PDP-10 Archives
There are 13 other files named update.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.
UPDATE is a part of SOUPR (see SOUPR.DOC).
The input to UPDATE consists of a base file and a correction file.
The correction file (output from COMPAR) specifies how the base file
should be altered to create a new file known as the user file. UPDATE
will construct this file. COMPAR and UPDATE are inverse operations.
The command format is:
/BASE Do wildcarding on the base-spec
/COR Do wildcarding on the cor-spec
/EXIT Exit to monitor (same as ^Z)
/HELP Type this text
/LOG Log file names (default)
/NCLUDE:x Processing includes only those patches labeled with
x. Wildcards are legal. The default is * (i.e.
include all patches).
/NCLUDE:(x,y,...) Specifies a list of patches to be included
/NOBASE Same as /COR
/NOCOR Same as /BASE
/NOLOG Don't log file names
/UNCLUD Unlabeled patches are always included (default)
/UXCLUD Unlabeled patches are always excluded
/XCLUDE:x Processing excludes those patches labeled with x
/XCLUDE:(x,y,...) Specifies a list of patches to be excluded
1. The default device is DSK:
2. The default PPN is the user's path
3. The default base extension is MAC
4. The default user extension is MAC
5. The default correction extension is COR
6. Cor-spec defaults to base-spec (i.e. file specs are sticky)
7. The filename of the user-spec defaults to the filename of the
8. Full wildcards are allowed in all file specs