
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - T10_DECMAIL_MS_V11_FT1_860414 - 10,7/mail/doc/
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                     TOPS-10/TOPS-Cmail/MS Manual

|                               AA-M840B-TK
|                             FIELD TEST D
|                         S-20 V6.1
|FTWARE:                DECmail/MS V11
|                      DECnet V4



   DECmail/MS Commands


      1.1     YEYBOARD  . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
           1.2 ETTING STARTED  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
           1.3     DECmail/MS VOCABULARY . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
           1.4 OMMAND LEVELS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-15
              MESSAGE SEQUENCES  . . . . . . . . . . .  .  1-17


           2.1     READING AND ACTING UPONAGES . . . . .  . 2-1
       .2     PERUSINGAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.3     REATHE "NEXT" MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-         2.4     READING THE SYSTEM "BULLETIND"  . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.5     DESIGNATING MAIL AS REA UNREAD  . . .  . 2-7

           3.1SENDING MAIL .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
         .1     Continuing Work on an Old Draft  . . .. . . 3-7
           3.1.2     Editing and Ring a Message  . . . . . . . . 3-7
              ANSWERING MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 3-8
           3.3     FORWARDING MAIL . . . . . . .  . . . . . 3-9
           3.4     SENDING NE MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-10
      3.4.1     Sending DECnet Mail  . . . . . .  . . . .  3-11
           3.4.2     Correcting Undeliverable DECail . . . . .  3-11


           4.1     GETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
      4.2     CHECKING FOR NEW MAIL  . . . . .. . . . . . . 4-2
           4.3     OBTAINING SUMMARIES OF MESSAGES  . . . . . . . . . 4-2
                Scanning a Message File  . . . . . . . .. . 4-4
           4.4     DISPLAYING SYSTEMUSER INFORMATION . . . . . . 4-5


           5  MOVING MESSAGES TO OTHER FILES . . . . . . . . . . 5-1


           5.2     RETRIEVING MESSAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
           5.3     SAVING OUTGOING MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
           5.4     DISCARDING MESSAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
           5.5     PRINTING MESSAGES ON THE LINE PRINTER  . . . . . . 5-5
           5.6     FLAGGING MESSAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6


           6.1     DEFINING MESSAGE HEADER ITEMS  . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
           6.2.1     Defining Alias Names for Users . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           6.2.2     Defining Address Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
           6.3     SET COMMANDS - CUSTOMIZING THE DECmail/MS SYSTEM . 6-7
           6.4     USING COMMAND FILES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-12
           6.4.1     Initializing the DECmail/MS System . . . . . .  6-13
           6.4.2     Processing Command Files . . . . . . . . . . .  6-14
           6.5     CLEARING THE TERMINAL SCREEN . . . . . . . . . .  6-15


           7.1     USING THE EXIT COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
           7.2     USING THE QUIT COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
           7.3     ISSUING CTRL/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
           7.4     ISSUING CTRL/Z (TOPS-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
           7.5     LEAVING THE DECmail/MS SESSION TEMPORARILY . . . . 7-2


           A.1     ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
           A.2     REPAIRING DAMAGED MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4





           B-1     Message File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2



   The DECmail/MS mail system allows TOPS-10 and TOPS-20  users  to  send
   messages  to,  and  receive  them from, other users.  This mail system
   also provides users with facilities for filing,  retrieving,  editing,
   and discarding these messages.

|  The DECmail/MS system adheres to the Request for Comments 822 standard
|  (RFC822).   RFC822  is  the  name of the ARPANET computer network mail
   format standard.  It is the oldest and  most  widely-known  electronic
   mail  standard,  and forms the basis of many others, which are usually
   subsets.  While the DECmail/MS system does not implement everything in
   the standard, it never generates messages that violate it.

   The TOPS-10/TOPS-20 DECmail/MS Manual addresses users at all levels of
   expertise,  introducing  the  beginner  to the DECmail/MS system, then
   describing the DECmail commands in functional groupings.   The  manual
   contains a tear-out reference card as a quick index to the commands.


   Chapter 1 discusses DECmail/MS  and  operating  system  concepts,  and
   shows the beginner how to use basic DECmail/MS commands.

   Chapter 2 describes the various ways of  reading  messages.   It  also
   tells how to act upon a message that has just been read.

   Chapter 3 discusses how to send messages.  Included in this chapter is
   information  on replying to mail, forwarding mail, and sending network

   Chapter 4 presents the DECmail/MS commands for obtaining information.

   Chapter 5 discusses managing message files.

   Chapter 6 shows how to customize the DECmail/MS system.


   Chapter 7 explains how to exit from  the  various  DECmail/MS  command
   levels and from the DECmail/MS system itself.

   Appendix A lists error messages and their explanations and  shows  how
   to repair damaged files.

   Appendix B shows the message file format.

   Appendix C discusses TOPS-20 mail systems.

   For supplemental information,  refer  to  the  latest  copies  of  the
   following manuals:

   TOPS-10 Operating System Commands Manual

   TOPS-20 User's Guide

   TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual


   This manual uses the following conventions and symbols:

   n               A number.

   <RET> or <CR>   A directive for you to press the RETURN key.

|  <ESC>           A directive for you to press the ESC key.

   date and time   A set of alphanumeric characters that  specifies  date
                   and time, for example, 14-JULY-82 12:00:00 or 10/4/82.
                   Time of day is  represented  by  a  24-hour  notation;
                   17:00:00 means 5:00 P.M.

   { }             A symbol indicating that one  of  the  items  enclosed
                   within the braces must be selected.

|  [ ]             A symbol indicating that items within the brackets are
|                  optional.

   filespec        The  specification  for  a   file.    Refer   to   the
                   description of "file" in Section 1.3.

   underlining     Input that you are expected to  type,  as  opposed  to
                   output generated by the mail system.


                                           DECmail/MS COMMANDS

   Command                  Function                                                    Level        Section
                                                                                   (Top, Read, Send)

   BACKUP                   Displays the preceding message in sequence             R                 2.1

   BLANK                    Clears the video terminal screen                       T,R,S             6.5

   CC                       Adds names to the "carbon copy" list of recipients     S                 3.1

   CHECK                    Checks mail file for new messages                      T                 4.2

   COPY                     Copies messages to specified file                      T,R               5.1

   CREATE-INIT-FILE         Creates an initialization file                         T                 6.4.1

|  DAYTIME                  Displays the current date and time                     T,R,S             4.4

   DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST      Creates address lists                                  T,R,S             6.2.2

   DEFINE ALIAS             Creates aliases to addresses                           T,R,S             6.2

   DEFINE HEADER-ITEM       Creates user-defined message header items              T,R,S             6.1

   DELETE                   Marks messages for removal from mail file              T,R               5.4

|  DIRECTORY                Displays one-line summaries of messages                T,R               4.3

   DISPLAY                  Shows various parts of the message draft               S                 3.1

   EDIT TEXT                Allows you to edit the draft with a system text editor S                 3.1

   ERASE                    Deletes various parts of the message draft             S                 3.1

   EXIT                     Returns to system or logs out                          T,R,S             7.1

   EXPUNGE                  Removes DELETEd messages from mail file                T                 5.4

   FILE                     Copies messages--either deletes or retains originals   T,R               5.1

   FLAG                     Marks messages for future reference                    T,R               5.6

   FORWARD                  Sends received messages to other users                 T,R               3.3

   GET                      Retrieves a specified mail file                        T                 5.2

|  HEADERS                  Displays one-line summaries of messages                T,R               4.3

   HELP                     Explains briefly various commands and functions        T,R,S             4.1


   INCLUDE                  Incorporates user-defined header items                 S                 3.1

|  INSERT                   Appends a file or message to the draft                 S                 3.1

   MARK                     Designates messages as having been read                T,R               2.5

   MOVE                     Moves messages to other mail files                     T,R               5.1

   NEXT                     Displays the next message in sequence                  T,R               2.3

   PRINT                    Prints messages on the line printer                    T,R               5.5

   PUSH                     Suspends mail system--enters system command level      T,R,S             7.5

   QUIT                     Returns you to previous DECmail/MS command level       T,R,S             7.2

   READ                     Enters read level to display messages in sequence      T                 2.1

|  READ                     Displays messages -- nests read levels                 R                 2.1

   REMOVE                   Deletes names from the "To" or "cc" list               S                 3.1

   **REPAIR                 Helps fix undeliverable DECnet mail                    T,R               3.4.2

   REPLY                    Facilitates replying to received mail                  T,R               3.2

   RETRIEVE DRAFT           Fetches a previously stored draft                      T,R               3.1.1

   RETRIEVE LAST-MESSAGE    Fetches the last message sent                          T,R               3.1.2

|  RETURN-RECEIPT-REQUESTED Requests recipients to acknowledge your messages       S                 3.1

   SAVE DRAFT               Stores a copy of an unfinished message draft           S                 3.1

   SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES   Makes copies of messages you send                      T,S               5.3

|  SEND                     Lets you compose and send messages                     T,R               3.1

   SEND                     Sends completed message                                S                 3.1

   SET                      Customizes the mail system                             T,R,S             6.3

   SHOW                     Gives information about system and job parameters      T,R,S             4.4

|  SKIM                     Shows header information -- enters read level          T,R               4.3.1

   SUBJECT                  Allows you to retype the message's subject line        S                 3.1

   SYSTEM-MESSAGES          Retrieves the public mail file                         T                 2.4

   TAKE                     Executes a file of DECmail/MS commands                 T,R,S             6.4


   TEXT                     Allows you to continue composing the message           S                 3.1

   TO                       Adds names to the "To" list of recipients              S                 3.1

   TYPE                     Displays a sequence of messages without pausing        T,R,S             2.2

   UNDELETE                 Reverses the effect of the DELETE command              T,R               5.4

   UNFLAG                   Reverses the effect of the FLAG command                T,R               5.6

   UNMARK                   Reverses the effect of the MARK command                T,R               2.5

   VERBOSE-TYPE             Displays messages in unsuppressed format               T,R,S             2.2

   *  TOPS-20 systems only

   **  Systems with network software only


                                 CHAPTER 1


   You should read all of Chapter  1  if  you  are  unfamiliar  with  the
   DECmail/MS system.  This chapter tells you everything you need to know
   to get the DECmail/MS system  working  for  you.   It  discusses  your
   terminal  keyboard,  explains DECmail/MS-specific terms, and takes you
   through the steps of reading and sending simple messages.


   The keyboard of your terminal is almost exactly like that of a  modern
   electric typewriter.  The major difference is that your terminal has a
   few additional keys, and one or two have new functions.  These special
   terminal keys are described below.


   This key, called RETURN in this manual,  has  the  usual  function  of
   indicating  that  you  are  finished with the current line of text and
   wish to move on to the next line.  It also indicates to the DECmail/MS
   system  that  you are finished typing a command and would now like the
   DECmail/MS system  to  act  upon  the  command.   (You  must  end  all
   DECmail/MS  commands  with  a  carriage-return.  The DECmail/MS system
   does not act upon a command until you have pressed the RETURN key.)


   This key, called ESC, or ALTMODE on older terminals, is usually  found
   at  the  upper  lefthand  corner  of  the  keyboard.   It  performs  a
   particularly useful function called  RECOGNITION.   With  recognition,
   you type only the first few characters of a command and then press the
   ESCAPE key.  By doing this, you are asking the  DECmail/MS  system  to
   type  the  rest  of  the  command  for  you  and to prompt you for any
   information that you must supply to this command.   The  remainder  of
   this section discusses command abbreviation and recognition.


   Many DECmail/MS commands have long names, and typing  an  entire  name
   could  be  tedious and error prone.  In order to save you some typing,
   the DECmail/MS system allows you to type only as  much  of  a  command
   name  as  is  necessary to uniquely specify it.  For example, consider
   the two commands that begin with the letter F:  FLAG and FORWARD.   If
   you  type  only  F, the DECmail/MS system cannot know whether you mean
   FLAG or FORWARD, since both begin with F.  If, however, you  type  FO,
   the  DECmail/MS  system  knows  you  mean FORWARD.  Similarly, FL is a
   valid abbreviation for FLAG.


           Exception:  For  some  of  the  more   commonly   used
           commands,    you    need    type    only   the   first
           letter:  DELETE, HEADERS, READ, SEND, TYPE.   It  does
           not  matter  that  other  commands begin with the same
           letter.  Likewise, you need type only EX for the  EXIT

   Using abbreviations at all times can save you typing, but can leave  a
   trail  of  obscure-looking  characters  on  your  terminal.  Also, you
   sometimes do not know how much of a command you need  to  type  before
   the  DECmail/MS system will be able to recognize it, especially if you
   are inexperienced.

   The ESCAPE key takes care of the problems  mentioned  above.   If  you
   think  you  have  typed  enough  of  a command name for the DECmail/MS
   system to recognize, press the ESCAPE key.  If you have  typed  enough
   of  the  name, the DECmail/MS system finishes typing the name for you.
   If you have  not  typed  enough,  so  that  what  you  have  typed  is
   ambiguous,  the  DECmail/MS system will ring the terminal's bell.  And
   if there are no commands beginning  with  the  abbreviation  you  have
   typed, the DECmail/MS system will send you a message telling you so.

   Returning to the previous example with the two commands beginning with
   F,  if  you  were  to  type  FO  and  then  press  the ESCAPE key, the
   DECmail/MS system would type the letters RWARD to  complete  the  word

   Using recognition has one additional advantage:  if the command  whose
   name  is  being  typed  requires  additional information, pressing the
   ESCAPE key causes  the  DECmail/MS  system  to  type  guide  words  in
   parentheses  which  indicate  what  you are expected to type next.  In
   this example, if you typed FO<ESC>, you would see this on your screen:

        FO<ESC>rward (messages)

   The word "messages" is a guide  word  for  the  FORWARD  command.   It
   indicates  that you are to specify which messages to be forwarded.  If
   you are unsure of what you should type after a  set  of  guide  words,
   type  a  question  mark  (?)  to  get a complete list of options.  The
   question mark feature is described below.



   At any time, if you are not sure of the commands or command  arguments
   (additional  information  that  you  supply  to  a  command)  that are
   available to you, you can type a question  mark,  and  the  DECmail/MS
   system  lists  them  for  you.   For  example, when you begin the mail
   session, the DECmail/MS system prompts and awaits your  first  command
   as follows:


   You are now at top level.  To get a list of  the  top-level  commands,
   type  a  question  mark,  and  they  will  be displayed similar to the

|       MS>? one of the following:
|        Blank       Check            Copy         Create-init-file
|        Daytime     Define           Delete       Directory
|        Exit        Expunge          File         Flag
|        Forward     Get              Headers      Help
|        Mark        Move             Next         Print
|        Push        Quit             Read         Repair
|        Reply       Retrieve         Save         Send
|        Set         Show             Skim         System-messages
|        Take        Type             Undelete     Unflag
|        Unmark      Verbose-type

   You now know what commands the DECmail/MS system will accept  at  this

   To get a list of arguments for a command, use  the  question  mark  as

        MS>show (information about) ? one of the following:
         Address-list         Aliases          Daytime         Defaults
         Header-items         Status           Version

   The DECmail/MS system then retypes the command line up  to  the  point
   where you entered the question mark:

        MS>show (information about)

   Now, you can type one of the available arguments.

   You can also type a question mark when you have entered only part of a

        MS>s?  one of the following:
         Save             Send                    Set         Show
|        Skim             System-messages



   Another key on your terminal that is not found on typewriter keyboards
   is  the  CONTROL  key, which is usually labeled CTRL.  This works much
   like the SHIFT key, in that it does nothing by  itself,  but  modifies
   the  action  of  any  key  you  press while holding the CTRL key down.
   Characters typed while holding the CTRL key down  are  called  control
   characters; for instance, the character you generate when you hold the
   CTRL key down and  type  the  letter  U  is  called  CTRL/U.   Control
   characters allow you to perform a number of system functions.

   The following is a list of control characters that you are  likely  to
   use during a DECmail/MS session:

         o  CTRL/Z tells the DECmail/MS system  that  you  have  finished
            typing  the  text  of  a message you are sending and that the
            DECMAIL/MS system can now send the message.   You  would  not
            want  to  use  any  ordinary text character for this purpose,
            because that character then would not be allowed in the  text
            of  a  message  you are sending.  Since control characters do
            not ordinarily print anything  on  your  screen,  but  simply
            instruct  the  system  to do something for you, using control
            characters is the only good  way  to  type  commands  to  the
            system  while  you are entering the text of a message.  Refer
            to Section 3.1 for a description of other control  characters
            you might want to use while preparing a message.

|           On TOPS-10 systems, CTRL/Z aborts the mail session when  your
|           terminal is at a command level.

         o  CTRL/C aborts the DECmail/MS session.

         o  CTRL/U erases all the information you have  typed  since  the
            last carriage-return.

         o  CTRL/O aborts the output of any  information  that  is  being
            typed  on  your  terminal.  A second CTRL/O resumes typing if
            the output was long enough not to have completed yet.   Thus,
            CTRL/O  works  like  a toggle switch that alternately enables
            and disables output.

            Suppose you gave the HEADERS ALL command:

|                MS>HEADERS (MESSAGES) ALL

            The DECmail/MS system would begin typing the  following  kind
            of information on your terminal.  You could at any point type
            CTRL/O when you have seen enough:

|           MS>HEADERS ALL
|              1 23-Dec "Phyllis Angers, DTN 2|ALTERED LABOR HOURS (485 chars)
|           A  2 20-Dec CSMALL@HYPER          |HAPPY HOLIDAYS  TY EXT (30156 chars)


|           A  3 20-Dec MEYERS@CLOYD          |Re: question (452 chars)
|           A  4 20-Dec LIBRARIAN@GNUVAX      |RE: files (258 chars)
|              5 20-Dec TUCKER@GIDNEY         |Re: test (361 chars)
|              6 20-Dec TUCKER@GIDNEY         |test (214 chars)
|           A  7 20-Dec Mark Pratt <PRATT@GIDN|Re: task list and bugs l (696 chars)
|           A  8 18-Dec Mark Pr O...

         o  CTRL/S and CTRL/Q are control characters you can use to pause
            and continue respectively during the output of information on
            your terminal.  Using the CTRL/O  example  above,  you  could
            issue   CTRL/S,   instead,  to  temporarily  halt  output  of
            information to your terminal.  Then, you could  issue  CTRL/Q
            to  continue  output  at  the point where you left off.  This
            differs from CTRL/O, which cancels the current output.


                    Some terminals do not accept the  CTRL/Q  and
                    CTRL/S  characters.   If  your  terminal does
                    not, ask your system manager what  the  pause
                    and   continue   characters   are   for  your

         o  CTRL/H retypes the last command you issued if it resulted  in
            an  error  message.  This control character must be the first
            thing you type after the error.  It types the command  up  to
            the  point  where  you  made the error, letting you know what
            part of the command line you need to correct and  saving  you
            from  having to retype the whole command again.  For example,
            suppose you misspelled part of a command:

                 MS>show (information about) degaults

            The DECmail/MS system sends you the following error message:

                 ?MS command error:  Does not match switch or keyword:  "degaults"

            You then issue CTRL/H:


            and the DECmail/MS system retypes the line as follows:

                 MS>show (information about)

            Now type the rest of the command correctly:

                 MS>show (information about) defaults



|                                   NOTE
|                                 TOPS-20
|          If your system manager  has  defined  the  POBOX: disk
|          area  to  be other than the public structure, you must
|          issue TOPS-20 operating system commands to  ACCESS  or
|          CONNECT to your directory on POBOX:.
   Now that you are familiar with your  keyboard,  try  sending  yourself
   some mail and reading it.

   To begin, start  the  mail  system  by  typing  "MS"  after  you  have
   successfully logged onto the computer.

         o  On TOPS-10 systems, your  terminal  display  looks  something
            like this:

|            4 messages (4610 characters), in 8 disk blocks.
             Message 1 flagged.

         o  On TOPS-20 systems, your  terminal  display  looks  something
            like this:

|           @MS
|            Last read:  Thursday, December 12, 1985 15:03-EST.
|            131 messages (201417 characters), in 79 disk pages.
|            Messages 87, 116, 119 flagged.
|           MS>

   The lines that appear between the MS command and the MS>  prompt  give
   you  the  status  of  your mail file.  These lines will appear only if
   someone has sent you mail.  Refer  to  the  description  of  the  SHOW
   STATUS command in Section 4.4 for details on this information.

   Notice that the DECmail/MS system is now prompting you for a  command.
   You  give a command by typing the command's name, possibly followed by
   additional information (depending upon the  particular  command),  and
   then  pressing  the  RETURN key.  You are now at top level.  (You have
   entered another command level if the mail system ever prompts you with
   anything  other  than MS>.  The QUIT command always returns you to the
   previous level.)


           The following  examples  were  created  on  a  TOPS-20
           system.   Any  TOPS-10 differences are described where



   Sending A Message

   To send a message, issue the SEND command from top level.   After  you
   give  the SEND command, the DECmail/MS system prompts you for the "To"
   and "cc" lists, and  for  the  subject.   In  the  following  example,
   specify  yourself  as  the  recipient  by typing a period (.) when the
   DECmail/MS system asks you for the "To" list.

        To:  .
        Subject:  Practicing

   Now, the DECmail/MS system types the following help  message  on  your

   Message  (ESC  to  enter  Send  level,  CTRL/Z  to  send,  CTRL/K   to
            redisplay, CTRL/B to insert file, CTRL/E to enter editor):

   This message lets you know what you can do while typing  the  text  of
   your  message.   You  can  press  the  ESCAPE  key or issue one of the
   control characters to:

         o  enter send level <ESC>.  At send level, you can issue any  of
            the  send-level commands to affect the message, or to perform
            a variety of other tasks.  If you decide to enter send level,
            issue  the  TEXT command when you are ready to return to your
            message text.  Or issue the SEND command if you are ready  to
            send the message when you are at send level.

         o  send the message as is <CTRL/Z>.

         o  display the message text <CTRL/K>.

         o  insert a file in this  message  <CTRL/B>.   This  feature  is
            described at the end of Section 3.1.

         o  finish preparing the message using your default  text  editor
            <CTRL/E>.    When   you   exit   from  the  editor,  you  are
            automatically placed at send level, which is described above.
            Refer  to the description of the EDIT TEXT command in Section
            3.1 for additional information.

   After the DECmail/MS system types the help message, anything you  type
   (other  than ESC and the control characters) is assumed to be the text
   of your message.

   Type a line of text and issue CTRL/Z to send the message:


        Remember the 10:00 meeting tomorrow.

   The DECmail/MS system types  information  similar  to  the  following,
   letting  you  know that the message was successfully sent to your mail

        Processing mail...
        Mail queued for delivery by MX
         There is 1 additional message:
        N    132 23-Dec TUCKER@CLOYD          |Practicing (230 chars)
         Currently at message 1.

|  After the MX program delivers the message to your mail  file,  summary
|  information  about this new, "additional" message is displayed.  Among
|  the items shown are the date of the message, the subject line, and the
   message  number (132).  In this example, the recipient (and sender) is
   a user who is known to the system as TUCKER.  Refer to the description
   of  the  HEADERS  command  in  Section  4.3 for further information on
   message summaries.

   You could just as easily have sent this message to any number of other
   people  by including their addresses (separated by commas) in the "To"
   or "cc" list.

   Refer to Section 3.1 for further information on sending messages,  and
   to Section 1.3 for information on the mail file and addresses.

   Reading A Message

   Now read the message that you just sent to yourself:

    Message 132 (230 chars), received Monday, December 23, 1985 17:23-EST
   Sender: TUCKER
   Date: 23 Dec 1985 1723-EST
   Subject: Practicing
   Message-ID: <"MS11(5062)+GLXLIB5(0)" 12169493415.152.542.84314 at CLOYD>

   Remember the 10:00 meeting tomorrow.
   MS read>>

   This command displays all messages in the current  message  file  that
   you  have  not  read.   After  the READ command displays a message, it
   leaves your terminal at read-command level, as indicated  by  the  "MS
   read>>"  prompt.  You can then issue any of the read-level commands to


   affect this "current message." If you do not want to do anything  with
   the  message, press the RETURN key to read the next new message (or to
   return to top level if there are no other new messages).

   Now remove this message from your mail file:

        1.  First, mark the message for deletion.

                 MS read>>DELETE
                 MS read>>

        2.  Return to top level and  issue  the  EXPUNGE  command.   This
            command  completes  the  action  of  the  DELETE  command--it
            removes all traces of a message from your mail file.

                 MS read>><RET>
                  Expunging deleted messages - OK

   Finish the DECmail/MS session by typing the EXIT command:



   This section defines various DECmail/MS terms that you should know.


   An address tells the DECmail/MS system where to send a message.  There
   are  two  kinds  of  address,  depending on whether the person you are
   sending a message to uses the same computer that you do or a different

|        o  Local Address - for users on the same computer system  or  in
|           the same TOPS-20 computer cluster.  A local address is just a
            username.  Username is defined later in this section.

         o  Network Address - for  users  connected  through  a  computer
            network.   A network address has two parts:  a username (just
            like a local address), and a hostname, which  identifies  the
            computer.   For  example, somebody who uses a computer called
            HOST2 and who has a username of  Joe  would  have  a  network
            address of:


|  An address can also include a personal name (described later  in  this


|  section) in the form:
|       personal name <address>
|                                   NOTE
|          On TOPS-10 systems, you can specify a local address in
|          the  form  of  a network address, which gives the same
|          effect as the SET  NO  FORCE-DIRECTORY-LOOKUP  command
|          (see  Section 6.3).  Just specify a period (.) for the
|          hostname.    The   period   refers   to    your    own
|          computer: username@.


   Since the DECmail/MS system can handle only  one  message  file  at  a
   time,  the  one  you  are currently dealing with is called the current
   message file.  You can think of the DECmail/MS system as a  desk  that
   is  big  enough  to hold only one file folder.  You can change message
   files with the GET or SYSTEM-MESSAGES command.  Until you give one  of
   these  commands, the current message file is your mail file (described
   below).  A message file is created the first time  someone  sends  you
   mail  (mail  file),  or with the COPY, MOVE, or SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES


   Several DECmail/MS commands require that you  supply  the  name  of  a
   file.   A  file is similar to the contents of an ordinary file folder.
   A file has a name, called a filespec (short for  file  specification).
   Although  a  filespec  can  have numerous parts, including the device,
   directory, name, and extension or  type,  ordinarily  you  can  ignore
   everything  but  the  name  and  extension.   You  can set the default
   directory for the DECmail/MS session with the  SET  DEFAULT  DIRECTORY

         o  On TOPS-10 systems, a file name or extension can  consist  of
            any sequence of uppercase letters and numbers.  The file name
            can be up to six characters long; the extension can  be  only
            three  characters  long.   For  example, "MEMO1", "JULY", and
            "OPEN" are all valid names; "REPORTS" is not (contains  seven
            characters),  and  "JUL-81"  is  not (the hyphen is neither a
            letter nor a number).  The extension is  separated  from  the
            name  by a dot, so that MAIL.TXT is a file whose name is MAIL
            and whose extension is TXT.  For more information about  file
            specifications,  see  the  TOPS-10  Operating System Commands

         o  On TOPS-20 systems, a file name or file type can  consist  of
            any  sequence  of  letters,  numbers,  and  hyphens  up to 39


            characters long; it must not contain spaces, dots,  or  other
            special   characters.    For   instance,  "name1",  "budget",
            "memo-to-the-president", and "my-letter" are all valid names.
            "This  is  my  letter"  is not; it contains spaces.  The file
            type is separated from the  file  name  by  a  dot,  so  that
            MAIL.TXT  is a file whose name is MAIL and whose type is TXT.
            For complete information  on  file  specifications,  see  the
            TOPS-20 User's Guide.

   The file extension or type is useful for classifying groups of  files.
   For  example,  you  could  assign  the  same extension or type to many
   different files.  The DECmail/MS system, for instance, assigns .TXT to
   all  files  you  create with the COPY, MOVE, or SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES
   command if you do not specify otherwise.


   Every user has his or her own personal message  file,  called  a  mail
   file.   This  is  just  like an "in" basket.  All incoming messages go
   into your mail file.  This file is named MAIL.TXT on TOPS-10  systems,
   and  MAIL.TXT.1  on  TOPS-20 systems.  Your mail file is automatically
|  created  for  you  in  your  logged-in  directory  (TOPS-10)  or  your
|  directory  on  the  POBOX:   disk  structure  (TOPS-20) the first time
|  someone sends you mail.
|  On TOPS-20 systems, if your system manager has  defined  POBOX: to  be
|  other  than  the public structure, you must issue the operating system
|  command to either CONNECT to or ACCESS POBOX:.


           MAIL.TXT must include the generation number  of  1  on
           TOPS-20  systems.   If  for  some reason you create or
           edit your own mail file with an editor, you will  have
           to rename MAIL.TXT.* to MAIL.TXT.1.
|          You should not delete the mail file with an  operating
|          system  command.   Instead,  if  the  need arises, you
|          should DELETE then EXPUNGE  the  messages.   Refer  to
|          Section 5.4.


   The DECmail/MS system sends, receives, and files  messages.   Messages
   are exactly like office memos; they are sent "To" some people and "cc"
   to others.  They have a subject and some text.  They also have a date,
   which is supplied automatically when you send the message.

   A message is composed of two parts:


         o  The message header, or "header  area,"  which  contains  such
            items  as  the date, subject, "To", and "cc" lists, and other
            identifying  information.   The  message  header  is  further
            described below.

         o  The "text part,"  which  contains  the  actual  text  of  the


   The DECmail/MS system deals with message files,  one  at  a  time.   A
   message  file  is  a  file  containing  one  or  more  messages.   The
   DECmail/MS system can handle only one file at a time, but it  is  easy
   for  you to put one file away and retrieve another one with the GET or
   SYSTEM-MESSAGES command.  A message file is  created  the  first  time
   someone  sends  you  mail (mail file), or with the COPY, MOVE, or SAVE


   The first few lines of a message are called  the  message  header,  or
   header  area.   The  header  area  is  separated  from the text of the
   message by a blank line.  The header area consists of several  "header
   items." A header item consists of the header item's name, a colon, and
   then the data portion of the header item (which may extend  over  more
   than  one  line).   Typical  header  items  that the DECmail/MS system
   always includes are the date the message was sent, the  subject,  "To"
   and  "cc"  lists,  and the name of the sender.  You can use the DEFINE
   HEADER-ITEM command to define your own header items.  Here is a sample

        Message 176 (775 chars), received Monday, January 27, 1986 09:27-EST
        Sender: PRATT
        Date: 27 Jan 1986 0927-EST
        From: Mark Pratt <PRATT@GREEN>
        To: Appellof@GREEN, Appellof@GOLD, JRossell@GREEN,
            Mayo@GREEN, Pratt@GREEN, Santee@GREEN, Ned@KL1026,
            TGrady@GREEN, Tucker@GREEN, Waddington@GREEN, Hdavis@GREEN
        cc: Schmitt@BLUE
        Subject: Meeting
        Message-ID: <"MS11(5116)+GLXLIB5(0)" 12178581754.213.51.31405 at Green>

        I have the Shoebox conference room reserved every monday from 3-4
        pm  for  our  weekly status meeting.  This room is signed up from
        now until the time the product ships.

|  In this example, the lines beginning with  Sender:   and  ending  with
   "Message-ID:",  are  the  header  area.   Next  is a blank line, which
   separates the header area from the message text.  Finally,  there  are
   three  lines  of  message  text and the closing line, which contains a


   string of hyphens.  There are  seven  header  items  present  in  this
|  message:   "Sender:",  "Date:", "From:", "To:", "cc:", "Subject:", and
   "Message-ID:".  The "To:" item in this message illustrates the case of
   a header item that is too long to fit on one line.  The strings GREEN,
   BLUE, and GOLD are names of different  computers  in  a  network.   To
   fully  specify  an address, you need both the user's name and the name
   of the computer that he or she uses.

   The "Message-ID:" helps identify a message, and is of concern only  to
   the  DECmail/MS  system.   The DECmail/MS system automatically inserts
   this line in your message.  It is unique for  every  message  created.
   You  can  suppress output of this line with the SET SUPPRESSED-HEADERS
   or the SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN command.
|  The prefix line at the top of the message tells when it  was  received
|  and  gives  the length of the message and its relative position in the
|  mail file (176).


   Each message in a file has a message number; the messages are numbered
   from one up to however many messages there are in the file.  You could
   use these numbers to let the DECmail/MS system know what messages  you
   want  it  to  perform  some action upon.  (Refer to the description of
   message sequence below.) Note that messages are renumbered as messages
   are  deleted from a file--message numbers are based upon the messages'
|  relative positions in a file.  The  HEADERS  and  DIRECTORY  commands,
   described in Section 4.3, list the numbers assigned to messages.


   A message sequence is a keyword or list of message  numbers  that  you
   supply to various DECmail/MS commands.  This lets the mail system know
   what messages are  to  be  handled.   Message  sequences  are  further
   described in Section 1.5.
|  A personal name is optional information that accompanies  an  address.
|  It  is  a  more human-readable name.  You can specify this information
|  for your own and recipient addresses.
|  The SET PERSONAL-NAME command adds your  personal  name  to  all  your
|  outgoing mail (see Section 6.3).
|  To give a personal name for recipient  addresses,  type  it,  and  add
|  after it the address enclosed in angle brackets:
|       Sam Slade <SSLADE@DETEC>


|  Giving a personal name for recipient addresses may be useful  in  such
|  cases  where  a  secretary  receives  mail and later distributes it to
|  others.   The  personal  name  could  indicate  the   final   intended
|  recipient,  and  the  address would be the secretary's.  The secretary
|  would FORWARD (see Section 3.3) these messages to intended recipients.
|  The personal name can contain any letter or digit, space,  hyphen,  or
|  dot.   By  enclosing  it  in quotes, you can include the comma, colon,
|  percent sign, at sign, parentheses, and square brackets:
|       "Sam Slade, private eye" <SSLADE@DETEC>
|  Some systems to which you send mail may require all personal names  to
|  be enclosed in quotes.


   You send messages to, and receive them  from,  users  of  a  computer.
   Each user of a computer has a username, which is the name by which the
   computer knows that person.  This name is often a last name.

   On TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 systems, usernames are composed  of  up  to  39
   characters  of  letters, digits, and hyphens.  (Note that a period (.)
|  is taken by the DECmail/MS system to be your own username in local and
|  network addresses.  That is, you can include a period, for example, in
   the "To" or "cc" list.)

   When sending mail to systems that  do  not  run  TOPS-10  or  TOPS-20,
   however, the rules for forming usernames may be different.  If you are
   sending network mail to a user whose username contains characters  not
   allowed  in  TOPS-10/TOPS-20  usernames,  then  you  must  enclose the
   username inside double quotes (" ").  Spaces and the following special
   characters are not allowed in TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 usernames:

|       ( ) < > @ , ; :    " !  % [ ] \

   Refer to the descritpion of ADDRESS for related information.


           Although brackets cannot be part  of  a  username,  on
           TOPS-10  systems,  you  can specify PPNs within square
           brackets instead of a local username: [30,5701].   The
           mail  system  translates  the PPN to the corresponding
           username.   You  can  also  include  a  personal  name
           (described   earlier)  with  such  usernames.   It  is
           recommended that you use usernames whenever possible.



   The DECmail/MS system has  three  command  levels:   top  level,  read
   level, and send level.  Each command level has a different prompt, and
   each level has its own set of commands.  Top Level, which is the level
   you  see when you begin a DECmail/MS session, has commands for dealing
   with message files as a whole, or for manipulating  entire  groups  of
   messages  at  once.   Read  Level is in effect after you have selected
|  messages to read, and  has  commands  for  dealing  with  the  current
|  message  or, optionally, other messages.  Send Level contains commands
   for composing, editing, and filing drafts of messages, and for sending
   the message once it is complete.

   At all levels, the QUIT command always returns  you  to  the  previous
   level;  thus,  typing  QUIT  at  top level causes you to exit from the
   DECmail/MS session.   Also,  typing  EXIT  from  any  level  ends  the
   DECmail/MS  session,  and  executes  the  EXPUNGE  command  unless you
   specify otherwise with the SET AUTO-EXPUNGE command.


   When you first run the mail system, you are at  top  level.   At  this
   level, the DECmail/MS system prompts you for a command by typing:


   To get a list of top-level commands,  type  a  question  mark  to  the
   top-level prompt.


           You can issue top-level commands from operating system
           command  level  also.   For example, to read the first
           two messages in your mail file, you can type:

           .MS TYPE 1:2                    (TOPS-10)


           @MS TYPE 1:2                    (TOPS-20)

           After the messages are displayed, you are returned  to
           operating  system  command  level.  Issuing DECmail/MS
           commands  from  this  level   saves   you   time   and
           keystrokes.   This  manual, however, discusses issuing
           commands from  the  three  DECmail/MS  command  levels
           only.   It  assumes  that  you are issuing the various
           commands while in the middle of a DECmail/MS session.



   When you issue the READ command, the DECmail/MS system places  you  at
   read level.  The read-level prompt is:

        MS read>>

   You give  the  READ  command  a  message  sequence,  which  tells  the
   DECmail/MS  system  which  messages you want to read.  The system then
   types the first message  in  the  sequence,  and  prompts  you  for  a
   command.   You  can now type a read-level command to do something with
   that message, or press the RETURN key to go on to the next message  in
   the sequence.  When there are no more messages to read, the DECmail/MS
   system returns to top level.  For more details on read level, refer to
   Section 2.1.

   Most top-level commands are also available at read level.

   To get a list of read-level commands, type  a  question  mark  to  the
   read-level prompt:

|  MS read>>? one of the following:
|   Backup          Blank         Copy          Daytime        Define
|   Delete          Directory     Exit          File           Flag
|   Forward         Headers       Help          Mark           Move
|   Next            Print         Push          Quit           Read
|   Repair          Reply         Retrieve      Send           Set
|   Show            Skim          Take          Type           Undelete
|   Unflag          Unmark        Verbose-type


   Send level is invoked in one of the following ways:

         o  You ask the DECmail/MS system to put you there,  by  pressing
            the  ESCAPE  key while entering the text of a message you are

         o  You use the RETRIEVE DRAFT command to continue working  on  a
            draft  which  you  had  previously  saved with the SAVE-DRAFT

         o  You use the RETRIEVE LAST-MESSAGE  command  to  retrieve  the
            draft of the last message you sent.

         o  The DECmail/MS system puts you there  automatically,  because
            it encountered some problem while sending a message.

   The send-level prompt is:

        MS send>>

   The commands available at send level allow you to modify any part of a


   message that you are in the process of sending.  You can add or delete
   users in the "To" or "cc" lists, change the  subject  line,  edit  the
   text  of  the  message,  and  so  forth.   If  the  DECmail/MS  system
   encounters any difficulties in sending the message,  it  automatically
   puts you into send level, so that you have a chance to fix the part of
   the message that caused the problem.  At send level, you can return to
   the  previous  level  without  sending  the message by giving the QUIT
   command; or you can give the SEND command, which sends the message and
   then returns to the previous command level.

   To get a list of send-level commands, type  a  question  mark  to  the
   send-level prompt:

|  MS send>>? one of the following:
|   Blank                           cc
|   Daytime                         Define
|   Display                         Edit
|   Erase                           Exit
|   Help                            Include
|   Insert                          Push
|   Quit                            Remove
|   Return-receipt-requested        Save
|   Send                            Set
|   Show                            Subject
|   Take                            Text
|   To                              Type
|   Verbose-type


   Many of the DECmail/MS commands require  you  to  specify  a  "message
   sequence."  A  message  sequence  is  a  keyword  or a list of message
   numbers that indicate the messages upon  which  an  action  is  to  be
   performed.   For  example,  if  you  give  the  TYPE  command, you are
   expected to indicate the messages to be displayed.  To get a  complete
   list of all the possible ways to select messages, type a question mark
   when you are prompted for a message sequence, as follows:

        PR<ESC>INT (messages) ?

   You can specify a message sequence by means  of  message  numbers  and
   special characters, as follows:

         o  a single message number - (7)

         o  a list of message numbers - (7,18,75,...)

         o  a range of message numbers - (3:30)


         o  the current message number - (.)

         o  the last message in the file - (%)

         o  any combination of ranges and single messages  in  a  list  -

|  (Note that  the  HEADERS  and  DIRECTORY  commands  list  the  numbers
|  assigned to messages.)

   In addition, you can give  one  of  the  following  keywords  for  the
   message sequence:

   ALL                      refers to all messages in the mail file.

   ANSWERED                 refers to messages  that  you  have  answered
|                           with  the  REPLY  command;  the  HEADERS  and
|                           DIRECTORY commands display an "A" in the left
                            margin for all answered messages.

   BEFORE date and time     refers  to  messages  dated  prior   to   the
                            specified date and time.

   CURRENT                  refers to the current message, that  is,  the
                            one   you   most  recently  accessed  with  a
                            DECmail/MS command; it is the  first  message
                            in  the  file  if  you have not yet given any
                            commands.   This  is  the   default   message
                            sequence  for most commands.  The SHOW STATUS
                            command displays the current message number.

   DELETED                  refers  to  all  messages   that   you   have
|                           specified  in  a  DELETE  or MOVE command but
|                           have not yet erased with the EXPUNGE command;
|                           the  HEADERS and DIRECTORY commands display a
|                           "D"  in  the  left  margin  for  all  deleted
|                           messages.

   FIRST n                  refers to the first n messages  in  the  mail
                            file.   If  you  do  not specify n, the first
                            message is accessed.

   FLAGGED                  refers  to  all  messages   that   you   have
|                           specified  in a FLAG command; the HEADERS and
|                           DIRECTORY commands display an "F" in the left
                            margin for all flagged messages.

   FROM string              refers to messages in the file containing the
                            specified  string  in  the "From" line of the
                            header.  The string can contain blanks.

   INVERSE                  displays messages in the file in the order of


                            last-numbered to first-numbered.

   KEYWORD string           refers  to  all  messages  that  contain  the
                            specified  string  within  the header or text
                            portion  of  the  message.   The  string  can
                            contain blanks.

   LARGER n                 refers to all messages having more  than  the
                            specified   number  (n)  of  characters;  the
|                           HEADERS and  DIRECTORY  commands  report  the
                            number of characters in a message.

   LAST n                   refers  to  the  last  n   (decimal   number)
                            messages in the file, beginning with the last
                            message.  If you do not specify n,  the  last
                            message is accessed.

   NEW                      refers to all messages  that  have  not  been
                            read  or  specified  in a MARK command; also,
                            all previously read messages  that  you  have
                            specified  in  an UNMARK command.  NEW is the
                            default argument for the  READ  command  when
|                           issued  from  top  level.   The  HEADERS  and
|                           DIRECTORY commands display an "N" in the left
                            margin for all "new" messages.

|  NEXT n                   refers  to  the  next  n  messages  from  the
|                           current  one.   For example, MOVE 5, followed
|                           by HEADERS NEXT 4 would summarize messages 6,
|                           7, 8, and 9.

   OLD                      refers to all messages that you have read  or
                            that you have specified in a MARK command.

|  RELATED-TO message       refers  to  all   replies  to  the  specified
|  sequence                 messages that are contained  in  the  current
|                           file.

|  SAME                     refers to the messages you last specified  in
|                           a  command.  Message numbers may be different
|                           if you  issued  an  EXPUNGE  command  in  the
|                           interim;   however,  the  same  messages  are
|                           retrieved.

   SINCE date and time      refers  to  all  messages  dated  after   the
                            specified date and time.

   SMALLER n                refers to all messages having fewer than  the
                            specified   number  (n)  of  characters;  the
|                           HEADERS and  DIRECTORY  commands  report  the
                            number of characters in a message.


   SORTED                   displays messages in the file in the order of
                            first-dated to last-dated.

   SUBJECT string           refers  to  all   messages   containing   the
                            specified string in the "Subject" line of the
                            header.  The string can contain blanks.

   TO string                refers  to  all   messages   containing   the
                            specified  string  in  the  "To"  line of the
                            header.  The string can contain blanks.

   UNANSWERED               refers to messages that you have not answered
                            with the REPLY command.

   UNDELETED                excludes messages that have been specified in
                            a DELETE command.

   UNFLAGGED                refers  to  messages  that   you   have   not
                            specified in a FLAG command.


   The simplest  sequence  is  a  message  number,  or  list  of  numbers
   separated  by  commas.   For  instance,  the  following  is  a message
   sequence that specifies the first six messages in a file:


   To read the first six messages in a file, you can type:

|       MS>READ 1,2,3,4,5,6

   A shorthand way to specify the same  thing  is  "1:6".   You  can  mix
   these:    the   message   sequence   "1:4,7:10"   means  the  same  as

   You can also select messages based on their contents.   For  instance,
   the  message  sequence  below selects all messages in the current file
   with the word "budget" in the subject:

        Subject Budget

   Likewise, the following command can be used to read all messages  with
   the word "monthly" in their subject:

|       MS>READ SUBJECT monthly

   And the following command lets you read the  first  nine  messages  in
   your current message file:

|       MS>READ FIRST 9


   One particularly useful message sequence is  the  word  "same".   This
   directs  the  DECmail/MS  system  to use the same message sequence you
   used in your last command.  For instance, suppose you want  to  delete
   all  messages  from a user named Jones.  However, before deleting them
   you would like to check to be sure that they are the correct messages.
   To  do  this,  you  might  first  give  the following command to get a
   one-line summary of each message from Jones:

|       MS>HEADERS FROM Jones

   Once you are satisfied that  you  really  want  to  delete  all  these
   messages, you can then type:




                                 CHAPTER 2

                              READING MESSAGES

   Chapter 2 describes the DECmail/MS commands that allow you to  display
   messages on your terminal or copy messages on a line printer.


   To read a  message  and  subsequently  perform  some  action  on  that
   message,  use  the  READ  command.   This  command  displays messages,
   stopping at read level after each one.  This allows you to  manipulate
   messages  as you read them.  The READ command is available at both top
   and read levels.

   Command format:

        MS>READ (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>READ (MESSAGES) message sequence


        message sequence specifies the messages you want to read.  At top
        level,  NEW  is  the  default  message  sequence.  At read level,
        CURRENT is the default message sequeunce.[1]

   After each message is displayed, the  DECmail/MS  system  is  at  read
   level and prompts with:

        MS read>>

|  You can then issue one of the following read-level commands.
|  [1]   At read level, it is advisable to use the TYPE  command  instead
|  of the READ command for the current message.  Refer to the description
|  of the READ read-level command, below.

                              READING MESSAGES


             Displays the previous message in the sequence you  specified
             with  the  READ  command.  The BACKUP command is the same as
             the PREVIOUS command.

             Clears the video terminal screen.  Section 6.5 discusses the
             BLANK command.

        COPY filespec
             Copies the current message to another  file,  retaining  the
             original.  Refer to the full description of the COPY command
             in Section 5.1.

|       DAYTIME
|            Displays the current date and time.

             Allows you to create address lists, alias names  for  users,
             or  new  message  header  items.   Refer  to  Chapter  6 for

|       DELETE message sequence
|            Marks messages for removal from the mail file.  Refer to the
             full description of the DELETE command in Section 5.4.

|       DIRECTORY message sequence
|            Gives a one-line summary of messages.  The DIRECTORY command
|            is  the  same  as  the  HEADERS  command.  Refer to the full
|            description of the DIRECTORY command in Section 4.3.

             Ends your  DECmail/MS  session;  returns  you  to  operating
             system  command  level or logs you off the system.  Refer to
             Section 7.1 for details on the EXIT command.

        FILE filespec
             Copies the current message to another file and gives you the
             option   to   delete   the  original.   Refer  to  the  full
             description of the FILE command in Section 5.1.

        FLAG message sequence
             Marks messages for future  reference.   Refer  to  the  full
             description of the FLAG command in Section 5.6.

        FORWARD message sequence
             Sends received messages to other users.  Refer to  the  full
             description of the FORWARD command in Section 3.3.

                              READING MESSAGES

|       HEADERS message sequence
|            Gives a one-line summary of messages.  The  HEADERS  command
|            is  the  same  as  the DIRECTORY command.  Refer to the full
|            description of the HEADERS command in Section 4.3.

        HELP topic
             Provides short explanations of various  DECmail/MS  commands
             and  functions.   Refer  to the full description of the HELP
             command in Section 4.1  for  the  list  of  topics  you  can
             request with the HELP command.

|       MARK message sequence
|            Designates messages as having been read.  Refer to the  full
|            description of the MARK command in Section 2.5.

        MOVE filespec
             Copies the current message to another file and  deletes  the
             original.  Refer to the full description of the MOVE command
             in Section 5.1.

             Displays the next message in the sequence you specified with
             the  READ  command.   This  is  the  default command at read
             level.  That is, if you press the RETURN key,  this  command
             is executed.  Section 2.3.1 discusses the NEXT command.

             Prints the current message on the line printer.  Section 5.5
             discusses the PRINT command.

             Suspends the DECmail/MS system and enters  operating  system
             command  level.   Refer  to the full description of the PUSH
             command in Section 7.5.

             Returns you to the previous DECmail/MS command level.  Refer
             to the full description of the QUIT command in Section 7.2.

|       READ message sequence
|            Displays a new message  sequence  on  your  terminal.   This
|            command,  at  read  level, is useful for leaving the current
|            message sequence in order to look at a new set of  messages.
|            For  example,  you  may  want to read new messages that were
|            just sent to you, and respond to those  messages  or  delete
|            them.   You  may  then  need  to  look at yet another set of
|            messages.  The DECmail/MS system helps you to keep track  of
|            message  sequences  by attaching a number to the read prompt
|            [MS read(1)>>] and incrementing that number every  time  you
|            issue  the  READ  command  at  read  level.   That number is
|            decremented when you leave a message sequence and return  to
|            the previous level.

                              READING MESSAGES

|            To simply reread the current message, use the TYPE command.

|       REPAIR numeric file identifier
             Allows repair  of  undeliverable  network  mail.   Refer  to
             Section 3.4.2 for details on the REPAIR command.

        REPLY ALL
             Facilitates replying  to  the  current  message.   Refer  to
             Section 3.2 for a full description of the REPLY command.

             Fetches the last message sent or a draft  previously  stored
             in  a file, and enters send level.  Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
             discuss the RETRIEVE command.

|       SEND
|            Lets you compose and send a message.  Refer to Chapter 3 for
|            a full description of the SEND command.

        SET parameter
             Gives you control over many DECmail/MS operations.  Refer to
             the  description  of  the SET command in Section 6.3 for the
             list of parameters you can specify.

        SHOW parameter
             Displays a  variety  of  information  about  the  DECmail/MS
             environment.   Refer  to  the  full  description of the SHOW
             command in Section 4.4 for the list of  parameters  you  can

|       SKIM message sequence
|            Gives a one-line summary of messages and after each  summary
|            leaves your terminal at the equivalent of read level.  Refer
|            to Section  4.3.1  for  complete  information  on  the  SKIM
|            command.

        TAKE filespec
             Executes a file of DECmail/MS commands.  Refer to  the  full
             description of the TAKE command in Section 6.4.

|            EVERYTHING
|            TEXT
             Displays the current message on your terminal.  Refer to the
             full description of the TYPE command in Section 2.2.

        UNDELETE message sequence
             Reverses the effect of the DELETE command.

        UNFLAG message sequence

                              READING MESSAGES

             Reverses the effect of the FLAG command.

        UNMARK message sequence
             Reverses the effect of  the  MARK  command.   The  specified
             messages become "new".

|                    EVERYTHING
|                    TEXT
|            Displays the current message on your terminal.  Refer to the
|            full description of the VERBOSE-TYPE command in Section 2.2.

   When you have finished reading  all  the  messages  in  the  sequence,
   typing  carriage-return or QUIT to the MS READ>> prompt returns you to
   the previous command level.

   Related Commands

   The following commands are related to READ.  Refer to Section 6.3  for
   information on these commands.





   There may be times when you want  to  read  messages  without  pausing
   between  them  at  read  level.   The TYPE command, available from all
   three DECmail/MS command levels, allows you to do this.   It  displays
   messages  and  leaves your terminal at the command level you issued it

   Command format:

|       MS>TYPE (MESSAGES) message sequence 
|                      EVERYTHING
|                      TEXT
|       MS SEND>>TYPE (MESSAGES) message sequence 

|        o  EVERYTHING, HEADER-ITEMS, and TEXT refer to the part  of  the
|           current message you want to display.

                              READING MESSAGES

|        o  message sequence specifies the messages you want to display.

   Unlike READ, the  TYPE  command  does  not  clear  the  screen  before
   displaying messages.

   The VERBOSE-TYPE command also allows you to read messages quickly.  It
   is  identical  in format and function to the TYPE command, except that
   it displays messages literally.  That is, it ignores any of  your  SET
   command  directives to suppress header output.  Messages are displayed
   in their entirety.

   Related Commands

   The following commands are related to TYPE and VERBOSE-TYPE.  Refer to
   Section 6.3 for information on these commands.





   To read succeeding messages in a mail file, you  can  issue  the  NEXT
   command from top or read level.

   Command format:




   The NEXT command has different effects according  to  the  level  from
   which it is issued.  From top level, it displays the message following
   the current one in the file.  From read level, it  displays  the  next
   message in the sequence you specified with the READ command.  The NEXT
   command is the default command at read level.
|  You can also display succeeding  messages  with  the  READ,  TYPE,  or
|  VERBOSE-TYPE command followed by the NEXT message sequence.


   A DECmail/MS bulletin board is a message file of general  interest  to

                              READING MESSAGES

   users.   As  an  unprivileged user, you can perform such activities as
   reading, printing, and copying messages from the file.  However,  only
   privileged users can send messages to it or delete them.

   The operator or system manager may send messages to  this  file  (that
   is,  to  SYSTEM)  to inform you of an upcoming system shutdown, and so

   You access this file with the SYSTEM-MESSAGES command to make it  your
   current message file.

   Command format:


   When new messages are sent to this file, the following line appears on
   your terminal:

        [<system> <time> New SYSTEM mail available]


         o  system is the name of your system.

         o  time is the time of day.

   On TOPS-20 systems, messages that were sent to  this  file  after  you
   logged off the system are automatically displayed on your terminal (or
   in your batch log file) when you log in.

   To return to your mail file, give the command:



   When the DECmail/MS system first starts up, it displays a summary line
   for  each  message that you have not yet read.  (An "N" appears in the
   left margin of the line for each of these "new," or unread, messages.)
   When  you read a message using the READ, TYPE or VERBOSE-TYPE command,
   the DECmail/MS system executes a MARK command for the message; and the
   message  is then designated as an "old," or read, message.  (Note that
   you can specify NEW or  OLD  as  the  message  sequence  argument  for
   DECmail/MS commands.)

   You may occasionally want to "mark" messages  yourself.   Assume,  for
   example,  that  you  receive  large volumes of mail and cannot read it
   right away.  You could issue the MARK command  for  any  messages  you
   want  to  postpone reading.  Then these messages would not be included
   when you or the  DECmail/MS  system  initiated  any  action  on  "new"

                              READING MESSAGES

   messages.  This command is available from top and read levels.

   Command format:

        MS>MARK (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>MARK (MESSAGES) message sequence


        message sequence indicates the messages you want  to  mark.   The
        current message is the default.

   The UNMARK command removes the "read" mark from a message, putting  it
   back into the "new" category.  Its format is identical to that for the
   MARK command.


                                 CHAPTER 3

                              SENDING MESSAGES

   Chapter 3 describes the DECmail/MS commands that  allow  you  to  send
   messages.   Commands  in this category include those for composing and
   editing messages, for forwarding copies of messages you  receive,  and
   for replying to messages.


   To compose and send a message, use the SEND command, from any  command

   Command format:

        SEND (MESSAGE)

   From top and read  levels,  the  SEND  command  prompts  you  for  the
   required  information,  such  as  the "To" list, the "cc" list and the
   subject.  (The "cc" list and  the  subject  can  be  blank.)  It  then
   prompts  you for the text of the message.  When you have completed the
   text of the message, type CTRL/Z, which will cause the message  to  be
   sent immediately.

   If, at some point while you are typing the text of  the  message,  you
   realize  that  you  have made a mistake in the header or text, you can
   easily correct it.  Press the ESC key.  This puts you at  send  level,
   which  prompts  with  "MS Send>>".  You can use send-level commands to
   alter the current draft of the message.

   From send level, the SEND command causes the  message  you  have  just
   prepared to be sent immediately.


             Clears the video terminal screen.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

             Allows you to add to the list of  people  receiving  "carbon
             copies" of the message.  Refer to the description of the SET
             DEFAULT  CC-LIST  command  in  Section   6.3   for   related

|       DAYTIME
|            Displays the current date and time.

             Allows you to create address lists, alias names  for  users,
             or  new  message-header  items.   Refer  to  Chapter  6  for

             Shows the part of the message that you specify:  the  entire
             message,  the  recipient  lists,  the  subject  line, or the
             message text.  The default value is ALL.

        EDIT TEXT
             Sends your message text to your  default  text  editor,  for
             example,  TV,  SOS,  or  EDIT.   You can then use any of the
             editor commands to modify your message.  After exiting  from
             the editor, you are returned to send level.
|                                        NOTE
|                If you periodically copy your files  to  disk  while
|                using  an  editor, you may need to give the command:
|                INSERT FILE MSG.TMP to  retrieve  the  message  text
|                after returning to send level.
|            On TOPS-10 systems, the default editor is  TECO  unless  you
|            created  a  logical  name  EDITOR: that  points  to  another
|            editor.

             On TOPS-20 systems, the default editor is the same one  that
             is invoked when you give the EDIT or CREATE operating system
             command.  Refer to the TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual for
             details on default editors.

              HEADER-ITEM keyword

                              SENDING MESSAGES


             Erases the part of the message that you specify:

              o  the entire message

              o  the recipient lists

              o  any particular message header item that you  established
                 with the DEFINE command

              o  reply-related   header   information   such    as    the
                 "References" and "In-reply-to" fields (applicable if you
                 entered send level by way of REPLY)

              o  the subject line

              o  the message text

             To delete individual names from the "To" or "cc"  list,  use
             the REMOVE command instead.

             Ends your  DECmail/MS  session;  returns  you  to  operating
             system  command  level or logs you off the system.  Refer to
             Section 7.1 for details on the EXIT command.

        HELP topic
             Provides short explanations of various  DECmail/MS  commands
             and  functions.   Refer  to the full description of the HELP
             command in Section 4.1  for  the  list  of  topics  you  can
             specify with the HELP command.

        INCLUDE keyword
             Incorporates optional or required user-defined header  items
             in  the  header  portion  of  the  message.   Refer  to  the
             description of the DEFINE HEADER-ITEM command in Section 6.1
             for details.

|       INSERT FILE filespec
|              MESSAGE message sequence
|            Appends a file or messages to the message you are preparing.
             The  default directory is the one you specified with the SET
             DEFAULT DIRECTORY command.  The INSERT command is useful for
             sending reports and other lengthy material that you may have
             created with one of the system text editors.

             Puts your terminal at operating system command level.  Refer
             to the full description of the PUSH command in Section 7.5.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

             Returns you to the previous DECmail/MS command level.  Refer
             to the full description of the QUIT command in Section 7.2.

        REMOVE username(s)
             Erases  addresses  from  either  the  "To"  or  "cc"   list,
             depending  upon  the list in which the addresses appear.  To
             delete the entire "To" or "cc" list, use the  ERASE  command

|            Requires  recipients  to  acknowledge  the  message   before
|            reading  it.   The command prompts you for the address where
|            the acknowledgement is to be sent:
|            Return-receipt-requested-to:TUCKER
|       If you specify a period (.), the acknowledgement is  returned  to
|       your own address.
|       When recipients try to read the message,  they  are  prompted  as
|       follows:
|            MS>READ
|            N 108 6-Dec TUCKER@GREEN |Final Plan (238 chars)
|            Sender of message 108 has requested return receipt.
|            Send it ?  YES
|            Processing mail...
|            Mail queued for delivery by MX
|       After  a  YES  response,  the  message  is  displayed,   and   an
|       acknowledgement is returned to the sender:
|            Message 109 (394 chars), received Friday, December 6, 1985 15:29-EST
|            Sender: MEYERS
|            Date: 6 Dec 1985 1529-EST
|            From: MEYERS@GREEN
|            To: TUCKER@GREEN
|            Subject: Re: Final Plan
|            References: Message from <TUCKER@GREEN> of 6-Dec-85 1529-EST
|            In-reply-to: <"MS11(2506)+GLXLIB5(0)" 12165016134.225.542.65609 at GREEN>
|             This is a RETURN RECEIPT for your message.
|               ========
|       A NO response displays the message without returning a receipt.

   SAVE DRAFT filespec or carriage-return
        Stores the draft you are working on in the  specified  file.   On
        TOPS-10  systems, the default file extension is .DRF.  On TOPS-20

                              SENDING MESSAGES

        systems, the  default  file  type  is  .DRAFT,  and  the  default
        directory  is  the  one  specified  in  the SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY
        command.  The  draft  includes  the  "To"  and  "cc"  lists,  the
        subject,  and  the  text of the message.  You can later issue the
        RETRIEVE DRAFT command to pick up where you left off.  (Refer  to
        Section 3.1.1 for a discussion of the RETRIEVE DRAFT command.)

        The SAVE DRAFT command leaves you at send level.  If you wish  to
        send  the  draft  as  is, give the SEND command (and the draft is
        still saved in the file you specified).  If  you  wish  to  leave
        send  level  without  sending the draft right away, give the QUIT

        Note that, if you give a carriage-return instead of  a  filespec,
        the DECmail/MS system gives you a message and returns you to send
        level without having stored the draft anywhere.  This gives you a
        last-minute chance to change your mind about saving the draft for
        later.  You can then continue composing the message.


                If you specify the name of an existing file,  its
                contents are erased and replaced with your draft.

   SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES filespec or carriage-return
        Stores copies of messages that you send.  Refer  to  Section  5.3
        for details.

        Sends your message and returns you  to  the  previous  DECmail/MS
        command level.

   SET parameter
        Gives you control over many DECmail/MS operations.  Refer to  the
        full  description  of the SET command in Section 6.3 for the list
        of parameters you can specify.

   SHOW parameter
        Displays  a  variety  of   information   about   the   DECmail/MS
        environment.   Refer  to the full description of the SHOW command
        in Section 4.4 for the list of parameters that you can specify.

        Allows you to retype the subject line of the message.

   TAKE filespec
        Executes a file  of  DECmail/MS  commands.   Refer  to  the  full
        description of the TAKE command in Section 6.4.

        Returns you to text mode so that you can continue  composing  the
        message.  Text mode is further described below.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

        Allows you to add to the list of recipients for the message.

   TYPE message sequence
        Displays the specified messages on your terminal.  Refer  to  the
        full description of the TYPE command in Section 2.2.

   VERBOSE-TYPE message sequence
        Displays the specified messages on your terminal.  Refer  to  the
        full description of the VERBOSE-TYPE command in Section 2.2.

   If you are at send level and decide that you do not want to  send  the
   message,  use  the  QUIT  command,  which  returns you to the previous

   After giving a send-level command, you can return to  DECmail/MS  text
   mode  by  issuing  the  TEXT  command  to add text to the draft of the
   message.  Or you can give the  SEND  command  to  send  the  completed

   In DECmail/MS text mode, you can manipulate lines of text by  pressing
   the DELETE key or issuing one of several control characters:

      DELETE      Deletes the previous character.

      CTRL/W      Deletes the previous word.

      CTRL/U      Deletes the current line.

      CTRL/R      Redisplays the current line.

   Note that you can delete across line boundaries.   That  is,  you  can
   continue  deleting  lines, characters, and words until you have erased
   the entire message.

   The following characters allow you to manipulate  the  entire  message
   when you are in DECmail/MS text mode:

        CTRL/B         Inserts a file in the message you  are  preparing.
                       This  commonly  used  control  key  is  useful for
                       sending reports and other  lengthy  material  that
                       you  have  previously  prepared with a system text
                       editor.  The system prompts you for  the  name  of
                       the file.  Note that the default directory for the
                       file is based on the SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY command

        CTRL/K         Redisplays the entire message text.

        ESC            Enters send-level command mode.

        CTRL/E         Enters your default text editor.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

        CTRL/Z         Sends the message.

|  Related Commands
|  The following commands are related to SEND.  Refer to Section 6.3  for
|  information on them.

   3.1.1  Continuing Work on an Old Draft

   While at send-command level, you can store the unfinished draft  of  a
   message  you  are  composing  by  issuing the SAVE DRAFT command.  The
   RETRIEVE DRAFT command, available at top and read levels, fetches  the
   message when you are ready for it.

   Command format:

        MS>RETRIEVE DRAFT (FROM FILE) filespec




        filespec specifies the file that contains the  draft.   The  file
        specification  is  the  same one that you used for the SAVE DRAFT
        command.  The default directory for the file is based on the  SET
        DEFAULT DIRECTORY command setting.

   This command retrieves the draft, displays the draft on your terminal,
   and leaves you at send level.  You can then give any of the send-level
   commands to manipulate the draft; most commonly, you  would  give  the
   TEXT command to add message text to the draft.

   3.1.2  Editing and Resending a Message

   After sending a message, you may realize that you  forgot  to  include
   someone in the address lists.  Or you may want to modify a message and
   send the new version to another list  of  addressees.   In  these  and
   similar situations, you can issue the RETRIEVE LAST-MESSAGE command to
   fetch a copy of the last message you sent in  the  current  DECmail/MS
   session, so that you can edit and resend it.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

   Command format:




   This command, available at top and read levels, displays  the  message
   and puts you into send level.  You can then use any send-level command
   to add or delete users in the address lists, to edit the text  of  the
   message, and then to send the message again.


           This command does NOT retract mail; that  is,  if  you
           have  sent  a message to someone and then changed your
           mind, this command does not remove  the  message  from
           the  recipient's  mailbox.   Once  a  message has been
           sent, it has been sent.  This command simply retrieves
           the  draft of the message so that you need not type it
           in again.


   To reply to messages that other users send you, use the REPLY command.

   REPLY command format:

        MS>REPLY (MESSAGES) message sequence


        MS READ>>REPLY (TO)   ALL


         o  ALL sends the reply to the sender  and  to  everyone  on  the
            recipient lists.

         o  SENDER-ONLY sends the reply only to the sender.  This is  the
            default action.

         o  Message sequence specifies the message(s) to be answered.

   At read level, it is assumed that you wish to  reply  to  the  current
   message.   This  is  also  true  at  top level if you do not specify a
   message sequence.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

   When you use this command at top level, the DECmail/MS system  prompts
   you as follows:

        Reply message number n to:


        n indicates one of the  messages  in  the  message  sequence  you
        specified.  You can respond with ALL or SENDER-ONLY.

   REPLY works just  like  the  SEND  command;  except  that,  since  the
   DECmail/MS  system  knows whom to send the message to, it does not ask
   for the "To" or "cc" list.  The DECmail/MS system determines from  the
   message  being  answered  who  the sender was, and thus whom the reply
   should go to, so that you need not type in the name of the  recipient.
   Likewise,  if you choose to send replies to people who received copies
   of the  message,  the  DECmail/MS  system  can  easily  determine  the
   addresses.  In addition, the DECmail/MS system does not prompt you for
   the subject of the message.   It  takes  the  subject  line  from  the
   message you are answering.

   Related Commands

   The following commands are related to REPLY.  Refer to Section 6.3 for
   information on these commands.




        SET [NO] REPLY-TO


   To send copies of mail you receive, issue the FORWARD command from top
   or read level.


   Command format:

        MS>FORWARD (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>FORWARD (MESSAGES) message sequence

                              SENDING MESSAGES


        message sequence specifies the message(s) to be forwarded.

   After you issue the command, the DECmail/MS system prompts you for the
   "To"  and  "cc" lists.  It does not prompt you for the subject line of
   the message, however, but takes this  line  from  the  last  forwarded
   message in the sequence you specified.

   So that you  can  add  your  own  comments  about  the  messages,  the
   DECmail/MS  system prompts you for text, which is inserted in front of
   the package.  If, while at text level, you type ESC  to  get  to  send
   level,  and later issue the TEXT command to continue the text you want
   to insert, everything you type after issuing the TEXT command  appears
   after  the messages you are forwarding.  This is useful if you want to
   add text after as well as before the forwarded messages.



           Section 3.4 and its subsections are applicable only if
           DECmail/MS  network  software  is  installed  on  your

   The DECmail/MS system handles two kinds of mail:   local  mail,  which
   goes  to  and from users of the same computer, and network mail, which
   goes to and from users of different (remote)  computers.   Ordinarily,
   the  only  difference  that is important to you is that, when you send
   mail to remote users, you must identify the computer  that  they  use.
   Add  "@hostname"  to  their usernames, where "hostname" is the name of
   the computer they use.  For example:

        To: Marotta@KL2137

   When you send mail, it is not delivered immediately but is queued  for
|  later transmission ("Mail queued for delivery by MX").  Within a short
   period of time the  system  will  transmit  this  mail,  provided  the
   destination  system  is  up and receiving mail.  Otherwise, it remains
|  posted for up to fourteen days awaiting delivery.

|  Section 1.3 discusses network addresses in  detail.   Note  that  mail
|  within a TOPS-20 computer cluster is considered to be local, so you do
|  not need to specify a hostname.  Your system manager will know whether
|  or not your system is part of a cluster.

                              SENDING MESSAGES

   3.4.1  Sending DECnet Mail

   When you send a message, the DECmail/MS system creates  the  following
   file in your directory:

|       MSnnnn.MX


|       nnnn is a four-digit file identifier.

   The DECmail/MS system places your message in the file.  A copy of this
|  file  is  transmitted  to  the destination hosts and is copied as many
|  times as necessary for the number of recipients.  After  a  successful
   send,  the  file  is  deleted  from  your directory.  But if there are
   problems during transmission, this file is renamed to:

|       MSnnnn.RPR

|  You can then correct the message by  using  the  REPAIR  command.   In
   addition, the DECmail/MS system sends you mail when one of your DECnet
   messages is undeliverable.  The message you  receive  looks  something
   like this:

|       Message 149 (308 chars), received Monday, February 10, 1986 16:06-EST
|       Sender: POSTMASTER
|       Date: 10-Feb-86 16:06:01-EST
|       From: Postmaster <POSTMASTER@GOLD>
|       To: TUCKER
|       Subject: Undeliverable Mail
|       MX1(124) was unable to deliver some (or all) of the mail contained  in  the
|       file POBOX:[TUCKER]MS7007.RPR because:
|       ?MX %MAIL-E-NOSUCHUSR, no such user CPERLMAN at node GREEN
|       You may use the command "REPAIR 7007" to repair the message.

   The following section describes how to correct messages.

   3.4.2  Correcting Undeliverable DECnet Mail

   Messages that you send across computer networks are  returned  to  you
   for correction if they contain wrong addresses:  an intended recipient
   may not have an account on the destination host, or the hostname  that
   you  specified  may have been unrecognizable.  To correct the message,
   issue the REPAIR command from top or read level.

   Command format:

                              SENDING MESSAGES





|       n is the four-digit file identifier  from  the  .RPR  file.   The
|       Postmaster  message  explains the problem and gives the full name
|       of the file.  If the message was sent to  an  address  list,  all
|       other users received copies of the message.

   Once  you  have  successfully  identified  a  "dead  letter"  to   the
   DECmail/MS  system, the message is displayed on your terminal, and you
   are placed at send level.  You can then  use  any  of  the  send-level
   commands  to  correct  the problem with the message and try to send it
|  again.  At the end of a repair session, the .RPR file is deleted  from
|  your directory.
|  Repaired messages are resent to all  recipients,  with  the  following
|  line inserted at the beginning of the text:


                                 CHAPTER 4

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

   Chapter  4  presents  the  various  commands  you  can  use   to   get
   miscellaneous information on the DECmail/MS system, your message file,
   and the parameters in effect for your job.


   The DECmail/MS system  can  give  you  information  on  any  top-level
   command,  as  well as on a variety of DECmail/MS features.  To get the
   assistance you need, use the HELP command at top, read, or send level.
   This  command types the information you request on your terminal.  For
   the list of HELP command topics, type HELP ?  as follows:

   MS>HELP ? confirm with carriage return
     or one of the following:
    Answer             Bad-format          Blank               Check
    Command-levels     Copy                Create-init-file    Define
    Delete             Echo                EMACS               Exit
    Expunge            File                Flag                Forward
    Get                Headers             Init-file           Introduction
    Mark               Message-sequence    Move                Net-mail
    Next               Novice              Print               Push
    Quit               Read                Repair              Reply
    Retrieve           RFC733              Save                Send
    Set                Show                System-messages     Take
    Type               Undelete            Unflag              Unmark
    Verbose-type       Version             Vocabulary

   To get help with one of these topics, type HELP followed by  the  name
   of the topic.

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION


   The DECmail/MS system periodically checks the current message file  to
   see  if  any  new  messages  have  arrived.  Every time the DECmail/MS
   system updates your message file (because you have deleted a  message,
   for  example),  and every time it returns to the top-level prompt from
   some other level, it makes this check.  If new messages have  arrived,
   the DECmail/MS system notifies you by displaying a one-line summary of
   each new message.

   To force the DECmail/MS system to check immediately for new  messages,
   give  the  CHECK  command at top level.  If new messages have arrived,
   the DECmail/MS system displays the new  state  of  the  message  file,
   along with a one-line summary of each new message.


|  The HEADERS and DIRECTORY commands provide an index to the messages in
|  a mail file.  These commands have the same function and format.

   Command format:

|       MS>HEADERS (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>HEADERS (MESSAGES) message sequence


        message sequence  specifies  the  messages  for  which  you  want
        summary information.  At read level, the default message sequence
        is CURRENT.  At top level, the default message sequence is NEW.

   These commands, available from both top and read levels,  give  you  a
   one-line  summary of each message specified.  The line looks something
   like this:

   NFAD 1 12-Jul GUINEAU@OFFICE-3       |This Monday's meeting (549 chars)

         o  The letters at the beginning  of  the  line  are  called  the
            message  flags.   Each letter has a meaning, and appears only
            when it applies  to  the  specified  message.   The  letters'
            meanings are:

             -  N - the message is new; that is, you  have  not  seen  it
                yet.   It  has  not  been  specified  in  a READ, TYPE or
                VERBOSE-TYPE command.  The N also  appears  for  messages
                that were specified in an UNMARK command.

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

             -  F - the message is flagged; it was specified  in  a  FLAG

             -  A - the message has been answered; it was specified in  a
                REPLY command.

             -  D - the message is deleted; it was specified in a  DELETE
                or MOVE command.

         o  The next column is the number assigned to the message.  Every
            message  in  the  file has a unique number, determined by its
            relative position in the file.  You can specify  this  number
            for  the  message  sequence argument for DECmail/MS commands.
            Note that message numbers change when a file is updated,  for
            example, when messages are deleted and expunged.

         o  The next column is the date of the message.

         o  Next is the name of the user who sent the  message,  in  this
            case,  GUINEAU@OFFICE-3.   If the user's name is so long that
            it would overrun its allotted area, it is truncated.

            If the  message  was  sent  by  you,  the  DECmail/MS  system
            displays the "To" field of the message.  For example:

   NFAD 1 12-Jul To: GUINEAU@OFFICE-3   |This Monday's meeting (549 chars)

            This situation reflects the fact that  you  are  saving  your
            outgoing  messages  in your mail file, or that you explicitly
            sent a copy to yourself.  Ordinarily,  the  "from"  field  is
            displayed in the third column.

         o  The next column, beginning at the vertical bar (|)
            character, is the subject of the  message.   The  subject  is
            also truncated when necessary.

            If the message was sent with a  REPLY  command,  the  subject
            field begins with "Re:".

         o  And last, in parentheses, is the length of  the  message,  in

   Related Commands

|  The following commands are related to HEADERS and DIRECTORY.  Refer to
   the  table  of  commands  preceding Chapter 2 for information on these

|       SKIM

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

|  4.3.1  Scanning a Message File
|  With the SKIM command, you can scan  message  summaries  and  stop  to
|  perform  some  action  at  the  desired  messages.   SKIM combines the
|  features of HEADERS and READ.  It executes the  HEADERS  command  then
|  leaves  your  terminal  at  the  equivalent  of  read level after each
|  message summary.  At this level, you  can  then  issue  a  command  to
|  immediately act upon the message.
|  Command format:
|       MS>SKIM (MESSAGES) message sequence
|            or
|       MS READ>>SKIM (MESSAGES) message sequence
|  where:
|       message sequence specifies the messages you  want  to  scan.   At
|       read level, the current message is the default.
|  This example shows how you might skim a message file and act upon some
|  of the messages you encounter:
|       MS>SKIM 15:20 <RET>
|             15 28-May David D'Antonio    |Re: FINAL review of -20  (490 chars)
|       MS skim>>DELETE <RET>
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|         A   16 29-May MEYERS@KL2137      |Re: FINAL review of -20  (431 chars)
|       MS skim>>MOVE 20.TXT
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|             17 30-May CPERLMAN@KL2102    |[GETTENS at KL2137: FYI (10744 chars)
|       MS skim>>DELETE <RET>
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|         A   18  3-Jun GRANT@MARKET       |Manual Review (285 chars)
|       MS skim>>TYPE <RET>
|        Message 18 (285 chars), received Monday, June 3, 1985 06:57-EDT
|       Sender: GRANT
|       Date: 3 Jun 1985 0657-EDT
|       From: GRANT@MARKET
|       To: tucker@MARKET
|       Subject: Manual Review
|       Can we get together today?  I have some minor comments, nothing very
|       serious at all.
|          ========
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|             19  3-Jun GRANT@MARKET        |Re: Manual Review (395 chars)
|       MS skim>>TYPE <RET>
|        Message 19 (395 chars), received Monday, June 3, 1985 10:59-EDT
|       Sender: GRANT@MARKET

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

|       Date: 3 Jun 1985 1054-EDT
|       From: GRANT@MARKET
|       To: Brenda
|       Subject: Re: Manual Review
|       References: Message from Brenda <TUCKER@KL2102> of 3-Jun-85 1012-EDT
|       In-reply-to: <"MS11(2407)+GLXLIB5(0)" 12116188646.100.542.4931 at KL2102>
|       ok, 1:30
|          --------
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|             20  5-Jun CAISSIE at KL2137      |SPRING CLEAN UP DAY (874 chars)
|       MS skim>> <RET>
|       MS>
|  The first command specifies that messages 15  through  20  are  to  be
|  skimmed.   Message  15  is  deleted;  message  16 is moved to the file
|  20.TXT; message 17 is deleted; messages 18 and 19 are  displayed;  and
|  message  20  is  simply summarized.  The HEADERS command, below, shows
|  that messages 15, 16, and 17 were deleted.  This is indicated by the D
|  in the left margin.
|       MS>HEADERS 15:20 <RET>
|          D 15 28-May David D'Antonio    |Re: FINAL review of -20  (490 chars)
|         AD 16 29-May MEYERS@KL2137      |Re: FINAL review of -20  (431 chars)
|          D 17 30-May CPERLMAN@KL2102    |[GETTENS at KL2137: FYI (10744 chars)
|         A  18  3-Jun GRANT@MARKET       |Manual Review (285 chars)
|            19  3-Jun GRANT@MARKET       |Re: Manual Review (395 chars)
|            20  5-Jun CAISSIE@KL2137     |SPRING CLEAN UP DAY (874 chars)
|       MS>
|  You can issue SKIM and READ commands while at  skim-command  level  to
|  retrieve additional message sequences.  The prompt shows your level of
|  recursion [SKIM (1)>>].  For further information on this topic,  refer
|  to the description of the READ read-level command in Section 2.1.


|  This section describes the information you can obtain  with  the  SHOW
|  and  DAYTIME  commands.  These commands are available from all command
|  levels.

   SHOW Commands

        Displays all currently defined address  lists  that  you  or  the
        system  manager may have established with the DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST


                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

        Displays all currently defined aliases that  you  or  the  system
        manager may have established with the DEFINE ALIAS command.

|       Displays the current date and time.  Same as the DAYTIME command.

        Shows the defaults (assumptions that the DECmail/MS system makes)
        that are currently in effect.  For example:

         set default directory (to) connected-directory
         set default protection (for created files) 777777
         set default reply-to-sender-only
         set no text-scroll-region
         set personal-name Nelda F. Harris
         set auto-expunge (on) exit-command-only
         save-outgoing-messages (in file) PS:<HARRIS>MAIL.TXT.1

        You can use the SET  command  to  change  most  of  the  defaults
        displayed by the SHOW command.

        Displays all currently  defined  header  items  and  their  types
        (optional,  predefined,  or required); and, for predefined header
        items, displays the currently defined value.  You  define  header
        items with the DEFINE HEADER-ITEM command.

        Shows you the name and status of the current message file.   This

         o  the filespec for the current message file.

         o  the date and time the file was  last  read  (TOPS-20  systems

         o  the number of messages in the file.
|        o  the number of new messages in the file.
|        o  the size of the  file  in  characters  and  disk  blocks  for
|           TOPS-10 systems; each block contains 640 characters.
|        o  the size of the file in characters and disk pages for TOPS-20
|           systems; each page contains 2560 characters.

         o  the number of deleted (but not yet expunged) messages.

         o  a list of numbers  for  flagged  messages  (those  previously
            specified in a FLAG command).

                           OBTAINING INFORMATION

         o  the current message number.

        For example, on a TOPS-20 system:

|        Current message file is PUBLIC:<TUCKER>MAIL.TXT.1
|        Last read:  Wednesday, November 20, 1985 10:17-EST.
|        94 messages (1 new) (141468 characters), in 56 disk pages.
|        (You have 2 messages deleted.)
|        Messages 89:90 flagged.
|        Currently at message 1.
|       Most of this information is  displayed  when  you  start  up  the
|       DECmail/MS system, unless the SET NO TYPE-INITIAL-SUMMARY command
|       is in effect.

        Displays the version of the DECmail/MS system currently  running,
        and  a  list  of  optional  features  that  are supported by this
        version (such as network mail).
|  DAYTIME Command
|       Displays the current date and time.  Same  as  the  SHOW  DAYTIME
|       command.



                                 CHAPTER 5

                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES

   Chapter 5 discusses the various ways you can manipulate message  files
   as  well  as  the  individual  messages  contained  within  them.   It
   describes moving messages in and out of files and moving  entire  mail
   files in and out of your range of influence.


   You can move a message to a new or existing file and either retain  or
   delete the original copy.  You might want to move messages in order to
   collect a set of related messages in one  place.   The  commands  that
   allow you to move messages are COPY, MOVE, and FILE.

         o  The COPY command, available from both top  and  read  levels,
            places a copy of a message into a different file.

            Command format:

                 MS>COPY (MESSAGES) message sequence


                 MS READ>>COPY (INTO FILE) filespec


                  -  filespec is the name of the file in which  to  place
                     the  message.  From top level, the DECmail/MS system
                     prompts you for the filespec  after  you  issue  the
                     command.   The default file type (or file extension)
                     is .TXT.   The  message  is  then  appended  to  the
                     specified  file;  any existing contents of this file
                     are preserved.  If the file does not  exist,  it  is

                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES

                  -  message sequence indicates the messages you want  to
                     copy.  At read level, it is assumed that you want to
                     copy the current message.


                 MS>COPY (MESSAGE SEQUENCE) 1
                   Into file:  NEW.TXT
                  Copied:  1

         o  The MOVE command, available from both top  and  read  levels,
            moves  a  message into another file and deletes the original.
            It works exactly as if you had used the COPY command to  copy
            the  message  into  the  other file, and then used the DELETE
            command to delete the original copy.

            The MOVE and COPY command formats are identical.

         o  The FILE command is  a  combination  of  the  MOVE  and  COPY
            commands.  It allows you to copy a number of messages (at top
            level) or the current message (at read  level)  into  another
            file,  and  to  optionally  delete  the  original message(s).
            After copying the message(s) into  the  specified  file,  the
            DECmail/MS  system  asks  whether  you  wish  to  delete  the
            original(s).  You reply either YES or NO; NO is  the  default
            and is assumed if you give no reply.


                 MS>FILE (MESSAGES) 1
                   Into file:  NEW.TXT
                  Filed:  1
                  Delete from current message file the message(s) just filed?  YES

   Use the GET command to examine and  manipulate  the  contents  of  the
   message files you create with the COPY, MOVE, and FILE commands.

   Related Commands

   The following commands are related to COPY, MOVE, and FILE.




                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES


   There are many ways to retrieve  messages.   For  example,  Chapter  3
   discusses the use of the RETRIEVE and REPAIR commands.  Also, with the
   message sequence arguments, you can select  messages  in  a  seemingly
   infinite  variety  of ways.  This section describes how to retrieve an
   entire message file.  Once you have accessed the desired file, you can
   then  use  any  top-level command to manipulate the messages contained
   within it.

   To retrieve a message file, use the GET command from top level.

   Command format:

        MS>GET (MESSAGES FROM FILE) filespec


        filespec is the designation for the  message  file  you  want  to
        retrieve.   The  default  file  extension  is  .TXT.  The default
        filespec is your  mail  file.   The  default  directory  is  your
|       logged-in    directory    (TOPS-10)    or   your   directory   on
|       POBOX: (TOPS-20), regardless of the SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY command

   The GET command causes the DECmail/MS system to read in a new  message
   file.  Once the DECmail/MS system reads the file, it types a couple of
   lines of status information about the file, for example:

         Last read:  11-Apr-82 21:52.  14 messages, 4 pages.
         Messages 1:2, 10 flagged.

   This file is now considered to be the current message file.  To return
   to your mail file, type:


   Related Commands

   The following commands are related to GET.






                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES



   To  keep  a  record  of  all  messages  you  send,   give   the   SAVE
   OUTGOING-MESSAGES command from top or send level.

   Command format:

        MS>SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES (IN FILE) filespec or carriage-return


        MS SEND>>SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES (IN FILE) filespec or carriage-return


         o  filespec is the name  of  the  file  that  will  contain  the

         o  carriage-return indicates that you want to erase the previous
            setting  for  this  command;  outgoing messages are no longer

   Once you give this command, every message you send is copied into  the
   file  you named.  You could give MAIL.TXT as the filespec, which would
   cause all outgoing mail to go to  your  mail  file.   Then,  all  your
   incoming  and  outgoing  mail  would  be collected in one place.  (The
   HEADERS command highlights the messages you sent so that you  are  not
   confused  by  having  the  two  types of messages in one file.) Saving
   incoming and outgoing mail in one file provides a handy log of message
   transactions.   For  example,  the  output  from the following HEADERS
   command shows that a message was sent from Tucker to Tamburri on April
   3rd; Tamburri replied to this message on April 5th; and so forth.

|          1  4-Feb COTE@KL2102         |mail system improvements (1579 chars)
|          2 15-Mar To: MURDY@KL2102    |test (182 chars)
|          3 23-Mar To: tucker@KL2102   | (169 chars)
|          4 23-Mar To: murdy@KL2102    |test (210 chars)
|          5  3-Apr To: TAMBURRI@KL21   |INFO BATCH (294 chars)
|          6  5-Apr TAMBURRI@KL2102     |Re: INFO BATCH (851 chars)
|          7  6-Apr To: TAMBURRI@KL21   |Re: INFO BATCH (367 chars)
|          8  8-Apr TAMBURRI@KL2102     |Re: INFO BATCH (361 chars)

   You  could  read  these  messages  to  reacquaint  yourself  with  the


                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES

   If you choose to store your outgoing messages in  a  separate  message
   file,  you would issue the GET command to examine the contents of this

   SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES is most commonly placed  in  an  initialization
   file, rather than repeatedly typed at the terminal.  (Refer to Section
   6.4.1 for information on initialization files.)

   The SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES command saves all messages that  you  send;
   however,  the  SET INCLUDE-ME-IN-REPLIES command, described in Section
   6.3, saves only the messages that you send with a REPLY command.


   To delete messages from the current  message  file,  give  the  DELETE
   command from either top or read level, as follows:

        MS>DELETE (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>DELETE (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       message sequence indicates the messages you want to delete.   The
|       current message is the default.

   Messages you delete do not disappear immediately, but  are  marked  as
|  deleted.   (The  HEADERS and DIRECTORY commands show a "D" in the left
   margin for these messages.) They remain in your file  until  you  give
   the  EXPUNGE  command or exit from the mail session.  (See Chapter 7.)
   If you accidentally delete a message, you can use the UNDELETE command
   to  get  it  back,  unless  an  expunge  has  occurred.  Once you have
   expunged a message, you cannot get it back.

   The DELETE and UNDELETE command formats are identical.

   The EXPUNGE command, available from top level, does  not  require  any
   arguments.   It  erases  all  messages that were specified in a DELETE
   command and renumbers the remaining messages.   The  SET  AUTO-EXPUNGE
   command  determines  when  your  messages  are automatically expunged.
   Refer to the description of the SET AUTO-EXPUNGE  command  in  Section
   6.3 for details.


   To produce a line printer listing of messages, give the PRINT  command

                           MANAGING MESSAGE FILES

   from top or read level.

   Command format:

|       MS>PRINT (MESSAGES) message sequence




        message sequence specifies the messages you want to print.   From
        read  level,  it  is  assumed  that you want to print the current
        message.  This is also true at top level if you do not specify  a
        message sequence.

   Related Command

   The SET SUMMARY-ON-PRINTER-OUTPUT command  is  related  to  the  PRINT
   command.  It is described in detail in Section 6.3.


   The FLAG command, available from both top and read levels, allows  you
   to mark messages for future reference.  You may wish, for instance, to
   read all your mail quickly and flag the important  messages,  so  that
   you can later type READ FLAGGED to reread all the flagged messages.

|  An "F" appears in the left margin of the HEADERS and DIRECTORY command
   output  for  all  flagged  messages.  Also, when you start up the mail
   system, the message numbers for flagged messages are displayed.

   Command format:

        MS>FLAG (MESSAGES) message sequence


|       MS READ>>FLAG (MESSAGES) message sequence


        message sequence indicates the messages you want  to  flag.   The
        current message is the default.

   The UNFLAG command turns off the flag on a message.


                                 CHAPTER 6

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   Chapter 6 discusses how you can customize  the  DECmail/MS  system  to
   suit your particular needs and work habits.


   The message header is that portion of the message that appears  before
   the  blank  line  preceding  the  text.  It contains such items as the
   date, sender, and message recipients.  A header item  consists  of  an
   alphanumeric string which is the name of the header item, a colon, and
   some text which is the data associated with the header item.  The "To"
   item  is an example of a header item which has addresses for its data.
   The DECmail/MS system has seven predefined header  items:   Date,  To,
   cc,  From,  Subject,  Reply-to,  and  In-reply-to.  To define your own
   items, use the DEFINE HEADER-ITEM command from any DECmail/MS  command
   level, as in:

        DEFINE HEADER-ITEM name type subtype optional value


         o  name is any alphanumeric string.  Note that you must  enclose
            the  name  in  quotes  if  it  contains  any  of  the special
            characters listed in the description of "username" in Section

         o  type is OPTIONAL, PREDEFINED, or REQUIRED.

         o  subtype is DATE, DATE-AND-TIME, TIME,  ADDRESS,  TEXT-STRING,
            or KEYWORD.

         o  optional value is the value for a predefined header item,  or
            a  list  of  keywords  for keyword header items, separated by

   An optional header item is one that you can elect  to  include  in  an

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   outgoing message, but is not required.  The DECmail/MS system does not
   prompt you for it; so, to include it,  you  must  use  the  send-level
   command INCLUDE.

   A predefined header item is one whose data is defined in advance.  The
   DECmail/MS  system  does  not prompt for it, but the predefined header
   item will be included in all  outgoing  messages.   An  example  of  a
   predefined  header  item  might  be  your  telephone  number or postal

   A required header item is one whose data is not supplied  in  advance,
   but  which you must supply before sending any message.  The DECmail/MS
   system prompts you for these  header  items  every  time  you  send  a
   message.   You  can  give  the INCLUDE command to later change a value
   that you have given for a required item.

   You can qualify these header item types with the six  subtypes  listed
   above.   Note  that,  when  defining  a  keyword header item, you must
   supply a list of legal keywords for that header item.   Then,  at  the
   time  you  send  a  message,  you  must  supply  one of the applicable
   keywords to the DECmail/MS system.  (See the  second  example  below.)
   Predefined  keyword  header  items would not make much sense, and thus
   are not allowed.

   Your defined header items are inserted alphabetically just  above  the
   Subject: line.

   To delete a header item definition, give the command:



        "name" is the name of the header item.  To delete all header item
        definitions, give the command DEFINE HEADER-ITEM *.

   The SHOW HEADER-ITEMS command  displays  all  your  currently  defined
   header  items.   Also,  you  can give the ERASE HEADER-ITEM command at
   send level to erase one of your header items from the current draft.


           You should put the DEFINE  HEADER-ITEM  command  in  a
           command  file  so  that  the  DECmail/MS  system  will
           remember  your  definitions  permanently.   Refer   to
           Section 6.4 for details.


        1.  Define your department name so that it is always included  in
            messages you send:

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT


            Messages that you send will now look something like this:

                 Date: 17-MAY-86 15:33
                 From: SEN@KL2137
                 To: ANDERSON@GREEN
                 cc: PORADA@KL2137
                 Department: Publications
                 Subject: Newsletter Ideas

        2.  One possible use for keyword header items is  illustrated  in
            the following example:

            MS>DEFINE HEADER-ITEM Priority REQUIRED KEYWORD urgent,high,medium,low

            When you send messages, the DECmail/MS system prompts you for
            one of these keywords.

        3.  To optionally specify that  responses  are  required  or  not
            required to your messages, give the following command:

            MS>DEFINE HEADER-ITEM Response OPTIONAL KEYWORD Requested, Not-required

            To include this optional header item in a message,  give  the
            INCLUDE command at send level:

            MS SEND>>INCLUDE (HEADER-ITEM) Response
            Response:  Requested
            MS SEND>>

            Messages you send will then look like this:

                 Date: 8 Apr 1986 1446-EST
                 From: PORADA@KL2102
                 To: MURDY@KL2102
                 Response: Requested
                 Subject: Monthly Meeting

   Related Commands

   The following command relates to DEFINE HEADER-ITEM.



   The following sections describe how to assign new  names  to  standard
   addresses and how to create named address lists.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   6.2.1  Defining Alias Names for Users


           You should put the  DEFINE  ALIAS  command,  described
           below,  in  your DECmail/MS initialization file if you
           want  the   DECmail/MS   system   to   remember   your
           definitions  permanently.   Refer  to  Section 6.4 for

   If you frequently send mail to someone with a long or unusual address,
   or to someone whom you refer to by nickname, you may want to define an
   alias name for that person.  The DEFINE ALIAS command, available  from
   any DECmail/MS command level, allows you to do this.

   Command format:

        DEFINE ALIAS (NAME) alias name (TO BE) long-unwieldy-address


         o  alias name is the new definition for the address.  Note  that
            the  alias name must be enclosed in quotes if it contains any
            of the  special  characters  listed  in  the  description  of
            "username" in Section 1.3.

         o  long-unwieldy-address is a standard address.

   For example, the following command identifies the name John  with  the
   address Purretta at KL2102:

|       MS>DEFINE ALIAS John (TO BE) Purretta@GREEN

   You can give the alias name in any address specification,  such  as  a
   "To"  or  "cc"  list.   The  DECmail/MS system converts it to the full
   address for you.

   If you are a system administrator, you may find this command useful in
   defining  mailbox  names that refer to subjects.  For instance, rather
   than expecting users to know who maintains a particular  program,  you
   could   put   a  command  similar  to  the  following  in  the  system
   initialization file, as described in Section 6.4.1:

        MS>DEFINE ALIAS editor-bugs Admin@GREEN

   Users could then send mail to editor-bugs when they encounter problems
   with the word-processing software.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   6.2.2  Defining Address Lists


           You  should  put   the   DEFINE   ALIAS   and   DEFINE
           ADDRESS-LIST   commands,   described  below,  in  your
           DECmail/MS initialization file so that the  DECmail/MS
           system  will  remember  your  definitions permanently.
           Refer to Section 6.4 for details.

   There are three ways for you to implement address lists:

        1.  An alias can represent a list of addresses, as in:

|                MS>DEFINE ALIAS Doria (TO BE) WDoria@GREEN, VDoria@GREEN

            Here, all mail that you send to Doria goes to both addresses.

            To delete an alias definition, give the command:

                 DEFINE ALIAS name


             o  "name" specifies the alias definition to be deleted.
|            o  * specifies that all definitions are to be deleted.

        2.  You can also use the DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST command to assign  a
            name  to  a  group  of  people.  This command is identical in
            format and function to the DEFINE ALIAS command, except  that
            it  causes  the alias name to appear in the "To" field of the
            message header.  For example, define  the  following  address

                 MS>DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST Task-force (TO BE) LCampbell, King, Jones, Dickson

            Then, if you send mail to "Task-force", the mail received has
            a "To" field which looks like:

                 To:  Task-force:  LCampbell, King, Jones, Dickson;

            You can also create nested address  lists  (an  address  list
            within an address list), as in this example:

                 MS>DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST Dept (TO BE) Production-group, Task-force,...

            To delete an address list, give the command:

                 DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST name

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT



             o  "name"  specifies  the  address  list  definition  to  be

             o  * specifies that all definitions are to be deleted.
|       3.  You can create a standalone file of addresses with an editor.
|           This  is useful when several people need to access an address
|           list.  For example, members of  a  committee  may  frequently
|           send mail to all other members.  Rather than have each person
|           define an  address  list  and  update  it  as  the  committee
|           changes, all members can access one file.
|           A sample file of addresses:
|           PRATT,
|           SANTEE,
|           MAYO,
|           DAVIS,
|           TUCKER@GREEN,
|           ROSSELL,
|           Note that a comma follows each address except the last.
|           To send mail to this kind of address list, type @filespec  in
|           response  to  the  TO:  and CC:  prompts, where "filespec" is
|           the file specification for the address list.  An  alternative
|           is  to  include  this  specification in a DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST
|           command in your init file:
|           DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST Committee @COMM.LST
|           Then, whenever you send mail to "Committee,"  the  DECmail/MS
|           system will access the addresses in COMM.LST.

   Related Commands

   The following commands relate to DEFINE ALIAS and DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST.





                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT


   This section of the manual describes the SET commands.  Most of  these
   commands affect the behavior of one or more of the DECmail/MS commands
   described elsewhere  in  this  manual.   Where  appropriate,  the  SET
   command  descriptions  refer  to  these  other commands.  The many SET
   commands are listed here alphabetically.  You can give these  commands
   from any DECmail/MS command level.  You might want to put SET commands
   in your DECmail/MS initialization file so that the  DECmail/MS  system
   will  remember  your  settings  permanently.  Refer to Section 6.4 for

   In the following descriptions, the word NO enclosed in square brackets
   denotes an optional negative version of the command, for example:


   This  command  indicates  that  the  word  NO  is  optional,  and,  if
   specified,  reverses  the  effect of the SET VIDEO-MODE command.  Note
   that you do not type the square brackets.

   SET Command Descriptions

        Controls automatic expunging of deleted messages in  the  current
        message  file.   ANY-EXIT  causes deleted messages to be expunged
        when you give the EXIT command, or  the  QUIT  command  from  top
        level;  EXIT-COMMAND-ONLY  expunges  messages only when you issue
        the EXIT command; and NEVER limits expunges to those  times  when
        you issue the EXPUNGE command.
             Default - EXIT-COMMAND-ONLY

|       When set, automatically inserts carriage-return/line-feeds  while
|       you  type  in  text  mode.   In  composing a message, if you type
|       beyond the column specified by n, the next space character causes
|       the beginning of a new line.
|            Default - SET NO AUTO-FILL

        When set, causes the contents of address lists to  be  eliminated
        from  messages  that  you display.  Only the names of the address
        lists appear in  the  "To"  and  "cc"  lists.   This  facilitates
        reading  messages that have been sent to very long address lists.
        If a message contains a nested address list, only the name of the
        outermost   list  is  displayed.   Refer  to  Section  6.2.2  for
        information on address lists.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

|  SET CLOSING-TEXT (TO) text string
|       Lets you specify a single line  of  text  that  is  automatically
|       added to the end of each message you send.

        Shortens or eliminates some of the messages that  the  DECmail/MS
        system  types,  such  as  instructions  at  the end of the header
        prompts in a send-level session.  You  should  set  this  command
        only if you are an experienced user.
             Default - SET NO CONCISE-MODE

   SET DEFAULT CC-LIST address list
        Causes the users named in the address list to be  copied  on  all
        your  outgoing  messages.  Refer to Section 6.2.2 for information
        on defining address lists.

   SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY (TO)  directory name
        Sets the default  directory  for  the  DECmail/MS  session.   The
        exception  is  that  the  GET  command  always  defaults  to your
        directory on POBOX:.  For more information  on  directories,  see
|       the TOPS-20 User's Guide or the TOPS-10 Operating System Commands
|       Manual.
             Default - CONNECTED-DIRECTORY

        Sets the protection code for files you create with such  commands
        as  COPY  and MOVE.  This command is for TOPS-20 users only.  For
        more information on  file  protection,  see  the  TOPS-20  User's
             Default - the default for all files in your directory

        Sets the default recipient  list  for  the  REPLY  command.   SET
        DEFAULT   REPLY-TO-SENDER-ONLY   causes  replies  to  go  to  the
        addressees named in the "Reply-to" field of the message  you  are
        answering,  or  to  the  sender  of the message, if no "Reply-to"
        field exists.  (Refer to the SET REPLY-TO command description for
        information  on  the  "Reply-to" field.) SET DEFAULT REPLY-TO-ALL
        causes replies to be sent to all users in the "To" and "cc" lists
        of the message you are answering.
             Default - REPLY-TO-SENDER-ONLY

|       Same as the SET FORCE-DIRECTORY-LOOKUP command.  This command  is
|       for  TOPS-20  users  only.   (See  the  description of ADDRESS in
|       Section 1.3 for related TOPS-10 information.)

|                            NOVICE

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

|       Establishes you as either an expert or novice user.  Expert users
|       may use all of the available facilities of the DECmail/MS system.
|       Novice users are  limited  to  the  following  commands:  DELETE,
|       SYSTEM-MESSAGES, UNDELETE.  If no argument is  specified  on  the
|       command line, NOVICE is assumed.
|            Default - EXPERT
|       Verifies local addresses in the To: and cc: lists and in  address
|       list definitions after you press the RETURN key.  You immediately
|       receive an error message if an address is invalid.  This  command
|       is  for  TOPS-20  users only.  (See the description of ADDRESS in
|       Section 1.3 for related TOPS-10 information.)
|       Example:
|       Your initialization file (see Section 6.4.1) defines a very  long
|       address  list  that  rarely changes.  To speed processing of this
|       file so you can begin the  mail  session,  turn  off  the  verify
|       feature.  In your init file:
|            .
|            .
|            .
|            DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST VERY-LONG-LIST address1,address2,...
|            .
|            .
|            .
|       The default is SET FORCE-DIRECTORY-LOOKUP.

        Controls whether you receive copies of your replies to  messages.
        These  copies  are  saved in your mail file.  This command has no
        effect  if  you  have  already  given  the  command  SET  DEFAULT
        all messages that you send, including replies.
             Default - SET NO INCLUDE-ME-IN-REPLIES

        Logs you off the computer when you issue the EXIT command or  the
        QUIT  command  from  top level.  This feature is usually employed
        for users who wish to use only the DECmail/MS system.  The system
        administrator  puts  the  following  command  in  such  a  user's
        LOGIN.CMD file:

             MS SET LOGOUT-ON-EXIT

        This command causes the  users  to  start  a  DECmail/MS  session

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

        immediately upon logging in, and forces them to stay in this mode
        for the duration of the computer session.  This  command  is  for
        TOPS-20  users  only.  For more information on LOGIN.CMD, see the
        TOPS-20 User's Guide.

   SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN (TO) header name, header name,...
        Restricts the amount of header information displayed by the  READ
        and  TYPE commands.  If you give this command, only the specified
        header items are displayed.  For instance, the following  command
        causes only the "To", "Subject", and "From" fields to be shown:

             SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN to, subject, from

        SET  ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN  is  particularly  useful  when   reading
        messages   with   large   headers.    The   VERBOSE-TYPE  command
        temporarily overrides the effect of this command  and  shows  the
        entire  message literally.  A less restrictive, and somewhat more
        flexible  way  of  reducing  the  amount  of  header  information
        displayed is to use the SET SUPPRESSED-HEADERS command.

        Causes the DECmail/MS system to add a personal name to the "From"
        field of your outgoing mail (in addition to your username).  Bear
        in  mind  that  certain  special   characters,   including   most
        punctuation  characters,  are  allowed only within quoted strings
        (text enclosed by double quotes).  For a list  of  these  special
        characters,  refer  to  the  description  of  "personal  name" in
        Section 1.3.  SET NO PERSONAL-NAME  deletes  your  personal  name


        User Caissie might use this command as follows:

             SET PERSONAL-NAME Donna M. Caissie

        The "From" field of all her outgoing mail would look like this:

             From:  Donna M. Caissie <CAISSIE@KL2102>

   SET [NO] REPLY-TO (TO) address list
        Causes replies to your messages to go to  the  specified  address
        list  rather  than  to the sender (you) and the recipients of the
        message.  This command causes the following line to  be  inserted
        into every message you send:

             Reply-to:  <address list>

        When the recipient of such a message uses the  REPLY  command  to
        compose a reply, the reply goes to the addresses specified in the
        "Reply-to" line.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

        You might want to use this  feature  if  you  send  messages  for
        someone  else  (for  example,  if  you  are  a  secretary) who is
        responsible for replies.  Or, vice-versa, you might want  replies
        to  your  messages to go to your secretary.  Also, you might send
        messages whose replies would interest a  group  of  people  other
        than the recipients of the messages.
             Default - Sender

        When set, causes the first page of any line  printer  listing  of
        messages  created  by  the  PRINT  command  to contain a one-line
        summary of each message listed.  This information is the same  as
        that given by the HEADERS and DIRECTORY commands.

        When set, causes the HEADERS and DIRECTORY  commands  to  display
        only  personal  names, rather than the full "From" or "To" field.
        For  messages  without  personal  names,  the  entire  field   is
        displayed.   For  additional information on personal names, refer
        to the description of SET PERSONAL-NAME.

   SET [NO] SUPPRESSED-HEADERS (TO BE) header name, header name,...
        When set, eliminates the named header  items  from  messages  you


        You could use this command to eliminate the message-id line  from
        message displays:

             SET SUPPRESSED-HEADERS message-id

        Then, lines similar to the following no longer  appear  when  you
        display messages:

        Message-ID:  <"MS11(5116)+GLXLIB5(0)" 12178581754.213.51.31405 at Green>

        The SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN and VERBOSE-TYPE commands override the
        effect of this command.
             Default - SET NO SUPPRESSED-HEADERS

        In read mode, scrolls only the text of messages being  displayed,
        while leaving the headers in place.  This command applies only to
        terminals capable of defining scroll regions, such as  VT100  and
        VT200  series  terminals.   The header area remains on the screen
        for your easy reference; but, if this area  is  too  long,  there
        will  be  an  annoyingly small number of lines for display of the
        message text.   Therefore,  the  SET  TEXT-SCROLL-REGION  command
        instructs the DECmail/MS system to scroll the text of the message

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

        only if the specified number (n) of lines is available  in  which
        to  scroll the text.  If the header area is too big to leave this
        number of lines available for text, then the header  is  scrolled
        as well as the text.

        SET NO TEXT-SCROLL-REGION displays messages in the usual  manner,
        that  is,  with the header area appearing at the top of the first
        full screen of information, and  the  message  text  filling  all
        subsequent screens until the entire message has been displayed.
             Default - SET NO TEXT-SCROLL-REGION

        Controls whether the DECmail/MS system prints status  information
        about  your  mail file when you begin the mail session.  The SHOW
        STATUS command prints much  of  this  same  information.   Unread
        messages in the file are indicated by an N in the left margin.
             Default - SET TYPE-INITIAL-SUMMARY

        Turns on or off the DECmail/MS system's video  display  features.
        Examples  of  these  features  are  clearing  the  screen  (BLANK
        command)  and  setting  scroll  regions  (SET  TEXT-SCROLL-REGION

        SET VIDEO-MODE also forces the DECmail/MS system to  refresh  its
        knowledge  of  your terminal characteristics.  Thus, if you issue
        an operating system command to detach  from  a  job  running  the
        DECmail/MS system and later attach to the job on a different type
        of terminal, you would give the operating system command:

             TERMINAL terminal type

        Then, continue the mail  session  and  give  the  SET  VIDEO-MODE
        command.   The  DECmail/MS  system  is able to continue to do its
        video display properly, because it now knows of your new terminal
             Default - SET VIDEO-MODE


   A command file is a file that contains a group of commands, placed one
   after  another  and  executed  in  that  order.  The DECmail/MS system
   allows you to create command files that contain almost any  DECmail/MS
   command.   At  any  time,  you  can  issue  a  command that causes the
   DECmail/MS system to process one of your command files.  In this  way,
   you  can  change environments or execute procedures whenever you like,
   without having to repeatedly type  the  corresponding  commands.   One
   type  of  command  file,  called  an  initialization  (init)  file, is
   executed automatically when you begin the mail session.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   The following sections discuss  initialization  and  ordinary  command

   6.4.1  Initializing the DECmail/MS System

   Every time the DECmail/MS  system  starts  up,  it  executes  commands
   contained  in  the  MS.INI  file  on  TOPS-10  or  the MS.INIT file on
   TOPS-20.  By putting such commands as SET and DEFINE into  this  file,
   you  can  make  sure  that the DECmail/MS system permanently remembers
   your options.  You can create this initialization file either with  an
   editor   such  as  EDIT  or  TECO,  or  with  the  DECmail/MS  command
|  CREATE-INIT-FILE, which requires no arguments.   On  TOPS-20  systems,
|  MS.INIT should go in your directory on the POBOX:  disk structure.

   The CREATE-INIT-FILE command, available only at top level, causes  the
   DECmail/MS  system  to  enter  create-init mode.  Instead of prompting
   with the standard prompt,


   the  DECmail/MS  system  prompts  as  follows  when  you   issue   the
   CREATE-INIT-FILE command:

        MS Create-init>>

   While  in  this  mode,  every  command  you   type   goes   into   the
   initialization file, with the exception of the HELP and TAKE commands.
   The HELP command is excluded so that you  can  get  help  during  your
   create-init  session  without  cluttering  up your init file with HELP
   commands.  The TAKE command is executed on the spot and  need  not  be
   stored in the file.  (Refer to the Note below and to Section 6.4.2 for
   information on TAKE.) Note that the DECmail/MS system assumes you want
   the  init  file  commands  to be in effect immediately, so it executes
   each command as it stores the command in the command file.

   If during create-init mode you decide you really do not want to create
   or  change  your  init  file, give the QUIT command.  Or, when you are
   finished typing commands and  wish  to  return  to  normal  mode  (top
   level), give the FINISH command.


           When  adding  to  your  existing  init  file,  it   is
           important  that you give the following command at some
           point during your create-init dialogue:

                TAKE (COMMANDS FROM) filespec

           where filespec is MS.INI on  TOPS-10  and  MS.INIT  on

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

           This  command  incorporates  your  existing  init-file
           commands in the new command file.  If you do not enter
           this command,  the  existing  init-file  commands  are
           erased  when  you  finish the create-init session, and
           only the new commands remain.

           If you update the init file with an editor,  there  is
           no need for this use of the TAKE command.


   Create an init file on a TOPS-20 system:


        Give commands whose effects you wish to have remembered as permanent
        defaults (for example, SET PERSONAL-NAME, SET CONCISE-MODE, etc.).
        Commands which cause actions (READ, HEADERS NEW, etc.) will be executed
        every time MS starts up.  Give the QUIT command to leave this mode
        without changing anything, or the FINISH command to make your
        changes permanent.

        MS Create-init>>TAKE MS.INIT
        MS Create-init>>SET PERSONAL-NAME Meryl S. Steele
        MS Create-init>>DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST All (TO BE) Managers, Groups
        MS Create-init>>FINISH


   There may be a systemwide initialization file on  your  system,  which
   contains  the defaults, options, and commands specified by your system
   manager.  For example, the file may contain  address-list  definitions
   that are useful for many people on the system.

   The  system  init  file  is   called   STD:MS.INI   on   TOPS-10   and

|  When you begin a mail session, the system init file is processed after
|  your own init file.  If you do not have one, then only the system init
|  file is processed.

   6.4.2  Processing Command Files

   You may want to change the existing set of DECmail/MS definitions  and
   options.   You  are  not confined to the init file specifications, but
   can override  them  by  issuing  the  appropriate  commands  with  new
   settings.   An  easy  way  to change environments, though, is to use a
   command file.

                    TAILORING THE DECmail/MS ENVIRONMENT

   To create a command file, use any editor on your system, and enter one
   command   per   line.   For  information  on  editors,  refer  to  the
   appropriate operating system manual.  Command  files  can  be  nested;
   that is, a command file can contain TAKE commands.  By nesting command
   files, you can prevent having to retype commands that another  command
   file contains.

   You can insert comments in your command files that do  not  appear  on
   your  terminal.   They  simply remain in the files, providing you with
   documentation when you look at the files.  You precede these  comments
   with an exclamation point:

        !This command file is for setting new definitions.

        DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST All (TO BE) Writers, Artists, Typists !Setting new address definitions
        SET SUPPRESSED-HEADERS message-id
        SET PERSONAL-NAME Tim Grady
        !End of this command file

   Once you have  created  a  file,  issue  the  TAKE  command  from  any
   DECmail/MS command level to execute the commands:

        TAKE (COMMANDS FROM) filespec


        filespec is the specification for the  particular  command  file.
        The  default  file  type  or file extension is .CMD.  The default
        directory is the one  specified  in  the  SET  DEFAULT  DIRECTORY


   If you are working on a video terminal and have not previously given a
   SET  NO  VIDEO-MODE  command, you can clear your screen by issuing the
   BLANK command from any DECmail/MS command level:

        BLANK (SCREEN)

   Some people place this command into their init files so that when they
   begin the mail session, they start with a clear screen.



                                 CHAPTER 7


   Chapter 7 explains how to exit from  the  various  DECmail/MS  command
   levels as well as from the DECmail/MS system itself.


   You use the EXIT command to  leave  your  DECmail/MS  session  and  to
   return to the program that invoked it.  This program ordinarily is the
   monitor on  TOPS-10  or  the  command  language  processor  (EXEC)  on
   TOPS-20.   Be  aware  that,  unless  you  have given an overriding SET
   AUTO-EXPUNGE command, the EXIT command  EXPUNGEs  those  messages  for
   which you have given the DELETE command.


           If the SET LOGOUT-ON-EXIT COMMAND is  in  effect,  the
           EXIT command logs you off the system.


   You use the quit command to leave the current command level and return
   to  the level that invoked the current level.  At top level, then, the
   QUIT command functions as the EXIT command.  If the  SET  AUTO-EXPUNGE
   ANY-EXIT  command  is  in effect, a QUIT command issued from top level
   expunges your deleted messages.


   CTRL/C causes you  to  leave  the  DECmail/MS  session  abruptly.   On
   TOPS-10 systems, you may have to type CTRL/C twice.

|  On TOPS-20 systems, if the SET LOGOUT-ON-EXIT command  is  in  effect,


|  CTRL/C has no effect.
|  7.4  ISSUING CTRL/Z (TOPS-10)
|  On TOPS-10 systems, CTRL/Z performs the  same  function  as  the  EXIT
|  command.  It works only at command level.  For example, you cannot use
|  CTRL/Z to exit from the mail session while in the middle of reading  a
|  long message.
   To temporarily leave your DECmail/MS session so that you  can  perform
   ordinary  operating  system  activities, issue the PUSH command.  This
   command puts your terminal at operating system command level, at which
   point  you  can  run  programs  or issue any operating system command.
   Giving the POP command returns you to your DECmail/MS session.


   Enter TOPS-20 command level  to  connect  to  a  different  directory.
   Then,  return  to  the  mail  session  and  indicate  that the default
   directory for the rest of the mail session should  be  your  connected


         TOPS-20 Command processor 6.1(273)


           The default directory setting is in effect  until  you
           reissue  the  SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY command.  That is,
           if you connect to a different directory without giving
           command, the default remains as it  was  on  the  last


                                 APPENDIX A

                             ERROR INFORMATION

   Appendix A describes some of the  error  messages  you  might  receive
   during  a mail session.  Many error messages are self-explanatory and,
   therefore, are not included here.

   On TOPS-10 systems, a general file-operation  error  may  occur.   The
   format of this error message is:

        %File Operation Failed:  name of error code, number, text

   This line, which gives the name of the error,  its  number,  and  some
   text,  is  followed  by a one-line explanation.  If you receive one of
   these  messages,  you  should  refer  to   the   appropriate   TOPS-10

   Note that messages preceded by a question mark  (?)  indicate  "fatal"
   errors; whereas those preceded by a percent sign (%) are warnings.


   %Cannot expunge deleted messages - another reader exists

        The DECmail/MS system cannot expunge messages while another  copy
        of the mail system has the current message file open.  This other
        copy could be another process in your job, or a process  in  some
        other job.

   %Cannot expunge deleted messages - mail is arriving

        The DECmail/MS system cannot expunge messages at  the  same  time
        that someone is sending you mail.

   ?Cannot find mailer flags because:  <reason>

        Problems were encountered with one of the following files in  the
        <SYSTEM> directory.

                             ERROR INFORMATION


        This file was possibly installed incorrectly.   See  your  system

   ?Cannot open mailer flags because:  <reason>

        The explanation for this error is the same as that  for  "?Cannot
        find mailer flags."

   %Cannot tell whom message is from

        You cannot use the REPLY command for  this  message  because  the
        "From"  field  contains undecipherable data.  If the message came
        from someone on  another  computer,  perhaps  the  host  name  is
        undefined.  See your system manager.

   %Can't find "To" field in draft

        You tried to retrieve a draft from a nonmail file.

   %Can't update message bits--another reader exists

        More than likely, you are the other reader,  and  you  forgot  to
        issue the POP command before reissuing the MS command.

   ?Command files nested too deeply, detected in opening <filespec>

        You have entered too many nested TAKE commands  in  this  command
        file.  The limit is 15 decimal.

   %Duplicate address list purged - <address list>

        You have previously given this address list for either  the  "To"
        or "cc" list.  The most recent specification is not honored.

   %Duplicate name purged - <name>

        You have previously given this name for either the "To"  or  "cc"
        list.  The most recent specification is not honored.

   ?Expunge failed due to insufficient memory

        Your job could not acquire enough memory for the expunge.

   ?Expunge failed--message file busy

        Another person is accessing the  mail  file;  therefore,  deleted
        messages will not be expunged.

                             ERROR INFORMATION

   %Header-item is predefined; use DEFINE command to change

        You can issue the INCLUDE command only for optional  or  required
        header items.  Predefined header items are automatically included
        in the message.

   %Incorrectly formatted header for message <message number>

        This error message would more than likely result because the mail
        was  sent  from  a  foreign  host system that does not conform to
        DECmail/MS specifications.

   %Keyword header-item cannot be predefined

        You cannot predefine a header item in the keyword category.  With
        keyword items, you must be able to choose among options.

   %No current mail file

|       There is no mail file in your logged-in  directory  (TOPS-10)  or
|       your directory on POBOX: (TOPS-20).  The mail file is MAIL.TXT on
        TOPS-10, and MAIL.TXT.1 on TOPS-20.

   %No messages match this specification

        You did not specify a message sequence, or there  is  no  message
        for the sequence you specified.

   %No previous sequence exists

        You have not specified a message sequence yet.

   %There is an overriding "SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN" command in effect

        The SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN command takes precedence over the  SET
        SUPPRESSED-HEADERS command.

   %There is no previous message draft

        You can issue the RETRIEVE LAST-MESSAGE command only for messages
        that you send during the current DECmail/MS session.

   ?Too many header items given

        You can specify up to 32  items  in  the  SET  ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN

                             ERROR INFORMATION


   Occasionally, a message file gets damaged, either  by  a  bug  in  the
   DECmail/MS  system,  a  bug  in  the  computer on which the DECmail/MS
   system runs, or a hardware problem.  If this happens, you will see one
   of the following DECmail/MS messages.

        ?File has bad format - last message has no size field
        ?File has bad format - cannot find start of last message
        ?File has bad format - message nn has no receive date

   If you give a HEADERS ALL command,  you  will  most  likely  see  some
   peculiar looking headers.  Usually they have no Subject, From, or Date
   field, and the length of the message is either  zero  or  ridiculously

   You can repair almost any kind of damage to a message  file  by  using
   the appropriate DECmail/MS commands:

         o  Make a copy of the damaged file using the COPY  command  with
            the  ALL  keyword.   When  the  DECmail/MS  system  creates a
            message file (with either COPY or MOVE), it always  writes  a
            correctly  formatted  file.   If  the  file  being  copied is
            damaged,  the  DECmail/MS  system  is  forced  to  make  some
            assumptions  about  its format; but in all cases the new file
            is correctly formatted.

         o  Use the GET command to retrieve the copy you have just  made.
            You should see no error messages, but you may still have some
            peculiar looking headers.

         o  Read the messages with these headers; and,  if  they  contain
            only system-generated "garbage", you can delete them with the
            DELETE command.  If they contain fragments of real  messages,
            you may want to keep them, rather than lose the fragments.

   Once you have made a good copy of the damaged file, you should  delete
   the contents of the damaged file to save space.  Return to the damaged
   file (using the GET command), delete all the messages,  and  give  the
   EXPUNGE command.

   If the damaged file was your mail file, be aware that your  mail  file
   is  now  empty  (although  you  have  a  good copy of your old mail in
   another file).  If you wish to put the good copy back into  your  mail
   file,  use  the  GET  command  to get the good copy; then use the MOVE
   command to move all the messages back into your mail file.   The  file
   specification  of  a  mail  file  is  MAIL.TXT  on TOPS-10 systems and
   MAIL.TXT.1  on  TOPS-20  systems.   Be  sure   to   give   this   file
   specification  completely  on  the  MOVE  command  line.  On a TOPS-20
   system, this latter sequence of commands looks like:


                             ERROR INFORMATION

        Last read 25-Sep-80 15:22, 53 messages, 12 pages

         Into file: MAIL.TXT.1

   Always report instances of damaged message files to the system manager
   so that the cause can be eliminated.



                                 APPENDIX B

                            MESSAGE FILE FORMAT

   MAIL.TXT is a message file.  The DECmail/MS system  can  create  other
|  message  files  with  the COPY, MOVE, SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES, and FILE
   commands.  The GET command reads a  message  file  and  makes  it  the
   current message file.

   A message file is an ASCII text file that follows certain conventions.
   If you must edit a message file using an editor, you must follow these

   A message file contains one or  more  messages  prefixed  with  prefix
   lines.   Each  message contains a message header and the message text,
   which are separated by (at least) one blank line.   Figure  B-1  shows
   the format of a message file:

        | Prefix Line  |
        | Header       |
        | Blank Line   |    Message 1
        | Text         |
        | Prefix Line  |
        | Header       |
        | Blank Line   |    Message 2
        | Text         |
        =              =
        | Prefix Line  |
        | Header       |    Message n

                            MESSAGE FILE FORMAT

        | Blank Line   |
        | Text         |

   Figure B-1:  Message File

   Each message conforms to the ARPANET message format standard, known as
|  RFC822.   This  standard is publicly available and so is not described

   The remainder of this section describes the format of the prefix line.

   The  prefix  line  is  a  single  line  of  text,  terminated   by   a
   carriage-return/line-feed.  It contains:

         o  The date and time the message was received

         o  A comma

         o  The length of the message, in characters  (this  length  does
            not include the prefix line)

         o  A semicolon

         o  12 octal digits, representing 36 message bits.


        12-Oct-81 16:56:28,323;000000000001

   This prefix line describes a message received on Oct.  12 at  4:56  PM
   which  is  323  characters  long.   All  the  message flags except the
   rightmost, bit 35, are off.

   The following message bits are currently defined:

        Bit    Meaning                         Name

        35     Message has been seen           M%SEEN
        34     Message is deleted              M%DELE
        33     Message is flagged              M%ATTN
        32     Message has been replied to     M%RPLY

   The remaining 32 bits are reserved for future use.

   The prefix line is not considered to be part of  the  message  proper.
   The  mail system creates this line as an incoming message and is added
   to a mail file.


                                 APPENDIX C

                            TOPS-20 MAIL SYSTEMS

   If you are a TOPS-20 user, you  may  also  use  the  MAIL  and  RDMAIL
   programs to send and read mail.  The following table compares commands
   and arguments for these programs to those for the  DECmail/MS  system.
   Refer  to the TOPS-20 User Utilities Guide for more information on the
   MAIL/RDMAIL system.

        MAIL/RDMAIL                 DECmail/MS

        MAIL                        SEND

        RDMAIL                      READ, TYPE, VERBOSE-TYPE

          date and time             SINCE, BEFORE Keywords

          /ALL                      ALL Keyword

          /HELP                     HELP

          /LIST                     PRINT


          /PERUSE                   HEADERS

          /STOP                     READ

   Note that the DECmail/MS system considers all messages to be unread or
   "NEW"  unless you have read them using the READ, TYPE, or VERBOSE-TYPE
   command, or have specified them in a  MARK  command.   The  DECmail/MS
   system  does  not change the status of any messages for which you have
   given the RDMAIL command.

   Also, the TOPS-20 command, INFORMATION MAIL,  does  not  examine  your
   mail  file  for  "NEW"  messages.   It  merely  compares the last-read
   date/time with  the  last-written  date/time  of  the  file.   If  the
   last-written  date/time  is  more recent than the last-read date/time,
   the INFORMATION MAIL command reports that there is new mail.  When you

                            TOPS-20 MAIL SYSTEMS

   run the DECmail/MS system, your mail file is read.  So, if you receive
   new messages, and then begin and  end  a  DECmail/MS  session  without
   reading the messages, and later type INFORMATION MAIL, the system will
   report that you do not have any new messages.

   Thus, output from the INFORMATION MAIL  command  could  conflict  with
   information obtained from the DECmail/MS system.



   .                                   DELETED message sequence, 1-18
     your address, 1-7                 Deleted messages, 1-18
     your hostname, 1-10               Directories, 6-8, 7-2
   @                                   DISPLAY command, 3-2
     network addresses, 1-9
                                       EDIT TEXT command, 3-2
   Abbreviations, 1-2                  ERASE command, 3-2
   Address lists, 6-5                  Errors, A-1
   Aliases, 6-4                        Escape key, 1-1, 3-6
   ALL message sequence, 1-18          EXIT command, 7-1
   ANSWERED message sequence, 1-18     Expert user, 6-9
   Arguments, 1-3                      EXPUNGE command, 5-5, 6-7, 7-1
   BACKUP command, 2-2                 FILE command, 5-2
   Batch jobs, 2-7                     Files, 1-10
   BEFORE message sequence, 1-18         command files, 6-12
   BLANK command, 6-15                   current message file, 1-10
   Bulletin boards, 2-6                  damaged, A-4
                                         deleting, 1-11
   CC command, 3-2                       format, B-1
   cc: list, 3-1, 6-8                    initialization file, 6-13
   CHECK command, 4-2                    LOGIN.CMD (TOPS-20), 6-9
   Cluster, 1-9                          mail file, 1-11
   Command files, 6-12                   message files, 1-12, 5-2, 5-3,
   Command levels, 1-15                      B-1
   Control characters, 1-4, 3-6, 7-1     MS.INI (TOPS-10), 6-14
   COPY command, 5-1                     MS.INIT (TOPS-20), 6-14
   CREATE-INIT-FILE command, 6-13        protection codes for (TOPS-20),
   CTRL/B, 3-6                               6-8
   CTRL/C, 1-4, 7-1                      status information, 6-12
   CTRL/E, 3-6                         Filespec, 1-10
   CTRL/H, 1-5                         FINISH command, 6-13
   CTRL/K, 3-6                         FIRST message sequence, 1-18
   CTRL/O, 1-4                         FLAG command, 1-18, 1-20, 5-6
   CTRL/Q, 1-5                         FLAGGED message sequence, 1-18
   CTRL/R, 3-6                         FORWARD command, 3-9
   CTRL/S, 1-5                         FROM message sequence, 1-18
   CTRL/U, 1-4, 3-6                    From:, 1-21
   CTRL/W, 3-6
   CTRL/Z, 1-4, 3-7, 7-2               GET command, 1-10, 5-3, 5-5
   Current message, 1-18               Guide words, 1-2
   Current message file, 1-10
   CURRENT message sequence, 1-18      Header items, 1-11, 6-1
                                         displaying, 2-5, 4-2, 4-6
   DAYTIME command, 4-7                  suppressing from displays, 6-10,
   DECnet mail, 3-11                         6-11
   DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST command, 6-5    HEADERS command, 4-2
   DEFINE ALIAS command, 6-4, 6-5        personal names and, 6-11


   DEFINE HEADER-ITEM command, 6-1     HELP command, 4-1
   DELETE command, 1-18, 1-20, 5-5,
       7-1                             INCLUDE command, 3-3, 6-3


   INFORMATION MAIL command            READ command, 1-19, 2-1, 2-3, 2-6
       (TOPS-20), C-2                  Read level, 1-16
   Initialization file, 6-13           Reading messages, 1-8, 2-1
   INSERT command, 3-3                 Recognition, 1-1
   INVERSE message sequence, 1-19      RELATED-TO message sequence, 1-19
                                       REMOVE command, 3-4
   Keyboard, 1-1                       REPAIR command, 3-12
   KEYWORD message sequence, 1-19      REPLY command, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20,
                                           3-8, 6-8, 6-10
   LARGER message sequence, 1-19       RETRIEVE DRAFT command, 3-7
   LAST message sequence, 1-19         RETRIEVE LAST-MESSAGE command,
   Local address, 1-9                      3-8
   LOGIN.CMD file (TOPS-20), 6-9       RETURN-RECEIPT-REQUESTED command,
   Logout upon exiting, 6-9                3-4
   MAIL program (TOPS-20), C-1         SAME message sequence, 1-19
   MARK command, 2-8                   SAVE DRAFT command, 3-5
   Message, 1-11                       SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES command,
   Message file                            5-4
     creating, 5-2                     Screen, 6-12
     retrieving, 5-3                     clearing, 6-15
   Message header, 1-12, 6-1             scrolling, 6-11, 6-12
   Message number, 1-13                SEND command, 3-1
   Message sequence, 1-17              Send level, 1-16
   Message-ID, 1-13                    Sending messages, 1-7
   MOVE command, 5-2                   SET command, 6-7
   MS.INI file (TOPS-10), 6-14         SHOW command, 4-5
   MS.INIT file (TOPS-20), 6-14        SINCE message sequence, 1-19
   MSG.TMP file, 3-2                   SKIM command, 4-4
   MX program, 1-8                     SMALLER message sequence, 1-19
                                       SORTED message sequence, 1-20
   Name validation, 6-9                SUBJECT command, 3-5
   Network address, 1-9                SUBJECT message sequence, 1-20
   Network mail, 3-10                  Subject:, 1-20, 3-1, 5-4
   NEW message sequence, 1-19          System mail, 2-7
   New messages, 1-19, 2-7             SYSTEM-MESSAGES command, 1-10,
   NEXT command, 2-6                       2-7
   NEXT message sequence, 1-19
   Novice user, 6-9                    TAKE command, 6-13, 6-15
                                       TEXT command, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7
   OLD message sequence, 1-19          Text mode, 3-6, 6-7
   Old messages, 1-19, 2-7             TO command, 3-6
                                       TO message sequence, 1-20
   Personal name, 1-13, 6-10, 6-11     To: list, 3-1
   POBOX:, 1-6, 5-3                    Top level, 1-15
   PPN (TOPS-10), 1-14                 TYPE command, 2-4, 2-5
   Prefix line, B-1
   PRINT command, 5-6, 6-11
   Privileged users, 2-7               UNDELETE command, 5-5
   PUSH command, 7-2                   UNFLAG command, 5-6
                                       UNMARK command, 2-8
   Question mark, 1-3                  User


   QUIT command, 7-1                     Expert, 6-9
                                         Novice, 6-9
   RDMAIL program (TOPS-20), C-1       Username, 1-14


   VERBOSE-TYPE command, 2-6           Video mode, 6-12
