
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - T20_NETW_DECMAIL_MS_821201 - build/dmailr.rel
There is 1 other file named dmailr.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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 @\$1@f40 @\$j@f @\$5@f	* x40 @U$+ +  @	+ ar<-<G@[----Beginning p	 eriodic scan
----Network topology changed, beginning scan
----Scanning all dir	 0(	ectories
@%Problem initializing routing database,
 @\$@f	*@40+x----End of scan
PS:<1Bfl2 +>[--DECNET-MAIL--].*~%No q	 * ueued DECNET mailar`r+ @\$@f40<-<GUnspooling mail	 A
# from DIRST failure while logging @\$-@f40`r,
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+T%No acknowledgement received, requeuing. @\$-@f	*P(40,
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*4,~ ?LOG file already open, please DISABLE first. @\$,@f	"(340<-<G?Can't open log file because: 1B,+1 @\$5@f	( ;40 " U$+ + <-<GxGETJI failure @\$-@f40	"P*D`r,
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*K Bm,~ ?(B B?,~	8](,8%Queued mail is too old -- renamed to ]--UNDELIVERABLE-DECNET-MAIL--[	"Af @\$b@f40,~unsent mail is over one week old.Notifying user 	 (nof lossage
[--NOTIFICATION--].Can't GTJFN for MAIL.CPY @\$-@f	(T
A w40`r,
 @\$1@f40 @\$r@f @\$5@f40	( @U$+ +  @	+ ar<-<GCan't OPENF MAIL.CPY	**   @\$-@f40`r,
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 @\$ ,@f40 hl"	+  h+ 	  ;,~Date: 
From: DECNET mail process
To:  at 
Subject:Undeliverable mail

I'm sorry, but your mail to , which was queued for
transmission , encounte	  Lred problems because:

You may use the REPAIR command in MS to correct the prob	  Tlem
and resubmit the mail.  If the problem was a user or users being
over quota, th	  ]en all other users have received copies of the message.
Otherwise, nobody on the hos	  et named above has received the message.
Nospecial@errorResourcea	nllocation%failureDestinationnodedoesnotexistNodefshuttingdownDestinatio	RvneprocessdoesnotexistInvalidnamefieldDestinationprocess\queueoverflowUnspe	cified errorThird party aborted the logical linkUser abortUndefined error	 ! codeConnect initiate with illegal destination addressFlow control violation	 !Too many connections to nodeToo many connections to destination processAccess not	 ! permittedLogical link services mismatchInvalid accountSegment size to	 !!o smallProcess abortedNo path to destination nodeLink aborted due to data 	 !)lossDestination logical link address does not existConfirmation of disconnect ini !2tiateImage data field too long	D"Gb,)7@*RGS(G.2AX.2B^2O ,xz#,JG`0s@	D"JHX|JHYHYHYAYHM",#ll	K/ ~K/!	K/*{JM@:@JSzJ^icU:/		
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