
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-bt99e-bb - movgen.c09
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 INS 19/1	;09C1
	;JSM	19-DEC-83	[1512] At MNXAC2 specify the "FROM" address of 
	;				the MOVN instruction.
	;JEH	15-DEC-83	[1510] At MLAC1., don't use ac TD, it's needed later
 INS 38/15	;09C2
		HRR	CH,EAC		;[1512] Specify FROM address of MOVN.
 REP 21/71	;09C3
		MOVE	TD,0(TA)	;[621]
		TLNE	TD,GNALL	;[621]
		MOVE	TB,0(TA)	;[1510][621]
		TLNE	TB,GNALL	;[1510][621]
 SUM 153294