
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - T10_T20_MS_V10_SRCS_830128 - ms.rnd
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.title Release Notes for DECmail/MS version 10
.right margin 68
.flags break
.flags hyphenate
.center;Release Notes for DECmail/MS version 10
.center;Larry Campbell
.center;Internal Software Support Group (DIS/ISSG)
.require "msver.rno"
.blank 2
.header level 1 SUMMARY
	DECmail/MS is a pro=duct which pro=vides TOPS-10 and TOPS-20
users with a sophisticated and flexible elec=tronic messaging
ca=pa=bility (such ca=pa=bil=ities are fre=quently called "elec=tronic
mail").  DECmail/MS is the generic name for a soft=ware package which
in=cludes the pro=gram MS along with some ancillary modules which
to=gether pro=vide a com=pre=hen=sive multinode mail service (and, in
the future, will pro=vide gate=ways to other elec=tronic mail
	This docu=ment de=scribes ver=sion 10 of DECmail/MS.  This is
the first ver=sion to appear as a sup=ported, unbundled pro=duct of
the Large Systems Pro=duct Line.  Earlier versions were developed on
an un=funded basis, largely as a hobby for the developer.  DECmail/MS
originated from a similar pro=gram developed at SRI In=ter=na=tional
called MM; the two pro=grams diverged very early on, and today
dis=play only superficial similarities.
.header level 1 Sum=mary of components and environment
.header level 2 Undistributed components
	The DECmail/MS doc=u=men=tation may occasionally refer to some
soft=ware components which are not dis=tri=buted with the official
DECmail/MS tape.  These components are EMACS, and VMAIL/VMAILR.
.header level 3 EMACS
	EMACS is an extremely powerful and sophis=ti=cated editor,
built at MIT on top of a sophis=ti=cated variant of TECO known as
ITSTECO.  DECmail/MS has facilities which pro=vide a convenient
inter=face between DECmail/MS and EMACS.
	EMACS is dis=tri=buted only by MIT, and sup=ported only at
their convenience.  Digital neither distributes nor sup=ports EMACS.
In the opinion of this author, though, it is the best editor in
existence today and well worth get=ting a copy.
.Header Level 3 VMAIL/VMAILR
	VMAIL and VMAILR are two pro=grams, analagous to NMAIL and
DMAILR (see sec=tion, which pro=vide DECmail/MS users with
the ability to ex=change mes=sages with users of VAXmail, the
un=sup=ported (and primitive) mail utility which comes with VAX/VMS.
These components are being used internally at DEC while we develop the
real solution to cross-|systems mail con=nec=tivity.  At the present
time, we prefer not to dis=tribute this interim solution, but rather
to concentrate on providing the "correct" and globally acceptable
solution to this problem.  Distributing interim hacks runs the risk of
diluting this effort.
.header level 2 Prerequisite software
	DECmail/MS ver=sion 10 runs under TOPS-10, ver=sion 7.01 or
later, and under TOPS-20, Release 4 or later.  It will run on KS-10/20
or KL-10/20 processors; it will NOT run on KA-10 or KI-10 processors,
and it will NOT run under the TENEX or ITS oper=ating systems.
.subtitle Incompatible changes between versions 4A and 10
.header level 1 Incompatible changes between versions 4A and 10
	(This sec=tion is pro=vided for those TOPS-20 sites who may
have obtained a copy of MS ver=sion 4A.  Since ver=sion 10 is the first
ver=sion of MS to run under TOPS-10, this sec=tion is naturally of
little in=terest to TOPS-10 users, who will probably wish to skip it.)
.list 1,"."
.list element;The command SHOW HEADERS has been removed.
.list element;The command RESTORE-DRAFT has been replaced  by  RETRIEVE
DRAFT  (note  the  change  from  a  hyphenated com=mand to a
two-word com=mand).
.list element;The SAVE-OUTGOING-MESSAGES com=mand has been re=placed
by SAVE OUTGOING-MESSAGES (note the change from a hyphenated com=mand
to a two-word com=mand).
.list element;The HEADERS com=mand has been renamed SUMMARIZE.
.list element;The LIST com=mand has been renamed PRINT.
.List Element;The SET HEADERS-PERSONAL-NAME-ONLY com=mand has been
.list element;The SET HEADERS-ON-PRINTER-OUTPUT com=mand has been
.list element;In the output from the SUMMARIZE  com=mand,  the  "From"  and
"Subject"  fields  are  now  separated  by  ver=tical bar "_|"
in=stead of space.  This makes the trun=cation of long  "From"
fields look less like a bug.
.list element;Ver=sion 4 of MS will not be able to reply to  mail  sent  by
ver=sion  10  if the ad=dress-list feature was used to send the 
.list element;The com=mand LOGOUT-ON-EXIT has been  re=placed  by SET
.list element;The name of the "In-reply-to" field has been changed to
.list element;The SET SHOW-TO-IN-HEADERS-COMMAND has been  removed.   It
is  no  longer  needed, as its purpose is well served by the
new func=tion=ality de=scribed in sec=tion 5.4 of this docu=ment.
.end list
.subtitle Features added between versions 4A and 10
.header level 1 Features added between versions 4A and 10
.header level 2  Pass-through Support
	In con=junc=tion with ver=sion 10 of  DMAILR,  the  DECNET  mail
un=spooler,  you  can  now send mail to DECNET hosts which are not in
your local DECNET (in DECNET Phase II this means non=ad=jacent hosts).
DMAILR uses the pass-through service (object type 123 decimal) to do
this.  The only change required to MS itself was to accept  the  new
host  table  format (PS:<SYSTEM>DECNET-HOSTS.TXT) which now in=cludes
routing in=for=mation;  most of the func=tion=ality for this resides  in
	This com=mand allows you to specify a list of  headers  whose
dis=play  you wish sup=pressed while MS is dis=playing a mes=sage.  This
com=mand  and  the  SET  ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN  com=mand  are  mutually
exclusive;   if both are given, the SET ONLY-HEADERS-SHOWN com=mand
.header level 2 Improved SEND Command
	The SEND com=mand may now be followed on the same line by a
list  of  ad=dresses, which will go into the "To" list.  If
you use this flavor of SEND, MS will not prompt for a  "cc"  list,
on  the  assumption  that  you are trying to send a mes=sage quickly.
This means that the fol=lowing type of EXEC com=mand will now work:


.end literal
	Note that if MS is given a com=mand on the EXEC com=mand line
which invoked MS (as in the above example), it will not bother to read
and parse your MAIL.TXT unless the com=mand you gave it (or a command
in your init file) references your mail.  This means that, with a very
large mail file,


.end literal
will be considerably faster than


.end literal
since,  in  the second case, MS must read and parse your en=tire mail
.header level 2 Improved SUMMARIZE (formerly HEADERS) Command
	The output from the SUMMARIZE com=mand has been im=proved.  If
a mes=sage being listed by the SUMMARIZE com=mand was sent by you (the
user run=ning MS), then in=stead of dis=playing the  "From"  field  of
the  mes=sage  in  the third column, MS will dis=play the "To" field,
pre=ceded by the word "To".  For  example,  consider  the  fol=lowing
summary output from MS ver=sion 4:

      1 20-Sep LCAMPBELL             This msg is from me (268 chars)
      2 20-Sep GRANT                 This msg is from GRANT (255 chars)
      3 20-Sep MILLER                This msg is from MILLER (312 chars)
      4 20-Sep LCAMPBELL             This message is from me (300 chars)

.end literal
        Ver=sion 10 of MS would dis=play the summary like this:

       1 20-Sep To: GRANT            |This msg is from me (268 chars)
       2 20-Sep GRANT                |This msg is from GRANT (255 chars)
       3 20-Sep MILLER               |This msg is from MILLER (312 chars)
       4 20-Sep To: OSMAN, MURPHY, HA|This msg is from me (300 chars)

.end literal
	The mes=sages marked with "To:" were sent by the current user
(LCAMPBELL)  and  the  field  dis=played  is the "To" field, not the
"From" field.  Mes=sage number 4  illus=trates  the  case  where  the
"To" field con=tains more than one name.
	This feature, when used in con=junc=tion with the com=mand
SAVE-OUTGOING-MESSAGES (IN FILE) MAIL.TXT (so that mes=sages you send
are filed in your mes=sage file) is par=tic=u=larly helpful in keeping
records of mail con=ver=sa=tions.  You can keep both in=coming and
out=going mail in the same file, and by scanning for the word "To:"
before user names, can quickly see which mes=sages are in=coming and
which are out=going.  Since replies generated auto=ma=tic=ally by the
REPLY com=mand have the same sub=ject string as the orig=inal
mes=sage, it is easy to col=lect all mes=sages pertaining to a given
con=ver=sation to=gether.
.header level 2 SET TEXT-SCROLL-REGION
	There is a new dis=play option which can be activated with the
SET TEXT-SCROLL-REGION com=mand.  When reading mes=sages with this
option activated, only the mes=sage text portion of the mes=sage will
be scrolled.  The header area will remain on the screen with=out
moving for easy reference.  If the header area is too large, though,
this is annoying, as your text scrolls through an ex=ces=sively small
window.  Thus, if the header area is "too big", MS will scroll the
en=tire screen.  "Too big" cur=rently means that fewer than eight
lines would be left in which to dis=play the mes=sage after
dis=playing the headers.  You can change this parameter by giving the
SET TEXT-SCROLL-REGION com=mand with a numeric argument.
.header level 2 Video Display Now Optional
	A new command, SET  NO  VIDEO-MODE,  disables  all  video
dis=play  handling,  such  as  clearing the screen and setting scroll
regions.  The de=fault is SET VIDEO-MODE.
	The SET VIDEO-MODE com=mand has a useful side effect.  It
forces MS to reinitialize all its know=ledge of your terminal
para=meters.  Thus, if you detach from a job run=ning MS and later
attach to it with a dif=ferent terminal, if you give the monitor

TERMINAL <terminal-type>

.end literal
then con=tinue MS and give MS the SET [NO] VIDEO-MODE com=mand, MS
will be able to con=tinue to do its video dis=play properly because it
now knows that you've changed terminal types.
.header level 2 Support For New Local Mailer (MAILEX)
	The old local  mailer,  MAILER,  is  being  re=placed  by  an
im=proved  ver=sion  called  MAILEX.  MS sup=ports both mailers, but if
MAILEX exists on a system MS uses it.  MAILEX pro=vides the fol=lowing
advantages over MAILER:
.list 1,"."
.list element;Personal names now go in the  "From"  field,  just  as  with
net=work  mail,  and not in a sep=a=rate "From-the-terminal-of"
.list element;In  mes=sages  addressed  to  both   local   recipients   and
recipients  on  foreign  hosts,  all local mail is delivered
locally.  Previously it  all  had  to  go  via  the  net=work
.end list
.header level 2 User-defined Header Items
	A "header-item" is a key=word known to  MS  which  serves  to
iden=tify  a  specific  piece  of in=for=mation in the header area of a
mes=sage.  A header-item consists of an al=pha=num=eric string, which is
the  name  of  the  header-item, a colon, and some text which is the
data as=soc=iated with the header-item.  The "To" field is an  example
of a header-item which has ad=dresses in its data field.
	MS has seven header-items wired  into  it:   Date,  To,  cc,
From,  Subject, Reply-to, and In-reply-to.  The DEFINE HEADER-ITEM
com=mand allows users to define their own, new header items.
	Header-items come in three flavors:  optional, required,  or
pre=defined.  An optional header-item is one which MS will not prompt
for when sending, but which may be entered by giving the  send-level
com=mand INCLUDE.   A  required  header-item  is one which MS will
prompt you for, and require that you supply before allowing  you  to
send  the  mes=sage.   A  pre=defined  header-item is one which you've
sup=plied in the DEFINE com=mand, and  will  be  inserted  into  the
mes=sage auto=ma=tic=ally.
	Here is an  example  of  a  user  defining  the  header-item
"Telephone"  as  a  pre=defined  header-item con=taining his tele=phone

MS>define header-item Telephone predefined text-string 223-8457

.end literal
	There are cur=rently six types of header-items which  may  be
de=fined:   ad=dresses,  dates,  date-times,  times, text strings, and
key=words.  The syntax required to define a header-item is:

        define header-item <name> <flavor> <type> <optional-value>

<name>   := any alphanumeric string
<flavor> := optional | predefined | required
<type>   := date | date-and-time | time | address | text-string | keyword
<optional-value> := value of predefined header-item, or list of
                    keywords for keyword header-items

.end literal
	To  delete the de=fi=ni=tion of a header-item, give the com=mand
DEFINE HEADER-ITEM  <name>  with  no  arguments.   To  delete  all
header-item  de=fi=ni=tions,  give  the  com=mand DEFINE HEADER-ITEM *
(this is similar to the EXEC's DEFINE com=mand).
	The SHOW HEADER-ITEMS com=mand will dis=play  all  cur=rently
de=fined header-items (except, of course, for those seven wired in to
MS).  The INCLUDE com=mand is used  at  send  level  to  in=clude  a
header-item   which   has   been   declared  optional.   The  ERASE
HEADER-ITEM  com=mand  may  be  used  at  send  level  to  erase   a
header-item from the current draft.
.header level 2 Aliases
        Users may define aliases for fre=quently-used ad=dresses  with
the DEFINE ALIAS com=mand.  The syntax is as follows:

MS>define alias foo (to be) Long-unwieldy-name at 1031
To: foo
Subject: Hi there

Just testing...

.end literal
	As with all other commands, the DEFINE com=mand may  appear
in  your  MS.INIT  file.   To delete an alias, just define it with a
null ad=dress (much like the EXEC's DEFINE command).   The  com=mand
DEFINE ALIAS * will remove all alias de=fi=ni=tions.
	An alias may consist of either a single ad=dress, or  a  list
of  ad=dresses  separated by commas.  The com=mand SHOW ALIASES will
dis=play  a  list  of  all  cur=rently  de=fined  aliases   and   their
.header level 2 Address Lists
	You may define ad=dress lists with the DEFINE  ADDRESS-LIST
com=mand.   This  works  almost exactly like DEFINE ALIAS, with one
ex=cep=tion:  The name of the list is shown in the mail you send.  For

MS>define address-list Small-group (to be) Smith, Jones, Chuck
MS>define address-list Whole-group (to be) Small-group, Fred, Joe

.end literal
Now, sending mail to "small-group" will produce the  fol=lowing  "To"

To: Small-group: Smith, Jones, Chuck;

.end literal
and  sending  mail  to "whole-group" will produce the fol=lowing "To"

To: Whole-group: Small-group: Smith, Jones, Chuck;, Fred, Joe;

.end literal
	To  delete  an  ad=dress-list  de=fi=ni=tion,  give  the com=mand
DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST  <name>  with  no  argument.   To  delete  all
ad=dress-list de=fi=ni=tions, give the com=mand DEFINE ADDRESS-LIST *.
	This command  causes  MS
to  only  dis=play the outer=most name of any ad=dress list in the "To"
or "cc" fields of mes=sages being dis=played.   This  com=mand  may  be
tem=po=rarily  overridden  with  the VERBOSE-TYPE com=mand, much like
	It some=times happens that you send a mes=sage,  MS  transmits
it  suc=cess=fully,  and then you realize belatedly that some=thing was
amiss;  perhaps you forgot to in=clude some=one in the ad=dress  lists.
The RETRIEVE  LAST-MESSAGE com=mand  retrieves a copy of the last
mes=sage suc=cess=fully sent and places you at send level, so that  you
can correct the problem and try again.
.header level 2 Host Synonyms (applicable Only To DECNET Systems)
	System ad=min=is=tra=tors may  elect  to  pro=vide  synonyms  for
hosts by altering the DECNET-HOSTS.TXT file on SYSTEM:.  To define a
synonym, enter the synonym name, and equals sign (=), and the "real"
host  name.   The  real  name  must  already have been de=fined.  For
example,   to   define   the   synonym   "Gus" for   host KL2137,


.end literal
	For    more     in=for=mation     in     the     format     of
SYSTEM:DECNET-HOSTS.TXT,  refer  to the sec=tion titled "Installation
.header level 2 System MS.INIT
	If SYSTEM:  con=tains an MS.INIT, the commands in it will  be
processed  by  MS  upon  startup if the user does not have a private
MS.INIT.   This  is  especially  useful  for  defining   system-wide
aliases, ad=dress-lists, and header-items.
.header level 2  New Message-sequence Selectors
	The way you specify a mes=sage or mes=sages to MS is by using
a construct called a "mes=sage se=quence".  This can be a list of
mes=sage numbers, or a phrase des=cri=bing a group of mes=sages by
content  (e.g., "from smith", "since April 1").  MS ver=sion 10 has
several ad=di=tional facilities for constructing mes=sage sequences.
.header level 3  Select based on keywords in the message
	You can now specify  mes=sage  sequences  based  on  key=words
within  the  text  of  the  mes=sage by saying KEYWORD <text>.  For
in=stance, to read all mes=sages con=taining  the  word  "foobat",  you
would say:

MS>read keyword foobat

.end literal
.header level 3 Sort Based On Date And Time
	The message se=quence SORTED (BY) DATE-TIME selects mes=sages
in ascending date-time order.
.header level 3 Mixed Numbers And Keywords
	Previously, if you spec=i=fied any mes=sage numbers  explicitly
in a mes=sage se=quence, you were restricted to only numbers and could
not specify any key=words on the same line.  Now you can form mes=sage
sequences like:

MS>read 1,5,12:14,flagged

.end literal
.header level 3 First N Messages - 
        You can also select the first n mes=sages by saying:

MS>read first n

.end literal
.header level 2  Nested Command Files
	Command files and init files may now be nested.  This  means
that  you may use the TAKE com=mand inside an init file, or a com=mand
file used by the TAKE com=mand.
.header level 2 Multiword usernames
	MS will now properly handle user=names com=posed of mul=tiple
words.  Of course, this is not par=tic=u=larly relevant to TOPS-20
users since TOPS-20 does not allow spaces in user=names.  It is useful,
though, when sending mes=sages to other systems (such as MULTICS)
which do allow spaces in user=names.
.header level 2 Extended host specifications (path specs)
	An "extended host spe=ci=fi=ca=tion" has the form:

	HOST1 at HOST2 at HOST3

.end literal
	These are used either to de=scribe a path in a
store-and-forward messaging en=vi=ronment, or to de=scribe a path
which crosses gate=ways.  MS now sup=ports extended host
specifications in the fol=lowing manner:
.list element;If you wish to reply to a mes=sage whose "From:" field
con=tains an extended host spec, the REPLY com=mand works.  No special
actions are required.
.list element;Because MS validates hostnames (to allow re=cog=ni=tion
and to pre=vent spelling errors), and because making the names of all
hosts in the world avail=able to MS for validation is impractical, the
fol=lowing re=stric=tion exists when typing in an extended host spec:
the en=tire ad=dress, EXCEPT for the last hostname and the word "at"
im=me=di=ately preceding it, must be en=closed in double quotes.  For


.end literal
MS will remove the quotes before sending the mail, but you must type
them to pre=vent the com=mand scanner from trying to parse
MULTICS-HOST (which MS's host table has most likely never heard of).
.end list
.blank 3
[End of MS.DOC]