
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/podtyp.bcp
There are no other files named podtyp.bcp in the archive.
//Head file for <JWALKER>
//Globals for routines of general interest
//Handy manifests
//My structures

get "<bcpl>head"
get "<bcpl>utilhead"
get "<bcpl>stringhead"
get "<bcpl>jshead"
get "<bcpl>psihead.bcp"
get "<bcpl>whichsystem.bcp"       //for system function IS10X

{ SetBit: 1		//turn on indicated bit
  ShowBits: 2		//show values of 36 bits in octal grouping
  ReadFilePointer: 3	//read current JFN pointer
  ChangeFilePointer: 4	//relative change for jfn pointer
  SetFilePointer: 5	//set pointer for JFN
  ShowFileName: 6	//show name associated with JFN
  FindNameField: 7       //find field of file name assoc. with JFN
  ShowError: 8		//output error message for failure on JSYS call
  OpenFile: 9		//open JFN supplied for input
  Transparent: 10	//set .PRIIN to binary mode or back
  FindInputFile: 11	//use GTJFN, supply default file type
  SuppressMessages: 12  //suppress or allow system messages
  ClearInput: 13        //clear terminal input buffer
  BackUp: 14            //back up a designated stream
  YNConfirm: 15         //prompt for confirmation (binary decision)
  CRConfirm: 16         //require RETURN before continuing
  ClearOutput: 17       //clear terminal output buffer

{ NEWLINE := "*c*l"	//keep output clean

  ON := true
  OFF := false
  IN := true
  OUT := false

  PROCESS := #400000                    //current process handle
  NULIO := #377777                      //null dest designator

{ BinWord
  { Bit^0^35 bit
  { Byte^0^11 bit 3
// originally, bufhead.bcp

//[BBNA]<JWALKER>BUFHEAD.BCP.35, 13-Feb-82 15:35:25, Ed: JWALKER
//added RUBOUT manifest
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>BUFHEAD.BCP.33, 26-Jun-81 11:23:06, Ed: JWALKER
//added structure definition for File Block
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>BUFHEAD.BCP.24, 19-Aug-80 14:53:00, Ed: JWALKER
//Revised to add PS: to file specification for help file for TOPS-20
//Part of the package for the PodType program
//Copyright (C) Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. 1979, 1980, 1981
//Global designations

get "janhead"               //my library of standard utilities

{ SendIt: 100
  GetCommand: 101
  ShutDown: 102
  PageHandler: 103
  ResetPrams: 104
  SendPage: 105
  InitDiablo: 106
  GetString: 107
  EvalString: 108
  WhatType: 109
  BreakPage: 110
  FillBuffer : 111
  SendBuffer : 112
  WaitForDone : 113
  InDoubleCommandSet : 114
  ReadPaperLength : 115
  ParsePages : 116
//now for the global variables
  Hmi : 200
  Vmi : 201
  PaperLength : 202
  DefaultPaperLength : 203
  PageFlag : 204
  TransferType : 205
  StandardVmiSequence : 206
  FileType : 207
  PPointers : 209
  HelpPP : 210
  PFile : 211
  HelpFile : 212
  ETXACKProtocol : 213
  CTRLC : 214
  ControlCReturn : 215
  ControlCStackPtr : 216

{ ESC := #33		//escape character
  LF := #12		//linefeed key
  CR := #15		//bare carriage return
  RUBOUT := #177        //rubout key
  PAGEMARK := $^L	//marks end of page sequence in POD file

  CTRLF := $^F		//^F synch signal (from terminal) ACK
  CTRLD := $^D		//^D to abort a page
  CTRLX := $^X          //^X to abort all
  CTRLP := $^P		//^P to request pause at end of page
  BEL := $^G		//^G for messages and warnings

  PLUS := $+		//for relative page specs
  MINUS := $-		//for relative page specs
  EQ := $=		//for absolute pgae specs
  SP := #40		//space bar
  QUIT := $Q		//for stop command

  SAMEPAGE := $.
  PREVPAGE := $^
  NEXTPAGEKEY := "the space bar"	//for instructions to user
  SAMEPAGEKEY := "the period key"	//for instructions to user

  DOTPAGE := $.
  ALLPAGES := $**

  EJECT := true
  NOEJECT := false
  FORWARDS := +1
  COLON := $:
  PAGEBLOCK := #100000          //lots of space for SIN
  POD := 'POD'                  //ASCIZ string for the default file type

{ FB                                //for packaging info about any file
 { JFN word 1                       //the file JFN
   FileStatus word 1                //0 means more, -1 means EOF found
   NextPagetoFind word 1            //next read will find this page no.
   PagePointers word 1              //array holding pointers into file
   PageCount word 1                 //init 0, gets actual count at end
   Device word 1                    //string pointer to "TXT" or "POD"
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.7, 24-Feb-82 19:25:06, Ed: JWALKER
//2B(23) tries to get ETX/ACK protocol being recognized again
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.4, 22-Feb-82 21:01:54, Ed: JWALKER
//2B(22) added PSI handling for control C
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.4, 14-Feb-82 16:46:36, Ed: JWALKER
//2B(21) tried putting in PSI handling for C-O
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.140, 13-Feb-82 15:54:58, Ed: JWALKER
//2B(20) cleanup of protocol handling, missing help file, E command, string get
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.139, 22-Jul-81 10:38:47, Ed: JWALKER
//2B(19) added support for XON/XOFF protocol (in StartUp,WaitForDone)
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.138,  2-Jul-81 18:27:24, Ed: JWALKER
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.137, 30-Jun-81 22:07:23, Ed: JWALKER
//2A(18) many bug fixes to parsing and incremental page number figuring
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.130, 26-Jun-81 10:27:23, Ed: JWALKER
//2A(16) Change to on-demand page parsing for (user perception of) speed
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.129, 29-Apr-81 11:58:03, Ed: JWALKER
//1B(15) reduces buffer size for Xerox 1700; refixes typewheel determination.
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.128, 15-Apr-81 00:16:00, Ed: JWALKER
//1B(14) Oh-vay.  Bugs in determining Typewheel.  Old Scribe is different.
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.125,  9-Apr-81 12:15:34, Ed: JWALKER
//1B(13) figured out how to report required typewheel.
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.124,  9-Mar-81 18:47:36, Ed: JWALKER
//1B(10) Fixed scoping error (prevented C-P from working)
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.119, 28-Feb-81 15:12:39, Ed: JWALKER
//1B(9) change parsing to use SIN, for speed
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.115, 23-Feb-81 17:40:16, Ed: JWALKER
//v 0a(6) add extra ETX, add paper length support
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.113, 10-Feb-81 13:34:29, Ed: JWALKER
//v 0a(5) refuse system msgs, redo ESC seq parsing in FillBuffer
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.109, 19-Aug-80 14:54:21, Ed: JWALKER
//v 0A(4) added PS: to file specification for help file in BUFHEAD
//[BBN-TENEXA]<JWALKER>PT.BCP.108, 22-May-80 22:08:55, Ed: JWALKER
//v 0A(3) fixed parsing problem in ParsePODPages
//Copyright (C) 1979 Bolt Beranek and Newman

/* PODTYP is a typing program for typing any file on a Diablo 1620
compatible style printing terminal.  It was originally written for
typing Scribe POD files but works on any ASCII text file.

PODTYP was designed, implemented, and documented at BBN as a spare time
project by Jan Walker.  It benefitted from discussions with Doug Dodds
and Chris Ryland on implementation issues.

get "bufhead"

{ Copyright := "Copyright (C) 1979,1980,1981,1982 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc."
  PPointers := vec MAXNOPAGES   //array of pointers to file
  HelpPP := vec 2               //needs pages 0,1,2
  PFile := vec (size FB)        //file block for main file
  HelpFile := vec (size FB)     //file block for help file
  HELPFILENAME := vec 10        //help file name (system dependent)
  Hmi := 13                     //default char width is 10 pitch for Diablo
  Vmi := 9                      //default vertical spacing for Diablo
  PaperLength := 66             //actual physical paper size (6 to inch)
  DefaultPaperLength := 66      //default physical paper size
  PageFlag := nil               //for temporary page pause
  TransferType := PAGEPAUSE     //default for paper feed
  StandardVmiSequence := "*$^^*t"       //ESC Vmi 9 for Diablo
  FileType := 'NUL'             //Spot for byte pointer return
  BUFFERMAX := 120              //full size buffer (device dependent)
  ETXACKProtocol := false       //default for protocol
  DefaultJFNModeWord := 0       //for reading/resetting tty stuff
  CTRLC := $^C                  //^C synch signal (to terminal) ETX
  ControlCReturn := 0
  ControlCStackPtr : 0

{ TYPE := 3
//Major control loop.  Has to prompt user, find and parse
//file, collect user commands and supervise printout according
//to commands, including getting new file and new set of commands.
//assumption: Transparent OFF

let Start() be
{ SuppressMessages(true)        //turn off system msgs
  InitFB(PFile)                 // do easy defaults
  PFile>>FB.PagePointers := PPointers   //make it point to an array

  InitFB(HelpFile)              //do easy defaults
  test IS10X()                  //different for TENEX and TOPS-20
    ifso HELPFILENAME := "<SCRIBE>STYDOC.POD"   //location of the help text

      [I've FILDDT'ed this   ^   to be HLP:STYDOC.POD.
	It's at 6336 in 9-bit! - DAW]

  HelpFile>>FB.JFN := FindInput(HELPFILENAME)   //get its JFN
  unless HelpFile>>FB.JFN=0 do  //keep failure non-serious
  { HelpFile>>FB.PagePointers := HelpPP //make it point to small array
    HelpFile>>FB.Device := "POD"        //device type for help
    ParsePages(HelpFile,MAXNOPAGES,OFF) //parse the help file

  StartUp()                     //deal with tty and protocol
  SetUpFile(PFile,POD,"Print file:  ")  //collect file to print
  while true do
  { let Next := GetCommand(PFile,HelpFile)
    switchon Next into
    { case QUIT:  break		//bail out
      case STARTOVER:
        if PFile>>FB.JFN > 0
          then EndRead(PFile>>FB.JFN)   //finish with the old file
        InitFB(PFile)           //reset various stuff
        SetUpFile(PFile,POD,"New file name:  ") //get a new file
        WriteS("Ooops.  Something wrong with GetCommand")
  ShutDown(PFile>>FB.JFN,HelpFile>>FB.JFN)      //clean up tty and protocol
  finish                        //stop
 } repeat                       //and allow for continue from exec
//Send out the banner stuff
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and StartUp() be
{ SetUpPSI()                    //we'll trap ^O and ^C only
  PBOUT(ESC)                    //have to be sure to set lines per page
  PBOUT(PaperLength)            //lines per page calculated at 6 per inch
  PBOUT(CTRLC)                  //send out a dove (for guessing protocol)
  WriteS("Copyright (C) 1982 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.")
  WriteS("PODTYP Version 2B(23)(Feb82).  See HELP PODTYP")
  Transparent(OFF)              //now make i/o normal briefly
/* GuessProtocol is a procedure for determining which of two protocols a
particular terminal is using.  The choices are ETX/ACK (where program sends ETX
and terminal responds with ACK when it reads the ETX in the input stream) and
XON/XOFF where the terminal sends XOFF to host when buffer is close to full and
XON when buffer is close to empty.  This routine sends out an ETX and waits a
modest time interval (2 sec) for the answering ACK.  If none arrives, it
assumes that the terminal is set wired for XON/XOFF and sets up to handle it
accordingly.  This is all fine except when the host front end is grossly tied
up and it can make the wrong guess.  The user can back out of this with E.
Doesn't care about Transparent since ETX has been sent.
Assumes that the ETX has already been sent.  Had to do this to interleave the
printing of the startup message with the waiting for the ACK.  Note carefully
the placement of the PBOUT(CTRLC)

and GuessProtocol() be
  let AC := vec 20
  Wait(2000)                    //wait awhile
  AC|1 := INPUT
  if 1 = JSYS(jsSIBE,AC)        //check for olive branch
  then for I := 1 to AC|2 do    //check input for valid ACK
    if (#177&PBIN())=CTRLF      //remember to mask, 8 bits in
      then ETXACKProtocol := true       //turn on flag if OK
  unless ETXACKProtocol do      //if ETXACK flag got turned on, then OK
  { CTRLC := 0                  //otherwise, make this a null
    WriteS("Assuming XON/XOFF protocol.")
    unless IS10X() do           //this stuff not available on TENEX
    { let AC := vec 20          //let TENEX fend for self
      AC|1 := OUTPUT
      JSYS(jsRFMOD,AC)          //find JFN mode word
      DefaultJFNModeWord := AC|2        //we can put this back to previous
      AC|2 := AC|2 logor 2      //enable pause-on-command
      AC|2 := #43               //.MOXOF code; won't work for TENEX
      AC|3 := 0                 //disable pause-at-end-of-page
      JSYS(jsMTOPR,AC)          //no way to restore to previous later
/* SetUpPSI is a procedure for enabling interrupts.  The ones we are using are
C-O and C-C.  The C-O is necessary to keep users from falling into black hole
if they use it.  C-C is necessary to reset the terminal printing
characteristics so that using the terminal afterwards is possible.

and SetUpPSI() be
{ PSIClear()                    //make sure everything is kosher to start
  PSISetCh(1,1,CTRLOService)    //connect ch 1 to CTRLO service routine
  ATI($^O,1)                    //assign C-O to Ch 1
  let ACs := vec 20             //ensure that process can handle own ^C
  ACs|1 := PROCESS              //current process handle
  JSYS(jsRPCAP,ACs)             //find current capabilities
  ACs|3 := SetBit(lv (ACs|2),0,ON)      //now enable the C-C capability
  PSISetCh(1,3,CTRLCService)    //connect ch 3 to CTRLC service routine
  ATI($^C,3)                    //assign C-C to Ch 3
  PSIOn()                       //let 'er rip
//function:  SetUpFile(Fileblock,DefaultType,Message)
//parameter 1: pointer to file block structure for file being set up
//parameter 2: pointer to ASCIZ string containing default file type
//parameter 3: string containing prompt message to type on terminal
//side effects on the file block
//operation:  works for any file; finds Hmi, Vmi only for POD files
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and SetUpFile(File,DefaultType,Message) be
{ File>>FB.JFN := FindInputFile(DefaultType,Message)	//finds the JFN
  OpenFile(IN,File>>FB.JFN)         //open this file for input

  let DestPointer := -1,,FileType   //create a byte pointer for FileType
  FindNameField(File>>FB.JFN,DestPointer,TYPE)      //get file type from JFN
  let Temp1,Temp2 := vec 3,vec 3    //kludge around, compare it to "POD"
  test Eqstr(ASCIZToString(FileType,Temp1),ASCIZToString(POD,Temp2))
  ifso                              //for a POD file
  { File>>FB.Device := "POD"        //save the file class as POD
    ParsePages(File,1,ON)           //just get the first real page
    FindPrams(File,lv Vmi,lv Hmi)   //find the built in Hmi
    ReportTypeWheel(Hmi)            //report it to user
  ifnot File>>FB.Device := "TXT"
//ParsePages locates all the end-of-page markers in any input
//file and stores their locations in a vector to use as pointers
//into the file while printing each page.
//structure of POD files:  initial preamble with its ^L is page 0 in
//the file.  The last printing page in the file ends with ^L.  The
//epilogue (shutdown sequence has no ^L).
//structure of text files: first character begins first printing page
//last character ends last printing page, no trailing ^L in file.
//function:  ParsePages
//value:  returns no. of printing pages found in file
//parameter 1: Pointer to file block structure for file being parsed
//parameter 2: Last page needed for this call
//parameter 4: Boolean, true=>prints stuff about file, false=>no stuff
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and ParsePages(File,TargetP,Announced) := valof
  if File>>FB.FileStatus ne 0 then resultis false   //all found already
  if File>>FB.NextPagetoFind > TargetP then resultis false     //enough found
  if Announced then
  { WriteS(NEWLINE)
    WriteS("Preparing to print ")
  let PP := File>>FB.PagePointers   //copy the pointer
  let Block := vec PAGEBLOCK        //maximum size possible for page
  let BPtr := POINT(7,Block)        //byte pointer to it
  if (File>>FB.NextPagetoFind = 0)&Eqstr(File>>FB.Device,"TXT") then
  { File>>FB.NextPagetoFind := 1    //get set for plain ASCII files
    PP|0 := 0    //dummy page 0 with length 0
    if TargetP = 0 then resultis false      //nothing to look for
  test File>>FB.NextPagetoFind = 0  //make sure pointer is valid
  ifso SetFilePointer(File>>FB.JFN,0)       //before parsing
  ifnot SetFilePointer(File>>FB.JFN,PP|(File>>FB.NextPagetoFind - 1))

  while File>>FB.FileStatus = 0 do  //EofFlg does not work with SIN
  {Check                            //now look for each ^L in file
    while TargetP ge File>>FB.NextPagetoFind do     //parse until page found
    let InAC := vec 20
    let Count := 0
    let MaxSize := PAGEBLOCK * 5    //for lots of chars
    InAC|1 := File>>FB.JFN          //input stream
    InAC|2 := BPtr                  //where to put the string
    InAC|3 := MaxSize               //biggest string possible
    InAC|4 := $*f                   //terminate on ^L
    JSYS(jsSIN,InAC)                    //grab a string
    Count := MaxSize - InAC|3           //how many chars sinned?
    if (Count = MaxSize) logand (not LDB(InAC|2) = $*f) then
    { WriteS(NEWLINE)                   //guard against the unlikely
      WriteS("This would have been page ")
      WriteS(" but it is too long to process.")
      WriteS("PAGEBLOCK in ParsePages")
      resultis false
    if Eqstr(File>>FB.Device,"POD") then    //figure out if ^L is pagemark
    { let ThirdLastChar := SP       //dummy for when Count is 2
      switchon Count into           //assume it can't be negative
      { case 0: break Check         //bogus, file must be empty
        case 1: endcase             //bare FF, consider it real
        default:                    //anything else
        InAC|1 := NULIO
        InAC|2 := BPtr              //back to beginning of str
        InAC|3 := - (Count - 2)     //forward except last two
        JSYS(jsSOUT,InAC)           //bleep over most
        let NewBPtr := InAC|2       //new temp pointer
        unless Count = 2 do
          ThirdLastChar := LDB(NewBPtr)     //examine context of 3rd last
        let SecondLastChar := ILDB(lv NewBPtr)      //and 2nd last chars
        if (ThirdLastChar = ESC) logand     //to determine if ^L is just an 
          InDoubleCommandSet(SecondLastChar) then loop innerCheck   //arg or a
        if not InDoubleCommandSet(ThirdLastChar) logand   //real page break
          (SecondLastChar = ESC) then loop innerCheck
    InAC|1 := 0,,File>>FB.JFN       //a real one
    JSYS(jsGTSTS,InAC)              //check for eof
    File>>FB.FileStatus := (InAC|2) & (#001000,,0)  //should be nonzero at end
    if (File>>FB.FileStatus ne 0) logand Eqstr(File>>FB.Device,"POD")
    then break Check                //don't count epilog page for POD
    PP|(File>>FB.NextPagetoFind) := ReadFilePointer(File>>FB.JFN)
                                    //save position following each ^L
    File>>FB.NextPagetoFind := File>>FB.NextPagetoFind + 1  //incr
    if (File>>FB.FileStatus ne 0) then break Check  //for TXT, save position
  resultis false                    //found enough pages before EOF
/*  if Announced then
  { WriteS(NEWLINE)
    test PageCount > 1
      ifnot WriteS(" page found in ")
      ifso WriteS(" pages found in ")
  File>>FB.PageCount := File>>FB.NextPagetoFind - 1  //real count found
  File>>FB.FileStatus := -1         //parsing done
  resultis true
/* FindPrams is a procedure for determining the default Hmi from the
actual file.  This is harder than it sounds.  An initial approach just
read a bunch of characters from the file and then scanned through
looking for the first HMI setting command sequence that was immediately
followed by a printing character (not a space).  This fails in certain
pathological POD files where another the HMI sequence is followed only
by space or by some other ESC sequence and never by a printing
character.  Sounds impossible but a user did it.  (Much more likely with
the old Scribe actually.)  Gets #13 for Elite and #15 for Pica.
Assumption: Transparent OFF, POD file input
and FindPrams(File,lvVmi,lvHmi) be
  let JunkStr := vec 100        //place to put some characters
  let AC := vec 16
  let EPtr := nil               //some byte pointers
  SetFilePointer(File>>FB.JFN,File>>FB.PagePointers|0)   //at first real page
    let BPtr := POINT(7,JunkStr)        //need this for travelling along
    AC|1 := File>>FB.JFN            //file to get from, trust current ptr
    AC|2 := BPtr                //pointer to junk area
    AC|3 := - 500               //500 characters is more than enough?
    JSYS(jsSIN,AC)              //grab the string
    EPtr := AC|2                //end of the junk string
    if AC|3 = -500 then         //nothing read, at end of file
    { rv lvHmi := 13                //assign it one or the other
      break Try                 //give up
    while EPtr ne BPtr do       //look for first real ESC HMI
    { switchon ILDB(lv BPtr) into       //check character from string
      { case $*s: endcase       //don't trust spaces to be using good Hmi
        case $*$:               //serious case, the altmode
        switchon ILDB(lv BPtr) into      //interpret its command char
        { case $0 to $9: endcase        //tossing single char seqs
          case $A: case $B: case $D: case $U: endcase
          case #11: case #13: case #36: //double command set
            ILDB(lv BPtr)        //just toss its arg
          case #37:             //AHA! found one, sets the Hmi
            rv lvHmi := ILDB(lv BPtr)   //take it literally
          default: endcase      //some kind of error, no-op
        endcase                 //end the ESC case
        case $! to $~:
          if (rv lvHmi = 11) logor (rv lvHmi =13)
            then break Try      //Hmi in force now is default
          endcase               //keep looking unless valid overall Hmi
        default: endcase        //most nonprinting chars
       }                        //end the main switchon
     }                          //end the while loop
   }Try repeatuntil (rv lvHmi=11) logor (rv lvHmi=13)
                                //in case perverse file
  rv lvVmi := 9                 //default vertical is single-spaced
//GetCommand parses user commands, knows defaults and sets up
//parameters for each set of pages.  Then it gets things going because
//"begin processing" is one of the commands.
//GetCommand returns a value to main program indicating whether
//to stop altogether (QUIT) or start again for a new file (STARTOVER)
//assumption: Transparent OFF, turns it ON and OFF again before returning.

and GetCommand(File,HelpFile) := valof
{ let CommandMessage := "Commands are  B, C, D, E, F, L, N, P, R, S, W, X, and ?"
  //these are the default settings:
  { Page1 := 1                      //low page limit for printing
    PageN := MAXNOPAGES + 1          //high page limit for printing
    CurrentPage := nil              //start out at the beginning
    Direction := FORWARDS           //it prints in forwards order

  let Char := nil
  let PromptFlag := ON
  ControlCReturn := CommandModeLabel   //now route ^C in here
  ControlCStackPtr := Level()
  Page1 := 1                        //default for any new file
  test File>>FB.PageCount = 0       //0 if file has not been parsed
  ifso PageN := MAXNOPAGES + 1      //high page limit for printing
  ifnot PageN := File>>FB.PageCount //upper limit has been found
  CurrentPage := Page1              //start out at the beginning
  PaperLength := DefaultPaperLength //reset for each file
  Transparent(ON)                       //all routines now expect it on
  while true do
  { CommandModeLabel:           //continuing after ^C picks up here
    test PromptFlag                     //if message is appropriate
    { WriteS(NEWLINE)                   //print it
      WriteS("Enter command:  ")
    ifnot PromptFlag := ON              //owise, turn flag back on
    Char := PBIN() & #177               //mask necessary in image mode
    switchon Char into
    { case $a:  
      case $A:  WriteS("Auto paper feeder expected.  OK")
                PaperLength := PaperLength + 6

      case $b:
      case $B:
      { WriteS("Begin processing.")
        WriteS("Position paper and press ")

        //make sure page length is right
        if PaperLength ne DefaultPaperLength then 
        { PBOUT(ESC)
        test Eqstr(File>>FB.Device,"POD")   //different initializing needed
        ifso SendPage(File>>FB.JFN,File>>FB.PagePointers,0,EJECT)
        ifnot InitDiablo(EJECT)  //Initialize for ASCII file

        switchon Direction into
        { case BACKWARDS:
            CurrentPage := PageHandler(File,PageN,Page1,EJECT,TransferType)
          case FORWARDS:
            CurrentPage := PageHandler(File,Page1,PageN,EJECT,TransferType)
          WriteS("Ooops, something wrong with defaults")
        if (Page1 = MAXNOPAGES + 1) logand (File>>FB.FileStatus ne 0)
        then Page1 := File>>FB.PageCount    //adjust Page1 if possible/nec
        if (PageN = MAXNOPAGES + 1) logand (File>>FB.FileStatus ne 0)
        then PageN := File>>FB.PageCount    //fix PageN if possible/nec
        ResetPrams(Vmi,Hmi)     //necessary?

      case $c:
      case $C:  WriteS("Continuous paper feeding, no wait, OK")
        TransferType := CONTINUOUS

      case $d:
      case $D:  WriteS("Done.  Stopping program...")
//      case CTRLC:    //bogus.  We can't see this as input anyhow
        resultis QUIT

      case $e:
      case $E:
        WriteS("ETX/ACK protocol being enabled.")
        Transparent(OFF)         //needs this for confirm routine
        if YNConfirm() then     //make them confirm this, no command to reverse
        { CTRLC := $^C
          ETXACKProtocol := true
      case $f:
      case $F:
        WriteS("Finished with ")
        WriteS("   Requesting new file.")
        Transparent(OFF)        //so the confirmation will work
        test YNConfirm()
        { Page1 := 1            //reset defaults
          CurrentPage := Page1
          PageN := MAXNOPAGES + 1
          resultis STARTOVER
        { WriteS(NEWLINE)
          WriteS("Staying with ")
      case $l:                  //setting physical paper length
      case $L:
        Transparent(OFF)        //let someone else echo
        WriteS("Length of paper (in inches) = ")
        PaperLength := ReadPaperLength(INPUT)
      case $n:
      case $N:  WriteS("Normal page order, OK")
        Direction := FORWARDS
        CurrentPage := Page1
      case $p:                      //real problems come from not knowing what
      case $P:                      //the max page count is before starting
      { WriteS("Page range (? for options): ")
        Transparent(OFF)      //just makes it easy
        let NextChar := PBIN()
        switchon NextChar into
        { case $?:  
          test HelpFile>>FB.JFN=0
          { WriteS(NEWLINE)
            WriteS(" is not available.")
          { WriteS(NEWLINE)
            WriteS("Make sure you have half a sheet of paper")
            WriteS("Then press ")
          Transparent(OFF)      //for collecting more input easily
          WriteS("Enter page options: ")
          PBIN()                //read a char
                                //now, default case applies, fall through
         default:               //Parse a string here
         { let InString := vec 5 and AllFlag := false
           ChangeFilePointer(INPUT,-1)  //want to reread a char
                                //GetString initializes string length
           let EndChar := GetString(INPUT,InString)
           if InString>>String.C^1 = ALLPAGES then 
           { InString>>String.C^1 := $1
             AllFlag := true
           Page1 := EvalString(InString,((File>>FB.FileStatus=0)=>
           test EndChar = COLON	//is more coming?
           ifso                 //find 2nd number in range
           { EndChar := GetString(INPUT,InString)
             PageN := EvalString(InString,((File>>FB.FileStatus=0)=>
           ifnot                //only one number found
           test AllFlag = true
           ifso PageN := ((File>>FB.FileStatus=0)=>MAXNOPAGES+1,
           ifnot PageN := Page1

           if Page1 > PageN then
           { let N := Page1; Page1 := PageN; PageN := N
            }                   //make sure they are in ascending order
           test Direction = FORWARDS
           ifso CurrentPage := Page1
           ifnot CurrentPage := PageN
      Transparent(ON)         //resume full control
      case $r:
      case $R:  WriteS("Reverse page order, OK")
        Direction := BACKWARDS
        CurrentPage := PageN
      case $s:
      case $S:  WriteS("Show current set-up")
        switchon Direction into
        { case FORWARDS: WriteS("Printing ")
            WriteS(" from page ")
            WriteS(" to page ")
          case BACKWARDS: WriteS("Printing ")
            WriteS(" from page ")
            WriteS(" to page ")
          default:  WriteS("Problem:  Direction for page needs")
            WriteS(" be either Normal or Reverse but is undefined")
        WriteS(" on ")
        if PaperLength rem 6 > 0 then   //worry about fraction
        { WriteS(".")           //not perfect, but...
          WriteN(((PaperLength rem 6)*10)/6)
        WriteS(" inch long paper")
        WriteS("The current page is page ")
        WriteS(" in the file.")
        WriteS("Printing will ")
        switchon TransferType into
        { case CONTINUOUS: WriteS("be continuous with no wait between pages")
          case PAGEPAUSE: WriteS("wait between pages")
          default:  WriteS("fail because the printing type has to be either Continuous or Wait but is undefined")
      case $w:
      case $W:  WriteS("Wait between pages, OK")
        TransferType := PAGEPAUSE
      case $x:
      case $X:                  //This stupid terminal has a small buffer
        WriteS("Xerox 1700 terminal (using smaller buffer)")
        BUFFERMAX := 79
      case $?:
        test HelpFile>>FB.JFN=0
        { WriteS(NEWLINE)
          WriteS(" is not available.")
        { WriteS(NEWLINE)
          WriteS("Make sure you have half a sheet of paper.")
          WriteS("Then press ")
      case LF:                  //ignore trailing LF
      case CR:                  //or CR
      case CTRLF:               //ignore stray synchs
        PromptFlag := OFF       //don't bug user with irrelevance
        WriteS("No meaning for that character: ")
        test Char > 32
        ifso PBOUT(Char)
        { WriteS("#")
//ShowPageNumber figures out what to display as a page number.
//Problem arises because you don't know the page number when you first
//start but you want to start showing it as soon as you know it.  Also,
//when you don't know it, you want to show something that means "last
//page" (i.e. the user command for last page, which is a character in
//manifest FINALPAGE).
//parameter 1: file block pointer
//parameter 2: candidate page number (to be checked in case something
//better is available!)
and ShowPageNumber(File,P) be
  test P=MAXNOPAGES+1               //just the flag for "maximum"
  ifso test File>>FB.FileStatus=0   //if the file is all parsed
    ifso PBOUT(FINALPAGE)           //no, show the character meaning "last"
    ifnot WriteN(File>>FB.PageCount)        //yes, show the real limit
  ifnot WriteN(P)                   //some number other than maximum
//ResetPrams sets the Diablo to revert to normal printing
//Pages from POD files have been designed to print standalone, so
//it is safe to reset the parameters any time you need a message
//to the terminal.
//assumption: Transparent ON, leave it on

and ResetPrams(Vert,Horiz) be
{ let ResetList := list ESC, #11, #13,		//Tab to left margin
			ESC, #36, nil,		//esc seq for Vmi
			ESC, #37, nil		//esc seq for Hmi

  let ResetLength := 9
  ResetList|5 := Vert	//Vert must be (req'd Vmi + 1)
  ResetList|8 := Horiz	//Horiz must be (req'd Hmi + 1)
  for I := 0 to ResetLength - 1 do PBOUT(ResetList|I)
and ReportTypeWheel(Hmi) be
  switchon Hmi into
  { case #13:  WriteS("12 pitch ");endcase
    case #15:  WriteS("10 pitch ");endcase
    default:  WriteS("Unknown kind of ");endcase
  WriteS("typewheel expected for this file")
//ShutDown send out the codes to restore the printer to its
//default settings of single-spaced, 10 pitch, 11-inch paper and
//restores terminal JFN mode word and paging behavior.
//assumption: Transparent OFF
and ShutDown(InFileChan,HelpFileChan) be
{ let ResetTable := table ESC,#11,1,ESC,#36,#11,ESC,#37,
  and ResetLength := 16

  EndRead(InFileChan)		//close the files
  for I := 0 to ResetLength - 1 do PBOUT(ResetTable|I)
  unless DefaultJFNModeWord=0 do        //if there is one, then restore stuff
  { unless IS10X() do           //unless this is TENEX, in which case, punt
    { let AC := vec 20
      AC|1 := OUTPUT
      AC|2 := DefaultJFNModeWord
      JSYS(jsSTPAR,AC)          //restore original pause-on-command
      AC|2 := #43               //.MOXOF code
      AC|3 := 1                 //enable pause-at-end-of-page
    CTRLC := $^C                //reset this stuff in case continued
    ETXACKProtocol := false     //with tty in different mode (not likely)
  ControlCReturn:=0             //"reset" interrupts in case continued
and InitFB(BlockName) be
{ BlockName>>FB.FileStatus := 0
  BlockName>>FB.NextPagetoFind := 0
  BlockName>>FB.PageCount := 0
  BlockName>>FB.Device := ""
/* CTRLC: an interrupt service routine for Control-C.
and CTRLCService(level,channel,lvpc) be
{ if ControlCReturn=0 then      //not into critical part yet
  { finish                      //do ordinary halt
    return                      //and ordinary continue
  Transparent(ON)               //critical, terminal could have been hacked
  ResetPrams(Vmi,Hmi)           //make the terminal act normal regardless
  ClearOutput()                 //clean out any pending output
  WriteS(NEWLINE)               //fresh line
  finish                        //halt
  ClearInput()                  //be sure no type ahead
  Transparent(ON)               //now, if started again
  LongDebrk(lvpc,ControlCReturn,ControlCStackPtr)       //go somewhere sensible
/* An interrupt service routine for C-O.  Nothing fancy here.  In order to
avoid learning anything, we are just stuffing the input buffer with the
character that we want to alias C-O to.
and CTRLOService(level,channel,lvpc) be //args can be ignored
{ let ACs := vec 16
  ClearOutput()                 //flush output right away
  ACs|1 := INPUT
  ACs|2 := CTRLX
  JSYS(jsSTI,ACs)               //stuff input buffer with CTRLX
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>PAGE.BCP.73, 13-Feb-82 15:42:45, Ed: JWALKER
//revised to clear terminal output buffer on abort
//Copyright (C) 1979 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

get "bufhead"
//function: PageHandler
//parameter 1: file block structure for file being printed
//parameter 2: first page to print
//parameter 3: last page to print
//parameter 4: Boolean, true ==> eject the page, false ==> no page eject
//parameter 5: Transfer dynamics, CONTINUOUS or PAGEPAUSE
//value:  last completed (or current if interrupted) page number
//assumptions: Transparent ON
//Some thrashing in this routine, due to the fact that either Page1 or
//PageN (or both) can be in essence a flag meaning "maximum".  The number has
//to be anchored to reality eventually -- i.e. as soon as the real number is
//available from the parsing.
let PageHandler(File,Page1,PageN,BlockPage,Type) := valof
  let Increment := FORWARDS         //default direction
  let IsSameType := (Type=TransferType)     //record if using default type
  PageFlag := ON                    //make it always stop for first page

  test PageN > Page1                //figure out the direction
    ifso Increment := FORWARDS      //definitely forward printing
    ifnot                           //just one page or backward printing
    { if ((PageN < Page1) logor ((Page1=PageN) logand (Page1=MAXNOPAGES+1)))
      then                          //allow for "just last page" case
      { Increment := BACKWARDS
        if File>>FB.FileStatus = 0 then     //parsing is not complete
        { if ParsePages(File,Page1,OFF)     //returns boolean, true if all done
                                    //backwards anyhow so go find enough pages
          { Page1 := File>>FB.PageCount    //set real limit
            if PageN = MAXNOPAGES+1 then PageN := File>>FB.PageCount
  let ThisPage := Page1
  let FirstTimeThrough := true
  //start of a repeatuntil.  Send N pages but need to do the "flow control" N+1
  //times.  Leads to nasty loop structure.
    //When SendPage fails, the user wants to get to command mode
    unless FirstTimeThrough do      //just do flow control first time
    { if ParsePages(File,ThisPage,OFF)        //make sure page is known
      then if Increment = FORWARDS  //we've just completed parsing
        { PageN := File>>FB.PageCount       //so get the upper limit right
          if Eqstr(File>>FB.Device,"POD") then break        //last time through
         }                          //just for parsing when doing POD file
      if Increment=FORWARDS         //what if bogus number?
      then if ThisPage>PageN then break pageloop    //make it stop
      if SendPage(File>>FB.JFN,File>>FB.PagePointers, //send the page
                ThisPage,BlockPage) = CTRLX //return CTRLX when aborted
      then resultis ThisPage        //return page no being printed
      ThisPage := ThisPage + Increment      //increment only after printing
    FirstTimeThrough := false       //redundant flag fixing
    if IsSameType ne (Type = TransferType) then     //TransferType is global
    { Type := TransferType          //if different, user has changed the type
      IsSameType := (Type = TransferType)
    if (Type = PAGEPAUSE) logor (PageFlag = ON) then        //whether to wait
    { PageFlag := OFF               //not first page anymore, flag goes off
      switchon EvalCommand() into   //go wait for user input
      { case NEXTPAGE: endcase      //just go do ThisPage
        case SAMEPAGE: unless ThisPage=Page1        //redo the previous page
          do ThisPage := ThisPage - Increment       //adjust page number
          endcase                   //and do
	case QUIT: resultis ThisPage - Increment    //last completed page
        default:  WriteS(NEWLINE)
          WriteS("Something wrong with result from EvalCommand")
   }pageloop repeatuntil ThisPage = PageN + Increment
  resultis PageN                    //return last completed page
//SendPage figures out the limits on a page and hands
//the limits on to the SendIt procedure for buffering
//procedure:  SendPage
//parameter 1:  JFN for file being printed
//parameter 2:  vector of pointers for locations of beginnings of pages
//parameter 3:  Page number to print (page 0 is for terminal init)
//parameter 4:  Boolean, true=>eject page; false=> no page eject
//value:  returns CTRLX when it finds user wants to go back to
//	command mode; otherwise, true when page completes
//assumptions: Transparent ON
//StartPointer has to point to the first character to read.
//Note: The pointers in the vector all point to the first character on
//a page, so to get the count, remember to reduce difference by 1 to
//allow for the ^L separating pages.

and SendPage(InFileChan,PagePointers,PageNumber,BlockPage) := valof
{ let StartPointer := nil
  let PCount := nil                     //no of chars on the page

//Assume that the page number limits have previously been checked
//for validity

  test PageNumber = 0
    ifso StartPointer := 0              //page 0 has the initialization stuff
    ifnot StartPointer := PagePointers|(PageNumber - 1)

  PCount := PagePointers|PageNumber - StartPointer - 1  //inhibit pagemark
  while true do
  { let Result := SendIt(InFileChan,StartPointer,PCount)
    test Result = true
      { if BlockPage = EJECT then BreakPage()	//send out pagebreak if OK
        ClearInput()                    //throw away extra synchs now
        resultis true                   //page completed printing
      { ClearOutput()           //keep tty from getting stuff buffered in host
        PBOUT(CR)               //put print head in rational place
        test Result = CTRLX
        ifso                  //user aborted to command level
        { ClearInput()        //make sure no synchs around
          resultis CTRLX      //go back
        { BreakPage()
          switchon EvalCommand() into     //page aborted to between-page
          { case SAMEPAGE:    //go print it again
            case NEXTPAGE:    //return to sender, it evaluates command again
            case QUIT:
              ChangeFilePointer(INPUT,-1)     //backup input pointer
              resultis true
              WriteS("Invalid result from EvalCommand")
              resultis false
//SendIt is the procedure that manages the buffering and
//synch stuff, given the JFN and the pointer limits
//function:  SendIt
//parameter 1: JFN of file being printed
//parameter 2: location of first character in file to print
//parameter 3: count of number characters in the block to print
//value:  true when page prints to completion; false when user interrupts it;
//     CTRLX when user wants to return to command mode
//assumption: Transparent ON

and SendIt(InFileChan,StartPointer,CharsLeft) := valof

  if CharsLeft = 0 then resultis true   //don't sweat empty page
  if CharsLeft > PAGEBLOCK * 5 then     //might happen?
  { WriteS(NEWLINE)
    WriteS("This page is too long to be printed.")
    WriteS("See PAGEBLOCK in SendIt")
    resultis CTRLX
  let FirstTimeThrough := true          //flag for starting a page
  let PageArea := vec PAGEBLOCK         //get space for this page
  let BCount := nil                     //initialize buffer count
  let BPtr := POINT(7,PageArea)         //travelling byte pointer
  let InAC := vec 20
  SetFilePointer(InFileChan,StartPointer)       //get file set to roll
  InAC|1 := InFileChan                  //source dest to read from
  InAC|2 := BPtr                        //pointer to the dest area
  InAC|3 := - CharsLeft                 //no of chars to read
  JSYS(jsSIN,InAC)                      //grab it

  InAC|1 := CTRLC
  JSYS(jsPBOUT,InAC)                    //synch char primes the pump

    let Target := CharsLeft > BUFFERMAX => BUFFERMAX,CharsLeft  //how many
    BCount := FillBuffer(BPtr,Target)   //get another buffer ready
    CharsLeft := CharsLeft - BCount     //update the countdown
    unless FirstTimeThrough do          //don't wait, just send first buffer
    switchon WaitForDone() into    	//check for a return synch
    { case true: endcase                //OK, ready for more
      case QUIT: resultis false         //indicates that page was aborted
      case CTRLX: resultis CTRLX        //indicates return to command mode
    BPtr := SendBuffer(BPtr,BCount)     //send out last buffer found,
                                        //returning start for next buffer
    test CharsLeft = 0                  //was that the last one?
      ifso break                        //yes, bail out
      ifnot PBOUT(CTRLC)                //no, follow sending with synch
    FirstTimeThrough := false           //not first time anymore
   }sendloop repeat

  switchon WaitForDone() into    	//soak up the final synch
  { case true: resultis true            //page completed normally
    case QUIT: resultis false           //indicates that page was aborted
    case CTRLX: resultis CTRLX          //indicates return to command mode
//function: EvalCommand
//parameter: None
//operation:  collect user commands when printing is "between pages"
//assumption: Transparent ON

and EvalCommand() := valof
{ let Mask := #177 and NextChar := nil
  while true do
  { NextChar := PBIN() & Mask
    switchon NextChar into
    { case $q:
      case QUIT:
        resultis QUIT		//abort page, return to command mode
      case $c:
      case $C:  TransferType := CONTINUOUS;loop	//switch trans. type
      case $w:
      case $W:  TransferType := PAGEPAUSE;loop	//switch trans. type
      case SAMEPAGE:  resultis SAMEPAGE	//repeat same page
      case NEXTPAGE: resultis NEXTPAGE
      case CTRLF:  loop		//ignore any stray synchs
      default:  ResetPrams(Vmi,Hmi)
		WriteS("That command character has no meaning between pages: ")
//procedure:  BreakPage
//no parameters
//operation:  perform page eject
//	Has to reset Vmi to standard so that Xerox 1750 operates right
//assumption: Transparent ON

and BreakPage() be
{ WriteS(StandardVmiSequence)           //needed to defeat 1750 bug
  PBOUT(CR)                             //isolate us from dumb Scribe driver
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>BUF.BCP.78, 13-Feb-82 15:41:48, Ed: JWALKER
//WaitForDone revised again to handle spurious input quietly
// Copyright (C) 1979 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
// This set of procedures controls buffered output for Diablo
// printers.  

get "bufhead"
//FillBuffer is a function.  It requires a byte pointer to start reading
//at and the maximum number of characters to read.  We need this
//function to keep us from chopping an escape sequence in pieces by just
//blindly doing a SOUT with some fixed byte count.  It returns the
//number of bytes that the next transfer ought to send.
//assumptions:  Transparent ON

let FillBuffer(BPtr,TargetCount) := valof
{ if TargetCount < BUFFERMAX then resultis TargetCount  //last one
  let InAC := vec 20
  InAC|1 := NULIO                       //just blow past some
  InAC|2 := BPtr                        //a trick
  InAC|3 := TargetCount - 2             //for getting near the end
  InAC|4 := 0
  JSYS(jsSOUT,InAC)                     //blip over a bunch of bytes
  BPtr := InAC|2                        //now, use where we are

  let ThirdLastChar := LDB(BPtr)        //find char we are on
  let SecondLastChar := ILDB(lv BPtr)   //get next char
  let LastChar := ILDB(lv BPtr)         //and finally last candidate
  test InDoubleCommandSet(LastChar) logand (SecondLastChar=ESC) //check
  ifso resultis TargetCount - 2         //use two less than max possible
  ifnot if (LastChar=ESC) then          //possible trouble
    unless (ThirdLastChar=ESC) logand   //but OK if the ESC is an arg
      do resultis TargetCount - 1       //use one less than max possible
  resultis TargetCount                  //situation OK
 }                                      //FillBuffer end
//InDoubleCommandSet returns true when a character arg is one of the
//characters that can appear following ESC in a 3-character esc sequence.
//For example, ESC US 13 is a 3-character esc sequence and #37 should
//return true.
and InDoubleCommandSet(Ch) := valof
{ switchon Ch into
  { case #11:		//Tab = ESC HT x
    case #13:		//Vtab = ESC VT x
    case #36:		//Vmi = ESC ^^ x
    case #37:  	//Hmi = ESC ^_ x
    resultis true

    resultis false
//SendBuffer is a procedure that sends a buffer load (as defined by the
//count) out to the printer, all at once.  It returns the updated byte
//pointer.  assumptions:  Transparent ON

and SendBuffer(BPtr,BCount) := valof
{ let InAC,OutAC := vec 20,vec 20       //lay out those ACs
  InAC|1 := OUTPUT                      //dest
  InAC|2 := BPtr                        //byte pointer
  InAC|3 := - BCount                    //how many bytes out
  JSYS(jsSOUT,InAC,OutAC)               //out they go
  resultis OutAC|2                      //returns updated byte pointer
//function:  WaitForDone
//parameter: None
//value: true,QUIT,CTRLX
//operation: wait for ACK from Diablo if ETX/ACK protocol in use
//or executes when character input is available, even with XON/XOFF
//protocol, to allow for aborting a page.
//assumption: Transparent ON

and WaitForDone() := valof
{ unless (ETXACKProtocol logor IsCharInput(INPUT)) do resultis true
  let CodeChar := nil
  let Mask := #177		//to make sure bit 8 is off
  let Result := true
  while true do
    { CodeChar := PBIN() & Mask	//Mask off bit 8 from input
      switchon CodeChar into
        { case CTRLF: resultis Result
	  case CTRLD:
            PageFlag := ON	//return to between-page mode
            resultis QUIT
	  case CTRLX:           //return to command mode
            resultis CTRLX      //bailout
	  case CTRLP:
            PageFlag := ON	//pause at end of this page
            test ETXACKProtocol
              ifso Result := true       //so, set flags
              ifnot resultis true       //no use going back to look for more
            loop                //continue proper printing
          case CR:              //standard error is user pressing RETURN
          case LF:
            loop                //quietly ignore
          default:              //anything else could be a flow control error
            PBOUT(BEL)          //but is more likely user error now
            loop                //noisily ignore
//The following code used to be in the default case, for reporting
//errors in the flow control code.  It no longer seems to be worth it and
//user's are seeing spurious reports due to their own impatient key pressing.
//Reinstall this though if true protocol problems are suspected.

//WriteS("? Flow control problem, received #")
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>MISC.BCP.13, 13-Feb-82 15:40:56, Ed: JWALKER
//added RUBOUT handling to the horrid string collection routine
//Copyright (C) 1979 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
//Set of procedures for manipulating terminal characteristics.

get "bufhead"
//procedure:  InitDiablo
//parameter 1:  Boolean, true means eject the page following printing
//operation:  sets up the terminal for printing ASCII files,
//	Imitates page 0 setup for POD files
//assumption: Transparent ON

let InitDiablo(BlockPage) be
{ let InitTable := table ESC,#62,  //clear all tabs
                         ESC,#37,#15,  //set Hmi to #15 => 12 (10 pitch)
                         ESC,#11,#1,   //absolute tab to 0
                         ESC,#11,#6,   //absolute tab to 5
                         ESC,#71,      //set left margin
                         #15           //CR to left margin
  for I := 0 to 13 do PBOUT(InitTable|I)
  //set tab stops for plain ASCII files
  //I checked this to be sure they line up with system tabs
  for Column := 15 to 85 by 8 do  //offset to allow for left marg at 5
  { PBOUT(ESC)    //move the carriage to desired spot
    PBOUT(9)     //with absolute horizontal tab
    PBOUT(Column+1) //to Column
    PBOUT(ESC)    //now set the tabstop in that spot
  PBOUT(CR)       //retreat to left edge of page
  if BlockPage = EJECT then BreakPage()
//function:  GetString(Where,Buffer)
//parameter 1:  JFN for source of bytes
//parameter 2:  pointer to BCPL string
//value:  COLON if colon separator, LF if CRLF terminator
//use:  Char := GetString(INPUT,StringName)
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and GetString(Where,Buffer) := valof
{ let Ptr := 1                  //flag or pointer to next location to fill
  let Char := nil
  Buffer>>String.N := 0         //be sure string is "empty"
  while true do
  { Char := BIN(Where)
    switchon Char into
    { case $0 to $9:            //for real digits
        if Ptr > 0 then         //unless string is blocked
	{ addch(Char,Buffer)    //add the digit
	  Ptr := Ptr + 1        //up counter
      case COLON:
        resultis COLON          //return the terminator
      case CR:
        endcase                 //assume this is CR of CRLF terminator (ignore)
      case $*n:                 //EOL, terminator for TENEX
      case LF:
        resultis LF             //return the terminator
      case PLUS:
      case MINUS:
      case EQ:
      test Ptr = 1              //only if nothing is already there
        ifso addch(Char,Buffer) //add the special character
	ifnot PBOUT(BEL)
      case FINALPAGE:
      case DOTPAGE:
      case ALLPAGES:
        test Ptr = 1            //string still empty?
        { addch(Char,Buffer)    //yup, add the car
          Ptr := -1             //block anything further from this string
	ifnot PBOUT(BEL)        //only a digit is valid now
      case RUBOUT:
      { let N := Buffer>>String.N
        if N>0 then             //if something is in the string
        { PBOUT($\)             //echo it as being deleted (yukk!)
          Buffer>>String.N := N-1       //shorten the string by 1
          test Ptr = -1         //was it blocked?
            ifso Ptr := 1       //empty now, unblock it
            ifnot Ptr := Ptr - 1        //shorten it
        endcase                 //end of rubout handler
      case SP:                  //quietly ignore spaces
      default:  PBOUT(BEL)
//function:  EvalString(Buffer,PageCount,CurrentPage,Increment)
//parameter 1: pointer to BCPL string
//parameter 2: no. of pages in the printing file
//parameter 3: current page in the file
//parameter 4: direction of printing
//value: pagenumber referred to by the string
//use: Page1 := EvalString(String1,PageCount,CurrentPage,Increment)
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and EvalString(Buffer,PageCount,CurrentPage,Increment) := valof
{ let Spot := -1
  let Num := 0
  let Len := Buffer>>String.N   //no. of chars in string

  for Ptr := Len to 1 by -1 do  //go through string back to front
    switchon Buffer>>String.C^Ptr into
    { case $0 to $9:  endcase		//no special action
      default:  Spot := Ptr    //position of first nondigit
	break		//bail out now at look at the first nondigit

  test Spot = -1   //Spot is still -1 unless nondigit was found
    ifso Num := TxtToInt(Buffer)	//string is all digits
      test Spot = Len   //string was only nondigits
      ifso switchon Buffer>>String.C^Len into	//string has 1 spec. char.
      { case DOTPAGE:  resultis CurrentPage
	case FINALPAGE:  resultis PageCount
	default:  WriteS(NEWLINE)
	  WriteS("Unrecognized special character in page option")
          resultis false
      ifnot	//string has leading + or - sign and digits
      { let TempString := vec 2
        TempString>>String.N := 0
        for I := 1 to Len - Spot do
	Num := TxtToInt(TempString)
	switchon Buffer>>String.C^Spot into
	{ case MINUS:  Increment := -Increment	//change direction
               //in other respects, MINUS is treated the same as PLUS
	  case PLUS:  Num :=  CurrentPage + (Num * Increment)
	  default: WriteS(NEWLINE)
	    WriteS("Can't figure out this number")
  test Num < 1
    ifso resultis 1		//keep number within file
    ifnot test Num > PageCount
      ifso resultis PageCount
      ifnot resultis Num
//ReadPaperLength is a function for reading the paperlength and
//converting it to "lines per page" for the command that sets the paper
//length.  This is probably a device dependent function.

and ReadPaperLength(Stream) := valof
{ let Buffer := vec 5                   //collect characters here
  Buffer>>String.N := 0                 //empty it first
  if numbargs < 1 then Stream := INPUT  //default is from terminal
  ReadWord(Stream,Buffer)               //hope for some characters
  unless PBIN() = LF do                 //fcn doesn't strip LF
  { let InACs := vec 20                 //so do it the hard way
  let Num := Buffer>>String.N
  if Num = 0 then resultis 66           //default is "11in"
  let NewBuf := vec 5                   //string for copying
  NewBuf>>String.N := 0                 //empty it
  let Place := -Num                     //to accum decimal places
  for I := 1 to Num do                  //strip out garbage by copying
  { let Ch := Buffer>>String.C^I
    test (Ch ge $0) logand (Ch le $9)   //be sure it is a digit
    { addch(Ch,NewBuf)                  //add it to digit string
      Place := Place +1                 //for virtual decimal place
    ifnot if Ch = $.                    //fractional part follows
      then Place := 0                   //reset decimal place count
  let Nums := TxtToInt(NewBuf)          //collect magnitude
  test Place le 0                       //was there a dec point?
  ifso resultis Nums*6                  //no, return at 6lines/inch
  ifnot                                 //yes, do fixed pt math
  { let Factor := 1
    for I := 1 to Place do Factor := Factor*10  //for adjusting
    resultis (3*Factor/10+Nums*6)/Factor        //will round
//[BBNA]<JWALKER>LIB.BCP.18, 13-Feb-82 15:48:45, Ed: JWALKER
//Copyright (C) 1979 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

//Set of procedures for manipulating things to do with
//file pointers, terminals, and JFNs.
//All completely standalone and program independent.

get "janhead"

//ReadFilePointer is a function that returns the current
//file pointer.

let ReadFilePointer(InFileChan) := valof
{ let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16
  InputACs|1 := InFileChan
  test 2 = JSYS(jsRFPTR,InputACs,OutputACs)
    ifso resultis OutputACs|2
    ifnot  ShowError(OutputACs|1,"Error failure in RFPTR")
SuppressMessages is a procedure with one boolean argument.
true -> suppress system messages
false -> allow system messages
This applies only on TOPS-20 (rel 4).
and SuppressMessages(Flag) be
{ if IS10X() then return        //no such feature on TENEX
  let InACs,OutACs := vec 16,vec 16
  InACs|1 := OUTPUT             //JFN to suppress or whatever
  InACs|2 := #34                //.MOSNT
  InACs|3 := Flag => 1,0        //start suppressing if 1, enable if 0
/* BackUp is a procedure for backing up any "source designator".
and BackUp(Stream) be
{ let AC := vec 16
  AC|1 := Stream
  if JSYS(jsBKJFN,AC) ne 2 then
    ShowError(AC|1,"Error failure for BKJFN in BackUp")
ClearInput is a procedure for clearing the terminal input buffer.
and ClearInput() be
{ let InACs := vec 16
  InACs|1 := INPUT
ClearOutput is a procedure for clearing the standard terminal output buffer.
and ClearOutput() be
{ let InACs := vec 16
  InACs|1 := OUTPUT
YNConfirm is a procedure for prompting user to confirm some binary
choice.  It takes a message as an argument.  It accepts y, Y, LF,
RETURN, or TENEX EOL for returning "true" and n, or N for returning
"false".  It requires RETURN as confirmation for either Y or N.
It should probably accept the options as arguments but that is
too hard to hack quickly in BCPL where case labels have to be constants.
Assumes Transparent Off.
and YNConfirm(HMessage,Message) := valof
{ if numbargs < 1 then HMessage :=
    "*c*lUse Y or RETURN for yes, N for no.  Complete with RETURN."
  if numbargs < 2 then Message := "[Confirm, Y or N?] "
  while true do
  { WriteS(NEWLINE)
    switchon PBIN() into
    { case $*c: PBIN()          //toss LF
      case $*n:                 //TENEX
      case $*l: WriteS("Y")     //supply missing part of default
        resultis true
      case $y:
      case $Y:
        WriteS("es [Complete with RETURN]")
        resultis true
      case $n:
      case $N:
        WriteS("o [Complete with RETURN]")
        resultis false
      case $?:
/*CRConfirm is a procedure for requiring the user to press RETURN at a
certain point in an interaction.  It is not the same as YNConfirm (which
requires Y or N followed by RETURN).  It accepts no substitutes...  Some
day one should add a facility for aborting out of something like this
with error throws.
Assumes Transparent Off
and CRConfirm() := valof
  while true do
  { switchon PBIN() into
    { case $*c: PBIN()
      case $*l:
      case $*n:
        resultis true
        WriteS("  Press RETURN to continue")
//ChangeFilePointer is a procedure that takes the JFN and a
//relative increment (decrement) and changes the file pointer.

and ChangeFilePointer(InFileChan,RelativeChange) be
{ test RelativeChange = 0
    ifso return
    ifnot test RelativeChange < 0
      { let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16
        InputACs|1 := InFileChan
	for I := 1 to -RelativeChange	//back up N times
	    { if 2 ne JSYS(jsBKJFN,InputACs,OutputACs)
	      then ShowError(OutputACs|1,"Error failure for BKJFN")
      ifnot SetFilePointer(InFileChan,RelativeChange + ReadFilePointer(InFileChan))
//SetFilePointer takes a JFN and an absolute file pointer.
//It sets the file pointer to the supplied value.

and SetFilePointer(InFileChan,NewValue) be
{ let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16
  InputACs|1 := InFileChan
  InputACs|2 := NewValue
  if 1 = JSYS(jsSFPTR,InputACs)	//failure case
    then ShowError(OutputACs|1,"Error failure for SFPTR")
//function:  FindInputFile(FileTypeDefault,Message)
//parameter 1:  FileTypeDefault is ASCIZ string with default file type
//parameter 2:  string containing prompt string to go on users terminal
//value:  JFN
//assumption: Transparent OFF

and FindInputFile(FileTypeDefault,Message) := valof
{ manifest
  { NORMALINPUT := #100000000000
  while true do
  { let OutputACs := vec 16
    let InputACs := table 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    let ArgTable := table NORMALINPUT,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    rh InputACs|1 := ArgTable	//pointer to table goes in rh AC1
    lh ArgTable|1 := INPUT	//file name coming from user terminal
    rh ArgTable|1 := OUTPUT		//for recognition output
    ArgTable|5 := FileTypeDefault

    test 2 = JSYS(jsGTJFN,InputACs,OutputACs)
      ifso resultis rhz OutputACs|1
      ifnot ShowError(OutputACs|1,"Problem finding error string for GTJFN")
   }                            //keeps going until it gets a file JFN
//procedure:  ShowFileName
//parameter 1:  JFN
//Finds the name associated with the JFN and shows it on
//primary output device
//uses JFNS JSYS

and ShowFileName(FileJFN) be
{ let OutputACs := vec 16
  let InputACs := vec 16

  InputACs|1 := OUTPUT		//destination designator
  InputACs|2 := FileJFN	//"indexable file handle or pointer to string"
  InputACs|3 := 0
  InputACs|4 := 0
//procedure: FindNameField
//parameter 1: JFN for file
//parameter 2: Destination designator (OUTPUT or ASCIZ pointer)
//parameter 3: Field (0 to 6) for dev,dir,nam,typ,gen,pro,acc fields
//operation:  feeds correct values to JFNS JSYS

and FindNameField(FileJFN,Dest,Field) be
{ let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16
  InputACs|1 := Dest  //This has to look like an ASCIZ string pointer
  InputACs|2 := FileJFN
  InputACs|3 := 0
  InputACs|4 := 0

  if Field ge 0 logand Field le 6
    then InputACs|3<<OctWord.Byte^Field := 1	//indicate which field to get
//procedure:  OpenFile(Kind,FileJFN)
//parameter 1:  Kind of access needed to file, input or output
//		(expects value of manifest IN or OUT)
//parameter 2:	JFN for the file
//operation:  opens the requested file

and OpenFile(Kind,FileJFN) be
{ let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16

  lh InputACs|1 := 0
  rh InputACs|1 := FileJFN
  lh InputACs|2 := #070000	//byte size 7 for byte I/O
  switchon Kind into
  { case IN:  rh InputACs|2 := #201000	//read access
    case OUT: rh InputACs|2 := #101000	//write access
    default:  WriteS(NEWLINE)
	      WriteS("Unknown file access type requested")
  if 2 ne JSYS(jsOPENF,InputACs,OutputACs)
    then ShowError(OutputACs|1,"Error failure for OPENF")

//procedure:  ShowError(Code,Message)
//parameter 1:  Error code returned in ACx by a JSYS call
//parameter 2:  The message to print out if the attempt to print out
//              an error message fails

and ShowError(Code,Message) be
{ let InputACs := vec 16
  let OutputACs := vec 16

  InputACs|1 := OUTPUT
  lh InputACs|2 := #400000 //current process handle
  rh InputACs|2 := Code
  lh InputACs|3 := 0
  rh InputACs|3 := 0
  InputACs|4 := 0
  if 3 ne JSYS(jsERSTR,InputACs,OutputACs)
    then WriteS(Message)
//procedure: ShowBits
//parameter 1: The value of the word being examined
//operation:  Shows values of bits in the word in octal grouping

and ShowBits(StatWord) be
  for I := 0 to 33 by 3 do
  { for J := 0 to 2 do
//function: SetBit
//parameter 1: Pointer to the word being changed
//parameter 2: Which bit is being changed (0 to 35)
//parameter 3: Boolean (ON => set; OFF => clear)

and SetBit(lvStatWord,Which,Value) := valof
{ if Which ge 0 logand Which le 35 then
  { if Value = ON then lvStatWord>>BinWord.Bit^Which := 1
    if Value = OFF then lvStatWord>>BinWord.Bit^Which := 0
    resultis true
  resultis false
//function: Transparent
//parameter 1: Boolean, true ==> make terminal binary mode (transp on),
//	false ==> make terminal echo normal ASCII mode.
//value: true when it succeeds, false when it fails.
//operation: first time through, it stores the terminal mode word.
//	After that, it looks at the current status (on or off) and
//	changes the status when necessary.

and Transparent(BoolVal) := valof
{ let InputACs,OutputACs := vec 16,vec 16
  let TranspMask,EchoMask := #777777777477,#000000000100
  InputACs|1 := INPUT  //applies to primary terminal
  { TerminalModeWord := 0
    TermStatus := nil

  if TerminalModeWord = 0	//is this first time through?
    { test 1 = JSYS(jsRFMOD,InputACs,OutputACs)	//look at mode word
        ifso TerminalModeWord := OutputACs|2	//save mode word
        { WriteS(NEWLINE)
      	WriteS("Problem reading mode word")
          resultis false
    test TermStatus = BoolVal	//does it need changing?
      ifso resultis true	//no change necessary
      { switchon BoolVal into
        { case true:  TerminalModeWord := TerminalModeWord & TranspMask
          case false: TerminalModeWord := TerminalModeWord \ EchoMask
          default:  WriteS(NEWLINE)
		WriteS("Argument must be Boolean");resultis false
	InputACs|2 := TerminalModeWord
        if 1 ne JSYS(jsSFMOD,InputACs) 
        then { WriteS(NEWLINE)
		WriteS("Problem setting mode word")
		resultis false
        TermStatus := BoolVal
        resultis true