
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/clean.fai
There are no other files named clean.fai in the archive.
;SX:<K.KDO>CLEAN.FAI.41, 25-May-80 16:26:36, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;add <SPACE>, <BACKSPACE>, and <RUBOUT> commands
;modify internal help message
;SX:<K.KDO>CLEAN.FAI.40, 5-Apr-80 20:25:45, Edit by Y.YDUJ
;implementation of T(ype) command and bugfixes in P(ush) command.

		Title	CLEAN - clean up directory

;Original version written by Michael Heathman @SUMEX, June 1975
;Modified for LOTS by David Roode, July 1977
;Rewritten by Kirk Lougheed, September 1979

Search Monsym
Extern .Jbsa


maxfil== =500			;maximum number of files
pdlen==30			;length of push down stack
fdblen==30			;length of fdb
filfld==17			;length of filename field
namfld== =35			;length of username field

opdef	call	[pushj	p,]
opdef	ret	[popj	p,]

crlf:	byte(7) 15, 12, 0
execj:	block 1			;jfn for the inferior exec
execf:	block 1			;fork handle for inferior exec
modin:	block 1			;mode word for tty input
modout:	block 1			;mode word for tty output
jfn:	block 1			;file jfn
freead:	block 1			;current location of free memory
total:	block 1			;total number of files in the group
temp:	block 20		;used with the gfust jsys
direct:	block maxfil		;array of string pointers
pdlist:	block pdlen		;the stack
fdb:	block fdblen		;the file descriptor block
pagenm:	block 1			;page number for the process page to PMAP to.
filpag:	block 1			;page number of the file we are typing
noint:	block 1			;interrupt flag
pcsave:	block 1			;save PC here on ctrl/o

;interrupt tables

chntab:	1,,shutof		;channel 0 for ctrl-o
	block =15
levtab:	pcsave
	block 2

;here is the table of commands

comtab:	12,,nxtfil		;get the next file
	" ",,nxtfil		;SPACE is synonym for LINEFEED
	"D",,delete		;delete the file
	"?",,ques		;give the help message
	"^",,backup		;get the previous file
	"H"-100,,backup		;BACKSPACE is synonym for ^
	177,,backup		;RUBOUT is synonym for ^
	"U",,undele		;undelete the file
	"T",,type		;type the file
	"F",,quit		;quit now
	"P",,exec		;push to an inferior exec

;here is the main program

start:	RESET			;sanitize the world
	move	p,[iowd pdlen, pdlist] ;set up the subroutine stack
	call	getfil		;get the file group specification
	call	init		;print header, init the file stack, set up
loop:	call	file		;print a file spec
	call	option		;check for instructions
	call	(a)		;execute the instruction
	jrst	loop		;look at next file

;here is the help message

ques:	hrroi	a,[asciz/

	   CLEAN is a program for quickly deleting certain files in a
	directory.  By default CLEAN examines all the files in your
	connected directory.  You can specify a certain group of files,
	say Passgo programs, by typing "clean *.pgo" to the EXEC prompt.

	CLEAN commands:

	Ignore the file: <RETURN>, <SPACE>
	Backup to previous file: ^, <BACKSPACE>, <RUBOUT>
	Delete the file: D
	Undelete the file: U
	Leave CLEAN: F    (going past the last file also causes CLEAN to stop)
	Type the file: T   (^O will abort the typeout)
	Push to another EXEC: P

			Subttl	GETFIL

;here to get a file group specification
;Checks the rescan buffer first, then uses default if necessary

getfil:	movei	a,.rsini	;read from rescan buffer
	 erjmp	defalt		;go get the default file group on a error
	jumpe   a,defalt	;nothing in rescan buffer, use default
flush:	PBIN			;get a byte
	cain	a,12
	 jrst	defalt		;no file group in buffer, use the default
	caie	a,40
	cain	a,11
	 jrst	getit		;looks like user specified a file group
	jrst	flush		;keep flushing characters

;here to get a file specification

defalt:	movsi	a,(gj%old!gj%del!gj%ifg) ;short form flags
	hrri	a,.gjall	;all generations
	hrroi	b,[asciz/*.*.*/] ;default file spec
	jrst	get		;skip to the jsys call
getit:	movei	a,jfnblk	;argument block for long form GTJFN
	setz	b,
get:	GTJFN
	 erjmp	error
	movem	a,jfn

;here is the specification block for the GTJFN call

jfnblk:	gj%old!gj%del!gj%ifg!gj%xtn!gj%fns!gj%cfm+.gjall
	block 2
	block 4

		Subttl	INIT

;here to print the header and set up the file stack

init:	movei	a,.priin
	movem	b,modin		;save original mode word
	trz	b,tt%eco
	SFMOD			;set to no echo
	movei	a,.priou
	movem	b,modout	;save original mode word
	tlz	b,(tt%len)
	STPAR			;set terminal length zero
	call	setint		;set up interrupt stuff.
	hrroi	a,[byte(7) 15,12,11,11,0]
	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,jfn
	move	c,[1b2+1b5+1b8+1b11+1b14+1b35]
	JFNS			;the file group specification
	hrroi	a,[asciz/    Type ? for help.

File	       Pages  Writer        Written      Read      Time   Status
	PSOUT			;the rest of the header
	hlrz	a,.jbsa
	movem	a,freead	;start of free memory 
	setz	f,		;first index into array

loadx:	move	a,freead	;get free memory
	movem	a,direct(f)	;store its location in the pointer array
	add	a,[point 7, 0]	;set up actual pointer
	hrrz	b,jfn		;file jfn
	setz	c,		;full file spec
	addi	a,2		;make sure that there is at least one null
	hrrzm	a,freead	;store next free memory location
	move	a,jfn
	GNJFN			;get next jfn
	 erjmp	init2		;failed, must be at end of group
	addi	f,1		;increment array index
	jrst	loadx

init2:	movem	f,total		;store total number of files in group
	setz	f,		;start at beginning of group
	move	a,freead	;get back free address
	hrlm	a,.jbsa		;and update it.
				Subttl	FILE

;here to print out a file specification

file:	movsi	a,(gj%old!gj%sht!gj%del)
	hrro	b,direct(f)
	GTJFN			;get a jfn for the file spec
	 erjmp	error
	movem	a,jfn

	movei	a,.priou
	hrrz	b,jfn
	move	c,[1b8+1b11+1b14+1b35]
	JFNS			;print out the file spec
	hrrz	a,jfn
	hrlzi	b,fdblen
	movei	c,fdb
	GTFDB			;get file descriptor block

	movei	a,.priou	;get cursor position
	hrrzs	b		;get just column number
	subi	b,filfld	;space out to FILFLD'th column
	jumpge	b,[ hrroi   a,crlf  ;if name too large, do it on next line
		    movni   b,filfld
		    jrst    .+1 ]
	movei	a,40
	aojl	b,.-1

	movei	a,.priou	;write out pages
	hrrz	b,fdb+.fbbyv
	move	c,[no%lfl!no%oov+3B17+12]
	 erjmp [caie	c,noutx2  ;recover if it's just column overflow
		 jrst	error
		hrroi	a,crlf
		movni	b,filfld+3
		movei	a,40
		aojl	b,$.-1
		jrst	.+1]

	hrroi	a,[asciz/   /]

	hrli	a,.gflwr	;last writer
	hrr	a,jfn
	hrroi	b,temp		;dump the name here
	hrroi	a,temp
	movei	a,.priou
	RFPOS			;what column are we at now?
	hrrzs	b
	cail	b,namfld
	 jrst	[ hrroi	 a,crlf
		  setz	 b,
		  jrst	 .+1 ]
	subi	b,namfld
	movei	a,40
	aojl	b,.-1		;space over to end of name field

write:	movei	a,.priou	;write out last write date
	move	b,fdb+.fbwrt
	move	c,[ot%spa+ot%ntm]
	skipn	b
	 jrst  [ hrroi  a,[asciz /  never /]
		 jrst   .+2 ]

	hrroi	a,[asciz/   /]

	movei	a,.priou	;write out last read date
	move	b,fdb+.fbref
	move	c,[ot%spa+ot%ntm]	
	skipn	b
	 jrst  [ hrroi a,[asciz /  never           /]
		 jrst   status ]

	hrroi	a,[asciz/  /]
	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,fdb+.fbref
	move	c,[ot%nda+ot%12h+ot%nsc]
	ODTIM			;last read time

status:	move	a,fdb+.fbctl
	tlne	a,(fb%del)
	 jrst	del
	hrroi	a,[asciz /    ?    /]

del:	hrroi	a,[asciz/   Del   /]
			Subttl	OPTION

;here to check for commands, returns legal address in A, beeps otherwise

option:	PBIN			;get command
	cain	a,15
	 jrst	option		;a CR, just ignore
	cail	a,"a"
	caile	a,"z"
	jrst	.+2
	andi	a,137		;upper case any lower case letters
	movsi	c,-comlen
opt:	hlrz	b,comtab(c)
	camn	a,b
	 jrst	match		;a legal command
	aobjn	c,opt
	movei	a,7
	PBOUT			;garbage, ring the bell
	jrst	option

match:	caie	a,"D"
	cain	a,"U"
	PBOUT			;echo these commands
	hrrz	a,comtab(c)	;get the subroutine address in a
Subttl TYPE the file

type:	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,modout	;get orig out word
	STPAR			;set terminal length what it was.
	setzm	noint		;let ^O happen.
	move 	a,jfn
	movei	b,of%rd		;read access only, don't need to worry about
				;byte size; will use PMAP.
	 erjmp  error
	hlr	b,.jbsa
	idivi	b,1000		;make page num 'stead of memory loc.
	skipe	c		;skip if there was no remainder, cuz then we 
				;are on a page boundary already, else add one
				;to our page number so we dont clobber nuthin'
	 addi	b,1
	movem 	b,pagenm
	hrrzs	fdb+.fbbyv	;flush anything but length of file.
	hrroi	a,[asciz/
	setzm	filpag
ty0:	hrrz	a,filpag	;get file page we are mapping in
	caml	a,fdb+.fbbyv	;fdb+.fbbyv has the length of the file.
	 jrst	ty1
	hrl	a,jfn		;jfn in left half
	hrli	b,.fhslf	;ourselves.
	hrr	b,pagenm	;and the process page to map to.
	movsi	c,(pm%rd+pm%pld)
	 erjmp  error
	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,pagenm	;retrieve the page
	imuli	b,1000		; and make it a location.
	hrro	b,b		;make it a pointer
	movni	c,5000		;number of bytes
	 erjmp	error
	aos	filpag
	jrst	ty0
ty1:	setom	noint		;no more interrupts.
	movei	a,.priou	;now fix up the world after ourselves:
	move	b,modout
	tlz	b,(tt%len)
	STPAR			;set terminal length back to zero
        seto	a,
	hrli	b,.fhslf
	hrr	b,pagenm
	movsi	c,(pm%rd)
	PMAP			;unmap the last page
	 erjmp	error

;here to go onto the next file

nxtfil:	hrroi	a,crlf
	camn	f,total
	 jrst	quit		;die if no more files
	addi	f,1
	hrrz	a,jfn
	RLJFN			;release the old jfn
	 erjmp	error

;here to delete or undelete a file

undele:	skipa	c,[0]		;turn off delete bit
delete:	movsi	c,(fb%del)	;turn on delete bit
	hrli	a,.fbctl
	hrr	a,jfn
	movsi	b,(fb%del)
	call	nxtfil		;advance to next file

;here to backup to the last file

backup:	hrroi	a,crlf
	jumpe	f,back		;go ring a bell if can't back up
	subi	f,1
	hrrz	a,jfn
	 erjmp	error

back:	movei	a,7
	SUBTTL Interrupt Handling

;interrupt handling code stolen from PTYPE.  Here to set up the interrupt
;stuff, will turn it on/off in TYPE.
setint:	movei	a,.fhslf	;current process
	move	b,[levtab,,chntab] ;interrupt tables
	SIR			;set interrupts
	EIR			;enable interrupts
	move	b,[1b0]		;activate channel 0 
	move	a,[.ticco,,0]	;control-o assigned to channel 0

;here is the routine to fake a control-o

shutof:	skipe	noint		;skip if allowing interrupts
	DEBRK			;just debreak
	setom	noint		;don't interrupt ourselves
	movei	a,.priou	;our output file
	CFOBF			;zap it
	hrroi	a,[asciz/^O...
	movei	a,ty1		;debreak to end of type code
	movem	a,pcsave
	DEBRK			;return from interrupt
			Subttl	EXEC

;here to push to an inferior exec.
;restore tty type to what he wanted when start exec, restore to 
;no-echo after POP.

exec:	hrroi a,[asciz/

Use the "POP" command to return to CLEAN from the lower fork EXEC.

	movei	a,.priin	;first fix up tty mode.
	move	b,modin
	SFMOD			;resume echoing
	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,modout
	STPAR			;resume original tty page length

	movsi	a,(gj%old!gj%sht) ;get lower fork exec
	hrroi	b,[asciz/PS:<SYSTEM>EXEC.EXE/]
	 erjmp	error
	movem	a,execj

	movsi	a,(cr%cap)	;create fork with same caps
	 erjmp	error	
	movem	a,execf

	hrlzs	a
	hrr	a,execj		;get jfn
	move	a,execf		;start fork
	setz	b,

	WFORK			;wait for fork to finish
	KFORK			;kill fork, release jfns

	movei	a,.priin	;now fix tty mode.
	trz	b,tt%eco
	SFMOD			;set to no echo
	movei	a,.priou
;	tlz	b,(tt%len)
;	STPAR			;set terminal no page


;here to handle a fatal JSYS error

error:	hrroi	a,[asciz/JSYS error - /]
	movei	a,.priou
	hrloi	b,.fhslf
	setz	c,
	RESET			;release jfns, reset some tty parameters
	jrst	stop

;here to quit gracefully, resetting the tty parameters

quit:	movei	a,.priin
	move	b,modin
	SFMOD			;resume echoing
	movei	a,.priou
	move	b,modout
	STPAR			;resume original tty page length
stop:	HALTF
	jrst	stop		;no good to restart

	end	start