	begin "-- Down4 --"
				end   "-- Down4 --";

			[Y02]	begin "-- Y0 --"
				y_y+lasty; CheckMovey(lasty)
				end   "-- Y0 --";

			[Y12]	begin "-- Y1 --"
				y_y+(lasty_InFileByte); CheckMovey(lasty)
				end   "-- Y1 --";

			[Y22]	begin "-- Y2 --"
				y_y+(lasty_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovey(lasty)
				end   "-- Y2 --";

			[Y32]	begin "-- Y3 --"
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lasty_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- Y3 --";

			[Y42]	begin "-- Y4 --"
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lasty_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- Y4 --";

			[Z02]	begin "-- Z0 --"
				y_y+lastz; CheckMovey(lastz)
				end   "-- Z0 --";

			 [Z12]	begin "-- Z1 --"
				y_y+(lastz_InFileByte); CheckMovey(lastz)
				end   "-- Z1 --";

			[Z22]	begin "-- Z2 --"
				y_y+(lastz_InFileTwoBytes); CheckMovey(lastz)
				end   "-- Z2 --";

			[Z32]	begin "-- Z3 --" 
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lastz_InFileThreeBytes)
				end   "-- Z3 --";

			[Z42]	begin "-- Z4 --"
				smallymove_FALSE; y_y+(lastz_InFileFourBytes)
				end   "-- Z4 --";

		       [XXX1]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileByte do

		       [XXX2]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileTwoBytes do

		       [XXX3]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileThreeBytes do

		       [XXX4]	for j_1 step 1 until temp_InFileFourBytes do

			end   "-- second scan case statement --"
			end   "-- positioning command --"
		end   "-- process the page --";

	if stkptr>0 then
		begin "-- too many pushes --"
		Error("More pushes than pops on page "&cvs(curpagnum));
		while stkptr>0 do popenv
		end   "-- too many pushes --";
	end   "-- multiple copies --"
	end   "-- In 2 Page --";
! 	doDVIpage, doDVIfile;

!	D O   D V I   P A G E
! **********************************************************************
! Does one page of a DVI file;
! **********************************************************************;
simp procedure doDVIpage;
	begin "-- do DVI page --"
	if not doBOP then
		begin "-- abort --"
		end   "-- abort --"
	else if (firstp  pagecnt[0]) and (pagecnt[0]  lastp) then
		begin "-- do a page --"
		printi4(<nl>) print("[");
		case Infilversion of
		  begin "-- Case split on Tex version --"
		    [1] InDVIpage;
		    [2] In2DVIpage
		  end "-- Case split on Tex version --";

		print ("]")
		end   "-- do a page --";
	end   "-- do DVI page --";

!	D O   D V I   F I L E
! **********************************************************************
! main driving program for DVI files.
! **********************************************************************;
internal simp procedure doDVIfile;
	begin "-- do DVI file --"
	Initin;		! Initialize input file page tables;
	printi0(<nl,"starting doDVIfile">)
	nopages_TRUE; arrclr(pagecnt,0);
	if not ReadDVIinfo then return else if not EndofPage then
		begin "-- no pages --"
		Error ("DVI file has no pages.");
		end   "-- no pages --";
	Tableset; Convfctr; ! Set up font tables and wdfactor;
	printi0(<nl,"doDVIfile, starting page processing">)
	do doDVIpage until not EndofPage;
	if nopages then
		begin "-- null range --"
		Error ("DVI file has no pages in the specified range.");
		end   "-- null range --"
	end   "-- do DVI file --";
end   "-- DVI file routines --";