
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-h137f-bm - new-subsys/rmsfal.hlp
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                         RMSFAL Installation Procedure

RMSFAL is a  replacement for  the existing  FAL program.   RMSFAL provides  FAL
(File Access Listener) functions for your system in a slightly different manner
than the FAL program.

The old FAL program  would create three server  processes to service  requests.
These three  server processes  would run  as inferior  forks of  FAL.  The  FAL
program was usually run from OPERATOR using PTYCON or SYSJOB to control it.

The NETJOB program is used to start RMSFAL jobs.  

The NETJOB program  controls jobs  which service DECnet  requests.  The  RMSFAL
program requires that  it be logged  in as the  user, and not  as a  privileged
OPERATOR job.  NETJOB makes  that possible by starting  copies of RMSFAL  which
are not logged in until they receive a DECnet connection which includes a valid
user-id and password.  After RMSFAL has  finished the request, it logs out  and
NETJOB creates another not logged in job with a copy of RMSFAL.

NETJOB can be used to control several different server programs.  NETJOB  reads
the file SYSTEM:NETJOB.TXT to determine the server programs to run.  NETJOB.TXT
contains the following for each server job to run:

	* EXE filename of the server jobs to create,
	* The minimum number of not logged in jobs created to accept
	  incoming DECnet connections, and
	* The maximum number of servers to allow on the system.

It is suggested that  your site put only  the following into  SYSTEM:NETJOB.TXT
(without the  quotes): "SYS:RMSFAL.EXE  2,6".  This  will cause  NETJOB to  run
SYS:RMSFAL.EXE, with two not logged in  jobs ready to accept connections and  a
maximum of six RMSFAL jobs total.

To install RMSFAL and NETJOB on your system, perform the following steps:

	1. Create a SYSTEM:NETJOB.TXT with a text editor.
	3. Change your system startup procedure to  run  the  NETJOB  program
	   instead of the FAL program (this will usually be in 6-1-PTYCON.ATO
	   or 6-1-SYSJOB.RUN on SYSTEM:).
	4. Reload the system.

After your system is reloaded, NETJOB should be running under OPERATOR and
there should be two not logged in jobs, detached and running RMSFAL.  This
completes the installation procedure.

If you want start NETJOB  and stop the old  FAL without reloading your  system,
you will have to perform the following steps:

	3. Find the old FAL job using the SYSTAT command.
	4. ADVISE the job that FAL is running on.
	5. Control-C the FAL job, and run NETJOB.
	6. Terminate the ADVISE command.
	7. Check that there are two not logged in RMSFAL jobs running detached.

If you need to drop back to the old FAL program, first stop the NETJOB program,
then LOGOUT the jobs running RMSFAL, before rerunning the old FAL program.