
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/fraid.fai
There are no other files named fraid.fai in the archive.
	title	fraid
	subttl	file manipulating program /MMcM
	search	monsym
	.requir	ultcmd
	extern	getcmd, subcmd, lstchr

; AC's
f_0					; Flags
t_7					; Random
u_10					; Lower bound arg
v_11					; Upper bound arg
w_12					; Byte pointer
y_15					; Temp
x_16					; Horizontal position
p_17					; Pushdown list

; LH flags
f%f1	__ 1				; Temp flag
f%f2	__ 2				; Another
f%f3	__ 4

; RH flags
f%opn	__ 1				; File is open
f%wr	__ 2				; File is open for write
f%map	__ 4				; File is mapped in
f%idd	__ 10				; Use IDDT rather than RAID
f%idx	__ 20				; Have the index block mapped

; Opdef's
opdef	call	[pushj	p, 0]
opdef	ret	[popj	p, 0]
opdef	print	[1b8]
opdef	utype	[2b8]
opdef	unoi	[3b8]
opdef	uerr	[4b8]

eol	__ 37				; For print uuo

loc	41
	call	uuoh
; Minimal macro definitions
define	type	(x)
   {	utype	[asciz /x/]

define	noise	(x)
   {	unoi	[asciz /x/]

define	deferr	(x,y)
   {	ifidn	<x>,<>,{uerr y, 0}
	ifdif	<x>,<>,{uerr y, [asciz /x/]}

define	error	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,0)

define	jerror	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,10)

define	cerr	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,5)

define	jcerr	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,15)
define	fatal	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,7)

define	jfatal	(x)
   {	deferr	(x,17)

define	cmd    (x,y)
   {	ifidn	<y>,<>,{[asciz |x|],,.x}
	ifdif	<y>,<>,{[asciz |x|],,y	}

define	dcmd	(x,y,z)
   {	[asciz |x|],,[y,,z]

define	fdbnms	(y)
   {	for @ x in (act,adr,bk0,bk1,bk2,bk3,bk4,byv,cnt,cre,crv,<ctl>
,exl,ext,gen,gnl,hdr,nam,prt,ref,siz,use,usw,wrt) {y}

define	deffdb   (y)
   {	radix5 4,FDBy
; Start of program
go:	reset
	setz	f,			; Clear flags
	move	p, [iowd npdl, pdl]
	movei	1, .priin
	rfmod				; Save tty modes for ^E
	movem	2, modsav
	movei	1, .fhslf
	ior	3, 2
	epcap				; Turn on what we can
	move	2, [levtab,,chntab]
	movsi	2, (1b0)
	movsi	1, .ticce
	ati				; ^E on chan 0
	jrst	cmdlup

; ^E here
ctepsi:	cis
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	1, .priin
	move	2, modsav
	sfmod				; Restore modes
	call	crif
	type	<^E>
	skiple	1, outjfn		; Close any open output file
	jrst	cmdres
; Top level command entry
cmdres:	move	p, [iowd npdl, pdl]	; Reset stack
cmdlup:	call	crif			; Get a fresh line
	movei	1, cmdtab
	call	getcmd
cmdlp0:	hrrz	1, (1)			; Enter here for subcommand dispatch
	call	(1)
	jrst	cmdlup

; Command table
cmdtab:	[asciz /=> /],,-ncmds
	[asciz //],,[ret]
	[asciz /;/],,eatcmt
	cmd	date
	cmd	dump
	cmd	exit
	cmd	file
	cmd	fdb
	cmd	get
	cmd	iddt
	cmd	map
	cmd	new
	cmd	quit
	cmd	raid
	cmd	read
	cmd	unmap
	cmd	write
ncmds	__ .-cmdtab-1
; Print crlf if not at start of line
crif:	push	p, 1
	push	p, 2
	movei	1, .priou
	hrroi	1, crlf0
	trne	2, -1
	pop	p, 2
	pop	p, 1

; Print crlf
crlf:	push	p, 1
	hrroi	1, crlf0
	pop	p, 1

crlf0:	byte	(7) 15, 12, 0
; UUO handler
uuoh:	push	p, 1
	push	p, 2
	ldb	1, [point 9, 40, 8]	; Get opcode
	caile	1, maxuuo
	 fatal	(Illegal UUO)
	call	@uuos(1)
	pop	p, 2
	pop	p, 1

uuos:	0
maxuuo	__ .-uuos-1

; UUO Routines
%print:	hrrz	1, 40
	cain	1, 37			; EOL?
	 jrst	crlf

%type:	hrro	1, 40
%noi:	move	1, lstchr
	caie	1, 33			; ESC?
	 ret				; No, no noise
	hrroi	1, [asciz / (/]
	call	%type
	movei	1, ")"

%err:	call	crif
	move	2, 40
	tlnn	2, (<4,0>)		; Use "?" ?
	 skipa	1, ["%"]
	 movei	1, "?"
	hrroi	1, (2)
	trne	1, -1			; Dont print from 0
	tlnn	2, (<10,0>)		; Jsys error message too?
	 jrst	%err2			; No
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	2, " "
	hrloi	2, .fhslf		; Last error this fork
	setz	3,
%err2:	call	crlf
	movei	1, .priin
	ldb	2, [point 2, 40, 12]	; Get low order 2 bits of ac field
	jrst	%erret(2)		; Do dependant thing

%erret:	ret
	jrst	cmdres
; Get a file, but dont open
.file:	movei	1, getinb
	call	getfl0
	trz	f, f%opn		; No file is open

; Get file to read
.read:	movei	1, getinb		; Input block
	call	getfil
	movei	2, of%rd
	call	opnfil			; Try to open it
	trz	f, f%wr			; Say no write
	tro	f, f%opn

; Get file to read/write
.write:	movei	1, getoub		; Output (allows new files)
	call	getfil
	movsi	1, (fb%nxf)		; Non-existant
	tdne	1, fdbloc+.fbctl	; Is it?
	 type	< [new]
>					; Yes
	movei	2, of%rd+of%wr
	call	opnfil
	tro	f, f%wr!f%opn
; Get jfn for file
getfil:	noise	(file)
getfl0:	print	" "
	movem	1, savget		; Save address of gtjfn block
	setz	2,
getfl1:	gtjfn
	 jrst	getflx			; See nature of error
	move	2, [.fblen,,.fbhdr]	; Whole thing
	movei	3, fdbloc
	move	2, [fdbloc,,oldfdb]	; Move in as last version as well
	blt	2, oldfdb+.fblen-1
	push	p, 1
	call	unmap			; Get rid of any old file
	pop	p, filjfn		; Set up jfn

getflx:	cain	1, gjfx37
	 jrst	cmdres			; ^U
	move	1, savget
	jrst	getfl1

; Open up file
opnfil:	move	1, filjfn		; Get the jfn
	 ret				; Ok
	cain	1, opnx9		; Invalid simultaneous access?
	troe	2, of%thw		; Try thawed if we havent already
	 jcerr				; No, give error message
	call	opnfil			; Recursion (sort of)
	type	< [thawed]>
; Unmap file and otherwise clean things up
unmap:	skipn	filjfn
	 ret				; Noop if no file
	seto	1,			; Unmap
	hrlz	2, filfrk		; From inferior
	trzn	f, f%map		; File mapped?
	 jrst	unmap2			; No
	hrri	2, filpag		; From this page
	hrrz	3, frkpgs		; Recover number of pages
	hrli	3, (pm%cnt)
	pmap				; Unmap pages from lower fork
unmap2:	trzn	f, f%idx		; Have the index block?
	 jrst	unmap3
	hrri	2, filpag-1
	setz	3,
	pmap				; Yes, unmap it too
unmap3:	move	1, filjfn
	trzn	f, f%opn		; File open?
	 jrst	unmap5			; No
	 jerror	(Cant close file)
unmap4:	setzm	filjfn

unmap5:	rljfn
	 jerror	(Cant release jfn)
	jrst	unmap4

; Exit and quit
.exit:	noise	(and unmap file)
	call	unmap
.quit:	haltf

; Eat a comment
eatcmt:	move	1, lstchr
	cain	1, 12
	print	" "
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%bel+rd%rnd+20*5]
	hrroi	3, [asciz /=> ; /]
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
; Update the fdb
.fdb:	skipn	filjfn			; Must have a file
	 cerr	(Must have a file first)
	noise	(words from)
	move	1, lstchr		; Get terminator
	cain	1, 12			; LF?
	 jrst	fdball			; Yes, do it all then
	movei	1, fdbtab		; Pointer to names of fdb locs
	call	subcmd
	hrrz	u, (1)			; Save start of list
	cail	u, .fblen		; Within range?
	 jrst	cmdlp0			; No, must be ^U typed then
	move	1, lstchr
	cain	1, 12			; LF?
	 jrst	fdbal1			; Yes, do just this one then
	noise	(thru)
	movei	1, fdbtab
	call	subcmd
	hrrz	v, (1)
	cail	v, .fblen
	 jrst	cmdlp0			; Out of range, must be new command
	jrst	fdbch0

fdball:	movei	u, 1			; Start with first we can modify
	movei	v, .fblen-1		; Do them all
	jrst	fdbch0
fdbal1:	movei	v, (u)			; Do just the one
fdbch0:	move	1, filjfn		; Get the file
	tlz	f, f%f1			; Say first now
	call	crif
fdbch1:	caile	u, (v)			; Done?
	move	3, fdbloc(u)		; Get new value
	move	2, 3
	xor	2, oldfdb(u)		; Get mask of changed bits
	jumpe	2, fdbch2		; None changed
	hrli	1, (u)
	 erjmp	fdbch2			; Dont bomb out here
	movem	3, oldfdb(u)		; Update old values too
	tloe	f, f%f1			; First one
	 print	","			; No
	print	" "			; Tell what changed
	utype	fdbnam(u)		; Get name
fdbch2:	aoja	u, fdbch1		; Do the rest

fdbtab:	[asciz / /],,-.fblen
	fdbnms	(<cmd	(x,.fbx)>)

ifn	.-fdbtab-.fblen-1,<.fatal fdbtab screwed up>
; Map the file in
.map:	skipn	1, filjfn
	 cerr	(Must have a file first)
	trnn	f, f%opn		; Is it opened?
	 cerr	(File must be opened)
	trne	f, f%map
	 cerr	(Already have pages mapped)
	noise	(pages from)
	move	2, lstchr
	cain	2, 12			; LF already?
	 jrst	mapall			; Yes, map in the entire file
	call	getoct			; Get page number
	movei	u, (2)
	move	2, lstchr
	cain	2, 12
	 jrst	mapal1			; Just map in this one page
	call	getoct
	caige	2, (u)			; Range check
	 cerr	(Second page less than first)
	subi	2, (u)			; Get number of pages
	movei	v, (2)

mapin1:	trnn	f, f%wr			; Have write access?
	 jrst	mapal0			; No, dont map non-existant pages
	skipn	2, filfrk		; Have a fork to map into
	 call	mkffrk			; No, make file fork
	aoj	v,
	caile	v, 777-filpag+1		; Max we can handle
	 movei	v, 777-filpag+1
	hrlz	1, filjfn		; Get file
	hrri	1, (u)			; First page
	hrlz	2, 2			; Fork
	hrri	2, filpag		; Start at this page
	movei	3, (v)			; Number of pages
	hrli	3, (pm%cnt!pm%wr!pm%rd)
	pmap				; Do the mapping
	tro	f, f%map		; Say it is mapped in
	movem	v, frkpgs		; Save count
	call	crif
	print	" "
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	3, 10
	movei	2, (u)
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	cain	v, 1			; Just one page?
	print	"-"			; No
	addi	2, -1(v)
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
; Attempt to map in entire file
mapall:	call	crif
	setz	u,			; Reset count in any case
	hrrz	v, oldfdb+.fbbyv	; Get number of pages in the file
	jumpn	v, mapal2		; There are some
	trnn	f, f%wr			; Must have write access if there arent any
	 cerr	(Cannot map non-existant page of read-only file)
	type	< [File is empty, page 0 mapped in.]

mapal1:	setz	v,
	jrst	mapin1

; Map in pages from ro file in the specified range
mapal0:	movei	w, (u)			; Starting page
	addi	w, 1(v)			; Plus number of pages
	movei	y, (u)			; Starting page offset
	jrst	mapa2a

; Map in entire contents of a non-empty file
mapal2:	movei	w, 777-filpag
	setz	y,			; No offset
mapa2a:	tlz	f, f%f1			; Reset typeout flag

mapal3:	hrlz	1, filjfn		; Find a page that exists
	hrri	1, (u)			; Get page pointer
	aoj	1,			; Next page
	tlne	2, (pa%pex)		; Page exists?
	 jrst	mapal4			; Yes, found one then
	cail	u, -1(w)		; Dont map past this page
	 jrst	mapal7
	aoja	u, mapal3		; Try next page then 
mapal4:	push	p, u			; Save this page
mapal5:	aoj	u,			; Next page
	rpacs				; Find one that does not exist
	tlne	2, (pa%pex)		; Page exists?
	 cail	u, (w)			; Or past range?
	 caia				; No or yes
	 aoja	1, mapal5		; Yes and no, keep going
	tloe	f, f%f1			; First specs?
	 print	","			; No
	print	" "
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	3, 10
	move	2, (p)			; Get first page that exists
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	cain	2, -1(u)		; Just one?
	 jrst	mapal6			; Yes, dont print any more
	print	"-"
	movei	2, -1(u)		; Get ending page
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
mapal6:	pop	p, 1
	hrl	1, filjfn		; From this page of the file
	skipn	2, filfrk		; Into this fork
	 call	mkffrk
	hrlz	2, 2
	hrri	2, filpag(1)		; Into this page of the fork
	subi	2, (y)			; Less offset
	movei	3, (u)			; Get ending page
	subi	3, (1)			; Get difference of pages
	hrli	3, (pm%cnt!pm%rd)
	trne	f, f%wr			; Wants write too?
	 tlo	3, (pm%wr)		; Yes	
	tro	f, f%map		; Mapped by now
	subi	v, (3)			; Decrement count of total pages
	movei	1, 1(u)			; Just page 0 is one page
	hrrzm	1, frkpgs		; Count of pages mapped
	caige	u, (w)			; Done?
	jumpg	v, mapal3		; Continue if more to do
mapal7:	trnn	f, f%map		; Succeed in mapping?
	 cerr	(No pages exist in specified range)
	ret				; All done
.date:	call	gettad			; Get date specs
	movei	1, .priou
	jrst	dmphlf			; Print as half words

; Get page number
getoct:	print	" "
getoc1:	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%rnd+rd%pun+rd%crf+20*5]
	setz	3,
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
	tlnn	2, (rd%btm)
	 jrst	cmdres
	ldb	2, 1
	movem	2, lstchr
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	movei	3, 10
	jrst	getoc1			; Try again

gettad:	print	" "
getta1:	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%rnd+rd%crf+rd%bel+20*5]
	setz	3,
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
	tlnn	2, (rd%btm)
	 jrst	cmdres
	dpb	3, 1
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	setz	2,
	jrst	gettad			; Try again
; Get debugger
.raid:	call	clrscn
	trza	f, f%idd
.iddt:	tro	f, f%idd
	movei	1, .ticce		; Turn off ^E
	skipe	1, iddfrk		; Have a fork already?
	 jrst	contin			; Yes, just resume it
	movsi	1, (cr%cap)
	 jfatal	(Cant create fork)
	movem	1, iddfrk
	tlo	2, (sc%sup)		; Let it map us so that it can touch
	ior	3, 2			; The file fork page for the symtab
	movsi	1, (gj%old!gj%sht)
	hrroi	2, [asciz /SYS:RAID.EXE/]
	trne	f, f%idd
	 hrroi	2, [asciz /SYS:IDDT.EXE/]
	 jfatal	(Cant find debugger)
	hrl	1, iddfrk
	move	1, iddfrk
	ffork				; Freeze it
	skipn	2, filfrk		; Have a fork for the file yet?
	 call	mkffrk
	splfk				; Make it an inferior of it too
	 jfatal	(SPLFK failed)
	movem	1, filfk0		; Save its fork handle on it
	move	1, iddfrk		; Get back ours on it
	movei	2, frkacs
	sfacs				; Set up ac's right for inferior
	movei	2, 2
	jrst	waitfk
; Start the iddt fork going
contin:	rfsts
	move	1, iddfrk		; Smashed
	sfork				; Restart it
waitfk:	rfork				; Thaw it
	wfork				; Wait for it
	movsi	1, .ticce
	ati				; Back on with ^E
	ret				; All done with debugger

; Create the fork for the file to be mapped into
mkffrk:	push	p, 1
	movsi	1, (cr%cap)
	 jfatal	(Cant create fork)
	movem	1, filfrk		; Save jfn
	hrlz	2, 1			; Into page 0 of fork
	move	1, [.fhslf,,frkpag]
	move	3, [pm%cnt+pm%rd+pm%wr+frknpg]
	pmap				; Map these pages
	move	2, filfrk		; Here's where we return it
	pop	p, 1
	ret				; All there is to it

clrscn:	movei	1, .priou
	push	p, 2
	trz	2, tt%dam
	movei	2, "^"-100		; Clear the screen
	pop	p, 2
; Get the index block
.get:	skipn	filjfn
	 cerr	(Must have a file)
	noise	(index block)
	move	1, oldfdb+.fbadr
	tlo	1, (1b0)		; Say virtual address
	movei	2, 1000			; One page
	movei	3, indexb
	 erjmp	[jcerr]
	skipn	2, filfrk		; Have a file fork?
	 call	mkffrk			; No, make one then
	hrlz	2, 2
	move	1, [.fhslf,,indexb/1000]
	hrri	2, filpag-1
	movei	3, (pm%cnt+pm%rd+pm%wr)
	tro	f, f%idx		; Say we have it

; Write a new index block (gasp)
.new:	trnn	f, f%idx		; Had it mapped to begin with
	 cerr	(Index block not mapped)
	noise	(index block)
	move	1, oldfdb+.fbadr	; Get the current one
	tlo	1, (1b0)		; Virtual address
	movei	2, 1000
	movei	3, indexb+1000		; Into the next page after
	 erjmp	[jcerr]
	movsi	t, -1000		; See what they have munged
	tlz	f, f%f1			; Nothing yet
.new2:	move	1, indexb(t)		; Get present value
	camn	1, indexb+1000(t)	; Match?
	 jrst	.new3			; Yes
	tlo	f, f%f1			; Something changed
	call	crif
	type	(INDEXB+)
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	2, (t)
	move	3, [no%lfl+3b17+10]
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	type	<[        >
	move	2, indexb+1000(t)	; Old value
	call	dmphlf			; Print as half words
	utype	[asciz / => /]
	move	2, indexb(t)		; New value
	call	dmphlf

.new3:	aobjn	t, .new2		; Check the entire index block
	tlnn	f, f%f1			; Anything changed?
	 cerr	(Index block not changed)
	call	crif
	call	confrm			; Make sure this is what he wants
	move	1, oldfdb+.fbadr	; Ok, here goes
	tlo	1, (1b0)
	move	2, [dop%wr+1000]	; Write one page
	movei	3, indexb		; New copy
	dskop				; Bang
	 erjmp	[jcerr]			; Oh oh
	ret				; All done

; Make sure we arent being too hasty
confrm:	type	< [Confirm] >
	movei	1, .priou
confr0:	movei	1, .priin
	cfibf				; No mistakes about it
confr1:	pbin
	cain	1, 15
	 jrst	confr1			; Flush CR
	cain	1, 12			; LF confirms
	cain	1, "U"-100		; Wants out?
	 jrst	[type	(XXX)
		 jrst	cmdres]
	type	( ? )
	jrst	confr0
; Dump out
.dump:	skipe	filjfn			; Have a file?
	trnn	f, f%opn		; Open at all?
	 cerr	(Must have a file open)
	move	1, lstchr
	cain	1, 12
	 jrst	dmpbyt			; Dump bytes
	movei	1, dmcmds
	call	subcmd
	jrst	cmdlp0

; Dump subcommands
dmcmds:	[asciz / /],,-ndmcms
	cmd	bytes,dmpbyt
	cmd	structure,dmprec
ndmcms	__ .-dmcmds-1

; Dump modes
modtab:	[asciz / Mode: /],,-nmods
	dcmd	ascii-character,2,dmpchr
	dcmd	ascii-string,5,dmpstr
	dcmd	date,=19,dmpdat
	dcmd	decimal,cvmd10,dmpdec
	dcmd	ebcdic-character,2,dmpebc
	dcmd	extended-half-word,=14,dmpehf
	dcmd	floating,6,dmpflt
	dcmd	half-word,=14,dmphlf
	dcmd	hexidecimal,cvmd16,dmphex
	dcmd	invisible,0,<[ret]>
	dcmd	octal,cvmod8,dmpoct
	dcmd	radix50,6,dmpr5
	dcmd	sixbit,6,dmpsix
	dcmd	unsigned-octal,=12,dmpabs
	dcmd	user-name,=10,dmpusr
nmods	__ .-modtab-1
; Get mode specification, returns with num cols,,mode dispatch in 1
getmod:	movei	1, modtab
	call	getcmd
	hrrz	1, (1)			; Get word for stuff
	hlrz	3, (1)			; Get column figure
	cail	3, cvmod8		; A mode conversion routine?
	 call	(3)			; Yes, get number of columns
	hrrz	1, (1)			; Get dispatch
	hrli	1, (3)			; Get number of columns
	ret				; All done

cvmod8:	idivi	2, 3
cvmd8a:	skipe	3
	 aoj	2,
cvmod9:	movei	3, (2)

cvmd16:	idivi	2, 4
	jrst	cvmd8a

cvmd10:	subi	2, 44
	jumpe	2, [movei 3, =11	; Else divide will have neg dividend
	seto	3,
	lsh	3, (2)			; Get largest number in this byte range
	movei	2, 1			; At least one
	push	p, 4
cvmd11:	idivi	3, =10
	skipe	3
	 aoja	2, cvmd11
	movei	3, (2)
	pop	p, 4
dmpbyt:	call	gtdmpf			; Get output file
	call	getbsz			; Get byte size
	 ldb	2, [point 6, fdbloc+.fbbyv, 11]
	movem	2, dmpbsz
	move	1, filjfn
	 jfatal	(SFBSZ failed)
	call	getmod
	movem	1, dmpmod
	call	gtdmps			; Get limits
	call	getbpl			; Get number of bytes per line
	movei	u, (2)			; Save that
	move	1, filjfn
	move	2, dbyte0
	sfptr				; Set starting byte
	 jfatal	(SFPTR failed)
	movei	w, (2)
	call	dmphed			; Output header
	hrrz	v, dmpmod		; Get mode

dmpby2:	camle	w, dbytez		; Done?
	 jrst	dmpfin			; Yes
	move	1, filjfn
	move	2, [point 36, dmpbuf]
	movni	3, (u)
	 erjmp	dmpby5
dmpby3:	call	dmppos
	addi	w, (u)
	movei	x, (u)			; Get number to do
	setz	t,

dmpby4:	movei	2, " "
	move	2, dmpbuf(t)
	hllz	3, dmpmod		; Get number of cols
	call	(v)
	sojle	x, dmpby2
	aoja	t, dmpby4
dmpby5:	add	u, 3			; Get number actually moved
	jumpe	u, dmpeof		; None, really done now
	jrst	dmpby3			; Just print out this much

getbpl:	call	crif
	hrroi	3, [asciz / # bytes per line: /]
	move	2, dmpbsz
	cain	2, 44
	 hrroi	3, [asciz / # words per line: /]
	utype	(3)
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%bel+rd%crf+20*5]
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
	andi	2, -1
	cain	2, 20*5-1
	 jrst	getbp2			; Default it
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	movei	3, =10
	 jrst	[uerr	14,
		 jrst	getbpl]

getbp2:	movei	2, =80-2
	sub	2, dmpcol		; Less columns for byte numbers
	hlrz	3, dmpmod		; Get number used by this routine
	idivi	2, 1(3)
; Dump out as a structure
dmprec:	move	1, filjfn
	movei	2, 44
	movem	2, dmpbsz
	sfbsz				; Set up for 36 bit bytes, just in case
	 jfatal	(SFBSZ failed)
	call	gtdmpf			; Get output file
	call	gtdmps			; Get start of things
	print	eol
dmprc0:	setz	u,			; Init offset
	move	v, [440000,,dmpbuf]	; Start of pointer
dmprc1:	call	crif
	type	<    Record >
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	2, 1(u)
	movei	3, 12
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	call	getbsn			; Get byte size for this record
	 jrst	dmprc2			; Not given, all done then
	dpb	2, [point 6, v, 11]	; Set up byte size for pointer
	call	getmod
dmrc1a:	ibp	v			; Make byte pointer for this byte
	movem	v, dmpptr(u)		; Save pointer
	movem	1, dmpmod(u)		; Set up mode
	cail	u, mxdmpr-1		; Maximum number of records?
	 jrst	dmrc1x			; Max used up
	sosle	4			; For number given
	 aoja	u, dmrc1a		; Keep repeating
	aoja	u, dmprc1		; All done this pass

dmrc1x:	error	(Maximum number of records used up)

dmprc2:	jumpe	u, dmprc0		; Dont allow null
	setzm	dmpmod+1(u)		; Mark final entry
; Now do the output
	call	dmphed			; Output the header for it
	hrrz	u, dmpptr-1(u)		; Get last word touched
	subi	u, dmpbuf-1		; Get number of words to read
	move	w, dbyte0		; Reset byte count
	move	1, filjfn
	movei	2, (w)
	 jfatal	(SFPTR failed)

dmprc3:	camle	w, dbytez		; Done?
	 jrst	dmpfin			; Yes
	move	1, filjfn
	move	2, [point 36, dmpbuf]
	movni	3, (u)			; Get number to do
	 erjmp	dmpeof			; Done when EOF reached
	call	dmppos			; Output the byte position
	addi	w, (u)			; Update byte count
	setz	t,
	move	x, dmpcol		; Get number of columns
	subi	x, =80-2		; Get number we have left on line

dmprc4:	skipn	4, dmpmod(t)
	 jrst	dmprc3
	hlrz	3, 4			; Get number of columns
	addi	x, (3)			; Add in
	aojge	x, dmprc5
	movei	2, " "			; Not too far over, print space
	ldb	2, dmpptr(t)		; Get byte to print
	hrlz	3, 3			; Get back number of columns
	call	(4)			; Do routine
	aoja	t, dmprc4		; Try next byte

dmprc5:	hrroi	2, crlf0
	setz	3,			; Too far over 
	move	x, dmpcol
	movei	2, " "
	movei	3, 2(x)
	sojg	3, .-1
	subi	x, =80-2
	jrst	dmprc4
; Get output file for dump
gtdmpf:	call	crif
	type	( Output file: )
	movsi	1, (gj%fou!gj%fns!gj%sht)
	move	2, [.priin,,.priou]
	 jrst	gtdmfx
	move	2, [7b5+of%wr]
	 jrst	gtdmfx
gtdmf1:	movem	1, outjfn

gtdmfx:	cain	1, gjfx33			; Filename not spec?
	 jrst	[movei	1, .priou
		 jrst	gtdmf1]
	uerr	14,
	jrst	gtdmpf

; Get byte size for dump
getbsn:	tloa	f, f%f3			; Say ok for range specs
getbsz:	tlz	f, f%f3
	call	crif
	type	( Byte size: )
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%bel+rd%crf+20*5]
	hrroi	3, [asciz / Byte size: /]
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
	andi	2, -1
	cain	2, 20*5-1
	 ret				; EOL means single return
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	movei	3, 12
	 jrst	[uerr	14,
		 jrst	getbsz]
	skiple	2
	 caile	2, =36
	 jrst	[uerr	4, [asciz /Byte size must be 0<x<36./]
		 jrst	getbsz]
	tlnn	f, f%f3			; Ok for multiple?
	 jrst	getbs2			; No, done
	movei	4, 1			; Default count
	ldb	5, 1			; Get terminator
	caie	5, "*"			; Wants it?
	 jrst	getbs2			; No, give default
	push	p, 2			; Save first number
	nin				; Get factor
	 jrst	[uerr	14,
		 jrst	getbsz]
	movei	4, (2)
	pop	p, 2			; Get back first
getbs2:	aos	(p)
; Get range of dump
gtdmps:	tlz	f, f%f1			; Disallow relative
	call	gtdms0			; Get first of range
	movem	2, dbyte0
	tlo	f, f%f1			; Relative ok
	call	gtdms0			; Get first of range
	movem	2, dbytez
	jffo	2, .+2
	 movei	3, 44
	subi	3, 44
	movm	2, 3			; Get number of bits
	idivi	2, 3
	skipe	3			; Round number of digits
	 aoj	2,
	movsi	2, (2)
	hlrzm	2, dmpcol
	add	2, [no%lfl+10]		; Make it a nout field
	movem	2, dmpfmt

gtdms0:	call	crif
	movei	1, rangt1
	tlne	f, f%f1
	 movei	1, rangt2
	call	getcmd
	hrrz	t, (1)			; Save type
	cail	t, cvdms4		; End of file?
	 jrst	(t)			; Yes
	print	" "			; No, get second arg
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, [rd%crf+rd%rnd+rd%bel+20*5]
	setz	3,
	 jfatal	(RDTTY failed)
	tlnn	2, (rd%btm)		; ^U typed?
	 jrst	gtdms0
	add	1, [7b5]
	skipge	1
	 sub	1, [43b5+1]
	ldb	3, 1			; Get char before EOL
	cain	3, "."			; Wants decimal?
	 skipa	3, [=10]		; Yes
	 movei	3, 10			; No, use octal as default
	tlnn	f, f%f1			; Allow relative?
	 jrst	gtdms1			; No
	tlo	f, f%f2			; Assume relative
	ldb	1, [point 7, strbuf, 6]
	caie	1, "+"			; Is it?
	 tlza	f, f%f2			; No
	 skipa	1, [point 7, strbuf, 6]	; Flush first char if so
gtdms1:	hrroi	1, strbuf
	 jrst	[uerr	14,
		 jrst	gtdms0]		; Try again
	call	(t)			; Convert it
	tlze	f, f%f2			; Relative?
	 add	2, dbyte0		; Yes, add in offset
	ret				; Done

; Convert to bytes from whatever
cvdms1:	lsh	2, 9			; Pages to words
cvdms2:	move	4, dmpbsz		; Get byte size
	movei	3, 44
	idivi	3, (4)
	imuli	2, (3)			; Words to bytes
cvdms3:	ret				; Bytes to bytes is easy

cvdms4:	tdza	2, 2
cvdms5:	move	2, fdbloc+.fbsiz	; Get length of file
; Range types
rangt1:	[asciz / Starting with /],,-nrng1s
	cmd	byte,cvdms3
	cmd	page,cvdms1
	cmd	start,cvdms4
	cmd	word,cvdms2
nrng1s	__ .-rangt1-1

rangt2:	[asciz / and ending with /],,-nrng2s
	cmd	byte,cvdms3
	cmd	eof,cvdms5
	cmd	page,cvdms1
	cmd	word,cvdms2
nrng2s	__ .-rangt2-1

; Output header to dump file
dmphed:	move	1, outjfn
	move	2, filjfn
	setz	3,
	jfns				; Give name of the file
	hrroi	2, [asciz /        bytes /]
	move	4, dmpbsz		; Get byte size
	cain	4, 44			; 36 bit?
	 hrroi	2, [asciz /        words /]
	movei	3, 10
	move	2, dbyte0
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	hrroi	2, [asciz / thru /]
	setz	3,
	movei	3, 10
	move	2, dbytez
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	hrroi	2, crlf0
	setz	3,
; Output current position
dmppos:	move	1, outjfn
	hrroi	2, crlf0
	setz	3,
	move	3, dmpfmt
	movei	2, (w)			; Get byte position
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	hrroi	2, [asciz /[ /]
	setz	3,

; Here if EOF before we expect it
dmpeof:	call	crif
	type	< [EOF at >
	hrroi	1, [asciz /byte /]
	move	2, dmpbsz
	cain	2, 44
	 hrroi	1, [asciz /word /]
	movei	1, .priou
	movei	2, (w)
	movei	3, 10
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	type	<]

; Here when done
dmpfin:	move	1, outjfn
	hrroi	2, crlf0
	setz	3,
	 jerror	(Cant close output file)
	setzm	outjfn
	ret				; Return all done
; Dump routines, accept output designator in 1 and value in 2
dmpchr:	cail	2, " "			; Control char?
	 cain	2, 177			; Or rubout?
	 trca	2, "@"			; Yes, print as ^x
	 skipa	3, [" "]		; No, print as <sp>x
	 movei	3, "^"
dmpch1:	exch	2, 3
	movei	2, (3)

dmpstr:	push	p, 2
	hrroi	2, (p)
	movei	3, 6
	setz	4,
	movei	2, " "
	skipe	3
	sojg	3, .-1			; Fill with spaces
	pop	p, 2

dmpebc:	skipn	ebcasc(2)
	 jrst	dmphex			; Not in there, dump as hex
	move	2, ebcasc(2)
	jrst	dmpchr			; Else dump as ascii equivalent

dmpdat:	setz	3,

dmphex:	add	3, [no%lfl+=16]
	jrst	dmpdc1

dmpdec:	add	3, [no%lfl+=10]
dmpdc1:	nout
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
dmpehf:	push	p, 2
	move	3, [no%lfl+6b17+10]
	hlre	2, 2
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	hrroi	2, [asciz /,,/]
	setz	3,
	pop	p, 2
	hrre	2, 2
	move	3, [6b17+10]
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)

dmpflt:	move	3, [fl%one+fl%pnt+fl%ovl+2b23+3b29]
	 jerror	(FLOUT failure)

dmphlf:	push	p, 2
	move	3, [no%lfl+6b17+10]
	hlrz	2, 2
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
	hrroi	2, [asciz /,,/]
	setz	3,
	pop	p, 2
	andi	2, -1
	move	3, [6b17+10]
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)
dmpoct:	add	3, [no%lfl+10]
	jrst	dmpdc1

dmpr5:	movei	4, 6			; Must print this many chars
	tlz	2, 740000		; Clear high four bits
	call	dmpr50			; Print the radix50 word
	movei	2, " "			; Print filler spaces
	sojl	4, dmpr52
	jrst	.-2

dmpr50:	idivi	2, 50
	hrlm	3, (p)			; Save char
	jumpe	2, dmpr51		; Null means done
	call	dmpr50			; Get next character
dmpr51:	hlrz	2, (p)			; Recover this char
	jumpe	2, dmpr52		; 0 is null char
	addi	2, "0"+200-1		; 1-12 are "0"-"9"
	caile	2, "9"+200
	 addi	2, "A"-"9"-1		; 13-44 are "A"-"Z"
	caile	2, "Z"+200
	 subi	2, "Z"+2-"$"		; 46-47 are "$" and "%"
	cain	2, "$"+200-1
	 movei	2, "."+200		; 45 is "." 
	bout				; Print it
	soj	4,
dmpr52:	ret

dmpsix:	movei	4, 6
	move	3, 2
dmpsx1:	move	2, 3
	lsh	2, -=30
	movei	2, " "(2)
	lsh	3, 6
	sojg	4, dmpsx1

dmpabs:	move	3, [no%mag+no%lfl+no%zro+14b17+10]
	 jerror	(NOUT failure)

dmpusr:	push	p, 1
	hrroi	1, strbuf
	 jrst	[move	1, [point 7, strbuf]
		 movei	3, "#"
		 idpb	3, 1
		 movei	3, 10
		 jrst	.+1]
	movei	2, " "
	movei	3, 9
	idpb	2, 1
	sojg	3, .-1
	setzm	strbuf+2
	pop	p, 1
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	setz	3,
; Pure stuff

getinb:	gj%xtn!gj%old!gj%cfm		; Must be old
	block	.gjjfn-.gjsrc
	block	.gjbfp-.gjf2

getoub:	gj%xtn!gj%cfm			; Allow new files too
	block	.gjjfn-.gjsrc
	block	.gjbfp-.gjf2

ebcasc:	oct 0,0,0,0,0,11,0,0,0,0,0,13,14,15,0,0
	oct 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,0,0,0,0,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,133,56,74,50,53,137
	oct 46,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,135,44,52,51,73,0
	oct 55,57,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,54,45,0,76,77
	oct 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,72,43,100,47,75,42
	oct 0,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,150,151,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,152,153,154,155,156,157,160,161,162,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,0,163,164,165,166,167,170,171,172,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 134,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,110,111,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 41,112,113,114,115,116,117,120,121,122,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 0,0,123,124,125,126,127,130,131,132,0,0,0,0,0,0
	oct 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,70,71,0,0,0,0,0,0
fdbnam:	asciz	/hdr/
	asciz	/ctl/
	asciz	/exl/
	asciz	/adr/
	asciz	/prt/
	asciz	/cre/
	asciz	/use/
	asciz	/gen/
	asciz	/act/
	asciz	/byv/
	asciz	/siz/
	asciz	/crv/
	asciz	/wrt/
	asciz	/ref/
	asciz	/cnt/
	asciz	/bk0/
	asciz	/bk1/
	asciz	/bk2/
	asciz	/bk3/
	asciz	/bk4/
	asciz	/usw/
	asciz	/gnl/
	asciz	/nam/
	asciz	/ext/
	asciz	/len/
ifn	.-fdbnam-.fblen-1,<.fatal fdbnam screwed up>

levtab:	psipc
	block	2
chntab:	1,,ctepsi
	block	=35
; Impure stuff

psipc:	0
modsav:	0
savget:	0
frkpgs:	0				; Number of pages mapped
iddfrk:	0				; Fork for iddt/raid
filfrk:	0				; Our handle on file fork
outjfn:	0				; Output file for dump
dbyte0:	0				; Starting byte
dbytez:	0				; End byte
dmpfmt:	0
dmpcol:	0
dmpbsz:	0				; Byte size
frkacs:	0				; Acs for fork, must be filfk0-1 
filfk0:	0				; IDDT's handle on file fork
	block	20-2			; Rest of the ac's

oldfdb:	block	.fblen			; FDB before we touched it
mxdmpr	__ =200
dmpmod:	block	mxdmpr
dmpptr:	block	mxdmpr
dmpbuf:	block	500
strbuf:	block	20
npdl	__ 177
pdl:	block	npdl
; Stuff that gets put into the pages 0 thru n of the file fork
filpag	__ 10				; Start of file mapping
frkpag	__ 100
frkpad	__ frkpag9

loc	frkpad+116			; 116 of the inferior

loc	frkpad+137			; 137 Of the inferior fork
filjfn:	0				; Jfn of the file
fdbloc:	block	.fblen			; The updated fdb

loc	frkpad+200			; 200 of the inferior
symadr::				; Symbol table that the inferior 
					; fork will see 
	radix5 4,JFN
	radix5 44,FDB
	fdbnms	(<deffdb (x)>)

	for @ x in (tmp,prm,nex,del,nxf,lng,dir,nod,bat,fcf,gen,drn,<ret>
   {	radix5 44,FB%x
	radix5 4,FILE
	    filpag*1000			; Page 10
	radix5 4,INDEXB
nsyms	__ .-symadr
frknpg	__ <.-frkpad>/1000+1		; Number of pages

indexb	__ 200000			; Page 200 for index block


	end	go