
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-4157h-bm_fortran20_v10_16mt9 - subsys/link.exe
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&s.fs!&`!(cH+r%7@	+r%,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>/,S+r+F,^,^ (ar`+rar+r".*7l(+r"`l+ral+r+r"4`f`r@X(`f@`r@P(3H(g!(GH,^,^,^,^,^,^Bf`f`,~!&BF,~ af@+r0 H,~6&af+r07@@h H,~6&af+r0 H,~,> PEs,^,~ }sMEFMemory expansion failed#XMOVMoving low segment to expand area p,^+p,^+pP ,>r>/r>+mQ(l(+mAZWAllocating zero wordsmtRUMReturning unavailable memory,>+o#pppUpZ+OLCError writing area LCOHCError writing area HCOLSError writing area LS to file OASError writing area ASOTPError writing area TPCCSCannot create section CBOCannot build overlays outside section zeroILCError reading area LCIHCError reading area HCILSError reading area LS from file IASError reading area ASITPError reading area TPPLSArea LS overflowing to diskPASArea AS overflowing to diskPTPArea TP overflowing to diskCRSCreating section ELSError creating area LS overflow fileEASError creating area AS overflow fileETPError creating area TP overflow filex &>+qf ">+ql<xSFUSymbol table fouled upMMFMemory manager error+ s 
Ha3	/C7uKK&5{,_bS2}tg:]Y6n+[C&G6x#SNupo:5G65x1M-|1kJSO*SO&A[ODON-|~g;wM&u|2G7x>SK*a?6	@afy[66P[?6hG7ExYGwy_3aS	v]CKS{}]"vMRE|mYNng:fq](UB?_S;K7{`S"}l]N*e
"?6|[Nv3G%wG-w!QNe}[66SCE~kN'a?&	;]Nn@Y::]N~VQRe}%C:muY]yGwBS6
gYOS"voiR6	gJ
:G>-yG>5y"]laRf	Tg&6*[%SW._v[g>.
Rt"0T"Gh	-@NYm;CNYh+3X*Mvnt"0T"Gh	-@NYm;CNYh+3X*MvRt"0T"Gh	-@NYm;CNYh+3X*Mvnt"0T"Gh	-@NYm;CNYh+3X*Mv	You loaded programs containing more  ambiguous	subroutine
	requests than can fit in the tables of one or more overlay
	links.	You received a LNKARL message for  each  ambiguous
	request,  and a LNKTMA message for each link with too many
	requests.  You can solve this problem  in  either  of  two
	ways.	One  is  to  use  the  /ARSIZE	switch	before the
	/OVERLAY switch, thus expanding all the tables.  The other
	is to use the /ARSIZE switch just before each /LINK switch
	to expand the tables separately.	FORTRAN  common  areas  cannot  be  expanded once defined.
	Either load the module with the largest definition  first,
	or use the /COMMON: switch to reserve the needed space.	The caller supplied argument  does not match the  argument
	expected by the callee.	You loaded ALGOL procedures, but  no  main  program.   The
	missing start address and undefined symbols will terminate
	execution.	LINK expected a particular user address to be  in  memory,
	but  it  is  not  there.   This is an internal LINK error.
	This message is not expected to occur.	If it does, please
	notify	 your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a  Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	More than one successor link can satisfy a  call  from	an
	ancestor  link.  The ancestor link requests an entry point
	that is contained in two or more of its  successors.   You
	should	 revise  your  overlay	structure  to  remove  the

	If you execute the current load, one of the following will
	occur when the ambiguous call is executed:

	1.  If only  one  module  satisfying  the  request  is	in
	    memory, that module will be called.

	2.  If two or more modules satisfying the request  are	in
	    memory,  the  one  with  the most links of its path in
	    memory will be called.

	3.  If no modules satisfying the request  are  in  memory,
	    the one with the most links of its path in memory will
	    be called.

	If a module cannot be selected	by  the  methods  2  or  3
	above, one of the modules will be called at random.	LINK's memory manager was called  with	a  request  for  0
	words.	 This  is an internal LINK error.  This message is
	not expected to occur.	If it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software  Specialist or send a Software Performance Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	You have tried to build an overlay structure for a program
	that is either too large to  fit in section zero or  which
	loads outside section  zero by default.   Check your  LINK
	commands and also the  assembly or compiler commands  used
	to produce the program modules.	You  have  loaded  modules  compiled  with conflicting CPU
	specifications, such as loading a MACRO  program  compiled
	with  the  statement  .DIRECTIVE KA10 and another compiled
	with .DIRECTIVE KI10. Recompile the affected modules  with
	compatible CPU specifications.	Link has detected a character constant that did not  begin
	on a word boundary.  This error is most likely the  result
	of  a  language  translator  error.   This  error  is  not
	exspected to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	LINK is  unable to  create  the specified  section.   This
	could be  because  your  system  does  not  have  extended
	addressing hardware,  or  because there  are  insufficient
	resources to create a section.	DDT could not be loaded  into memory  with  your  program.
	The  second line  of the error message is the last TOPS-20
	process error and indicates why the  error occurred.	You  have changed the log file specification.  The old log
	file is closed;  further log entries are  written  in  the
	new log file.	Fixups may not have been done because of a psect exceeding
	it's  upper  limit.  The   resulting  image  is   probably
	incorrect.	You cannot use COBOL-68 and COBOL files in the same  load.
	Compile  all COBOL programs with  the  same  compiler  and
	reload.	You cannot use COBOL-74 and COBOL files in the same  load.
	Compile  all COBOL programs with  the  same  compiler  and
	reload.	You cannot use COBOL-68 and COBOL-74  files  in  the  same
	load.	Compile  all COBOL programs with the same compiler
	and reload.	You are loading a  mixture  of	COBOL-compiled	files  and
	other files.  Load one of the COBOL-compiled files first.	You have loaded  a module which  specifies that the  named
	common block  must  be loaded  in  a psect  which  is  not
	compatible with  the  psect  in which  it  was  originally
	loaded.  Compile the  module with the  common in the  same
	psect as the original.	You cannot load modules  produced by FORTRAN with  modules
	produced  by  GFLoating  FORTRAN.   Compile  all   FORTRAN
	modules the same way, then reload.	You attempted to use an unimplemented feature.	This is an
	internal  LINK	error.	 This  message	is not expected to
	occur.	If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	One of the modules you have already loaded explicitly sets
	an attribute for the named psect which conflicts with  the
	declaration of  psect attributes  in the  current  module.
	Check  the   compiler   switches  or   assembly   language
	directives that  were  used  in  the  generation  of  this
	module.	LINK cannot open the specified file for input.	The module you are attempting to load does not  contain  a
	.DIRECTIVE for any of the CPUs you specified with the /CPU
	switch.  Recompile the module with the proper  .DIRECTIVE,
	or use a different /CPU switch.	You have  loaded  a module  which  contains code  for  the
	section specified.  LINK is creating that section.	LINK is generating your executable (EXE) file.	An  error  occurred  while  writing  UDDT's  symbol  table
	pointers.  Symbols may not be available for use now.  This
	is  probably  because  the symbol table pointers were on a
	write-protected memory page.	LINK is beginning program execution at the named debugger.	Though  you  have asked for program execution, LINK cannot
	proceed due to earlier  fatal  compiler  or  LINK  errors.
	Your program is left in memory or in an executable file.	SYS:UDDT.EXE could not be found.	You  used  a  device   switch	(for   example,   /REWIND,
	/BACKSPACE),  but  LINK cannot associate a device with the
	switch.  Neither LINK's default device nor any device  you
	gave  with the /DEFAULT switch can apply.  Give the device
	with or before the switch (in the same command line).	You are using the /SET switch to reduce the  value  of	an
	already  defined  relocation  counter.	 Unless  you  know
	exactly  where	each  module  is  loaded,  code   may	be
	overwritten.	You loaded a FORTRAN-compiled module with  DATA  statement
	assignments  to a common area.	The common area is already
	defined in an ancestor link.  Restructure the load so that
	the  DATA  statements  are  loaded in the same link as the
	common area to which they refer.	You have a data store for an absolute location outside the
	specified link.  Load the module into the root link.


	    If the location is less than 140, this message has
	    level 8 and severity 8.

		LINK's undefined symbol count has become  negative.   This
	message  is  not  expected  to	occur.	If it does, please
	notify	your  Software	Specialist  or	send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	LINK could not make the ALGOL symbol table  on	the  disk.
	You  could  be	over your disk quota, or the disk could be
	full or have errors.	LINK could not write the saved	file  on  the  disk.   You
	could  be  over your disk quota, or the disk could be full
	or have errors.	LINK could not write your high-segment code on	the  disk.
	You  could  be	over your disk quota, or the disk could be
	full or have errors.	A  read  error has occurred on the input file.  Use of the
	file is terminated and the file is released.	LINK could not write your low-segment code  on	the  disk.
	You  could  be	over your disk quota, or the disk could be
	full or have errors.	LINK  has  finished  writing  your  log file.  The file is
	closed.	The link is loaded.	LINK could not write your local symbol table on the  disk.
	You  could  be	over your disk quota, or the disk could be
	full or have errors.	The map file is completed and closed.	LINK could not write the saved file on the disk.	An error has been detected while reading the named file.	An error has been detected while writing the named file.	LINK could not write the overlay file on the disk.	LINK could not  make the  typechecking area  on the  disk.
	You could be over  your disk quota, or  the disk could  be
	full or have errors.	LINK is in the last stages of loading  your  program  (for
	example,  creating  EXE  and  symbol  files, preparing for
	execution if requested).	LINK  is  reading  one	or  both  segment  overflow  files
	backwards  to  perform	any  needed code fixups.  This may
	cause considerable disk overhead, but occurs only if  your
	program is too big for memory.@t4	LINK is finished.  Control is passed to the monitor, or to
	the loaded program for execution.@tF@tX	During final processing of your root link, LINK found that
	the FUNCT. subroutine was not loaded.  This would cause an
	infinite recursion if your  program  were  executed.   The
	FUNCT. subroutine is requested by the overlay handler, and
	is usually loaded from a default system  library.   Either
	you  prevented	searching  of system libraries, or you did
	not  load  a  main  program  from  an	overlay-supporting
	compiler into the root link. 
	A symbol  with a  value greater  than 777777  was used  to
	resolve a halfword reference.  This may indicate a that  a
	global symbol was used improperly.@ti	You  have  attempted  to  load  high  segment code into an
	overlay link other than the root. Any high segment code in
	an overlaid program must be in the root.	You have set the high-segment counter to a page containing
	low-segment code.  Reload, using the /SET:.HIGH.:n switch,
	or (for MACRO programs)  reassemble  after  changing  your
	TWOSEG pseudo-op.	Your symbol hash table is larger than the maximum LINK can
	generate  (about  50P).   This	table  size is an assembly
	parameter.  This message is not expected to occur.  If	it
	does,  please  notify  your  Software Specialist or send a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	An error  occurred  while  reading  in  the  ALGOL  symbol
	table.	REL   block  type  12  (chain),  generated  by  the  MACRO
	pseudo-op .LINK and .LNKEND, must contain a number from  1
	to  100  (octal)  in  its  first  word.   The link word is
	ignored.	You specified an illegal combination of  device  and  data
	mode  (for  example, terminal and dump mode).  Respecify a
	legal device.	An error  occurred  while  reading  in	your  high-segment
	code.	An error occurred while reading in your low-segment code.	An error occurred  while  reading  in  your  local  symbol
	table.	The  INCREMENTAL  keyword  for  the  /MAP:  switch  is not
	implemented.  The switch is ignored.	LINK needs more memory than is available.	You  have  requested  with  the  /INCLUDE: switch that the
	named  modules  (if  any)  be   loaded.     Specify  files
	containing these modules.	LINK attempted a monitor call (for example, LOOKUP, ENTER)
	for  a	channel  that  is not set up.  This is an internal
	LINK error.  This message is not expected to occur.  If it
	does,  please  notify  your  Software Specialist or send a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	An error occurred when reading the overlay file.	You are attempting  to load a  file containing an  invalid
	REL block type 11 or  1072 (polish).  This message is  not
	expected  to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	A REL block contains a reference to a  nonexistent  psect.
	This  error  is probably caused by a fault in the language
	translator used  for  the  program.   This  error  is  not
	expected  to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	The file is not in the proper binary format.  It may  have
	been   generated  by  a  translator  that  LINK  does  not
	recognize, or it may be an ASCII or EXE file.	One  of  the  new  style  1000+ block types has an illegal
	relocation  counter.   This  message  is  not  expected to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	One  of  the  REL block types 1042 or 1043 is in the wrong
	format. This message is not  expected  to  occur.   If  it
	does,  please  notify  your  Software Specialist or send a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The specified  module  contains an  incorrectly  formatted
	polish fixup block (type 11 or 1072).  The store  operator
	specifies a symbol fixup, but the block ends before all of
	the symbol is specified.  This error is probably caused by
	a fault in the language  translator used for the  program.
	This error is not expected  to occur.  If it does,  please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The LINK symbol table routine was called  with	the  blank
	symbol.   This  error  can  be  caused  by  a fault in the
	language translator used for the program.  This message is
	not  expected  to  occur.   If it does, please notify your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	There  is an error in the global symbol table.  This is an
	internal LINK error.  This  message  is  not  expected  to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	There  is  insufficient address space for the symbol table
	between the named psect and the next higher one or the end
	of  the  address  space.  Restructure your psect layout to
	allow sufficient room for the symbol table.	LINK has found errors in the switch table passed from  the
	SCAN  module.  This is an internal error.  This message is
	not expected to occur.	If it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send  a Software Performance Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	LINK  has  failed  to  complete the processing of an ASCII
	text REL block from the named file.  This is  an  internal
	error.   This  message  is  not  expected to occur.  If it
	does, please notify your Software  Specialist  or  send  a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	An error occurred while reading in the typechecking area.	LINK's  user  UUO  (LUUO)  handler has detected an illegal
	UUO.  This is an internal  error.   This  message  is  not
	expected  to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	The range checking of LINK's internal  tables  and  arrays
	failed.   The address given is the point in a LINK segment
	at which failure occurred.  This  is  an  internal  error.
	This message is not expected to occur.  If it does, please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The  specified  module  contains  an incorrectly formatted
	polish fixup block  (type  11).  Either  the  last  unused
	halfword  (if  it  exists) is non-zero, or there are extra
	halfwords following  all  valid  data.  LINK  ignores  the
	extra  data.  This  error is probably caused by a fault in
	the language translator used for the program.  This  error
	is  not expected to occur.  If it does, please notify your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	The LINK module LNKLOD is beginning its processing.	LINK is creating your log file as a result of defining the
	logical name LOG:.	LINK  is  continuing your log file as a result of the /LOG
	switch.	LINK  is  beginning  your log file as a result of the /LOG
	switch.	A  REL  block  type  14  (index)  for  a  MAKLIB or FUDGE2
	generated library file is inconsistent.   The  library  is
	searched, but the index is ignored.	LINK  is  beginning  its  processing  by  initializing its
	internal tables and variables.	The length of the argument  passed by the caller does  not
	match what the called routine expects it to be.	LINK is loading the named module.	You used this name for another link.  Specify a  different
	name for this link.	The link with this number has not yet  been  loaded.   The
	/NODE  switch  is  ignored.  If you have used link numbers
	instead of link names with the /NODE switch, you may  have
	confused  the  link  numbers.	To  avoid  this,  use link
	names.	LINK  cannot  find  the  named link in memory.  This is an
	internal error.  This message is not  expected  to  occur.
	If it does, please notify your Software Specialist or send
	a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The name you gave with the /NODE switch is not the name of
	any loaded link.  The switch is ignored.	Your use of the /NODE switch shows that you want to  begin
	a  new	overlay  link,	but  the  current  link is not yet
	completely  loaded.    LINK   assumes	a   /LINK   switch
	immediately preceding the /NODE switch, and loads the link
	(without a link name).	The  listed  symbols  and  their values (if any) are those
	that are library search entry points.	The named module contains a new definition of  an  already
	defined  global symbol.  The old definition is used.  Make
	the definitions consistent and reload.	LINK   cannot   expand   memory  further.    All permitted
	overflows to disk have been tried,  but  your  program  is
	still too large for available memory.  A probable cause is
	a large global symbol table, which cannot be overflowed to
	disk.	The  internal  memory  manager   in  LINK  has  failed   a
	consistency check.  This error  is not expected to  occur.
	If it does, please notify your Software Specialist or send
	a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	LINK is rearranging its low segment to make more room  for
	the  specified	area.	Area  is  one  of  the	following:
	AS=ALGOL symbol table, BG=bound global symbols, DY=dynamic
	free   memory,  FX=fixup  area,  GS=global  symbol  table,
	HC=your  high-segment  code,  LC=your  low-segment   code,
	LS=local symbol tables, RT=relocation tables.	The LINK module LNKMAP is writing a map file.	This module contains both psect code and twoseg code. LINK
	cannot  load such a module.  Change the source code to use
	psects .HIGH. and .LOW. as the high and low segments,  and
	remove the TWOSEG or HISEG pseudo-ops.	The  REGION  keyword  for  the  /OVERLAY:  switch  is  not
	implemented.  The argument is ignored.	Alphabetical or numerical sorting of the map file  is  not
	implemented.   The  symbols  in the map file appear in the
	order they are found in the .REL files.	The current value of MAXCOR  is  too  small  for  LINK	to
	operate.  You can speed up future loads of this program by
	setting the /MAXCOR: switch to this expanded size  at  the
	beginning of the load.	You are attempting to specify the /MAXCOR: switch so large
	that  the  low segment cannot fit before the high segment.
	LINK will use only the core indicated.	LINK needs more space than  you  gave  with  the  /MAXCOR:
	switch.   Give  a  new /MAXCOR:  switch  with at least the
	required size.	The specified  module  contains an  incorrectly  formatted
	polish fixup block (type 11 or 1072).  The store  operator
	specifies a memory  fixup, but the  block ends before  the
	address is specified.  This error is probably caused by  a
	fault in  the language  translator used  for the  program.
	This error is not expected  to occur.  If it does,  please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The argument you gave for the /NODE switch would  indicate
	a  link  before  the  root  link.   (For  example,  from a
	position after the third link in a path, you  cannot  give
	/NODE:-4.)	No REL block type 5 (end) was found in the  named  module.
	This  will  happen  if LINK finds two type 6 blocks (name)
	without an intervening end, or if an end-of-file is  found
	before  the end block is seen.  LINK simulates the missing
	end block.  However, fatal messages usually  follow  this,
	since this condition usually indicates a bad REL file.	You gave a device that does  not  exist  on  this  system.
	Correct your input files and reload.	There is no  free  nonzero  section to  load  SYS:XDDT.EXE
	into.   XDDT can  only be  loaded  into a section which is
	unused by your program.  You must reconfigure your program
	to be able to use XDDT.	You have  attempted to  load  high  segment  code  into  a
	program  that  is  being loaded  into  a  nonzero section.
	Programs with high segments must be in section zero.	You  have  specified  the name of a psect after which LINK
	should append the symbol table, but  no  psect  with  that
	name  was  loaded.   Load  the  named  psect or specify an
	existing psect for the symbols.	Your  program  does  not have a starting address. This can
	happen if you neglect to  load  a  main  program.  Program
	execution,  if  requested,  will  be suppressed unless you
	specified debugger execution.    
        You used the /LINK switch,  which indicates that you  want
        to begin a new overlay link, but you have not specified  a
        NODE switch to tell LINK where to put the new overlay ink.	The specified  module  contains an  incorrectly  formatted
	polish fixup block  (type 11 or  1072).  Either the  block
	does not have a  store operator, or LINK  was not able  to
	detect it due to the  block's invalid format.  This  error
	is probably caused by a  fault in the language  translator
	used for  the  program.  This  error  is not  expected  to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The called routine  does not return  a value, however  the
	caller expected a returned value.	An error occurred  while  writing  out  the  ALGOL  symbol
	table.	An error has occurred on the output file.  The output file
	is  closed  at	the  end  of  the  last  data successfully
	output.	An error has occurred on the output file.  The output file
	is  closed  at	the  end  of  the  last  data successfully
	output.	An error has occurred on the output file.  The output file
	is  closed  at	the  end  of  the  last  data successfully
	output.	An error has occurred on the output file.  The output file
	is closed at the end of the last data successfully output.	An OPEN or INIT monitor  call  for  the  specified  device
	failed.  The device may be under another user's control.	The standard released version of LINK does not support F40
	code.	Specify a disk device for the overlay file.	An error occurred  while  writing  out  your  high-segment
	code.	Internal symbols in  the  overlay  handler  could  not	be
	referenced.   If  you  are using your own overlay handler,
	this is a user error;  if not, it is  an  internal  error.
	This message is not expected to occur.	If it does, please
	notify	your  Software	Specialist  or	send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	An error  occurred  while  writing  out  your  low-segment
	code.	An error occurred while  writing  out  your  local  symbol
	table.	An error has occurred while writing the overlay file.	LINK's module LNKOV2 is writing your overlay file.	You  have  specified  /SYMSEG:HIGH  or /SYMSEG:PSECT: when
	loading an  overlay  structure.   Specify  /SYMSEG:LOW  or
	/SYMSEG:DEFAULT.	An error occurred while writing out the typechecking area.	The load is too large to fit into the allowed  memory  and
	the ALGOL symbol table is being moved to disk.	The highest address  allocated	in  the  named	module	is
	greater than 512P.  This is usually caused by dimensioning
	large arrays.  Modify your programs or load list to reduce
	the size of the load.	LINK found an end-of-file inside a REL block (that is, the
	word   count   for   the   block   extended   beyond   the
	end-of-file).   This error can be caused by a fault in the
	language translator used for the program.	The Psect named has exceeded  the upper limit set for  it.
	No additional chained  fixups will be  performed, and  the
	resulting image will probably be incorrect.  Symbol  table
	fixups, however will be performed, and all map information
	will be correct.	The caller has specified that  the argument should not  be
	modified.  The called  routine  contains  code  which  may
	modify this argument.  In  some  cases this  message  will
	occur although the  argument is not  actually modified  by
	the routine.	The load is too large to fit into the allowed  memory  and
	your local symbol tables are being moved to disk.	LINK is creating your overlay tree file.	The named psects overlap each other in the indicated range
	of  addresses.   If  you  do  not  expect  this   message,
	restructure   your  psect  origins  with  the  /SET:PSECT:
	switch.	Your program extends beyond location 777777, which is  the
	highest location that LINK is capable of loading.  You may
	be able to make your program fit by moving psect  origins,
	lowering  the  high  segment origin, loading into a single
	segment, reducing the size of arrays in your  program,  or
	using the overlay facility.	The load is too large to fit into the allowed  memory  and
	your argument typechecking tables are being moved to disk.	The REL block is inconsistent.	 This  may  be	caused	by
	incorrect  output  from a translator (for example, missing
	argument for an end  block).   Recompile  the  module  and
	reload.	The  listed  symbols  and  their values (if any) represent
	subroutine entry points in the current link.	LINK is expanding the global  symbol  table  either  to  a
	prime number larger than your /HASHSIZE: switch requested,
	or by about 50 percent.  You can speed up future loads	of
	this  program  by  setting  /HASHSIZE:  this  large at the
	beginning of the load.	The  listed  symbols  and  values  represent  the  current
	placement of psects in your address space.	LINK attempted to return memory to the memory manager, but
	the specified memory was not previously  allocated.   This
	is an internal error.  This message  is  not  expected  to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	One of the modules you have already loaded explicitly sets
	an attribute for the named psect which conflicts with  the
	declaration of  psect attributes  in the  current  module.
	Check  the   compiler   switches  or   assembly   language
	directives that  were  used  in  the  generation  of  this
	module.	There are errors  in  the  local  symbol  table.   Loading
	continues,  but  any  maps  you  request  will not contain
	control section lengths.  This is an internal error.  This
	message  is  not  expected  to  occur.  If it does, please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	LINK's hashing algorithms  failed;   they  are	trying	to
	write  a  new  symbol over an old one.	You may be able to
	load your files in a different order.  This is an internal
	error.   This  message  is  not  expected to occur.  If it
	does, please notify your Software  Specialist  or  send  a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	You loaded some SIMULA procedures or classes, but no  main
	program.  Missing start address and undefined symbols will
	terminate execution.	You defined a FORTRAN common  area with the same name as a
	non-common  symbol.   You must decide which definition you
	want.  If you want the common definition, load the  common
	area first.	LINK is ready to process the next command line.	The named subroutine is  in  a	different  path  from  the
	calling link.  Redefine your overlay structure so that the
	subroutine is in the correct path.	LINK does not support the .REL file format produced by the
	SITGO compiler.  Load your program by using SITGO.	An error occurred in outputting the .EXE file.	LINK was unable to replace itself with your program  using
	the extended splice fork JSYS.  The probable cause is your
	monitor  not  having   the  extended   splice  fork   code
	installed.  LINK  will save  your program  if it  has  not
	already been  saved,  and will  get  or run  it  from  the
	resulting .EXE file.	You   cannot  use  the  /SET:  switch  to  set  the  named
	relocation counter below its initial value.   The  attempt
	is ignored.	Relocatable  psects are not implemented;  you must specify
	an explicit absolute origin with  the  /SET:PSECT:  switch
	for the named psect.	Alphabetical or numerical sorting of the symbol  table	is
	not implemented.  The symbols appear in the order they are
	found.	LINK is rearranging the symbol table, and if required,	is
	converting  the  symbols  from	the  new  to old format as
	indicated on the /SYMSEG, /SYFILE, or /DEBUG switch.	The symbol table has been sorted and  moved  according	to
	the /SYMSEG, /SYFILE, or /DEBUG switch.	A symbol  specified in  a  rel block  is longer  than  the
	maximum allowed by LINK.	REL block type 13  (LVAR)  is  obsolete.   Use	the  MACRO
	pseudo-op TWOSEG.	LINK has already loaded  the  initial  symbol  table.	To
	prevent  this  loading, place the /NOINITIAL switch before
	the first file specification.	You have more ambiguous subroutine requests (indicated	by
	LNKARL messages) than will fit in the table for this link.
	Continue loading.  Your load will abort at the end with  a
	LNKABT	message;   if  you  have  loaded  all modules, the
	message will give the size of the  needed  /ARSIZE  switch
	for a reload. 
	You have specified more overlay links than were allowed by
	the current value  for the /MAXNODE  switch.  Reload  your
	program with a larger /MAXNODE value.	The data type of  the argument passed  by the caller  does
	not match what the called routine expects.	In producing the index for a map  file,  LINK  found  more
	program  names	than there are programs.  The symbol table
	is in error.  This is an internal error.  This  message is
	not  expected  to  occur.   If it does, please notify your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.	The  named  symbol  was referenced in a REL block type 100
	(ASSIGN), but the symbol is undefined.  This  is generated
	with  the  MACRO  pseudo-op  .ASSIGN.   The assignment  is
	ignored.   You  should  load  a  module  that  defines the
	symbol.	A reference was made to a common block, however the  block
	does not exist.	The  listed  symbols  and  their values (if any) represent
	symbols not yet defined by any module.  Each value is  the
	first  address in a chain of references for the associated

	If  this  message  resulted  automatically  at  the end of
	loading, this is a user error.  In  this  case,  the  load
	will   continue,   leaving  references  to  these  symbols
	unresolved.	An error occurred while processing a previous error.  This
	message  is  not  expected  to occur.   If it does, please
	notify  your  Software   Specialist  or  send  a  Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	A monitor call has unexpectedly failed.   The  second line
	of the error message is the last TOPS-20 process error and
	indicates  why the  error occurred.   This may be either a
	system problem or a LINK internal error,  depending on the
	message.	Extraction of symbols from a MACRO universal file  is  not
	implemented.	In a REL block type 2 (symbols), the first 4 bits of  each
	word  pair  contain  the Radix-50 symbol code.	LINK found
	one or more invalid codes in the block.  This error can be
	caused  by a fault in the language translator used for the
	program.	The called routine returns a value which was not  expected
	by the caller.	You gave an undefined global symbol as the start  address.
	Load a module that defines the symbol.	LINK has detected an undefined global symbol in a type 1004
	REL block.  This global symbol  is used to relocate a  byte
	pointer and must be defined before the 1004 block that uses
	it is seen.   This error is  most likely the  result of  an
	error in the language translator  used to generate the  REL
	file.	The named link contains a call for a subroutine  you  have
	not  loaded.  If the subroutine is required for execution,
	you must reload, including  the  required  module  in  the
	link.	LINK has detected  an undefined  global symbol  in a  type
	1160 REL block.  This global symbol is used to relocate  a
	byte pointer and  must be  defined before  the 1160  block
	that uses  it is  seen.   This error  is most  likely  the
	result of  an error  in the  language translator  used  to
	generate the REL file.	You  have  specified  an undefined symbol to a switch that
	can only take a defined symbol or a number.   Specify  the
	correct switch value.	You gave the named symbol as an  argument  to  the  /UPTO:
	switch,  but  the symbol was never defined.  Load a module
	that defines the symbol, or change your  argument  to  the
	/UPTO: switch.	LINK  has  printed the specified symbol, its value and its
	attributes as requested.	The number of  arguments in  the routine call  is not  the
	number of arguments expected by the called routine.	LINK is beginning execution of your program.	You omitted required arguments for a switch (for  example,
	/REQUIRE with no symbols).  Respecify the switch.	One of the following conditions occurred:

	1.  The specified file name was illegal.

	2.  When updating a file, the specified file name did  not
	    match the file being updated.

	3.  The RENAME monitor call  following  a  LOOKUP  monitor
	    call failed.	The named file was not found.  Specify an existing file.	The named directory does  not  exist  on  the  named  file
	structure,  or  the  project-programmer  number  given was
	incorrect.	You do not have sufficient access privileges  to  use  the
	named file.	The directory on the DECtape has no  room  for  the  file.
	Delete  some  files  from  the  DECtape or specify another
	device.	Another job is currently modifying the  named  file.   Try
	accessing the file later.	The named file already exists, or  a  different  file  was
	specified  on  the  ENTER  monitor call following a LOOKUP
	monitor call.C	LINK has specified an illegal sequence  of  monitor  calls
	(e.g.,  a  RENAME  without  a  preceding  LOOKUP  or ENTER
	monitor call, or a LOOKUP after an  ENTER).   This  is  an
	internal  error.   This  message is not expected to occur.
	If it does, please notify your Software Specialist or send
	a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	One of the following conditions occurred:

	1.  A transmission, device or data  error  occurred  while
	    attempting  to  read  the  directory or the RIB of the
	    named file.

	2.  A hardware-detected device or data error was  detected
	    while reading the named directory's RIB or data block.

	3.  A  software-detected  data  inconsistency  error   was
	    detected while reading the named directory's or file's
	    RIB.6	The named file is not a  saved  file.   This  message  can
	never  occur  and is included only for completeness of the
	LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME error codes.  This message is not
	expected  to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The system cannot supply enough memory to use  as  buffers
	or to read in a program.  This message can never occur and
	is included only for completeness of the LOOKUP, ENTER and
	RENAME  error  codes.   This  message  is  not expected to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The named device is currently not available.  This message
	can  never  occur and is included only for completeness of
	the LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME error codes.  This message is
	not  expected  to  occur.   If it does, please notify your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The named device dies not exist.  This message  can  never
	occur and is included only for completeness of the LOOKUP,
	ENTER  and  RENAME  error  codes.   This  message  is  not
	expected  to  occur.   If  it  does,  please  notify  your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The  machine  does  not  have  a  two-register  relocation
	capability.   This message can never occur and is included
	only for completeness of  the  LOOKUP,  ENTER  and  RENAME
	error  codes.   This message is not expected to occur.  If
	it does, please notify your Software Specialist or send  a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	You have exceeded the quota of the named directory, or the
	entire capacity of the file structure.  Delete some files,
	or specify a directory or structure with sufficient space.	The named device is write-locked.  Specify a write-enabled
	device  or  ask  the  operator  to  write-enable the named
	device.	There is not enough internal monitor table space  for  the
	named file.  Try the load at a later time.	Because of the named directory's quota  or  the  available
	space  on  the  file structure, the total number of blocks
	requested could not be allocated.   A  partial  allocation
	was given.6	The  block  required  by  LINK  is   not   available   for
	allocation.   This message can never occur and is included
	only for completeness of  the  LOOKUP,  ENTER  and  RENAME
	error  codes.   This message is not expected to occur.  If
	it does, please notify your Software Specialist or send  a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	You have attempted to supercede the named directory.6	You have attempted to  delete  a  directory  that  is  not
	empty.   This message can never occur and is included only
	for completeness of the LOOKUP,  ENTER  and  RENAME  error
	codes.   This  message  is  not  expected to occur.  If it
	does, please notify your Software  Specialist  or  send  a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	One of the sub-file directories in the named path was  not
	found.	A LOOKUP or ENTER monitor call was  performed  on  generic
	device DSK:  and the search list is empty.	You have attempted to create a sub-file  directory  nested
	deeper than the maximum level allowed.	No file structure in your job's search list has  both  the
	no-create  bit  and  the write-lock bit equal to zero, and
	has the named directory.6	A GETSEG monitor call was issued from a locked low segment
	to  a  high segment which is not a dormant, active or idle
	segment.  This message can never  occur  and  is  included
	only  for  completeness  of  the  LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME
	error codes.  This message is not expected to  occur.   If
	it  does, please notify your Software Specialist or send a
	Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	A LOOKUP and ENTER monitor call  was  given  to  update  a
	file,  but  the  file  cannot  be  updated for some reason
	(e.g., another user is superceding  it  or  the  file  was
	deleted between the time of the LOOKUP and the ENTER).	The end of the low segment is above the beginning  of  the
	high segment.C	An  attempt  has  been  made  to  run  a  program  from  a
	not-logged-in  job.   This  message can never occur and is
	included only for completeness of the  LOOKUP,  ENTER  and
	RENAME  error  codes.   This  message  is  not expected to
	occur.  If it does, please notify your Software Specialist
	or send a Software Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The  ENQ/DEQ  facility  has  been  used  for  simultaneous
	updating  of the named file, but some ENQ/DEQ requests are
	still outstanding and the file  cannot  be  closed.   This
	message   can   never  occur  and  is  included  only  for
	completeness of the LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME error  codes.
	This message is not expected to occur.  If it does, please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.6	The named file has  a  bad  EXE  format  directory.   This
	message   can   never  occur  and  is  included  only  for
	completeness of the LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME error  codes.
	This message is not expected to occur.  If it does, please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.C	An attempt has been made to run an EXE-format file with  a
	non-.EXE  extension.   EXE  format  files  (those  with an
	internal directory) must have the  extension  .EXE.   This
	message  is  not  expected  to  occur.  If it does, please
	notify  your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a   Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	An attempt has been made to run an EXE-format file with  a
	directory  that  is  too  large for the monitor to handle.
	This message can never occur  and  is  included  only  for
	completeness  of the LOOKUP, ENTER and RENAME error codes.
	This message is not expected to occur.  If it does, please
	notify   your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a  Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.	The monitor's ability to accept another network connection
	has been exceeded.	The named task is not available.  Specify an existing task
	name.	You have specified a network node  that  does  not  exist.
	Wait  for  the  node  to  come  up  or specify an existing
	network node.C	This message indicates that  a  LOOKUP,  ENTER  or  RENAME
	monitor  call  error occurred with an error code larger in
	number than the errors LINK knows about.  This message  is
	not  expected  to  occur.   If it does, please notify your
	Software Specialist or send a Software Performance  Report
	(SPR) to DIGITAL.C	This  message  can  never  occur  and is included only for
	completeness of the LOOKUP, ENTER, and RENAME error codes.	This message is not expected to occur.  If it does, please
	notify   your  Software  Specialist  or  send  a  Software
	Performance Report (SPR) to DIGITAL.9s&,^,~%,V^tuwxz|~@@!#+` J% 
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