
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/uphost.mac
There are no other files named uphost.mac in the archive.
;<PAETZOLD.SOURCE>UPHOST.MAC.3, 28-Aug-80 11:13:01, Edit by PAETZOLD
;document the following known bug...
;	The following bug has been experienced but unable to reproduce.
;When using octal and decimal host numbers included (arguments in AC1)
;many weird things have been been seen in the output.  This bug only
;occured at DEC-2136 and it does not occur there anymore.  Gut feelings
;say that it is somehow related to the host table in use at that system.
;Please let me know if you ever see this bug.
;<PAETZOLD.WORK>UPHOST.MAC.2, 14-Aug-80 19:59:53, Edit by PAETZOLD
;add extra crlf in output
;<PAETZOLD.WORK>UPHOST.MAC.1, 14-Aug-80 19:56:17, Edit by PAETZOLD

; end of revision history
	title UPHOST - TOPS-20 ARPAnet Status Host Interface

	comment \

	This program will retrieve the ARPAnet status information
from official ARPAnet status hosts.

	This program serves the same purpose as the old HOSTAT program.
The main difference between this program and the old HOSTAT program is
that this one has been written not to fail when the ARPAnet gets larger 
and larger.  This program requires the extended string instructions of
the KL10 and KS10.  This program also uses jsys's TENEX doesn't have.
This program will not work on a non TOPS-20 system.  Apparently
the TWENEX operating system is a figment of the imagination of
certain individuals.  Life is tough in the big city.

	This program accepts arguments in AC1 just as HOSTAT.

AC1 Arguments are:

Bit	Description

35	Give decimal host numbers.

34	Give octal host numbers.

33	Don't give host status.

32	Don't give TIP status.

31	Suppress alphabetic order of host names.
	(Asserting this bit makes the output look the same way
	 that HOSTAT listed it.)

	This program written by:

		Kevin W. Paetzold
		Digital Equipment Corporation

	subttl  macros, symbols, etc...

	ifndef debug,<debug==0>
	search monsym,macsym
	.require sys:macrel.rel
	.directive flblst
	ife debug,<sall>

	define sym(a,b),<a=b>
	define syms(a,b),<a==b>
	define dsym(a,b),<ifndef a,<a=b>>
	define dsyms(a,b),<ifndef a,<a==b>>

				; version information
	dsyms vwho,1		; who last modified
	dsyms vmajor,1		; major version number
	dsyms vminor,0		; minor version number
	dsyms vedit,0		; edit number

				; arpanet socket information
	dsyms stsock,17		; socket to icp to
	dsyms lclskt,770	; local socket (job relative) to use

	opdef jsysr [ercal .jsysr]
	define noerr,<erjmp .+1>

				; ac names
	sym f,0			; flags
	sym t1,1		; temporary
	sym t2,2
	sym t3,3
	sym t4,4
	sym t5,5
	sym t6,6
	sym t7,7
	sym bp,10		; output buffer pointer
	sym p1,11		; general purpse acs
	sym p2,12
	sym p3,13
	sym p4,14
	sym p5,15
	sym cx,16		; scratch ac for macsym
	sym p,17		; pdl stack pointer

				; flags
	syms f%dec,1b35		; do decimal host numbers
	syms f%oct,1b34		; do octal host numbers
	syms f%nhst,1b33	; dont do hosts
	syms f%ntip,1b32	; dont do tips
	syms f%nalp,1b31	; dont do alphabetical
	subttl io macros

	define type(string),<
	hrroi t1,[asciz\

	define typen(string),<
	hrroi t1,[asciz\string\]

	define tchar(chr),<
	movei t1,chr

	define tnumo(adr,rdx,siz),<
	movei t1,.priou
	move t2,adr
	movx t3,<<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>

	define btype(string),<
	move t1,bp
	hrroi t2,[asciz\
	setzb t3,t4
	move bp,t1>

	define btypen(string),<
	move t1,bp
	hrroi t2,[asciz\string\]
	setzb t3,t4
	move bp,t1>

	define bchar(chr),<
	movei t2,chr
	idpb t2,bp>

	define bnumo(adr,rdx,siz),<
	move t1,bp
	move t2,adr
	movx t3,<no%lfl!<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
	move bp,t1>

	define btypea(adr),<
	move t1,bp
	hrro t2,adr
	setzb t3,t4
	move bp,t1>
	subttl mainline

evec:	jrst uphost
	jrst uphost

uphost:				; and let us begin
	reset			; you cant go home again
	move p,[iowd pdlsiz,pdl] ; get pdl pointer
	move f,t1		; save the flags
	setz p1,		; zero the index
uploop:				; this loop looks for a host to talk to
	move t1,hosts(p1)	; get a host number
	call doicps		; try to icp to that host
	skipa			; icp failed!
	jrst uphst2		; now try to get status
uphst1:				; here to try the next host
	skipl hosts+1(p1)	; is there another host to try?
	aoja p1,uploop		; yes so try it
	type <%No other hosts to connect to>
	jrst stopus		; stop
uphst2:				; here when we have a host that is up
	call doread		; try to read status from that host
	skipa			; error on read!
	jrst uphst3		; success!
	call doclrs		; close the connections
	jrst uphst1		; try the next host
uphst3:				; read was succesfull
	call doclos		; close the connections
	hlrz t1,hosts(p1)	; get the timezone
	call tparse		; parse the status table
	txnn f,f%nalp		; suppress alpha list?
	call linkem		; no so get string lengths and link 
	txne f,f%nalp		; did we suppress alpha list?
	call lnkfak		; yes so do a fake link
	move bp,[point 7,buffer] ; get a pointer to the tty buffer
	call report		; output the host status's
				; now output the buffer
	hrroi t1,buffer		; get pointer to the buffer
	psout			; output the whole thing
stopus:				; here to stop
				; somehow garbage gets into input buffer
	movei t1,.priin		; input side of tty
	cfibf			; clear input buffer 
	move t1,f		; dont mess up flags
	haltf			; stop
	jrst uphost		; on continue do it again
	subttl error handling code

typerr:				; routine to type the last error
	type <Error was >
	movei t1,.priou
	movx t2,<.fhslf,,-1>
	setzb t3,t4

.jsysr:				; here on jsys errors
	movem 17,erracs+17	; save ac 17
	hrrzi 17,erracs		; get blt ac
	blt 17,erracs+16	; save acs 0-16
	move 17,erracs+17	; get ac 17 back
	hrrz t1,(p)		; get the error pc
	movem t1,errpc		; and save it
	type <?JSYS error at user pc >
	tnumo errpc,10,0		; output the pc
	call typerr		; type out the error
	skipn dbugsw		; are we debugging?
	haltf			; no so stop
	skipe 770000		; ddt present?
	jrst 770000		; yes so go there
	type <%DDT not present>
	move t1,f		; dont mess up flags
	haltf			; stop
	jrst .-1		; no continues
	subttl doicps - routine to do an icp

doicps:				; host index is in t1, call is via pushj
	stkvar <f4nhst>
	movem t1,f4nhst		; save the host number
	type < Attempting connection to >
	movei t1,.gthns		; host name function
	movei t2,.priou		; output to tty
	move t3,f4nhst		; get host number
	gthst			; output host name
	jsysr			; handle error
	typen < ... >		; prompt next output
	setzm rcvjfn		; zero jfns as flags
	setzm sndjfn
	setzm icpjfn
	move t1,f4nhst		; get host name
	movei t2,stsock		; get icp socket
	movei t3,lclskt		; get local socket
	call netnam		; build network gtjfn string
	movx t1,<gj%sht>	; short mode gtjfn
	hrroi t2,socbuf		; pointer to socket buffer
	gtjfn			; get a jfn on the socket
	erjmp icpbad
	movem t1,icpjfn		; save the icp's jfn
	movx t2,<40b5!of%rd>	; openf flags
	openf			; open up the icp socket
	erjmp icpbad
	move t1,icpjfn		; get the jfn
	bin			; read in one byte
	erjmp icpbad		; handle error
	movem t2,f4nrcv		; save his socket 
	aoj t2,			; bump by one
	movem t2,f4nsnd		; save his send socket
	closf			; close the icp socket
	erjmp icpbad
				; no to open data sockets
	move t1,f4nhst		; get host name
	move t2,f4nsnd		; get his send socket
	movei t3,lclskt+2	; get our receive socket
	call netnam		; build netword gtjfn string
	movx t1,<gj%sht>
	hrroi t2,socbuf		; name buffer
	gtjfn			; get handle on our receive socket
	erjmp icpbad
	movem t1,rcvjfn		; and save it
	movx t2,<10b5!of%rd>	; open socket for reading
	openf			; attemp to open the socket
	erjmp icpbad		; handle error
				; now open the other socket
	move t1,f4nhst		; get the host
	move t2,f4nrcv		; get his receive socket
	movei t3,lclskt+3	; get our send socket
	call netnam		; build network gtjfn string
	movx t1,<gj%sht>
	hrroi t2,socbuf		; get name buffer pointer
	gtjfn			; get handle on our send socket
	erjmp icpbad
	movem t1,sndjfn		; save the sending jfn
	movx t2,<10b5!of%wr>	; open socket for writing
	openf			; attempt to open the socket
	erjmp icpbad
				; tell user it worked
	typen <OK>
	jrst ret2		; icp successfull so return skip

icpbad:				; here on an error during icp
	typen <Can't because >
	movei t1,.priou
	movx t2,<.fhslf,,-1>
	setzb t3,t4
	skipe t1,icpjfn		; icp open?
	closf			; yes so close it
	skipe t2,rcvjfn		; receive open?
	closf			; yes so close it
	skipe t3,sndjfn		; send open?
	closf			; yes so close it
	ret			; return to error return
	subttl netnam - routine to build a network gtjfn string

netnam:				; routine to build network gtjfn string
				; t1/ host number
				; t2/ foriegn socket number
				; t3/ local job relative socket number
	stkvar <phost,pf4n,ploc>
	movem t1,phost
	movem t2,pf4n
	movem t3,ploc
	hrroi t1,socbuf		; initialize socket string pointer
	hrroi t2,[asciz/NET:/]	; device name
	setzb t3,t4
	sout			; start us off
	move t2,ploc		; local socket number
	movei t3,10		; in base 8
	movei t2,"."		; get a dot
	idpb t2,t1		; deposit the byte
	move t2,phost		; get host number
	movei t3,10		; in base 8
	movei t2,"-"		; get a dash
	idpb t2,t1		; deposit the byte
	move t2,pf4n		; get foriegn socket
	movei t3,10		; base 8
	nout			; append it
	movei t2,";"		; get a semicolin
	idpb t2,t1		; deposit the byte
	movei t2,"T"		; job relative
	idpb t2,t1		; deposit the byte
	setz t2,		; make a null byte
	idpb t2,t1		; deposit it
	ret			; return to caller
	subttl doread and doclos/doclrs

doread:				; routine to read the data
	move t1,rcvjfn		; get handle on receive socket
	hrroi t2,status		; get pointer to status area
	movei t3,stsize		; max size of status buffer
	movei t4,"-"		; stop the sin on a dash
	sin			; read in most of the data
	erjmp readrr		; handle error
	movem t2,stsend		; save the byte pointer
	bin			; read in one more byte
	erjmp readrr		; handle error
	jrst ret2		; return at skip return

readrr:				; here on a read error from ncp
	type <?Error from NCP while transferring status information>
	call typerr		; type out the error
	ret			; just return at non-skip return

				; routine to close data sockets
doclos:	skipa t4,[0]		; normal entry point
doclrs:	movx t4,<cz%abt>	; error entry point
	setzm 1(p)		; zero we are pissed flag
	move t1,rcvjfn		; get receive socket
	hll t1,t4		; get special bits
	closf			; close the socket
	ercal closrr		; handle error
	move t1,sndjfn		; get send socket
	hll t1,t4		; get special bits
	closf			; close the file
	ercal closrr		; handle error
	skipn 1(p)		; were we pissed?
ret2:	aos (p)			; no so bump the pc
	ret			; return to user

closrr:				; here on error from closf
	type <?Error from NCP while closing data socket>
	call typerr		; type out the error
	ret			; return to caller
	subttl tparse - routine to parse the status data

				; timezone is in t1
	stkvar <stsptr,timzon,smonth,sday,syear,shour,smin>
	setzm stsflg		; initialize statuf present flags
	move t1,[stsflg,,stsflg+1] ; build the blt ac
	blt t1,stsflg+stsmax	; zero them all
	movem t1,timzon		; save the time zone
	hrroi t1,status		; get pointer to status buffer
	movei t3,12		; base 10
	nin			; get the month
	soj t2,			; decrement
	movem t2,smonth
	nin			; get the day
	soj t2,			; decrement
	movem t2,sday
	nin			; get the year
	movem t2,syear
	nin			; get the hour
	imuli t2,^d3600		; convert to seconds
	movem t2,shour
	nin			; get the minute
	imuli t2,^d60		; convert to seconds
	movem t2,smin
	movem t1,stsptr		; save the pointer
				; get prepare acs for idcnv
	move t2,smonth		; get the month
	hrl t2,syear		; get the year
	move t3,sday		; get the day
	hrlzs t3		; put it in correct place
	move t4,shour		; get the hour
	add t4,smin		; add the minutes
	hrl t4,timzon		; get the timezone
;	txo t4,<ic%dsa>		; daylight savings if needed
	idcnv			; convert date/time to internal
	movem t2,datime		; save the date/time
				; now read host data
	setz p2,		; reset index
	hrroi p3,hasciz		; initialize name pointer ac
parse2:				; this is the loop
	move t1,stsptr		; get the pointer back
	movei t3,12		; base 10
	nin			; read in host number
	jumple t2,parse3	; on zero or -1 we are done
	movem t2,hnums(p2)	; save the host number
	nin			; read in status
	movem t2,hstats(p2)	; save the status
	nin			; read in response time
	movem t1,stsptr		; save the pointer
	movei t1,.gthns		; get host name string function
	move t2,p3		; get destination
	hrrm p3,hnames(p2)	; save pointer to host name
	hrli t5,440700		; get pointer left half
	hllm t5,hnames(p2)	; save the pointer part
	move t3,hnums(p2)	; get the host number
	gthst			; get host name and status
	erjmp [	setz t3,	; get a null byte
		idpb t3,t2	; deposit it
		jrst .+1]	; join rest of code
	ldb t4,[point 6,t4,26]	; get the type code
	txne f,f%ntip		; are we not doing tips?
	caie t4,.hstip_<-11>	; we arent doing this a tip?
	skipa			; not a tip or we want them
	jrst parse2		; ignore this host becuase it is a tip
	txne f,f%nhst		; are we not doing hosts?
	cain t4,.hstip_<-11>	; we arent doing this a host
	skipa			; we are doing hosts or this is a tip
	jrst parse2		; dont do this is a host
	ibp t2			; space over the null from gthst
	hrroi p3,1(t2)		; get new name pointer
	move t1,hstats(p2)	; get the status code for this host
	setom stsflg(t1)	; set the presence flag
	aoja p2,parse2		; keep going until the end
parse3:				; here when all hosts parsed
	soj p2,			; decrement index
	movem p2,nhosts		; save the number of hosts
	ret			; return to caller
	subttl various string manipulations

lstrng:				; routine to calculate string length
				; pointer is in t1..length returned in t2
	setz t2,		; zero the count
	movx t4,<ildb t3,t1>	; get the byte
	movx t5,<skipe t3>	; is the string a null
	movx t6,<aoja t2,t4>	; no so get next char
	movx t7,<ret>		; no so return
	jrst t4			; go to routine in the acs

cstrng:				; routine to compare strings
				; skip return means string 2 is greater
				; t1/ string 1 pointer
				; t2/ string 2 pointer
	stkvar <str1p,str1l,str2p>
	movem t1,str1p		; save pointers
	movem t2,str2p
	call lstrng		; get length of string 1
	camle t2,maxlen		; new high for string lengths?
	movem t2,maxlen		; yes so save it
	movem t2,str1l		; save it
	move t1,str2p		; get string 2 pointer
	call lstrng		; get its length
	camle t2,maxlen		; new high for string lengths?
	movem t2,maxlen		; yes so save it
	move t4,t2		; put it in correct place
	move t5,str2p		; get its pointer
	move t1,str1l		; get string one length
	move t2,str1p		; get string one pointer
	setzb t3,t6		; zero unwanted acs
	extend t1,[cmpsge
	aos (p)			; bump return pc
	ret			; return to caller
	subttl sprint - routine to print the host name

sprint:				; routine to put host name into buffer
				; hnames index is in p4
	txnn f,f%dec		; printing decimal?
	jrst sprin4		; no
	bnumo hnums(p4),12,3	; output host name
	bchar "."		; do a decimal point
	bchar " "		; do a space
	txnn f,f%oct		; printing octal?
	jrst sprin5		; no
	bnumo hnums(p4),10,3	; output octal host number
	bchar " "		; do a space
	move t1,hnames(p4)	; get string address
	setz t2,		; reset counter
	movei t4," "		; get an ascii space
sprin2:				; this is the loop
	ildb t3,t1		; get a byte
	jumpe t3,sprin3		; is it a null?
	idpb t3,bp		; deposit the byte
	aoja t2,sprin2		; bump count and do it again
sprin3:				; here on the first null
	caml t2,maxlen		; max length?
	ret			; yes so return
	idpb t4,bp		; no append a space
	aoja t2,sprin3		; bump and loop
	subttl linkem - routine to link the host names

linkem:				; routine to build linked list
	setom hlinks		; init the first link entry
	move t1,[hlinks,,hlinks+1] ; build the blt ac
	move t2,nhosts		; get number of hosts
	blt t1,hlinks(t2)	; init all link entries
	movei p1,1		; initialize the counter
	setzm firstl		; initialize the first link
link2:				; this is the loop
	call lnkadd		; add to linked list
	camge p1,nhosts		; are we done?
	aoja p1,link2		; no so keep looping
	ret			; yes so return

lnkadd:				; work routine to add entry to linked list
	move p2,firstl		; get number of initial item
	move p3,p2		; last link also
lnkad2:				; loop to scan down list
	move t1,hnames(p2)	; get pointer
	move t2,hnames(p1)	; get pointer to newest string
	call cstrng		; compare the strings
	jrst lnkher		; old string more than new so add it here
	move p3,p2		; save old link number
	skipl p2,hlinks(p2)	; get the new link number
	jrst lnkad2		; and keep looking
lnkher:				; here to add the item (may fall through)
	movem p2,hlinks(p1)	; set our link
	came p3,firstl		; was this the first link?
	movem p1,hlinks(p3)	; no... so set its link to us
	camn p2,firstl		; was this the first link?
	movem p1,firstl		; yes... so set initial link
	ret			; done so return

lnkfak:				; routine to do fake link
	setzm maxlen		; initialize maximum string length
	setzm firstl		; initialize first link pointer
	movei p1,1		; initialize index
lnkfk2:				; loop to dummy links
	movem p1,hlinks-1(p1)	; set dummy link
	move t1,hnames-1(p1)	; get a pointer to the host name
	call lstrng		; calculate string length for maxlen
	camle t2,maxlen		; is it a new maximum length
	movem t2,maxlen		; yes so save it
	camge p1,nhosts		; all hosts done?
	aoja p1,lnkfk2		; no so keep going
	setom hlinks(p1)	; flag last host as last link
	move t1,hnames(p1)	; get name pointer
	call lstrng		; get its length
	camle t2,maxlen		; is it a new high
	movem t2,maxlen		; yes so save it
	ret			; return to caller
	subttl report - routine to print host status's

	movei t1,.priou		; tty designator
	movei t2,.morlw		; return line width
	mtopr			; get the page width
	jsysr			; handle any errors
	move t1,t3		; put it in proper place
	move t2,maxlen		; get the max length of a name
	addi t2,2		; compensate for two spaces
	txne f,f%oct		; print octal?
	addi t2,4		; yes so compensate
	txne f,f%dec		; print decimal?
	addi t2,5		; yes so compensate
	idiv t1,t2		; divide by max name length
	movem t1,hstlin		; save hosts per line
	btype < Host status survey of >
	move t1,bp
	move t2,datime
	setzb t3,t4
	move bp,t1
	btype <>		; extra crlf
	setz p1,		; initialize the index
rprt2:				; loop to print status groups
	hlrz p2,stscod(p1)	; get the group to print
	skipe stsflg(p2)	; does this group have any members?
	call rprint		; yes so print the group
	caige p1,stsmax		; done?
	aoja p1,rprt2		; no so bump and continue
	btype <>		; [1] extra crlf
	ret			; yes so return

rprint:				; routine to print a group
				; group number is in p2
	btype < >		; do crlf
	btypea stscod(p2)	; output the group header
	bchar ":"		; output a colon
	btype <>		; extra crlf
	move p4,firstl		; get the first entry
rprnt2:				; major loop for new line
	move p3,hstlin		; get hosts per line
	btype < >		; crlf
rprnt3:				; minor loop for a single line
	came p2,hstats(p4)	; one of our group?
	jrst rprnt4		; no
	call sprint		; print the host name
	btypen <  >		; do two spaces
	skipge p4,hlinks(p4)	; get the next link
	jrst rprnt5		; this was the last one
	sojg p3,rprnt3		; more for ths line?
	jrst rprnt2		; no so start a new line
rprnt4:				; here when we didnt print this one
	skipl p4,hlinks(p4)	; get the next link
	jrst rprnt3		; if not the end check it out
rprnt5:				; all done with this group
	btype <>		; extra crlf
	ret			; and return to caller
	subttl pure data storage

hosts:				; table of hosts we can talk to
	5,,106			; mit-dms in eastern time
	-1			; flag end of list
	block 10		; room for other host numbers

stscod:				; host status codes
				; right half contains status indexed by code
				; left half contains pointer to type of 
				; status to print index'ed by a parameter
				; Care should be taken when modifying this
				; table
	5,,[asciz/Unknown status code (0)/]	; 0
	4,,[asciz/Dead (1)/]			; 1
	3,,[asciz/No NCP (2)/]			; 2
	2,,[asciz/Not responding (3)/]		; 3
	1,,[asciz/Refusing (4)/]		; 4
	7,,[asciz/Logging (5)/]			; 5
	6,,[asciz/Unknown status code (6)/]	; 6
	0,,[asciz/Unable to poll (7)/]		; 7

	lit			; make sure literals are in pure area
	subttl impure data storage

dbugsw:	debug			; debug mode switch
rcvjfn:	z			; receive socket jfn
sndjfn:	z			; send socket jfn
icpjfn:	z			; icp socket jfn
f4nrcv:	z			; his receive socket
f4nsnd:	z			; his send socket
stsend:	z			; byte pointer after the string
firstl:	z			; initail link address
errpc:	z			; pc of jsys error
erracs:	block 20		; error ac save block
datime:	z			; date and time of report
nhosts:	z			; number of hosts parsed
maxlen:	z			; maximum string length
hstlin:	z			; number of hosts per line
stsflg:	block stsmax+1		; ststus present flags

	define blocks(name,symbol,length),<
	dsyms symbol,length
name:	block symbol>

	define blockc(name,symbol,length),<
	dsyms symbol,length
name:	block <symbol/5>+1>

	blocks pdl,pdlsiz,100	; stack
	blockc socbuf,socsiz,200 ; socket name string buffer

	sym buffer,100000	; tty output buffer
	sym status,140000	; status string
	sym stsize,<37777*5>	; max size of status buffer
	sym hnums,200000	; host numbers
	sym hlinks,210000	; host link and status information
	sym hnames,220000	; host name string pointers
	sym hstats,230000	; host status storage
	sym hasciz,240000	; host names storage

	end <3,,evec>		; thats all folks