
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/dmon.fai
There are no other files named dmon.fai in the archive.
;<UTILITIES>DMON.FAI.13, 19-Jun-83 04:38:01, Edit by MRC
; Make all the tables bigger to accomodate Score's monitor
;<UTILITIES>DMON.FAI.12, 19-Jun-83 04:35:10, Edit by MRC
; Flush logging code
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.11,  5-Jun-82 19:24:51, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; Install logging code to catch ignorant and dishonest wheels
; Set our jobname to DMON, not EXEC.
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.9, 18-Jul-81 19:14:11, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; snoop symbols everytime we're started - no SSAVE% junk
; set our name to EXEC - screwup subsys name watching programs
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.8,  2-Jul-81 14:04:37, Edit by J.JQJOHNSON
; make rubout print as @i<?>
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.6, 17-Dec-80 15:44:44, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; set entry vector when SSAVEing self
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.4,  4-Dec-80 15:42:37, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; fix miscellaneous bugs
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>DMON.FAI.2,  4-Dec-80 15:10:59, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; save number of terminal lines at SNOOP% time
; tell user when we are re-initializing because of a new monitor
;<J.JQJOHNSON>DMON.FAI.1,  4-Feb-80 13:27:29, Edit by J.JQJOHNSON
; started modifying for use with display package

extern dpyini,dohome,doil,dodl,doeeol,docp,setcur,dpyout,clrita,setita
extern dpychr,turnof

search monsym,macsym


dpylen=27			;number of lines on the display
pdlen==100			;length of push down stack

start:	reset%			;reset the world
	move p,[iowd pdlen,pdl]	;set up the stack
	move a,[sixbit/DMON  /]	;our name is DMON
	setnm%			;Let everybody know
	movei a,.fhslf		;a/ this process
	rpcap%			;fetch CAPMSK
	move c,b		;c/ mask of potential capabilities
	epcap%			;enable everything we have
	movei a,.snpsy		;a/ function is to look for symbols
	setz c,			;c/ no arguments for this one
	movsi t,-nsyms		;t/ form aobjn pointer
snplup:	move b,syms(t)		;b/ radix50 value of symbol
	snoop%			;look in monitor symbol table
	 ercal jfatal		;error, probably not a wheel
	movem b,snsyms(t)	;save absolute address
	aobjn t,snplup		;loop until done
	movei 1,1
	hrlm 1,ttbigi
	move 1,ttbsiz
	hrlm 1,ttbbuf
	hrroi a,.ttyjo		;want length of TTYJOB table
	getab%			;get it
	 ercal jfatal		;some error
	movnm a,nlines		;store number of ttys

;fall through
;drop in and start displaying the world

restrt:	call dpyini		;initialize display package
	call docp
	movn 4,nlines
	movss 4
	hrri  4,1		;4/ [-nlines,,1]
	setz 5,
cnmlup:	skipn platab(4)
	 jrst ecnmlp
	jumpe 5,nocrlf
	movei 2,15		;send a crlf
	call dpychr
	movei 2,12
	call dpychr
nocrlf:	addi 5,1
	movei 2,(4)
	call sndnum		;print the number in 2, followed by ":"
	movei 2,(4)
	ash 2,7
	movei 1,10000(2)
	call prints		;print this string
nocrl2:	caig 5,dpylen
ecnmlp:	aobjn 4,cnmlup
	movei 13,1
	move 1,ttbigi		;get location of beginning of bigbuf.
	movei 2,12
	 ercal jfatal
	movei 11,1(12)
frst:	move 1,ttbbuf		;get bigbuf
	movei 2,buff
	 ercal jfatal
loop:	camn 11,12		;any more characters?
	 jrst wate		; no.  Wait 1 sec.  If no typein, go to frst
	hlrz 4,buff(11)		; yes.  Put them in output buffers
	aos 2,numb(4)		;increment n of chars in this buffer
	cain 2,=75		;is there room?
	 jrst bpzro		; no.  Clear this buffer.
	skipe bytpb(4)		;pick up byte pointer
	 jrst linok		;it exists.  Go output the line.
	movei 3,-1(4)		;must create a new line buffer
asnlup:	skipn 1,platab(3)
	sojg 3,asnlup
	movei 1,1(1)
	movem 1,platab(4)
	caige 1,(13)
	 movei 13,1(13)
	movei 3,1(4)
addlup:	cail 3,140
	 jrst endadd
	skipe platab(3)
	 aos platab(3)
	aoja 3,addlup
endadd:	move 3,platab(4)
	cail 3,(13)
	 caile 3,dpylen+1(13)
	 jrst bpzro
	setz	2,		;x=0
	movei 3,0(3)		;y [xxx]
	sub 3,13
	call setcur	
	call doil		;insert a line
	movei 2,(4)
	call sndnum
bpzro:	movei 2,1
	movem 2,numb(4)
	movei 3,(4)
	ash 3,7
	movei 3,10000(3)
	setzm (3)
	movei 5,1(3)
	hrli 5,(3)
	blt 5,100(3)
	hrli 3,(<point 7,0>)
	movem 3,bytpb(4)

;add a bigbuf char to a line buffer
;    4/ line number
;    11/ bigbuf position
linok:	movei 5,177
	and 5,buff(11)
	cail 5,177
	 subi 5,200		;treat RUB as -1
	cail 5,40
	 jrst chok1
	movei 1,"N"-100		;code for "set italic"
	idpb 1,bytpb(4)
	movei 1,100(5)		;convert ctrl char to letter
	idpb 1,bytpb(4)
	movei 1,"O"-100
	idpb 1,bytpb(4)		;clear italic
chok1:	 idpb 5,bytpb(4)
	move 4,platab(4)
	caig 4,dpylen(13)
	 caige 4,(13)
	  jrst eloop
	sub 4,13
	caie 2,1
	 jrst linok1
	movei 2,5
	movei 3,0(4)		;y position
	call setcur
	call doeeol
	jrst chout
linok1:	movei 2,4(2)
	movei 2,(2)
	movei 3,0(4)
	call setcur
chout:	cail 5,177		;rubout?
	 subi 5,200		;make it -1
	cail 5,40		;send the character to the display now.
	 jrst chok
	call setita
	movei 2,100(5)		;convert from control char to alpha
	call dpychr
	call clrita
	jrst eloop
chok:	movei 2,(5)
	call dpychr
eloop:	call dpyout
	aos 11			;on to the next character in big buf.
	caml 11,ttbsiz		;unless we're already at the end.
	 setz 11,
	jrst loop
;wait for 1 sec.  If no typein, go to frst
wate:	movei 1,1000
	movei 1,.priin
	 call input
	move 1,ttbigi
	movei 2,12
	 ercal jfatal
	jrst frst

input:	bin
	trz 2,200
	caie 2,"N"-100		;^N means down
	cain 2,":"
	 jrst colon
	caie 2,"P"-100		;^P means up
	cain 2,";"
	 jrst semi
	caie 2,"L"-100		;^L means redisplay
	cain 2,"^"
	 jrst refrsh
	 ercal jfatal
	call docp		;end with a clear page
	call turnof		;turn off dpy package
	movei a,.priou
	movei a,.priou
	movei b,"R"-100
	jrst restrt

;refresh the screen
refrsh:	setzm strttb
	move 1,[strttb,,strttb+1]
	blt 1,endtab
	jrst restrt

;up a few lines
semi:	cain 13,1
	movei 15,-1(13)
	movei 13,-20(13)
	caige 13,1
	 movei 13,1
	movei 1,(15)
ffsmlp:	camle 15,nlines
	came 1,platab(15)
	 aoja 15,ffsmlp
semlup:	jumpe 15,semdun
	skipn platab(15)
	 jrst esemlp
	move 14,platab(15)
	cain 14,-1(13)
	call clrita
	setz 2,
	movei 3,dpylen
	call setcur
	call dodl
	call dohome
	call prntit
esemlp:	soja 15,semlup
semdun:	movei 13,(14)
cpopj:	ret

;down a few lines
colon:	movei 13,20(13)
	movei 15,10(13)
	movei 1,(15)
ffcolp:	camle 15,nlines
	 jrst [	movei 13,-20(13)
	came 1,platab(15)
	 aoja 15,ffcolp
collup:	caml 15,nlines
	 jrst coldun
	skipn platab(15)
	 jrst ecollp
	move 14,platab(15)
	cain 14,dpylen+1(13)
	call clrita
	call dohome
	call dodl
	setz 2,
	movei 3,dpylen
	call setcur
	call prntit
ecollp:	aoja 15,collup
coldun:	movei 13,-dpylen(14)
;print an existing line buffer
prntit:	call doil
	movei 2,(15)
	call sndnum
	movei 16,[byte (7) 15,1,1,1,1,1,0]
	call prints
	movei 2,(15)
	ash 2,7
	movei 16,10000(2)

prints:	hrli 16,(<point 7,0>)
prntlp:	ildb 2,16
	jumpe 2,dpyout
	call dpychr
	jrst prntlp

;print a number
;call:	2/ number to be sent

sndnum:	push p,3
	call clrita
	call octout
	movei 2,":"
	call dpychr
	call doeeol
	pop p,3

octout:	jumpe 2,cpopj
	idivi 2,10		;in octal
	push p,3
	call octout
	pop p,2
	addi 2,"0"
	jrst dpychr

;fatal jsys error

jfatal:	hrroi 1,[asciz/Fatal error - /]
	movei 1,.priou
	hrloi 2,.fhslf
	setz 3,
	tmsg < at PC >
	movei 1,.priou
	move 2,(p)
	subi 2,2
	movei 3,10
	tmsg <
	call turnof
	jrst .-1
Subttl Storage

define snptab <
	$r5 ttbbuf
	$r5 ttbigi
	$r5 ttbsiz

define $r5 (sym) <
	radix5 0, sym		;;assemble radix50 code for SYM

syms:	snptab

define $r5 (sym) <
sym:	block 1			;;assemble storage with SYM as the label

snsyms:	snptab

buff:	block 400
nlines:	block 1			;total number of tty lines 
strttb:	0
pdl:	block pdlen		;pushdown stack

;the following are indexed by terminal number
bytpb:	block 400
numb:	block 400		;number of chars in output buffer
platab:	block 400
endtab:	block 1

	end start