
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/sysjb1.mac
There are no other files named sysjb1.mac in the archive.
;<UTILITIES>SYSJB1.MAC.1, 22-Feb-83 20:47:00, Edit by MRC
; Create SYSJB1 from SYSJOB
;<UTILITIES>SYSJOB.MAC.8, 19-Jul-82 02:24:29, Edit by ADMIN.MRC
; Print the status when a process crashes
; Change all JFCL to NOP
;<UTILITIES>SYSJOB.MAC.7, 15-Nov-81 10:58:49, Edit by MRC
; Update version number information
;<UTILITIES>SYSJOB.MAC.6, 15-Nov-81 10:56:45, Edit by MRC

TITLE SYSJB1 - Job 0 Fork Controller for TOPS-20
SUBTTL Kirk Lougheed, Stanford LOTS / September 1981
SUBTTL Definitions


; Version number definitions 

VMAJOR==5			; major version of Stanford SYSJB1
VMINOR==0			; minor version number
VEDIT==10			; edit number
VWHO==4				; 4 = Stanford


F=0				; flags
A=1				; temporary
D=4				; ...
Q1=5				; less temporary
Q2=6				; ...
NX=14				; fork name index
P=17				; pointer to control stack

PDLEN==100			; length of control stack
BUFLEN==^D200			; length of COMND% buffers
NFORKS==40			; max number of subforks
FILLEN==^D26			; length of a file spec area in FRKFIL
SYSFKL==NFORKS			; length of SYSFK table
NPTYS==15			; max number of PTY subjobs
NWSBUF==^D200			; number of words per string buffer
STSLEN==10			; length of RFTST% argument block

SHRPAG==500			; page used to map in an inferior process page
SHRADR==SHRPAG*1000		; base address of that page

PTCHN==2			; channels (2 and 3) used by PTYs

;flags in F

FRKTMF==1B0			; fork termination noted by interrupt

;flags in FRKATT

FK%EPH==1B0			; fork is ephemeral - don't worry if it halts
;CMSG - pretty printing on the console
;assembles to one instruction, first argument is error string, second
;is the address to jump to, if any

		 IFB <JMP>,<JRST .+1>

;PMSG - handle a COMND% parsing error
;returns control to top of parse loop

	JRST [ CALL TIMSMP	; print a timestamp
	       TMSG <STR - >	; print the error message
	       JRST .PMSG ]	; join central error handling code
Subttl Impure Storage

; Start assembling this code on page 0

LOC 200

STGBGN::BLOCK 0			; clear from here to STGEND on startup
STSBLK:	BLOCK STSLEN		; fork status info returned by RFSTS%
CMDBUF: BLOCK BUFLEN		; COMND% command buffer
TMPBUF:	BLOCK BUFLEN		; very temporary buffer
PDLIST:	BLOCK PDLEN		; pushdown stack
LEV1PC:	BLOCK 1			; level 1 interrupts
LEV2PC:	BLOCK 1			; level 2...
LEV3PC:	BLOCK 1			; level 3...
PDELAY:	BLOCK 1			; next time to try for a PTY
BRKJOB: BLOCK 4			; break mask built to parse JOB argument
JBPTR1:	BLOCK 1			; pointer to start of JOB text
JBPTR2: BLOCK 1			; pointer to end of JOB text
FORKID:	BLOCK 1			; SIXBIT fork ID returned by IDENTk
INJFN:	BLOCK 1			; JFN of input file
RUNJFN:	BLOCK 1			; file jfn in RUN command
DMPJFN:	BLOCK 1			; jfn of file we are DUMPing into
DMPFRK:	BLOCK 1			; fork we are DUMPing
SAVPDL: BLOCK 1			; save stack pointer for reparses
FLDTYP:	BLOCK 1			; current field type in COMND% parse
DBUGSW:	BLOCK 1			; value of DBUGSW in monitor
PTYONE:	BLOCK 1			; TTY number of first PTY
PTYCNT:	BLOCK 1			; number of PTYs system is configured fork
PCWORD:	BLOCK 1			; storage used by symbolic PC printer
PCSYM:	BLOCK 1			; ....
SILENT:	BLOCK 1			; non-zero for silent startup
OFFSET:	BLOCK 1			; offset into process entry vector
$SYSFK:	BLOCK 1			; address of SYSFK table in JSB
$FKTAB:	BLOCK 1			; address of FKTAB table in PSB
$NUFKS: BLOCK 1			; maximum number of user forks
$NLFKS:	BLOCK 1			; maximum number of process inferiors
SYSFK:	BLOCK SYSFKL		; copy of SYSFK table obtained by PEEK%
FKTAB:	BLOCK SYSFKL		; copy of FKTAB table....
FRKHND:	BLOCK NFORKS		; fork handle
FRKNUM: BLOCK NFORKS		; absolute system fork numbers
FRKATT:	BLOCK NFORKS		; fork attributes
FRKFIL: BLOCK NFORKS*FILLEN	; file specs of programs we are running
GETBLK:	BLOCK .JIMAX		; GETJI% information for a PTY job
JOBPTY:	BLOCK NPTYS		; tty desig,,pty jfn
JOBISP:	BLOCK NPTYS		; byte pointer to pty input
JOBISE:	BLOCK NPTYS		; byte ptr to end of pty input
JOBOSP:	BLOCK NPTYS		; byte pointer to pty output
SBUF:	BLOCK NPTYS*2*NWSBUF	; string buffers
BUGBUF:	BLOCK BUFLEN		; buffer for local commands
BUGFLG:	BLOCK 1			; -1 if debugging inferior needs restarting
BUGFRK:	BLOCK 1			; handle for local input fork
STGEND::BLOCK 0			; clear from STGBGN to here on startup
; Locations from here on are not cleared on startup

TESTSW:	 0			; non-zero if testing SYSJB1

;COMND% argument block

CSB:	CM%RAI+CM%XIF+REPARS	; .CMFLG - raise input, no @, reparse address
	0			; .CMIOJ - I/O jfns
	-1,,[ASCIZ//]		; .CMRTY - pointer to prompt
	-1,,CMDBUF		; .CMBFP - holds whole command being assembled
	-1,,CMDBUF		; .CMPTR - pointer to next field
	BUFLEN*5-1		; .CMCNT - number of bytes in CMDBUF
	0			; .CMINC - count of unparsed characters
	-1,,ATMBUF		; .CMABP - pointer to atom buffer
	BUFLEN*5-1		; .CMABC - number of bytes in ATMBUF
	JFNBLK			; .CMGJB - address of GTJFN% block

;GTJFN% argument block

JFNBLK:	0			; .GJGEN - flags
	0			; .GJSRC - source
	-1,,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM/]	; .GJDEV - device
	0			; .GJDIR - directory
	0			; .GJNAM - file name
	-1,,[ASCIZ/EXE/]	; .GJEXT - extension
	0			; .GJPRO - protection
	0			; .GJACT - account
	0			; .GJJFN - JFN number
	0			; .GJF2 - extension block
	BLOCK 5			; assorted nonsense we don't use
Subttl Startup Code and Main Loop

LOC <.!777>+1			; move to a new page for pure code
PURBEG==.			; first location of pure code

;DSTRT - detach and start
;make primary output for this job be job 0's logging tty

DSTRT:	RESET%			; initialize the world
	DTACH%			; detach from our controlling tty
	MOVE A,[XWD 1,.LOGDE]	; job 0 logging designator 
	GETAB%			; read it from the monitor
	 MOVEI A,.NULIO		; if can't get job 0 tty, use NUL:
	HRLI A,-1		; should never do primary input
	MOVE B,A		; get jfns into place
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; for this process
	SPJFN%			; make primary output to job 0 tty
;	JRST START		; join main startup code
; START - normal start
; do various initializations before entering main loop at WAITI

START:	RESET%			; initialize the world
	MOVE P,[IOWD PDLEN,PDLIST] ; set up our stack pointer
	SKIPA A,[PURBEG]	; get address of first pure location
START1: ADDI A,1000		; increment page number
	SKIP (A)		; touch the page
	CAIGE A,PUREND		; have we touched the last page?
	 JRST START1		; no, go touch some more
	MOVE A,[XWD .FHSLF,<PURBEG/1000>] ; my process,,first pure page
	MOVX B,<PA%RD!PA%EX>	; read/execute access only
START2:	SPACS%			; so we can't get zapped by buggy code
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore errors
	CAME A,[XWD .FHSLF,<PUREND/1000>] ; at last pure page?
	 AOJA A,START2		; no, loop for next page
	SETZM STGBGN		; clear first word of impure storage
	MOVE A,[XWD STGBGN,STGBGN+1] ; set up blt pointer
	BLT A,STGEND-1		; clear all storage
	SETZ F,			; no flags set yet
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork handle
	RPCAP%			; read capabilities mask into B
	MOVE C,B		; set up mask
	EPCAP%			; enable all possible capabilities
	CALL SETLOC		; set job location if under job 0
	CALL SETPSI		; setup PSI system
	CALL SNPSYM		; SNOOP% some symbols from the monitor
	MOVEI A,.DBUGS		; want first word of DBUGSW table
	GETAB%			; get it 
	 SETZ A,		; assume normal startup value
	MOVEM A,DBUGSW		; store value
	MOVEI A,.PTYPA		; want # of ptys,,# of first pty
	GETAB%			; ask the monitor
	 CMSG <Unable to obtain PTY information, behavior unpredictable>
	HRRZM A,PTYONE		; stash number of first PTY
	HLRZM A,PTYCNT		; stash number of PTYs on system

; fall through to next page
; continued...

	MOVEI A,.SFCDE		; see if OK to start
	TMON%			; read monitor flags
	JUMPN B,[CMSG (<Startup deferred due to file system errors>,WAITI)]
	MOVX A,GJ%OLD+GJ%SHT	; looking for an old file
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM:SYSJB1.RUN/] ; default command file
	MOVE C,DBUGSW		; get value of DBUGSW
	CAIL C,2		; coming up standalone?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM:SYSJB1.DEBUG/] ; yes, use other file
	SKIPE TESTSW		; testing SYSJB1?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1.TEST0/] ; yes, use local file
	GTJFN%			; get jfn for desired file
	 CMSG (<SYSJB1 command file not found.>,START3)
	MOVEM A,INJFN		; save the jfn
	MOVE B,[7B5+OF%RD]	; 7-bit bytes, read access
	OPENF%			; open the file
		 CMSG (<Unable to open SYSJB1 command file>,START3) ]
	SETOM SILENT		; don't type out cruft when starting up
	CALL DOCMND		; read and process all commands in the file
	SETZM SILENT		; okay to type stuff out now
	MOVE A,INJFN		; jfn for initial command file
	CLOSF			; close the file
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
START3:	CALL FRKINF		; create debugging inferior, if appropriate
	CALL CHKPTY		; do initial PTY I/O
WAITI:	MOVE P,[IOWD PDLEN,PDLIST] ; reset up our stack pointer, just in case
	MOVE A,[SIXBIT/SYSJB1/]	; fetch our jobname
	SETNM%			; reset it
	TXZE F,FRKTMF		; fork terminated?
	 JRST WAIT1		; yes, go look for it
	MOVEI A,^D15		; stay in THIBR% for 15 seconds at most
	THIBR%			; wait until signal from '^ESPEAK'
	 NOP			; we never take this return
WAIT1:	CALL FILINP		; read any command file input
	CALL CHKFRK		; check subforks, report any crashes
	CALL CHKPTY		; check for PTY output
	SKIPE BUGFLG		; do we have a debugging inferior fork?
	 CALL FRKRST		; yes, and it needs restarting
	JRST WAITI		; return to top of main loop
Subttl Fork and Job Checking Routines

;FILINP - read SYSJB1 commands from an input file
;returns +1 always

FILINP:	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%OLD	; looking for an existing file
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM:SYSJB1.COMMANDS/]	; default command file
	SKIPE TESTSW		; testing SYSJB1?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1.TEST1/] ; yes, use local file
	GTJFN%			; is there a file?
	 ERJMP R		; no, return right now
	MOVEM A,INJFN		; stash the jfn
	MOVE B,[7B5+OF%RD]	; 7-bit, read access
	OPENF%			; open the file
	 ERJMP DELINP		; file won't open, so flush it
	HRRZ A,INJFN		; jfn of input file
	HRROI B,TMPBUF		; temporary buffer
	GFUST%			; get author of file
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore an error
	CALL TIMSMP		; print a time stamp on the CTY
	TMSG <SPEAK by >	; we are listening...
	PSOUT%			; to this user
	CALL DOCMND		; do the commands
	CALL DELINP		; delete input file
	RET			; return to caller
;DELINP - flush input file, if it exists
;takes INJFN - jfn of input file
;returns +1 always

DELINP:	MOVE A,INJFN		; jfn for current fie
	GTSTS%			; get file status
	TXNN B,GS%NAM		; is jfn legal?
	RET			; no, so don't do anything
	TXNN B,GS%OPN		; is the file open?
	JRST DELIN0		; no, don't try to close it
	TXO A,CO%NRJ		; don't want to release jfn
	CLOSF%			; close the file
	 NOP			; ignore an error ere
DELIN0:	HRROI A,TMPBUF		; temporary buffer 
	MOVE B,INJFN		; jfn for file
	MOVX C,<FLD(.JSAOF,JS%DIR)>+JS%PAF ; output directory field only
	JFNS%			; get directory for current file
	 ERJMP R		; probably no such file, quit now
	MOVE A,INJFN		; jfn for current file
	SETZ B,			; no versions to be saved
	DELNF%			; delete files, release the jfn
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	MOVE A,INJFN		; get jfn back
	RLJFN%			; release it just in case
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	MOVX A,RC%EMO		; use exact match only
	HRROI B,TMPBUF		; pointer to directory name
	RCDIR%			; convert name to number
	 ERJMP R		; can't do expunge, so return
	MOVE B,C		; directory number
	SETZ A,			; no flags
	DELDF%			; expunge the directory
	 ERJMP R		; ignore an error here
	RET			; return to caller
;CHKFRK - check status of forks
;if one has died and FK%EPH is not set, print a message and dump it.
;All terminated forks are removed from the fork tables
;returns +1 always

CHKFRK:	MOVSI NX,-NFORKS	; form aobjn pointer for fork name table
	SKIPN A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork exists?
CHKFR0:	AOBJN NX,.-1		; no, go on to next
	JUMPGE NX,R		; return when all forks examined
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	TXO A,RF%LNG		; set flag that we are using long form RFTST%
	MOVEI B,STSLEN		; fetch length of status block
	MOVEM B,STSBLK		; set up status block
	MOVEI B,STSBLK		; address of status block
	RFSTS%			; read fork status
	 ERJMP CHKFR0		; error, try next fork
	LDB A,[POINT 16,STSBLK+.RFPSW,17] ; pick out status code
	CAIE A,.RFHLT		; halted?
	 CAIN A,.RFFPT		; or forced process termination?
	  SKIPA			; yes, go play with the corpse
	   JRST CHKFR0		; fork is okay, go look at next one
	MOVE A,FRKATT(NX)	; fetch attribute flags
	TXNE A,FK%EPH		; ephemeral fork?
	 JRST CHKFR1		; yes, quietly kill it
	CALL TIMSMP		; time stamp
	TMSG <Process crashed: >
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; to the console
	CALL PSTAT		; print its status
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	CALL LSTERR		; print last error for that process
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	MOVE B,FRKNAM(NX)	; fork name
	CALL DMPINF		; dump the fork to a file
CHKFR1:	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	KFORK%			; kill it
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore an error
	SETZM FRKHND(NX)	; fork has no handle... 
	SETZM FRKNUM(NX)	; no system fork number
	SETZM FRKNAM(NX)	; and no name
	SETZM FRKATT(NX)	; and no attributes
	JRST CHKFR0		; go look at next fork
;CHKPTY - check our PTY's for input or output needed
;returns +1 always

CHKPTY:	MOVSI NX,-NPTYS		; form aobjn pointer
	SKIPN JOBPTY(NX)	; skip if we own this PTY
CHKPT1:	AOBJN NX,.-1		; else loop over table
	JUMPGE NX,R		; if done, return to caller
	CALL CHKPIN		; check input
	CALL CHKPOU		; check output
	JRST CHKPT1		; go look at next PTY
SUBTTL Inferior Fork for Debugging

;FRKINF - here to ascertain if we should create an inferior fork for
;the purpose of debugging SYSJB1.  Creates a fork with the same process
;map as SYSJB1 itself.  Enter at FRKRST to restart the fork

FRKINF:	SKIPN TESTSW		; are we debugging?
	RET			; no, so quit right now
	GJINF%			; get job information
	JUMPE C,R		; no debugging if job zero
	JUMPL D,R		; or if detached
	MOVX A,CR%CAP+CR%MAP	; same capabilities and same process map
	CFORK%			; create the fork
	 ERJMP R		; quit on an error
	MOVEM A,BUGFRK		; save fork handle
FRKRST:	MOVE A,BUGFRK		; get back fork handle
	MOVEI B,FRKBGN		; starting address for lower fork
	SFORK%			; start fork to read first line
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore errors
	SETZM BUGFLG		; we don't need to be restarted yet
	RET			; return to caller
;FRKBGN - fork to gather input from local tty and write SYSJB1.TEST1
;Note: This routine is run only in the lower fork.  It reads input
;from the primary input device, writes SYSJB1.TEST1, and sets BUGFLG
;to cause the mother fork to restart the debugging fork

FRKBGN:	HRROI A,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1>/] ; debugging prompt
	MOVE C,A		; stash pointer for use by RDTTY%
	PSOUT%			; prompt the user
	HRROI A,BUGBUF		; dump type in to local buffer
	MOVE B,[RD%BRK+RD%RAI+BUFLEN*5-1] ; break on CTRL-Z, number of bytes
	RDTTY%			; read from terminal
	 ERJMP FRKBGN		; try again on error
	DPB B,A			; make sure string ends with a linefeed
	IDPB B,A		; tie off string with a null
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%FOU	; want an output file
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1.TEST1/] ; file spec
	GTJFN%			; get a handle on the file
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	MOVE B,[7B5+OF%WR]	; 7 bits, write access
	OPENF%			; open the file
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	HRROI B,BUGBUF		; pointer to input buffer
	SETZ C,			; terminate on a null
	SOUT%			; write out the buffer
	CLOSF%			; close the file
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	SETOM BUGFLG		; turn on restart flag 
	HALTF%			; fork will be restarted for next command
Subttl Parsing Routines

;DOCMND - parse the command file
;takes	INJFN - jfn of command file
;returns +1 on end of file

DOCMND:	HRL A,INJFN		; get input jfn on left side
	HRRI A,.NULIO		; output jfn on right side
	MOVEM A,CSB+.CMIOJ	; set up I/O jfns for COMND%
	MOVEM P,SAVPDL		; save stack pointer
PARNXT:	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMINI] ; function is initialize state block
	CALL .COMND		; initialize state block
	 CMSG (<Unable to initialize command parser>,R) ;something very wrong
REPARS:	MOVE P,SAVPDL		; restore stack pointer in case of reparse
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMKEY,,COMTAB] ; address of function block
	CALL .COMND		; parse a keyword
	 PMSG <Unrecognized command> ; bad parse
	HRRZ B,(B)		; fetch dispatch address
 	CALL (B)		; call subroutine
	JRST PARNXT		; get next command

;COMTAB - SYSJB1 Command Table

	XWD [ASCIZ /NAME/],ADDR	;; standard TBLUK% format table entry

	CM (CCJOB,.CCJOB)	; send two CTRL-C's to a PTY job
	CM (DUMP,.DUMP)		; dump a fork to a file
	CM (ERUN,.ERUN)		; run fork as ephemeral, don't worry if crashes
	CM (FREEZE,.FREEZ)	; freeze a fork
	CM (JOB,.JOB)		; talk to a PTY job
	CM (KILL,.KILL)		; kill a fork
	CM (KILLJOB,.KJOB)	; synonym for KJOB
	CM (KJOB,.KJOB)		; release a PTY job
	CM (PURGE,.KILL)	; synonym for KILL
	CM (REENTER,.RENTR)	; restart a fork at its REENTER address
	CM (RERUN,.RERUN)	; rerun a program in the same fork
	CM (RESTART,.RSTRT)	; restart a fork at its START address
	CM (RESUME,.RESUM)	; resume a frozen fork
	CM (RUN,.RUN)		; run a program
	CM (STATUS,.STAT)	; fork status
;.COMND - COMND% jacket routine
;takes	b/ address of function descriptor block
;returns +1 no parse
;	 +2 good parse

.COMND:	MOVEI A,CSB		; address of state block
	LDB C,[POINT 9,(B),8]	; get type of field we are parsing.
	MOVEM C,FLDTYP		; stash it for later error analysis
	COMND%			; parse something
	 ERJMP COMNDX		; some error, go check it out
	TXNN A,CM%NOP		; no parse?
	AOS (P)			; no, skip return
	RET			; return to caller

;COMNDX - here on a fatal COMND% error
;We only log CMDBUF if EOF was unexpected

COMNDX:	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	GETER%			; get the last error
	HRRZS B			; clear spurious bits
	CAIE B,IOX4		; end of file reached?
	CAIN B,COMNX9		; end of input file?
	 SKIPA			; yes, close the take file
	  JRST COMDX2		; something bad, go analyze it further
	MOVE A,FLDTYP		; get type of field we were trying to parse
	CAIN A,.CMKEY		; keyword?
	 JRST COMDX1		; yes, we were expecting perhaps eof
	CALL LOGCTY		; log what's left in CMDBUF
	CMSG <Unexpected end of command file> ; complain to user
COMDX1:	MOVE P,SAVPDL		; restore our stack pointer
	RET			; return to caller of DOCMND routine

COMDX2:	CALL LOGCTY		; dump CMDBUF onto comsole
	CMSG <Error other than end of file while parsing command file>
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our process handle
	CALL LSTERR		; print last error
	JRST COMNDX1		; join exit code
;CONFRM - parse command confirmation
;returns +1 always, no AC's clobbered

CONFRM:	PUSH P,A		; save AC's
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMCFM] ; function block
	CALL .COMND		; parse confirmation
	 PMSG <Command not confirmed> ; bad parse
	POP P,C			; restore AC's
	RET			; return to caller

;LOGCTY - log CMDBUF on the CTY unless silence is desired
;returns +1 always

	RET			; yes, return now
	CALL TIMSMP		; no, put out timestamp
	HRROI A,CMDBUF		; ..and contents of CMDBUF
	RET			; return to caller

;.PMSG - handle a parsing error in a graceful fashion
;called by the PMSG macro, returns to top of main parse loop

       PSOUT%			; print the command buffer to this point
       MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; this process
       CALL LSTERR		; print last error on console
       MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMTXT]	; flush until a CRLF
       CALL .COMND		; do so
	 NOP			; shouldn't fail
       JRST PARNXT		; rejoin main code
Subttl General Error Handling and Reporting Routines

;ERRET - print informative error message for a JSYS failure
;returns +1 to caller of caller

ERRET:	CALL TIMSMP		; time stamp
	TMSG <JSYS error at >	; what it is
	HRRZ A,(P)		; fetch PC from stack
	SUBI A,2		; find the JSYS call
	CALL PRNTPC		; print its location symbolically
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork handle
	CALL LSTERR		; print last error
	ADJSP P,-1		; trim stack
	RET			; return to caller of our caller

;LSTERR - print last error of a process on the console
;takes	A/ process handle
;returns +1 always

LSTERR:	PUSH P,A		; save fork handle on stack
	CALL TIMSMP		; another timestamp, just in case
	TMSG <Last error - >	; say what we're printing
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; send to the console
	POP P,B			; restore fork handle
	HRLOS B			; swap sides, want most recent error
	SETZ C,			; no length limit
	ERSTR%			; print the error string
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	  NOP			; likewise
>				; end with a crlf
	RET			; return to caller

;R50DOP - print a RADIX50 symbol in ASCII
;used by the PRNTPC routine
;returns +1 always

R50DOP:	IDIVI A,50		; carve off a digit
	PUSH P,B		; save the remainder
	SKIPE A			; skip if done carving
	CALL R50DOP		; else keep on carving, recursively
	POP P,B			; restore a RADIX50 character
	LDB A,B			; fetch corresponding ascii character
	PBOUT%			; print it on the tty
	RET			; return to caller
;PRNTPC - print a 30 bit PC symbolically
;uses PCWORD and PCSYM for storage, outputs to .PRIOU
;takes	A/ PC word
;returns +1 always

PRNTPC:	HRRZM A,PCWORD		; save 18 bits of the PC
	HLRZ B,A		; fetch global section number
	JUMPE B,PRNTP0		; section zero, so no section number
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; to the tty
	MOVEI C,10		; octal radix
	NOUT%			; print the section number
	 NOP			; ignore an error
	TMSG <,,>		; separating commas	
PRNTP0:	SETZB C,PCSYM		; no current program name or best symbol
	MOVE D,.JBSYM##		; fetch pointer to our symbol table
	SUB D,A			; -count,,ending address+1
PRNTP1:	LDB A,[400400,,-2(D)]	; get symbol type
	JUMPE A,PRNTP2		; program names are uninteresting
	CAILE A,2		; 0=program name, 1=global, 2=local
	 JRST PRNTP2		; we want only global and local symbols
	MOVE A,-1(D)		; fetch symbol's value
	CAMN A,PCWORD		; compare
		JRST PRNTP3 ]	; exact match, use it
	CAML A,PCWORD		; smaller than value we're looking for?
	 JRST PRNTP2		; too large
	SKIPE B,PCSYM		; get best one so far if there is one
	 CAML A,-1(B)		; compare to previous best
	  MOVEM D,PCSYM		; current symbol is best match so far
PRNTP2:	ADD D,[2,,-2]		; add two to left, subtract two from right
	JUMPL D,PRNTP1		; loop unless control count exhausted
	SKIPN D,PCSYM		; did we find anything useful?
	 JRST PRNTP4		; no, just print the number
PRNTP3:	MOVE A,PCWORD		; desired value
	SUB A,-1(D)		; less symbol's value = offset
	CAIL A,200		; reasonable offset?
	 JRST PRNTP4		; no, print the number
	MOVE D,PCSYM		; get symbol's address
	MOVE A,-2(D)		; get symbol name
	TLZ A,740000		; clear type flags
	CALL R50DOP		; print radix50 as ascii
	MOVE A,PCWORD		; fetch desired value again
	SUB A,-1(D)		; calculate the offset
	JUMPE A,R		; if no offset, quit now
	HRRZM A,PCWORD		; fudge up the value of pcword
	MOVEI A,"+"		; plus sign...
	PBOUT%			; just like DDT
PRNTP4:	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; to the tty
	MOVE B,PCWORD		; value of offset
	MOVEI C,10		; octal radix
	NOUT%			; print the number
	 NOP			; ignore an error
	RET			; return to caller
SUBTTL RUN and ERUN Commands

;Creates a fork and runs the file 'FILESPEC' in it
;A fork run by the ERUN command is expected to terminate and is garbage
;collected without any fuss.

.ERUN:	SKIPA Q1,[FK%EPH]	; flag that means ephemeral
.RUN:	SETZ Q1,		; no special flags
	SETZM RUNJFN		; JFN of file we're trying to run
	SETZ NX,		; no index yet
	MOVX B,GJ%OLD		; set GJ%OLD in GTJFN% block
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMFIL]	; parsing a file spec.
	CALL .COMND		; do so
	 PMSG <Unable to parse file specification> ;some error
	CALL CONFRM		; user must confirm
	MOVEM B,RUNJFN		; save jfn
	CALL LOGCTY		; dump this line to the console
	MOVSI NX,-NFORKS	; form aobjn pointer in NX
	SKIPE FRKHND(NX)	; run for a fork here?
	AOBJN NX,.-1		; no, loop for more
	JUMPGE NX,[CMSG (<Fork table full.>,RUNX)] ; complain and return
	HRROI A,TMPBUF		; pointer to temporary buffer
	MOVE B,RUNJFN		; jfn of file to run
	MOVSI C,(1B8)		; want name field only
	JFNS%			; write a string to be used as a fork ID
	HRRZ A,NX		; get local table index
	IMULI A,FILLEN		; calculate offset into FRKFIL
	HRROI A,FRKFIL(A)	; pointer to string destination
	MOVE C,[1B2+1B5+1B8+1B11+JS%PAF] ; device, directory, name, type
	JFNS%			; write string to remember the file
	MOVX A,CR%CAP		; want fork with superior's caps
	CFORK%			; create the fork
	 ERJMP [CMSG (<CFORK% Failure>,RUNX)] ; failure, go release jfn
	MOVEM A,FRKHND(NX)	; put fork handle into table
	HRLS A			; slosh fork handle to left side
	HRR A,RUNJFN		; get file jfn into place
	GET%			; GET% the file into the new fork
	 ERJMP [CMSG (<GET% Failure>,RUNX)] ; failure, go release jfn and fork
	SETZM RUNJFN		; no longer own this jfn
	MOVEM Q1,FRKATT(NX)	; set up fork attributes
	SETZM FRKNAM(NX)	; no name for this fork yet
	HRLI D,(<POINT 6,0>)	; D - pointer into name table field
	MOVE C,[POINT 7,TMPBUF]	; C - pointer to name field of file spec
	MOVEI B,6		; only six characters
RUN4:	ILDB A,C		; fetch character from file spec
	JUMPE A,RUN3		; end of string
	SUBI A,40		; convert to SIXBIT
	IDPB A,D		; deposit in name table entry
	SOJG B,RUN4		; loop over entire string
RUN3:	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	SETZ B,			; use START address
	SFRKV%			; start the fork
	 ERJMP [CMSG (<SFRKV% Failure>,RUNX)] ; can't, kill it off
	CALL .PEEK		; return SYSFK and FKTAB tables for our job
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fetch back fork handle
	TXZ A,.FHSLF		; clear this bit
	IDIVI A,2		; calculate offset of word in FKTAB
	MOVE C,[HLRZ A,FKTAB(A)] ; even handles are in the left halfword
	SKIPE B			; skip if no remainder (even handle)
	MOVE C,[HRRZ A,FKTAB(A)] ; odd handles are in the right halfword
	XCT C			; fetch offset into SYSFK table
	HRRZ A,SYSFK(A)		; get system fork number from SYSFK table
	MOVEM A,FRKNUM(NX)	; stash it
	RET			; return to parse loop
;RUNX - Here on an error while trying to RUN or ERUN a program
;reports last error, then releases RUNJFN, kills fork and clears tables
;returns +1 always

RUNX:	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our process handle
	CALL LSTERR		; print last error on console
	SKIPE A,RUNJFN		; do we have a jfn?
	RLJFN%			; yes, release it
	 NOP			; ignore errors
	SKIPE FRKHND(NX)	; skip if we didn't have a fork yet
	CALL .KFORK		; else kill the fork, clear tables
	RET			; return to caller
Subttl RESTART, REENTER, and RERUN Commands

;RESTART and REENTER Commands - 'RESTART <fork ID>' or 'REENTER <fork ID>'
;Freezes fork, then restarts it at its START or REENTER address
;returns +1 always

.RSTRT:	TDZA A,A		; RESTART uses offset 0 in entry vector
.RENTR:	MOVEI A,1		; REENTER uses offset 1 in entry vector
	MOVEM A,OFFSET		; stash the offset
	CALL IDENT		; get fork ID
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID, quit now
	CALL NAMAMB		; ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ;yes, complain
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fetch fork handle
	FFORK%			; freeze the fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	MOVE B,OFFSET		; get entry vector offset into place
	SFRKV%			; start or reenter the fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	RFORK%			; resume the frozen fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	RET			; return to caller
;RERUN Command - 'RERUN <fork ID>'
;Unmap pages of specified fork, close any files, and get and start a new copy
;of the program that was previously running in the fork.  Kills the fork and
;removes it from SYSJB1 tables if any error occurs.
;returns +1 always

.RERUN:	CALL IDENT		; get fork ID
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID, quit now
	CALL NAMAMB		; ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ;yes, complain
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%OLD	; want an old file
	IMULI B,(NX)		; calculate offset into FRKFIL table
	HRROI B,FRKFIL(B)	; pointer to file spec
	GTJFN%			; get a handle on the file
	 ERCAL ERRET		; failure, return now, but leave fork alone
	MOVEM A,RUNJFN		; stash the jfn
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	FFORK%			; freeze the fork
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	SETO A,			; -1 to unmap
	HRLZ B,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle,,first page
	MOVE C,[PM%CNT+777]	; every page
	PMAP%			; unmap the program running in that fork
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	HRRZ A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	CLZFF%			; close files and release jfns
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	HRL A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	HRR A,RUNJFN		; jfn of new file to run
	SETZB B,C		; not used
	GET%			; map in the new program
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	SETZM RUNJFN		; clear jfn in case of an error further on
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle again
	SETZ B,			; want to start the fork
	SFRKV%			; do so
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	RFORK%			; resume the frozen fork
	 ERCAL RERUNX		; some error
	RET			; all done, return to caller
;here on an error during the RERUN command

RERUNX:	CALL TIMSMP		; time stamp
	TMSG <JSYS error at >	; what it was that hit us
	HRRZ A,(P)		; fetch error PC
	SUBI A,2		; adjust to point to jsys call
	CALL PRNTPC		; print PC symbolicaly
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; this fork
	CALL LSTERR		; print our last error
	CMSG <Unable to rerun program in specified fork, killing fork> ; warn
	SKIPE A,RUNJFN		; skip if no stray jfn
	RLJFN%			; else release it
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	CALL .KFORK		; kill fork and remove table entries
	ADJSP P,-1		; we got here with an ERCAL, must trim stack
	RET			; return to caller of our caller
Subttl KILL, FREEZE, and RESUME Commands

;KILL Command - 'KILL NAME' or 'KILL #'
;Kills the fork that is running the program 'NAME' or has fork number '#'
;PURGE is a synonym
;returns +1 always

.KILL:	CALL IDENT		; get fork ID
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID, quit now
	CALL NAMAMB		; ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ;yes, complain
.KFORK:	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	KFORK%			; kill the fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error, complain
	SETZM FRKHND(NX)	; no handle
	SETZM FRKNAM(NX)	; no name
	SETZM FRKATT(NX)	; no attributes
	SETZM FRKNUM(NX)	; no system number
	RET			; return to caller
;Freezes the specified fork
;returns +1 always

.FREEZ:	CALL IDENT		; read fork ID, return local index in NX
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID, quit now
	CALL NAMAMB		; ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ;yes, complain
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	FFORK%			; freeze the fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error, complain and return
	RET			; return to caller

;Resumes the previously frozen fork
;returns +1 always

.RESUM:	CALL IDENT		; read fork ID, return local index in NX
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID, quit now
	CALL NAMAMB		; ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ;yes, complain
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	RFORK%			; resume the fork
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error, complain and return
	RET			; return to caller
;IDENT - read a fork identifier followed by confirmation
;identifier may be either a name or a system fork number
;returns +1 identifier was not found or not specified
;	 +2 local fork index in NX

IDENT:	SETZM ATMBUF		; clear this to catch null fork names
	SETZM FORKID		; storage for SIXBIT fork name, if any
		 FLDDB. .CMTXT]] ; want an octal number or some text
	CALL .COMND		; parse something
	 PMSG <Expecting octal fork number or fork name> ; parse failed
	LDB Q1,[POINT 9,(C),8]	; get type of field parsed
	CAIN Q1,.CMNUM		; octal number?
	CALL CONFRM		; yes, must confirm it
	MOVE Q2,B		; save fork number in Q2
	CALL LOGCTY		; log this line on the console
	CAIE Q1,.CMNUM		; a number?
	JRST IDNAM		; no, a name, go off and look for it
	MOVSI NX,-NFORKS	; form an aobjn pointer
	SKIPN A,FRKNUM(NX)	; skip if we have a fork in our table
IDNUM:	AOBJN NX,.-1		; else loop over table
	JUMPGE NX,R		; didn't find a match
	CAME Q2,A		; do the fork numbers match?
	JRST IDNUM		; no, try the next entry
	RETSKP			; a match, give a good return

IDNAM:	SKIPN ATMBUF		; skip if the user typed something
	 RET			; else return right now
	MOVEI D,6		; limit of 6 characters in name
	MOVE B,[POINT 6,FORKID]	; pointer into forkname buffer
	MOVE C,[POINT 7,ATMBUF]	; pointer into atom buffer
IDNAM1:	ILDB A,C		; fetch byte from atom buffer
	JUMPE A,IDNAM2		; we're done if it's a null
	SUBI A,40		; convert to SIXBIT
	IDPB A,B		; add to fork name
	SOJG D,IDNAM1		; go get next character

IDNAM2:	MOVSI NX,-NFORKS	; form aobjn pointer in NX
	MOVE A,FORKID		; get fork name into place
	CAME A,FRKNAM(NX)	; name match?
	AOBJN NX,.-1		; no, keep looking
	JUMPGE NX,R		; quit if possibilities exhausted
	RETSKP			; found it, return to caller
;GETNXT - get next fork of the current name
;assumes we have already called IDENT and have a local index in NX
;returns +1 no next fork of the same name
;	 +2 found another fork, index in NX

GETNXT:	SKIPN A,FORKID		; did the user specify a fork name?
	 RET			; no, so no next fork
	  SKIPA			; increment NX before making first comparison
	CAME A,FRKNAM(NX)	; does the fork match?
	AOBJN NX,.-1		; no, keep looking
	JUMPGE NX,R		; exhausted possibilities, single return
	RETSKP			; found one

;NAMAMB - test if a fork name is ambiguous
;returns +1 there is a second occurence of the fork name
;	 +2 forkname is not ambiguous

NAMAMB:	PUSH P,NX		; save current fork index
	CALL GETNXT		; see if we have another fork of this name
	 AOS -1(P)		; we don't, prepare skip return
	POP P,NX		; restore fork index
	RET			; return to caller

;STATUS Command

.STAT:	CALL IDENT		; parse fork ID
	  JRST STAT1		; bad ID, go check if user typed a crlf
STAT0:	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; send information to primary output
	CALL PSTAT		; print the status of fork indexed by NX
	CALL GETNXT		; get next fork of the same name 
	 RET			; all done, return to caller
	JRST STAT0		; go print status of next fork

;here to type out status of all forks, 'STATUS <RETURN>'

STAT1:	SKIPE ATMBUF		; atom buffer is zero if user typed a crlf
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; was indeed a bad ID, return now
	MOVSI NX,-NFORKS	; form aobjn pointer
	SKIPN FRKHND(NX)	; skip if slot in use
STAT2:	AOBJN NX,.-1		; if not, try next one
	JUMPGE NX,STAT3		; if all done, go look at job table
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; send info to primary output
	CALL PSTAT		; print the status
	JRST STAT2		; loop over all slots

;here to search table of jobs started via job commands

STAT3:	MOVSI NX,-NPTYS	; form aobjn pointer
	SKIPN JOBPTY(NX)	; skip if PTY job exists
STAT4:	AOBJN NX,.-1		; else loop over table
	JUMPGE NX,R		; if done, return to caller
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; to the console
	CALL PJSTAT		; print status of this job
	JRST STAT4		; go look at next job
;PJSTAT - Print status for one PTY job
;TAKES 	A/ output designator
;	NX/ index into PTY table
;RETURNS +1 always

PJSTAT:	PUSH P,A		; save output designator 
	HLRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; terminal designator
	MOVE B,[XWD -.JIMAX,GETBLK] ; put info here
	MOVEI C,.JIJNO		; want all information
	GETJI%			; get job information
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error, complain and return
	POP P,A			; restore output designator
	HRRZ B,NX		; index number
	MOVE C,[NO%LFL+3B17+^D10] ; 3 columns, decimal number
	NOUT%			; print SYSJB1 index number
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	SETZ C,			; end strings on a null
	SKIPGE GETBLK+.JIJNO	; do we have a job number there?
	 JRST [	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/: No job
		RET	]	; no, say so and quit
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/: Job /]
	MOVEI 3,^D10
	NOUT%			; print decimal job number 
	MOVEI 3,^D8
	NOUT%			; print octal tty number
	DIRST%			; print user name
	CALL SIXOUT		; print job name
	CALL RUNOUT		; print job runtime
;PSTAT - Print status for a single fork
;takes	A/ output designator
;	NX/ pointer into fork tables
;returns +1 always

	NOUT%			; print system fork number
	CALL SIXOUT		; print SIXBIT forkname
	PUSH P,A		; save output designator
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	TXO A,RF%LNG		; set flag that we are using long form RFTST%
	MOVEI B,STSLEN		; fetch length of status block
	MOVEM B,STSBLK		; set up status block
	MOVEI B,STSBLK		; address of status block
	RFSTS%			; read fork status
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore error
	POP P,A			; restore jfn
	MOVE D,STSBLK+.RFPSW	; get process status word
	TXZN D,RF%FRZ		; frozen?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/Frozen, /] ; yes, indicate that
	SOUT%			; print fork status
	HLRZ B,STSBLK+.RFPPC	; get PC LH (section #)
	SKIPA B,[-1,,[ASCIZ/,,/]]
	NOUT%			; print the PC
	PUSH P,A		; save output designator
	RUNTM%			; get fork runtime
	MOVE B,A		; get runtime into place
	POP P,A			; restore output jfn
	CALL RUNOUT		; print it
	CALL PAGINF		; print number of page faults
	SOUT%			; end line with a crlf
	RET			; return to caller
;SIXOUT - print SIXBIT name
;takes	A/ output designator
;	C/ SIXBIT name
;returns +1 always

SIXOUT:	MOVSI D,-6		; exactly six characters
SIXOT1:	SETZ B,			; clear contents of B
	LSHC B,6		; shift six bits into B
	ADDI B,40		; convert to SIXBIT from ASCII
	BOUT%			; print it
	AOBJN D,SIXOT1		; repeat until done
	RET			; return to caller

;RUNOUT - print runtime in [MM:SS]
;takes	A/ output designator	
;	B/ milliseconds of runtime
;returns +1 always

RUNOUT:	IDIVI B,^D1000		; convert to seconds from millisecs
	IDIVI B,^D60		; minutes in B -- seconds in C
	MOVE D,C		; preserve seconds
	NOUT%			; out minutes
	MOVEI B,":"
	BOUT%			; separating colon
	MOVE B,D		; get back the seconds
	NOUT%			; out seconds
	RET			; return to caller

;PAGINF - print number of page faults per second of runtime for a process
;takes	NX/ fork index
;	A/ output designator
;returns +1 always

PAGINF:	PUSH P,A		; save output designator
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	RUNTM%			; get process runtime
	IDIV A,B		; convert MS to S
	MOVE D,A		; save seconds of runtime in D
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; get fork handle
	GTRPI%			; get pager information, faults in B
	IDIV B,D		; compute page faults per second of runtime
	POP P,A			; restore output designator
	MOVE C,[NO%LFL+NO%AST+^D6B17+^D10] ; decimal number, field of 6.
	NOUT%			; print it
	 NOP			; ignore an error here
	RET			; return to caller
Subttl RELOAD Command

;RELOAD Command - 'RELOAD'
;restarts the world, GET%'s a new copy of SYSJB1.EXE

.RLOAD:	CALL CONFRM		; confirm the command
	CALL LOGCTY		; log it
	CALL DELINP		; flush input file
	CMSG <Attempting reload of self...> ; tell the world
	RESET%			; kill forks, release PTY's
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%OLD	; want an old file
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM:SYSJB1.EXE/] ; default file spec.
	SKIPE TESTSW		; debugging?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1.EXE/] ; yes, use this file spec instead
	GTJFN%			; get a handle on the file
	 CMSG (<Unable to find SYSJB1.EXE - attempting to restart.>,START)
	MOVE 0,A		; 0 := .fhslf,,jfn of program
	MOVSI B,.FHSLF		; process handle,,first page
	MOVE C,[PM%CNT+777]	; page count -- the whole world
	JRST RERAC		; now go run the code in the AC's

RERAC==4			; the first AC used for code
	PMAP%			;  4 unmap what's there
	MOVE A,0		;  5 1 := .fhslf,,jfn
	GET%			;  6 load this fork
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		;  7 this fork
	GEVEC%			; 10 pick up starting address
	HRRZ A,.JBSA##		; 11 assume 10/50 format
	TLNN B,777000		; 12 is it? (actually has 254000,,addr)
	 HRRZ A,B		; 13  no.  TENEX format
	JRST (A)		; 14 go!
Subttl DUMP Command

;DUMP Command - 'DUMP <ID>', where ID is a fork number or name
;saves core image of a process in a dump file
;AC's are saved as well

.DUMP:	CALL IDENT		; read a fork ID
	 CMSG (<No such fork>,R) ; bad ID
	CALL NAMAMB		; is the ID ambiguous?
	 CMSG (<Ambiguous fork name, use fork number instead>,R) ; yes...
	MOVE A,FRKHND(NX)	; fork handle
	CALL DMPINF		; make a dump file
	RET			; return to caller
;DMPINF - dump a process and its AC's into a file
;takes	A/ fork handle
;	B/ SIXBIT fork name
;returns +1 always

DMPINF:	CAIN A,.FHSLF		; is the fork us?
	CMSG (<Dumping of mother process has not been implemented>,R) ; yes..
	MOVEM A,DMPFRK		; stash fork handle
	PUSH P,B		; save sixbit name on stack
	HRROI A,TMPBUF		; using TMPBUF to build file spec
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSTEM:SYSJB1-CRASH./] ; default file name
	SKIPE TESTSW		; debugging?
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/SYSJB1-CRASH./] ; yes, dump to a local file
	SETZ C,			; end on a null
	SOUT%			; add it
	POP P,C			; get SIXBIT name into place
	CALL SIXOUT		; add it as the extension
	MOVEI B,.CHNUL		; get a null
	IDPB B,A		; tie off the string
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%NEW+<-1> ; make a new file, don't delete old ones
	HRROI B,TMPBUF		; file spec
	GTJFN%			; get a handle on the file
	 ERCAL ERRET		; failed, return to caller
	MOVEM A,DMPJFN		; save jfn
	MOVE A,DMPFRK		; get fork handle into place
	FFORK%			; freeze the process
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore any erros
	HRLZ A,DMPFRK		; page 0 of inferior
	MOVE B,[XWD .FHSLF, SHRPAG] ; has same map as SHRPAG of .fhslf
	MOVE C,[PM%CNT+PM%RWX+PM%CPY+1]	; all access, one page
	PMAP%			; make the page shared
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	MOVE A,DMPFRK		; process handle
	MOVEI B,SHRADR+20	; destination of AC block
	RFACS%			; read fork AC's
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore an error
	MOVE A,DMPJFN		; get jfn into place
	HRL A,DMPFRK		; fork handle,,file jfn
	MOVE B,[XWD -1000, SS%CPY+SS%RD+SS%EXE+SS%WR] ; everything, all access
	SETZ C,			; reserved for DEC
	SSAVE%			; dump core image into a file, release jfn
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	SETO A,			; want to unmap
	MOVE B,[XWD .FHSLF, SHRPAG] ; the shared page
	MOVE C,[PM%CNT+1]	; just one page
	PMAP%			; unmap it
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore an error
	MOVE A,DMPFRK		; get fork handle for inferior
	RFORK%			; resume frozen fork
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore an error
	CALL TIMSMP		; timestamp
	TMSG <Dump file written to > ; what we did
	HRROI A,TMPBUF		; pointer to file spec
	PSOUT%			; name of dump file
	CMSG <Process AC's saved in locations 20-37 of dump file> ; more info.
	RET			; return to caller
Subttl JOB Command

;JOB Command - 'JOB n /text/'
;Transmit text to job identified by n. First occurrence creates a new 
;job on a PTY. Delimiters can be anything not in text.
;This routine copies the text to a buffer to be transmitted later by CHKPIN/

.JOB:	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMNUM,,12] ; want a number  
	CALL .COMND		; parse it
	 PMSG <Expecting job number> ; parsing error
	MOVE NX,B		; stash number in index ac
JOB0:	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMUQS,,BRKALL] ; parse up to a break character
	CALL .COMND		; do so
	 PMSG <Failed to parse argument to JOB command>	; some error
	MOVE B,CSB+.CMPTR	; fetch copy of pointer into command buffer 
	ILDB A,B		; pick up the break character
	CAIN A,.CHSPC		; space?
	 JRST JOB0		; yes, try this again
	SETZM Q1		; clear storage for job delimiter
	DPB A,[POINT 7,Q1,6]	; stash it
	MOVEM B,JBPTR1		; save this pointer
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMTOK,,<POINT 7,Q1>] ; parse a token
	CALL .COMND		; eat the first delimiter
	 PMSG <Unable to parse first delimiter of JOB string> ; some error
	SETZM BRKJOB		; clear first word of break mask
	MOVE A,[XWD BRKJOB,BRKJOB+1] ; form blt pointer
	BLT A,BRKJOB+3		; allow everything
	LDB A,[POINT 7,Q1,6]	; get the char
	IDIVI A,^D32		; break mask has 32 bits/word
	MOVNS B			; negate the remainder
	MOVX C,1B0		; get a left bit
	LSH C,(B)		; move the bit over
	IORM C,BRKJOB(A)	; set the bit in the break mask
	CALL .COMND		; parse up to next delimiter or null
	 PMSG <Unable to parse argument to JOB command>	; sigh...
	MOVE A,CSB+.CMPTR	; point to the end of the parsed stuff
	MOVEM A,JBPTR2		; save it away
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMTOK,,<POINT 7,Q1>] ; parse a token
	CALL .COMND		; eat the delimiter
	 PMSG <Unable to parse end delimiter of JOB command>
	CALL CONFRM		; parse confirmation
	CALL LOGCTY		; dump all the cruft on the CTY

; fall through to next page
; continued....

	CAIL NX,0		; reasonable index value?
	 CMSG (<Illegal job index>,R) ; no, return now
	SKIPE JOBPTY(NX)	; do we have a PTY here?
	 JRST JOB00		; yes, skip this code
	CALL GETPTY		; no, get one
	 CMSG (<Unable to get a PTY>,R)	; failed
JOB00:	CALL GETBUF		; set up PTY input buffer, return count in D
	 CMSG (<Internal SYSJB1 buffer already full.>,R) ; no room
	MOVE B,JBPTR1		; fetch pointer to start of string
JOB1:	CAMN B,JBPTR2		; are we at the end of the string?
	 JRST JOB3		; yes, go finish up
	ILDB A,B		; fetch a byte from command buffer
	IDPB A,JOBISE(NX)	; append to buffer
	SOJG D,JOB1		; loop over string
JOB2:	SETZM JOBISP(NX)	; overflow, flush string pointer
	CMSG (<JOB command too long for internal SYSJB1 buffer.>,R)

JOB3:	MOVEI A,.CHNUL		; get a null
	MOVE B,JOBISE(NX)	; we don't want to update buffer pointer
	IDPB A,B		; append the null using copy of said pointer
	RET			; return to command loop

; break mask for JOB command.  Break on everything except space

BRKALL:	BRINI. 0,0,0,0
	BRKCH. (1,177)
	UNBRK. " "
	EXP W0.,W1.,W2.,W3.
;GETBUF - set up pointers to string buffer
;takes	NX/ job index
;returns +1 no room
;	 +2 success, byte count in D, pointers set up

GETBUF:	MOVEI D,NWSBUF*5-1	; initial byte count in string buffer
	SKIPE JOBISP(NX)	; do we have existing input?	
	 JRST GETBF0		; yes, don't have to reinit the buffer
	MOVEI A,(NX)		; fetch job index
	IMULI A,NWSBUF		; calculate offset into string buffer
	ADDI A,SBUF		; add base of string buffer
	HRLI A,(<POINT 7,0>)	; form byte pointer
	MOVEM A,JOBISP(NX)	; save pointer to start of PTY input
	MOVEM A,JOBISE(NX)	; it's also the end of PTY input
	RETSKP			; good return

GETBF0:	HRRZ A,JOBISE(NX)	; get address of last word of PTY input
	SUBI A,SBUF		; subtract off base of buffer
	IDIVI A,NWSBUF		; split into single buffer
	IMULI A,5		; convert to character count
	SUB D,5(B)		; reduce free count by amount already used
	JUMPLE D,R		; fail if no room
	RETSKP			; good return
Subttl CCJOB and KILLJOB commands

;CCJOB Command - 'CCJOB n'
;Forces double CTRL-C to job

.CCJOB:	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMNUM,,12] ; want a number  
	CALL .COMND		; parse it
	 PMSG <Expecting job index> ; parsing error
	MOVE NX,B		; stash number in index ac
	CALL CONFRM		; wait for confirmation
	CALL LOGCTY		; log this on the console
	CAIL NX,0		; reasonable index value?
	 CMSG (<Illegal job index>,R) ; no, return now
	SKIPN JOBPTY(NX)	; have PTY here?
	 CMSG (<No job for that index value>,R)	; no, complain
	HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; terminal designator
	BOUT%			; send first CTRL-C
	 ERCAL ERRET		; catch errors
	BOUT%			; send second
	 ERCAL ERRET		; catch error again
	RET			; return to caller
;KILLJOB Command - 'KILLJOB n'
;Closes PTY and releases buffers if any
;Monitor will treat job if the carrier dropped and will eventually log it out

.KJOB:	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMNUM,,12] ; want a number  
	CALL .COMND		; parse it
	 PMSG <Expecting job index> ; parsing error
	MOVE NX,B		; stash number in index ac
	CALL CONFRM		; wait for confirmation
	CALL LOGCTY		; log this on the console
	CAIL NX,0		; reasonable index value?
	 CMSG (<Illegal job index>,R) ; no, return now
	SKIPN JOBPTY(NX)	; have PTY here?
	 CMSG (<No job for that index value>,R)	; no, complain
	HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; terminal designator
	CLOSF%			; close the PTY - will detach job if any
	 CMSG (<Unable to close JFN for PTY job>,R) ; complain and return
	SETZM JOBPTY(NX)	; note no PTY here now
	SETZM JOBISP(NX)	; note gone
	SETZM JOBOSP(NX)	; note gone
	RET			; return to caller
Subttl PTY Handling Routines

;GETPTY - find a free PTY and open it
;returns +1 none available
;	 +2 PTY opened

GETPTY:	MOVN D,PTYCNT		; get negative of PTY count
	HRLZS D			; swap sides to form aobjn pointer
GETPT1:	HRROI A,TMPBUF		; construct a PTY ident string in TMPBUF
	HRROI B,[ASCIZ/PTY/]	; start with name
	NOUT%			; octal PTY number
	MOVEI B,":"
	IDPB B,A		; terminate name with a colon
	IDPB B,A		; end string with a null
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT+GJ%OLD	; want an existing 'file'
	HRROI B,TMPBUF		; pointer to file spec.
	GTJFN%			; try to get this PTY
	 ERJMP GETPT2		; failed, probably already assigned
	MOVEM A,JOBPTY(NX)	; saved jfn
	MOVE B,[7B5+OF%RD+OF%WR] ; 7 bit, read and write access
	OPENF%			; open the file
	 ERJMP [ HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX) ; failed, can't use this one
		 JRST GETPT2 ]	; go try next one
	ADD D,PTYONE		; PTY okay, compute related tty number
	MOVEI A,.TTDES(D)	; construct tty designator
	HRLM A,JOBPTY(NX)	; save it for various jsyses
	MOVEI B,.TTL36		; LA36, just like the console
	STTYP%			; set terminal type 
	HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; PTY designator
	MOVE B,[MO%WFI+MO%OIR+<PTCHN>B17+.MOAPI] ; input and output channels
	MTOPR%			; assign PTY interrupt channels
	 ERCAL ERRET		; single return on error
	HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; PTY designaotr
	MOVEI B,.CHCNC		; send a CTRL-C to startup job
	BOUT%			; do it
	 ERJMP RSKP		; ignore failure, presence of job checked later
	RETSKP			; good return

GETPT2:	AOBJN D,GETPT1		; look for next PTY
	RET			; search fails, single return
;CHKPIN - check PTY for input needed
;writes buffered JOB command input to PTY if PTY is in input wait
;takes	NX/ PTY index number
;returns +1 always

CHKPIN:	CALL CHKPOU		; always empty the output buffer first
	SKIPN A,JOBISP(NX)	; input waiting?
	RET			; no, nothing to do
	ILDB A,A		; maybe, get first character
	JUMPE A,CHKPIX		; null, go zero pointer and return
	HLRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; PTY designator
	MOVEI B,.MOPIH		; function is test for input wait
	MTOPR%			; test PTY
	 ERJMP R		; if fails, assume not hungry
	JUMPE B,R		; return if not hungryk
	CALL PTYINI		; see if have to create a job on PTY
	 RET			; can't make a job, wait till later
	HRRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; PTY is hungry, give it a line
CHKPI1:	ILDB B,JOBISP(NX)	; get next character of input
	JUMPE B,CHKPIX		; all done if null, go zero pointer and return
	CAIN B,.CHCRT		; carriage return?
	 JRST CHKPI1		; yes, flush it. Don't clutter CTY with CRLFs
	CAIE B,"^"		; control character wanted?
	 JRST CHKPI2		; no, this is easy
	ILDB B,JOBISP(NX)	; get character after the up-arrow
	SUBI B,100		; convert to control char
	CAIL B," "
	 ADDI B,100		; if not a control char, send as was
CHKPI2:	BOUT%			; send the character to the PTY
	 ERJMP CHKPIB		; some error, go handle it
	CAIE B,.CHLFD		; was that the end of line?
	JRST CHKPI1		; no, keep sending
	JRST CHKPIN		; yes, see if PTY is still hungry

;here on end of input buffer

CHKPIX: SETZM JOBISP(NX)	; note no more input string
	RET			; return to caller

;the PTY burped, backup pointer and quit for now

CHKPIB:	MOVNI A,1		; just one byte
	ADJBP A,JOBISP(NX)	; backup pointer
	DPB B,A			; put back the byte (it might have been "^chr")
	MOVEM A,JOBISP(NX)	; stash new pointer
	RET			; quit, check again later
;CHKPOU - check for output available on PTY
;takes	NX/ job index
;returns +1 always

CHKPOU:	HLRZ A,JOBPTY(NX)	; get tty designator
	SOBE%			; anything in output buffer?
	 SKIPA			; yes, get it
	RET			; no, return now
	BIN%			; get one output character
	JUMPE B,CHKPOU		; ignore nulls
	SKIPN JOBOSP(NX)	; have a buffer for output?
		HRLI A,(<POINT 7,0>)
		RET ]		; no, setup the pointer now
	IDPB B,JOBOSP(NX)	; put in output buffer
	CAIE B,.CHLFD		; end of line?
	JRST CHKPOU		; no, try to get more
	SETZ B,.CHNUL		; yes, fetch a null
	IDPB B,JOBOSP(NX)	; to terminate string with a null
	CALL TIMSMP		; make a timestamp
	TMSG <Job >		; begin the header
	NOUT%			; print job index
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	TMSG <: >
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; send to the console
	MOVEI B,NPTYS(NX)	; for this line
	IMULI B,NWSBUF		; compute offset into string buffer
	ADDI B,SBUF		; add base address of buffer
	HRROS B			; make into string pointer
	SETZ C,			; end on a null
	SOUT%			; output the job's line
	SETZM JOBOSP(NX)	; clear pointer to output buffer
	JRST CHKPOU		; go check for more output
;PTYINI - Routine to create a job on a PTY if necessary.
;returns +1 if failure
;	 +2 there is a job on the PTY

PTYINI:	CALL PTYJBC		; see if a job is already on the PTY
	 RETSKP			; yes, good return
	SKIPN C,PDELAY		; get delay time
	JRST PTYING		; proceed if no delay
	TIME%			; get current time
	CAMGE A,C		; time for another attempt?
	RET			; no, return now
	SETZM PDELAY		; yes, clear delay
	BOUT%			; send to PTY to create a job
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore failure, checked below
	CALL PTYJBC		; see if job was created
	 RETSKP			; yes, return okay
	TIME%			; get current time
	ADDI A,^D15000		; add 15 seconds to it
	MOVEM A,PDELAY		; save as next allowable time
	RET			; return bad for now

;PTYJBC - see if a job exists on a PTY.
;If the job is in the process of being initialized, we wait for it to complete.
;returns +1 job exists
;	 +2 no job on PTY

PTYJBC:	HLL A,JOBPTY(NX)	; get tty designator
	TLZ A,.TTDES		; turn it into a tty number
	HRRI A,.TTYJO		; get table number for TTYJOB
	GETAB%			; see if logged in
	 ERJMP RSKP		; failed, assume no job
	JUMPGE A,R		; if job number set up, then okay
	HLRZ A,A		; get left half
	CAIE A,-2		; unassigned?
	RETSKP			; yes, good return
	MOVEI A,^D250		; no, being assigned
	DISMS%			; give it a chance to finish
	JRST PTYJBC		; and check again
Subttl PSI Routines

;SETPSI - initialize the PSI system
;returns +1 always

SETPSI:	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; for this fork
	MOVE B,[XWD LEVTAB,CHNTAB] ; table addresses
	SIR%			; set up PSI
	MOVE B,CHNMSK		; channel mask
	AIC%			; activate appropriate channels
	EIR%			; enable those channels
	RET			; return to caller

; Level table

LEVTAB:	LEV1PC			; PC of level 1 interrupts
	LEV2PC			; level 2...
	LEV3PC			; level 3...

; Channel table

CHNTAB: BLOCK 2			;0 - 1
	3,,PTYINT		;2		PTY input
	3,,PTYINT		;3		PTY output
	BLOCK 5			;4 - 8
	1,,PANIC		;9		PDL overflow
	BLOCK 1			;10
	1,,PANIC		;11		File error
	1,,PANIC		;12		Quota exceeded
	BLOCK 2			;13 - 14
	1,,PANIC		;15		Illegal instruction
	1,,PANIC		;16		Illegal memory reference
	1,,PANIC		;17		Illegal memory write
	BLOCK 1			;18
	3,,FRKTRM		;19		Fork termination
	1,,PANIC		;20		Machine size
	BLOCK 17		;21 - 35

; mask of channels to enable

CHNMSK:	1B2!1B3!1B9!1B11!1B12!1B15!1B16!1B17!1B19!1B20
;PANIC - catch and report a panic channel interrupt
;returns control to top on main loop

PANIC:	CIS%			; clear all pending interrupts
	CALL TIMSMP		; print a timestamp
	TMSG <Panic channel interrupt at > ; what is going on
	HRRZ A,LEV1PC		; get the PC
	SUBI A,1		; correct it slightly
	CALL PRNTPC		; print symbolic PC
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork handle
	CALL LSTERR		; print last error on the console
	CMSG <Flushing any input file and reentering main loop.>
	CALL DELINP		; clobber any input file
	JRST WAITI		; decamp to top of main loop
;FRKTRM - fork terminated
;wake up right away to report it

FRKTRM:	TXO F,FRKTMF		; set the flag
	PUSH P,A		; save an accumulator
	HRRZ A,LEV3PC		; get PC at interrupt
	MOVE A,-1(A)		; fetch instruction at PC-1
	CAME A,[THIBR%]		; are we in a THIBR% wait?
	 JRST FRKT1		; no, running, will notice flag later on
	MOVE A,[PC%USR+WAITI]	; make up a new PC
	MOVEM A,LEV3PC		; fix up PC word
FRKT1:	POP P,A			; restore AC
	DEBRK%			; return from interrupt

;PTYINT - do PTY service at interrupt level if main program is in THIBR%
;all AC's except for A are clobberable if in hibernation

PTYINT:	PUSH P,A		; save A
	TXO F,FRKTMF		; set flag in case no PTY service is done
	HRRZ A,LEV3PC		; fetch interrupt PC
	MOVE A,-1(A)		; fetch instruction at PC-1
	CAMN A,[THIBR%]		; are we in a THIBR% wait?
	 CALL CHKPTY		; yes, do PTY service.  Don't reset flag.
	POP P,A			; restore A
	DEBRK%			; return from interrupt
Subttl Miscellaneous Subroutines

;SETLOC - routine to set job location to local node if under job 0
;done because job 0 is created before the local node name is known
;returns +1 always

SETLOC:	GJINF%			; get our job number
	JUMPN C,R		; quit now if not running under job 0
	MOVX A,.NDGLN		; get local node name function
	MOVEI B,C		; argument block starts in C
	HRROI C,TMPBUF		; point to where local name goes
	NODE%			; get local node name
	 ERJMP R		; failed, must not be a DECNET system
	SETO A,			; this job
	MOVX B,.SJLLO		; set location function
	HRROI C,TMPBUF		; pointer to name
	SETJB%			; set our location
	 ERJMP [CMSG (<Cannot set job location>,R)]
	RET			; done

;TIMSMP - output a timestamp on the console
;returns +1 always

TIMSMP:	PUSH P,B		; save these two AC's
	PUSH P,C		; ...
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; our tty
	RFPOS%			; read the cursor postion
	TRNN B,-1		; at left margin?
	 JRST TIMSM1		; yes, skip this
>				; no, print a crlf
TIMSM1:	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; to the tty
	SETO B,			; now
	SETZ C,			; standard format
	ODTIM%			; timestamp
	TMSG < SYSJB1: >	; it's us
	POP P,C			; restore AC's
	POP P,B			; ...
	RET			; return to caller
;SNPSYM - called once to SNOOP% symbol values from the monitor
;returns +1 always

SNPSYM:	SETZ C,			; search entire monitor symbol table
	MOVSI D,-SNPLEN		; form aobjn pointer
SNPSY0:	MOVEI A,.SNPSY		; want a symbol value
	HLR B,SNPTAB(D)		; get address of symbol
	MOVE B,(B)		; get radix50 value of symbol into place
	SNOOP%			; lookup symbol
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	HRR A,SNPTAB(D)		; get address of storage for symbol value
	MOVEM B,(A)		; stash symbol in appropriate place
	AOBJN D,SNPSY0		; loop over entire table
	RET			; return to caller

	XWD [RADIX50 0,SYM], $'SYM ;; RADIX50 symbol,,local storage

SNPTAB:	SNP (NUFKS)		; maximum number of user forks
	SNP (SYSFK)		; map of job handle to system fork number
	SNP (NLFKS)		; maximum number of inferiors
	SNP (FKTAB)		; map of local to job fork handle

;.PEEK - return SYSFK table from our JSB
;returns +1 always

.PEEK:	HRL A,$NUFKS		; number of possible user forks
	HRR A,$SYSFK		; address of SYSFK table in JSB
	MOVEI B,SYSFK		; address of our copy of SYSFK 
	PEEK%			; get SYSFK - job fork handle to system handle
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	MOVE A,$NLFKS		; number of inferior forks
	IDIVI A,2		; table is half that size
	HRLS A			; swap count to left side
	HRR A,$FKTAB		; address of FKTAB table in PSB
	MOVEI B,FKTAB		; address of our copy of FKTAB
	PEEK%			; get FKTAB - process handle to job handle
	 ERCAL ERRET		; some error
	RET			; return to caller
; But for absolute assembly, this would be in MACREL

RSKP:	AOS (P)			; skip return
R:	RET			; single return

; Fork state description messages

FSTAB:	Z [ASCIZ /Running  /]	; running
	Z [ASCIZ /IO wait  /]	; I/O wait
	Z [ASCIZ /Halted   /]	; normal termination, HALTF%
	Z [ASCIZ /Crashed  /]	; forced termination
	Z [ASCIZ /Fork wait/]	; in a WFORK%
	Z [ASCIZ /Sleep    /]	; in a WAIT% or DISMS%
	Z [ASCIZ /Trap wait/]	; dismissed because of a TFORK% call
	Z [ASCIZ /ADBRK wait/]	; dismissed because of an ADBRK% call

; Dump literals here

	XLIST			; 'LIT' follows
	LIT			; keep literals with code
	LIST			; end of 'LIT'

; Entry vector

EVEC:	JRST START		; normal start
	JRST DSTRT		; detach and start
	VSYSJB			; version number

PUREND==.			; end of pure code