
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/genhdr.sai
There are no other files named genhdr.sai in the archive.
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.29,  4-Jan-84 17:43:58, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Compile this program for a 128K Canon;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.28, 28-Dec-83 21:23:11, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Up the internal space limits for the various sizes of Imprint-10's;
COMMENT Note that we are assembling a MAKIMP for the 256K Imprint-10; 
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.27, 14-Dec-83 15:51:54, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Reset some page parameters to match old version of MAKIMP;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.26, 28-Nov-83 14:19:43, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Don't generate headers;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.25, 28-Nov-83 13:04:00, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.24, 28-Nov-83 13:01:15, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Change list font to CMASC10;
COMMENT <CANON.MAKIMP>GENHDR.SAI.23, 28-Nov-83 11:06:00, Edit by LOUGHEED;
COMMENT Replace references to <FONTS> with RST-FONTS: for Sierra;
COMMENT Replace references to <LSR> with SYS: (not used on Sierra);
comment Header file for impress file translators, by Jan Stoeckenius, 
	June 13, 1982;

require "{}<>" delimiters;
define !={comment};

string junk;	! General burial ground for unwanted strings;
integer temp;	! Utility accumulator, for use in macros;

External integer !skip!; ! Tenex I/O error indicator;
External procedure bail; External procedure $Recgc;

define nil		=    	    null!record,
       nothing		=    	    {begin end},
       loop		= {while TRUE do begin},
       curfork		=	 	'400000, comment current fork;
       infinity		=	       '1000000, comment 2**19, a large 
							     positive number;
       AddrMask		=	 	'777777; ! to get word address from 
						    a DEC 10/20 byte pointer;

define ByteCount(pnt) =	
{((36 div ((pnt lsh - 24) land '77))*(pnt land AddrMask)
	+ ((36 - ((pnt lsh -30) land '77)) div ((pnt lsh -24) land '77)))};
	! gives pointer location in number of bytes;

define cr={""&'15}, lf={""&'12}, nl={cr&lf}, ff={""&'14}, tab={""&'11};

! The following five definitions are used with identifying strings in
  Tenex/TOPS20.  Note that CTRL-V ('26) is the quoting character;

define LETTERS	=	{["A"] ["B"] ["C"] ["D"] ["E"] ["F"] ["G"] ["H"]
			 ["I"] ["J"] ["K"] ["L"] ["M"] ["N"] ["O"] ["P"]
			 ["Q"] ["R"] ["S"] ["T"] ["U"] ["V"] ["W"] ["X"]
			 ["Y"] ["Z"] ["a"] ["b"] ["c"] ["d"] ["e"] ["f"]
			 ["g"] ["h"] ["i"] ["j"] ["k"] ["l"] ["m"] ["n"]
			 ["o"] ["p"] ["q"] ["r"] ["s"] ["t"] ["u"] ["v"]
			 ["w"] ["x"] ["y"] ["z"] ["$"] ["-"] ["_"]	};

define NUMBERS 	=	{["0"] ["1"] ["2"] ["3"] ["4"] ["5"] ["6"] ["7"]
			 ["8"] ["9"] ["*"]				}; 
define ILLEGALS	=	{['00] ['01] ['02] ['03] ['04] ['05] ['06] ['07] 
			 ['10] ['13] ['14] ['16] ['17] ['20] ['21] ['22]
			 ['23] ['24] ['25] ['27] ['30] ['31] ['32] ['33]
			 ['34] ['35] ['36] ['37] ['42] ["#"] ["%"] ["&"]
			 ["'"] ["("] [")"] ["+"] ["/"] ["="] ["?"] ["@"] 
			 ["^"] ["`"] ["{"] ["|"] ["}"] ["~"] ['177]	};

define TERMINATORS =	{['11] ['12] ['15] [" "] [","] ["!"] [";"]	};

define QUOTE	=	{['26]};
! Some macros used for conditional compilation.  These should be set
  as appropriate for the intended host.  "Comment" is used for the comments
  below because SAIL's macro facility will not expand macros when defining
  a macro;

define TOPS20		=	{TRUE},  comment for TOPS20 input-output;
       WAITS		=	{FALSE}, comment for TOPS10 input-output;
       IFTOPS20		=	{ifc TOPS20 thenc},
       IFWAITS		=	{ifc WAITS thenc},
       ENDTOPS20 	=	{endc},
       ENDWAITS 	=	{endc};

! Two macros which select the application for the program using this header;

define HEADER		=	{FALSE}, comment if true, program generates 
								 header page;
       RDIMP		=	{FALSE}, comment To allow .IMP files for 
						      input, for TOPS20 only;
       DEBUG		=	{FALSE}, comment turns on all sorts of
					debuging messages.  See bugsrc.sai;

       IFHEADER		= 	{ifc HEADER thenc},
       IFRDIMP		=	{ifc RDIMP thenc},
       IFDEBUG		=	{ifc DEBUG thenc},
       ENDHEADER 	=	{endc},
       ENDRDIMP		=	{endc},
       ENDDEBUG		=	{endc};

ifc not DEBUG thenc define safa = {safe},
			   simp = {simple};
	      elsec define safa = {},
		           simp = {}; ! simplicity and safety go away;

! Default directories in which to search for fonts or the program to send 
  the impress file off to the Imprint-10;

define FontDir		=	{"RST-FONTS:"}, comment default directory 
								   for fonts;
       ProtDir		=	{"SYS:"}; ! Directory in which to find 
							     sending program;

define TitFontName1     =  {"cmr12"}, comment small title font;
       TitFontName2     =  {"cmtitl"}, comment big title font;
       HdrFont          =  {"cmb10"}, comment listing header font;
comment defaultfont = default listing font (1), or whatever set to;
       UserFont		=  {"lisp2"}, comment lisp user fn font (2);
       UserMag		=  "1.0",
       CommentFont	=  {"lisp3"}, comment lisp comment font (3);
       CommentMag	=  "1.0",
       LambdaFont	=  {"lisp4"}, comment lisp lambda font (4);
       LambdaMag	=  "1.0",
       SystemFont	=  {"lisp5"}, comment lisp system fn font (5);
       SystemMag	=  "1.0",
       ClispFont	=  {"lisp6"}, comment lisp clisp font (6);
       ClispMag		=  "1.0",
       ChangeFont	=  {"lisp7"}, comment lisp mark change font (7);
       ChangeMag	=  "1.0",
       PrettycomFont	=  {"lisp8"}, comment lisp file pkg font (8);
       PrettyComMag	=  "1.0";

! The following macro is used to select the size of Imprint-10 the file is
  being prepared for;

define IP128		=	{TRUE}, comment 128K model;
       IP256		=	{FALSE}, comment 256K model;
       IFIP128		=	{ifc IP128 thenc},
       IFIP256  	=	{ifc IP256 thenc},
       ENDIP128		=	{endc},
       ENDIP256		=	{endc};

define ImpVer		=	     0;	! Current version of ImPress;

! The following macros set up the values for many of the parameters used
  by the impress handling programs;

define MaxF		=	    64,	comment possible number of fonts, 
				  			   font0 is reserved;
       MaxCh		=	   127,	comment maximum number of characters 
							      in a font file;
       MaxR		=	  2000;	! size of glyst;

IFIP128	define TotD	=	 51200;	! total data space inside ImPrint; ENDIP128
IFIP256	define TotD	=       165888;	! total data space inside ImPrint; ENDIP256

define MAXINSIZE 	= 	  2048;  ! Maximum number of pages in input 
! Some paper dimensions;

define vertrsu          =          248, comment number of rsu per vert inch;
       horzrsu          =          240, comment number of rsu per horz inch;
       abslftmarg 	=	   130,	comment minimum left margin for 
							      visible output;
       absrightmarg 	=	  1980,	comment furthest right that printing 
							 may be accomplished;
       abstopmarg 	=	     0,	comment minimum top margin;
       abspageheight 	=	  3360,	comment maximum page length, 2640
					          for letter, 3360 for legal;
       Ttmarg		=	   250,	comment default top margin;
       Llmarg		=	   262,	comment default left margin;
       PgWd		=	  1800,	comment default page width;
       SPgHgt		=	  2500,	comment default standard page height;
       LPgHgt		=	  3220;	! default legal page height;

! a limit on the total number of unique pages which may be produced in
  one run (to prevent runaway jobs).  Note that all .DVI pages with the
  the same page number count as one page;

define	pagelimit	=	  1000;

! Some defaults for files not containing typsetting information;

define ListFont		=  {"cmasc10"}, comment default font for listings, 
					  should be in ASCII format for 
					  Tenex and SU-AI format for WAITS;
       ListMag		=	 "1.0", comment default magnification;
       ListPitch 	=	    12, comment default chars/in, if 
						 reasonable for choosen font;
       ListLpI		=	     0, comment default lines/in, if 
						 reasonable for choosen font;
       ListSpacing 	=	     1; ! single, double, triple, etc.;

! The following macros set up the symbols used to change the default

require "{}[]" delimiters; ! Necessary for the definitions of right and 
			     left to work;

define Top		=	 {"^"}, comment top margin symbol;
       Bottom		=	 {"_"}, comment page height symbol;
       RightSw		=	 {">"}, comment page width symbol;
       LeftSw		=	 {"<"}; ! left margin symbol;

require unstack!delimiters; ! Go back to old set of delimiters;

define Top		=	 {"^"}, comment top margin symbol;
       Bottom		=	 {""}, comment page height symbol;
       RightSw		=	 {""}, comment page width symbol;
       LeftSw		=	 {"_"}; ! left margin symbol;
! Input file type numbers;

define Badfile		=	     0, comment missing or unopenable file;
       DVIfile		=	     1, comment Device Independent Format 
						       files, as used by TEX;
       XGPfile		=	     2, comment Xerox Graphic Printer input 
       RSTfile		=	     3, comment Raster Format file, for 
								pixel blowup;
       VNTfile		=	     4, comment Versatile Font Format file, 
							    for pixel blowup;
       LPTfile		=	     5, comment Line Printer file, either 
							      ASCII or SU-AI;
       DSYfile		=	     6, comment Xerox-Diablo 630 (daisywheel) 
								 Format file;
       SCRfile          =            7, comment Scribe file;
       LISPfile		=	     8; comment INTERLISP file;

! Font file type numbers;

define Badfont		=	     0, comment unknown format or missing 
								   font file;
       RSTfont		=	     1, comment Raster Format font file;
       VNTfont		=	     2; ! Versatile Font Format font file;
! This file sets the memory allocation scheme;

! Space Allocation for font files.  Note that directories are stored 
  separately from raster images, and another separate area is needed
  to keep the page tables;

define Firstfntpage 	= 	  '500,
	Lastfntpage 	= 	  '577,
       Firstdirpage 	= 	  '700,
	Lastdirpage 	= 	  '727,		
      Fonttablearea 	=      '340000; ! to '400000, space for page tables;

! Space allocation for input file;

define FirstInPage 	= 	  '730,
       LastInPage  	= 	  '747;

! Space allocation for output file;

define FirstImpPage 	= 	  '750,
        LastImpPage 	= 	  '776;