
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/nlnsrt.fai
There are no other files named nlnsrt.fai in the archive.
		title Nlnsrt

search Monsym
extern .jbsa

Z=0 A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 N=6 L=7 R=10 I=11 J=12 V=13 T=14
maxrex==20000 lrecl==4 depth==100 buflen==50
array stack[depth], rectab[maxrex*lrecl], ptrtab[maxrex]
array combuf[buflen], atmbuf[buflen], jfnblk[.gjatr+1]
integer free, nbc, jfn

define fatal(errmsg) <jrst [
	hrroi A,[asciz \errmsg\]
	jrst estop ]>

start:	RESET%
	move P,[iowd depth+1,stack]
	call read
	call sequen		; set up line numbers
	call sort
	call write
stop:	HALTF%
	jrst stop

read:	hrroi A,[asciz "Input file to sort? "]
	movei D,[<.cmifi*1B8>!cm%fix]
	call parse
	hrrz A,jfn
	move B,[of%rd!7B5]
	 erjmp error
	move B,[2,,.fbbyv]	; just the two words .FBBYV and .FBSIZ
	movei C,B		; put them in B and C
	load B,fb%bsz,B		; byte size
	caie B,7		; 7-bit?
	 imuli C,5		; assume words, make bytes
	hlro D,.jbsa		; calculate number of bytes we can handle
	movns D			; words
	imuli D,5		; to bytes
	subi D,maxrex		; less maybe MAXREX extra bytes for LFs
	lsh D,-1		; half that available for file
	camle C,D		; are we ok?
	 fatal <File too big>
	movns C			; negative byte count
	movem C,nbc
	hlro B,.jbsa		; pointer to free space
	movem B,free		; free space pointer
	 erjmp error
	hrroi A,[asciz "File for sorted output? "]
	movei D,[<.cmofi*1B8>!cm%fix]
parse:	movem A,cstate+.cmrty	; put prompt
	movei A,cstate
	movei B,[<.cmini*1B8>!cm%fix]
rparse:	movei B,(D)		; fetch what to parse from C
	movem B,jfn
	movei B,[<.cmcfm*1B8>!cm%fix]
ret1:	ret

sequen:	movsi I,-maxrex		; at most maxrex iterations
	movei J,rectab		; points at record of interest
	movn Z,nbc		; byte counts in C and Z
	move C,Z
	movsi A,(<point 7,0>)	; string source
	hlr A,.jbsa
	move D,free		; string destination
	setzb B,E
numlp:	jumple Z,numlpe
	move T,Z		; old byte count
	move V,C
	movem A,3(J)		; save pointers to these strings
	movem D,1(J)
	extend Z,getkey		; move uppercase line
	tlz Z,(7B2)		; take off random bits from movst
	sub T,Z			; calculate length of line
	ldb R,A			; if CRLF skip LF
	dpb B,A			; (make sure a null at end of line)
	move L,A
	ildb L,L
	cain R,.chcrt
	 caie L,.chlfd
	  jrst .+3
	ibp A
	subi Z,1
	sub V,C			; length of key
	jumpe V,numlp		; blank lines, what blank lines?
	movem T,2(J)		; save lengths
	movem V,(J)
	movem J,ptrtab(I)
	addi J,lrecl		; point at next record
	aobjn I,numlp		; update boundscheck variable and loop
numlpe:	movni N,-1(I)		; save negative number of lines

write:	movsi I,-1(N)		; aobjn pointer
	movn C,nbc		; space to stuff output
	move D,free
	setzb B,E
	setz T,0		; put a char count in here
linlp:	move J,ptrtab(I)	; copy the next line
	dmove Z,2(J)		; length of string
	add T,Z			; accumulate byte count for output
	extend Z,movst0		; move exact string
	movei Z,.chcrt		; put on crlf
	idpb Z,D
	movei Z,.chlfd
	idpb Z,D
	addi T,1		; accumulate count (CR already counted)
	aobjn I,linlp		; loop
	hrrz A,jfn		; open, output, close
	move B,[of%wr!7B5]
	 erjmp error
	move B,free
	movn C,T
	 erjmp error

sort:	jumpge N,ret1		; utter triviality (or error, bah!)
	movn R,N		; rightmost element of file
	caig R,9		; can we use straight insertion?
	 jrst isort
	movei L,0		; leftmost element of file
	push P,[-1]		; sentinel for no sort requests pending
	setzb B,E		; zero these for compares
dosort:	movei I,(L)		; set I = (L+R)/2 and sort L,I,R
	addi I,(R)
	lsh I,-1
	dmove Z,@ptrtab(L)	; compare record L with record R
	move V,ptrtab(R)	; and simultaneously save record R in V
	dmove C,(V)
	extend Z,cmpsle
	 exch V,ptrtab(L)	; L and R out of order, switch
	dmove Z,@ptrtab(I)	; swap I and V if need be
	dmove C,(V)
	extend Z,cmpsle
	 exch V,ptrtab(I)
	movem V,ptrtab(R)	; V has largest of the 3, put in R
	dmove Z,@ptrtab(L)	; swap L and I if need be
	move V,ptrtab(I)
	dmove C,(V)
	extend Z,cmpsle
	 exch V,ptrtab(L)
	exch V,ptrtab+1(L)	; now swap final I with L+1
	movem V,ptrtab(I)
	movsi I,(N)		; start I at L+1, J at R, and Ith record
	adjsp I,1(L)
	movei J,(R)
	move V,ptrtab(I)
ijloop:	aobjp I,idone		; For I := I+1 to N
iloop:	dmove Z,(V)		; done if V leq record I
	dmove C,@ptrtab(I)
	extend Z,cmpsle
	 aobjn I,iloop
idone:	sojle J,jdone		; For J:=J-1 downto 0
jloop:	dmove Z,@ptrtab(J)	; done if record J leq V
	dmove C,(V)
	extend Z,cmpsle
	 sojg J,jloop
jdone:	move T,ptrtab(J)	; set up for swap with J
	movei A,(I)
	cail A,(J)		; done when I and J have crossed
	 jrst ijdone
	exch T,ptrtab(I)	; swap I with J
	movem T,ptrtab(J)
	jrst ijloop

ijdone:	exch T,ptrtab+1(L)	; partition done, swap L with J
	movem T,ptrtab(J)
	movei T,(J)		; T=J-L, left subfile
	subi T,(L)
	movei V,(R)		; V=R-J, right subfile
	subi V,(J)
	camle T,V		; compare subfiles
	 jrst lftbig		; left greater than right
	caig V,9		; don't sort small subfiles
	 jrst popsrt		; both too small to sort
	caig T,9		; what about left?
	 jrst [movei L,1(J)	; left too small to sort, just sort right
	       jrst dosort]
	hrli R,1(J)		; both need sorting, stack right (larger)
	push P,R
	movei R,-1(J)		; go sort smaller left subfile
	jrst dosort

lftbig:	caig T,9		; left subfile too small to sort?
	 jrst popsrt		; yes, both are, get one off stack
	caig V,9		; left is big enough, what about right?
	 jrst [movei R,-1(J)	; right too small to sort, just do left
	       jrst dosort]
	movss L			; both need sorting, stack left (larger)
	hrri L,-1(J)
	push P,L
	movei L,1(J)		; go sort smaller right subfile
	jrst dosort

popsrt:	pop P,R			; pop a stacked subfile
	jumpl R,isort		; oops, sentinel, all done quicksorting
	hlrz L,R
	jrst dosort		; quicksort popped request

isort:	movsi I,-1(N)		; finish off sort by insertion
	aobjp I,ret1		; For I:=1 to N
sortup:	move V,ptrtab(I)	; set V=key(I)
	movsi J,377777(I)	; For J:=I-1 downto 0
	hrri J,ptrtab-1(I)
inloop:	dmove Z,(V)		; If key J geq key in question then next J
	dmove C,@(J)
	extend Z,cmpsl
	 jrst insert
	pop J,1(J)		; else bump a key and loop
	jumpl J,inloop
insert:	movem V,1(J)		; found the spot to insert key
	aobjn I,sortup		; loop until whole file done

estop:	ESOUT%
death:	RESET%
	jrst stop

error:	hrroi A,[asciz ""]	;output a crlf, questionmark, and nullstring
	movei A,.priou
	hrloi B,.fhslf
	setz C,0
	jrst death

cstate:	rparse
	-1,,[asciz/??? /]
cmpsle:	3B8			; compare strings and skip on less or equal
cmpsl:	1B8			; ... skip on less than
movst0:	<15B8>!string		; move exact string
	0			; shouldn't need to pad
getkey:	<15B8>!keystr		; skip blanks, uppercase, break on eol
string:	<.chnul,,.chnul+1>!<1B2>!<4B20>	 ; break on zerobyte
    for ch=.chnul+2,177,2 {
	<ch,,ch+1>!<4B2>!<4B20> }  ; direct translation otherwise
keystr:	<.chnul,,.chnul+1>!<1B2>!<4B20>	 ; break on zerobyte
    for ch=.chnul+2,.chtab-2,2 {
	<ch,,ch+1>!<4B2>!<4B20> }
	<.chtab-1,,.chtab>!<4B2>!<0B20>  ; ignore leading tab
	<.chlfd,,.chlfd+1>!<1B2>!<4B20>  ; break on linefeed
	<.chcrt-1,,.chcrt>!<4B2>!<1B20>  ; break on carriage-return
    for ch=.chcrt+1," "-2,2 {
	<ch,,ch+1>!<4B2>!<4B20> }
	<" ",," "+1>!<0B2>!<4B20>  ; ignore leading space
    for ch=" "+2,"a"-2,2 {
	<ch,,ch+1>!<4B2>!<4B20> }
	<"a"-1,,"A">!<4B2>!<4B20>  ; translate "a" through "z" to uppercase
    for ch="b","z"-2,2 {
	<ch-40,,ch-37>!<4B2>!<4B20> }
    for ch="z"+2,177,2 {
	<ch,,ch+1>!<4B2>!<4B20> }

end start