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Summary of EDIT commands 10-Feb-76
I Insert [<position>,<increment>]
P Print [<range>][,N]
. Move pointer [<position>]
D Delete [<range>]
K Kill page mark [/<page number>]
R Replace [<range>,<increment>]
E End (Exit to command level)
EN Suppress ".Qxx/.Zxx" file creation
EI Insert identifying line before ending
EJ Delete first line of file and do an EI command
EQ Quit (while you're ahead)
EU Unsequence output file
G Go (Exit and do last LOAD-class command)
GI Do an EI command, and then go
GJ Do an EJ command, and then go
GN Do an EN command, and then go
GU Do an EU command, and then go
B Backup - (same as E but leaves you at EDIT command level)
BI Do an EI command, without ending
BJ Do an EJ command, without ending
BN Do an EN command, without ending
BU Do an EU command, without ending
M Mark [<position>]
N Number [<increment>,<range>,<start>]
NA Add <increment> to <range>
NP Preserve line numbers over page marks
L List (on LPT) [<range>]
J Join [<position>]
F Find [<string>$<range>,<foptions>]
S Substitute [<old string>$<new string>$<range>,<soptions>]
C Copy [<dest-position>,<range>]
or [<dest-position>=<filespec>,<range>]
or [<dest-position>=<filespec>/S]
T Transfer [<dest-position>,<range>]
X eXtend [<range>,L] (,L suppresses typeout)
H Help (types this text)
? Types list of available commands
<LF> Same as P.+1
$ Same as P.-1
@<filespec> Indirect command file
A Alter [<range>]
? Print list of alter commands
nC<ch> Change n characters
-nD Delete next/last characters
E Finish with no printing
-nF<ch> Find the nth next/previous occurrence of <ch>
nI<text>$ Insert with temp increment n
J Break line and stick rest at front of next
-nK<ch> Delete to n occurrences of <ch>
L Print line and recycle
P Print line and recycle to current position
Q Quit ALTER (restore original line)
-nR<text>$ nD then 0I
nW Skip forward n words
X<text>$ Delete word then 0I
-n<SP> Space forward/backward n characters
<CR> Finish and print rest of line
n<RUB> Backspace n characters
n<BS> Backspace n characters
-<HT> Skip to end/start of line
^U Quit and restart ALTER
EDIT parameters:*
name set print default value what
. n y --- current <position>
? n y --- /? list settable switches
=? list printable switches
BAK y y on create backup file <.Qxx>
BIG n y --- largest page #
C64 y CASE on 64 character set
C128 y CASE off 128 character set
CASE n CASE C64 M33 UPPER give case information
DECIDE y y off auto ",D" for "S" command
DPY y n off special display mode
ERROR n y --- print last error message
EXPERT y n off Q.E.D
INCREMENT y y 100 default line increment
INSERT y n --- location of next I<CR>
ISAVE y y 0 controls auto-W on inserts
LOCATION n y --- first line in edit buffer
LOWER y CASE off default lower case
M33 y CASE on terminal characteristics
M37 y CASE off terminal characteristics
NAME y y --- output file spec
NOBAK y n off no backup file
NODECIDE y n on no auto ",D"
NONSEPARATORS y CASE on %,$,. are not alphanumerics
NONUMBER y n off don't print line numbers
NOVICE y n on normal mode
NUMBER y n on print line numbers on
OLD y n off creat backup file (.Zxx)
OPTION y n --- read "SWITCH.INI" file
PLINES y y 16 used by "P<CR>
R Same as RONLY
RONLY y n off read-only file
RUN y y LOAD-class set run spec
SAVE y y 0 controls auto-W on commands
SEPARATORS y n off treat %,$,. as alphanumeric
START y y 100 starting sequence #
STEP y y 100 default line increment
STRING n y --- current F & S strings
UNSEQUENCE y n off unsequence output file
UPPER y CASE on default upper case
WINDOW y y 8 size of edit file window
* All settable parameters may be specified as switches in the
initial command string.
EDIT special characters:
Replacement: ^B '" next match string
^O '* '*<number>'* is nth match string
^^ '7 quote next character
Match: ^E '% not
^N ') arbitrary number of
^T '/ any character
^^ '7 quote next character
^ ': separator
Positions: . present line or page
^ first line or page
* last line or page
EDIT definitions and meanings:
<range> ::= <pos>[!<number> or
<pos> ::= [<line>][/<page>]
<line> ::= [<number> or
<content> or
. or * or ^][(+-)<number>]
<page> ::= [<number> or
. or * or ^][(+-)<number>]
<content> ::= $<string>$<range>,<foptions>
<number> ::= any positive integer .LE. 2^35-1
,D Decide on each substitution (S command)
,E Match upper/lower case characters Exactly (F and S commands)
,L Do not print contents of line (F, S, and X commands)
,A Enter ALTER mode (F and S commands)
,N Do not print line number (P command)
Special functions of the "I" command:
I<CR> default is set to end of last:
Replace, except at end of page
Insert, except wrap around or out of space
I/<page> does insert page mark at end of <page> followed by Istart,
where start is the value of the START switch (Originally,
the START switch is set at 100).
I<pos>!n allows insertion of n lines; calculates increment from
table of aesthetic values.
I^ inserts a line at the top of the page, halfway between line
0 and the first line.
EDIT Command Format:
@CREATE (FILE) /switches input.typ.gen
@EDIT (FILE) /switches input.typ.gen (OUTPUT AS) output.typ.gen
CREATE requires that input.typ.gen is a new file; EDIT
works regardless of whether the file exists or not.
/switches is a list of settable switches which may
be recognized. If an illegal switch is encountered,
the entire command is ignored.
input.typ.gen, and output.typ.gen are TOPS-20 file
specifications; recognition is available. Output.typ.gen
defaults to input.typ.-1 if it is not explicitly typed.
[End of EDIT.HLP]