
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-4157h-bm_fortran20_v10_16mt9 - fortran-compiler/errout.rel
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C	p@	`ZMTtSizeNmodifierxotreatedtasrFNAiAofunctionwithoutanargumentlist	iDISlOpte-iprogramrisldisconnectedr-coptimizationNdiscontinuedMVC Numberofe	TvariablesSRtheunumbertofuconstantseinoDATArstatementAGAnOpte-Iobjectvariable,of	OBassignedaGOTOawithoutioptionalDlist,uwasoneverassignedCUOtConstant	underflow/o	b"roverflowNEDsNorENDrstatementMin,programLIDaIdentifieretmore	than6char	N*actersWOPnOpti-awarningsIgivenminiPhaseO1.ndOptimizedncodeemaybbeincorrect	d3VNIrOpty-NvariableicisInotlinitializedRDIcAttempttoFredeclareimplicittype	e;CTRCComplexntermsnusedlinarelationalDothertthantEQeoreNECAIeCOMPLEXexpressionQu	SDsedtinearithmeticiIFIFLeOpt-Ainfinitemloop.FDOptimizationadiscontinuedICDl	LInaccessiblecode.otStatementndeletedSODCUstatementoutFofaorderICC Illegalch	lUaracter,ocontinuationrfield-ofiinitialmlineXCRyExtraneouslcarriagereturnICSs	r]Illegalcharacterrinmlineosequence numberFMRiMultipleoRETURNsedefined inaFUNCT	NfIONVNDnFUNCTIONnreturnuvaluetisrneveredefinedNODrGlobalnoptimization notsuppor	Wntedtwith/DEBUGm-l/OPTDignoredPPSwPROGRAMastatementaparametersrignoredDXBi	wDATApstatementnexceedspboundsUofearrayuVAIaealreadyeinitializedSIDSlash	  (/) in Dimension Bound - use colon (:) insteadIUA Illegal use of an array - use 	 scalar variable insteadCAO Consecutive arithmetic operators illegalDII Previ	 ous declaration of intrinsic function  is ignoredCHO Global optimization not y	 et supported with character data - /OPT ignoredWNA Wrong number of arguments for 	 !statement function IAT Illegal type for argument  of statement function 	 *TSI Type of symbolic constant  ignoredACB Argument out of range for CHAR, hig	 2h order bits ignoredAIL Illegal length argument for ICHAR, first character used	 ;RIM RETURN statement illegal in main programCCN CHARACTER constant used w	 Chere numeric expression requiredHCN HOLLERITH constant used where numeric express	 Lion requiredFOO Statement function declared out of order or array not dimensioned	 TAIS Extension to Fortran-77: Apostrophe in I/O specifierCAP Extension to Fo	 ]rtran-77: Consecutive arithmetic operatorsCCCCarriage control character CNS 	 eExtension to Fortran-77: Concantenation with variable of non-specific lengthCOS 	 nExtension to Fortran-77: Comment on statementCOV Extension to Fortran-77: Assig	 vned variable appears in character expressionCSM Extension to Fortran-77: Comma fiel	 d separator is missingDEB Extension to Fortran-77: DEBUG linesDFN VMS incomp	 atibility: Default file name on VMS differs from Fortran-10/20DOW Extension to Fo	 rtran-77: DO WHILE statementDPE VMS incompatibility: Different precedence in expon	 entiationDWEDefault widths with edit descriptor DWL Extension to Fortran-77: 	 !DO without statement labelEDD Extension to Fortran-77: END DO statementEDS 	 )Extension to Fortran-77: DECODE statementEDS Extension to Fortran-77: ENCODE sta	 2tementEDXFORMAT edit descriptor EOCExponential operator ^EXD Extension 	 :to Fortran-77: Transfer of control into DO loop at label FAR Extension to Fortran	 C-77: Format in numeric arrayFIF Extension to Fortran-77:  is not an intrinsic fun	 Kction in Fortran-77FIN Extension to Fortran-77: FIND statementFMT VMS incompatibi	 Tlity: Keyword FMT instead of NMLFNG Extension to Fortran-77:  is not a generic f	 \unction in Fortran-77HCP VMS incompatibility: Hollerith constant padded with spa	 ecesHCU Extension to Fortran-77: Hollerith constantINS VMS incompatibility: /NOC	 mREF switchINS VMS incompatibility: /CREF switchINS VMS incompatibility: Defa	 vult for VMS is /NOLISTKWUKeyword KWVKeyword value for LNE VMS incompatibi	 ~lity: Logical and numeric variables EQUIVALENCE-dLOL VMS incompatibility: List of l	 abelsLSP Extension to Fortran-77:  length specifierMLNMixing logical and n	 umericMSLMulti-statement lineNAM Extension to Fortran-77: NAMELIST statem	 entNDPNo decimal places with edit descriptor NEC Extension to Fortran-77: 	  Numeric expression in character contextNIB Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer sub	 )string boundsNIG Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer as index to computed GOTO	 1NIK Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer used with NIS Extension to Fortran-77: 	 :Non-integer subscriptNIX Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer as index to RETURN	 BNLK Extension to Fortran-77: Use of NAMELISTNPC VMS incompatibility: Null	 K padding before NPP Extension to Fortran-77: No parentheses around PARAMETER lis	 StNSCNon-standard character in column 1OCUOctal constantOIO Extension to Fo	 \rtran-77:  statementOIO statementPWSPRINT (Specifiers) statementRLC 	 dExtension to Fortran-77: & used with return labelRLC$ used with return labelSBC 	 mExtension to Fortran-77: Substring bounds not constantSEP VMS incompatibility:  is	 u same as program name or entry pointSMD Extension to Fortran-77: Single subscrip	 ~t with multi-dimensioned array ANS VMS incompatibility: ASSOCIATEVARIABLE not se	 t by VMS on OPENSNN VMS incompatibility:  is same as NAMELIST nameSROSymbo	 lic relational operator SVN VMS incompatibility:  is same as variable or func	 tion nameTLFTwo-branch logical IFVFS VMS incompatibility:  is a Fortran-supp	  lied routine on VMSVGF VMS incompatibility:  is a generic function on VMSVIF 	 (VMS incompatibility:  is an intrinsic function on VMSVNG VMS incompatibility:  is	 1 not a generic function on VMSWDUWRITE with default unitXEN with external	 9 nameXOR Extension to Fortran-77: Logical .XOR. operatorRLXReturn label 	 BLNCNon-numeric operand in numeric contextNLCNon-logical operand in logical cont	 JextCIS Conflicting INCLUDE switchesINC Extension to Fortran-77: INCLUDE stateme	 SntSOR Subscript out of range for array FNS Extension to Fortran-77:  is not a	 [ Fortran-77 subroutineVSD VMS incompatibility: Subroutine  may differVNS VMS i	 dncompatibility:  is not a VMS-supplied subroutineVNF VMS incompatibility:  is	 l not an intrinsic function on VMSADS  Variable  already declared in SAVE stateme	 untOHC  Octal or hexadecimal constantIMN  IMPLICIT NONEMBD IMPLICIT N	 }ONE -  must be explicitly declaredLMA Length mismatch for argument  of statem	 ent function ASF Illegal argument  for statement function DIM Possible DO ind	 ex modification inside loopIDN Opt - illegal DO nesting - optimization discontinu	 edPAV PARAMETER used as associate variableCNMCharacter and non-character va	 riables FWE Found  when expecting FEE Found  when expecting either FEE		 (   or USI   used incorrectlyICL Illegal character  in label fieldIAC 	 0Illegal ASCII character  in sourceUMP Unmatched parenthesesNRC Statement 	 9not recognizedMSP Statement name misspelledISN  is not ISN  is not 	 AIDT Illegal or misspelled data typeIIP Illegal implicit specification para	 JmeterLLS Label too large or too smallLAD Label  already defined at line: 	 RDIA DO index variable  is already activeILF Illegal statement after logical IF	 [ISD Illegal subscript expression in DATA statementAWN Array reference  has wro	 cng number of subscriptsIDN DO loop at line:  is illegally nestedDTI The dimens	 lions of  must be of the type integerEXB EQUIVALENCE extends COMMON block  backw	 tardsABD  has already been defined IDV Implied DO index is not a variableTFL 	 }Too many FORMAT labels specifiedECT Attempt to enter  into COMMON twicePIC 	 The DO parameters of  must be integer constantsRFC  is a recursive function call	 MCE More than 1 COMMON variable in EQUIVALENCE groupIED Inconsistent EQUIVAL	 ENCE declarationIZM Illegal  size modifier BOV Statement too large to cl	 assifyDVE Cannot use dummy variable in EQUIVALENCEVSE EQUIVALENCE subscrip	 'ts must be integer constantsNIR Repeat count must be an unsigned integerNIU 	 0Non-integer unit number in I/O statementIXM Illegal mixed mode arithmeticCER 	 8Compiler error in routine DID Cannot initialize a dummy parameter in DATAIOD 	 AIllegal statement used as object of DONNF No statement number on FORMATDSF Argum	 Ient  is same as FUNCTION nameCQL No closing quote in character constantLGB 	 RLower bound greater than upper bound for array EID ENTRY statement illegal inside	 Z a block IF or DO loopIAL Incorrect argument type for library function NLF 	 cWrong number of arguments for library function LTL Too many items in list - reduc	 ke number of itemsLFA Label arguments illegal in FUNCTION or array referenceDLN 	 tOptional data value list not supportedDDA  is duplicate dummy argumentEDN Expre	 |ssion too deeply nested to compileENF Label  must refer to an executable statement	 , not a FORMATVNA Subscripted variable in EQUIVALENCE, but not an arrayOPW OPEN/	 
ionSTD Statement  is a declarationIBD Illegal substring bound in DATA statemen	 	tFID Can't initialize character function name ZLD Zero-trip DO loop illegal	 	 in DATA statementCNE Character and numeric entry points cannot be mixedCEL 	 	&Character entry points must have the same lengthCFL Reference to character functio	 	.n  must have a fixed lengthOBO  may only be specified onceUKW Unrecognized ke	 	7yword IXS Illegal  specifierIXS Illegal  specifierWIF  is illegal with in	 	?ternal filesOUB Only upper bound of last dimension of  may be asteriskAOA 	 	HAssumed-size arrays only allowed in subprogramsASA Assumed-size arrays cannot be 	 	Pused ISS   illegal in SAVE statementNLS  may not be declared length star	 	YCEX Constant or constant expression requiredMST  must be ECS  EQUIVALE	 	aNCE-d to COMMON is illegal in SAVE statementEXI Exponent must be integerRUS Relat	 	jional expression illegal as UNIT specifierUNS UNIT may not be specifiedNMD 	 	rNo matching DOSMC Size modifier conflict for variable IOC Illegal operator for	 	{ character dataION Numeric operand of concatenation operatorIAN Illegal as	 
signment between character and numeric dataNYI Not yet implementedIFS Illegal fo	 
rmat specifierIQN INQUIRE - neither UNIT nor FILE keywords were specifiedIQB 	 
INQUIRE - both UNIT and FILE keywords were specifiedNNA NAMELIST is not allowed i 
n NNN NML= must specify a NAMELISTMST  must be  *^,,b^:Z^,,J^: