
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/charge.sai
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BEGIN "charge"


Joe Weening 2/83.
Modified 3/83 to read month-to-date data.

This program reads the raw-data output file of FREP and displays charges
for users whose names are given on the command line, or for the user running
this program, if none were given.

end of comment;

require "{}<>" delimiters;
define	! = {comment},
	tab = '11,
	lf = '12,
	cr = '15,
	crlf = {('15&'12)};

define	jobsec!cost = {(100/3600)};	! $1.00 per hour;
define	cpusec!cost = {(150/60)};	! $1.50 per minute;
define  diskmpagm!cost = {(3/1000)};	! $0.03 per page-month;
define	bmul = {(2/3)}, cmul = {(1/3)};	! night discounts;

integer brchar;				! Break character for scanning;
string  command!line;
integer current!day;			! Today's day in month (1st day = 0);
integer current!month;			! Today's month number (January = 1);
integer current!year;			! Today's year;
integer ichan;				! Channel for input file;
integer incrlf,toblank,flush,tocomma,totab;	! Break tables for input;
string  input!file!name;		! Accounting data file;
integer month;				! Month of interest;
string  our!user!name;			! Our user name;
external integer !skip!;		! Various return codes from SAIL runtimes;
string  user!name;			! User name to find charges for;
integer year;				! Year of interest;

preload!with "January","February","March","April","May","June",
string array month!name[1:12];
preload!with 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31;
integer array month!length[1:12];

! INITIALIZE gets useful information at the beginning of the program.;

simple procedure initialize;
    begin "initialize"
    integer our!usernum;
	movei 1,0;
	rscan;				! back up input buffer to command line;
	movem 1,our!usernum;
	movni 2,1;			! for current date and time;
	movei 4,0;
	hlrzm 2,current!year;
	hrrzm 2,current!month;
	aos current!month;		! make January = 1 etc.;
	hlrzm 3,current!day;
    our!user!name _ dirst(our!usernum);
    setbreak(toblank_getbreak," "&tab,null,"INS");
    setbreak(flush_getbreak,null," "&tab,"XNR");
    command!line _ intty;
    scan(command!line,toblank,brchar);	! remove program name;
    end "initialize";

! EXIT terminates (without the "End of SAIL execution" message)
  and doesn't allow continuation.;

simple procedure exit;
    begin "exit"
    label quit;
    quick!code haltf end;
    print("Sorry, can't continue." & crlf);
    go to quit;
    end "exit";
! ERROR is used to print a message and die.;

define error(mess) = {begin print(crlf & mess & crlf); exit end};

! FILES!ONLY determines if a directory is files-only.  The argument is a
  directory name without the structure name and "<" and ">" delimiters.;

simple boolean procedure files!only(string directory);
    begin "files!only"
    directory _ "PS:<" & directory & ">" & 0;	! null at end;
	movsi 1,1;			! ask for exact match only;
	move 2,directory;		! byte ptr to dir name;
	movei 3,0;
	tlnn 1,'400000;
	tdza 1,1;			! not files-only;
	movni 1,1;			! files-only;
    ! Return value is now in register 1 for SAIL.;
    end "files!only";
! GET!INPUT!FILE asks for the name of the month, and opens the appropriate input
  file based on that.;

simple procedure get!input!file;
    begin "get!input!file"
    integer previous!month,default!month;
    string s,input!file!name;

    simple integer procedure cvmo(string mo);
	begin "cvmo"
	integer ci,m3;
	m3 _ cvsix(mo) lsh -18;
	for ci _ 1 step 1 until 12 do
	    if m3 = cvsix(month!name[ci]) lsh -18 then return(ci);
	end "cvmo";

    previous!month _ if current!month = 1 then 12 else current!month - 1;
    default!month _ if current!day = 0 then previous!month else current!month;
    do begin "get month"
	print("Month ? (type <return> for ",month!name[default!month],") ");
	s _ intty;
	month _ if length(s) = 0 then default!month else cvmo(s);
	if month = 0 then print("Eh?  Please try again." & crlf);
	end "get month"
    until month NEQ 0;
    year _ if month LEQ current!month then current!year else current!year-1;

    if month = current!month and current!day = 0 then
	error(<"Data for ",month!name[current!month]," ",current!year,
	    " is not available yet.">);
    if year < 1983 then
	error(<"Usage-based accounting for Score was not in effect in " &
	    month!name[month] & " " & cvs(year) & ".">);
    if year mod 4 = 0 then month!length[2] _ 29;	! Leap years;

    input!file!name _ if month = current!month then
	"PS:<ACCOUNTS>RAW-" & cvs(month) & "-" & cvs(year mod 100) & ".DAT";
    ichan _ openfile(input!file!name,"ROE");
    if ichan = -1 then
	error(<"Unable to read file " & input!file!name>);

    end "get!input!file";
! GET!USER!NAME sets USER!NAME to the next user name on the command line,
  or returns FALSE if there are no more names.;

simple boolean procedure get!user!name;
    begin "get!user!name"
    user!name _ scan(command!line,tocomma,brchar);
    if user!name = "<" and user!name[INF for 1] = ">"
	then user!name _ user!name[2 to INF-1];
    return(user!name NEQ null);
    end "get!user!name";
! READ!USER!RECORDS finds all records in the input file for the user, and prints
  charges and totals.;

procedure read!user!records;
    begin "read!user!records"
    integer acpu,bcpu,ccpu,ajob,bjob,cjob,disk,
    integer acpu!cost,bcpu!cost,ccpu!cost,ajob!cost,bjob!cost,cjob!cost,disk!cost,
    string line,s1,s2,save!line;

    grand!total _ records!accepted _ 0;
    schptr(ichan,0);			! read from begining of file;
    while true do begin "read loop"
	label continue!read!loop;
	save!line _ line _ input(ichan,incrlf);
	if !skip! = -1 then done "read loop"
	else if !skip! then begin "read error"
	    print("Error reading file ",input!file!name,": ");
	    end "read error";
	if line = "!" then continue "read loop";	! comment line in file;
	s1 _ scan(line,totab,brchar);	! user name (or subdirectory);
	if equ(user!name,s1[1 to length(user!name)]) then begin "prefix match"

	    integer procedure getnum;	! get a number from LINE, error if empty;
		begin "getnum"
		integer n;
		n _ intscan(line,brchar);
		if brchar NEQ -1 then return(n);
		print("Error in input file.  Ignoring the following line: " &
		    crlf & save!line & crlf);
		go to continue!read!loop;	! jumps out of this procedure;
		end "getnum";

	    s2 _ s1[length(user!name)+1 to INF];
	    if s2 = null		! exact match;
	      or s2 = "."		! subdirectory;
		then begin "accept record"
		label show!disk!cost;

		total!cpu _ getnum div 1000;	! milliseconds to seconds;
		total!job _ getnum;
		dummy _ getnum;		! LPT pages;
		dummy _ getnum;		! sessions;
		disk _ getnum;
		bcpu _ getnum div 1000;
		ccpu _ getnum div 1000;
		bjob _ getnum;
		cjob _ getnum;
		acpu _ total!cpu - bcpu - ccpu;
		ajob _ total!job - bjob - cjob;
		ajob!cost _ ajob * jobsec!cost + 0.5;
		bjob!cost _ bjob * jobsec!cost * bmul + 0.5;
		cjob!cost _ cjob * jobsec!cost * cmul + 0.5;
		acpu!cost _ acpu * cpusec!cost + 0.5;
		bcpu!cost _ bcpu * cpusec!cost * bmul + 0.5;
		ccpu!cost _ ccpu * cpusec!cost * cmul + 0.5;
		disk!cost _ disk * diskmpagm!cost
		    * (if month = current!month then
			current!day/month!length[current!month] else 1.0)
		    + 0.5;
		total!cost _ ajob!cost + bjob!cost + cjob!cost
		    + acpu!cost + bcpu!cost + ccpu!cost + disk!cost;

		print(crlf & "Score charges for ",s1," during ",
		    month!name[month]," ",year,(if month = current!month
			then " (through yesterday):" else ":"),crlf & crlf);

		! We print just disk cost if there is no cpu or job cost,
		  and the directory is a subdirectory of the user or is

		if total!cpu = 0 and total!job = 0 and (s2 = "." or files!only(s1))
		    then go to show!disk!cost;

"A job time:" & cvf(ajob/3600) & " hours    $" & cvf(ajob!cost/100) & crlf &
"B job time:" & cvf(bjob/3600) & "           " & cvf(bjob!cost/100) & crlf &
"C job time:" & cvf(cjob/3600) & "           " & cvf(cjob!cost/100) & crlf &
"A cpu time:" & cvf(acpu/60)   & " minutes   " & cvf(acpu!cost/100) & crlf &
"B cpu time:" & cvf(bcpu/60)   & "           " & cvf(bcpu!cost/100) & crlf &
"C cpu time:" & cvf(ccpu/60)   & "           " & cvf(ccpu!cost/100) & crlf);

show!disk!cost:	print(
"Disk usage:" & cvf(disk/1000) & " pages     " & cvf(disk!cost/100) & crlf & crlf &
"Total cost:         "         & "          $" & cvf(total!cost/100) & crlf);

		grand!total _ grand!total + total!cost;
		records!accepted _ records!accepted + 1;

		end "accept record";
	    end "prefix match";
	end "read loop";

    if records!accepted = 0 then
	print(crlf & "No records found for ",user!name,crlf)
    else if records!accepted > 1 then print(crlf & crlf &
"Grand total:        "       & "          $" & cvf(grand!total/100) & crlf);

    end "read!user!records";
! execution begins here;

if get!user!name then
    do read!user!records
    until not get!user!name
else begin
    user!name _ our!user!name;

end "charge";