
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/fntdlr.sai
There are no other files named fntdlr.sai in the archive.
begin "-- Raster Font File Handler --"

require "genhdr.sai"source!file;
require "ebgsrc.sai"source!file;

! **********************************************************************
* This file contains the set of routines needed to handle raster       *
* format font files.  The basic work area used by this routine is      *
* comprised of pages 440-577 and 700-727 of the TOPS20 virtual memory  *
* space.   Of these, 700-727 are reserved for directory pages (page 0  *
* of a raster format file), while the rest are handled by a simple     *
* cyclic paging algorithm.  At sometime in the future this rather      *
* obscure bit of documentation will be improved.		       *

require "RstHdr.sai"source!file;
		! various definitions;
!	Externals;

External safa integer array glyph[0:MAXF,0:MAXCH,0:3];
				! Glyph information table, with the
				  following format:
				   glyph[f,c,0] = pointer to glyst array,
				   glyph[f,c,1] = advancewidth in pixels,
				   glyph[f,c,2] = advancewidth in input
						  file units,
				   glyph[f,c,3] = space taken up in glyph
						  table by this font,
				  all for character #c in font #f;

External simp procedure MakeExt(reference string name; string ext);
External simp procedure MakeDir(reference string name; string dir);
External simp procedure 
	InMap(integer jfn, filepage, procpage, number);
					       ! Handles PMAPping of read
						 read only files;

External simp procedure       Error(string s); ! Error handling;

External simp string procedure GetDir(reference string s);
	! parses string s for TOPS20 file identifier format and returns
	  	directory name if one exists;
External simp procedure BlkTrnsfr(reference integer source; integer count;
					      reference integer destination);
	! used to transfer raster masks;
External simp integer procedure Wordsin(integer chan);
	! returns length (in words) of the disk file associated with chan;
! 	GetBy, TwoBytes, ThreeBytes, FourBytes; 

!	G E T B Y
! **********************************************************************
! Retrieves one byte from the specified location.
! **********************************************************************;
simp integer procedure GetBy(reference integer pnt); 
	begin "-- getby --"
	integer b;
	printf8(<nl,"In GetBy(), pointer ",cvos(pnt)>)
	printf8(<nl,"In GetBy(), pointer ",cvos(pnt)," value ",b>)
	end   "-- getby --";

! ********** T W O   B Y T E S **********;
define TwoBytes(pnt) = {((((GetBy(pnt) lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) lsh 20)
								ash -20)};

! ********** T H R E E   B Y T E S **********;
define ThreeBytes(pnt) = 
    {((((((GetBy(pnt) lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) lsh 12)
								   ash -12)};

! ********** F O U R   B Y T E S  **********;
define  FourBytes(pnt) = 
    {((((((((GetBy(pnt) lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) 
			lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) lsh 8) lor GetBy(pnt)) 
							     lsh 4) ash -4)};
!	Global variables;

! The following arrays are used to implement the virtual memory system for
  font files.  They are used only in this module and are declared external
  here because of a bug in SAIL's allocation scheme for static arrays;

External safa integer array
	       Pages[firstfntpage:lastfntpage],   ! page table for fonts;
	       DirPage[Firstdirpage:Lastdirpage], ! page table for ffont
	       fonts[0:MAXF];			  ! Pointers to page table;

Internal Record!Class  FI(	! Font information record;
	    string	fname;	! Font's file name;
	    boolean  openable;	! Indicates font could be opened;
	    integer firstchar,	! Code of first char in font;
		     lastchar,	! Code of last  char in font;
			xline,	! Suggested interline spacing;
			spwid,	! Suggested interword spacing;
	      	     dirpoint,	! Pointer to start of directory;
		        check,	! Checksum, for comparison with Raster file 
		          jfn;	! JFN for this font file;
	   real	          mag	! magnification;

Internal Record!Pointer (FI) safa array fntinf[0:MAXF];	! Pointer to font
							information records;

Integer 		        dirpagepointer,	! Points to next available
						  free page in directory
							page area;
				dirpageaddress,	! dirpagepointer*512;
				fntpagepointer, ! Points to next available
						  free page in font page
				fntpageaddress;	! fntpagepointer*512;

Internal real 			      wdfactor; ! Input file units per pixel;

define HasDir(name) =	{(not getdir(name)=null)};
!	OpenFontFile;

!	O P E N   F O N T   F I L E
! **********************************************************************
! Selects a proper extension and try to opens the appropriate font file.
! Returns the corresponding channel number.  As is the convention is 
! SAIL, a return of -1 indicates failure.  Note that the default
! directory is searched only if no explicit directory name is given, and
! that the connected directory is searched before the default in that
! case.
! **********************************************************************;
simp integer procedure OpenFontFile(integer fontno);
	begin "-- open font file --"
	integer mag,chan;
	string ext,s1,s2;

	define gotit = {begin "-- have font --"
			printf2(<nl,"JFN(",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],") = ",
			end    "-- have font --"};
	printf2(<nl,"In OpenFontFile, font #"&cvs(fontno)&
				", file ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]]>)
	mag_FI:mag[fntinf[fontno]] * 10 + .5; 
	ext_"r"&cvs(mag); s1_FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]];
	MakeExt(s1,ext); ! set up extension;
	printf3(<nl,"In OpenFontFile, font name ",s1>)
	chan_openfile(s1,"RE"); ! first attempt;
	if (chan  -1) then gotit;
	if not HasDir(FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]]) then ! look in default
		begin "-- try FONTDIR --"
		s2_s1; MakeDir(s2,FONTDIR);
		printf3(<nl,"In OpenFontFile, font name ",s2>)
		if (chan  -1) then gotit
		end   "-- try FONTDIR --";

	MakeExt(s2,"r10"); ! still no, try no magnification;
	if (chan  -1) then
		begin "-- warn --"
		print(nl,"Warning, font ",s1," replaced by ",s2,".");
		end   "-- warn --";

	if HasDir(FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]]) then 
			! failure without looking at default directory; 
		begin "-- error --"
		Error("Can't find font file "&s1&" or "&s2&
				".  Will ignore references to this font.");
		end  "-- error --"

	else ! try default directory again;
		begin "-- try FONTDIR --"
		if (chan  -1) then
			begin "-- warn --"
			print(nl,"Warning, font ",s1," replaced by ",s2,".");
			end   "-- warn --"
		else ! otherwise failure in spite of looking at default 
			begin "-- error --"
			s2_FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]]; MakeExt(s2,"r10");
			Error("Can't open font "&s1&" or "&s2&" on either"&
			      " your connected"&cr&lf&"directory or "&
			      FONTDIR&".  Will ignore references to this font.");
			end   "-- error --"
		end  "-- try FONTDIR --"
	end   "-- open font file --";
!	TableSet, Convfctr;

!	T A B L E   S E T
! **********************************************************************
! Sets up page table for the font pages.
! **********************************************************************;
Internal simp procedure TableSet;
	begin "-- table set --"
	integer i;
	integer		fontpointer;	! pointer for setting up paging

	arrclr(pages,Emptymark); arrclr(dirpage, Emptymark);
	for i_0 step 1 until 64 do if (fntinf[i] neq Null!Record) then
		begin "-- set up table --"
		integer chan,pagesize,j;

		printf2(<nl,"TableSet, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[i]],
							      ", font #",i>)
		if (chan_OpenFontFile(i)) = -1 then pagesize_1
		else pagesize_(wordsin(chan)+511) div 512;
		printf2(<nl,"TableSet, font #",i," has ",pagesize,
		" pages, channel #",chan,", JFN ",FI:jfn[fntinf[i]]>)
		for j_0 step 1 until (pagesize-1) do 
		fontpointer_fontpointer + pagesize;
		if chan-1 then rljfn(chan)
		end   "-- set up table --";
	for i_Fonttablearea step 1 until fontpointer do memory[i]_NAmark;

	! Initialize the two page pointers;
	end   "-- table set --";

!	C O N V E R S I O N   F A C T O R
! **********************************************************************
! Sets wdfactor to the porper size for fix to rsu conversion.
! **********************************************************************;
internal simp procedure Convfctr; wdfactor_wdfactor*Pixel!Fix;
!	LoadFont;

!	L O A D   A   F O N T
! **********************************************************************
! Loads the directory page of a font.
! **********************************************************************;
procedure LoadFont(integer fontno);
	begin "-- load font --"
	integer mag,pointer,word;
	dirpageaddress_dirpagepointer * 512;
	printf4(<nl,"In LoadFont, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
				", dirpagepointer ",cvos(dirpagepointer)>)

	! update directory page table, if necessary;
	if dirpage[dirpagepointer]  emptymark then 

	if memory[dirpageaddress]  Rastmark then 
		begin "-- not raster file --"
		printf2(<nl,"Font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
			" has first word ",memory[dirpagepointer]>)
		Error("Font #"&cvs(fontno)&", "&FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]]&
				", is not a raster format font file.  "
			&"Will ignore references to this font");
		end   "-- not raster file --";

	if abs(mag - FI:mag[fntinf[fontno]]*1000) > 10 then
		begin "-- differing magnifications --"
		print(nl,"Warning: Specified magnification ",
			FI:mag[fntinf[fontno]]*1000," and raster",
		      "	file magnification ", mag," do not match for font ",
			FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],", font #",fontno,nl,
		      "Raster file magnification superseding, output may ",
			"be improperly aligned.");
		end   "-- differing magnifications --";

	temp_FourBytes(pointer); ! ignore four bytes;
	FI:spwid[fntinf[fontno]]_Pixel!Fix*FourBytes(pointer) + .5;
	if dirpagepointer = lastdirpage then dirpagepointer_firstdirpage
	else dirpagepointer_dirpagepointer + 1;
	printf4(<nl,"In LoadFont, font #",fontno," first character", 
		FI:firstchar[fntinf[fontno]],", directory pointer ",
		cvos(FI:dirpoint[fntinf[fontno]]),", magnification ",
	end   "-- load font --";
!	LoadFntPage

!	L O A D   F O N T   P A G E
! *********************************************************************
! Loads a page from a font file and updates the appropriate table.
! *********************************************************************;
simp procedure LoadFntPage(integer fontno, pageno);
	begin "-- load font page --"
	fntpageaddress_fntpagepointer * 512;
	printf5(<nl,"In LoadFntPage, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
		  ", font #",fontno,", page number ",cvos(pageno),
				", fntpagepointer ",cvos(fntpagepointer)>)
	! update font page table if necessary;
	if pages[fntpagepointer]  Emptymark then
	    memory[fonts[(pages[fntpagepointer] lsh -18) land '77]+
		      (pages[fntpagepointer] land '777777)]_NAmark;
	pages[fntpagepointer]_(fontno lsh 18) lor pageno;
	if fntpagepointer = lastfntpage then fntpagepointer_firstfntpage
	else fntpagepointer_fntpagepointer + 1;
	printf5(<nl,"In LoadFntPage, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
		   ", font #",fontno,", page number ",cvos(pageno),
			", location in memory ",
	end   "-- load font page --";
!	GetGlyphInfo;

!	G E T   G L Y P H   I N F O R M A T I O N
! **********************************************************************
! Gets the directory information on the appropriate glyph and puts it in
! the glyph array.
! **********************************************************************;
internal simp procedure GetGlyphInfo(integer   fontno, 	! Font number;
					       charno;	! Character code;
			     reference integer	    x,	! x offset;
						    y,	! y offset;
					       height,	! Pixel height;
					        width,	! Pixel width;
					        space,	! # of bytes in 
								raster mask;
					         pnt);	! Pointer to raster
								mask data;
	begin "-- get glyph info --"
	integer pointer,byte,word,offset,hdr,mask;
	real advance;

	printf7(<nl,"In GetGlyphInfo, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
				", font #",fontno," character code ",charno>)
	if not FI:openable[fntinf[fontno]] then
		begin "-- ignore --"
		end   "-- ignore --";

	! load font directory page if not already in memory;
	if memory[fonts[fontno]] = NAmark then LoadFont(fontno);
	if charno<FI:firstchar[fntinf[fontno]]
			or charno>FI:lastchar[fntinf[fontno]] then
		begin "-- ignore --"
		end   "-- ignore --";

	byte_FI:dirpoint[fntinf[fontno]] +
				(charno - FI:firstchar[fntinf[fontno]])*15;
	word_(byte div RstBpW) + memory[fonts[fontno]];
	offset_byte mod RstBpW;
	height_TwoBytes(pointer); width_TwoBytes(pointer);
	y_TwoBytes(pointer); x_TwoBytes(pointer);
	advance_FI:mag[fntinf[fontno]]; ! to prevent forming record temporary;
	glyph[fontno,charno,1]_Pixel!Fix*advance + .5;
	glyph[fontno,charno,2]_wdfactor*advance + .5;
	printf7(<nl,"GetGlyphInfo, rsu error = ",
	(glyph[fontno,charno,1]*wdfactor/Pixel!Fix) - glyph[fontno,charno,2]>)

! the following routine was removed to prevent undefined glyph error messages
  in RELEASE 1 and greater IMAGENs;
!	if height = 0 or width = 0 then ! now must handle the case of a
					  blank character with nonzero advancewidth;
!		begin "-- ignore --"
!		return
		end   "-- ignore --";

	! Now calculate the amount of space needed in the glyph table;
	space_height*((width+7) div 8);
	hdr_(if (height lor width lor abs(2*x) lor abs(2*y)) < 256
							 then 12 else 16);
   	mask_2*((width + 15) div 16)*height + (if width < 17 then 2 else 0);
	glyph[fontno,charno,3]_hdr + mask;
	printf7(<nl,"In GetGlyphInfo, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
			", font #",fontno," character code ",charno,
			", height ",height,", width ",width,", advwdth ",
			glyph[fontno,charno,1],nl, ", space ",
				glyph[fontno,charno,3], ", pointer ",pnt>)
	end   "-- get glyph info --";
!	GetRasterInfo;

!	G E T   R A S T E R   C H A R A C T E R
! **********************************************************************
! Finds a charcter, and writes its mask into the indicated location;
! **********************************************************************;
internal simp procedure GetRasterInfo(integer fontno, rstpointer, space, 
	begin "-- get raster mask --"
	boolean finished,firstpointer,lastpointer;
	finished_FALSE; firstpointer_rstpointer;
	printf7(<nl,"In GetRasterInfo, font ",FI:fname[fntinf[fontno]],
			     ",	font #",fontno,", pointer ",rstpointer>)

	while not finished do
		begin "-- get page --"
		integer pnt,base,page,pageaddress,count;

		page_firstpointer div RstBpR;
		pageaddress_firstpointer mod RstBpR;
		if memory[fonts[fontno] + page] = NAmark then
		base_memory[fonts[fontno] + page] + (pageaddress div RstBpW);
					(pageaddress mod RstBpW)*RstBpB-1);

		if ((firstpointer mod RstBpR) + space)  RstBpR then
			begin "-- overlaps page boundary --"
			count_RstBpR - pageaddress;
			space_space - count;
			lastpointer_firstpointer + count
			end   "-- overlaps page boundary --"
			begin "-- simple case --"
			count_space; finished_TRUE
			end   "-- simple case --";
		end   "-- get page --"
	end "-- get raster mask --";

end "-- Raster Font File Handler --"