PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named queue.rnh in the archive. Click here to see a list.
To enter request, type device:jobname=file,file,...
To list queues, type out/L=queue:jobs[users],...
.skip 1
default job name is same as first file name
.skip 1;.tab stops 17;.nofill
/LIMIT:n specifies output limit
(N.B.--3 blocks is about 1 page on LPT)
/COPIES:n repeats file n times
/PRINT:ARROW prints in up-arrow mode
/PRINT:SUPPRESS prints suppressing all controls
/DISPOSE:PRESERVE keep file after processing
/DELETE deletes file after processing
/FORMS:xyz output on special form xyz
.skip 1
default queue is LPT:, default extension is same as queue device
.skip 2
For batch input, format is# INP:job=ctl file, log file
.skip 1
/CORE:n max core allowed in K
/TIME:n time limit in seconds
/RESTARTABLE if job can be restarted after a crash or requeue
/UNIQUE:0 if several jobs can be run together under same number
/UNIQUE:1 if not
.skip 1
default control file extension is .CTL, log file is .LOG
default log file matches job name (.CTL file name)
.skip 2
when listing the queues,
output file defaults to# TTY:.LSQ
device defaults to all queues
if queue name is ALL:, all queues are listed
.left margin 8;.fill;.indent -4
queues at a specific station can be listed by
refering to queue xxxSnn: for station nn
(e.g., LPTS3:, or ALLS17:)
.indent -4
queues for a specific device can be refered
to by giving the device name (e.g., LPT2:)
.left margin 0;.nofill;.skip 1
wild card "*" matches any name, extension, project, or programmer
wild card "?" is wild for one character only
.skip 1;.fill
There are many more switches--Please see the manual. A
summary of each switch is given below.
/AFTER:date-time process after this date-time
/BEFORE:date-time only include files created before this date-time
/BEGIN:d begin processing on d-th page, etc.
/CARDS:d card punch limit is d cards
/CHARGE:s charge to account s
/COPIES:d repeat to make d copies (1-63)
/CORE:c core limit is c(K)
/CREATE create a new request
/DEADLINE:date-time start processing by this date-time
/DEFER (not implemented)
/DENSITY:200 list tape at density 200
/DENSITY:556 list tape at density 556
/DENSITY:800 list tape at density 800
/DEPENDENCY:d set input dependency to d (if +-, add/sub d)
/DISPOSE:DELETE delete file after processing
/DISPOSE:PRESERVE keep file after processing
/DISPOSE:RENAME delete file now, then process
/ERBINARY error if binary file included
/ERNONE error if no files match wild-card
/ERPROTECTION give message if protection error
/F fast listing of queues
/FAST fast listing of queues
/FEET:d paper tape punch limit of d feet
/FILE:ASCII file is standard ASCII
/FILE:COBOL file is COBOL sixbit
/FILE:CREF file is CREF input
/FILE:ELEVEN file is packed -11 format
/FILE:FORTRAN file is FORTRAN data (col.1=car.cntrl.)
/FILE:RUNOFF file is RUNOFF input
/FORMS:s use special forms type s
/H type help text
/H:SWITCHES type list of switches
/H:TEXT type help text
/HEADER include banner page for each file
/HELP type help text
/HELP:SWITCHES type list of switches
/HELP:TEXT type help text
/KILL kill previous request
/LIMIT:d output limit is d pages, etc.
/L list jobs in queue
/L:ALL list all data on each queue request
/L:DETAIL list detailed job data on each queue request
/L:FILES list files in each queue request
/L:JOBS list jobs in queue
/LIST list jobs in queue
/LIST:ALL list all data on each queue request
/LIST:DETAIL list detailed job data on each queue request
/LIST:FILES list files in each queue request
/LIST:JOBS list jobs in queue
/LOG this is the job's log file
/MODIFY modify existing queue request
/NEW this file may not yet exist
/NOHEADER suppress banner pages for each file
/NOLOG this is not the job's log file
/NONEW this file already exists
/NONULL error if null request
/NOOPTION suppress option file SWITCH.INI
/NOPHYSICAL allow logical names in LOOKUP
/NOREMOVE don't remove file from request
/NORESTARTABLE job is not restartable if error
/NOSTRS don't scan each structure for files of same name
/NOTES:q annotate output with message q
/NOTITLE don't add titles to each page
/NOUNPRESERVED allow any file
/NULL ok if null request
/OKBINARY include binary files
/OKNONE ok if no files match wild-card
/OKPROTECTION ignore protection errors
/OPTION:s use option line "QUEUE:s" in SWITCH.INI
/OUTPUT:0 suppress all LOGOUT queueing
/OUTPUT:1 queue only the log file
/OUTPUT:2 queue only the log file and spooled output
/OUTPUT:3 queue everything except defered queueing
/OUTPUT:4 queue everything including deferred queueing
/P:s same as /PLOT, /PRINT, /PUNCH, or /TAPE
/PAGES:d print limit is d pages
/PAPER:s same as /PLOT, /PRINT, /PUNCH, or /TAPE
/PARITY:EVEN list tape in even parity
/PARITY:ODD list tape in odd parity
/PATH:[directory] run job in default directory
/PHYSICAL ignore logical device names in LOOKUPs
/PLOT:ASCII plot in ASCII format
/PLOT:BINARY plot in binary format
/PLOT:IMAGE plot in image format
/PRINT:ARROW print flagging control chars with _^
/PRINT:ASCII print in straight ASCII
/PRINT:OCTAL print as octal dump
/PRINT:SUPPRESSED print suppressing carriage controls
/PRIORITY:d set priority to d (0-62)
/PROTECTION:ooo set protection to ooo (octal)
/PUNCH:026 card punch in 026 card code
/PUNCH:ASCII card punch in ASCII card code
/PUNCH:BINARY card punch in binary
/PUNCH:D029 card punch in D029 card code
/PUNCH:IMAGE card punch in image mode
/PUNCH:MNEMONIC card punch in mnemonic binary
/REMOVE remove this file from request
/REPORT:q select report prefix q from file
/RESTARTABLE this job is restartable on system error
/RUN:file run program "file"
/RUNCORE:c run it in c(K) core
/RUNOFFSET:o run it with offset o
/SEQUENCE:d job sequence number is d
/S:DOUBLE double space print
/S:SINGLE single space print
/S:TRIPLE triple space print
/SINCE:date-time only include files created since this date-time
/SPACES:DOUBLE double space print
/SPACES:SINGLE single space print
/SPACES:TRIPLE triple space print
/SPACING:DOUBLE double space print
/SPACING:SINGLE single space print
/SPACING:TRIPLE triple space print
/START:d start at d-th line
/STRS look at each str for duplicate files
/TAG:s start at tag s::
/TAPE:ASCII paper tape punch in ASCII code
/TAPE:BINARY paper tape punch in binary
/TAPE:IBINARY paper tape punch in ibinary
/TAPE:IMAGE paper tape punch in image
/TIME:t time limit is t sec. (hhmmss or hh:mm:ss)
/TITLE add titles to each page
/TPLOT:d plot time limit is d minutes
/UNIQUE:0 run any number of jobs under same ppn
/UNIQUE:1 run one job at a time under this ppn
/UNPRESERVED only include files with 0xx protection
/ZDEFER (not implemented)
.skip 1;.tab stops 9,17
Argument formats are:
c core argument: decimal followed by optional K or P
d decimal number followed by optional K, M, or G
o octal number followed by optional K, M, or G
.fill;.left margin 12;.indent -12
q possibly quoted string: either alpha-numerics or
'sixbit' for any 64-character set
graphics with quoting char doubled to represent
.indent -12
s sixbit string of alpha-numerics
.indent -12
date-time a specific or relative date-time combination with
the date components separated by - and the
time components set off by and separated by :
the date can include the year
the time can include seconds and minutes
.left margin 16
date:time or date or time
date is dd-mmm-yyyy or mmm-dd-yyyy
.left margin 20
(yyyy can be 1, 2, or 4 digits)
(mmm is mnemonic for month)
.indent -4
date can be +-nnnD or +-weekday
(nnn is any decimal number)
(weekday is mnemonic day of week)
.indent -4
time is hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss