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! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M

TO:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group
                                       DATE:  20 Feb 76

                                       FROM:  D. Murphy

                                       DEPT:  DEC10 S. E. Dept.

                                       LOC:   MB-2   EXT:  

                                       FILE:  [DOC-SPECS]

                                       PDM #: 200-003-005-00




                                      First Printing, July 1976

The information in this document is subject to  change  without
notice  and  should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
Equipment Corporation.  Digital Equipment  Corporation  assumes
no  responsibility  for  any  errors  that  may  appear in this

The software described in this document is  furnished  under  a
license  and  may be used or copied only in accordance with the
terms of such license.

Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsbility for  the
use  or  reliability  of  its software on equipment that is not
supplied by DIGITAL.

     Copyright  (C)  1976 by Digital Equipment Corporation

The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:

        DIGITAL            DECsystem-10         MASSBUS
        DEC                DECtape              OMNIBUS
        PDP                DIBOL                OS/8
        DECUS              EDUSYSTEM            PHA
        UNIBUS             FLIP CHIP            RSTS
        COMPUTER LABS      FOCAL                RSX
        COMTEX             INDAC                TYPESET-8
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 2

        DDT                LAB-8                TYPESET-10
        DECCOM             DECsystem-20         TYPESET-11

MACSYM is a file of standard macro and symbol  definitions  for
use  with  TOPS20  machine  language  programs.   Use  of these
definitions  is  recommended  as  a  means  of  producing  more
consistent and readable MACRO sources.  Some of the definitions
were obtained from C.MAC;  others will be  added  if  they  are
generally useful.

MACSYM is available on  SYS:   in  two  forms,  MACSYM.UNV  and
MACREL.REL.   The  first  is  the  universal  file of macro and
symbol definitions;  the second is  a  file  of  small  support
routines  used  by  certain  of  the  facilities  (e.g.,  stack
variables).   The  universal  file  is  normally  obtained   at
assembly time by the source statement


The object file, if necessary, may be obtained  by  the  source


This instructs LINK to load the object file along with the main
program.   The  file  is  loaded only once even if the .REQUIRE
appears in several source modules, and no explicit LINK command
need be given.

Certain conventions are observed regarding the construction  of
symbols as follows:  ("x" represents any alphanumeric)

        xxxxx.  an opdef or macro defininition

        .xxxxx  a constant value

        xx%xxx  a mask, i.e., a bit or  bits  which  specify  a

        Symbols containing  multiple  periods   may   be   used
                internally by some macros.

        Symbols containing "$" are not used or defined  by  DEC
                and are reserved for customer use.

The following definitions  are  available  in  MACSYM  and  are
arranged into groups as shown.


This macro assembles the standard contents of .JBVER.
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 3


where   VERS    is the major version number

        UPDAT   is the update or minor version number

                     (1=A, 2=B, ...)

        EDIT    is the edit number

        CUST    is the customer/SWS edit code (1=SWS,

                     2-7= customer)

A word constructed from  these  quantities  is  assembled  into
absolute  location .JBVER (137);  the current assembly location
is restored.


        .INFIN = 377777,,777777         ;plus infinity

        .MINFI = 400000,,0              ;minus infinity

        .LHALF = 777777,,0              ;left half

        .RHALF =      0,,777777         ;right half

        .FWORD = 777777,,777777         ;full word


Symbols are defined for all control character codes 0 to 37 and
175-177.   The following are the commonly used characters;  see
source listing for others.

        .CHBEL = 07     ;bell

        .CHBSP = 10     ;backspace

        .CHTAB = 11     ;tab

        .CHLFD = 12     ;linefeed

        .CHFFD = 14     ;formfeed

        .CHCRT = 15     ;carriage return

        .CHESC = 33     ;escape

        .CHDEL = 177    ;delete (rubout)
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 4


        PC%OVF = 1B0    ;overflow

        PC%CYO = 1B1    ;carry 0

        PC%CY1 = 1B2    ;carry 1

        PC%FOV = 1B3    ;floating overflow

        PC%BIS = 1B4    ;first  part   done   (byte   increment

        PC%USR = 1B5    ;user mode

        PC%UIO = 1B6    ;user IO mode

        PC%LIP = 1B7    ;last instruction public


        PC%ATN = 1B10   ;apr trap number

        PC%FUF = 1B11   ;floating underflow

        PC%NDV = 1B12   ;no divide


Many of the symbols in MACSYM and MONSYM define flag  bits  and
fields.   A  field  mask  is  a  full-word  value with a single
contiguous group of 1's in  the  field.   E.g.,  000000,,777000
defines a field consisting of bits 18-26.  The following macros
may be used in expressions to deal with these masks.


Width - computes the width of the field defined  by  the  mask,
i.e., the number of contiguous 1-bits.  Value is not defined if
mask contains non-contiguous 1-bits.


Position - computes the position of the field  defined  by  the
mask.  The position of a field is always represented by the bit
number of the rightmost bit of  the  field  regardless  of  the
width  of  the field.  This is sufficient to specify the entire
field in the case of flags (1-bit fields).


Byte pointer - constructs a byte pointer to location LOC  which
references the byte defined by MASK.  E.G.,
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 5

        POINTR(100,77) = POINT 6,100,35 = 000600,,100


Field value - Places the value VAL into the  field  defined  by
MASK.  E.g., FLD(3,700) = 0,,000300


Right-justify - Shift VAL right such that the field defined  by
MASK  is  moved  to  the  low-order  bits  of  the word.  E.g.,
.RTJST(300,700) = 3


Mask - construct a mask word which defines  a  field  from  bit
LBIT to bit RBIT inclusive.  E.g., MASKB(18,26) = 0,,777000.


The  following  mnemonics  are  similar  to   certain   machine
instructions  used  to  move  and  test bits and fields.  These
macros select the most efficient instruction for the mask being


Load AC  with  constant.   MASK  may  be  any  constant;   this
assembles  one  of  the  following instructions:  MOVEI, MOVSI,
HRROI, HRLOI, or MOVE literal.


where m is:  N, Z, O, C

      n is:  E, N, A, null

There are 16 definitions of this form which include all of  the
modification and testing combinations fo the test instructions,
i.e., TXNN, TXNE, TXO, TXON, etc.  A TL, TR, or TD  literal  is
assembled as appropriate.




These are equivalent to certain of the  TX  functions  but  are
provided for mnemonic value.

To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 6

This is a set of four definitions which jump to ADDRESS if  the
field  specified  by  MASK  meets  a  certain  condition.   The
condition (m) may be:

        E - jump if all masked bits are 0

        N - jump if not all masked bits are 0

        O - jump if all masked bits are 1

        F - jump if not al masked bits are 1 (false)

These macros will assemble into one, two, or three instructions
as necessary to effect the specified result.

E.g.,   JXN T1,1B0,FOO  = JUMPL T1,FOO

        JXE T1,770,FOO  = TRNN T1,770
                         JRST FOO


This set of macros provides a comprehensive  facility  for  the
definition  and  use of data structures.  It is an extension of
some of the techniques represented by the field mask facilities
above.   Typically,  a  data  structure definition will include
some information about the location of the data  in  memory  as
well  as  its  position  within  a  word.  These facilities are
intended to provide the following advantages:

    1.  Data items may be referenced more  mnemonically,  e.g.,
        two  data  items  in  the  same  word  would  be  given
        different names rather than merely being known  as  the
        left half or right half of the word.

    2.  Should the need arise, storage formats may  be  changed
        without  incurring  the expense of a search of the code
        to change each reference.



These  macros  both  define  a  data  structure  called   NAME.
LOCATION  specifies the memory location of the desired word and
consists of address, index, and indirect fields  in  the  usual
form,  i.e., @address(index).  Any of the fields may be omitted
if not needed, and the entire location argument may be null  in
some circumstances.  The remaining arguments define the desired
field.  DEFSTR specifies the field in  terms  of  its  position
(right-most bit number) and size (number of bits), while MSKSTR
specifies the field by a full-word mask as  described  earlier.
Normally, the actual storage to be used is declared separately,
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 7

e.g., by a BLOCK statement.

As a simple example, consider an array of full-word data items.
We  wish to use the name FOO for the data itself, so we declare
the actual storage by some other name, e.g.,

        FOO1:   BLOCK n

Then we declare the structure by

                DEFSTR FOO,FOO1(FOOX),35,36

This says that we declare a data  item  called  FOO,  that  the
items  are  addressed by FOO1(FOOX) (assuming that the index is
kept in register FOOX), that the items  are  36-bit  quantities
with  the  rightmost  bit  in  bit  35  (i.e., full words).  If
instead, we wish to declare that each word of FOO1 consists  of
an item in the left half and two 9-bit items in the right half,
we could write:

                DEFSTR FIRSTD,FOO1(FOOX),17,18  ;LH item

                DEFSTR SECOND,FOO1(FOOX),26,9   ;one 9-bit item

                DEFSTR THIRDD,FOO1(FOOX),35,9   ;another 9-bit 
                                                ;  item

Data items defined with DEFSTR or MSKSTR may be referenced in a
general way.  At each instance, additional location information
may be given  if  necessary.   A  set  of  reference  functions
(macros)  is defined for most common operations, some affecting
AC and memory, others  only  memory.   For  example,  the  LOAD
function loads a data item into an AC and is written as

                LOAD AC,NAME,LOCATION

where   AC      is the AC to be loaded

        NAME    is the structure name as defined with DEFSTR

        LOC     is location specification in addition  to  that
                declared  in  the  structure  definition.  This
                field may be null in some cases.

Taking the example definitions above, we may write

                LOAD T1,FOO

which would assemble into

                MOVE T1,FOO1(FOOX)

To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 8

        LOAD T1,SECOND   = LDB T1,[POINT 9,FOO1(FOOX),26]


Note that the macro compiles  the  most  efficient  instruction
available to reference the specified field.

The optional third argument is provided to allow  some  of  the
location  information  to  be  specified at each instance.  For
example, if the definition is

        DEFSTR FOO,FOO1,35,36

Then the index may be specified at each instance, e.g.,

        LOAD T1,FOO,(XX)

        LOAD T2,FOO,(T1)

The specification given in the definition is concatentated with
the specification given in the reference.

The following reference functions are presently defined:

        LOAD AC,NAME,LOC        load data item into AC

        STOR AC,NAME,LOC        store data item  from  AC  into

             The data item is right justified in the AC.

        SETZRO NAME,LOC         set the data item to zero

        SETONE NAME,LOC         set the data item to all ones

        SETCMP NAME,LOC         complement the data item

        INCR NAME,LOC           increment the data item

        DECR NAME,LOC           decrement the data item

For functions not specifically provided, the following  may  be



OP is any machine instruction written without an address field.
It  will  be  assembled such as to reference the specified data
structure.  OPSTR is used if memory is not modified, OPSTRM  is
used if memory is modified.  E.g.,

        OPSTRM <ADDM T1,>,FOO
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group       Page 9

to add the quantity in T1 to the data item FOO.

The  following  test  and  transfer  functions  are   presently

        JE NAME,LOC,ADDR        jump to ADDR if data is 0

        JN NAME,LOC,ADDR        jump to ADDR if data is not 0

The following test  and  transfer  functions  take  a  list  of
structure  names  (surrounded  by  angle-brackets)  or a single
structure name.  They compile code to test each  data  item  in
the  order  given,  and  will stop as soon as the result of the
function is known (e.g., AND encounters a false term).

  JOR NAMLST,LOC,ADDR   jump to ADDR if any data item is true 

  JAND NAMLST,LOC,ADDR  jump to ADDR if all data items true 

  JNOR NAMLST,LOC,ADDR  jump to ADDR if all data items false 

  JNAND NAMLST,LOC,ADDR jump to ADDR if any data item is false 

These functions optimize multiple fields in the  same  word  if
they are adjacent in the structure list.  If the final location
is an accumulator, further optimiZation is done.

As a final example of the data structure facility, consider the
typical  case  of data organized into unit blocks with pointers
to other blocks.  Such a block may appear as
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group      Page 10

      Flag 1   Flag 2           Code            List pointer
          !    !                 !                   !
          V    V                 v                   V
        !   !   !/////////!         !                         !
        !       additional  node  data                        !
        !                       ''''''''                      !

We assume that n-word blocks will be allocated from a free pool
at  execution  time.  The structure of the block is declared as

        MSKSTR FLAG1,0,1B0

        MSKSTR FLAG2,0,1B1

        DEFSTR CODE,0,17,9

        DEFSTR LINK,0,35,18

        DEFSTR NODDAT,1,35,36

Note that the location field contains only the  offset  address
of the word within the block;  the address of the block will be
specified in an index  at  each  reference.   References  would
appear as follows:

        LOAD T1,LINK,(T1)       ;step to next node in list

        STOR T2,CODE,(T1)       ;set new block code

        JE FLAG1,(T1),FLOFF     ;jump if flag1 is off

        JAND <FLAG1,FLAG2>,(T1),FLGSON  ;jump if flag1 and 
                                        ; flag2 are both on


The following definitions are used to make subroutine mechanics
more   mnemonic.    Reference  is  made  to  these  conventions
elsewhere in this document.

  CALL address

Call subroutine at address;  equivalent to PUSHJ P,address

To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group      Page 11

Return from subroutine;  equivalent to POPJ P,


Return from subroutine and skip;  equivalent to

        JRST [AOS 0(P)

  CALLRET address

Call  the  subroutine  at  address   and   return   immediately
thereafter;  equivalent to

        CALL address

CALLRET assembles as JRST  but  should  be  treated  as  if  it
assembles into several instructions and cannot be skipped over.

  AC Conventions

The  facilities  described  here  assume  in  some  cases   the
following AC conventions:

  AC1-AC4               temporary, may  be  used  to  pass  and
                        return values

  AC0,AC5-AC15          preserved, i.e., saved and restored  if
                        used by subroutine

  AC16                  temporary,  used  as  scratch  by  some
                        MACSYM facilities

  AC17                  stack pointer

9.  NAMED VARIABLE FACILITIES (macros and runtime code)

A   traditional   deficiency   of   machine   language   coding
environments   is   facilities   for  named  transient  storage
("automatic", etc.).  Sometimes, permanent storage is  assigned
(e.g.,  by  BLOCK  statements)  when  no recursion is expected.
More often, ACs are used for a small number of local variables.
In  this case, the previous contents must usually be saved, and
a general mnemonic (e.g., T1, A, X) is usually used.   In  some
cases, data on the stack is referenced, e.g.,

        MOVE T1,-2(P)

but this is completely  non-mnemonic  and  likely  to  fail  if
addition storage is added to or removed from the stack.
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group      Page 12

The facilities described  here  provide  local  named  variable
storage.   Two of these allocate the storage on the stack;  the
third allocates it in the ACs.

  STKVAR namelist

This statement allocates space on the stack and  assigns  local
names.   The  list consists of one or more symbols separated by
commas.  Each symbol is assigned to one stack  word.   If  more
than  one word is needed for a particular variable, then a size
parameter  may  be  given   enclosed   with   the   symbol   in
angle-brackets.  E.g.,

        STKVAR <AA,BB>

        STKVAR <AA,<BB,3>>

Variables declared in this way may be  referenced  as  ordinary
memory operands, e.g.,

        MOVE T1,AA

        DPB T1,[POINT 6,BB,5]

Each variable is  assembled  as  a  negative  offset  from  the
current stack location, e.g.,

        MOVE T1,AA      =       MOVE T1,-2(P)

Hence, no other index  may  be  given  in  the  address  field.
Indirection may be used if desired.

There is no explicit  limit  to  the  scope  of  the  variables
defined  by  STKVAR, but the following logical constraints must
be observed:

    1.  The stack  pointer  must  not  be  changed  within  the
        logical  scope of the variables, e.g., by PUSH or PUSHJ
        instructions.  This also implies that the variables may
        not be referenced within a local subroutine called from
        the declaring routine.

    2.  The declaring routine must return with a RET or RETSKP.
        This  will  cause the stack storage to be automatically

STKVAR assumes that the stack pointer is in P, and it uses .A16
(AC16) as a temporary.

  TRVAR namelist

This statement allocates stack space and assigns  local  names.
It  is  equivalent to STKVAR except that it uses one additional
preserved AC and eliminates some of the scope  restrictions  of
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group      Page 13

STKVAR.   In particular, it uses .FP (AC15) as a frame pointer.
.FP is setup (and the previous contents saved) at the same time
as  the  stack  space  is  allocated,  and  references  to  the
variables use .FP as the index  rather  than  P.   This  allows
additional  storage to be allocated on the stack and allows the
variables to be referenced from local subroutines.   Note  that
all  such  subroutines  (i.e.,  all  variable  references) must
appear after the declaration in the source.  STKVAR may be used
within TRVAR, e.g., by a local subroutine.

STKVAR and  TRVAR  declarations  are  normally  placed  at  the
beginning  of a routine.  They need not be the first statement.
If a routine has two or more entry points, a single declaration
may  be  placed  in  the  common  path,  or  several  identical
declarations may be used in each of the separate  paths.   Care
must   be   taken  that  control  passes  through  exactly  one
declaration before any variables are referenced.  E.g.,


        ENT1:   TXO F,FLAG      ;entry 1, set flag
                JRST ENT0       ;join common code

        ENT2:   TXZ F,FLAG      ;entry 2, clear flag
        ENT0:   TRVAR <AA,BB>   ;common code, declare locals
                CALL LSUBR      ;call local subroutine


        LSUBR:  STKVAR <CC>     ;local subroutine, declare 
                                ; locals
                MOVE T1,AA      ;reference outer routine 
                                ; variable
                MOVEM T1,CC     ;reference local variable
                RETSKP          ;skip return

  ASUBR namelist

This statement is used to declare  formals  for  a  subroutine.
The  namelist consists of from one to four variable names.  The
arguments are passed to the subroutine in ACs  T1  to  T4,  and
values  may  be returned in these same ACs.  ASUBR causes these
four ACs to be stored on the  stack  (regardless  of  how  many
formals  are  declared),  and defines the variable names as the
corresponding stack locations.  The  return  does  not  restore
T1-T4.   The  same frame pointer AC is used by ASUBR and TRVAR,
hence these declarations  may  not  be  used  within  the  same
routine.  Scope rules are the same as for TRVAR.

  ACVAR namelist
To:  DECsystem-10 S.E., TOPS20 Documentation Group      Page 14

This statement declares local storage which is  allocated  from
the  set  of  preserved ACs.  An optional size parameter may be
given for each variable.  The previous contents of the ACs  are
saved  on  the  stack  and  automatically  restored on the next
return.  Variables declared  by  ACVAR  may  be  referenced  as
ordinary AC operands.


  TMSG string

Type literal string;  uses  AC1,  outputs  to  primary  output.



Handle unexpected JSYS error;  type  "?JSYS  ERROR:   message".
This  is  a single instruction subroutine call which returns +1


Handle unexpected fatal JSYS error;  same as JSERR except  does
HALTF instead of returning.


Modulo - In assembly-time expression, gives remainder  of  DEND
divided by DSOR;  e.g., MOD.  10,3 = 1.

[end of MACSYM]